Drag Race’s Shadiest Confessionals ✨ All Stars Edition

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- Let's do this, *******. (queens cheering) All Stars! - Yes, baby. - I know the four queens sitting there as I walk in are thinking, "This ***** looks good." Love your dress. - Raven walked in from a cocktail party, it looks like. Thanks for trying, girl. - [Rupaul] Girl. - Hold on, I'm getting a call in my Bluetooth. It's Sharon. (Pandora yelps) You what? You wanna give me my hundred thousand dollars back? (queen laughing) - Oh! Watching Chad play with his little earring, and I'm thinking, "This ***** is kind of bitter." - [Queen] Oh. - [Group] Ah. - See this is how you do drag, girls. - As soon as Manila was in the room, I still know that Manila is annoying. (Queens shouting) - Mimi mother ******* Imfurst walks up in this *****. Why? - Someone's gotta go home first. (queens laughing) - Do you guys think Mimi deserve to go home? - [Raven] She didn't even deserve to be here. (Jujubee gasps) - And there's the tea. - Cheers. Mimi is not an all star to me. - So Pandora gave up. - I love Pandora, but when you give up, you go home. - So this is like the top four. - That's really weird. - And we won! Werk! - If I were Alexis, I would be hugging Yara. I would suck her (censored) because you know what? She's the only reason that they're here this week. (can hissing) - What is going on over there? - Would you (censored) me? I'd (censored) me. - Chad Michaels looks like Burt Reynolds and Cher had a baby. - Or maybe we do a kick or something. Like a kick, if we do a spin. - Chanel's dancing, it's very (vocalizes). Girl, bring it down. - We slide down, and we get down here, and do a pose. - This ***** is crazy. - Because I'm trying to be really intense. - Oh, intense. That's what you call it. - There's a lot more going on with you two guys, here. - Chanel has to be the one with all eyes on her. Well honey, there are four of us up here. So you know what? Shut the (censored) up. - Chanel, take a breath and relax. This is drag, honey. - Do you think if Ru didn't want you to go, she wouldn't have let you go? - No, I think that I made the decision. - *****, please. If Ru wanted you to stay, she would've said, "Shante, you stay." But she didn't. - Alyssa Edwards, she looks just like she did when she walked in season five, just with a little better hair, and slightly less rolls. - This is a really good picture. Okay, okay! - You cannot have a conversation with Alyssa if you're in proximity to her mirror. And even if like Ed McMahon had risen from the dead, presenting her with a $300,000 check, she'd be like, "One second, one second." - The one and only Alaska 5000. - Hi-eee! - Roxxxy Andrew's total last minute decision to switch to Alaska... - She said, "Hi-eee." - [Rupaul] She said, "Hi-eee," to them. - Ru is throwing watermelons down the line, and (blows) swing and a miss. It's like little league softball, and she has no arms, or legs. It's sad. - [Queen] So two wins- - It isn't two. - [Queen] How many for you, De? - Two. I have been grand slamming everything. I'm killing every (censored) runway that I step on, and to continue to be just safe is kind of irritating. It's like you think a (censored) store-bought roll of tape is more genius than a talking trash can, or a spray bottle that has nothing in it? You know what I mean? It's frustrating to me. - [Queen] Four though, I mean... - Girl, yes. I'll be honest. I feel good about my position in the competition. - Two for me, and Roxxxy. - One. - I wish I won that lip sync though. - I'm sorry. I'm sure that there are some hoes who would love to get me out of the way. I feel like Jessica Rabbit. (moans) I would want to get me out of the way if I was up against me. Luckily, I am me. (moans) Sorry about that. - So good to see you. Werk. - I very much expected to see Trixie here. (Trixie cheers) Like myself, she really proved that she was an all star off the show, but she sort of sucks in comparison to me. - How you doing? - Good, how are you? - I'm very good. - Ben, you're still alive! She sort of fell off the face of the earth for a while. I thought she just grew a beard, ran into the woods, was sort of just terminally delightful to the squirrels. - BenDeLaCreme's a little recycled. You know, we've seen it. I mean the Miss Congeniality dress, that (censored) is out the door. That was how many seasons ago? Like, don't worry about trying to be that. Try to get the crown. - You better come through, Whoville. - Oh my God, the look is white noise of ugly. In fact, it's very Chi Chi. I think Kennedy is Chi Chi from the future coming back to tell her she's not gonna win All stars. - What's up *******? (queens cheering) Hello to you! - Oh God. If I (censored) hear, "Hallelu," one more **** time. I cannot stand it. She's a halle-lunatic. - A lot of the queens are doing basically the same thing. Lip syncing, or dancing, or singing one of their original songs. As long as I do well with the violin playing, and my strings don't explode, I'm gonna win. Woo! ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Mama, hey-o ♪ ♪ Mama, hey ♪ - Bebe is the Lion King, off Broadway, but she looks great. She turned to me and went (growls). And I was like, "Ah!" - This sucks. - Ugh, wake up *****. You had to make the decision. Nobody envied you, but you made it, move forward. - But you got $10,000 girl. Hallelu. - Honey! - But it's like not winning. It's like feels really bad. (sniffs) - Mama. Girl, ugh. Miss Bedela is giving y'all boohoo fish over here at the mirror, girl. She sent Morgan home because Morgan was saying, "Oh, let's get rid of the strong competition." And Bendela's a strong competitor. That's the reason she sent her home. Miss 'Dela is playing the game just like the rest of us. - *****, I was not even looking like that at that time. But I guess I was. (queens laughing) - Kennedy's just like a grumpy old man. She's like a grandpa. Like a grandpa who, you know, can't hear well, and is just kind of angry. But it's just, it's your grandpa. It's your grandpa in a wig. - But that's just not right. - She's a clown. She's a, it's a joke, obviously. - [Kennedy] No, I don't get it. - But because you're not a clown. Well you look like a clown right now, but- - No, no, no. That's not right at all. - I'm devastated because I don't quite see Kennedy taking drag to an all-star level quite like I thought Thorgy could. That just means I guess Kennedy will have to be sent home next week. - Like the final determining factor... (sighs) - Oh Bendela, I see the wheels turning. She's calculating. She's careful about every word she says because she has a reputation to uphold. - Mine is spicy, mine is hot. And it's called Achu. - Achu? - Yeah. It's like a spicy kind of very flavorful kind, it's called Achu. - What the (censored) is Achu? Achu. Shouldn't soup help a cold, not cause one? You don't hear no soup being called (hacks). - The show must go on girls. - We've lost our clear front runner. So now the rest of us are like, "Oh my gosh, the likelihood of me winning has just skyrocketed." This is like your pretty friends not going to prom, and now you're like, "Don't forget to write. I'm gonna write you a letter on one of my a hundred thousand dollars." - Bebe, whose lipstick did you pull? - Out of respect for Dela, I'm not going to reveal who I was going to send home. I'm not scared, but at this point, we need peace. We need people to be focused because it's now a journey to the top. So if anybody is curious about anything, just know you'll be curious for the rest of your life. (mischievous music) - Morgan, dead on arrival. I actually saw her as a Sharon Frankavich. Like a slutty kind of confrontational. So I'm just like, "Big mistake. Huge." - The eliminated queens are coming back, back, back again. (dramatic music) - And to hate. - Ugh, they not gone yet? - Why ain't they at the house? Girl, they done come back more than me. Who keeps letting them back in? Baby, lock the doors. - I don't really know what to expect of Naomi. She's beautiful, young, creative. But Naomi doesn't have a very big personality, and you either stand out, or you get out. - I'm excited to see my season 10 sister, I feel like both of us have something to prove. But this is All Stars Four. A black jumpsuit like a leotard? It's not stunning. Ms. Farrah is gorgeous, let's tell facts. But America, if you gonna have your *** out, it's supposed to look like J-Lo, not like Mr. Rogers. (crowd shouts) - Whoa. She fell, and she fell hard, *****. (crowd claps) - America, she might be in the bottom, 'cause it's not stunning. - I am Jasmine Masters, and I have something to say, thank you. (crowd claps & cheers) (awkward music) - Jasmine can have all the viral videos she wants. That don't make an all star. Girl, a lot of people have viral things. They go to the doctor for it, and get rid of it. - I felt good in my lip sync. I'm happy that my hair loss was iconic in the rafters. - *****! Girl. If you have a wig come off your head, some other something better be up underneath your wig. And this ain't the first time I'm looking at your bald head. Brown cow stunning? Not so much. (queens screaming and laughing) - Da da-da-da da-da da-da-da! - Valentina's bare ***. Oh sorry, no *** at all. When they were passing out Little Debbie snack cakes, she missed the line, honey. - Girl, Valentine is a diva. She seriously thinks that she is like this Tele Novela star. (suave, smooth latin music) (cameras clicking) - It's just so hard, girls. - Ugh. - Did you really think that she was gonna walk out there in that costume, with that hair, and sell an Ariana Grande- - Oh girl, I just wanted to give Ariana, you know- - She didn't even know the words. - I did know the words. - Girl, please. Monet's costumes are cheap. A little body suit from the dance store. That ain't cutting it. This is All Stars. Where's the All Star? - [Queen] And she had things to say about you eliminating her that were so outlandish, in my opinion. - That was, right, doesn't make any sense. - The reality is you've had three seasons, sis. You have tons of fans, you've been traveling the world, but you still giving the same pageant drag that you was given on season four, and that's why you got chopped. - Girl, this was her-story. - So Latrice is back. I guess she got her redemption moment. Cute. - Valentina lives in a whole 'nother world where it's run by French vanilla fantasy, champagne, and red m&ms. - [Queen] We're losing eyebrows today. - [Queen 2] You're gonna do it? - Are you really gonna come shave 'em off? - Yeah. - Do y'all remember "Powder"? The movie with the little whiteboard with no, do y'all, go google it. - Shave her face. - Just saying. - A real duck? Seriously? - Trinity is glowing. - Blair Sinclair came out with some good air under her booty, baby. Why you so cocky, girl? She will crack under pressure though. - I voted for you to go home. But it was- - [Queen] Are you serious? - Yes I am. - You're get, you're joking right? - I am not joking. We're all predators, and the crown is the prey, and somebody's feelings gonna get hurt, they gonna take it personally. But I am hungry for this crown. I'm here to slay, and filet, and slice, and dice these *******. Ooh, Imma eat you up, hoes. Imma eat you hoes up! (Jujubee slurps) - I feel I should have brought in some white out, maybe, because Ongina, Derek and Mayhem, they believed that they could do it, and you didn't believe in yourself, and that's an All Star thing. - Where did that come from? Cracker wants to put my name on a lipstick with white out? Okay first of all, you're not Bendelacreme and you wish you were. And second, you're not a judge, so slow your role. And third, like there's no third because just shut the (censored) up already. ♪ I'm in love, I'm in love ♪ ♪ I'm in love with hi-i-im ♪ (queens clapping) - Okay. - [Queen] Yay, yay! (indistinct) - Shay's team is like, "A-one, and two, and three, and four, and five, six, seven, eight." And I'm like (groans). - I do not trust Alexis as far as I can throw her. Y'all know that ain't far. But I am going to put my most professional panties on right now, and we are gonna get this job done, and I'll handle our personal stuff after this. (wand tings) - [Rupaul] All right. - It's hard to watch. - So how was your rehearsal yesterday with the coaches? - I had so much fun, they were cackling. They were saying like, "You have material, you have jokes." They were like, "Just narrow down on your best jokes," 'cause I have a lot of material. But like just have fun, let loose, and just enjoy the time you're on stage. - "Oh my god, they loved me. They couldn't stop laughing. I have too much material." (laughs) *****. - And every judging panel needs that one person to make the guest judges feel just that much more famous. (crowd chuckling) - Oh, I do declare this is a dumpster fire. - Jaida Essence Hall said, "Trade is a state of mind." And so I'm gonna go with that. - Oh my god, Jan's like, "Yes mama, I'm the trade of the season." - Yeah, "What are you talking about, I-" - Jan looks like she belong in the Mickey Mouse Club. How, no. (Jan cackling) - Miss Yara's having a good time, girl. (Yara cackles) I'm kind of sweating it out over here over a sewing machine, and I'm not really sure like, that Yara has even touched one, honestly. - Yara just walking around chit-chatting, giggling and ****, you know. This the wrong time to be like lackluster and just messing around. But she seems extremely confident that she gonna be able to whoop into shape, and who am I to say that she won't? So good luck, sister. Yara whipped her (censored) out. - Mm-mm, I don't really buy it. I'm thinking that she picked Yara's lipstick because Yara picked her lipstick that first week. - When I discovered who she was, it was at the same time that I discovered like who I was as a ***** person. I'm so excited. - Yeah. - I'm like- - The Ga-font. The Gaga-font. - Yeah. - I know that Jan thinks she's Lady Gaga, but those are like big shoes to fill. Can she do it? I don't know. - Trinity, I can most definitely, if we can't give Trinity to trade, we can give her some- - [Queen] Okay, yes, she can- - Yeah 'cause you know Ms. A'Keria just won't give me the trade part. - Oh yeah, I'm not letting up, bitch- - That's fine. - Girl, I, Trinity's not giving me no trade. If I don't see it, I don't see it. Bloop, boop boop. - It's a new week, and my girl Scarlet is gone. Ooh. Oh well, no, I'm joking. (laughs) ♪ If I dream all the possibilities ♪ - If there was ever a role that was tailor made for Jan, it's this one. It's peppy, it's annoying. ♪ Your wildest dreams, they will come true ♪ ♪ This is a lot ♪ - I can see in A'keria's eyes that she is trying everything she can to make this performance work. (A'keria murmuring) She has all the ingredients to make this a really perfect performance. - Model! I don't see model. Just #basicbitches. - But I don't feel like she's got the measurements of all the ingredients correct. (Ginger screams and gasps) (director laughs) (Michelle laughs) - There's definitely some girls who have way more acting experience. *****, I think Jan was acting in the womb, and I think Ginger gave birth to her. (Ginger grunting) - Look at the two first girls in here, being the Midwest girls representing. - Chicago Milwaukee Duo. - I have history with Miss Jaida Essence Hall. Way back in the day, I used to do shows in her bars. She used to come and do them at mine. So taking this crown from her is gonna suck, but somebody's gotta do it. And I mean who better than me? - What a trip though that we're all here, and we're a part of the recent melanin dynasty. No big deal. - Yes! Evie is looking like a ******* work of art, but this hair is giving me elevator vibes, *****. You push one button, it's up, then it's down, then it's up, then it's down. I'm here for it. (laughs) - Girl, you're now seeing how hard this competition is gonna be, 'cause everybody is good. I mean like there is not a filler queen here. I mean there are some fillers in some queens, but there's not a filler queen. - Very 2000. Let's get it. - These other girls were rejected from other groups for very obvious reasons. ♪ Every single night ♪ The choreography is definitely muy interesante. - We're having so much fun, this is so much fun. Drag race is fun. There we go. - Maybe you know, it's just so fierce, I don't get it. That's also a possibility. - I am so over it. I am. I'm ready to kill it with my team that was assigned for me. (Vivienne laughs) - They over there practicing. - This is a resting ***** face. It's just the filler, look. (dramatic, lively music) (Vivienne sighs) - (censored). - [Queen] You wanted to know all the secrets of the pleasure. - Did you learn anything? - Well, that's what I wanted to talk to y'all about. (Queen giggling) This plunger holds as many secrets as pieces of real jewelry I'm wearing right now, which is none. But being the girl that I am, I'm gonna be a little messy and play with Raja because that's what you getting for blocking my crazy ***. (scary music) (awkward music) - Are you okay? - You're making sandwiches with peanut butter, and that's your brand? Hey, you do you, I hope you have a glass of milk. It's gonna be a lot to swallow. - Today is the day of the Hall of Shade roast, and I am ready to get roasted. I just don't think these girls are gonna have anything funny to say. - If she's not in the top, Vivienne? - I don't know. I dunno. - It's so hard. - Girl. - I know. - Piece of cake. (Jinkx giggling) - Oh, Monet's whispering again. (giggles) I think they think they're being sly about it. The trouble is Monet's a bass, so when Monet's talking low, it's even easier to tell, 'cause I feel the rumbling coming up through my feet. You think you're being really sneaky, but everyone hears (groaning). - (grumbles) Oh my god, I do, ew. I have a lot to prove. I did that infamous talent show in All Stars four, where I did not do a good job, and I literally can't even watch it. - I saw her live singing on the talent show in All Stars four. ♪ People hating undercover ♪ - People hating undercover. (chuckles) That was shady. ♪ Without knowing what ♪ (Monet sings in foreign language) (people cheering and clapping) - We all didn't even know that Monet had that inside of her. She's had a lot of things inside of her, but we didn't know that that was one of them. - That's so corny. I'm so sorry, that is so corny. We're not even a cluster going into a pyramid. Is no one else seeing what I'm seeing? Am I going crazy? Five, six, seven, eight. What? When the (censored) have you seen a rockstar do that? We're glam rock. We're (censored) rock and roll divas. - All right. - Okay, then lead, Diva. - It has begun. - Why don't we just have set spots, do our verses, and then just go from there. - Heidi, do you want to tackle the chorus choreography? - Do y'all want me to tackle the chorus choreography? - Absolutely. - These hoes done lost their **** marbles. They're like, "Oh yes, Heidi, we'll listen to you. Oh yes, Heidi, we'll do whatever you say." Start with right. And then we start rehearsing and they're like, "Oh no, we gonna do this. Oh, I don't like that. Oh, that just don't make no sense." We got our transitions? - Got it, yep. - Baby, relax and let me do my choreograph-uh. - If untreated, it can cause death. (queens gasp) Drops. Death drops. - Nesha Lopez, she's trying to create some type of character that really does not make sense with the role. - Excuse me. - And it's kind of just like cringey to watch. - So this is me. That's my dress. - [Queen] You can't- - And then that's like a train in the back. - Kandy, stop. I'm like, "Girl, what is you creating?" Because baby, this foil is giving me easy-bake going home. - [Jimbo] So it's like we nee- - No, I get that. - My impression of Kandy's no is like, "No." - Well no, because- - No. - No, there'll be- - No. - No, no, 'cause we're gonna be- - She's like, "No, *****." - No, because remember I, no, but that's not a, no, what she means, no, well no, oh no no no no. (Jimbo laughs) - No it'll, oh 'cause we're gonna have to change clothes anyways, no? - Oh my God, could we just put something down on this (censored) paper? - Five, six, seven, hip. Ah! (wheezes) - I think when it comes to James and dancing, they don't know each other. - Thank you. - You know, all the left feet. Oh my God. Oh my God. - Don't worry, don't worry. It's early in the day. Don't worry, don't worry. - Oh my God, I can't with the dramatics. I cannot, I cannot with the dramatics. I can't. Enough. Who died? Like we're gonna cry because we didn't get the role we wanted? Come on. Girl, it's like emotional blackmail. But this role is mine. I'm not gonna give it up. - We have a lot of work to do because we are roasting Carson, the other judges, and also each other. And I need to figure out how to roast them without attacking them, but also I'm going to attack them. - Top three, we did it! - It's the top three. The best of the best. (butt clunks) (queens screaming) Nine girls went home already, and I just have two ******* between me and $200,000. - Let's wheel her right to the dumpster. - Let me off of this (censored) table. - First, I'm rolling Kandy Muse straight to the exit because I want this ***** to go away. - Oh, look at me, I am Jessica Wild. - Ugh. - I look great. - And next I'm going to send this clown back to the circus, because that crown is Jessica Wild's Crown. (queens cackling) (dramatic music) (queen laughing) Es scandalo. - Do you want everything "RuPaul's Drag Race" at your fingertips? Then head over to YouTube now, and subscribe to the "RuPaul's Drag Race Channel", and you will get all the episodes of everything you ever want, including brand new episodes of "What You're Packing." Hi.
Channel: RuPaul's Drag Race
Views: 630,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vh1, rupaul, rupaul's drag race, drag race, ru paul's drag race, first ten minutes, ten minutes, Rupaul's drag race, all stars, watch the first ten minutes, drag queen, queen, drag, art, all new, all stars 8, all new episode, new episode, episode, rpdr, RPDR, new RPDR, new all star, lewks, rupauls all stars 8, rpdr drama, all stars 8 spoilers, Drag Race’s Shadiest Confessionals, shadiest confessionals, best of rupauls drag race, best of drag race, best of drag race all stars
Id: er9TZ3xW2Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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