Dragging a 1971 MGB out of the Woods after 20 years! Will it Run? Part 1

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what's happening I'm Michael and this is budget bills what is happening budget builders and welcome back to the channel once again I want to thank everyone so much for all the positive love and support that we've had so far on this channel so got a message from a subscriber about a little MGB stuck in the wood we're gonna run get the thing picked up got a little help for Mia today dad and I are gonna run out with this gentleman got to cut some trees down gonna have some fun and get this car drug out of here and we're gonna take you guys along with us are y'all so here we are ready to dig this little MGB out it's hiding back here in the woods with another couple cars this is the gentleman that got in touch with us that owns the little MGB well sup people those are tube I do you know it's a little car I told him we'll get the we should have enough I think this is oh it's got the Eagle stall in the front you okay if I film these give me a message you down for a second ah shoot yeah see you dragging this one back home what's up it that tree has grown there since it's been here yeah like all these parties been sitting here [Applause] [Music] oh so it's still got got a long motor in it all right so you saw that little jewel tucked back in there we got to go ahead and you start trying to get this sucker out of here first thing we're gonna do is start trying to trim the trees down the stuff it's been sitting in this hole for probably roughly 18 years and has been running and maybe 25 years or better we'll try to kind of pinpoint that as we get along with it let's go to start trimming these trees up and see when we get the same drug out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] today Oh Tibetan stuff don't blast me in the comment section I've known this chain loosely started last thing I used to pull the stuffing off roots in the dirt anyway so this is very good this is a jump bar and chain anyway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] some of the knockoff you you you [Music] all right so now we're home with it tucked back here in the backyard the other little mg in the Porsche as you can see it is a rough little car been sitting for a long time stickers ran out and 88-89 the car is actually a 71 surprisingly it does have that tag as well as the VIN tag on the dash still so if someone really wanted to try it could be a legal car again but this one's little too far gone the wire wheels are actually pretty decent shape on it as well as the rubber as well as that rubber as well as the bumpers and a few other odds and ends but not much you know as far as the main thing we were looking at on this one was that little guy there and so it is an 1800 with a four-speed behind it's not an overdrive transmission you can see she's pretty nasty oily but the engine does seem to turn over freely and I you know as far as sitting on the woods for as long as it did I'd say it's it's probably got quite a few miles on it but it's probably gonna be a good thing help us out as far as again with with like the Porsche engine you know being a little being a little sloppy and worn out you know those tolerances aren't as tight as as they would be on a on a lower mileage engine which may be a good thing for us but with this one sitting as long as it did practically on the ground in the woods first thing I do want to do is go and pull those spark plugs let's check everything out let's fill this thing with some Marvel mr. oil get it soaking fur for a few days so we'd be sure we don't scar anything up with rust on those on those rings and we'll start cleaning up in here trying to get to a point where we can hopefully get this little girl fired up or attempt to at least does still have stocks that I best use on it and we'll pop the cap off as well and let's see what kind of ignition system it has whether it's got electronic ignition or it's got points a condenser neither bother me honestly I don't know why I'm old school I like points a condenser even though it's pain in the butt it's kind of fun sometimes to go to fire your car up and the Walmart parking lot in the pouring rain and your points have gotten out of adjustment a little bit and you got to pop the cap and pop the cap take your Leatherman out and give it a little bit of adjustment ask me how I know so let's go to pop this hood real quick let's pop those spark plugs out see what kind of indication there is on the spark plugs as far as what we're looking at in there let's also go ahead and get it soaked down with some more of a mist roll get the shot back out here and clean up under this hood a little bit all right so here she is first thing let's do let's go to get that shot back get everything cleaned up under this hood so we don't too much to bring the engine bay let's go ahead and get those parts let's go to get those spark plugs popped out so we can really see what we're working with [Music] [Music] alright so there's a good start got most everything cleaned up let's go ahead and pop those spark plugs out and get an idea of what we're working with here oh yeah and duh well I'm thinking about it let's pull this dipstick see how that all looks honestly not too terrible look too bad smells a little like old gas no water though it's a good sign alright well for some reason that one is a little it was a little loose hopefully there hasn't been any water intrusion because of that and it was snug enough that I don't think yeah you look at spark look but you can see see where's Ben loose for a long time by the crud around the top it almost looks like that crush washer never was crimp down like the new set of plugs was stuck in this car for got parked and they didn't didn't get it tight enough and you see you see that Oh number two is the same way although looks pretty good as you can see again Krusty she is there now that one's tight now those are tight ish let's get it loose and see still not super tight they're snug though I'm thinking last time what was put in this they just weren't snugged up real good I know a lot of people you know they say don't over-tighten spark plugs and so a lot of times people have put them in there and start feeling a little bit of resistance and stop with this style spark plug you've got a crush washer and you've got to crush that crush washer down and it just picked up a little bit of trash but as far as how the plug looks again on this one looks pretty good but you don't want to overdo it you want to get you know I know a good rule of thumb if you don't know better is go till it stops and give it an eighth to a quarter turn you know as long as I've been doing it especially with boats and stuff we do it you know we're changing spark plugs stuff every single day you know you just kind of get a feel for how tight it should be you don't want to over overdo it kill it you know but you want to be careful with it and you still want it to be snug enough if you don't have any issues there let me grab the vacuum cleaner really quick let's go to suck out around those holes I know that trash falls down in the cylinders but so far we're looking really good [Music] look like it's 2-2 terribly worn out as far as I can still see just a little bit of cross-hatching in the cylinders there I don't think you guys are gonna be able to see anything yeah I don't know if you guys need be able to see anything but overall I'm really surprised with how it looks pop that cap off and say she's grimy hahaha but as far as moisture I don't see any kind of water intrusion or anything which is a good sign I might have to do some cleaning to be sure we have good oil pressure and everything you know might might possibly need a rebuild but it looks like we might have a good start here so let's go ahead and grab some Marvel mr. oh and a funnel let's get some down on those cylinders go ahead and let it start soaking that soaking out yeah it's gonna let start letting it soak down for the next you know day or so and the will blow it attempt to blow it out I guess I should go ahead and see if we can get it to turn over as well let's go to get some Marvel mr. oil in there go from there okay so one thing I did notice here when you were trying to turn this thing over by handle a little bit it did turn some and then stop and so what you'll notice and it was the same way with the sixty-six is the belt is actually rusted to the pulleys and so when you try to turn it they just get snagged into itself so we're gonna go and cut that real quick and let's pop this distributor cap and see what working with there all right so as you saw as I was getting that belt cut off this thing spun over almost a full revolution shooting out some of our Marvel mr. oil but we're still gonna leave it in there to soak some more did pop the cap off overall honestly the cap looks pretty good on the inside as you can see thing is running points a condenser still and don't look too terrible a little crusty not too much play there so that's a good sign we will go and clean up those points and see if we get this thing firing as it comes time to turn over all right so while that thinks while the suckers soaking down we're gonna go and pop these intake covers off just to make sure you know as it's been sitting here I'm sure the intake filters have disintegrated we want to make sure they're not down in the intake get it all vacuumed out and blown out before we really start trying to turn this thing over not too bad down in there I think at some point of time before this car got parked the filters have been taken out some of that trash is down in there both the throttle dampers are stuck on them so I will go and pop these off and see if we can get those to free up I think it'll pop off you know because you do have just a little bit you know this is your idle speed you know I think it may try to pop off with it well if it's gonna run it should pop off without messing with those we'll kind of mess with it and find out but you guys while this thing soaking before we try to turn it over tell me if you think this motor is going to run or not this one's not gonna be quite as easy as the other little mg this was quite a bit crushed here so it's sitting longer and outside in the woods but tell me if you think it'll run all right y'all so that's gonna wrap it up for this episode don't worry there'll be another episode out later this week we're gonna see if we can get this car to run get it jacked up drain the oil out of it get some power to it get it turn it over and let's see if we get this sucker to pop off once again I want to thank all of you so much for all the positive love and support puts there all the positive love and support that we've had so far on this channel I can't thank you all enough we've just hit that 30,000 subscriber mark in just over two months and my goodness I cannot thank you all enough it's been incredible and I can't wait to go so much farther with this channel I did let you guys know in the community section once we hit 50k I'll be doing a big giveaway since some of y'all out some goodies and and some gift cards and stuff just to show you guys some appreciation for everything that y'all have done for us this week we'll be getting more out on this mg obviously more out on the Porsche and don't worry we're bringing back the little rabbit pickup truck I hope you guys enjoyed all the the craziness of pulling this car out and if you guys like like that kind of stuff we'll do some more of it hopefully soon we'll be able to get one that we get running I'd like to be able to try to drive one home got a couple new builds in the works always there's all kinds of cards laziness but I hope you guys enjoy it once again thank you all so much and I catch you on the flipside
Channel: Budget Buildz
Views: 633,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mgb, woods, dragout, rusty, willitrun, save, classic, british, revive, sitting
Id: eYOd1TzhvbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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