DRAGNET | S1E11 - The Big September Man (1952)

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ladies and gentlemen story you were about to see is true the names have been changed to protect the innocent [Music] this is the city from one night to the next it's never the same they make it that way counting the suburbs there's 4 million of them most of the people have something they had few of them were out to take it away my job they're the ones who keep you on the move I'm a cop it was Wednesday September 28th we were working the Night Watch on a homicide detail my partner's had Jacobs the bosses they had brown chief of detectives my name's Friday it was 11:48 p.m. when I got back from the crime lab the call came in a few hours before an attractive blonde secretary was found beaten to death in a downtown office building a length the steel pipe wrapped in heavy paper was on the floor beside her there was no trace of the killer no apparent motive for the killing for every murder there's at least one of each we had to find him I won't be seen Jacobs on the last half hour I was supposed to meet him here he's come and gone still around the building no I just had a call Oh what about you know yeah Zana killing a night call came from one of the cruiser cars checking the neighborhood down where it happened huh they find something picked up a guy about three blocks from the murder scene he was acting suspicious been in a cruiser car figured maybe you'd want to talk to him they're bringing the man in there are they yeah mm-hmm even over checking at the crime lab yeah there's not much the murder weapons all we got so far a piece of pipe with heavy Manila paper wrapped around it latent prints do any good they lifted a lot of finger prints they all belong to the victim none of them are foreign you got a toothpick Joe ain't gonna come for dinner tonight yeah they're sure usually some in this top drawer yeah there you go thanks Joe I understand it wasn't much to look at the killing I mean a pretty vicious thing the girl took a terrible beating I found the body one of the scrub women in the building it was an office up on the ninth floor import/export company victim was a secretary there pretty girl she dead long must have happened around 7 o'clock tonight I figured it's just a gasps what's the girl's name she been identified yet yeah Adele prior her boss is out of town and she's working in the office alone no one suspicious was seen entering or leaving around the time of the murder no one we know of anyway it's gonna take a lot of checking any ideas what the motive could have been well it wasn't robbery they didn't keep any cash in the office as far as we know the girl wasn't carrying much money we'll start making the rounds in the morning checking with her friends who we can pick up mm-hmm lo P briefed you about a Joe Cruz your car picked up a suspicious-looking guy out and the scene the murder that about size of it little more than that they found the man beating his head against a brick wall in the back alley about two blocks from the office building where we found the body I'd been drinking heavily when they picked him up he was pretty far gone kept mumbling something about how he didn't deserve to live he was a murderer a killer not too coherent he has know about the dead girl Adelle Pryor yeah the stuff you said didn't make much sense sobered up a little since I picked him up I'll see what we can get out of them before we book them in huh got him in the interrogation room not okay we'll give it a try any calls come in you know where to find us loafing here right Julie see you later all right thanks Joe yeah you check the crime lab mm-hmm about all we're sure of as a murder weapon no prints no other physical evidence maybe won't matter got half an idea we might have the killer now the guy they picked up how do you figure just a hunch I don't think he's drunk as he pretends well we're gonna have to place him a lot closer to the murder scene than two blocks away we can't prove a thing the way it stands I was downstairs when they brought the man in talked to him one over bring him up the interrogation room told me knows the dead girl all right said he was with her now before she died thorough investigation of the murder scene but the crime lab failed to turn up anything in the way of leads they knew they had the murder weapon and that was all the deputy coroner arrived and removed the body to the county morgue for posting at 10 o'clock that night three hours after the approximate time of the prior girl's death officers in a cruiser car patrolling the area found a drunken man butting his head against a cement wall and muttering incoherently about a murder the man was picked up and taken downtown to the interrogation room where head and I questioned him we talked to him a full hour before he began to make sense he gave his name is Robert French age 34 an unemployed engineer while we questioned him Becker and Encinas from homicide checked the hotel room our French had told ed he was staying I don't know I guess I had a treat for drinks at Dusty's place and down the street to the blue canary had some more drinks I don't know what happened after Nana I wouldn't feel something you say you were drinking at Dusty's place around 7:00 p.m. that right Frenchman I wasn't watching the clock I guess those ransom did you talk to anybody while you were in the bar mmm no no just a bartender his name Sarge I don't know his last name to tell you I was there what time was it when he got to Dusty's place Frank mm-hmm couldn't tell you sure about 6:30 met sergeant Oliver Tony the bartender ton a little while ago you told her she knew Adele prior yeah I know I used to work for her husband or ex-husband I mean they've been divorced seven eight years you said you saw a del Pryor in her office late this afternoon French what was the reason for the visit a bar a couple of dollars Sean you know I was pretty good that one nice kid mm anybody wanna kill her like that how about the show you were putting on out in the street tonight French beating your head against that wall now what was that all about mm-hmm really drunk that's all I wanna kill myself lay down die how's that you're remorseful you felt sorry for something you'd done that it I don't know I don't think any special reason for when I got that way I just keep thinking I'm gonna die I got the nerve for it though like my own man nothing nerd to do anything right I just wasn't born that way I guess that's it you use narcotics French no I even got the nerve for that booze that's all that's good enough I think we can go out for a cup of coffee maybe I using we can have some brought in do you want to check with low B usually got a pot on the stone in there huh yeah and see if those two minutes check back in yet with you right previous icing sugar to me means booze I like to ask you a little more about the prior girlfriends just how well did you know her not too well I guess I used to see her maybe once a month up there two robbers yeah that's right nice girl when her eyes broke I'd always depend on it for a couple of bucks I liked it nice person did you ever go out with her mmm no no no that stuff I didn't like to that which is a good person we got a long kick want a cigarette no thanks nice for continuity how about this business of Adele Pryor lending your money she think quite a bit of you did she write I did her a couple of favors once when I was working for her husband she was still married - she's gone out with a guy she liked on this side she was out with this guy once I saw him together yes not to say anything so I didn't she got a divorce I used to cover up for a long time she never forgot it I guess mm-hmm how about when you saw her in her office tonight French how'd she seem to you all right then mmm same as ever I so she could lend me a paw she didn't I left one quarter after six of you or anyone else in the office when you laugh mm-hmm who's the guy waiting in the reception I don't remember what he looked like mm-hmm yes my age suit on black hair kind of dark complexion I don't take a good look I don't know you think you'd know him if you ever saw him again I'm not sure well yeah would he had a medium build I think maybe I knew you say was waiting in the reception room when your laptop yeah when I walked out he got up and started in the office what's the last I saw what was that so that's the last I saw Joe see you minute yeah yeah that kind uncie mister check then just got back from gone over apprentice hotel know what a fine white shirt they're brown shoes very dark trousers what about bloodstains on all of them the stained pieces of clothing found in the suspects hotel room were delivered to lieutenant Lee Jones at the crime lab for detailed examination we had French check through our and I he had no previous criminal record ed and I continued to question the suspect until 4:00 a.m. he denied any knowledge or complicity in the killing of 28 year old Adele prior he told us the blood-stained clothing in his hotel room was the result of an accident that he'd been in two weeks before when he'd been drinking heavily French kept insisting that we check on the dark-haired man who'd been waiting in the reception room of the prior girl's office the night before when French left her we gave the description of the unidentified suspect along with the mo to the stats office requesting them to furnish us with any information regarding any assaults are any solved or unsolved murder at 4:15 a.m. we booked in Robert French at the Maine Jail on suspicion of 187 PC murder the next morning at 10 a.m. the late work began Lopez and Beckner from homicide started checking on the background on the alibi of the suspect Robert French it didn't hold much water none of the people at either of the bars were French said he'd been drinking at the time of the murder could definitely vouch for his presence but they all volunteered the information that no matter how much he drank French was never violent toward other people only himself Lopez and Beckner continued investigating the suspect while hidden I checked on the background of the victim Adele prior at 8:25 p.m. we got back to the office nothing to celebrate over a long day tired anything new at all maybe French is our man you can't prove it by me every place we checked everybody we talked to the same answer yeah he's a smart guy with a good education he's on the bottle amount of work everybody seems to like him he gets drunk but he never bothers anybody that's about the worst anybody can say about him he drinks too much how about his being friends with the dead girls you dig up anything there yeah but only proves he was telling you the truth as far as we could find out there's nothing going on between the two of them everything we got it only verifies what he told you he had no interest in the girl except to borrow offer when he was broke he got in touch with the girl's ex-husband did you yeah but we couldn't add anything we're all clear there by the way wait John's call from the crime lab just before you came in what do you have no pee well we finished testing her blood stains on those clothes I found the frenches hotel room no no the stains out of match the victim's blood type another dead end it's hard to figure sure you got him he stopped oh this just came in report for you from the stats office yeah it's gonna make her run free on something last night mm-hmm what's it look like doesn't help much looks like more legwork what's that you don't know French told us when he left Adele prior last night there was a man on the reception room waiting to see her he gave us the guy's description of the stats always made a run on it force is the best one we got yeah guys name is William Tanner WMA 32 years old five foot nine hundred and sixty pounds dark hair dark complexion it's a description French gave us Ovi the rest of us a lot closer to home how do you mean William tanner was a prominent suspect in the Donaldson murder last September the testimony of friends and relatives subsequently cleared him the Donaldson murder still unsolved [Music] honest anything that killed Donelson killed a bell fryer how do you mean piece of steel pipe wrapped in paper to the working detective assigned to examine a criminal case the element of coincidence when it occurs generally serves to complicate any investigation toward the solution of the crime coincidence may mean a lot or it may mean nothing in any event it can't be dismissed this time we had two examples of coincidence to deal with a girl had been beaten to death in an office building within two blocks of the murder we found a man fairly well acquainted with a victim who admitted to seeing the girl within an hour of her death primary investigation uncovered some facts which tend to incriminate the man some facts which tend to prove him innocent is his presence in the immediate neighborhood of the killing only coincidental or was he there at the particular time for the purpose of murder we didn't know the same token a man by the name of William Tanner was suspected one year before of beating an elderly woman to death with an identical murder weapon the length of steel pipe wrapped in paper the same person William Tanner matched the description of a man reportedly seen entering Adele priors office shortly before she was murdered Tanner also had a criminal record of one conviction for assault maybe it was a lead maybe it was nothing it had to be checked out we showed Tanner's mug shot to our first murder suspect Robert French but he failed to identify it when we found that William Tanner had moved from his last-known address we checked with his next of kin his brother Martin tanner it was with a City Fire Department we found him on duty at the neighborhood fire station on Norwich Avenue no I'm praying outside you haven't seen my brother bill in three weeks now he's not a dis apartment I couldn't tell you where to fund he tried to last this week hit on it wasn't there 18:25 Norman Road oh no I moved out of there six seven months ago that his new address in my locker upstairs I can give it to you before you go if you want we'd appreciate it yeah what's the boss on you I'm running some kind of trouble again I guess I'm just a routine check you sound like you almost expected better to be in trouble panic tell you the truth I guess I do know what's happened to him excuse me ma'am oh it's Mel article how would you mean that yeah what's happening here brother tell me the truth I don't know bill I used to live together with our mother my dad about two years ago I don't think they'll ever really got over he was a lot closer to mom I was I see because she died he drank quite a bit for a while and he try and women lots of them after that he seemed to turn to religion first we thought that'd help and would have to accept it even on guy finds a way of distorting the Bible seems to go to extremes that kind of thing you know any of your brother's close friends by any chance so here on my guess I've been over the bills a fireman from time to time last couple of months he's gonna go speaking a few people you know any of his women friend yeah do two or three about the name of Dale prior mean anything to you would she be kind of a pretty girl blonde hair nice coat yeah that's right pretty matter yeah bill had me meet her once seemed to like the quite a bit well was he pretty serious about her would you know that yeah it was serious about her all right he told me that I know they could work both ways like she was playing them see you filtered her way to the series how do you mean tannic well I went together steady for a while and they broke it up she didn't I better take that I'm so good I remember the night about a month ago I'm so bill like that before real bad she wasn't drinkin either that self never saw bill like that my question was here he could have gone on and killed you before we left the fire station we got William Tanner's new address from his brother Martin was the same address as that of the murdered girl Adele Pryor an apartment house close by the intersection of Wilshire and LaBrea Tanner's apartment on the third floor just down the hall from the prior girl's apartment but Tanner wasn't there the apartment house manager told us that he'd moved out the night before without leaving any forwarding address edy put in a call to the suspects place of business an industrial chemical company where Tanner was employed as assistant office manager what was reason sir oh yeah well thank you very much sir we'll be talking with you later fine what do you say big without giving notice telling me had a better job lined up where South America Saturday October 1st 8:00 a.m. we got out of broadcast and an APB on murder suspect William Tanner we checked with the local US State Department office but they had no record of granting a passport recently to a William Tanner to travel in a South American country we talked to the various consulates in the city representing South American nations but none of them had issued a visa to a William Tanner recently or anyone answering his description together with Lopez and Becca from homicide ed and I continued the search for the missing suspect the deeper we checked into his background the more we became convinced that mentally Tanner was far from normal most of the people who knew the suspect told us the same story his brother had given us in recent months Tanner had taken strong to religion he attended revival meetings and similar religious exercises every night in the week he talked nothing but repentance Dakota the Scriptures constantly he adopted the habit of carrying a Bible with him wherever he went reading from it aloud every chance he got he kept urging his friends to join him and being saved [Music] on Monday October 3rd we began a check of the various revival halls on Wednesday October 5th we found him he was attending a gospel revival in a meeting hall in the south end of the city [Music] he told us he had a room in a small hotel directly above the meeting hall but he seemed reluctant to take us up there [Music] while Lopez in back I got a passkey from the manager and went up to check the room at night question Tanner I was sorry to hear about Adele what happened to her it's a terrible thing isn't it yes sir we understand you knew Adele prior fairly well mr. Tanner that correct yes that's correct I liked her quite a bit at one time we used to see a lot of each other I was engaged to her you know how is it you never married Tanner did she break off the engagement oh no I was lucky I found out in time I broke off with her oh you mean you found out in time what'd you find out I found the truth sergeant the everlasting would know this and understand that no unclean person nor covetous one has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God these have given themselves up and despaired a sensuality greedily practising every kind of uncleanness do not then become partakers with them that's the everlasting word sergeant the holy book yes sir but I'm not quite sure I follow open your eyes news to the everlasting word and you will know and understand all thing it's very simple officer I don't want to say anything and charitable about her Adele wasn't for me I'm glad I found out in time that so when's the last time you saw her tanner you remember no I don't not exactly I think I saw a week or so before it happened before they found it dead what was it you saw her house then I say where was it the last time you saw her on the street it was downtown somewhere I passed her on the street used to live in the same apartment how she did isn't it right right down the hall from her yes I did why for a full week you didn't happen to see the prior girl around the apartment building at all no that's right when I broke off with Adele that was it I had no reason to see her anymore not too clear town it doesn't jive with what we've been told about you in the prior girl well they're lies of course I suppose you know that Adele was a beautiful girl very beautiful a lot of men she knew were jealous of me well now the way we understand it Tanner you never did break off with Miss Pryor you were going around with her Ann you were seen with her right after the day of her death well that's certainly a lie I can prove that as soon as I found out about a delicous weeks before she was killed as soon as I found out that was the end I broke off with it right away like know what you're referring to Tanner you found out what Adele Adele she was one of those what I'm sorry she was a sinner I almost went out of my mind when I found out she knew it was wrong she must have known it's right there in the book for anybody to read do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lust what are you trying to tell us it was terrible she sinned all the time she committed terrible sins come on over this side there with me I can tell you all about her odd just as so nobody heard this sure go ahead this will be all right here just one question before you get started yes you ever visit Adele prior to place of business downtown at her office you know I never did why did you visit Adele prior tour office the day she was killed the Lord is my witness sergeant I have nothing to fear why should you ask me that question we have a report you were seen going into the office less than an hour before the prior girl was murdered like have you clarified that force if you would I certainly it's a lie you sure you weren't in that office with her just before she died let me tell you about her sins there was never anything as evil as this sergeant is that right yes a terrible shock I like to do I think I loved you I've been going up to once sometimes I'd take her here so she could learn about the everlasting word so she could know about the terrible sins some people come in drinking and parties and carrying on things that no one should do especially girls like a damn beautiful girl how can you be sure she was doing anything wrong Tana do you have any real proof of it everything sergeant just knowing she was singing against the Lord you know of any of the other men she went out with they were sinful I knew that they only liked Adele because she was beautiful did you know any other man did you know for a fact there was anything wrong I know everything sergeant she was a beautiful girl and I thought she was a woman of the Lord and I wanted it for my wife but she gave in too soon I guess that's her business tanner how she lived we're trying to find out how she died well just let me tell you about it I'd lie there in the dark in my room upstairs and wait to hear her come in down the hall was always late to three o'clock in the morning not here come here you still haven't told us Tanner what about the men she went out with the prior girl slaves are the devil every one of them all right you want to tell us mister how about it so what made you do it huh wait a minute you don't wait to listen you say made me do it made me do what I think you know what I mean Tanner you want to tell us now it's a terrible thing well this sinner honest it's a grave thing the whole world there's not one just man there is no no understand there's none who seeks after God there's none who does good no not even one the throat is an open Sepulchre and with their tongues they have dealt deceitfully the venom of asked is beneath their lips their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness struction and misery are in their ways and the path of peace they have not known there is no fear of God before their eyes no fear of God well yes sir we'd still like match to our question maybe we could talk it out a little better downtown the wisdom and the knowledge is here and now I know a Dell in a terrible sins they had to be paid for Adele had to pay for every one of them you want to get to the point mr. no what is it what are you trying to tell us the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the charity of God in the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all on me she's sinned and she died yeah in the name of God in the name of our Lord Amin I could William Harold Tana was brought downtown immediately where he volunteered a complete statement admitting full guilt for the murder of Adele prior blood-stained clothing found in his room corroborated his story he gave us the details of how he murdered Adele prior because she spurned his attentions we began questioning him about the Donaldson murder which had taken place more than a year before and which was still unsolved the victim 64 year old Louise Donaldson had met death in the same manner as Adele prior no I didn't know the old lady but she had money I'd been told that I was broke and I needed the money so I thought it would be a good thing this was in September a year ago that you murdered her yes sir September all right she was all alone she didn't have anybody she's sick I probably did her a favor your package here says you figured in the investigation I'm a plot to blow up the wrecks more hotel about three years ago homemade bomb planted in the basement of the hotel yeah that was mine three years ago September you never could have traced it it's too bad the bomb didn't go off I hated those hotel people all right it wasn't matter well I worked at that hotel once you know I worked hard too one Saturday they held up my paycheck I didn't get it until the next Tuesday I never forgot it September September well what would that have to do with it I don't know really September's always been the time that's all I always seem to work into some kind of trouble every September I don't know where it is it just seems to be the best time September it's always September mm-hmm I really didn't want to kill her dough there wasn't anything else I could do she was a sinner for drinking and running around she committed sins all the time and the worst kinds of sin it's terrible yeah well maybe you better check the book ten on your way hit her what do you mean what kind of seems worse than murder [Music] On January 10th trial was held in Superior Court Department 87 City and County of Los Angeles state of California in a moment the results of that trial the suspect was examined by three psychiatrists appointed by the state and found to be sane at the time of the murders he was tried and convicted of first-degree murder two counts [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Retro Toons
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Id: Clr2DZxoslM
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Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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