Drawing with Peter Draws: a Drawing (Realtime Doodle)

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Alright, Alright. Hello everybody. Hope you're all doing well. You've kind of found me in the middle of a big pile of art supplies. but I've managed to clear a spot to draw. cause that's what I want to do right now so we're gonna do that. And you can draw with me if you want or you can just watch but before we start I do want to show you this one thing which happens to be another picture that someone has drawn of me which is really incredible it seams to be a-- a watercolor now if you're looking at this and then looking at me you might be wondering Peter, something is different, there's a subtle difference here between this picture and you and you're right in this picture I'm holding a Pigma Micron pen and I'm actually holding a Staedtler pigmant liner it's a subtle detail but it jumps right out at you when you see it also I've had a bit of a trim in the hair area but other than that it's-- it's right on. It's right on, I love it it's from 16 year old Ania in Florida and she wrote a very nice letter with it thank you Ania. I'll put a link to her stuff in the description, check her out there's apparently even a video of her making this right let's hop right into this guys look there's nothing fancy going on here I just feel like drawing so I'm gonna draw I have a .50 Staedtler Pigmant Liner and a cup of coffee and a piece of paper that I pulled straight out of the printer (slurps coffee) so I'm not gonna speed any of this up this is not a time lapse video you're in for the long haul or not at all I suppose or you can click right to the end and see what happens I'm just gonna start right in the middle. I'm going to be telling you what I'm thinking the whole time I just-- just like that I drew a diamond in the middle I have no idea why everything is okay no need to panic let me zoom in a little bit too far and then let's just kind of sprout off from there there's um... I-- I don't have a plan for this drawing I talk about that a lot but still people ask a lot there's always someone who doesn't know and I figure it's not too difficult to restate it so really what I do, I know it may not seem like it but uh, what I do really is-- it's doodling it might not seem like doodling but in my head it is alright let's draw some more lines just kind of lines next to the other lines you know, you don't always have to draw lines next to the other lines you could just-- we could sprout off someone asked me, Peter why do you always draw in the middle and uh, sprout out from there? we could-- we could go over here to this part of the paper and draw something right here and kind of draw around the edge a little bit let's do that. let's draw some right here that's fine mmmhmm you can draw-- you can draw lines or you can kind of solidify things in you know it's funny-- sometimes you might feel like you're drawing the same thing over and over again and it might very well be true because I often do feel like I'm drawing the same thing over and over again I wonder sometimes if drawing is like music where you know all the popular music sounds slightly similar because you know there's only so many different chord combinations that uhh sound pleasing to the eye I'm just not sure, maybe it's similar with art maybe not-- maybe not completely with art but for each artist-- each artist has-- or at least I go through phases where I only know or I'm only working with a certain amount of different you know, line combinations that I'm working with at the moment, you know certain number of different little swoops, and lines and bumps I don't know I'm a little bit off camera there so you can draw along with me and by that I don't mean draw the exact same thing I'm drawing but you can pause the video or not but go get you-- go get yourself a piece of paper or just put me on the background it's fine or keep doing whatever you're doing everything's going to be okay I'm just-- I'm just doodling away here no big plans as far as what this is gonna look like sometimes I do get little spurts of what the next little section is gonna look like like maybe the next section is gonna look like a bit of a tongue you know, as a matter of fact, let's make the next section look like a bit of a tongue just because I said that I don't even know I'm no professional tongue drawer or anything but like what-- why not, right? uhh... I mean what does a tongue look like? is someone gonna-- is someone gonna say Peter, that's not what a tongue looks like? You can always just say that's how I-- that's how I draw tongues or you can say whatever you want. You can be like whatever it doesn't matter draw whatever you want it's a tongue from a creature you've never seen before maybe this person ate something really weird, I don't know for some reason I'm kind of drawn back-- I'm kind of magnetized to connect these lines back to the ones in the middle but for now I'm gonna resist that urge and kind of head up toward this corner up here perhaps let me zoom out just a hair there we go just making sure everything's still recording hope you're all doing okay today so I'm not I'm not trying to make it look like anything in particular at this point I'm not thinking about anything in particular in my mind like as a reference maybe uh... I mean besides that tongue um.. I might-- I might color in this little section right here just for uh... some contrast, you know? make this little spot a little darker and the rest of it gets a little bit more vivid kind of like how it's the the bad times that make everything the good times even better was that too Bob Ross-ian of me? [giggling] I feel like this whole thing is a little bit too Bob Ross-ian but I-- I'm not gonna stop drawing I'll keep doing whatever I want basically basically that's-- basically you should keep doing whatever you want it feels a little awkward talking about-- let me-- let me address a thing let me address that for me the whole Bob Ross thing is awkward, okay? I don't know why it's awkward, but it is people are always like "Peter, you're the new Bob Ross" you know and I don't think I am obviously that's ridiculous, it's preposterous Bob Ross is Bob Ross he's him you can still watch his stuff, right? obviously he's not putting out new stuff, unfortunately and for obvious reasons, but umm I don't want to be the new Bob Ross, I want to be me and I don't go out of my way to intentionally be like him but uhh.. I don't remember what I was saying you guys can keep saying whatever you want, I don't care y'all do-- y'all do whatever you want I'll just keep drawing I'll just keep drawing making videos saying things Bob Ross is the man true true! alright let's uh, there's a lot of swoopy swirly stuff I could easily-- I could easily spend hours, days year-- eons! on a drawing like this but I don't want to necessarily, I just wanna spend a little time here with you guys drawing so we have a tongue here, right? uh, let's draw... some teeth why don't we it doesn't have to be all anatomically correct but who's to say what is and isn't anatomically correct right? then like...the gums kind of arch them up over teeth kind of creep me out a little bit [teeth clacking] sorry I won't do that then teeth-- it's difficult to make teeth 3D for me I'm not-- when it comes to being an artist that draws things that looks like things I struggle a little bit, I do I'll admit that so I kind of-- I intentionally-- I kind of intentionally sabotage myself alright so I'm trying to make the teeth kind of arch around it doesn't really make any sense the way I'm doing this I mean as far as like real life physics uh, you know like wait is there a word, uh, Euclidian Euclid-- is Euclid? Euclid-- Euclid was a person right? Euclidian? pardon me while a take another cup-- sip [coughs] of coffee (slurps) doesn't matter if Euclid was a person I'm sayin if he was he would probably be upset with what I was doing with uhh.. what he deemed important at the time just kind of throwing it all out the window mmhmm swoop it around add some little details wherever you feel like some little details belong it's fine to leave out some details, you know? like over here on the tongue you could add some some little dots or you could not add some little dots contrast there's probably some fancy words there's always a fancier word, you know? there's always a fancier word but you know the idea without knowing the fancy word really there's always that-- that-- that moment of realization when oh, there's a word for that but you already know the thing there was a word for without knowing there was a word for that I mean it's nice to know words for things, you know? but it doesn't really matter that much I'm sounding like an ignorant person who doesn't think language matters. I do, but if it keeps you from like accomplishing things it shouldn't. It shouldn't matter once again I have no idea what I'm talking about this is looking a little scary like a weird skull thing I wanted it to look like a comical fleshy thing and then it started looking all skull-- but I guess skulls don't, you know have tongues so that's good for me, I'm gonna add like more circles and some like, petals and manda-y lookin' things to cheer it up a little bit I think what I was trying to say about the fancy words is people get too caught up in thinking about things and knowing things doing things yes maybe that's what I was trying to say maybe not, maybe not! it's fine no one will ever know maybe not even me outline, you know I said this once very long time-- my coffee maker made a weird noise and scared me a very long time ago in one of my first videos I think that ever did well on YouTube and I said when in doubt, outline and it hasn't failed me yet and by outlining I mean just draw another line-- draw a line next to another line you already have there you know, if-- if a line is good then another line similar to it is probably gonna look alright probably there's exceptions to a lot of things in life but you know what I might want to put in this drawing I put them in a recent drawing and uh.. I realized I had forgotten about them uh for quite a while and this happens to me with certain little things I use in my drawings you know, like whether it's hash-- there's little things, little techniques, little things you can put in your drawings and sometimes you forget about them or use them excessively for a while and people start to notice like Oh Peter you're using a lot of lotta straight li-- a lotta curves, a lotta this, a lotta that and you know and and it's cause-- it's fine you know some people build whole careers off of, you know, certain like thises or thats, you know it's called a style I guess for some people. I don't know um, but one thing I might want to use in this drawing some is just some dotted lines I feel it. I feel it I'm just looking for the right place some, some dotted lines they can look really cool doesn't take much for a dotted line to do a lot of damage and I mean damage in the most supportive un-damaging way possible this is looking it's interesting how the style changes as it progresses across the paper I am going to tie it into the middle of the paper here now though just with a gentle swoop and a bloop there we are so a lot of people say, like one of the most flabergasting questions to me I know the question is very very well intentioned but it's so unanswerable to me so unanswerable I really don't know how to answer it is Peter what's going through your head? when you're drawing I... that's just I don't know, right now I'm thinkin' about whatever I'm saying in this video like... sometimes I'm thinking about what to have for dinner what I had for dinner yesterday I guess they mean what's going on in my head as far as the drawing is concerned I don't know, I feel like the whole point of doodling The whole point of doodling is that you don't have to have a whole lot going through your head as far as the drawing is concerned and this really is doodling for me, you know but I wish, I wish I had a better answer for them I need to think about it more, I do cause I wish I had good answers for more things also I wish I had, you know, like more patience to answer some of those questions I'm getting better I have definitely gotten better at answering um, some of the repetitive questions for some reason I don't get asked quite as much Peter, what pencil do you-- what pen do you use? um, maybe I don't know what I did to get rid of that question as much I don't know what I did but that used to be like every single comment on YouTube I don't know what I'm doing here I don't like it quite as much I don't like these little points that's one thing that's going through my head right now so to get rid of some of these points I'm gonna kinda circle that back around that kinda gets rid of a point I can circle this around that gets rid of a point right there a little bit sloppy we can kinda kinda "buff it out" as it were later everything's gonna be okay don't panic you know, if you draw a little line that's a little bit wobbly you can always come back around, kinda work it in everything's gonna be fine-- plus if it is just a little wobbly line that's lost in there in the middle of the drawing chances are it'll just be lost in there in the middle of the drawing I don't know what to tell you all my almost all my drawings have weird little wobbly lines lost in there in the middle of the drawing everything's good to go drawing's almost completely comprised of weird little lines mhmm that's like a weird little-- those little loopdy loops? I don't know when I first started doing those but it's little things like that that you see popping up in more than one drawing and you're like when did I start doing that? and will I ever stop? and I wonder if there's some other little thing that I'll learn some time you know, that I'll start doing in a bunch of drawings, like hmm it's just I guess-- maybe that's the type of thing that people wonder about is what's going through your head I do wonder about just little things like that, like why do I draw all the lines the way I do? I pretty much just sit-- if anything is going through my head, I wonder I'm just sitting there wondering about the drawing [laughing] just curiosity [laughing] why-- why is it turning out the way it is? I don't know I don't feel like I have very much control over it even though I have total control over it somehow I wish I had more, you know? I guess-- the more I draw the more control I do feel like I have that's a plus that's a big plus I feel like I want to do something with the roof of the mouth here and I need more solid black areas too I've been liking how those look lately cut that part short scribble this in [inaudible focusing sounds] scribble in the top of this right here I think it'll look great you know, and if it doesn't look great? you just kinda keep it in mind for the next time you come and do a a similar situation in a drawing and you maybe never come into a similar situation [heavy sigh] but I mean all these situations are kind of similar cause they're just lines on paper [sipping] mm I do love coffee I just want to make a little warning right now, I might have to sneeze in a second I don't think I'll edit it out if I do [sneezing] mm scuse me I don't know I should have like covered my mouth or something but if you cover your mouth with your elbow then you have snot in your elbow didn't have time to grab anything more appropriate [laughing] even though I had time to warn you guys alright it's coming along right we have teeth here oh! oh! almost before I knew it I was drawing some dotted lines on the inside of these teeth right here very interesting, sometimes it doesn't take but a second for something like that to happen should we draw the bottom teeth? hmm it's happening I don't know if it's happening well we can always-- see if something like this doesn't work well, which I don't think it is umm wait, maybe oh, maybe! mmm see one of these should like a canine you know, like a little sharper? bicuspids or something? I don't know, I'm no tooth scientist mm if something like this doesn't turn out well, like if these don't turn out to be very toothy as toothy as I wanted I can always just work them into the drawing in another way and make 'em look a LOT less like-- if they look quite not as toothy as I want, I can make 'em look extremely un-toothy and it'll look like less of a mistake and more of just well, you know as Bob would say happy little accident hmm which might be the-- which might be the direction we're heading folks [clearing throat] I think I'm gonna-- I think I'm gonna bring these lines down farther it'll be impossible for these to be teeth right? and if they were teeth they'd be very creepy teeth like in the mask? Jim Carry might have had teeth this long in the mask, I'm not sure uh huh swoop it back around, fill some of this in now it looks like a weird picket fence, which is fine it can look like anything, it can look like bad-- it can look like poorly drawn teeth everything's okay alright just kind of drawing something along the bottom here oh no I kind of wanted these to have rounded tips, now they have like, sharp tips you know, it doesn't always happen the way you want you just-- you just learn you just keep drawing see what happens it's fine like I wanted-- the tips of these to be kinda rounded like the tips of these up here but then it just-- I didn't end up drawing it that way I don't know. I'm not sure why, I just didn't also I'm not sure if I should be drawing these I mean, by "should" I'm just like just like I don't know what I mean but you have like weird little impulses little urges and you you find yourself drawing lines before you think it through all the way even though you shouldn't you know if it's doodling, why think-- why think through any of it? after all so so what? just kind of found myself up here I don't know what I'm doing now this line is just kind of rocketing off on its own I'm gonna zoom out some more so you can see everything I don't know what that's kinda going up there but I kinda like it um, I'm gonna draw another one kinda wibbly wobbling off there okay oh no. Should I make that look like an eye? I could make that slightly more eyeball-ish for some reason I have the urge to do that and I could do it hmm I'll think about it I'll think about it it's fine to come-- it's fine to leave a little part of the drawing, come back to it later so what should I call this draw-- this video I'm considering making like a little series of these videos where I'm I've already made a video you know called-- I think It was called Peter draws monster faces, or something which is similar to this this-- this video where I, you know sit here and draw and talk about what I'm drawing it's actually similar to what a live stream is like except that there's no one-- I'm not like talking to anyone in particular um but I'm thinking of calling it drawing with Peter Draws which has a little bit of redundancy to it, which I like um and I might go back and change the title of the other one to match this one more make a playlist out of it and then we can have a whole series where I do this what do you think? well you'll know for sure cause you'll by the time you read this or hear this you'll have already seen the title of the video so anyways there's my thought process let me know if you like these videos or what I like 'em it's kinda chill. I just do these at night it's like 2 o'clock at night right now uh, so there's not too much thunderiness from my neighbors upstairs althought I don't think that should stop me because a little bit of you know just, you can hear them walking around but it's not the end of the world it's not the end of the world. That shouldn't stop me from being productive I will keep doing what I need to do they, they will not stop me! alright made like a little it's like a little tulip bulb or something I don't actually remember what a tulip bulb looks like even though I have seen one before but for some reason that made me think of that someone tell me if that looks like a tulip bulb. I'm gonna draw another tulip bulb or not but I'll call them tulip bulbs until-- until proven otherwise this-- I did kind of end up making this look like an eyeball by the way for better or for worse I'm gonna draw some more kinda weird, wavy little lines here they look a little bit creepy cause they're right above like the skull thing, I don't know it's a little bit offputting but it's fi-- I like a little bit offputting coffee maker just made-- coffee maker's making little buzzing noises like a mosquito zapper but it's not a mosquito zapper and there's no mosquitos so even-- even if it was a mosquito zapper if it was a mosquito zapper I'd be concerned because there shouldn't be mosquito zappers I mean, mosquitoes to zap in here mm alright let me-- let me make this one a tulip bulb also who knows what's going on with these things, like what are these nobody knows, it's fine, you don't have to know what things are to draw them I draw things-- most of the things I draw, I don't know what they are I like it that way I know what too many things are in life and there's no sense of there's no sense of wonderment, you know so something like this you get to you get to look at and you just-- you get to go like this, you know? and you get to just-- your eyes get to play over it and your brain doesn't automatically say that's a toaster I mean this, you might automatically say that's someone gettin' you know, their brains blown out it kinda looks like that unfortunately, but every drawing's different [pen scratching noises] I don't know if you can hear the pen on the paper some people are really into that sort of thing, some people aren't I feel like by now ASMR is like a billion dollar industry it's pretty mind-boggling I don't know what any of this is, just like weird swirly, goopy, something or others swirling up from the top of the teeth here which is fine I'm totally down with weird, swirly, goopy, somethings I support that make monthly donations if I you know knew where their donation box was alright so we have a lot of, like formless stuff, so I want to introduce a little bit more form I like introducing-- you know, kind of mixing umm I mean not always, but lately I've had fun mixing like, swirly nothingness umm and then you know, like a line shooting through it or a circle, you know how there's like a circle here mixed with this swoopiness I like that, I like that so I might add like another something here, like a circle a line, a triangle, you know, Illuminati etc, who knows I'm still thinkin' about it I haven't added many dotted lines yet but there's still possibility, there's still time who knows what's going on here kinda weird whatever this is it kinda bothers me it's good-- it's good to be bothered by your drawings if you're not bothered at least a little bit by your drawings it means you're probably not pushing the envelope a little bit, you know? you're just doing only very comfortable things, okay I'm just kidding, I don't mean to you do whatever you want, okay it kinda bothers me when people make like, vast over-generaliztions like that I probably do it all the time, I don't know like [old man voice] if you're not-- if you gotta "you just need to always do this" "if you're not this than that, no doubt" "no room for this or that" "this and that forever" "or else!" who knows dude did I just speak enough mumbo jumbo? I think I did enough for the both of us hmm this kinda bugs me where-- where's this even going, like why is this like shooting across into this thing [whispers] what is going on? hmmm I kinda do this a lot whatever this little thing is here, these lines that swoop I swoop the lines the same way a lot of the time, I do it happens I'll admit it I'm a frequent-same-way-swooper there's not a lot of variety sometimes I don't know how to make it variety more I'm just like I go to draw a line which I think is a new fresh line and then it's it's not it's a line I've seen a million times before even if my eyes are closed, you know? it's just [sigh] who knows someone probably knows it ain't me though doing like a little bit of shading or something here on the bottom side of this, didn't-- it's fine, alright whatever here I was doing, I don't like this whatever this is, I don't like it let's work on this some [coughing] 'scuse me it's usually the little parts of the drawing that I like the least that I end up working the most on and it's risky because you can easily you can easily make it worse I can hear my neighbor outside walking his dog you can easily make it worse cause you stress out about a certain little part of a drawing and then you because, you know-- you don't draw at your best when you're stressed out about what you're drawing so it just goes down hill from there, it does oof that was-- that was a tight outline right there not a whole lot of room for that was just like, real snug is what I'm sayin' that was snug [whispers] super snug why not some of this some of this never hurt anyone done this a million times, can do it again, work it in I mean-- if it ain't broke, don't fix it it might be broke but that's okay, just go just do it I don't know-- you know, sometimes you wonder if it's called having a style, or just called not having any fresh ideas you don't know so you just keep drawing I like drawing the lines so I'll keep drawing the lines that's good enough for me, really I don't care if-- I could draw the same line over and over again I mean really, I have I've filled pieces of paper with just hatch marks which were the same-- you know? hash marks, the same direction? same line, over and over again? I was happy to do that I don't really care these are fun, these are always really fun lines to draw right here kinda tryna point them toward the middle of this imaginary circle right here it's in there somewhere you kind of imagine yourself pointing it all the way down to the middle I messed up some of these here, they're not really well pointed! but uh, it's okay I say it's okay a lot because it is okay a lot just so you know just so you know I'ma draw some more gentle arches in the midst of this chaos I like that idea kind of-- oh-- this is supposed to maybe be like uh, a continuation of-- concentric to this circle, but it-- you can tell it's not. And it's okay too oop scuse me I think I burped a little bit it would have been cool if it was, but it's okay-- like, it's cool that it's not too maybe not as cool but still, cool still cool I'm gonna color in the tip of this thing like so this big empty space in here is bothering me for some reason just need it-- I need it not empty just gonna kinda fill it with some random textures and whatever-- whatever-- whatever I've got I'll give it to it it's good, it's fine! I don't know why I'm like, constantly reassuring myself I don't know if I'm reassuring myself or reassuring you guys, like I don't know if I'm imaging that watching it you guys are gonna be like constantly second guessing like Peter, what are you doing-- are you sure you should be drawing those lines Peter? I don't think you guys would be doing that, but I mean, I don't care if you are so, I must be reassuring myself [laughing] I must be I don't think I am though cause I don't feel unassured, so maybe I'm just who knows what's going on gentle, kind of a circly thing in there I want to darken some of this in but is that too big of a section to darken in? wait I'll draw a couple more of these yeah, then I'll darken this in that'll look good, it's gotta it's gotta! I'm committed now it's too late to go back I mean I could always use like first of all, if I darken in a section I never like, undarken it you know with uhh, like one of those like white gel pens or whatever I have, you know like a uni-ball signo or whatever the crap they're called but uh I never like un-- the worst-- the-- really the best way to un-darken a section is just to draw like is to just draw one nice white line across it that really just like, lightens the whole thing up there's a nice little dotted line beautiful here's a little dotted line those are powerful how bout this? couple dots there-- ooo! those kind of went off course I don't know what's going on with that it perplexes me, I'm gonna add some stippling right here actually for a little bit of depth that's kind of like a weird there's a perplexing thing going on there did I just say perplexing twice in like thirty seconds? that's not normal, it's not normal at all maybe I'm just super perplexed, I don't know alright I'm gonna add some to add some dotted lines and circles if you add like little gently curving arks to things like this it gives that a little bit more body you know it makes it look a little more 3D, like this we can add a little dotted line here makes it feel a little more 3D I think you see some stuff like that in Moebius, he does that much better of course all this stuff he does much better continuing this stuff up here now I'm addicted to doing dotted lines now, the last thing I drew I kinda had like one line going up-- over here and one-- one line going over here also so I'm afraid to do that again cause then people be like okay, I'm not afraid what people think I'm afraid that I'll just be doing the same thing again but, if it's what I want to do, why can't I do it? right? [sniffs] [sniffs louder] scuse me, sorry for sniffling at you I'ma think about it but why can't I do different things? I mean, I can do different things but should I not do different things? I do want to do different things, I'd love it-- I'd love to have a lot of really exquisite variety all the time every drawing to be super different all the time but then you go into these art galleries and they-- people-- all these famous artists will have a thousand drawings that all look-- almost look exactly the same is that just like, a thing? like, "I'm doing a study, I'm gonna do all these drawings exactly the same" I feel like that could be very beneficial, if I did a bunch of drawings the same uh but then all my subscribers would be like Peter, all your drawings look the same but! that would be hilarious to me I might do just just because people would be like "Peter all your drawings look the same" be like nope, they're actually a little bit different but, regardless you can't do things because of what people think, you've gotta do it because of the what art you want to make so I'm gonna draw this line here like I wanted cause I wanna make it a line right there despite the fact that I already drew a recent-- a recent line with a line right there wait, I don't remember what I just said line whatever it is, I wanted to draw a line there so I will draw a line there you can't be overthinking these lines as much as I'm thinking this is-- this is the kinda crap that goes through my head if you're wondering what kinda stuff goes through my head I'm overthinking everything probably, that's it or I'm-- at least the stuff that I shouldn't be overthinking I am over-- I am over thinking don't you worry I-- I don't actually-- not draw stuff cause-- who knows I-- don't worry, I-- I do draw things I want to draw I feel like now there's gonna be a whole bunch of comments in YouTube like [high pitched voice] "Peter, make sure you draw whatever you want" "you can draw a zillion drawings the same thing if you want" "or don't peter, you better draw--" "everything better be fresh and different" "and Peter can--" "you still haven't drawn the One Direction fan art you want--" "we want you to do the One Direction fan art" don't worry, don't worry! I will keep drawing whatever I want, and I can only hope that you will keep doing the same thing yes that's all I can-- that's all I can hope for any artist and that they'll get the opportunity and-- and the-- the time to uh, to be able to do it you know, a lot of people have a lot of awesome ideas floating around in their heads but they don't have the luxury of time, you know? life does tend to get in the way, it does alright it's coming together, it's coming together, I don't know what it is it does look like-- it's got a lot of motion this-- was I drawing off camera just now? I don't know sorry, it's got a lot of motion this way that might have been a very hair brained moment I do tend to-- draw off camera sometime on my-- sometimes on my Twitch streams but then like nobody says anything for a while there's a lot of delay doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter alright you're all amazing, alright we're pretty close to being done we just need to add some little, final, touches this fun little doodle I don't know how long it's been, that's what I was looking over there to see it's been like 50 minutes already! I feel like I've been sitting here for 20 minutes but it's been 50 minutes no-- art-- excuse me, art is a-- [coughing] I'm dying art is a crazy thing that was a terribly rendered eyeball it's okay it's like-- drawing circles on spheres is sometimes hard to wrap my head arond but, it's okay a few final touches hmm looks really unfinished over here there's like lines without ends can't have unending lines I mean, I love unending lines but unended lines this is a very-- [laughing] I love how similar this is to another drawing I just drew I don't know when you guys will actually see this drawing it could be very soon I don't know-- everything I'm saying might not make sense right now but it's fine just kinda talking to myself right, where do these two lines meet up kinda like kinda like right here somewhere? Cause I could draw-- no, I don't want to it's kinda like it's like sitting on the ground right here almost, you know? it's kinda like it's sitting on the ground right here I kinda like that I don't know if this is making it cooler or worse, but just do it I think that made it worse it always makes it worse whenever I see a thing like "Oh, it looks like--" no, about half the time it makes it worse, half the time it makes it awesomer more awesome, I mean and half the time it makes it-- it's just a thing, it's just a thing you guys are just getting a glimpse into the-- I'm adding some shading underneath that's what we need, shading for the ground it's on little stippling mmhmm all along here it's casting a shadow lighter and lighter out here then darker and darker back here back here should be some shading under there actually all this should be darker and on the actual thing, who knows nobody knows how any of this works or how any of it is actually shaped until you tell them how it's shaped you know if it was a thing like a human or a-- a car or a house or something people would have their own ideas about how it's shaped but this-- you get to tell them how it's shaped with-- with the contours and the shading you give it and sometimes you can really do some crazy things with the contours and shading you give it and sometimes you just kinda leave people in the dark and-- uhh you-- kind of, you know don't do a lot of cool stuff you could have done like right now I feel like I'm not doing a lot of cool stuff I could have done but it's okay [laughing] as I always say it's-- it's pretty cool, it's pretty cool looking should I add some dots on the tongue? I'm tempted to add some dots on the tongue I feel like there's a way people add dots on tongues to make it look like-- more of a tonguey thing going on I'ma leave it like that too much, it goes out of control quickly I think I'm done, you know nope I say that a lot Peter, how do you know when a drawing is done? Just like when you don't have-- you know, I just say you don't know-- feel like adding anything else then I feel like adding nothing else a lot of times and then I see a new thing I want to add and then eventually I just stare at it for a couple minutes and then don't feel like adding anything else then I call it done and usually it helps me to call something done once I've taken a picture of it and posted it on Instagram uh, cause then I don't feel like adding anything else, even if I see something else I would have normally changed I just swallow it, I'm just like it's fine it'll be okay, I've already taken a picture of it and posted it on Instagram everything's gonna be okay, time to move on to the next drawing, you know? so let's leave it let's move on and this one-- I'm ready to call it done it's pretty fun, I had a good time thanks for, uh, hanging out everybody hope you all had a good time doing whatever you did while I-- while I drew hope maybe some of you did another drawing and uh, yea tag me on Instagram or something if you post it and uh, see you in the next video [mouth clicking] I don't know what this is I was gonna cross my arms but then I like, ran out of room yea, see you guys-- see you guys later see ya see ya oh I have to turn it off
Channel: Peter Draws
Views: 397,720
Rating: 4.9325199 out of 5
Keywords: draw, drawing, drawings, draws, art, artist, doodle, doodles, doodling, how, to, howto, how-to, commentary, tutorial, inspiration, pen, paper, pigma, micron, sharpie, abstract, marker, prismacolor, bored, amazing, cool, trees, tentacles, aladdin, zentangle, zentangles, zendoodle, sketch, sketching, sketchbook, ink, pyrography, wood, burning, mandala, pattern, black, white, intricate, paisley
Id: Kpf2AMs9W_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 4sec (3364 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2017
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