Drawing with Peter Draws: Fungal Growth Tree (Realtime Ink Drawing)

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all right hello everyone my name is Peter and I hope you're doing all right today um on the docket for this video is I well it's one sit around hang out with you and take some time to just draw on a piece of paper with a pen and you can hang out with me and you can draw along with me or do whatever you're also doing same time you can do anything you can listen you can watch do both do neither whatever I'm just going to draw I'm not going to speed up the video at all and talk and draw and we can it's it's drawing with Peter alright I'm actually going to start off the video by playing a little song on the guitar just because I can I guess I'm not the best player or singer but I want to so I will why did she see me to tenderly bring Persall sympathy I've just begun to see my way clear and it's clean if I stop my fall can lay down a tear for the pain just to tear and that's all what does she want me to do [Music] she says that she knows the moments are rare I suppose that it's true then on she goes to say I don't care how she knows but I do maybe she just has the same for the sake of the song I thing that I do decide dashes wrong [Music] alright right now let's get down to it here today I'm using the Koko EcoSport I know in the last video where I talked about this kind of pen I swore that I was going to start climbing kvitko but then in a comment so many people started telling me about a thousand different ways that they were sure that it was pronounced so then I was thrown into a whole nother realm of uncertainty and I've decided that really the main thing is that when I talked about it you know what I'm talking about so if I say Quebec Oh Kawika colwich oh you know I'm talking about this brand of pen this is the Kuwait could we go sport call it code because whatever all right let's draw now one of the main reasons I use these fountain pens for videos like this is that I can have the camera straight above the paper like I do now and my hand is less likely to cover what I'm doing because you know you can draw with the pen kind of angled off to the side lots of times when I draw with like these roadtrain I said graphs you know they work better when you hold it more straight up and down so then I have to have the the camera kind of angled off to the side a little bit so my hand doesn't cover up what I'm doing that's just one one reason so I'm just gonna start drawing here kind of up at the the upper left-hand side of the drawing and I'll work my way down this way maybe so that way I'm less likely to put my hand on top of the on top of the drawing and smudge what I've done right right yes this Bristol paper is pretty good at not smudging so I like that about it this this pen has a nib that's pretty pretty firm it does flex a little bit as you can see but pretty firm and I like how scratch it kind of feels there are a lot of other pen nibs and maybe the ones with kind of a more of a ball some of the nibs have kind of a ball on the end of them that make it feel a little more smooth and buttery which is fine too it is interesting like I mentioned before how just just the wide variety of feelings you can get from different pen nibs even though maybe at first glance they all look the same so once again I'm just embracing the current phase I'm in of swirly blobby kind of organic things I figure the more I just embrace it and then once I get it all out of my system then I'll move on to something else I mean maybe that'll work maybe it won't but don't want to fight I don't want to like actively fight against my own artistic urges I don't know if that will work very well maybe it will maybe it won't I don't know kind of bulb it out this way like some darker sections darker section in here this one I'm just because I'm recording and I'm taping it let's go I feel like this drawing is probably a midway between slow careful meticulous and fast and sketchy also every now and then I will stop and kind of get my hand to break because I think it is important to do that I usually do that subconsciously but when I'm recording myself drawing like a real-time video like this I'm less likely to do it because you know I just want to keep drawing but but then eventually I can I feel some tightness and discomfort kind of in my hand right here maybe in the top of my knuckles it's good to take breaks right don't push yourself too hard don't do it anyways I hope you all are doing okay considering everything I know it's a weird time right now a lot of you could be struggling for a lot of different reasons I know this whole crazy situation we're in is affecting a lot of different people a lot of different ways and I'm sorry about that I'm very thankful that I can that I am able to work from home and do my school from at home but still it is a weird time I'm glad you all can at least tune into this and hang out with me for a few minutes just take a few minutes to breathe relax chill out darkening in this little section here mind zoom in a little bit more since we can there we go until we till we find ourselves expanding beyond the frame of the camera hopefully I remember to zoom back out I like drawing these kind of this little section it's like hatching curved parallel lines I think you can call them parallel lines even if they're curved right maybe I don't know it's kind of the same idea also the other day I took a selfie there's still a little update on me I took a selfie okay that's not the update in itself I know that's pretty exciting huh but I took a selfie because I had like nice Mike my hair was more curly than usual so I wanted to both commemorate the curliness with a picture and not more curly than usual but just a nice level of curly just the curls were a nice size the scale of the curls were pleasing to me sometimes it's like too curly and I don't like it but the the level of curls was pleasing to me in some way and so I took a picture that was kind of with my kind of my face facing away from the camera a little bit kind of like up the side of my head the side that the top side of my head a little bit and then I looked at the picture and I noticed there were a few like a strand a streak almost a whole lock of hair that looked gray now I'll tell you how old I am I'm I'm 29 years old okay so I mean I'm not ancient but I mean I was suddenly hit with mortal terror at that and I'm not to be honest it looked it didn't look bad like I kind of like the I don't know if you'd call it I guess affair blonde and you have some great it's not a really a salt-and-pepper look I guess salt and pepper more refers to white and great together but I mean I don't think it looked bad the the - of gray in the blonde I think my hair is blonde maybe a kind of a darker blonde dirty blonde I don't know what it is but they didn't look bad but still you know if it suddenly makes you think I had like a tiny existential crisis even though I'm not one I'm usually not much of one to like like overanalyze my appearance or something I mean I spend probably a normal amount of time looking in the mirror every day whatever a normal amount of time is their nose but then I remembered when I was little I remembered that my mom I used to have much shorter hair at one point my mom gave me a buzz cut like really short maybe with like the Clippers with no attachment my mom used to cut my hair okay cuz I grew up I was born in the Philippines right so I my parents were missionaries so my mom had to learn how to cut her hair because you know I guess that was part of their training or something and so cuz you know you have to be able to cut hair because you might not always be somewhere where people could cut hair for it anyway so most of my life I probably didn't go to actual barber till I was like 18 years old anyways my mom cut my hair most of my life and I remember her telling me that she would often see like a little spot of grey on the top of my head so I think it's just that same spot like I don't think I'm actually going gray yet even though I wouldn't be totally upset if I was I don't really know what I'm trying to say right now but I think it's it's like a pre-existing condition right you know it's been there for a while it's like maybe like a birthmark that grew hair sort of deal you know how moles have their own different kind of hair that come out of them and I love to pull their the long dark hairs out of moles except someone me that that can increase the chance of the mall becoming cancerous or something which that sounds like some weird sort of like fear-mongering like I don't know if that's true and I'm afraid to google it but I have noticed that eventually if I pull the hair out too many times then it does increase the chance of the hair becoming ingrown which isn't good so I try to leave them alone for now even though it is satisfying because it becomes so weirdly long they're like eyelashes growing out of your arm I'm sorry for talking about this if it's gross but sorry gotta rest my hand again let me zoom out a little bit now we go I don't know why I like drawing these they're like clumps of biological moss or something it's like little fungal growths we can add some more lumps over here something spurting off to the side here oh yeah TIPA dark underneath this needs to be darker down here probably in between all this stuff darken this up this and all in here and here maybe and I'm gonna go ahead and might color all this end I call it coloring and even though it's just black but still it's the same idea then I'll come back later and add some more details that will kind of fill in a little I'll come back to it you know you can do this you can leave yourself spots that you can come back to later they'll be fine this is a nice thing about some of these fountain pens is they just there's just so generous with the ink very satisfying when I do these videos I really do realize how often I must normally take breaks when I'm doing regular videos sorry stretching we remember to stretch don't hurt yourself while doing something like drawing it's a real blow to the ego and you know you sustained an injury doing a low-impact activity like drawing that happens to me with video games sometimes if I like play a video game I have a very I have the very impressive capability I think to play video games for the whole day I mean for like 16 hours at a time you know and then you know afterwards like my wrist or something something will be hurting and it doesn't make me feel very cool to get injured just while sitting still all day like us it's like was it like repetitive stress injury or something like that it's a legit thing or is that what it's called RSI you know a little bubbly and cloudy down here at the bottom let me work on I'm gonna work on this little spout here it's kind of branching off out of this bulb which we can add some shading to tap-tap-tap I'm doing this video because in my last video I saw in the comments one person saying well asking for it and then I thought yeah actually haven't done one of those recently so here we are also in the last video I want to apologize for giving airtime to a negative comment I really it used to be years ago that I really did let a little it's just like a tiny it's a crazy ratio almost entirely really nice positive comments right on my videos I'm very thankful for the community I have your on YouTube but then they'll be like one in a hundred comments that's just you know someone having a bad day or something and they live a negative comment and that's the one that sticks in my head for some reason and it used to be that those would really get to me but lately I think I've been doing better just ignoring them you know it used to be that I wouldn't want it to like reply and respond and you know get into our argument with them for some reason but but then I don't know I need to get better at not even mentioning them I know I'm kind of mentioning them still right now but I just want to apologize for when I did mention it just I just kind of let it go you know let it go like this this is this looks like mold or something you'd see drawing see growing maybe on mica a damp rotten tree shrunken forest somewhere also I wanted to apologize for this isn't too much apologizing but some people I think rightly pointed out that in the previous video where I drew something I drew a picture with the prompt um where are you right and I drew a picture that obviously had some level of personal meaning to me right and then I didn't share what the personal meaning was like it was a drawing of a person that looked like they were in the ocean or in some waves and they were like holding up some sort of platter or shield and there was a wave crashing and maybe bouncing off of the shield and then there was like a big wave behind them and and didn't like a dark kind of rainy or kind of ominous sky even behind that yeah that's right I think I was feeling vulnerable for for the first time in a long time of drawing something that actually had some personal meaning for me because lots of times I just draw stuff like this which I mean this does mean a lot to me like I read this resonates with me and I enjoy it but this doesn't mean like one specific thing to me right but like that drawing did and so I didn't share what it meant I I said you know like I don't want to say what it means because I want everyone to interpret it for themselves and I guess even if I do share what it means people will still interpret it for themselves right I mean that that's probably inevitable no matter what happened no matter what I say people will always draw their own conclusions so I apologize if it felt like I was holding back in some way but yeah I mean I guess I can tell you now pretty much what I meant by that drawing if according to the prompt where are you I guess I really did feel at that time when I planned out the drawing I was trying to represent like some people mentioned in the I think they got it right I was I was feeling overwhelmed and I do feel overwhelmed sometimes just the guy in the ocean of course is me and I'm like kind of treading water in the ocean danger of danger of drowning you know I'm not like I don't think I'm depressed or anything another reason why I was afraid to say what it meant to me is I didn't want people to like suddenly be like really worried about me right because I mean this has been this is probably how I felt for a long time and I've been doing okay not telling people I don't know it's a weird thing sharing some of your deeper feelings with people but but yeah that guy in the ocean is me of course and then the platter that he's holding it is kind of a platter I guess it's just like the planner he's holding up is that's like the small amount of tools I have that that's the small amount of things that I can do to control the things in my life right like those are the things that can do to help and control what's going on I can I can like deflect a tiny amount of that big way of crashing down around me most of life is out of my control and then that big wave behind me is just me being afraid of no matter like what I do they're still like all the rest of life out there like who knows what big thing could happen at any time right like well who knows I'm always like afraid of like when's the other shoe gonna drop like who knows what could happen get off it I'm just I guess she's being afraid of the future I guess is that normal anyways that's that's not all of it but that's all I can put into words at the moment I guess hopefully that helps a little bit I don't know if that's weird to talk about in this video but there you go thank you for everyone who expressed any amount of concern for me and who mentioned that they did want to know what it really meant they're all very kind and I'm ultimately I'm doing okay all right I'm doing okay and you know I'm thankful that you know for I multiply and privileged lifestyle here so I'm not trying to complain or anything so thank you all so this drawing is going very cool this looks like weird feathers or scales or ribs or something right here I guess I could hmm in some way I might want to connect these two parts right here but in some ways maybe I don't want to this part over here was kind of like a tree trunk texture now to me just kind of realizing that also to all the people that say I sound like I'm about to burp all the time I think it's probably true like right now I think I kind of sound like that and I just kind of burped I don't know why I always sound like that but you're not wrong I mean I love burping I do drink a lot of seltzer water but I mean I haven't drank any today and I just I don't know just you know people where humans are weird some of us sound like we're about to burp all the time and I'm one of them so take their leave it it's okay nice little textures down here I love texture I do text text your text to err and scribbles you can make great textures just by like scribbling like this and you make this part a little darker maybe to show that's like underneath this part I don't know sometimes you try to make a little change like this too and and then you regret it because you like no that's not the effect I was trying to get but then you just took that away for the next drawing like you know what effect you're trying to achieve and you know one thing you've tried in the past that didn't work so you just try something else just a lot of trial and error experimenting it's all gravy might draw some more little lines up here like cool what do you call these like contour lines to give this a little bit more not contour no contour lines would be like around the outside these are like I don't know what these would be mm-hmm those were a little tough to draw cuz I was trying to I would like to have drawn those by resting my hand here but I'm afraid to put my hand there lest I smudge I sung that oh this by the way I meant to mention that best song I sung at the beginning of the video was the first verse of song by Townes Van Zandt for the sake of the song I think it was called been listening to a lot of Townes Van Zandt I have a I listen to a bunch of them and then I bought one of his records so I've been listening I had like a little record player and listened to sometimes I can't listen to it very loud because you know I don't want to disturb my neighbors I have a dream that one day I'll have like a a house or something or a studio or somewhere I can just plug it have my record player and plug it into some speakers and just let her rip you know and just jam out some some music records or not do you know but there's something about records I know it's very hipstery to listen to records but there's something about it that makes the music listening process kind of more intimate more interactive I don't know I know it's it's definitely not practical I don't think anyone who buys records thinks it's practical when they you know you can just listen to it on youtube or Spotify or something but it's fun okay people we're allowed to do fun things I'm not not trying to defend the practicality of records at all which some people try to attack the practicality of records but I'll think I was trying to defend it it's fun though I've been buying a few and I think it's a good I hope I hope it's a good way to support the artists I guess some of them are dead but maybe their families get it hope it's not just the record companies they get the proceeds from dead artists record sales but I guess I should look into that hmm trying to figure out what I want to do along here now this room is to me this looks now like reminds me kind of a tree beard from lore of the Rings not necessarily of how tree braid looks but just like some sort of sentient forest being like this is one arm a one-armed forest being and this is it's weird deformed face but deform but weirdly formed like it has a weird mushroom for a face when I say weird I mean it with the utmost reference like weird I think a lot of us do I hope I could kind of continue this weird bubbly floor but this this this stuff around behind here to make it more look like this tree is in the midst of this stuff right yeah I think so if it truly is a tree which is not confirmed now I want to draw these root root things kind of going off here into the and what I need to figure out is kind of how to make the roots kind of split off to their own thing which I think might entail drawing some of the bubbles I'm sprouting up in between them I'll do that in a second here we do this root is getting a little smaller but I need bubbles in front okay you got to kind of plan it out a little bit when you need stuff to overlap like here we'll see how it works you know then so these bubbles kind of are going in front of this root and the root kind of peeks out from behind it now like so don't worry don't worry it'll come together I mean or it might not it's okay either way I'm gonna draw some more right here this one's gonna totally destroy to go until it kind of disappear into the it's like fungal grass to me it's like grass that's totally made of weird squishy have you ever accidentally maybe been walking through the grass barefoot ever and then you accidentally step on a mushroom or something and it's the worst feeling ever because it's so like cold and wet that's what I'm imagining this stuff it's like just kind of cold wet mushy mushroom grass nice right really nice we zoom out some more so we can see the whole thing huh there we go there's stuff on my desk I need to move cluttered it's turning out pretty cool like the way it's been the tree is kind of disappearing into the machinist no if i zoom out all the way you'll see that I'm just drawing on one side of the paper here look at that I didn't intend that but it's alright I'm in up just because I don't want to draw for like forever I probably won't fill up the whole paper but you know we'll see I'm trying to figure out how long I've been drawing for I should have set a timer I think it's been like 30 minutes okay 32 minutes 33 minutes go for a while longer you guys hanging in there what you guys working on let me know in the comments did you draw along just sit and watch are you for some reason I always imagined that there's at least one person quilting during while they're watching my videos service so if you're that one person quilting you know let me know be happy to know who you are but let me know what else you're doing to kind of extending this out trying to think what else we can do up here this part looks a little bit unfinished and it need some more shading right here give it a little more body oh yeah I like these I think I want to add some more of these little things they're like spores going off into the air maybe I can kind of draw like I want to draw like a like a weird shape like this this will be like a I guess well no I don't know if this making sense I wanted to be like a hole going down into it um that's the spores can be coming out of you know I gotta figure out how to shade it so so it makes sense I don't know if this is right you know sometimes I think about it and then I don't like draw the lines like I curved the lines the wrong way and then it doesn't make sense to the mind you know like if I drew the lines this way or curved in that way they're like what it makes sense and then sometimes I tuck it away in my mind they need it right the next time and sometimes I don't I don't think this is quite right but it'll be okay hmm maybe some more shading right here it's easy to with this sort of thing it's like easy to overdo it what you don't want to do is like overdo it so that suddenly becomes like the weirdest darking dart like darkest looking thing there like it can look weird or off or it can look like you know you can mess up a little bit but don't like don't struggle with it too much to the point where it's suddenly just like a dark mass of scribbly lines and then that's the first thing people see when they look at it at the drawing rate I'd much prefer it just look it just doesn't make sense then it looks like I spilled a bunch of lines right there or something I don't know you know what I mean it's better just to stop and then try to do it better in the next drawing than to keep working on it forever trying to rescue it when maybe it's not rescue able and it could be that it'll look fine to most other people and I'm just overthinking it just gotta move on sometimes right let's draw some our spores coming out of it though it's more dots so far not too much smudging going on that's good because this this poor cloud kind of came down behind this thing I'm wondering though if it's clear that the spores are coming from this hole I'm also wondering if it really matters and maybe should there should be like a denser part of the spore cloud or not kind of like a weird you know those pictures of I was just looking at pictures of like supernovas and nebulas and stuff there's always like denser parts and then they spread out a little bit I don't know that's kind of what I'm drawing inspiration from for my spore cloud right now these bigger chunks are the brighter stars and the nebula there's all these other it's kind of like a inverted nebula these dots in a nebula would be the the bright spots and the paper would be the blackness of space right now they're too evenly spread out I feel like so--you right now is a little bit lazy with my dots there and a bunch of them landed right next to each other and almost became like an actual line which bugs me a little bit which is why you got to be careful I might make that into like a circle there yeah that's better the draw OOP I'm smudging a little bit you see smudges here I'm not sure where that came from maybe underside of my fingers there usually when I use I found that this kind of ink I guess it's some kind of mm scuse me burp okay some kind of India ink that I put in these roaring pens when I use these on this Bristol paper it's a great combination of ink and paper that really I don't see much smudging with it's maybe the least amount of smudging I see out of any ink and paper combination I use which is one reason why I use that a lot I use that in the last video I made and then I also blacked in the area with Sharpie which some people were telling me is not very archival I mean it says permanent marker and then there's some what is this ap thing mean I can't read the I can't read what it says here around AP a cm I ap creative materials Institute certified or something art and creative materials Institute certified some what it says conforms to ASTM D for two three five or six it's kind of blurry printed but anyways I guess that could mean anything maybe that just means it's non-toxic or something kids can eat it if they want to don't eat it though don't take my word for it I was not too long ago actually a while ago someone sent me an email saying that I should stop eating ink on video because then they sent me I asked more for more information they sent me a very well researched and lengthy email about how a lot of inks are actually very toxic and have carcinogens and stuff in them much even though like the companies don't like don't publish this info and even on like lots of like material data sheets and stuff like that it doesn't have the info it's like they're like incorrectly reported or something like that it seemed very well sourced and I'm summaries I'm kind of inclined to believe that guy cuz I know he was very persuasive also it's probably better to err on the side of safety and this sort of thing but I mean that would be kind of I know this is very grim and dumb to say but I mean can you imagine like in my biography one day if I ever have a biography that you know like he got cancer from eating too much ink I mean that's like the perfect then for like the inked artists and definitely going to cut back on my ink consumption now though and also all of you please don't eat eating it's bad for you please stick to normal human things like peanut butter and jelly and vegetables okay trying to be more a more responsible youtuber I guess even though everyone is still responsible for their own actions just like me I'm sure I got the idea to ink eat ink from somewhere and I don't blame them for giving me the idea my own actions but still write that spore cloud is looking pretty sweet I think nice little background kind of effect this could use some shading give it a little bit of umph as I say sometimes hmm I feel like if I do this right I can really kind of make it look like it's hanging heavy you know right now actually the more it is it kind of looks like this is almost a weird alien bunch of grapes hanging at the end of this branch to be honest I'm not really sure what else to add to this kind of you know you don't want to overdo it and kind of like how it looks that's pretty sweet just like that I think maybe a little bit empty over here but maybe this emptiness makes this part more powerful or maybe it doesn't go op sidedness the imbalance I mean it's kind of gesturing this way and leaning this way and the roots go this way in the branch goes this way right I don't know well zoom out though you can still see it doesn't take up very much of the page but that's okay that is all right you don't have to use up the whole page never think that I might darken this in somewhere dark and just a just a bit of final some final touches here right now I'm kind of leaning back and like blurring my eyes a little bit to kind of get a overall feel for the kind of the balance and tone of the drawing see where I want to add some more dark spots you know how you kind of blurry unfocus your eyes to do those magic seeing pictures where you can see a 3d dolphin or a schooner it's kind of what I'm doing right now I refocused them when I draw though it's just went like right now I'm focused and now refocused you know I think that's about it I think it's pretty good for this drawing let me know if you enjoy these videos or what other kind of videos you want I get a lot of requests for like all sorts of videos and I see I read probably 90% of comments all right just because I don't respond I apologize I don't respond to all of them apologize but thank you for all your comments you're all very nice and I hope you're all doing okay appreciate it okay so take care and alright see you next time right take it easy be nice to yourself right good bye everybody all right goodbye it's gonna be fine everybody maybe not everything but a lot of things are gonna be okay I hope all right all right goodbye for real now all right Oh check out this thing I made for one of my classes it's a complex volume for cubes and for right triangle triangular prisms in a grid organization by the way I do post a lot I bet started posting some of my school projects on patreon my patreon is $1.00 I don't mean to put my school projects behind a paywall but I also do there are a lot of patrons I have on there and I wanted to give them something I don't really post much on there if you want to look at some of my school project it's hard for me to post them anywhere else because they're like multiple page PDFs which are hard to post on like Instagram or Twitter or whatever so if you want to see those I appreciate all the supporters on patreon patreon thank you so much and thank you all of you for just watching even if you never comment or anything thank you for just being here and being you alright alright - bye everybody
Channel: Peter Draws
Views: 107,570
Rating: 4.9718008 out of 5
Keywords: peter, draws, peterdraws, how, to, draw, drawing, realtime, chill, asmr, art, bored, drawing with peter, peter draws, fountain pen, ink drawing, what to do, bedtime, art ideas, drawing for kids easy pictures, asmr mouth sounds and hand movements, sketchbook tour, asmr tingles, drawing tutorial for beginners, real time, pen and ink, art asmr, drawing tutorial, how to draw, step by step, how to
Id: 1hRysUbKU7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 59sec (2999 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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