Dragon Egg Hunt | @MorphleFamily | My Magic Pet Morphle | Kids Cartoons

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[Music] can morph into anything I want [Music] hmm [Music] huh that Dragon just took our ball oh no oh not more full morph into an airplane let's follow the Dragon [Music] ah look more full she thinks our ball is her egg but where is her real egg [Music] Footprints maybe if we follow them we will find her missing eggs yeah let's go more full over there [Music] um oh no morph into a rocket morphle [Music] morph into a pillow [Music] yeah great job morphle wait where is the baby dragon uh oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] morph into a megaphone a driver watch out [Applause] [Music] you oh no where did it go now [Music] oh no oh no [Music] [Music] baby dragon you're flying [Music] foreign [Music] it's your baby [Music] can we please have our ball back thank you now we can finally get back to our game [Music] morph into a vacation home [Music] oh I can't wait to start our vacation ah yes yes two weeks of relaxing and reading [Music] do we have everything we saw action all right toys [Music] do you really want to take all that stuff you never know when you're going to need it shall we go hi Captain Mila All Aboard liftoff [Music] well Captain Mila where do you want to spend our vacation hmm how about the jungle [Music] come Marvel let's play together with this ball [Music] oh that must be my stomach I must be getting hungry [Applause] [Music] oh no more food more back into a house [Music] well the jungle seems a little dangerous Captain Mila we need a different location the desert it doesn't have tigers and the weather is nice [Music] Mila I think the desert is a little too warm you're right we need to go somewhere to cool off more full morph back into a house [Music] the North Pole no tigers and it's not too warm outside yes but it's really cold and slippery [Music] thanks morphle okay I have one more location I want to try but it's going to be a surprise all right Captain Mila let's go [Music] hey this is the beach close to home yes it is no tigers not too hot and not too cold it's perfect [Music] hey kids if you wash up you can go play what's up but Daddy our hands aren't even that dirty there's always dirt you can't see and it's very important to keep clean hey why don't you sing the wishy-washy washing song that way washing your hands will be way more fun [Music] here in the kitchen everyone knows there's a wishy-washy washing song and this is how it goes you use water and soap you rub your hands close rinse and repeat until everyone knows and that's how the wishy-washy watching song goes cake they looked clean before but now they're sparkling clean now that we're done washing up we can go play Let's Go [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Bandits you're making everything dirty are you going to clean that up clean it up why should we yeah why should we we were just having fun when everything around us is dirty it's really hard to stay clean yourself staying clean is for Goody Two-Shoes like you we're bad guys so we don't have to clean up [Music] laughs oh those Bandits let's go get ourselves clean again morphle [Music] here in the bathroom everyone knows there's a wishy-watchy washing song and this is how it goes you use water and soap you rub your hands close rinse and repeat until everyone knows and I'll tell the way she watching watching tacos oh no oh [Music] yeah oh [Music] not in my city look it's officer free let's go morphle stop it Bandits I'm taking you to jail to jail we didn't do anything we're innocent yeah you have no proof that we were the ones who made this mess but I do your dirty hand prints are all over the city our fingerprints oh no but first you'll have to clean up all this mess we can help with that yeah yeah we'll do how important it is to stay clean [Music] he gives water and soap you rub your hands close rinse and repeat until everyone knows and that's how the wishy-washy washy song goes [Music] morph into a big T-Rex [Music] wow morphle that was really loud [Music] foreign [Music] wake up [Music] ice cream Mr ice cream man could you play your ice cream jingle for more full of course [Music] ice cream here you go now we have to find that magic pet that put you to sleep can we borrow your tape player for a while Mr ice cream man but of course [Music] thank you [Music] look more full half the town is asleep I bet that magic pet did it [Music] that does not look same we need to stop that drill more full foreign [Music] all right let's move on [Music] are you ready Maximilian foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] morph into an elephant too and splash some water on his face [Music] whew thanks we learned more for let's keep searching more full morph into an airplane [Music] over there Louisville [Music] I think it's trying to find a place to sleep [Music] foreign ah I know what to do my screen Marvel morph into a flying bed [Music] this way the magic pet will come to us all at once is a place to sleep foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] morphle hi Shelly do you want to play with me yeah we do more full morph into a submarine [Music] foreign chipper [Music] morph into a dolphin too [Music] laughs [Music] [Laughter] oh no it's the sea monster quickly hide [Music] I feel and this is my friend Jim hi Jam [Music] look wow [Music] and here's Dan's Mommy [Music] this is so much fun it's the sea monster again hi [Music] let's build the Tower [Music] we're up so high we did it look Maurice it's a real mermaid let's catch it oh no it it's the Pirates we'll catch you mermaid [Music] that's not a mermaid no it's a red submarine [Music] morphle morph into oh no it's the sea monster again what is that [Applause] ah the sea monster is helping us [Music] wow [Music] thank you for helping us you weren't scary at all do you want to play with us [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh no what's wrong my bus broke down how am I gonna bring everyone to their work today but but I have to be at the police station they can't do without me [Music] oh no I have to go to the zoo who is going to feed the animals [Music] and I have to go to my ice cream truck without me there is no ice cream [Music] morph into a bus so we can help them [Music] yeah let's bring them to their work oh no powerful jelly so we can touch the lady on the street [Music] thank you Mill and more form [Music] [Applause] oh thank you and goodbye you're welcome police officer freeze now we only have to bring the ice cream man back to his ice cream truck whoa what's what's happening [Music] [Applause] oh no no I can never get to my ice cream truck hmm Marvel try to get out of the bean [Music] mortal morph Rockets onto the bus [Music] Bellissimo you save the smartphone yay we did it more full everyone got to their work on time uh-oh we're late for school [Music] oh no more full morph into a superhero foreign [Music] thank you more for the superhero wow our first superhero too awesome [Music] oh no we need to catch him [Music] [Applause] thank you morphle [Music] no not in my sick let's bring the tiger back to the zoo okay [Applause] oh shoot [Music] [Applause] oh no quickly morphle get the tiger out of there feel [Applause] wow would you look at that the media [Music] I fall now the medial is heading towards the city oh no stop the meteor morphle good job morphle you stop the meteor you're a real superhero morphle [Music] let us go nah we need you for our trap to catch morphle [Music] help oh oh no we need to help them [Music] hmm [Music] or full stop it's a trap we've caught you Marvel wait that isn't Marvel it's awful here's more full [Music] can you bring officer freeze here to arrest the bandits what are you they're Bandits thank you awful thank you for saving us orfull you're a real superhero [Music] [Laughter] please be quiet hellofox is sleeping I think telefox has a bad dream what happened look we've been teleported into space [Music] don't worry telefox you didn't do it on purpose and morphle can bring us home again yeah oh no there are a lot of asteroids about to hit the store more full morph into a robot [Music] too many more full morph into a big shield around the store [Music] you did it morphle now we can go home but I can't see Earth anywhere [Music] hi Mr alien oh hello fellow aliens do you know the way to Earth sure Earth is that way thank you Daddy Earth is that way great let's go [Music] oh no Daddy Daddy happen we are not food phew that was close [Music] right there we are space pirates give us that house you have no that's Daddy's magic pet store yeah then we just have to take it [Music] careful morphle Germany Marvel morph into the shield again oh no okay Mila and Waffle I can see Earth again [Music] you did it thank you morphle there you are I have built a rocket do you want to go to space with me no thanks Professor Rasheed we've seen enough of space for today yay Santa left us our Christmas presents [Music] wow Santa gave me a Mr action super mega ice cream action figure [Music] that's pretty cool [Music] good morning Villa and morphle hi Daddy look Santa came that's great [Music] or you may be a bit jealous morphle Santa did not leave more full of presents nothing under the tree except for my glasses but wait [Music] no these are not my glasses they are Santas [Music] [Music] foreign oh no if Santa doesn't have his glasses he won't be able to deliver his presents properly [Music] faster more fool or Christmas this year will be brilliant for everyone [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] questions [Music] [Applause] thank you for saving me that was a close one how did you like your presence but I left a present for both of you under the tree no my glasses under the tree so that's what happened I'm sorry morphle I had to take off my glasses because they were fogging up from the cold without my glasses I could not see what I was doing and I must have mixed up your present with my glasses but wait here is your present Pleasant present more foreign wow that's so cool wait this is your present Mila when I took off my glasses I must have switched up the name tags as well oh well morphle's present is the mission [Music] good morning [Music] [Music] did you see that yawn Mila's dad is holding a barbecue party yeah and we haven't been invited again yeah oh look you're over there that's more food and no one is keeping an eye on him let's grab him while everyone is distracted almost [Music] hey it's the bandits oh shoot he's on to us run away [Music] he spotted us so easily yeah [Applause] [Music] you just gave me an idea yawn oh I did you know what they say the best way to hide is to hide in plain sight follow me on [Music] oh hello there I don't seem to recognize you do we know each other do we know each other ouch you must be joking don't you remember us we're your long-lost brothers this is brother and I'm big brother well I do have a lot of brothers enjoy the barbecue you two let me check my family album I can't believe that word no we can catch more food yeah but um where is he [Music] [Music] hey brothers there you are I had a question a question for uh us how come you two don't have any pictures in the family album that's because we're um we are shy very shy you don't have to be ashamed of yourselves you may be looking a bit weird but you have great beards [Music] video he bought it yes let's look for morphle again wait [Music] yeah I've got him Stein you you did it now what do we do I don't know we never got this far [Music] I can't hold on much longer oh no [Applause] [Music] morphle does that all the time wait where are your beards [Music] wait a minute you're not my brothers You're the bandits Bandits oh no what do we do I I don't know you didn't have to dress up like that Bandits if you wanted to join our barbecue you could have just asked me now why don't you join us you hear that Stein this is the first time we've been invited to something do you still want to catch more food today nah let's just enjoy [Music] [Applause] I can't wait to see this year's Christmas tree for the Christmas party Christmas party [Music] ah awful Christmas tree [Applause] someone already put up a Christmas tree you can take this one back to the forest Lawrence we don't need it ah wonderful the presents and food are already here now I just need to decorate the tree let's see yeah Arthur they have to seek [Music] huh what is [Music] what are you doing awful what happened here Mr Mayor the Christmas tree disappeared and that author took everything else morphle and I will bring it all back thank you but please hurry the party is starting soon to a dog then you can smell where the food's at [Music] do you want to come with us any me [Music] food let's go yeah [Music] awesome and Amy can you use your magic powers to bring them to life [Music] now they can run back to the party themselves wow let's go find the presents [Music] a present and another one there you are here [Music] foreign I do hope Mila and morphle bring a tree we can't have a party without a Christmas tree it's Oracle [Music] there's no time to decorate the tree unless it can run back itself and Mimi we can decorate while it runs let's go [Music] they didn't make it the party is ruined look wow [Music] foreign marvelous you saved the Christmas party [Music] oh it looks great morphle but it's missing a tail [Music] and I don't remember what a pterodactyl looks like we used to go back in time to study the dinosaurs brother time can you zap us to the age of the dinosaurs [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh foreign [Music] morph into a photographasaurus [Music] cool look Marvel pterodactyls [Music] foreign it has a long beak and great wings and helicopter blades [Music] well that was a strange dinosaur yeah look more full a T-Rex a T-Rex is really big and it has large teeth and a roller skate [Applause] [Music] I I've never seen a dinosaur do that before well let's find some other dinosaurs morphle [Music] look more full argentinosauruses yes more full they are very big and have really long necks look more full it will stretch its neck to reach that leaf what's it doing [Music] [Music] foreign did you hear that laugh more full uh-huh something doesn't feel right let's follow that Argentinosaurus [Music] foreign the pterodactyl with helicopter blades the T-Rex on roller skates don't worry because of you we've got some great pictures [Music] do you want to see them [Music] this year we have so many presents I can't bring them all to the city on my own Santa we are here to help morph into a sleigh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the city thank you [Music] after that morphle [Music] be careful lordful [Music] laughs [Music] we are almost back to the city [Music] [Music] congratulations or full but where are all your presents oh no I will never be able to put all the presents underneath the Christmas trees in time we're sorry Santa [Music] let's see who can find the most presents and bring them back [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] wake up Mila morphle and Orville it's time to unwrap presents oh no looks like we didn't find our presents oh last but not least I couldn't have done it without your help [Music] [Applause] look at all these pretty rocks I'm sure daddy will love these Marvel Lift Me Up [Music] [Music] wait here while we get some more [Music] look at all those shiny stones dying yeah really pretty and they have a lot I'm sure they wouldn't mind this taking some right right they had so many they wouldn't even notice if some are gone [Laughter] [Music] all right now let's bail [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] the stones oh no they are stealing our pretty rocks Earth sharks we need to stop them oh no foreign [Music] wait I have an idea [Music] look at that [Music] they're getting away more full morph into an elephant [Music] now let's stop them with the water [Music] Bandits please give us back our Stones never [Music] oh no [Music] well at least we got the stones back right [Laughter] well that went great now we're in the middle of the desert and we don't even have the nice shiny rocks but Stein did you know what sand is made up from Tiny rocks and they're quite pretty [Music] catch the ball morphle [Music] oh wow that was fast no throw it back ah a don't you want to play catch more for more for no one to play match okay do you want to draw something [Music] um so what do you want to do [Music] do you want to play hide and seek maybe okay start counting [Music] morphle do you maybe want to hear a story as the boy walked up to the house the door opened on its own and he heard a scary voice remember no luck story well you're hard to please today morphle hmm shall we take a trip to the beach that always cheers you up [Music] huh [Music] more full look out sorry [Music] let's build a sand castle morphle [Music] huh where are you going Marvel [Applause] [Music] well let's go somewhere else [Music] look at how much fun they're having more full foreign [Music] that's not nice of you huh the popicorn a delicious popcorn [Music] you're a hungry little fellow aren't you whoa morphle did you have breakfast this morning now well for no one it's a breakfast remember wanted to play so that's why you've been cranky all this time you didn't eat anything oh well morphle dig in [Music] did that help morphle are you feeling better now that you've eaten [Music] so happy [Laughter] [Music] those kids are so loud is that boyfriend do you want to help me play some pranks on Mila and morphle yeah [Music] now awful [Music] huh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh it's awful [Music] [Music] oh no [Music] it's awful again hmm I think I know what's going on listen Marvel I have an idea look awful you can jump on top of the sand castle Yeah [Music] [Music] I know Mr vanderboos helps you to prank us but how would you like to help us prank him for once [Music] hi Mr Vanderbilt hi Mila I'm sorry for being so loud Mr vanderboos we will never do so again [Music] thank you oh that's all right I guess I can go back to watering my yard [Music] that's strange now I'm all wet [Music] what is going on [Music] what where did you come from [Music] no stop growing now my backyard looks like a jungle a tiger it really is a jungle [Music] wow the medieval fear is so cool looks like the whole city is here today and wearing costumes too our night costumes are the best right morphle yeah costumes costumes [Music] my friend don't have a costumes [Music] the dragon costume oh silly you don't need a dragon costume when you can morph into a real dragon [Music] oh a real dragon wow so cool [Music] foreign [Music] looks like that musician is hogging all the attention Yorn let's steal her instrument and show everyone what real music sounds like yeah the next song goes out to all the dragons out there [Music] thank you [Music] Legend has it that up on that high Mountaintop lives a terrible monster when it's hungry it comes down to this Forest looking for children so it can eat them that was a fun scary story wasn't it [Music] foreign to a giant robot [Music] I'm not scared of the monster Marvel will protect me I can't believe the monster is even real yeah it was just a story why don't we go and find out purple morph into a helicopter okay but I'm sure we won't find anything [Music] thank you [Music] I bet the monster lives in that cave I'm sure we're not going to find any monsters in there some creatures coming out [Music] you see it was just a bird no monsters here [Music] it's real hey that's not a monster that's our friend the mountain Giant it's not scary no it's a big sweetheart foreign [Music] so kids did you find the monster yes we did yeah and he was really friendly [Music] of course you did of course you did ah finally the last present of tonight after this one we can go home [Music] thank you [Music] oh no my reindeers are missing oh why did they leave what Santa oh Mila and morphle oh it's terrible my reindeers are missing oh no where could have gone I have no idea but I have to find them oh Mila and morphle will you help me out of course Santa more full morph into a reindeer let's go go go go I can't believe how easy it was to steal Santa's reindeers yeah Stein and now we have our own flying sleigh and we can easily steal Christmas presents through the chimneys no more cold for us [Music] look at all those presents time yes yes oh mine um don't you mean ours oh yeah sure that's what I meant let's go to the next house [Applause] did you find my reindeers no it's a Christmas present a Christmas present on the ground how did it get there look look one what score an old girl I don't know but if we follow the trail of Christmas presents I'm sure we'll find out [Music] I'm so excited for Christmas I'll just take a tiny peek at my presents oh I'm sorry Santa I didn't mean to pee wow look at all those presents thank you Santa hey what are you doing in there drop that those are our presents nah uh it says my name on it right here oh you little stein look out hung out [Music] Santa look it's my reindeers huh it's the bandits and they have all the Christmas presents oh oh oh I should have known it was you two who stole my reindeer hey Milan morphle are you here to get your presents too huh Troy [Music] thank you for the present and the fun ride Santa ah this was the best Christmas ever well I'm glad you had fun Troy but thanks to the bandits I still have to deliver all these Christmas presents again how about you two stay there and think about what you've done come on Troy let's get you home [Music] um staying did Santa really leave us here nah I'm sure he will come back to get us down right right [Music] hello [Music] hey kids be careful of others when you're playing officer freeze hey let's have a water fight as long as we're careful let's go [Music] three two one star [Music] s morph into an elephant [Music] hey careful [Music] [Music] thank you stop it all of you look at the mess you've made [Music] uh oh you're going to put everything back and I don't want to see any more morphing on my beach yes officer freeze [Music] we did it what [Music] I'm not on my beach Pirates foreign now I'm all wet again [Music] oh no no we can't stop the Pirates without morphles and awful powers I take it back you can morph again to stop the Pirates yeah let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] morph into an elephant and fire truck again thank you [Music] [Music] you did it more full and Door full only one more night more full and then where's my brother [Music] [Applause] we will see tomorrow morning and the sooner we go to sleep the sooner it will be morning foreign [Music] I think we have enough yawn yeah this year everybody will get coal in their presence from Santa like we do every year let's deliver them [Music] thank you um let's see who will get one of my presents [Music] looks like you're like you're for this year I am well everybody already has presents take a look [Music] but I didn't deliver those looks like you have a secret helper then you should enjoy your free night well I could use the free time I still have some Christmas movies I need to watch great don't let this keep you bye Santa bye bye Santa [Music] we are so clever Santa is gone and now everybody will wake up with coal in their presence [Music] cool no we need to find Santa and fast come more full thank you morph into a sleigh morphle [Music] Santa couldn't have gone too far let's go away Santa you have been tricked by the Bandit correct what do you mean the bandits delivered those presents but there's only coal inside that's terrible but it's almost morning and none of the children have a present from Santa we can help you write more books [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I'm glad we've made it I couldn't have done it without you two but what to do with this heap of coal well I think I have an answer for that [Music] bookstain Santa left us presents really cool oh boy [Music] and this one's cold and this one [Music] look more full there it is is the greatest water slides ever yeah hmm that's a pretty long line good thing we brought our tickets right more full well where are they have tickets I don't have them I thought you took them they must still be at home on the table well well well did you hear that yawn looks like Mila doesn't have a ticket yeah no ticket means no slide so please move out of our way we do have tickets could you please hold a place in line no we're not going to help you if you leave we can go on the slide first hey Marvel I have an idea you go pick up the tickets and I'll keep our spots [Music] to get back please Ah that's not fair hey everybody this girl has no ticket she shouldn't be in the line [Music] is that you Marvel could you help me real quick hmm okay I'm trying to build a bookcase but I can't find my saw anywhere could you help me morphle okay [Music] okay but I can't build a bookcase with these can everybody who has a ticket please raise their hand what's the matter Mila no tickets oh no [Music] not in my city all right wow morphle you were breaking a lot of rules back there more for shall we but Murphy needs to go to Mila first that's no excuse morphle you need to slow down tricycle yeah that's better [Music] hey there Mila do you have your ticket no she doesn't well you see [Music] oh right then you go yeah look tickets please you're giving my tickets but I thought you had them oh boy [Music] I know what will cheer you up [Music] my invention is done come and see I've invented a youth serum which I will demonstrate on my assistant [Music] oh that's so cute [Music] tumbling test tubes oh I don't know how to take care of a baby you have to take her to her daddy while I make an antidote oh good grief right [Music] Daddy [Music] hungry [Music] [Music] [Music] where are you boy [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] um hi Mila oh hey morphle boy am I glad to see you I had the strangest dream I dreamed that I was a baby isn't that silly [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you will first have to defeat my living car [Music] give up Mr action [Music] oh no fair [Music] I'll take that you little red blob and if you try to follow me you will first have to defeat my living God [Music] don't worry we'll catch him more full and Amy zap that car back to normal [Music] uh oh we'll have to think of something better more full morph into a superhero [Music] just fly over it morphle [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's get out of here [Music] if you want this doll so bad here take it no wait more fool we have to catch Professor evil [Music] look out [Music] foreign quickly is that Mr action to life [Music] [Applause] [Music] your hero has arrived [Music] unhand them or face the consequences [Music] Mr action always ruining everything well not today let's go hey where are you going hey no fair I need me quickly [Music] I'm glad everything is back to normal pay me then morphle my house has disappeared you know anything about that well almost everything thank you it's Halloween more full morph into a scary zombie [Music] let's play a game the team who collects the most candy wins [Music] whoa trick or treat here you go [Music] wow [Music] that was really scary wow they're really scary [Music] more candy yeah more full morph into a dragon [Music] wow [Music] you two are so scary [Music] we don't have any candy oh look Stein [Music] so much candy let's take it yeah [Music] wow here have some candy [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no what happened let's go find your candy more full morph into a monster truck foreign of candy wrappers let's follow it [Music] look they have your basket this is the best Halloween yeah [Music] let's get you [Music] I have an idea [Music] this way oh oh no [Music] you can have all our candy now you have your candy bag well I think we have a winner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you for helping me decorate the garden me land morphle foreign now we only need the birthday cake can you pick up the cake for me please morph into a race car [Music] look more full there is the bakery hi Milan morphle you must be here for Daddy's birthday cake [Applause] what flavors do you want the cake to be [Music] and strawberry come on in [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] morph into a horse foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh no morph into a motorcycle [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you it's awful again [Music] not in my city slow down foreign we lost him more full steal a cake oh [Music] we're sorry Daddy [Music] oh thank you orpha do you promise not to steal anything again or full [Music] hey Mila look at me I can't see you daddy look up [Music] that's so cool [Music] silly Daddy Let Me Go Orville Our Father too isn't this great no it isn't oh I have an idea let's have a race what that would be fun okay the first one to reach the Mountaintop wins Ready Set Go [Music] stop it wow they're so fast they're racing to the Mountaintop I've got an award for that let's go [Music] you cut them off [Music] thank you oh that's pretty clever [Music] well done morphle I've never felt so strong [Music] I think I know a shortcut go that way morphle [Music] oh we've lost it Marvel yeah [Music] what what do something awful [Music] great [Music] [Applause] there's the mount [Music] I'll win this race for you morphle oh no you won't [Music] I think it's a tie [Music] don't worry Mila a good award guy always has two Awards with him [Music] that was great morphle and I guess that was pretty fun [Music] it's done with my new invisibility Ray I can finally tidy up this place [Music] ah the lab has never looked better no did you hear that yawn yeah I always wanted to be sneaky invisible let's get out of here now let's see [Music] oh now do me do me [Music] [Music] hell ghost of my camera what's wrong mister ghost I tell you ghost they took my camera and went that way for no life ghost don't worry I'll protect you morph into a race car [Music] hello police officer freeze hello Mr Mayor huh hand it back over Mr Mayor that's not a toy but I did not take it yeah right the wind probably did it this is pretty funny take a picture of them Jordan yeah [Music] hey let's what's going on here [Music] ghosts are eating my apples [Music] what's going on here what's the matter are you scared well no ah ghosts [Music] [Applause] look more full the camera [Music] hey there little guy leave him alone oh hey that doesn't sound like it goes to me oh let's get out of here Jordan yawn huh look I know who these so-called ghosts are Immortal are you okay me land morphle yes thank you officer freeze but we could use some help catching these skulls [Music] looks like he's all alone now let's scare him some more we're back little guy just more full [Music] there you are [Music] and I've also got something else for you here I don't see anything it's your ticket to jail but it's invisible [Music] [Music] all right good morning [Music] good morning ah you're making me dizzy [Music] what's wrong well one of the kangaroos attacked me that's what's wrong [Music] who wants an apple [Applause] [Music] one for you one for you [Music] what hey that's not nice [Applause] [Music] what's wrong zookeeper Kenneth I think I saw a green morphle he sprayed water in my face when I was feeding the elephants that sure sounds like awful we'll find him hey elephants do you know which way or full went [Music] thank you let's go mortal foreign [Music] hey there little guy what are you doing over here oh my God [Music] are you okay Builder Lawrence yes yes I'm fine just don't let him get away with it [Music] okay Oracle should be here somewhere [Music] that was awful quick after him put that orfle is too good at hiding from us I don't know what to do morphle yeah we've not got to hide hmm that gives me an idea morphle if we hide he will get bored and come looking for us oh [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] gotcha you didn't think we would give up that easily did you how about we try to play hide and seek without scaring anybody okay you better hide because here we come wow [Music] hello wow [Music] all those crazy magic pets [Music] yeah why can't they be quiet for once [Music] that's it I've had enough of this foreign [Music] doesn't want to play with you oh that's no fun but we can play together [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] with these seeds my heads will grow so big that those pesky neighbors won't be able to annoy me any longer foreign but how many seeds do I need [Music] oh well let's just plant all of them [Music] I think the little dragon isn't sad anymore what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh no we have to save vanderbooth morphle quick morph into an airplane [Music] please make it stop what [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I can't hold it still [Music] [Music] thank you Mila and more for her you saved me and a special thanks to you little dragon you see Mr Vander Booth magic pets are super friendly and helpful as well [Music] welcome everyone to our annual building battle the team who builds the biggest tower wins this trophy but we can't have it falling down and hurting someone so make sure your Tower is as stable as a house did you hear that yawn the winner of this building battle gets that shiny trophy let's join Stein we'll be the winners for sure yeah ready [Music] set oh no I mean go more full morph into a helicopter [Music] wow your Tower is already so tall thank you Sarah [Music] oh no Stein the other towers are way higher than our Tower [Music] the professor always has all kinds of gadgets I'm sure he must have something like aha a growth rate what does it do Stein take a wild guess foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] distract everyone so I can use the growth rate a distraction oh hey everyone look over there a distraction where that certainly is the fine distraction oh wow that actually worked [Music] wow hmm something smells fishy here [Music] well I think it's clear who the winners are that's the biggest tower I've ever seen congratulations yes we won something finally [Music] tumbling test tubes that's my growth Ray you cheated you already gave us the trophy yeah no it takes these batteries [Music] I don't know [Music] the bigger they are the Harder They Fall [Music] [Music] thank you have you found the ball why is it so heavy wait a minute the dolphin has our ball and this is a there's a pearl we have to get it back to the dolphin more full morph into a submarine [Music] look at that feel that's the biggest pearl I've ever seen if you say so if we sell off a pair of that big we can finally pay off our ship that would be nice all right let's go get it where did the dolphin go [Music] you are no wait we have your Pearl [Music] I don't think he knows we're not here to play tag foreign [Music] he's too fast for us like this more full morph into a speedboat [Music] [Applause] should we steal it now we have to wait for the perfect opportunity wait that's not a pearl that's our ball this is your Pearl I um oh no Pirates that's right and we just stole your pretty Pearl this thing will sell for a fortune we have to get it back hmm I have an idea more full morph into a monkey ready go [Music] stop that got it [Music] more full cats oh all right enough of this monkey business [Music] we win wait a minute this isn't the Pearl we just had oh no look at those colors shiver me timbers this one is even better you can keep that Pearl we found an even better one it's way lighter too so it's easier to carry let's go sell it now we can finally get the ship fixed foreign [Music] we have plenty of balls at home don't we oh we can play with the Pearl for now it's time to heavy there you go fellows as you ordered lots and lots of robots perfect I'm so glad you liked your previous ones but what do you need all of these for if I might ask nothing professor and please just keep building more for us [Music] I want my toy car back toy car I don't have your toy car Troy yes you do I saw you take it if you don't give it back I'm going to tell your dad Mila now have a toy car bye have it your way Troy wait there you are Mila I was on my way to a very important meeting when you threw mud at me but I would never do that now you have to go home and get changed but I'm not done with you young lady this is crazy morphle we need to find out what's going on morph into a helicopter [Music] morphle look [Music] that's not me I'm right here oh hey it must be a robot go after it morphle [Music] morph a magnet [Music] let's take it to jail officer freeze will know what to do [Music] officer freeze we've caught a robot causing mischief you mean like this one huh what how many are there Professor we need more robots I'm working as fast as I can I'm sure the robots went this way [Music] huh go get us some ice cream okay [Music] we need to get that remote morphle I have an idea follow me [Music] look it's more full more more grab him [Music] where are you going little robot all robots catch the bandits no no [Music] now of course you were behind it all it's really cramped up here's dying scoot over robot no no no no I understand [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey watch it yeah all that water is almost like a shower and bandits like to be dirty foreign but how do we do that I'm sure there's a Magic Pen for that [Music] with the power of this slimy magic pet Calder slimy we will cover the whole city with slime yeah hiding slime [Music] we need to stop them morphle morph into not in my city kids what do you think you're doing we need what you need to do is clean up all this mess you made no butts missy I'll be back in a bit to see if you've cleaned all this slime let's clean this up as quick as we can forever have an idea that's great now let's go after the Bandit [Music] oh no look at all that slime oh dang they're about to slime officer Freeze's car more full spray their slime away with your water [Music] foreign [Music] station right away okay Officer freeze [Music] wow look more full every place the Slime has been is much cleaner than before it's like some kind of magical song Let's go clean up the rest of the slime [Music] didn't we just slide this place yeah we cleaned it all up and now we're going to clean you too oh no you don't [Music] oh no we're really clean yarn I know it's dying I love it [Music] foreign [Music] the most beautiful flower of my bouquet too bad I didn't put them in water wonderful uh I mean the story too bad about the flowers next stop to tell about her weekend Mila yay my weekends began very peacefully I was playing with morple when suddenly Mila it's terrible asteroids are about to hit the city and we need you to stop them sounds like trouble morphle morph into a giant robot [Music] you super Mega Punch [Music] super mega King [Music] now super mega cartwheel [Music] Marvel you're my hero and mine that's awesome Marvel is so cool sure sounds like an exciting weekend Mila who's next oh I'm just getting started oh Mila the bandits have a huge Dragon there's no way I can arrest him now Marvel morph into a robot again let's warm them up a little use the super ultra heat shield morphle thank you no way no you dumb dragon [Music] my hero it just keeps getting better are you sure it happened that way Mila you bet and I'm not and that heat shield amazing that dragon is probably still cowering in a cave somewhere [Music] [Applause] hey wait that's my car more full robot [Music] [Music] bunny we have to save it more full super mega car smash I'm sorry Mila but purple space bunnies really well that's what I saw recess children no called kids these days such Lively imaginations [Music] oh dear [Music] ah Milan morphle thank you for wanting to help me on the farm today of course making all the products on the farm is a lot of work I can use some extra hands [Music] I'll show you how it's done let's go first we're going to milk a cow from the mill we can make delicious cheese [Music] all right morphle let's try to milk a cow as well uh oh I think she got scared ah morph into a bowl more full with a strong bull around she won't be scared anymore [Music] we did it we got our own milk well done we can't do that in one day it takes months to make cheese but as a reward you'll get a piece of mind this here's where all the fruit grows we're going to pick some fruit to make jam Daddy really likes Jam [Music] I can't reach them wow that's a lot of apples morphle that's right but how do we get all these apples to the barn [Music] [Applause] [Music] why thank you morphle [Music] making Jam also takes a while but you can get some I made earlier and now we're going to Shear a sheep for wool and from its wool we can make clothes like this warm scarf Marvel morph into scissors [Music] oh no stop let's go after them before they get away foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you get this Woolen skull thank you farmer Bob we learned a lot today foreign oh how lucky I was feeling like having a snack delicious there you are dead you some delicious Oh Daddy you ate all the food oops I'm sorry Mila and morphle [Music] [Music] oh morph into a ghost [Music] you're really scary [Music] [Applause] here you go thank you thank you I love Halloween yeah our first story waffle candy [Music] a scary tiger [Applause] hey you can't just take our candy [Music] foreign what is going on Orville scared us then stole our Halloween candy let's go after him [Music] phew a lot of candy [Music] oh no he took all the candy for the magic pets Daddy [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] morph into a shark foreign [Music] you can't just take candy from people or full but if you give the candy back we'll go trick-or-treating together [Music] thank you awful [Music] our candy [Music] are you ready to go trick-or-treating or full trick or treat oh here you go you didn't adorable yeah Halloween a friend [Applause] [Music] camping was such a great idea this is going to be so much fun [Music] Hmm this is fun and all but I feel like doing something more exciting hmm colorful morph into uh a speedboat [Music] hang on guys yeah [Music] [Music] oh no where did our towels go somebody must have taken them [Music] morphle morph into a kite [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] not again something strange is happening morphle starting a campfire is so hard but I want to have these delicious marshmallows hmm Marvel morph into a dragon [Music] hmm I wonder who or what is stealing all our stuff maybe it is a monster right and the monster comes during the night and eats you while you sleep oh what was that Marvel let's have a look [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey I think it's scared of us hmm I think it's just a baby and it doesn't have its mother it just took our stealth because it was hungry and alone hey buddy don't be afraid let's find its mother [Music] foreign [Music] I wonder where she could be [Music] whoa its mother must be huge [Music] you are going to jail you hear me oh Peter freeze thinks the mother is evil but she's only looking for her baby [Music] finally caught you [Music] looking for her baby foreign [Music] I see I'm sorry monster seems like I had you all wrong you are free to go [Music] ah bye bye friendly monster [Music] you are never going to catch me oh I'll play you [Music] oh hey we're full that's a win no warful that wasn't fair but did he want to play with us you can't use any tricks though yeah off okay all right I'll be it ready [Music] I've almost got you hey that's not fair I said no tricks so you can't morph either [Music] I know but if we team up I'm sure we can tag him morph into a race car as well [Music] we're coming to get you or full [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay [Music] okay use your propellers to blow away the clouds morph into a submarine waffle foreign [Music] [Music] into a speed boat [Music] oh yeah [Music] Mila more full over here oh it's Danny foreign you've been playing all afternoon so I thought you might like a refreshment ice cream thanks Daddy [Music] no we're full first we're going to have a break here have an ice cream [Music] foreign let's play a special game of hide and seek with Clues Mila and morphle you're it okay [Music] one two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] 98 99 100. okay Marvel where should we look first they could be anywhere in the city here's your first clue there are a lot of trees in the park let's go more full [Music] look more full papa jungle is definitely here [Music] more full morph into a monkey [Music] Papa jungle is really good at hiding yeah oh look more full [Music] Power Ranger [Music] we found Papa jungle great here's your next clue mom must be hiding in the sky more full morph into a helicopter [Music] we will never find atmo in all these clouds we should blow all of them away [Music] he found you [Music] that was quick here is your third clue morph into a submarine [Music] well he must be behind that rock [Music] foreign [Music] daddy we found all the magic cats daddy daddy hmm a clue that sunshade is in the backyard you found me too well done [Music] that's really cool morphle every shrimp [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] look at the mess you made oops sorry Daddy and who is going to clean this up we [Music] mess [Music] Ed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was fun wow that was fast you've already cleaned up the mess you have definitely earned these ice creams yay yeah ice cream uh or full why are you carrying around a house [Music] no where the heck am I or full you can't just go play around with other people's stuff ah you have to bring it back and until you do no ice cream but we can help you overfull more full morph into a robot as well [Music] foreign [Music] could you show us the usual location of your house yes of course it's that way okay let's go [Music] did you do all this or full it was him all right looks like we have some work to do okay let's get busy [Music] daddy we're back [Music] what happened here Daddy well I was doing some gardening and one thing led to another but let's have some ice cream but Daddy don't you need to clean up your mess before you can have ice cream yeah I guess so [Music] Draco truth oh my oh now that's a costume have some candy YouTube thank you wow you really scared her more full profile a super scary [Music] hey there little guy what do you think of my scary friend [Applause] what did you do little guy I feel scared the pumpkin on the award for the scariest pumpkin goes to war is so scary [Music] Mila for he if there are pumpkins everywhere well of course it's Halloween no my awards are trying to get me foreign Marvel let's explore [Music] I'm scared over my ice cream [Music] don't hurt me look more full oh no I'm scared of science foreign it looks so scared [Music] huh no more full wait ah [Music] [Applause] foreign why are you scared of me my finger now but I am your friend morphle hmm yeah and I need a friend to help me get out of the tree [Music] muscle help thank you more fool that was very brave you helped me even though you were scared [Music] I think I figured out why you use your powers on people you're scared of pumpkins I know they look scary but they're just decoration see [Music] oh morphle [Music] there it is the most awesome roller coaster ever it has blue awesome times and it goes really high [Music] the only problem is you gotta be this tall to ride it [Music] hmm I might know a certain Professor who could help us with that this will change you into a grown-up but are you sure you want to do this Mila absolutely well then [Music] [Music] Mila is that you oh no I'm Mila's aunt wow you look so similar anyways you're tall enough enjoy the ride [Music] how was it it was awesome and now that I'm grown up I can do anything I want grown up come morphle [Music] to ride the dolphin me me me me I do I'm sorry Miss but you are way too big to ride this dolphin oh [Music] let's pretend to be a teacher morphle [Music] I'm Sorry Miss but you're not allowed inside I'm Mila's Aunt ah I heard you were in town nice to meet you but Mila isn't here and I have to get back to class now goodbye ah being an adult is starting to become very boring this is a children's playground Miss I'm going to have to find you oh I'm sorry but I cannot pay this I don't have any money then I suggest you get a job [Music] foreign [Music] foreign are you sure you want to be a little kid again I've never been so short in my life [Music] [Applause] have you heard heard what they're building another roller coaster this time it's gonna be even bigger that's nice don't you want to become big again to ride it no way being a grown-up was not as much fun as I thought I'm going to enjoy being a little kid for as long as I can tag you're right oh get back here [Music] quickly hide [Music] whoa we're practicing for Halloween Daddy what did you think um yes very scary but please save it for Halloween when people want to be scared all right come Marvel let's play outside [Music] what was that monster [Music] hello morph into a T-Rex to protect us more fool [Music] I don't see the Monster anywhere but I think we damaged the car more full let's bring it to the garage to fix it [Music] hi mechanic Joe we accidentally damaged this car can you fix it certainly Mila let me get my tools [Music] huh hey what are you doing [Music] oh no my tires after them morphle [Music] I sure hope that monster isn't following me [Music] yeah no no no [Music] are you all right Mr Mayor no I'm not all right you're playing with tiles while there is a monster in the city don't worry it's not a monster but a tiny magic test we're going to look for it now [Music] tiny you say it's just a tiny monster so we don't have to be scared let's catch it yeah foreign [Music] get him oh no one more full they're scaring the little guy what are you doing we almost caught it I think you're just scaring it oh I'm sorry little guy foreign [Music] to be scared unless it's Halloween [Music] here you go yeah [Music]
Channel: Morphle's Family
Views: 1,787,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morphle, cartoon, mila and Morphle, cartoons for kids, baby tv, dinosaurs for kids, morphle tv, educational video for children, morfol, wheels on the bus, vehicles for kids, cartoons for children, Little Baby Bum, toy, dinosaurs, learn, magic hero animals, monster, super hero, learning, fun kids video, kids tv, toddler preschool animation, animated series for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 29sec (11069 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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