hello everybody its Rob here Rob Biddulph
here's a picture of me look there's me and look at this chap this is my dog
this is Ringo, if you like to see a picture of me and Ringo. So my name is
Rob Biddulph and I am a children's author and illustrator. Now, we have a
very special episode of draw with Rob for you guys today, I'll just put one
piece of paper there in the middle, now, my friends at Paramount Pictures have
asked me if I would show you guys how to draw one of their characters and that
character is called Sonic the Hedgehog. I love Sonic the Hedgehog when I was
younger I used to play Sonic the Hedgehog video games with my sister and
we both absolutely loved it and I used to practice drawing Sonic the
Hedgehog all the time when I was younger so for me to be here today, to be able to
show you how to draw, him really is a dream come true.
Okay now Sonic you might think is very very difficult to draw, Sonic, because
he's quite a complicated looking chap isn't he,
but do you know what it's like all my drawings if you break him down into
little tiny bits, little tiny shapes he's actually really really easy to draw so
that's how it's gonna work today I am gonna show you how to draw Sonic a
little tiny piece at a time okay so I will draw a little bit here, then you
will pause the video and you will draw exactly what I draw, and you can start
the video again I will draw a little bit more, pause it copy why I do, I draw, you
draw, I draw, you draw, I draw, you draw and at the end we'll all can end up with a
lovely picture of Sonic the Hedgehog. Okay shall we start let's go right so
you need is a piece of paper and a pen and then maybe a bit later you might
need some coloring pencils or some felt tips or something. Okay Sonic the
Hedgehog, here we go we are going to start with a very simple shape,
a little tiny oval, almost a circle actually like that but we're just going
to color in look at that lovely easy start, okay. Now the next thing to do is a
funny shape sort of a bit like a banana shape, what we're gonna do we're gonna
put our pen right in the middle of our black circle here and we're gonna come
out we're gonna come around like that all the way around like that and where
should we go up to? We're gonna go up to about, here I think, and it's gonna be a
slightly sort of curvy shape like that okay it looks a bit funny doesn't it looks a
bit like looks like a baked a long baked bean sunbathing with a smaller black
baked bean on his tummy. I don't know what I'm talking about really but hey
never mind. Okay next we are going to draw a great big oval shape right now
that's gonna come down from about here it's gonna come all the way down and
around it's gonna join up with that black shape that we drew in the first
place and then you're gonna draw another one but this time it's gonna be much
thinner it's just gonna come down and around and we're gonna join up with sort
of the end of that cheek, there, and I wonder if you can tell which bit of Sonic we
are drawing at the moment do you know what this might give you a bit more of a
clue - in that long baked bean shape that we did right at the beginning what I
want you to do it's just a little curved line towards the end, like that, and then
joining up with that curved line we're gonna do another curved line a little
bit longer you're gonna make lovely smiling mouth.
I think you can all tell now with a bit of Sonic we are drawing, can't you. Right,
this is his mouth and these are his eyes. So what we need to do, we need to draw
Sonic's pupils and his irises okay the bit that goes around the pupil
in the eye, so this is how we're going to do it slightly towards the left of this
eye shape here, we are going to draw a tall, oval shape like that,
okay, we're going to draw another one again slightly towards the left of this
side we're gonna do another one just here, quite near to the nose, like that,
okay, then inside that oval shape a little way inside we're gonna do another
one almost exactly the same shape just a bit smaller, one there just do the same
over here, one there like that. Oh, you remember Ringo who I showed you at the photos
did you just hear that bark, that's him standing outside the door he
wants to come in I'm not gonna let him in because he will only pester me. Ringo!
Go and lie down! Okay, now inside that smaller oval shape that
we've done, we're gonna do an even smaller oval shape like that there we go, do you know
what, I might have to let Ringo in, if I let him in he might be quiet, hang on, let's
just finish our eyes first of all. What we're gonna do, we're just gonna colour in
that oval shape, around there, we're gonna leave that little tiny one white.
Hang on a sec let's just let Ringo in come on then! You
gotta be quiet! Gotta promise to be quiet I'm showing
everybody how to draw Sonic the Hedgehog! Right, sorry about that,
where were we? Yes, the eyes, now then the the irises at the eyes, what we're going to
do, you're gonna add just a few little, tiny lines like that coming out to look
make some really simple but effective eye! Right then, now, I'm gonna show another little trick here
we want to sort of suggest that he's got eyebrows here but we're not going to
actually draw eyebrows in but what we are going to do is see where this curve
goes up, we are just gonna put our pens on it, I'm gonna follow it round but
we're just gonna come out a bit like that we're gonna do just the same here
and it just suggests that there's a sort of, a bit of a hoodedness to the eyes,
a bit of an eyebrowness to the eye Okay, right, now we have got to draw in
Sonic's head okay now Sonic's head is really big he
has these great big sort of spiky bits because he's a hedgehog we mustn't
forget that he's a hedgehog he has these great big spiky bits so what we gonna do
though I'm gonna start over here on this side of his head and just a little bit
away from where we drew that eye, oh Ringo! He wants to go out now can you
believe this right sorry about this changes his mind all the time! Right
where was I? Yes we're gonna put our pen here and we are gonna just come up next
to that eye we're gonna just curl up around a little
bit like that follow that curve around I'm gonna stop around about there
okay now we have got to do a great big curve now for the first of his spikes so
we are gonna go from here we're gonna come up you're gonna go round all the
way around in a nice smooth curve, to about there, I think, he's got a really big
head hasn't he, and because this is a spiky pointy bit
we're gonna come back in from a Spike and we're gonna stop roughly there, okay it
doesn't matter too much if you don't get this spacing exactly the same as mine
because I think his spikes they sort of.. they sort of move around a little bit
don't they. But now the next one we're gonna come down and around again, to
about there, I think this time so they really do come out a long way doesn't it these
spiky bits. Go down a bit further and then just come back in and around. So
I think it can be three is it three spikes? I reckon it's about three spikes.
So we are going to come this time let's go down and around, back in, and we are going to stop there. There now it's very
important you don't join this up here because we need to keep that away from
there. Now we're gonna come back to this right at the end and you're gonna see
why in a minute or two but can you see look Sonic is really starting to become
recognizable isn't he now we need to give him two lovely, pointy ears so up here in
the middle of his head I want you to draw a pretty simple two sides
of a triangle shape like that it's gonna be one of his ears,
okay, now we're not gonna join up the bottom of this triangle in fact just in the
middle we're gonna draw another line but we're gonna leave a gap in between so
we're gonna sort of go from there just to there, and leave a gap each side in
between and then we're going to draw another triangle just inside
the bigger triangle like that and there you go there's one of Sonic's ears. And
his other ear is going to come out of this bit of the head here so what we
need to do another triangle shape, one, two, you're gonna make it sort of as
close as we can to the same size as that one and then we're gonna do
the inside of his ear here but because this ear is pointing that way
we're going to do it on that side of his head so we're just gonna draw a line
very close to the edge to about there, and then another line coming down there like
that can you see I've done a little bit of
overlap there so it's a bit like these bits here just little bits of overlap
there and to make your drawing look a little bit more sort of professional
yeah? Okay let's add a tiny little.. remember I said we were just suggesting
the eyebrows we're gonna just add a little bit more to suggest you by just
do the tiny little line there, it just makes him look ever so slightly smileyer.
Okay now we've got to move on to Sonic's body so what we're gonna do
remember we're gonna leave that gap there we're gonna move over to about
this area here so sort of maybe a third of a way along the bottom line and we
are just going to draw a line coming down and stopping around about there
okay like that ,then let's do them another one parallel here because this
is going to be one of Sonic's arms and then we're gonna do exactly the same
over here, one arm going to about there, and another
line for the bottom half of his arm like that.
Now his body - we're gonna do him standing up with his arms kind of apart
like that, so we're gonna do a nice curvy line coming down to about there that's
gonna be one side of his body then we're gonna do another curvy line, that's gonna
come down like that and I need to give him two legs, so we're
gonna put a pen next to the bottom half and that line gonna come up in a nice
smooth curve down and around to about there, there you go, you can sort of see sonic
starting to take shape. Let's give him a little sort of
white I think is a yellowy sort of patch on his tummy so we're gonna draw a
shape it's a bit like a sort of curved rectangle bit narrower at the bottom
than the top yeah and that's gonna be Sonic's tummy. Now then
Sonic he wears these sort of quite cool glove doesn't he, his white gloves, so
this is how we do the gloves, now this is quite easy actually do you know what I'm
just going to extend that cuz I want them to be about the same length there,
now what you do on the end of this arm I want you just to draw a simple rectangle
like that going straight across his wrist and we're gonna do the same here
but I'm gonna do it slightly differently first of all I'm just gonna do a line that
blocks off the end of that arm like that and then I'm gonna draw my rectangle
coming out of here going up and around, down, and I'm joining back up here,
so you can sort of see it looks like his arm is going into this bit of the glove,
and now we've got to draw his hands now that I would say this is probably the
trickiest bit of this drawing here, because we're going to draw his hand so
this is how we're gonna do it start with his thumb so we're gonna do a hand a
thumb coming out here at that angle and going down to about there okay a nice
thumb. Now I'm gonna show you a very easy way to do cartoon character hands okay, a
little bit easier than drawing each individual finger what we're gonna do is
we're gonna draw the hand as one big shape I'm gonna sort of do curved bits
at the end to suggest each finger so there's one finger, two fingers, three
finger, four finger,like that and I'm just gonna join that back up to the glove
okay so it's sort of a hand shape I haven't drawn each individual finger
instead what I'm gonna do where I've made these little kind of curvy bits I'm
just gonna add a little line that just comes down a little way and that sort of
suggests a hand, and then if you add a curve coming from this corner like that
you can sort of see is his hand! Let's do the same over here first of all the Sun
exactly like we did before and I'm gonna be the hand coming down one, two, three,
four, remember his little fingers a bit shorter so I've done that a bit shorter
and I'm going to join that back up, again I'm just gonna do those little
suggestions of fingers like that I'm gonna add a little bit of this area here,
this sort of padded area here, there we go a little Sonic it's nearly
done now to be honest isn't he okay, feet! Now, he wears some very cool
trainers, these red trainers but again he's got these sort of foldy bits
before we actually draw the trainer so we're gonna do the same thing,
exactly the same thing that we did here we're gonna do here, okay, so first of all
we need to block off the leg like that okay then we're gonna do exactly the
same we're gonna start from here I'm gonna come down to about there follow the
curve around I'm out here follow that curve around and you can see he's got a
little sock on it see a sock I'm not sure if it is a sock, I'm gonna say it's
a sock, and then this side let's do the same but this time we're looking at this
leg from a slightly different angle so we are going to do you know do it sort
of coming.. you're sort of looking at it from below slightly so we didn't
need to do the bit where we see his leg going in but it's a similar sort of
shape and then his feet his trainers first of all what we gonna do you put
your pen on the left-hand side here we're gonna come straight down then
we're gonna go around this sort of foot shape and a curve then we're just gonna
join up and again in the sort of curvy shape like that to get one of his trainers
because he's wearing trainers he's got a sort of sole so that's had a sort of slightly curved sole
Then he has this stripe that goes across the top of his foot so we
gotta imagine you're drawing a sort of rainbow shape on his foot one, two,
one trainer done! The other one they're gonna come straight down from here, sort
of like a mirror image really make sure you get them roughly the same size
it will look much better if you get them the same size, here we go, tidy up any
loose ends that you know you make by mistake like I just did this had this trainer
sole like that and a little rainbow shape. Now do you remember I said to
leave a gap here right at the end the reason is he's got three stripes three
stripes? Three spikes but actually we need to give him four and the last one
is the one at the back of his head so what we're gonna do we're gonna put our
pen on that bit here that we stopped short of his his mouth area we're gonna
come down behind this arm we stop there we carry on through, stop about there
and then we're gonna just go up here and stop when we get to his back and look -it
looks like spikes are going behind his arm now! We are very close to being done
now, do you remember what my favourite little trick is yeah that's right shadow
we can add just a little bit of scribble, a little line, either side of his feet
just to make it look like he is standing on a surface now it's time to colour Sonic in, now Sonic, he is mainly blue he's a blue hedgehog
isn't he so he's mainly blue he has a few sort of yellowy brownie bits sort of
in of ears and around this sort of areas his muzzle, do you call that muzzle on a
hedgehog? I think you might. And you might do his muzzle and his little full tummy area here his
gloves are white these socky bits are white his trainers
are red with a white stripe so that's what we're gonna do and I am gonna do it
as per usual I'm gonna do some super duper speedy coloring in so here we go
on your marks okay so there we go
a finished coloured in Sonic you might have noticed I've gone over the edge
with a bit of my colouring here and there bits and pieces but you know what I
don't think that matters sometimes these little imperfections are what make
people realise that your drawing is actually a drawing done by a real-life
human and I really actually quite like those little mistakes cuz you know what
they just go to show that we can all make them don't we. Now the very last
thing that we need to do I know none of you will forget this - we need to sign our
drawings don't we so here where you go.. a little kiss and there we go a little
drawing of Sonic the Hedgehog now the reason that we've been drawing Sonic the
Hedgehog is because I got to tell you something very very exciting
Sonic the Hedgehog the film is available on the 10th of April which is today for
you to download and keep wherever you get your films from wherever you
download your film from you will be able to get Sonic the Hedgehog from today and
you should watch it because it's a really brilliant film it's really fun
and I love Sonic the Hedgehog, so listen it's been a real pleasure to show you
how to draw this little blue chap today I hope you've had a lot of fun and you
know what I'm gonna see you very soon for another episode of Draw with Rob until
then take care