Draw My Life - Promise Phan

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hi everyone so today I'm here to do the highly requested draw my life tag video and my life's a little crazy so I don't know how I'm gonna do this but let's see how it goes so it all started when a stork brought me to this small tiny Asian country called Nepal which is sandwiched by China and India usually when I tell people I'm from the PAS they don't know much about Nepal so the first thing I tell them is that the world's tallest mountain Mount Everest is located in Nepal and it's also home to the legendary Bigfoot we have countless stories of mountain climbers encountering the Bigfoot which is kind of cool and I think I'm secretly related to the Bigfoot especially when I look at my legs after I haven't shaped them for about a week I'm like yeah that might be true now I'm drawing my little family so first there's my dad and then there's my mom and finally there's little me I was the first child very loved and spoiled both of my parents were missionaries so they would travel a lot from one village to another I wasn't gonna be the only child in the family for too long because one day when my parents were walking by one of the villages they saw a house and on the patio there was a one year old boy who was really badly manly tritiated and he was just crying his eyes out so my parents wondered where his family were and then they went to over to the neighbors and asked him if if anyone was watching after the boy and the neighbor basically said that his mom recently passed away with typhoid and his dad was an alcoholic so there wasn't really anyone who was watching after him after hearing that my parents didn't have the heart to leave the boy behind so they just waited until the nighttime and then the father came home and after the father came home they just had a really long talk and my parents just asked him if they could take care of the boy until he had sobered up and had his life together the boy's father agreed and realized that was probably the best thing to do so now I had a little brother and his name was Reuben when Reuben and I were little we had our own little buckets where we used to shower and that was kind of like our little swimming pool we would play in there for hours and there's also this one funny story a family story where Reuben and I was sleeping in a little cradle and Reuben kind of pooped on his diaper and it kind of came out and it was all over the place and I was all you know dreaming I had no idea and Reuben didn't want to be in trouble he's the smarter one so he basically just wiped all the poo on me so how my parents would think that I was the one who did it so yeah beside that incident Reuben was always a good brother to me when we're at the age to go to school we went to the same school and if any of the boys were being mean to me or they were teasing me Reuben would step up and show them who was boss and even though he was my little brother he protected me like he was my bigger brother another funny thing is my parents told me that I had no hair in my head till I was five all I had was a little bit of fuzz and when I did have hair my parents can afford to take me to the salon so my mom would cut my hair by herself and she would always ruin my bangs so growing up I always had terrible bangs besides terrible bangs I also had terrible grades growing up in fact my parents said the only time I was first in my whole class was in kindergarten in a monthly test so that's pretty embarrassing but I did love to draw I would doodle all over my notebooks and I loved dancing also I've always been a huge animal lover so when I was that I'd pick up any abandoned little baby rats my smalls even a baby squirrel once now try to nurture them in fact my whole family loves animals so growing up I had a lot of cool pets my parents are pretty awesome but when it comes to studies they're like every other Asian parents they expect you to either have a or B my dad never got a chance to go school and have a good education so he really stressed that we Ruben and I do really well in school since I was only good at dancing drawing and other activities instead of encouraging me my teachers would try to put me down all the time and they would say that I was worthless and I didn't have a bright future ahead of me when I was 10 years old and Ruben was 9 my dad received a phone call from Rubens father and he just told my dad that he was remarried he had his life together and he would like to visit Ruben and hopefully take him back home to the village with him so when my parents heard that they were devastated and I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Ruben that soon so it was just a big shock Ruben and I had a lot of good memories so saying goodbye was definitely the hardest thing but I chose not to be sad and more thankful that he was able to share 9 years of his life being my brother as time went by my family started expanding again and one day my parents told me that I was gonna have a little baby sister soon then a stork brought in my baby sister and my parents decided to name her path Ichi which is very similar to my real name which is petechiae when padishah was around 2 or 3 my parents told me that they had something really exciting to tell me I thought they were gonna have another baby but it was something else and they said we were going to America and I was really excited cuz when I thought of America I thought of good-smelling people and skyscraper buildings like New York City I thought America was filled with tall buildings like that and I wanted to live in one of those buildings so off we went my dad had a good friend in Colorado so that's where we were going and also if you guys have been to the Denver Airport you guys know that the airport is really cool-looking I think it's supposed to be shaped like the Rocky Mountains but for some reason it kind of reminds me of popcorns so then the car picked us up and we were driving the Denver Airport is out in the middle of nowhere so there was just like dry lands all around and I was starting to freak out because this was not the America had pictured in my head just when I was about to give up hope I saw tall buildings in a distance and I got so excited I almost peed my pants my dreams were finally about to come true but sadly the car turned and went somewhere else that was actually the Denver downtown and we were gonna live in a one-bedroom apartment somewhere out in the suburbs when reality synced in I was really upset felt like my dreams were all shattered and I did not get to live in a tall building and ride on an elevator but life went on and my parents soon enrolled me in an elementary school really close by our place the first day of school I was so nervous and scared because I had such a heavy accent and I couldn't really speak English that well and just as I thought I had a really hard time fitting in and making friends there especially this one boy in my class who was really mean he would laugh at everything I say and his friends would laugh along with him I tried everything to fit in I even started wearing different type of clothes to see if they would accept me but it didn't work so elementary school was not fun at all now middle school was a lot of fun I went to a big middle school so I got to make quite a bit of friends and my friends also taught me how to wear makeup so that's when I started wearing makeup I thought I did a pretty good job back then but now I think about it I was probably a huge mess and just around that time my third sister was born and my parents decided not to go with the crazy name so they named her Rosie just when I was about to go on ninth grade my parents decided to return to Nepal and this is gonna be a huge change for me because Nepali schools are really strict and I was already adjusting to the freedom in American schools looking at the bright side I didn't really have much trouble making friends since they knew that I was coming from America they were all curious to get to know me Nepali school rules are crazy every morning we would have to line up like in boot camp and the teachers would go through the line and make sure that you followed all of the rules which means no bangs in your face braided hair black hair white flowery fluffy ribbons you have to have your school shirt on school badge school tie school belt school skirt your nails should all be trimmed no nail polishes oh my gosh I can keep on going no earrings your socks have to be higher than your knees your skirt has to be lower than your knees and if you fail to do one of those things there was severe punishments so as you guys imagined I got beat up a lot I probably got beat worse than a pinata and there was also this one time when the voice in my class they did something wrong I don't remember exactly what they did but they had to carry their chair and their tables and run across the school track also there was this one time when my friends we got in trouble and we had to stay in a push-up position for an hour and our arms were hurting our legs were hurting and the teacher was like no mercy you he beat us up with pipe on our behind so there was a lot of sore bums that day since nepali school was getting too tough for me my parents decided to send me back to america to finish my high school so i went to a really small private high school high school was no bueno it was not good at all a lot of the students in the classroom had grown up together since they were little so when I came into the picture I felt like I was an uninvited I was very lonely I ate to lunch by myself in the girls locker room so yeah I was very sad just when I was about to graduate high school my parents told me that there was another baby on the way and my dad was really hoping that the last baby would be a son but it was a little girl so there's my dad my mom me my two sisters Patito and Rosie and finally a last sister who is Angelina after high school I went to Bible College and Bible College was probably one of the best things that has ever happened to me I got to meet kids from all over America all over the world it was six months long so everyone felt like they were family and I also went to Colombia for a missions trip and everyone in Colombia was so warm so kind the food was amazing so that's when I found my newfound love of traveling after Bible College I worked in an office and that was around the time when Michael Jackson had passed away so Michael Jackson was such an inspiration I loved his dance I loved his music so I would go on YouTube to watch his music videos and to just remember him and that's how one day I came across a makeup tutorial and I was like that's so awesome that people do makeup tutorials on YouTube so I was hooked one afternoon my cousin's call me up and they were like hey promise we're gonna go see this really cool movie that just came out and it's name is avatar and I was like ah the name sounds kind of weird I don't know if I want to go see it but they're like know it I heard it's really good so I went with them and when I saw the movie I was mind blown it was such a good movie and I wanted to look like a Navi I wanted to live in Pandora like right now so I went home and I slept all this blue eyeshadow that I had on my face try to make myself look like new Terri and I took a picture of myself and posted it on my facebook when my friend saw my avatar look on my facebook they said I did a really good job but I thought they were just been really nice later they helped me share the picture and all of a sudden I had hundreds and thousands of friend requests and ridiculous amount of feedbacks so I could not believe my eyes also I got tons of messages from people asking me to do a tutorial on that avatar look so I filmed a tutorial put it up worst editing job ever but the feedback was wonderful all of my viewers were so kind and so thankful I was inspired to do more tutorials for all my viewers my dad has always been really strict with dating his rule is none of his daughter can date until they're 21 and sometimes he raises it up to 23 so I was kind of around and I was looking around I had some really nice guys that I was talking to at the moment but there was this one guy that really stood out to me and his name was Steve which is my husband right now so he was just really so kind and we just had this instant connection he loved animals like I did he loved the same music we love the same food he was really family-oriented and just everything was perfect so we dated and we decided to get married it's gonna be our three year wedding anniversary this coming July and we also got a little dog a miniature American Eskimo cogged Nimbus that you guys have probably seen him on my videos Facebook Instagram everywhere sometimes I get really homesick and I wish my parents weren't in the other corner of the world from me and I feel like I miss out on watching my sister's grow up but I know that they're doing really good things back in Nepal they currently have an orphanage with three kids and they're planning to expand it with six more kids soon so that's really exciting actually there's couple more I mean a million more people who are part of my life now and that's you guys so I just want to take this time to thank you guys for loving me encouraging me and supporting me to do what I love even when my teachers and people around me said I wasn't good enough you guys helped me prove that they were wrong and even though I had a really hard time making a handful of friends growing up you guys have been my friends so you guys are literally my umbrella on a rainy day and my shoe on my bare feet and peanut butter to my bread those are some really bad examples but I just wanted to let you guys know that you guys are really special and thank you for making my life so much more beautiful by being a part of it so before I leave I just want to give you all a big virtual hug [Music] you [Music]
Channel: dope2111
Views: 7,021,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: draw my life, Promise Phan, draw my life tag
Id: 4vzss_X9CTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2013
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