Companions in the Fade | Dragon Age: Origins

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I think I saw him flinch that time maybe we'll make you scream yet apprentice we're not going to go easy on you trust me no I wouldn't want you to hold back I'd be disappointed if you did this one has spirit it's a shame we have to break him what what are you doing here you're not supposed to be here I I can't I need to stay strong this is my test I'm going to be across I need to show them I can tolerate pain what and yet you speak the truth I can feel it is this nothing but a bad dream a bad memory no I think he's questioning us that's a very very bad thing to do isn't it yes teeth yes he will be punished for that severely punished well that was bracing ah there's nothing like a good racking is there hmm what are you doing what are you going away away with you I shall have no more of your pestering I am your mother do you not love me you are as much my mother as my little finger right here is the queen of Ferelden I know you fade spirit you cannot fool me are you more clever than your own dear mother surely such pride must be punished there that is for not showing respect that is far more like it but it is too little too late spirit tis you at last come and rid me of this vexatious spirit I weary of being prodded you ask me it cannot even read my mind well enough to form a decent copy yet it hounds me still she doesn't even acknowledge her Oh mother my heart it breaks Oh slay it and quickly even the true flemeth was never as annoying as this is about time that was most wait what is this no not this again I refuse Shanny done who are you talking to don't bother the step isn't it your turn to cook cook what there's no food in this miserable frozen country Bashara we have a guest make room at the fire the same reason they call you the warden dinner obviously though I don't suggest you eat anything that cutter shop cooks unless you enjoy spending time in the latrine then why don't you go cut Don not my turn perhaps my memory is failing I would swear that I've already told you both to shut up my apologies they are Baris odd of course my brothers who is that little thing you were speaking to as it seemed darkspawn don't interrupt the stan car shucks we've been days in this place there's no sign of any threat the Irish tox report was wrong can we not go home no let it wait feed it the car sharks cooking that [ __ ] ended better yet feed at the Ishod I would take care of it and to us a favor this is a dream I'm not a fool warden I remember seeing the cutter shock there have his head torn off well at least it's not a great loss you are so entertaining Katan you should perform in the square with the other trained monkeys we could throw you peanuts it's a dream but it's a good dream yes and what has that accomplished death dishonor exile there is nothing left to fight for revenge what good does that do them their corpses will not taste it or share in the victory I wish we did now to taste this what is this anyway stew it's bread of course it is rational men would call this despair for once you are right warden I owe them a victory you can't abandon your post stand aside I would hate to see you all die again no we won't let you leave us again yet this gives me no peace I wish to leave this place no more trickery what is happening I am here but not here is this a place of magic I have never seen its like before and yet I neither sleet nor dream so the fact that I'm here is odd a spell that can affect even me it seems the next time we encountered this demon I suggest we crush its puny little head before it gets the chance to do so again for now we should find a way out of this place hey it's great to see you again I was just thinking about you isn't that a marvelous coincidence this is my sister gold Anna these are her children and there's more about somewhere we're one big happy family at long last I am I'm happier than I've been my entire life isn't that strange I thought being a great warden would make me happy but it didn't this does I'm overjoyed to have my little brother back I'll never let him out of my sight again I don't think I'll be coming I don't want to spend my life fighting only to end up dead in a pit along with rotting darkspawn corpses well Alistair is your friend staying for supper say you'll stay God Anne is a great cook maybe she'll make her mince pie you can can't you of course dear brother anything for you I've made a terrible King don't be silly you're acting really strangely right if it makes you happy I it's a little fuzzy that's strange Alistair come and have some tea no wait I remember a tower the circle it was under attack there were demons that's all I really remember are you saying this is a dream but it's so real of course it's real now wash up before supper and I something doesn't feel quite right here I think I have to go she is but she isn't here's ours and I'd rather see him dead than free go Danner I can't believe it how did I not see this earlier yes well try not to tell everyone how easily fooled I was are we going there wait where are you going what's happening to me hey there tap stirs I don't know why but it feels like I haven't been here in ages it's like coming home talent pull up a seat and join me for a drink it's the year's end celebration to bits off the like inhale ah let's find another table I don't want to sit near a fat smelly Ogron I don't smell funny little fart and this is all muscle muscle he's a disgrace to his caste and the good paragon Branca ancestors keeper yeah they've been after me all day can't even vomit in the Privy anymore without someone saying something I'm used to it ha ha a warrior forbidden to carry weapons what a laugh who do you fight now Audra and baby nugs I hear he arms himself with the tankard sloshes his ale to show he's mad you think I'm gonna let Ohno Ogron don't get me wet I don't think I could stand up just flashings what can I do a collaborator maybe I could do that show Margaret still got it in a month did you did you see that they're not people oh that's not right not right would you mind terribly if I throw up fade that's your dream place isn't it I've heard of it it's unnatural for a dwarf to be here don't protect me who what's going on I don't feel right demon you mean something set all that up just to tick me off it worked part me Adam someone is gonna pay dearly for this headache oh yeah I'll pay hey where are you going aren't you coming with me hey Melissa are thou who exist in the sight of the maker blessed are thou who seeks his forgiveness blessed what are you I beg you do not disturb the girls meditations revered mother I do not know this person I'm sorry but I I don't know what you're talking about please do not fix her she needs quiet and solitude to call him her mind and heal her heart isn't real I don't understand I remember there was a sign Liliana we have discussed this sign of yours the maker does not care to interfere in the affairs of mortals this vision was likely the work of demons the maker cares for us I believe he misses his wayward children as much as we miss him my vision may not be from him but it guides me to do what is right my revered mother knew this I don't know who you are but you are not her this is your home your refuge do you truly wish to leave the comfort of this place behind stay and no peace there is no need I carry the peace of the Chandra in my heart you are going nowhere girl I will not permit it no she is ours now and forever early May huh she she wasn't Oh my head feels heavy now you've just woken up from a terrible nightmare I believe we had some tasks to accomplish let us be on our way wait what's happening to me maker forgive me I've failed them all they died and I did not stop it what about all this how can you say that when you were faced with this yes can you not see it it's all around us why was I spared if not to help them what use is my life now that I have failed in the task that was given me leave me to my grief I shall bury their bones scatter the ashes to the four winds and mourn their passing till I too am dead your blatant disregard for the souls of the dead strikes me as being utterly inappropriate I do not know what you are trying to tell me why must you make this more painful and where were you when this happened I trusted you as an ally and you were nowhere to be found I do not know what this will accomplish but I will do this if it will satisfy you it is difficult to focus it feels as though something is stopping me from concentrating I've never had so much trouble perhaps some time away from this place will help me think clearly holy maker stay away foul creature stay win sleep soundly in the comforting embrace of the earth do not fight it you belong here with us no no not yet my task is not yet done it is not time yet come come away to your rest is it over thank the maker for you wait what's happening where are you going what do we have here a rebellious billion an escaped slave my my but you do have some God but playtime is over you all have to go back now how did I get here what happened to all those lashes would means you made a dangerous enemy demon by toying with my mind you will not hold us demon we found each other in this place and you cannot stand against us ah it has found its way back to me excellent now it can watch me pop this demons head like an overripe grape yes I am here and it is time to finish this I have had enough of cages Oh Here I am but there you are you just disappeared well no matter you tried to keep us apart you led us from each other because you fear us don't you ah God lost did you yeah well here's this demon fellow what say we make him sorry
Channel: DanaDuchy
Views: 231,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon age, Dragon Age Origins, cutscenes, danaduchy
Id: ujgHit2o3CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2013
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