Dragon Age - The Best Party (16) - Love is in the Air

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so what would you do if someone told you that they loved you check their eyesight first perhaps is this someone I should know about no I mean pretend you're a woman I am a woman Alistair that shouldn't be too hard but I'll give it a try oh no that's not what I meant just pretend you're another woman someone told you that they loved you how would you react well that depends does this someone just blurt it out do I love them back I need context I I don't know if you love him back maybe you do you've spent a lot of time with this person perhaps you need to wait for the right moment you could get her alone in camp give her a gift perhaps oh I wasn't talking about me just forget I said anything as you wish so you're female Lilliana right I am that's news when did that happen I just wanted some advice what should I do if if I think a woman is special and you want to loo huh here's a good tip you shouldn't question her about her femaleness all right yes good point why'd you ask are you afraid things will not proceed naturally why would they especially when I do things like ask women if they're female it adds to your charm Alistair you're a little awkward it is endearing so I should be awkward didn't you just say not to do things like that just be yourself you do know how to do that don't you all right forget I asked draw your weapon are you talking to me your weapon draw it why and we under attack I want to see what you can do you want to fight me just like that you are a Grey Warden how are you going to face an Archdemon if you cannot face me it is a mystery I'll admit I should let your weakness dam us all draw your sword try not to injure you permanently I don't have to prove anything to you forget it so you do have a spine pity you don't use it do you really know what's going on here but blind the Civil War I really wonder how much of it you understand [Music] we're all special big parts to play even you especially you in some ways you are the Mubarak you guard one of the most important people what you you want to play but I'm talking why doesn't anyone want to hear me talk [Music] another I just gave you one fool dog perhaps you should go and hunt something then for a warrior beast you are remarkably over-dependent oh very well but tell no one don't you ever talk you know make polite conversation just to put people at ease you mean that I should remark upon the weather before I cut off a man's head never mind you were very quiet stem only compared to some classic hair where your eyes linger Alistair yes well don't worry it's not what you think I see I was looking at your nose and what is it about my nose that captivates you so I was just thinking but it looks exactly like your mother's I hate you so much mmm never mind have you changed your mind instead I dream about you would even if I were interested in a small thing like you the qunari act is unpleasant unpleasant unpleasant how now I really am interested deadly and what if I didn't mind I enjoy it animation you'll be less animated afterward it sounds as if para why do you pester me because it is amusing that is why you seem so deep in thought my dear Stan thinking of me perhaps the two of us together at last yes I what did you say you will need armor I think and a helmet and something to bite down on how strong are human teeth how strong a mighty Benari teeth can bite through leather wood even metal even time which reminds me I may try to nozzle nozzle if that happens you'll need an iron pry bar heated in a fire first or it may not get my attention perhaps it would be better if we did not proceed are you certain if it will satisfy your curiosity yes yes I think it is best you
Channel: RageGT
Views: 85,405
Rating: 4.9512734 out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age, The Best Party, party banter, dialogues, party chat, NPC, romance, Alistair, Morrigan, Sten, Wynne
Id: QZdY0zN86tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2010
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