Stakeout - Black Ops Multiplayer Weapon Guide

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Again for reference, this week's loadout is:

  • Stakeout - Grip
  • CZ75 - Extended Mags
  • Semtex - Flashbang - Tactical Insertion
  • Lightweight (Pro) - Hardened (Pro) - Marathon (Pro)
👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Kweasel 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2011 🗫︎ replies

I did find your perk choice of Hardened a bit strange, I know that you're going for variety in the weapon guides, Xboxahoy... but in your personal experience did you find Hardened help all that much? I remember in your MW2 guides you said FMJ was near useless with most of the shotguns, is that the case in BO? I would think SoH would be a far more useful perk.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Ta_Da 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2011 🗫︎ replies

Another great guide, though I'll admit I also find using hardened with a shotgun rather unconventional. I won't pass judgement til I use the gun first however.

On another note, I lol'd so hard at 4:50.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/CadoProeliator 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2011 🗫︎ replies

Flash Grenades? Personally I don't like them just because it takes a tiny bit longer to throw than the Concussion.

Oh and when that player tried to do the 360 No scope...Oh man he got what he deserved.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/MattyMcD 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2011 🗫︎ replies

No pun? :(

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/CutCopyPaste 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2011 🗫︎ replies

I think it would have been nice to include the new benefit of shotguns killing second chance in one shot. I suppose it probably takes too long to produce to include this recent fact.
Other than that, excellent as always. Loved the 360 no scope trap shoot.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/nuclearbum 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2011 🗫︎ replies

Can you please let Xboxahoy post the videos? He deserves the karma, not you.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2011 🗫︎ replies

I absolutely love that this came out today. I am doing a shotgun only prestige today and I used your olympia with your setup and razed the enemies.

Time to dominate consistently. Godspeed Xboxahoy. Godspeed.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2011 🗫︎ replies

I get all giddy every time I see a new guide by XboxAhoy. His guides are the sole reason I gave the game a second chance. I'm still terrible at it, but I'm trying to improve my gameplay with his guides.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2011 🗫︎ replies
hello this is xboxahoy and this is episode 10 of my black ops weapon guide glad you could join us in this episode we're covering the second shotgun the stakeout it's unlocked at level 8 and is a pump-action weapon the stakeout is an American firearm produced by the Ithaca gun company of New York the stakeout is a variant of the Ithaca model 37 named for the year it was first produced the model 37 is thickest best-selling and most well known product with a simple enduring design and rugged pump-action the stakeout is the pistol grip variant of the model 37 of a more compact size due to its shorter barrel and the lack of a stock the weapon has a tube magazine with a capacity of four shells it fires standard 12-gauge cartridges likely double-aught buck in-game the stakeout is a high damage shotgun with each pallet on par with the Olympia damage falls off a little sooner than with the Olympia but the pellets have a slightly longer reach due to the pump action your rate of fire is limited just 92 rounds per minute or 109 per minute with the grip attachment it also has the narrowest spread of all the shotguns in game and counter to what you may expect aiming down the sights will narrow the spread further thus the high damage pad with the narrow spread means you're far more likely to see a one-hit kill towards the end of your effective range just as well given the slow rate of fire aim time is as quick as an SMG and like the other shotguns 200 milliseconds reload times are a little different in that cartridges are inserted individually the first shell takes a second with subsequent ones inserted every 0.6 seconds if you keep the weapon topped up reloads are seldom an issue like most of the shotguns the attachments are few and far between with just one available there's little in the way of choice the grip is definitely something you'll want though as it offers two benefits with no detriments whatsoever the first is admittedly not much help the reduction of recoil the grip grants helps your aim settle faster but given the time between shots this isn't any help the second benefit is a faster fire rate bumping your output to 109 rounds per minute excluding reloads in cases where your first shot doesn't kill this can save your life so the grip is a necessity given that there's no benefit going without for your secondary pistols are as ever the more versatile backup for an aggressive class elect whichever you're most comfortable with as for equipment in objective games the tactical insertion will serve you very well place it close to the objective you're attacking in a non obvious location and you'll be able to sustain a near continuous assault tipping the odds of success in your favor lethal grenades are your preference semtex is probably the best offensive choice and for your tactical slot you'll either want concussion or flash grenades or perhaps smoke grenades for objective modes flashbangs were my preferred tactical grenade toss one among a group of enemies and as long as you don't flash yourself they'll be left helpless and ripe for the picking shotguns are only truly effective within a very narrow range and unfortunately getting caught outside of this range is sometimes inevitable and will often get you killed our first perk choice helps us close the gap quicker and can make the difference between a kill and a death the 7% increase light weight grants will allow you to dart into cover and run circles around slower opponents often allowing you to pop up with a least expect you should generally stick to areas suiting close quarter combat but sometimes open areas are unavoidable light weight minimizes your exposure and the pro benefit eliminates fall damage often allowing you to take unorthodox shortcuts one general rule of thumb to follow for weapons with a slower rate of fire is to ensure maximum lethality perk not in previous titles this meant that the pump-action bolt-action or burst fire weapons were all best with stopping power when follow-up shots are slow anything you can do to ensure the first kills is very beneficial of course stopping power isn't an option in black ops but our second perk choice hardened increases penetration effects uncover and can sometimes make the difference between a kill and a mere hit marker when facing an enemy aware of your presence needing two shots can spell your demise so you don't want any cover inadvertently getting in the way of a lethal shot the pro benefit is also helpful reduce flinch when you're hit or prevent your shot from going off target should you take incoming fire and will help ensure the shot pattern is as central as possible you'll want to aim down sights almost all the time when firing the stakeout so steady aim is less useful and although the you faster reload an endtime upside of hand may be tempting it won't increase your rate of fire and otherwise won't make much of a difference our third perk is a perfect partner to lightweight and will do much to ensure you can get close to your enemy marathon increases your endurance allowing infinite sprint the pro variant in team games this is essential marathon paired with a tactical insertion will allow you to get behind the enemy and take on groups by surprise often securing multiple kills in a row enemies unaware of your presence make easier prey and a high mobility class with the ability to choose your own spawn point will allow you to show up and unexpected places one thing to beware when using marathon and lightweight is claymores you are better off avoiding predictable defensive spots and instead concentrate on catching enemies on the move in high-traffic areas the stakeout is not suited to room clearing the automatic weapons fare much better as there's less penalty for missing your target with the first shot the stakeout has the most consistent one-shot performance of all the shotguns coupled with the longest reach within the category if you're careful to line up your shot to hit center mass on your target you'll be surprised at how far away you can secure a kill this reliable one-hit kill can work wonders when facing groups of two or more enemies as in the time it takes to cycle the action you can adjust your aim to the next target potentially killing three targets in a little over a second this does demand a certain degree of accuracy though a misplaced shot will give the enemy time enough to defeat your assault an occasional inconsistency can foil your one-hit kill potential as well if your first shot fails to kill then the slow cycle time will be your downfall an opponent aware of your presence will have no trouble killing it in the time it takes to reach aim burr this weapon demands the highest degree of precision within the shotgun category but as long as your shots are accurate and your position advantageous with the stakeout your enemy will be almost certain to meet their maker thanks for watching this has been xboxahoy join me next time when I'll be covering the second LMG the RPK until then farewell
Channel: Ahoy
Views: 632,344
Rating: 4.9725122 out of 5
Keywords: ithaca, stakeout, model, 37, shotgun, pump, action, 12, gauge, weapon, guide, black, ops, bo, multiplayer, mp, call, of, duty, cod, tips, loadout, perks, perk, pickle9000, category=shotgun, country=usa
Id: b1VX9-6f0AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2011
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