Dragunov - Black Ops Multiplayer Weapon Guide

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hello this is xboxahoy and this is the fifth episode of my black ops weapon guide let's get started this time we're covering the first of these sniper rifles the Dragunov it's a semi-automatic rifle and is unlocked as part of one of the default classes at level two the sniper skyvan Tov get dragon OVA or SVD originates from the Soviet Union the weapon was introduced in 1963 and has since been manufactured by his F's mechanical works or Izhmash designed for a designated marksman role the SVD has seen extensive use by Warsaw Pact nations normally in a supporting role as part of a squad boasting the reliability and ruggedness of the more familiar a.k variants and the accuracy demanded of a marksman's rifle the Dragunov remains in production today magazine capacity is a healthy ten rounds making it the highest capacity rifle in its class the Dragunov fires the venerable Russian service rifle cartridge as first used in the Mosin Nagant the 7.62 by 54r millimeter rimmed cartridge in-game the Dragunov is capable of dealing one-hit kills to the upper chest and neck and head when silenced only the head and neck will yield a one-hit kill rate of fire is capped to 235 rounds per minute despite being a semi-automatic weapon this is fast enough for most circumstances but prevents rapid fire as a close-range defense recoil is relatively strong pulling upward and slightly to the right with a slow recovery aim speed is correspondingly sluggish taking 400 milliseconds to scope in and cannot be sped up through use of sleight of hand Pro along with the decent capacity reload times are recently quick just three seconds to complete which for a sniper rifle is more than manageable the Draganov comes with it's very own scope by default the pso-1 telescopic sight Thor pretz-elle sniper sky opt cesky which has a unique Chevron reticle and rangefinder as far as optics go it's not a bad scope for the weapon the default zoom level is adequate for most situations those preferring a more aggressive approach with the Dragunov might favor the ACOG scope with its lesser magnification it's a little easier to use at close ranges however these scope can't be steadied and the zwei eliminates your ability to place precise shots at range essentially you lose the prime advantage of the weapon and gain instead a cumbersome middle range weapon a role that one of the assault rifles would suit far better the long-range scopes are definitely the superior choice with the Dragunov and the infrared scope is not a bad option for this weapon distant enemies are highlighted bright white useful for picking out concealed foes although this does come at a cost of definition on target now I'd still recommend it however that the ranges you should be employing the Draganov the lack of peripheral vision isn't an issue at all just bear in mind that Ghost Pro users won't be highlighted my favorite optic was the variable scope it resembles the default scope with the familiar Chevron reticle but it comes with three zoom levels for close mid and long range shots the ability to change your magnification to a comfortable level for any given position helps increase your versatility something which the sniper rifles so sorely lack the increased peripheral vision on the lower zoom can be a boon as a to narrow field of view can hide an enemy's approach equally the longer zoom can make all the difference over the longest sidelines when positioning the perfect headshot extended magazines grunt 50% extra capacity 15 rounds instead of 10 while it's nice to have fewer reloads 10 rounds is more than sufficient and the Dragunov has one of the faster reloads within the sniper category so the extra five rounds don't make much of a difference if absolute stealth is your preference soon the suppressor will keep you off the mini-map but it will hurt the power of your shots with either a direct head or neck shot needed to ensure a one-hit kill this will mean you'll require two shots to kill more often and as the recoil of the Dragunov is sufficient to disturb your aim you're likely to see fewer kills overall still you will remain undetected so it could help keep you alive if you're the patient saw overall I'd have to recommend the variable scope for the increase in versatility all of the infrared scope is another interesting choice a sniper is most effective when they have their luxury of time with which to aim with the ability to kill in just one shot remaining undetected is a must our first perk choice is a simple one then ghost grants immunity from detection by spy planes allowing you to more easily occupy a position without the enemy being aware of your presence in cases where you might be flanked or otherwise encounter an enemy in close proximity ghosts will help you avoid nasty surprises when the enemy has the radar advantage even under the cloak of stealth you'll occasionally need to defend yourself against a close-range attacker and our second perk choice helps maximize your class's versatility by granting faster switching of weapons scout pro half the time it takes to swap between your Draganov and your secondary and up close a pistol will serve you much better than the sniper rifle one habit you should get into is swapping out your pistol for another primary as soon as you're able there are no shortage of competitive assault rifles or SMG littering the battlefield so swapping out your sidearm for something like a famas or aks-74u is a very wise move indeed with Scout pro you can go from defenseless sniper to close-range powerhouse in a heartbeat Scout also grants you the ability to hold your breath for twice as long nice to have but it's undoubtedly the pro buck that's more useful our final perk helps us to get to sniping positions more quickly while these snipers aren't effective on the move frequent but careful repositioning will help keep you alive longer marathon rounds out our scout sniper class increasing sprint time and allowing you to evade foes intent on assaulting your position the ability to quickly flank and help maneuver the enemy is invaluable striking from the side will help avoid direct firefights while on the move switching to your secondary is a good idea as mentioned ideally you'll pick up another weapon to use when on the move or as a close-range defense not every kill can be with the sniper rifle to attempt to win a gunfight is all too often futile sadly you can't pack two primaries on spawn in black ops so you'll have to make do with a pistol to begin with as ever my favorite is the cset 75 with extended magazines boasting the longest effective range and capacity of all the pistols elect whichever works for you just remember to swap it out for a more competitive weapon as soon as you can as for the rest of your loader you'll want to take either the motion sensor or Claymore for your equipment slot to serve as another aspect of your close-range defense I preferred the Claymore with a mobile sniper class as your Claymore will remain deadly out of sight but your motion sensor needs to be picked up and redeployed at each firing location to remain effective grenades aren't a major part of the snipers kit as ideally you'll be outside firing range but I like the tomahawk for the quick throw upon close enemies who take you by surprise for your tactical grenades you could either use flash or concussion grenades to slow and ultimately evade attackers or they're decoys to draw unsuspecting folk into your Killzone situational awareness is key to effectively choosing a firing location some spots are obvious such as windows and towers but in practice you can fire effectively from any cover with good sight lines in fact it's the less obvious positions from which you'll be able to deal the most damage all I don't expect to stay in one spot for the entire game aiming ahead of time is great if you can anticipate an offensive push by the enemy but don't allow yourself to become blinkered as danger can come from all angles not just the narrow view of the scope the superior capacity of the Dragunov means you can be quite liberal with your use of the trigger but try not to panic when firing waiting an additional moment to ensure your aim is good will end the fight quicker than blindly spraying and hoping for the best like all the sniper rifles the dragon off is deadly if employed correctly no other weapon class has the ability to kill him one well-placed shot at any range by killing in one shot you effectively deny the enemy a chance to fight back and with good positioning and frequent relocation you won't suffer their revenge either this weapon is tough to use the level of precision required and the slow aim speed is at odds with the hectic pace of most games and good positions are hard to come by within the smaller Maps sniping can be a frustrating affair at times without the support of a strong team and with inconsistent spawns performing well is a challenge but is all the more rewarding when it pays off if your aim is true and your position good your enemy won't realize they were in your sights until it's too late thanks for watching this has been xboxahoy join me next time we're not becoming the first handgun the ASP until then farewell
Channel: Ahoy
Views: 608,419
Rating: 4.9717913 out of 5
Keywords: dragunov, sniper, rifle, svd, black, ops, call, of, duty, cod, multiplayer, sniping, tips, pso, scope, extended, mags, magazine, infrared, ir, infra, red, variable, zoom, suppressor, semi, auto, pickle9000, country=russia, category=sniper
Id: XX7yt77a6-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2010
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