Draw With Me: Making money

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[Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] hi there that was pretty great um i'm danny gregory and this is draw with me and what you just saw was the library that you created over the last week uh in response to what we did on draw with me last week which was just drawing a book that you like a book that uh maybe you read a lot or a book that you're currently reading and it was just fantastic to see all those books and to see books that i knew and books that i didn't know so that was really great it was it was kind of like a like a book club or recommendation list or one of those um 10 books you have to read sorts of things so very cool very nice thank you for sharing thanks for doing such a great job and some of them were really amazing really amazing they all were actually so um hopefully you recognize some of them and hopefully there are a couple that you were like i have to go and check that out so good you know it's um for the first time so far it feels kind of like winter here in phoenix it actually has been frosty the last couple of days which is very weird makes twiglett feel very strange about going outside there's actually frost on the ground temporarily and it disappears but that is unusual maybe you have snow where you are um it's kind of the time for it to start right not here in phoenix normally it's not frosty so that was pretty cool um good well thank you all for joining me today today we are going to make money so yeah that'll be pretty exciting that will be pretty fun so get out your gear make sure you've got stuff to draw with uh stuff to paint with i plan to actually do some watercoloring today and um we are gonna have some fun trying some experimental stuff i'm gonna try some stuff i haven't really done before using a few tools i haven't done before so yeah desiree says it's it's 60 degrees in the in indiana i noticed that it's actually warmer in new york city than it is in phoenix so i don't know the world is crazy as we all already know that's not news so um what i want to talk about today was i want to start with a note of inspiration an artist who you may or may not have ever heard of um and he is he's dead now actually he died a couple years ago but his name is essentially well he's had various names but i think he's kind of known to his friends as bob robert boggs bob boggs so one day bob boggs went into a diner he's having a cup of coffee he's an artist and he started just kind of doodling doodling on his napkin and he drew a one the number one he was kind of embellishing it kept drawing it and then it eventually led him to drawing a dollar bill and there it is on the napkin a dollar bill and the waitress comes up and she says wow that's really good you made that you're an artist and he said yeah and she said would you sell it to me and he said no but i'll tell you what let me buy this cup of coffee using this drawing so kind of an exchange but he didn't have in mind that it was an exchange so much as he was actually buying the cup of coffee and he said to her the coffee was like 75 cents let's say so he said i want you to um if you're willing to do this could you bring me a receipt and the change and you can keep the drawing of a dollar bill and this was like his mind suddenly blew as he realized what he what he was doing and what was interesting i want to show you a brief little video just uh showing him so what he started to do is he started to he started to use money drawings of money as collateral and he wanted to explore the idea that that money currency money is something that actually doesn't really have inherent value until we decide that it does just like art that art in a way is only as valuable as we decide it's going to be it's similarly with money money is essentially little drawings little pieces of paper and you know what if we kind of dove into that and dissect it and said what is it actually what is this it's really an agreement between us so why couldn't we have agreements that um you know pertain to other things and you know there's a lot of discussion about that right now uh thanks to what technology is allowing us to do and when we come back i want to show you this video and i'll talk a bit more about some thoughts i have around this idea my name is jsg boggs people call me boggs i create images that say things and ask things boggs makes art that looks like us currency he calls his masterpieces boggs bills and his work is held in major museums like the smithsonian and the museum of modern art today boggs is going on one of his regular excursions to try and spend his bills in order to provoke questions like what is money and why does money have value i take them out into the real world and try to spend them not as counterfeits but as works of art that ask us about the nature of money wondering hey i could show you something all right um what do you think of this what do i think of it yeah it's interesting what are you going to use it for i'd like to spend this work of art with you for these works hard and get uh receiving change i don't know you have to ask my manager i don't think she'd be very happy if she saw that in the register we do do some store credit for trade but only on other clothing items but we don't accept art as payment because we are our cash business portraits [Music] landscape abstract geometric this is a work of art so you do in fact accept works of art we do but the bank accepts this as rent and they would not accept this the only thing that gives cash value is faith we never think about the the pixie dust that makes it all work a dollar is only a dollar because i believe this thing has value and yet it works so this is the thing about the monetary system that is simultaneously horrifying and magnificent so boggs spent the next 20 30 years making art in this way making drawings of art and using them in transactions and some of them ended up being hundreds of thousands of dollars his art became valuable in and of itself as art does and it transcended that original um transaction but he's basically combining uh the transaction itself is part of the artwork right so it's a drawing that is then exchanged for goods or actual money and then there's paperwork that goes back and forth between and that whole thing that whole transaction was the art piece and um you may have heard of a thing called nfts which is non-fungible tokens which sounds technical and it actually is it's kind of mind-boggling technical i don't fully understand it but it's a big thing in the art world right now which is basically that people are taking creating digital works of art and they are making them unique normally we think of digital images and digital files as being something that you can infinitely replicate right you can make lots and lots of copies of something and they're all identical to the original so this new notion of nfts allows using blockchain technology again i won't go into it too far but basically it allows an individual digital piece of art to be unique and to be bought and sold and it's now applying not just to pieces of art and have been a very basic piece of art like a little animated gif or um uh just a tweet there was a tweet recently that sold for something like six hundred thousand dollars because again it becomes unique so it starts to strain strain the whole notion that we have about what is art what is money uh what is value what is collectible you think of a collectible baseball card again it's something that there are lots of copies of but each one becomes unique and valuable so um it's worth reading about it is a very interesting idea and it's something that's going to affect the way that artists can make a living the way musicians and authors can make a living because suddenly you can't bootleg everybody's work and artists also will start to own the actual products that they make and be able to buy and sell them without other people being able to rip them off it also means that an artist can make a one-to-one interaction with a customer with a collector if you're a musician you can now actually make a one-to-one relationship with your audience and sell them individual copies of your music and it also means that if an artist makes a piece of work that becomes an nft and a collector buys it the artist can work into the nft that every time there's a transaction with that piece of art in the future the artist will get paid and that's a major boon for artists because a lot of times an artist could sell something in a gallery and then that thing could in over time take off and become incredibly valuable you could have a work of art that's worth millions of dollars but the artist never gets any of that money but with an nft they can they can get paid with every transaction so yeah i have um have a look at it see if you can find out more about it because it is it is interesting it is the near future these are some of pieces of boggs art as you can see they're close to but not they're not um they're not uh what's it called they're not exact copies right they're not counterfeit they are an impression of music of money and despite that he was um arrested repeatedly for counterfeiting basically the u.s treasury considered anybody who makes even a drawing of money to be a counterfeiter well he fought that and basically the those regulations don't exist anymore now you can't get arrested for doing a drawing of money but it's kind of outrageous that that was ever the case um as you can see like some of them are uh really his own invention in fact that one that he showed in the video of harriet tubman was one that he had invented he actually created that remember there was a discussion about harriet tubman being on the hundred dollar bill well he did this long before that and he basically created his own piece of currency based on his own design so that's what i was going to propose that we do today is that we we're not going to counterfeit money we're going to make our own money let's see what that's like to create our own piece of art that feels like money perhaps maybe that uses some of the language of money but is our own and how are we going to do that how are we going to use how we're going to create something that has some of the purposes of money right and we're going to talk about and think about like what goes into a piece of currency essentially a drawing right and american money is actually pretty boring there's a lot of money around the world that's far more beautiful and colorful and more interestingly designed and is printed on interesting materials american money is all pretty standard sized it's all basically green and black and a little bit of red so if you want to go crazy and make something you know that is break some of those rules of money by all means let's do that um and let's have some fun all right you with me money this time a year all thinking about money right holidays people are spending money um i'm going to be using a new product that i'm kind of excited about i've never used before honolulu's toned watercolor book so it's it is uh watercolor paper but it's toned i've talked about the the gray book before but the gray book is um just basically drawing paper but this is actually and it comes in two shades it comes in gray and and then tan this is gray so you can see it's can you tell this is not uh let me get some white show you what this is white you still can't tell the difference can you um yeah so that's white and that's gray so it's a light gray but it's enough to give some tone to the page which is interesting interesting to play with it means i might try using some white on it and see how that sounds oh good the leaf blowers are here um all right and also yeah i think it's also interesting to talk about i have seen that book the art of money it is uh it is really interesting it's about all the different art basically the art the drawings the engravings that go into making money it's very interesting um all right so yes we're going to talk about also um what's happening to money i hardly ever use cash anymore maybe you don't either honestly i pay with my watch a lot of the time that's kind of where money is going but let's let's try and make some money i was kind of thinking that i might use this for my money i might use that idea that drawing um which is the draw with me guy the guy that guides me so i might make him into the sort of george washington portrait on the front of my bill once i fix my pencil yeah i'm going to be using watercolor and i'm kind of into combining pencil lines with watercolor because it's not a watercolor pencil of course but a regular pencil is kind of nice to draw oh my god i lost my tip again i'm gonna have to switch pencils so yes i'm going to just draw my my hero here and i don't mean that he's a hero that he's the hero of the of the bill but you can do you know so this is going to be my money so therefore it has a picture of me on it but you can decide to do whatever you want to do with your money and you can uh you can put whoever's portrait you want to put on it you could put a portrait of somebody who you think should be on money who should be on money maybe maybe somebody who should be commemorated or somebody who we should be reminded of every time we go to spend money you know but yeah this is i'm just i'm just issuing my own money so therefore it's got me or this version of me on it um and these lines can kind of function like a an engraving mite and then you know put them into a thing like that one of those sort of little frames i'm going to put a top i'm going to put something i'll put my initials so that's going to be my centerpiece and i'm going to let me sort of indicate what the whole size of the bill is going to be like that and uh and i'm going to call this a dollar this will be a dollar maybe i should come up because maybe it's because it's my own currency i could call it something else um i'll call it a danny one danny this is one no i'm gonna call it a dollar my own name on currency just seems like real hubris to be going that far what else and then um you know put a nice number up here extend that a bit more and now i'm going to start getting into making little patterns and embellishments it's got to have all those things that mean that make it unique right that make it uh something that looks official right but i really want to take advantage of the fact that i'm using watercolor paper here so i'm going to start getting out some watercolor stuff and um maybe i should think about using doing patterns i'm gonna i think i'm gonna keep my palette pretty limited so this is gonna be basically like grays and blues because that will kind of hold it together i think all right [Music] excuse that noise of the leaf blowers i apologize there's nothing i can do about it it is there's a lot of leaves out here so they are they're going to be busy today it's incredibly annoying and there's i apologize so it'll be over in a minute so bear with me please i'm gonna make an eye there are eyes on dollar bills but in my case because you know i'm an artiste and eyes are my business i think i'm going to put some eyes here the all-knowing eye i'm kind of drawing with watercolor so i think i'm going to do a bit more sort of just adding some tone to this just uh because that's really one of the benefits of watercolor so you can add some tone i kind of like not having that bright white paper it's nice to have something that's a bit a bit more subdued you know normally when you're doing watercolor though the way you add white is by having some of the paper show through in this case maybe i could use some gouache uh to make it more varied um there we go add a bit of tone see like that's the nice thing about the pencils i can go right over it don't have to worry about it affecting the line the line is going to stay nice and sharp but i could also take some watercolor i could take some watercolor pencil here this is a wooden watercolor pencil and i can do some stuff that is going to be different because i can dip it right into the water into the water so it takes on this kind of fuzzy nature if i wanted it to it also makes when you dip a watercolor pencil in water it makes for a certain kind of intensity that i think is pretty cool but a lot about making currency i think is really about making all these just different kinds of textures that are going to be you know things that make it feel like you can't just reproduce it like not anybody could just go out and draw one of these danny dollars so this one is crying so maybe that's what it's about it's about crying crying because i only have a dollar all right so going on it's getting away from me a bit so let's take control once more with some more pencils so one thing that i have to oh i have to put a serial number maybe in fact i use this pen some kind of incomprehensible number and then on this side i'm going to put my signature because you always have a signature on a bill what are other conventions of money um well i didn't put a country on it but i'm not going to put a country this is not currency this is in this is global currency so it is not tied to any particular uh nation let's say so that's the one thing that is missing i guess but it's not missing because i forgot it although i did it's missing because i choose to be making money for the whole world international internet currency um what else should we put on this dollar you should put a leaf blower maybe i'll put a couple i'll put a leaf just as a commemoration of this experience there's a leaf blowing and um maybe they should be draw with me money i haven't thought about that maybe or maybe it just says maybe you just say in latin how would you say draw with me in latin i'm going to make it up if you speak latin maybe you could tell me if this is correct or not but i'm pretending that it is ignore no i deal with that that's correct or not um and then i'm going to put down phoenix arizona here because that's where i am currently sitting as i draw this um all right that's that'll be my dollar now i could make this into an nft and i could sell it for maybe i don't know a dollar but then every time somebody sells it i could make another penny but then would i still have the original no i wouldn't because it would have to be unique but it would be digital so i would have the this piece of art all right let me get rid of my guy here and uh have a cup of coffee all right oh actually fran had suggested some latin so good tahereh meikum oh trihary all right well maybe this is in pig latin and i need to have i need to have the official friend did you say trojan i like that so i wasn't too far off um all right it's got a lot of number of colors in it but you know i think should i go and try and buy something uh here at the mall in phoenix with this maybe i will i could get arrested though that's certainly what happened to mr boggs but there you have it oh i know i want to try some white i want to try some white here can you see it you probably can't see it on the camera i can see it in person here let me use a gel pen see how that works yeah it actually shows up better on camera than it does in person that's good now maybe make just a white line around it i think i want to try i'm going to see if i can get the tan one the tan uh version of this paper that sounds even more useful than the gray i mean you could do stuff in sepia you know all right there it is one danny dollar it's a little crude it's my first dollar you know i should cut it out and put it up on the wall you know like they do in stores you know the very first dollar they ever made so maybe i'll do that my first dollar i've i have actually done drawings of of actual dollars before but i've never actually created a dollar so that'll have to do um it looks like pharaoh's headdress yes it kind of does i was imagining it being sort of like the sun radiating from my head but uh maybe that's what pharaoh had in mind too so [Music] the name of this book that's what you mean this drawing book yeah this is this is toned water toned watercolor book from hanamulla they have them at blick this particular one is 60 pages and it's a5 so you know it's a nice size this is a great size i think first for journal i like this size so uh if that's what you're asking about well the virgin the virgin of guadalupe you know i've been called a lot of things in my time but that's a first all right so that's that is that is that project that's my project for today um should we talk about something else what else should we talk about why don't we talk about i'll show you a sketchbook i'll do my sketchbook tour right this is my sketchbook tour i'm going to do a sketchbook it's not a sketchbook though it's going to be a different one and you know what to be fair because i sometimes get in trouble for doing too much spending too much time talking and blathering so therefore i'm going to set a timer so this is we do every week we do a sketchbook tour and it is um it is sponsored by windsor and newton so this one is too let me just adjust my camera and i we have four minutes to go through this so this is a sketchbook that i did in jerusalem and uh this is kind of just stuff i pasted on the cover little ephemera that i picked up uh jerusalem a few years ago visiting my grandfather was living in jerusalem he lived to be 98 and he uh this is a drawing i did of him sitting there with his walker he was 94 at that point and here we have these these are the walls that are that surround the old city jerusalem ancient stone walls and various abbeys i wrote some stuff in arabic there as well this is what it looks like going into the old city this is a drawing i was doing of this minaret here let me just read you what i wrote while i draw this minaret an old man comes over to tell me that this mosque was a church about a thousand years ago but was seized by the muslims he was joined by two thick teenagers who kept asking what i was drawing and then repeatedly saying how many but i'm not sure to what they referred two younger boys appeared and started smashing and re-smashing a mirror and then they joined the throng and started to insist that i draw them then they asked me to give them this drawing and then they tried to snatch the book and run away with it i glared at them quite firmly and started to leave one of the boys dogged me for a couple of blocks and i finally lost him clutching my backpack like a nelly yes all right so here we are going into the damascus gate and here is um some of our cousins dropped by for tea and we had these special biscuits cinnamon rolls and the like here's some sugar smacks the israeli version of sugar smacks just part of the inexorable march of globalism i suppose and here's another view of these walls and then there's also this wall that that has been built to it's called the geder which divides the palestinian area from the rest of uh the old city source of much conflict here we see um some olive trees on mount olives which is near where my grandmother is buried and actually my grandfather too they're both buried there now my grandfather was alive at this point so these are these ancient olive trees really beautiful and this is the convent at the end of their street i've never seen anybody come out of it i right and here's some more people in a cafe talking about politics politics politics this is old phone that was in my grandfather's house and here i am on the plane flying back and i wrote somewhere over limoges my pen explodes sad various security badges and then a little bit more of collage here at the end so there you go and then there's part of the map these are just kind of things that i found like in the street this is some thing about a coffin with some arabic writing on it don't even know what it was so yeah that is volume 33. of my travel sketchbook and hey i managed to fit it in in three four minutes three or four minutes three i forget how many times how much time i spent on it so yeah so that is this week's sketchbook of the week i'm i showed you one of my sketchbooks last week usually i show other people's sketchbooks but i showed mine last week you seemed to like it so i thought maybe for a few weeks until i gather some new ones from other folks i'll just show you some of mine i've got a lot of them and uh if you know if you find it interesting let's do it so yeah so that that is a travel sketchbook i think it's great um as uh jf says here so much more uh says so much more than thousands of photos it's true you go on vacation snap snap snap snap snap you come back you have all these pictures but this is an opportunity to be more present not to just kind of gloss through things through as you do when you take pictures but to sit and draw and to write about your experience and have a have a really i think add a lot more value to your expensive vacation by turning it into an art project and i love to do that in fact i did a whole book about it called an illustrator journey which is all about the various ways that people do travel journals and i think it is i think of all the kinds of sketchbook journaling we can do it's probably the most addictive one it's the one that people really fall into because you can say to yourself like well my everyday life is boring there's nothing really to draw about when you're on negation everything is interesting everything not just the famous sites but also you know the cinnamon rolls and the sugar smacks everything is different than usual notable so you note it down in your sketchbook draw a little do a little drawing do a little watercolor take a few notes pass some illegal currency whatever you want to do it is a great way to travel and to see the world and really see it so okay um what else edza my first time drawing along icelandic hundred kroner bill i like that are you it sounds like you have a dutch name but are you in iceland iceland that would be more interesting i don't know we've had people from iceland before we've had we've had dutch people you're kind of old hat but that's cool um volume 33 i'm sorry to tell you but that volume 33 is from 20 years ago 18 years ago so i kind of i'm beyond 33 at this point um samantha convinced her 60 year old dad your dad sounds really old you think he's sure he's not too old to draw maybe too old to start something new 60 years old oh my god but he's starting a sketchbook thank you i'm glad i'm happy for him i hope that the remaining few years of his life are filled with art is it hot or cold press um this is it is cold pressed but it's not very heavily textured if you're asking me about that um toned watercolor paper yes it is it is yeah it doesn't say is it it says gently toned watercolor paper an even fine grained surface structure on both sides providing a natural background for your artwork available in grey or beige um what else just looking at what is what comments you've made right well um i don't think i've missed anything terribly important that you said but uh dutch and living in iceland fantastic i almost took my wife on vacation to iceland but it fell apart at the last minute but i think it seems like the most amazing place and uh beautiful in fact she's reading a book about icelandic museums specifically about a whale museum was one of my christmas presents or hanukkah presents actually um all right buttercress has run out of ideas already you've already run out of ideas we've only been doing this for 45 minutes you can keep thinking sure tomorrow i'm sure you'll wake up in the middle of night with all kinds of ideas look at money i mean money it's just a fascinating visual graphic language has all these conventions in it about how you make these designs do i have a udemy or teachable class no i have an entire art school it's called sketchbook school so yes you can go to sketchbookskool.com that's funny that you uh asked me that it's not really funny i'm glad you asked me that but also i have i write a weekly essay danny's essays.com you can subscribe to it and then you know i'm i'm writing a lot these days i'm really enjoying writing it is probably the thing i'm enjoying doing the most right now what makes a good starter watercolor kit for a new artist paint brand and brush types all good questions all good questions i'm not going to answer them today specifically but i would just say try something and figure it out you can't really go wrong watercolor is fascinating medium generally i would say buy stuff that makes you feel that it's slightly uncomfortably expensive because if you buy something that's cheap the color will not be great so i love winsor newton watercolors so i would just say buy yourself a winsor newton field kit and get yourself a brush or two and start doing it and see how you feel a good watercolor set will last you for years so i would do i would try that all right thank you all for um for being here today and um i'll see you again next thursday thanks for drawing with me today we'd love to see what you made so please post it on social media or put it in the sketchbook school schoolyard and make sure to tag it sbs draw with me thanks very much to our sponsors hanamulla and windsor newton and if you'd like some more inspiration for your creativity here are three things that you can do one subscribe to this channel and you'll know when i make new videos which i do every week two sign up for my free weekly newsletter a lot of people seem to like it maybe because it's free and third watch another video
Channel: Sketchbook Skool
Views: 1,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bob ross, danny gregory, art, art encouragement, art journaling, art lessons, art tutorial for beginners easy, creative inspiration, draw, drawing, how to fill your sketchbook, how to make more art, illustrated journal, online courses, sketch book, sketch skool, sketchbook, sketchbook art, sketchbook artist, sketchbook journal, sketchbook skool, sketchbook tutorial, sketching, watercolor painting, bob ross painting, landscape painting, bob ross joy of painting
Id: Qa0ThMdLIP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 7sec (2947 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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