Dragnet S05E06 The Big Gap

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen the story you're about to see is true the names have been changed to protect the innocent [Music] this is the city Los Angeles California I work here I'm a cup it was Wednesday May 18th was cool in Los Angeles we were working the day watch out of Bunco fugitive division my partner's Frank Smith the boss is Captain Didion my name is Friday a pawn broker we knew came into the office he said he suspected that a man had been swindled he offered to tell us about it we were ready to listen maybe just wasting my time here is too but it sure looked like a con game to me well what's a sting well a fella came in last night little guy kind of timid probably never been in a pawn shop before at least he wasn't a steady I can spot him straight off ya wanted to pawn a ring big green stone fancy setting all gimmick tough you know mm-hm man's ring real fancy though ask me what it was worth would you tell him worth 20 bucks maybe 25 is that what you told him you know I can't loan full value now you know that yeah I offered him five bucks would have gone up to 10 if he'd pressed me that's better than a lot of brokers gift you take the five you're kidding he went all her pieces thought he's gonna have a hemorrhage started calling me a crook said the ring was an emerald shouted and screamed all over the place it's an emerald he said a $5,000 emerald but that hard grass are you sure you didn't make a mistake I asked you sergeant would anybody try to pawn a 5 g mo with me I asked you you know glass that's what it was green glass nice setting though what do you think Joe the old diamond switch maybe could be it sounds like the only difference is the color you get his name Fred I asked him he just shouted and carried on wasn't making no sense at all I got his license though you know yeah he was parked right in front of the place about the number when he drove off thought you might want it mm-hmm ah here it is on the inside you make it out alright yeah we'll check on a friend might be a good idea if he got right on it waving just before he left my place he stopped all that carrying on I think it sunk in but I told him about the ring being no good it got real quiet kind of like he was making up his mind about something mm-hmm asked me to sell him a gun Fred Alvin gave us a description of the man who had tried to pawn the ring we checked the license number with a local branch of DMV they came up with the information that the automobile bearing that license was registered in the name of Garfield hunt 221 north Selma Avenue Hollywood 9:03 a.m. Frank and I drove out to talk to hunt good morning ma'am who are you what do you want does mr. hunt here no no he isn't well he lives here doesn't well who are you I'm sorry we're police officers my name is Friday this is Frank Smith police yes ma'am where is he what's happened ma'am don't try to break it easy just tell me what's happened to gar your mrs. hunter yeah he was in an accident wasn't he I just knew it the way he was acting yesterday all keyed up he shouldn't have gone out last night he never was a good driver I told him a hundred times maybe we don't follow him is on my husband that's why you're here isn't it yes ma'am we like to talk to him for a minute talk to him that's right you're telling me the truth he's not hurt or anything not as far as we know but you're a policeman would you mind if we come inside might be a little easier to talk yes of course thank you afraid the living room isn't very presentable I didn't have a chance to put the bedding away yet that's all right this left in here last night so I be near the phone I thought he might call I thought somebody called your husband didn't come home last night never happened before not here 37 years yes ma'am oh just let me put this man away sir oh thank you oh there yeah just put it in that chair over there okay do you have any idea where your husband might have gone no no idea at all he didn't say but I asked him but he wouldn't tell me you said it was going to be a surprise what time did he leave about nine thirty five I looked at the clock as he went out the door I couldn't believe it not like God to go out that late we're usually in bed by 10:00 yes ma'am he promised me he'd only be gone an hour he promised me he'd be back here about 10:30 for sure mercy never heard a word from him after that not a word what do you suppose happened to him we don't know miss hug you must have some notion no ma'am we don't you said you want to talk to him just a few questions routine about what we'd rather ask him did you notify the police that he's missing no I didn't know what to do I figured you get in touch with me when you found him I guess I wasn't thinking very good never happened before you got a picture of your husband miss man I have one would you like to see it yes we could he doesn't look like your grandfather does he we have three is that so but if we take this along you won't let anything happen to it will you will be careful it's the only one I have yes ma'am do you think you can find him we'll do our best I guess I should have notified you last night yes ma'am I didn't know what to do I thought you'd get in touch with me if something had happened it's always better to call us first I guess so then it might not happen we advised mrs. hunt to make a formal report of her husband's disappearance to the Hollywood division a local and an APB were set up 3:15 p.m. patrol car unit 9 l78 reported hunted been found sitting in his car the car was parked on Mulholland Drive Hunt had readily identified himself we asked the officers to bring him in for questioning [Music] Joel yeah here's your man garfield hunt thank you I sit down a mister on ahead sit down what do you want with me we'd like to talk to you Mr Hunt mrs. Frank Smith my name's Friday I just never been under arrest before not once you're not under arrest now Vuitton then what do you want to talk to me for why those officers asked me to come here you didn't go home last night your wife has been kind of worried about you I was going to go home when they found me wasn't any place else to go Ida shouldn't have called you she didn't call how'd you find out he tried to buy a gun pawn shop over on Main Street Oh would you want the gun for they wouldn't sell it to me what you want with it no needed no not now they're gone who are you talking about who's gone wouldn't hurt him just wanted my money back thought I could scare him that's all who were they said they were written in the store next to mine came out first of last week measured the frontage heard him pound around inside hammerin and all like there was getting ready to move in said they were jewelers go to open up a valley branch for Lansing Wells you know big jewelry store down down here hmm seemed like real nice fellas brought me lunch a couple of times present friendly like glad to have moving in the more business there is in the neighborhood the better off everyone is you know crooks that's what they were out mailed crooks went looking for early this morning bagged order their store was open the one next to mine go ahead mr. Allen couldn't find hide nor hair of them place was empty how much money they get from him not them exactly telework and lism must have been working with him only way it makes sense all right now suppose you tell us all about it in cahoots with their mother to bust Ben came into my shop day before yesterday long about one o'clock in the afternoon call himself Norman Chris said he was from really really talented Colorado where my brother lives said he knew my brother Oscar back there what do you want with you claimed Oscar asked him to look me up see how I was doing probably didn't know Oscar at all they must have told him them juror fellas you know got to thinkin back remember I mentioned having a brother in Colorado one day we was having lunch told him the town - really what happened to him the cellula ring you know about that - he tried to pawn it didn't you no sir not really just wanted to find out how much he was worth so I could tell I dad gonna surprise her figured I'd give him another day before I tried to sell it you still have the ring mister huh threw it away up there in the elders but tell me how'd you happen to buy it I wasn't buying it outright I was just loaning him on it I say told me he had a chance to option some property out near Encino real bargain said he had to close a deal by 5:00 p.m. that same day needed cash for a preacher mm-hmm had to get the money from Colorado that's what he said he was afraid it wouldn't be here in time couldn't go to the bank didn't have any credit in LA you know needed $3,000 said if I loan him the three he'd give me back 4,000 first thing in the morning offered me his reign for security said it was worth 7,000 said it cost him more than that you hand the money over no sir not by a darn sight told him I didn't have 3,000 told him straight out mm-hmm said all I had was 1,500 my savings account yes I shouldn't have said that yes sir yes that was my first mistake he thought about it for a minute asked if he'd use my phone call somebody talk to him for a couple of minutes when he hung up he told me might be able to swing it for 1500 he'd have to go out there and see him in person said he'd come back to believe them not right away I stopped him to him there was no point in coming back while he was on the phone I had a chance to do some thinkin realized I didn't know nothing about him nothin about the ring I know jeweler I said how do I know that rings worth $7,000 I'm not calling you a liar but how do I know he said he didn't blame me for being cautious sure I had good business in took off the regulator on my counter told me to get it appraised while he was gone I went next door asked those fellas who said they were jewelers place was locked up so why you figure they were still out to lunch I figured maybe they was in the drugstore down on the corner did you find him there yes sir what they say about the ring perfect emerald that's what they said one of them put a gadget up to his ID loop through it you know what I mean yeah perfect emerald worth $10,000 not a flaw in it mmm acted like they thought it was mine offered to buy if I wanted to sell I told him about the other felony that he needed $3,000 told him the whole story they said they loan him five without batting an eye offered to make AutoCheck right then and there kind of took my win away they were so anxious I said maybe we could go in 5050 they put up 1,500 I put up 15 that way the guy would have 3,000 if he still needed that much he could both make a little profit one of them asked me how I wanted to check if he did make it out to me I told him to make it out to cash how'd he sign it Jones Quincy Jones that's the name I knew him by other one called himself Wyatt Truesdale I don't think that's our real names though probably what is it you call them releases yes sir aliases well anyway I went over to my bank and drew out the 1,500 about 2:30 the fellow come back the one who gave me the ring yeah said he tried to talk the real estate people into being satisfied of 1500 wouldn't come down insisted on the whole three thousand I told him not to worry that I had it given my 1,500 and the check he said the check at the old Casey and his house on a local bank promise he pay me back in the morning I was yesterday yes sir when he didn't show up I just wanted to make sure how much it was worth the ring yeah offered me $5 for it man in the pawn shop didn't believe him at first said it was just glass hunk of glass then it come to me how I've been tricked all of a sudden it come to me well I want to stay out all night why don't you go home couldn't face her Ida knew I'd been swindled $1,500 every cent we'd saved been married for 37 years it was ID as money too not just because she's my wife helped her in it but we're trying to get it back for you mister huh not much to show for 37 years is it that's what I kept thinking while I was sitting in my car up there in the hills all day long just kept singing 37 years $1500 yes'm too late to start all over again we won't have them not a chance have what sir another 37 years you [Applause] [Music] using Garfield hunts description of the three suspects the stats office came up with 24 Possible's who had worked similar mos [Music] we showed mug shots to hunt he identified two of the photographs furnished wilcoxon and Parker Cleaver hunt was positive that wilcoxon and cleaver where the man who had rented the store next to his and pretended to be jewellers he was unable to find a photograph of Norman Chris the man who had sold him the ring we pulled the packages on wilcoxon unclever they had both done time for grand theft they had not previously worked with a third person a local and an APB were sent out on all three suspects using the information from their mama sheets Frank and I began checking various places cleaver and wilcoxon had been known to frequent 812 p.m. we went into the black parrot bar on South Broadway and talked to the bartender wilcoxon and cleaver huh yeah that's right not by those names I don't know maybe these will help well yeah they come in here once no well I always come in together far as I know ever have a guy with him tall thin dark hair about 30 no no just the two of them never seen him with another guy mm-hmm why do you want to know where we can turn them well they ain't here now we can wait but they won't be in tonight how do you know I got money oh they grow one of those in yesterday once he Jones that's what he told me his name was Bill but not on a tab he paid it up and full at plenty left over long as they're carrying a roll they don't come to my place head for them expensive joints like out in the strip places like that when they blown their loot come back to me and start running up another tab I called them on it but what can you do this way I get some of their bundle you know where they live around here somewhere couldn't pin it down for you oh good how bad you want to find out that even will cost your drink he left thirsty not for me girl over there in the booth the brunette uh-huh she knows him and I with him a couple of times I've seen him leave to get it okay or don't eat kidding about the drinks it's on the house you guys and her - we don't want any but we'll pay for hers what you new around here - that's right [Music] sends a new talent around this place what police officers miss this Frank Smith my name is Friday oh you like that well Owen horoscope said I was gonna meet somebody new today you know the morning paper gone there'd be cops where'd that come from these guys shouldn't call guys Jay so advised a lady a drink that makes him a gentleman these gentlemen that's what you should say oh sure [Music] you're very good help [Music] you know what can I do for you the bartender says these men are friends of yours [Music] [Applause] I wouldn't say that this is the most flattering major but there's resemblance normal well we met we weren't formally introduced but we've met meet a lot of people here not the best people in town something does Barnes out it's convenient I work down the street eight hours a day five days a week time and a half for Saturday if we work Saturday the seven of us in one office seven young ladies ages 32 to 60 I'm 32 no no they don't come in here the other six that's something I suppose you'd care to hear the sad story aging white collar girl you know where they live oh you mean these so-called friends of mine that's right am i well do you ever hear of the Norcross arms hotel mm-hmm I haven't been there with them of course in fact I'm sure if it's their residence but Quincy is carrying a hotel key one night and fell out of his pocket and that was the name on the tag Norcross arm okay thanks thank you good friend don't mention it all right well you click spits she drinks good stuff keep the change looks like I got a decent break for once but I mean I'm paying their tab today before you pick them up we got it wrong we didn't pay it huh Oh dead follow them in my hunt [Music] the clerk at the Norcross Arms Hotel told us the two men who resembled wilcoxon and cleaver were registered under the names of Jones and Truesdale he said they'd gone out for the evening he showed us up to their room 36a we asked him about the suspect known as norman Crist he told us he had never seen anybody with wilcoxon cleaver who answered Chris description 248 a.m. Wilcox Nunn Cleaver returned to their room we took them into custody and drove them down to the City Hall for questioning how many times you want to hear it until we get the truth does hunt say gave us any money he never gave us a cent did he Ernie no we paid a couple of hunch tabs of his that's right always managed out bumblers owes us a couple of lunches he paid him back hmm fifteen hundred bucks buys a lot of lunches what 1,500 you got your share you've been spreading it all over town I'd say gave it to us you still had over 600 when we picked you up no where'd it come from Hollywood Park pick three long shots yesterday what the horses names where's Chris I told you before I never heard of him who is he the guy who worked the game with never heard of it you want to take this wrap yourselves flytrap why'd you rent that store out in the valley Stuart we showed him your mug shots the man you rented it from he made you now you want it in person I guess they got us there Ernie yeah we were gonna open up a bookie chart Oh what changed our minds look the situation over decided might get a little warm out in the valley cleared out looky joiner try not a jewelry store what are you talking about us jewelers honey in me that's two told hunt nothing of the kind laid it on the line telling me where buck is just between us he was kind of pleased about it likes to play the horses himself like the idea being a relay a bet so convenient oh sure say maybe that's what happened to his money maybe lost it on an egg all right you two let's try it again now why'd you rent that store you're gonna get the same answers same questions same answers waste of time we got bloody mmm-hmm 72 hours that's all you got it you could hold us on suspicions for sent me too then you turn us loose does she prove something will prove it how we didn't take any money from HUD nobody says we did not even him if it wasn't marked for this so what's his name Chris yeah how do you lap us into the package hunt never saw us with him nobody we'll find somebody 72 hours and you got to turn us loose that's the law yeah we know the law why'd you break it we continued to question the suspects but we were unable to break them down Thursday May 19 7:45 a.m. another team of detectives took over the interrogation Frank and I went back to the office [Music] well I think they'll cop out I don't know it doesn't look like it unless we come up with Kris rule do you call faith yeah if you let me have it kept dinner till after 10:30 last night you're lucky Joe no maybe wonder if I get home tonight yes uncle Friday yeah that's right yeah sounds like him Oh how long ago no no right thank you Chris fits the description smashed up a car in the Hollywood Freeway Georgia Street recognized them from our teletype be able to talk died 10 minutes after they brought him at the morgue the victim Garfield hunt identified the body he was positive it was the man who had sold in the ring norman Crist wilcoxon and cleaver were also shown the body they deny that they'd ever seen Chris before the next day Friday May 20th the evidence against Wilcox named cleaver was taken to the district attorney's office a complaint was refused the evidence was deemed insufficient to bring the matter to trial at this time wilcoxon and cleaver were released 6:05 p.m. Frank and I got ready to sign out that really tears it yeah the DA's office knows they're guilty we know it can't do a thing yeah then waste our time Joe just going through the motion no no we got him pegged and they'll stay peg yeah next time they move in on a mark we'll sell them wouldn't be very smart on to try it twice they're not very smart huh they tried it once [Music] two months later on July 12th the two suspects were apprehended for a similar crime on November 6th trial was held in Department 98 Superior Court of the state of California in and for the County of Los Angeles in a moment the results of that trial [Music] the suspects were tried and convicted of grand theft one count and receive sentence as prescribed by law grand theft is punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than one year or for a period of from one to ten years in the State Penitentiary [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: dragnetfootage
Views: 201,316
Rating: 4.7240176 out of 5
Keywords: dragnet, serie, show, tv, John Stephenson, George Fenneman, Jack Webb, Ben Alexander, Harry Morgan
Id: 0QCs7z8IjIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 12 2012
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