Drama In Our Family... | Secrets Revealed!!!

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- I, you can answer that one. One - That's starting to drama. I - Like to keep to myself. Yes. She walks up to - The other night, you tell - Her no, what does it do? - And I'm 18 Mel. Hey guys. Well - We're doing a q and a. - Yeah. Welcome back. Hey, crazy family. Welcome back to our channel. Today we're filming a team q and a. We have a bunch of questions in this bowl. We're gonna pass the bowl around and answer the questions you guys have for us. So which girl is the tallest Me, Bella. I'm five foot six. She's taller than me by like half an inch. Yes. For those that work, how do you manage working, going into high school and your daily chores? Well, I don't have a job anymore, but when I did have my job, we just didn't do our chores on like the days that we didn't have a job and then there'd be two people assigned to the chores. So for me it was like me and AR went and then - I think it was me - And you and Jamie. Yeah, Jamie. Yeah. When we didn't have work it was just like - Normal. I scheduled my own hours so I just my school and then go to work. - Yeah. And I mean I have a job from mom, I channel, but we only like, we film like twice a week and it's just like, it doesn't like interfere a lot with like school or like my chore and stuff. So - I don't know if you can answer that one - Birthday one. Who got the tattoo by the friend at a sleepover. - What? Cut, - Skip. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I didn't know if she was ready to answer it or not. Oh, I mean it was two years ago it was me that, that's Savannah. Don't do it. I'll do it next. No, next. Where did you put, I'm - Gonna get a face tattoo. - I just, I'm gonna fill - In my forehead. - What - Savannah, what car do you want to get? - Oh, I know this one. I've been looking at a cup. A couple different ones. I don't know for sure but yet - Max, what is your favorite movie and favorite - Food? Favorite movie? I don't know off the top of my - Head. Favorite food? Steak? - Yeah, probably steak. - I'm tired. You just smack. Who is an introvert and who's an extrovert? I'm an introvert. I would say I'm an introvert like when meeting like new people. But I feel like when I get comfortable with people then like I become more like extrovert. It depends for me, typically I'm an extrovert but, and like the school setting, I feel like I'm very introverted because people my age gimme a lot of anxiety for some reason. I don't know why, it's only people my age. I can talk to an adult all day long, but when it comes to people my age, I just freak out. They're scary. They're gonna bite me or something. No, I know, I agree. - I'm an introvert but I like to keep to myself, - What's the word that's like introvert and extrovert. The op divert or something. OC divert. Opt divert. Opt diver. Don't, don't come for me in the comments for that. Omni. Omni. Do you guys have boyfriends or girlfriends? Girlfriends? No, - Not currently. No. No - It's Complic. - You look so serious. Me. She - Favorite song or artists? I'm sorry, I miss you. And my favorite artist is Noah Khan. - I don't currently have - One, I just - Listen to whatever's - On. I think currently mine is home by good neighbors. Bla is it - Height PO year or something like that? Right. It looks like a, - I think I did - Grad years Teen fight college or after school plans. I'm graduating this year and I do not plan to - Go to college currently. And he doesn't fight with any of the teens. 2025. I plan to go to college afterwards. I fight with the brothers like I like But that it, - She does, she starts the fight. Yeah, she does. Last night after the family meeting. Yes. She walks up to Jake and then like punches him right in the stomach. You're - Such a liar. - I appreciate that's how it's not even - True. I graduate 2024 and I don't currently know if I wanna go to college. So I graduate 2026 and, but I might go to trade school for cosmetology. - I'm not graduating - Job. Yes, you're That's not true. Stop saying that. What was the other - Part of the question? - Oh, - Graduate this year. - Oh, do I fight? Sometimes we do like a fight club, like the underground thing. - Have the teens. You better clarify. There's no, what do you think would happen? There's no fight club and Lucas is graduating. Oh, - Okay. Anyways, next question. Oh okay. What career path would you consider if content creation was not an option? Mechanic. What's like, I don't know. I've had a lot of different things I wanted to do. - So what is it culinary or like what career would - You dumpster's gonna, I don't know, wait, surgeon, is it what I wanna go into the medical field or law? I think I want to do like anything with like, like not makeup wise but like beauty. So like facials or like lasering or just like, so basically like cosmetic. - I like to try to find ways to like cook different things or like Yeah, - I thought you was gonna say something out of pocket again. Favorite sibling or parent? - Ooh. - Oh that's starting too much drama. Do you, do your kids see their bio families? I'll go first. You have kids? Well they're asking like in general that I'm speaking for myself. I see my like biological mom like maybe like once a year and my biological siblings once a year. But I do see like my older biological sister more than like one time a year. I see him every day. I see Ryland and Liam every day. But I have not been in contact with my biological family in a long time. So. And how, how, how about you every name? - Woohoo. Hey I have a question for you. - You made it - Halle. I remember you talking about cosmetology school. Are you still interested in that and acting? - I'm interested in a lot of things. So cosmetology, acting, art in general. So weren't you gonna do modeling for a minute? Yeah, my interests are kind of just all over the place. She's said everything. Me too guys my throat. So she's gonna - Cough up like a - Thank you mom. If you each had to give advice to your younger self, what would you say? - Stop making money earlier. I'm too broke. - I tell my 14-year-old self to buy a house for the stock market yesterday. I'm just kidding. I would tell her not to listen to everything that people say about her and to stop caring about what they, what she thinks or what people think of her. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kind the teamwork. I think I would tell my younger self that like everything would be okay and like, 'cause I feel like when like I was younger and stuff, I didn't really see like everything like being okay. So I think I would just like, do you know what I'm like trying to say? So yeah, everything will work out. Everything is, everything would work out. So yeah. Mom, I just remembered I had to pee in a cup tomorrow. What? What? That's so random. Why? We have a pee in a cup tomorrow. Oh are the drug. You do the drug test now? No, I'm For what? I'm not doing the drug test. I'm doing pregnancy tests. No, because we're learning about the urinary system in medical to tomorrow and they're making this like bring - Your pee to class - In class. You have to pee in class. It's like show and tell tomorrow too. What the, you know they let you keep your kidney stones. What is someone's bringing that into class. They show and and bringing that. Just bringing her kidney stones class. - Alright. Kids come to a front. - I see myself. She said that we can touch them. Touched you. Gonna work gloves. That sounds like a biohazard. It's like, you know, they're like hard like a rock. That's real lambs tomorrow too. Whose is this? - Alright, max, would you ever get a house with Lando that moved? - Max? We didn't even finish the last question. What would - Yourself? Oh, save more money. - Don't spend it on Fortnite. - Max, would you ever get a house with Landon and Luke since you guys are really close? I would, yeah. I could see myself splitting a house with Landon. I don't know Luke though. Why did I have? But yeah, I could see going in a house with them. - Sure. That's my toe. I don't even know guys if you hear me just like popping my toe a bunch in the video. Let's stop talking about toes. It just always needs a pop. Okay. Who argues the most? Bella and Luke. No, no. You and Alex. The little kids and I think it's Brody and Ryland. Yeah. Yeah. Brody and I. Yeah. Dry cereal. Dry cereal. Yep. I just be like stick my hand in the box. And just what, what's your favorite dry cereal? Depends on the day. She seems like a Cheerios type of G. If money wasn't a need, what would you do with your life? I would have a bunch of dogs and I would go on and two monkeys? Yeah, two monkeys. And then I would go on a shopping spree and get all the clothes that I like, want to make my style. And then I would, I'd decorate my car. I'd like just make it look super, super cute. And then there's like kids screaming outside. Whatcha they doing? Think they're playing. And then I'd buy a subway. So that way I subway. Subway all the time. - 20 acres now. I guess if money's the object like you know maybe a hundred acres out in Texas, I'd become like a farmer cowboy because why not? What else would you do with a lot of money? Yeah, just live the life out there. - I would move to Bora Bora. I feel like I would definitely help others and then also buy a house. I would buy a bunch of cars and teach myself how to work on them. I would move to a little, what is this? - She just - Laughs at everything I say. Guys, that was a good one. A good laugh. I dunno. I moved to a different country actually. I'd probably go to France and I would eat at little cafes every morning and I would paint, I would move to Oregon. - What is up with you in Oregon? You want to go to vacation? Love to - Go to college. In Oregon. In Oregon. I wanna maybe build a house by like the waterfalls, like in the forest and live. That'd be so pretty. That'd be awesome. With my 20 dogs. That's so scary. Like twilight. My 20 dogs Twin. Twilight. Twilight wedding. I'm getting married in Oregon. You are? Yeah. A destination wedding in a by by a waterfall. Okay. Herm waterfalls. Is this getting cut? - I don't remember. Be 18 now it feels like I leveled up and then like I have access to a lot more. You level up. - Level up. - Yeah. Ruby - Leveled up. How do you like your credit card? - Yeah, I got a credit card. It's, it's a credit card. What's the numbers on, what are you doing when you retire? - Depending on how many kids I have. Wait, are you asking this group or you or mom or me? You. Oh no, this group. Wait, there's us. Yeah. Depending on how many kids I have, I feel like if I have like a lot of kids and obviously I'm gonna stay close to them so then I can be like a grandma. But if I don't then I'm just gonna honestly just probably leave the country. Probably get a little house on the beach. So if you're away from everyone, how old they when they then they don't, they don't point. That's so sad. Dogs didn't, dogs are away from home so that their owner so should experience their death. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do. So my owner doesn't experience my death. Your owner than what's your owner? You. You. You better not owner or mom, you're owner. Are you switching ownership? What - Are the, - When you get married. Okay, - Next question. - Yeah, just go on. Okay. Mom is my owner. She's not saying that. That sounds so good. What? Everyone's workout routine. Everyone looks so fit. Sleep Max. What's your workout routines? - He's got a 4 0 5 bench - Max does go to the gym actually. Yeah. - No it's not a workout routine. You just like changes every day. You like out something different. I think today's push tomorrow is call the next day is, I don't know, just goes on from there. It's different every day. - Push and pull. Yeah, those are exercises. I walk my classes. That's my workout. I was gonna, today I hang out with mom. I walk up the stairs at mom's house. Things you and your parents disagree, disagree on the most. Curfew. Curfew. Satisfac one's. One piece of advice you can give Foster youth, You should keep on pushing. I remember when I was here in the group home, I thought I was gonna be there until I was 18 but then my brothers gave me hope. And so just have faith. Keep on hoping. Praying it all works out in you. Yeah. Yeah. I think having like a good like mindset too about it. Like I know it's hard but like when you're in like bad conditions or like hard conditions to be like happy about it or like, you know. But I think I kind, it kind of goes with just like keep going and just like think of it in like a positive manner even though it's not in the best Mom. I ran into a curb this morning my first curb. That is not your first, don't - First - Remember like a first like serious like running into a curb. Bella. I didn't mean to. I looked down for two seconds to look at you. You can't look down, you're driving. No, I looked at my wheel like I looked at the button on my wheel 'cause I went to press it and I looked down and, and I was hear and I go, speaking of cars, someone who was not me, who was driving my car, backed into into a wall. Wait, who? Unknown. I know who, it didn't leave a dent. It was just a little scratch, but the wall was not okay. Luke spent all, has money on the video games. Mom also not - Scared man. I'm - Not, I'm not ashamed. The other night you didn't tell her? No, I just did it. Oh, what did it do? - The - Other night my friend was like, let's get piercings - So bad tattoo. - And I'm 18 now, - So I - Got tattoo. Tattoo like please you can't do that. No, no. I did it on the tattoo. - You got scissors. I, it was my - First time giving. So in my id. - Wow, I - Now I can do. So smart. We need dad in here. So now I have a - Wow mom. I got my nipples pierced. Just wait until you see my butt. Tattoos. My friend got robbed yesterday. Like held what.
Channel: Crazy Pieces
Views: 174,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crazy pieces, drama in the family, family drama, drama in my family, secrets revealed, secrets, family secrets, large family, adoption, tattoo, piercing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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