Drag Race’s Peak Shady Moments 👀 RuPaul’s Drag Race

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(midtempo electronic music) (loud, atonal singing) - [Jinkx] Okay, all right. That was just right next to my ear. - Honey, that one's gonna bug me, that little one. She's already starting to bug. Little bitty Serena, she's kinda irritating. And by kinda I mean she's (beep) irritating the (beep) out of me, on a constant. - [Serena] I was born and raised in the Republic of Panama. - Where is Panama? - It's in between Colombia and Costa Rica. It's one of the number one retirement homes for Americans, you should consider going there. - Not if they're all like you. Yeah, 'cause your mouth doesn't shut. - Oh, okay. - It wears thin very quickly. - You know, I have a feeling you just likes to be the only pretty one. - I just think you're annoying. - I can handle annoying. - I can't. Serena tries to read bitches like she can. She is loud, she won't shut her mouth, and I have had it with her. - [Jade] There is funny and then there's just like, blunt rudeness. - Can you not take it, is that why? - Oh, honey, I can take it, you're just like, so immature, it's just really aggravating. - I'm sorry, you're only 21 once and you only audition for this thing once being 21 and get in right away once. - And then do you think because you're younger, you think that's an advantage, but we've all done drag longer, so. - Does it bother you I keep saying I'm 21? - [Jade] Well, no, not at all, I mean, because honestly I look just as young as you, but you just keep- - Are you sure about that? - Oh, girl. - Easy. - Girl, you ain't that pretty. Covergirl don't cover boy, baby. - Go home, Jade. Go home, just go home. Well girls, we will see. - [Drag Queen] We shall see. - Jocelyn Fox, she's so gay even her (beep) has a lisp. Then we have Adore. I know what you got on your SATs, ketchup. - Trinity, I believe your smile belongs on season four, every day is shark week with your grill. Miss Laganja Estranja, next time you death drop reverse that and drop dead. - Adore, you know you're from the west coast because it's a three hour delay before you finally get a joke. Darienne Lake, this is the girl who probably sits reverse cowgirl on the toilet, just so she has a flat surface to eat off of. - Jocelyn, you have some really comforting old fashioned qualities, like how you paint in sepia tones and your voice sounds like a dial-up modem. (modem beeping) Miss Darienne Lake, you have a lot of jokes, but to me they're more like UFO's. I mean, they are way out there and I've never seen one land. - Milk, your beauty and fashion is listed right on the side of your carton, under missing. Ben de la Creme, you remind me of a Russian doll, full of yourself. Adore Delano, I'm going to say this very slowly so you can understand, you're dumb. - So I'm picturing us maybe to be like, drunk lushes. - Oh, okay. - You know, like- - Pinot grigio in the afternoon. I cannot even wrap my brain around it at this moment, that I'm actually doing this thing with Courtney Act herself. She has so much respect for me. And I, of course, have the utmost respect for her. I think like, we should do a makeover. - Does one of us want to be like a before and one of us will be after? - If you were the before- - The problem is, no one would ever believe that you were the after. Right? - What was it like working together? - We've got like a little sister vibe going. - I'm the low rent version of Courtney. So she says. - I may have used that term once, - Joslyn, I mean, you're being very quiet. What's going on? - Tonight in the Silver Lounge, Courtney read my look. - I just think that your drag isn't as polished as the other drag in the competition right now. - You guys really feel like I shouldn't be here? - [Drag Queen] No, not at all. - I do feel that the look tonight wasn't executed as well as the vision in your head. But if you want anything, I've got a whole box full of (beep). - I've got a whole rack of things. - I've been doing drag for 13 years and I'm not being mean, I'm just being factual. But I didn't mean that in any way to hurt her feelings. I didn't want you to think that I was saying that you weren't deserving being in the competition. - I think because I have such a big respect for you, it makes me feel bad about myself. Like, I need you to understand that like, that hurt me really bad. Nothing else has hurt me since I've been in this competition than when you told me that I looked unpolished. - If you need any help by any means, I'm just trying to offer a hand because I would like to see you do even better. - No, and I appreciate you offering me help, but I just, I can't help but take it as patronizing, almost. - Well, I mean, I guess it is a little bit. - At this point I don't know if I look up to Courtney as much. This is not about making friends. Now it's game on. (dramatic music) - All right, Thorgy Thor. Girl, I love you so much. I don't know where they're to give you a hug or put some change in a cup. Bob the Drag Queen, you may be from New York, honey, but those feet are still from Mississippi. - Chi Chi, your drag is just like turkey neck, cheap and no one wants it. - [Drag Queen] Wow. - Naomi Smalls, your wardrobe reminds me of a legendary drag race queen, Nicole Paige Brooks. - The shade! Who knew that was lurking underneath that- - We all knew. - We all knew. - Is a known fact that Derrick Barry is not very smart. When she heard Brittany Spears, she said, does she, I prefer fencing. It is very hard to have an intelligent conversation with Derrick Barry. The only thing harder is Robbie Turner's wig lines. - Robbie Turn-ter, I know you're a huge fan of classic movies and television. May I recommend one of my favorite classic TV shows, "Flipper." - So Valentina, speaking of telenovela drama, Aja had some pretty choice words for you after the princess challenge. - [Drag Queen] What did they say? - Oh my god, some of them- - You're perfect, you're beautiful, You look like Linda Evangelista. You're a model. Did you stone those tights? Oh, you're smiling. They eat her up every single time she's on that damn stage. She doesn't even, she could walk out there in a (beep) diaper. And they're like, Valentina, your smile is beautiful. - I'm not gonna say nothing to that. - Oh my god. - Valentina, what you think of this? - Oh, I loved it. I'm currently working on a number where I just literally come out and just stand there in a diaper and smile. - Aja, what was going on there? - Here's, the thing, if you're in the moment and you have some (beep) to say, say it. So when Valentina was getting so much praise for being this gorgeous, beautiful model, which she is, - She is. - She's kind of a psycho but she's still beautiful. And that day I really had felt like she didn't deserve to be in the top. And I was just over it. I was like, girl. And then I, you know, I don't want to say I read her. I just aggressively complimented her. And I let her know how beautiful she was. - You could see how happy I was. I was like, yes, girl! Get her, get her, J, get her! - I think a lot of us had the feeling that as you were saying it, there was a little bit of a silent amen. Amen, she's saying what we're thinking. - We didn't understand why Valentina was in the top that challenge. A lot of us didn't necessarily appreciate the charm that Valentina was conveying on camera. Because, to be honest, girl, you were not making an attempt to like, really get to know us backstage at that point, it came on a little bit later- - 'Cause I wanted to win. - You wanted to be on the show 'cause you wanted to be a star and you- - I didn't want to be a star, I wanted to show the star that I am. - You are secretly one little bitch and that's why I love you now. But back then, bitch, I hated you so much. And I was just like, I want to send this bitch home so bad. - Now the moment we've all been waiting for. Which one of these bitches have the fans voted Miss Congeniality? Will last year's winner, Cynthia Lee Fontaine, please step forward? (queens cheering) Cynthia, do you have any parting words? - To all the fans of "RuPaul's Drag Race," it was a great and amazing experience. Thank you for your love and support. - Now I have verify these results and I can promise you that this selection was not hacked by the Russians. (dramatic drum roll) The winner of Miss Congeniality, season nine, is... I'm so nervous. - Valentina! (queens cheering mildly) - [Drag Queen] What a surprise. - Condragulations. You've won $5,000, courtesy of Logo. - I dedicate this prize to my mother. She taught me to always be kind and forgiving. So thank you to her. Without her I wouldn't even be congenial. - What? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I just don't feel like you should be Miss Congeniality. - Do you have anything to say to respond to Aja's claim? - I've been kind to every single one of you and I'll continue to be kind towards success. - Can I say something? - [RuPaul] Sure, go ahead. - [Drag Queen] Everyone else is. - Well, I finally want to say something. Valentina, we literally did everything together this whole show, we were such close friends. And you literally have not spoken to me in almost five months. And I really miss my friend and it really hurts my feelings that you have not spoken to me. - [Valentina] I respect you and love you. - You don't love me. I was a real friend to you. You would not have just dropped me. - Farrah Moan, if you want a friendship, text me, call me, let's talk about it. - I have texted you, you ignore my texts. - I've responded. - You finally responded to me when you got eliminated and I texted you and said, are you okay, and you said, yes. - Okay, let's talk about it. - I would really love to, but it seems like you don't have any time or really any desire. - Like, you are clearly not focused on anybody but yourself. And fan favorite, yeah, great. Like, you have a lot of fans, your fans love you. But is it fan favorite or is it congeniality? - If it's fan favorite than I guess she deserves it. - Then we should call it fan favorite, but congeniality, I just don't see it. - Yeah, fan favorite, congratulations. Everyone, let's make a round of applause for fan favorite. - Work, fan favorite! - Fan favorite! (queens cheering) - Janet Hag-son, oh, I'm sorry, Coco Montrese. How exciting for you that Janet has a new album out. You can both come out of retirement. - Tatiana, thank you, for letting the PAs know who to pack up first. - Coco Montrese, I always wanted to know what the female gremlin would look like in 25 years. - [Alyssa] That was a good one, bitch. - Ginger Minj, In my eyes, the true winner of season seven of TLC's "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant." Roxxxy Andrews, I think about you all the time, especially in the morning, at the bus stop. Too soon, too soon, sorry. - Alaska, like her outfit, trash. Coco, way too old. and Adore Delano, really? - Y'all bitches are hateful. - Detox. No, really, I mean that. This is actually your intervention. You should really stop this. Adore Delano, these other girls are gonna say you have terrible makeup skills, you have no fashion sense, and you're dumb as a rock, but they're wrong. You don't have terrible makeup skill. Roxxy Andrews, obviously a diet consisting of nothing but hatred for Jinkx Monsoon does a body good. Come on, All Stars, let's get all started, okay? - [Katya] So what happened this week? - I don't know, I guess all I can say is I really wanna stay and I think I deserve to stay. - Alaska doesn't know me very well. And you know, if I win the lip sync, I don't know that she's 100% percent sure I won't send her home, because she's my biggest competition. - I need to go to the end of this competition. I need to. - Party. - Okay. My heart is sinking. I think my spleen is going to explode. Queens in the past have completely disregarded someone's past performance and sent people home because of a terrible critique on the runway. Even I, in the past, so it's terrifying. I (beep) up this week, man, I (beep) up. And it really sucks. It (beep) really (beep) sucks a lot. And I need to be in the finals four. And now I'm potentially looking at, I'm not going to be. And it really (beep) sucks. - I'm shocked with Alaska's behavior. She's really acting like a brat and it's not, that's not attractive. It might throw my thinking process off of the elimination. If you're gonna act like a brat, like, right now, how are you going to act the rest of this time here? - Well, I'll give you $10,000 if you let me stay, before taxes, I'll transfer it to you via PayPal. Because I need to stay in this competition. I need to be in the final four. - I know what it's like to come back to this competition and be sent home again without getting the crown, I know how that feels. The person I've chosen to send home, is Thorgy. - Oh, Jesus, gross. - Thorgy, you are, and will always be, an All Star. Now, sashay away. - Gotcha. I love you guys. - I love you, Thorgy, I really mean that, I really do love you. - Bye, guys. - I am not ready to leave this competition at all. I have so much to give. In comparison to some of the other girls here I think I deserve to stay a lot more. But drag is fun. And then, because I'm gonna hate Shangela for life, how about, "Suck it, Shangella?" And I'm gonna spell it with two L's because she hates that. And then she can (beep) this 'cause it's going that way. Yeah, that's pretty disgusting. Have a good time without me. Bye, it's gonna be boring TV. - It's my first Snatch Game, I have nothing to live up to so feel like I have- - What's this? - The thing of like living up to- - [Trixie] From Thorgy. - Oh, Thorgy wrote this? - Yeah. - It says, "(beep) this shady bitch, Shangela." And it has my name crossed out. - I didn't show it to you 'cause I thought it was not helpful or appropriate. - But you decided to hang it on the wall? - Oh boy, here we go. - [Trixie] My note from Thorgy. I put it by my Milk note. - Yeah, but this one specifically talks about me and then says (beep) this shady bitch and then points out at name. And then you hung it on the wall. - Oh, face crack. I know Trixie's stomach has fallen out of her ass. - Well, I don't care what you think, she gave it to me cause she was sad and I'm honoring her. I like those people - Trixie, you can't tell me that you read Thorgy calling Shangela a bitch and you just saw the goodness in the letter and wanted to put it up. Cut this (beep). - I would not do something- No, girl, leave it now. Now I know you feel that, that's what you really feel about someone like me. I wouldn't put that up against someone 'cause I would not want you to feel bad like that. - I never even showed it to you because I didn't want to- - [Shangela] You hung it on the wall, sis. - Oh my god, get out of my station. - [Shangela] It is what it is. - Ooh, the drama in the pageant. - Bitch, I've got a lot of incense around here, clear the air. - How did Thorgy's feelings about Shangela make Shangela mad at me now? - I think she was just upset because you hung it up and didn't tell her. - Thorgy left a really (beep) message to me on the mirror. I took the high road on that. Then I find out she double dogged me in a written note. Then Trixie hangs the note up on the wall. How much has Shangie got to take? - Trixie is a mess and she shouldn't even have that up there. She put it up there to be a mess. - What do you mean by a mess? - Why would you put it up there? - I wouldn't, but- - My point. So her putting it up there, that's being a mess. - I just think maybe she wasn't thinking about it. - Girl. - Maybe she was just thinking about- - Come on, Ben. Some things you just do not do. If we all supposed to be this sisterhood and stuff, that type of (beep) don't supposed to fly. - Do you want everything "RuPaul's Drag Race" at your fingertips? Then head over to YouTube now and subscribe to the "RuPaul's Drag Race" channel and you will get all the episodes of everything you ever want, including brand new episodes of "Whatcha Packin'." Hi.
Channel: RuPaul's Drag Race
Views: 2,130,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vh1, rupaul, rupaul's drag race, drag race, peak shady moments, shade, throwing shade, Drag Race shade, Drag Race compilation, A'KERIA C. DAVENPORT, SCARLET ENVY, RA'JAH O'HARA, EUREKA, JIGGLY CALIENTE, GINGER MINJ, SILKY NUTMEG GANACHE, YARA SOFIA, KYLIE SONIQUE LOVE, SERENA CHA CHA, TRINITY K. BONET, JAN, PANDORA BOXX, All Stars 6, Season 6 Drag race All Stars, All Stars 6 Drama, All Stars 6 Fight, Michelle Visage, Ross Mathews, drag queens fighting, throw down, insults
Id: 7uND5nF990o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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