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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i shall tell you a story not found in many history books a story many would call myth or fantasy years ago a great war waged between mankind and the saudis dark elves of the forest of size they asked for peace and resolution and in turn the dark elves mercilessly struck again they would not rest until every human had been murdered their evil spread like wildfire kingdoms lost under the shroud of night in desperation the land of tyra spleen expelled its last mission of help [Music] and so our story begins [Music] out [Music] vegas [Music] [Music] wow [Music] please i beg you for mercy [Music] your majesty i i know of you look at me i am and this [Music] is my lady if i may suggest we should leave this place at once it's not safe of course he's still alive my lady would you care for the odd [Music] [Music] i cannot as you wish please press forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] do not overstate your place could all her majesty will address you at a pleasure my sincere apologies your majesty i must admit i've never been in the presence of the high court it is an honor there's no need for pleasantries here my lord these are desperate times and dire circumstances you may communicate freely my lady's too generous to answer your question my father charged me with traveling to baghna brim i was to beg lord blackthorne to aid in our war i see a wise mission his army is larger than ours by several legions and he has heavy cavalry lord blackthorne will not help us why do you suppose this he feels the fight with the dolkafar is our own tune for a king's night yes the battle is ours for a short time but should we fall does anybody truly believe that the elves will stop they will continue until every human breathes their last breath those not directly confronted with the war my lady often like the will to fight it is not the will but the courage lord blackthorne's an able and intelligent commander i will give him the courage his strength is in the art of negotiations he will not surprise me to discover that he's already agreed to a peace with the elves to avoid confrontation so you suggest that he will do nothing to help us apathy is evil's greatest ally my lady [Music] my lady is quite bedizened the dress may be appropriate for the king's court but certainly not for the voyager thank you so how did you find yourselves in that forest we were separated from our division so your division must be nearby perhaps they can accompany me on the rest of my journey the roads aren't safe the vision is no more we're the only survivors where was this battle apparel they've taken errol and turn days actually we must reach bhagna brim it's our only hope of course i will do as commanded but it is an assignment from which there will be no return we can dispatch a few rogues and blagats but if we're to encounter an entire legion there is very little we can do then we must go around them back through that forest my lady that is the forest of scythe and evil reigns it is home to the necromancer freya and her fire drake i know i've seen it what moments before you arrived no one has ever seen the dragon survive to tell the tale tell us of the beast your highness it stands taller than the ashla that surrounds our kingdom its eyes are hollow and full of evil its flesh that of the serpent does he truly bring fire indeed as you your library there but when it approached the elves remained still it only attacked when i turned to run then it is possible to move through the forest undetected possible but unlikely [Music] my lady i would be remiss not to advise you that your proper place back at the castle the people there view you as a symbol of hope perhaps you can rally resistance prevent a surrender symbols must fight the wars have made you hard and this my deepest apologies but my father's a wise and great leader yes however it was a tactical mistake to allow the dolker file the time to regroup we should have crushed them when we had the chance now they are better armed and view out mercy as weakness elegant words and fiery speeches do not win battles my lord armies do we need lord blackthorne's support and you will help me to attain it as you wish he is a good man still i hope you do not view his contention as a weakness of character i do not i believe all men are entitled to speak their minds and i admire his convictions whether or not i agree with them he's truly correct in his assessment of you you will one day make a just and fair queen although you've provided me with new clothes i seem to not have a weapon are you versed in swordsmanship i can handle a play where did you acquire those skills my father was very strict in my education in addition to my quarterly duties he educated me in military strategy and combat i apologize for questioning you this blade was a gift from my father let it now be a gift to you thank you then we shall press forward [Music] listen carefully we must mind every step speak never above a whisper understood i know of this place i've been here before in dreams does your majesty wish to change her orders [Music] no [Music] no amount of text oral tutoring will prepare you for what you're about to see your courage was come from within no time to futile this place is not likely to become less terrifying [Music] wants a good race weren't they was this very forest that drove them to evil and madness do you hear that i hear nothing precisely [Music] we are not alone here to cover [Music] [Music] hey uh [Music] [Music] two [Music] huh [Music] [Music] it's not kinkful get off your knees you care to explain your ambush you never can be too careful the forest decide it's a dangerous place so you would attack anyone who crosses your path friend or foe effective way of finding out which side you're on would you say let us continue uh your lady friend seems a might pretty quaft to be a blaggard or a forest dweller looks to be royalty to me she is simply a traveling companion we have no business with you so we should be on our way two of the king's elite rangers and a young attractive companion travel in the forest of scythe it's very odd indeed mind your business sir do not engage this fool fool foolish enough to take your party friend believe me if i wanted you dead i could have it perhaps you were at a different battle than i you travelers are ill-prepared to navigate the forest what if instead of us buying the fools you encountered dulca for centurions or possibly the fire drake itself we do not need your assistance if that is your question if i'm asanite i believe you do how is it that you find yourselves in this place your picks far from your land we have come to claim the ultimate prize the head of the dragon itself what experience do you have in such matters [Laughter] have you not heard of the kensington basilisk no a dragon far fiercer than this one slayed by us hi my lady the basilisk claimed the lives of thousands sparked my words you will not survive the day without our expertise the princess holds a weapon does she know how to use it i can handle myself to be sure be sure but uh judge and by your tire i suspect it was impromptu mission her majesty would never travel during the war time without a compliment to protect her hi legion of two men hi my mission is covert ah a mission of importance it would be our honor to assist you very well then you're welcome to join us your highness let's protest well we could assist you for a small fee a pittance really what do you have in mind i don't know perhaps a small parcel of land or title a pit barbarian wants landon title you would have to swear your allegiance to me and my father exchange for lad without question my lady why does my lady think we need the help of these weavers they know the area we're already on demand especially if we encounter the dragon but a larger party increases the chance of detection ah no it doesn't see there's quite enough sneak up on you friend blind look yeah call it what you will now her majesty excuse me doesn't prefer to part with land then perhaps she and i can discuss another form of compensation in private enough you have offended the princess's honor she doesn't look after to me yeah codes and traditions they made nothing here lad killed a hundred men if it was one with this blade and i wouldn't hesitate to slit your throat right here are you finished with your antics boy stop the food and ask the [ __ ] question i will need to sacrifice my life for my princesses on are you willing to sacrifice yours in defense of your ego you seem a better outclassed stop the foodle and answer the bloody question nay i don't intend to die this day or any other for that matter good you've proved your skills in theory at least now if your highness wishes to engage your assistance i shall honor a request by spurring all your lives are we agreed we are then you will compete and assist us through sight when we arrive safely in the court of lord blackthorne in baghdabrun then you will be bestowed with a land entitled you desire excellent i'm gareth moore halt i'm segomo my blade is yours my lady i am called naga it's a pleasure to serve you now that's settled shall we press forward to magnificent [Music] [Music] no matter this day will come that is our new mission this way [Music] squire moves to the stealth of pachyderm he's not my squire but my lieutenant he's trained as i am it's not a mystery then why your army is such a dire possession what do you know of it enough should you survive my kingdom will become your kingdom you too shall be called upon to defend it and i'll do so my own terms i'll follow blindly she and the kitlander do i you professed to be my teacher [Laughter] it would take two lifetimes to teach adult like you what i believed i like you quick with wet in the blade it's pity really why both of those are wasted on those that don't respect it artemia what happened [Music] do you value their lives above your own it has been so long who are you [Music] foreign can you continue good come now get enough knowledge to call a horde of those pasties our eyes deceive us all good we should try and speak to her not my suggestion no i prefer to conduct my introductions something's a mess good my way then [Music] ah [Music] so [Music] what is your business here you are the trespassers here i should ask you the same question you're in a position to ask nothing you have yet to see the depth of my power i implore all of you to rethink your actions what is your business with us witch you have entered my domain the forest of scythe belongs to me then you are the necromancer freyja how do you know how she is only the dragon's master would feel safe in its forest if only it were that simple i am not the dragon's master far from it its power usurps mine its evil knows no bounds it is beyond the control of any human oh necromancer yet you stay here you don't fear it its fate and mine are and intertwined it to life i gave a part of my essence and through my blood flows the essence of the beast and you two are able need to be put down i prefer dealing with him he appears to be a man of honor not a brute who sees the world in absolutes i'm a deal from all you wish when you're done speaking in your half sentences and riddles then you can deal with me intriguing creature i don't know if i should kill you i'll keep you as pet freya i'm a laura veneer princess of tyra splain ah my deep quite right we need to cross this forest if it is indeed your land we apologize for our trespass but our mission is urgent and of great importance such strength in your voice a shame it does not reflect in your eyes and your eyes rest fear fear and uncertainty i like you dear child you best make better companions for irrational men will lead to your doom what do you mean despite seeing a small display of my sorcery they are all ready to attack your protector's hand on his glaive the young knight has thoughts of slitting my throat as well as other thoughts of love a happier time after this get out of our heads witch your mission is noble if not i see into the future a gift and a curse some of you will not survive to see another day another threat not by my hand if not by you then how the beast the beast will claim some of you your plan to avoid it will not work the dragon must be confronted and defeated if you are to continue to bag no bryn you must confront your fears of the beast as you confront the fears i don't you the dragon plague is my doing i have waited here for decades hoping for someone with enough valor my stupidity to challenge the creature are you the ones i have waited for we are the brave not the stupid one does not exist without the other will you help us to right the wrong that you feel that you've i can created it from your words i cannot engage it i can only offer my guidance and protection then we will gladly accept both this is my leash the last of the fae el kawai that means i shall fight by your side i'll give my life to protect yours we shall offer our protection a storm is coming the dragon will wait as it passes listening we too shall wait i have never been too fond of necromancers all right [Music] [Music] so so tell me do you know of the dragon's movements this is how she sleeps resting he's blushing cast takes great energy i see that watch is holding back information what do you mean why isn't the king send dragon slayers he's got a legion of men in his command then why show herself to us and offer her support perhaps we are destined to slay the beast she said she knows the future necromancers know a possible future a man's fate is his own determined by his actions the dragon was your creation why i know you're a father quite well despite his allegiance to the new religion he offends out my guidance my father commanded you to create your father cannot command me no one can he asked me pleaded with me to invoke the dragon for what purpose the weapon the weapon and the deliverance a way to end the open threat a permanent solution my father's a good man all he's ever wanted is peace he would not ask you to exterminate an entire race of beings true we had hoped the mere existence of the dragon but our command would be enough to deter the dokufa creature could not be tamed once brought to life its appetite became insatiable and i can no longer control it it came to rest here in this wicked place why does it not slay the elves on occasion it does this has no mastermind caitlyn is right killing the dragon maybe one of our birthrights and i techie you believe it to be yours i do does my lady need some company he cannot see me of course please he oversteps his place true love flourish almost any place more words to live by from gareth moorhool no i heard of some place thank you for martha once rob the sorceress is troubled you yes what do you fear speak your heart he can't be trusted i know that one day my father will pass and i will be queen and the fine leader you shall make i challenged lord artemis earlier but his words are true my father has made mistakes mistakes that may cost us our kingdom you're not doomed to make your father's mistakes that's not what i fear i've seen the destruction caused by our enemies since the day of my birth we've been engulfed by war i fear that i won't retain his benevolence you lack the capacity for tyranny my lady do i i resisted slaying that elf not because i couldn't bring myself to do it but because that was the only thing that i wanted to do there was no mercy in my heart i dropped that blade because i feared giving it my anger my bloodlust a truly great leader finds a balance between the two mercy is reserved for those that deserve it those that would return it ruthlessness is reserved for those without remorse but do you know the difference something you feel what if the sorcerer's words to you what is this love that she talks my lord you're blushing you overstate my emotion and my title you're not yet knighted no something that can easily be remedied saving her majesty's life's deserving thank you if you do not wish to tell me of your personal affairs i understand but know this whoever she is she's very fortunate to have such a man devoted to her but indeed i am devoted can you believe it it was gareth who negotiated the deal you shall be lucky to get squatters rights in his kingdom good point and i as a woman am unable to hold land myself well if you and i will be married not even 100 spates of land could entice me to that my friend you are so cruel [Music] they are everywhere i cannot see them [Music] can you see them [Music] hi my mark ready [Music] ah [Music] wow [Music] ugh oh god [Music] we have to go [Music] why do you like the sorceress lathe she is the one most familiar with the terrain understood but clearly it's not the quickest way through the forest you question my judgment i do i question your honesty where are you taking us as i have told the dragon must be confronted and defeated why we should avoid it at all cost princess is our charge not defeating this dragon you do not wish to meet your destiny stop speaking in riddles and half truths why us why do we have to face this dragon amongst one of you is the key to its destruction the dragon's destruction more than anything will ensure the safety of your kingdom who which one of us is it only in the fray of battle will all become clear to reveal the details of the future to those not ready to accept it will only lead to disaster we pledge to assist the princess not yet i say we make haze for the edge of the forest aye it is true freya can be trusted what was your plan to kill the dragon she's put you under some sort of spell your judgment's clouded i speak what i believe to be correct the sorceress has defended us assisted our safety to mistrust and now we'll be foolhardy the key to slaying the beast is immobilizing it first attacking its wings then its tail it's tail dragon uses the tail for balance the damage wings in the tail cannot fly away tell me is that how you slayed the other creature it is please continue once it is trapped becomes a battle of attrition small target attacks always aiming at its heart but this one is a fire drink how do you propose we avoid its breath which is tricky without question there's always a moment before it attacks while it summons the fire from its belly when you see that that's the time to take cover the fire drake can only bring forth the blaze every few minutes or so in between attacks is when we strike it's always best to attack it when it rests ideal in its layer its defenses will be down is that where you're leading us we shall press forward thank you for honoring your word believe me be less hazy to do so with that promise of land and title defending our kingdom means nothing to you defending my livelihood means more then you're truly in this only for yourself every man is always for himself you can use your flowery words of duty and fighting for a cause but reality is much different you are wrong artemia and i have pledged our elites save your words the only reason you stand here now is because it's the only way for a commoner like yourself to attain any kind of standing these are rules created by your beloved king and princess enforced by their implied rules of tyranny there's no such thing as a good ruler the very position has evil at its heart i have sworn to fight for the ideals of my kingdom i would not do that if i did not believe them you mean to tell me you'd risk your life defending the beliefs of others think for yourself man i do you don't from the cradle to grave people like you are taught to obey not high that makes you less of a man does it maybe the princess should decide which one of us is more of a man eh come now caitlyn the only reason you stand here defending her honor is the hope that one day you might get taste what is most certainly her sweet nectar that is enough come now boy we've been here before you pledge to follow me do so i pledge to protect the princess not follow ye this is not your destiny gareth moorhood the dragon will not fall by your hand well there you have it from the coveted mouth of the west you came here to fight the dragon why do you now wish to avoid that conflict because for a moment i was small i began to worry about her safety become my new charge despite your silly notions of duty and honor i have my own you're leading her toward death tussling with this dragon there's no place for her i'm not gonna stand here and watch as her protectors become our executioners so protect me we do not need him if that is what you truly believe why don't you remain and finish your mission because i cannot collect payment from a dead woman later of a dead kingdom you are not a man of honor by any definition and to think that i thought differently i was so terribly wrong nobody's perfect not even you come on well come on let him leave i will remain my led man of true character we would be honored to have your sword the land and title shall be yours bloody fool thank you thank you he's made his choice we must press forward [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] why do we stop the dragon is not in its lair we shall wait for its return close enough to watch its movements far enough away for it not to sense us until now my eyes had never seen a dragon to think i will soon be charged with slain one your false humility is quite impressive you believe yourself to be the one decide the beast but of course she tells us to wait and walk forward why the site quarter she'll return when it is time to continue [Music] um so is [Music] why did gareth truly leave what it's because they have never slayed a dragon he speaks the truth what of the basilisk a moment of good luck we entered the creature's lair to find it already dead we severed its head and dragged it back to kensington which was no small task if i may had so what was your plan here we were to hide in the forest for a week or two then return to the village with wild tales of the dragon's power and we would ask for more gold to defeat it they would pay and we would be on our way so everything you have told us about defeating the creature is also a lie no no no no mate those effects how do you know we read of it in an old tome dating back to the time of the druids he did not lie of his feelings or his intentions i have known him since i was a child it was his intent to honor his pledge to see you to bhagnapur you make him out to be some sort of a hero he is a rogue and a blaggard he is a good man and a loyal friend he just sees the world differently than you do tell me of your vision is it of our future tell me of your vision perhaps tell me tell deserve your commands for your subjects wait must avoid acts of heroism without thought [Music] in this fight or to follow lord artemia's orders just as if you were on the battlefield of course my lady what did she say to you nothing i would not question her majesty's honesty but i see falsehood in your eyes she said we're to be successful victory is our destiny her prophecy came with a warning something is not right [Applause] [Music] [Music] my mark we rush it when he moves to us swing with all your might we will distract it understood [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] oh go now is our chance [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we should survive yes the invocation in the blow to the beast have weakened her but it is weakened yes then we must strike quickly before the wound has time to heal can you move we must act quickly and finish the beast off i do not want to die i want to live you shall we will be victorious do not surrender now how are we supposed to defeat such a thing together we can look at me we won the first battle there will always be loss do not let his sacrifice be in vain good how do we slay the beast send veneer into me leave us you shall remain here if we do not return by sundown you will tell the king of our plight i shall not my place is with you and her highness are you defying a direct order yes i swore the same oath as you my lord and the best way to fulfill that oath is to do as i say you risked your life saving mine during the battle allow me the right to repay that debt i did what anyone would do for a fellow soldier you did what anyone would do for a friend you have taught me everything you know you need my blade during this battle and if we fail how will the king learn of it a foolish question we will not fail we cannot share your bravery but not your optimism there is a reason we survived our fates were sealed during that battle we are on borrowed time you know as well as i do that we should have been vanquished with the others destiny has led us here to this moment it is not optimism my friend but faith [Music] then your faith is much stronger than mine my friend i have enough for the both of us take this what is this the time is right you will know i not give it to lord artemis no dear child this is your destiny i cannot do this i do not have the courage i will surely fail it resides deep inside of you is your birthright by my hand the dragon and my solution i don't understand your father is thinking done to ensure your ascension to the throne but i am your mother the same blood that flows through the dragon flows through you you have its strengths without its weaknesses you can't leave me my fates are intertwined the dragon is vanquished so shall i and your father and know this the dragon will do all it can to stop you it knows of your power do you understand i understand knight him should he not survive give him that honoring death rise sabain defender of the realm you know my fate and i it i do not we are all masters of our own fates today we will transcend fear and vanquish evil we shall shape whatever future we desire together starting with this day and every day from this one forward today she'll be remembered not as a day of tragedy or sadness but as a day of hope you have heard our majesty the dragon is ours long live king venire long live king veneer [Music] we must strike now while the wound is fresh i will create the first diversion by charging it head-on could all when it focus its attention on me attack your highness wait for the right moment then strike [Music] the dragon awaits as we discussed ugh oh [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] ugh again she is ready [Music] now [Applause] [Applause] ugh now your majesty do your worst [Music] rule [Music] it is done [Music] [Music] [Music] to come forward to meet this we shall die with dignity caitlyn it's a good death one of these bastards take the hell with us [Music] wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi we finally killed a dragon good question [Music] ugh [Music] um [Music] it's done as i knew it would be please don't you can't go you are my future [Music] uh [Music] arrows to not die of old age the sorceress freya was laid to rest her soul allowed to move to the next world lord artemir was given a traditional soldier's funeral sent on his way to heaven following the path of so many heroes before him this our day of sacrifice and hope the curse of the forest of scythe was lifted and with it the souls of the elves returned king veneer passed before elora's return she assumed the throne the princess kept her promise to herself and her people she ruled fairly and justly guaranteeing freedom and happiness to all that lived in the land that is not to say that there were not further perils the forces of evil would rise again the only hope for defending the land of tear spleen became the support of their once sworn enemy the elves of fae together they would find the courage to face the eminent attack for inside all of us there is a hero but that is another story you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 388,480
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Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Dragon, Dragon movies, Fantasy Adventure Movie
Id: -db64uTIWLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 1sec (5041 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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