Dr. Wayne Dyer - Even Impossible things Will Manifest for You!

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when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change the world becomes a different world when you change the way you look at it if you believe you live in a depressing World you'll be looking for something to verify and validate that for yourself when you change the way you look at this world you live in a different world just be like water and what is water like it is the softest substance on the planet and yet is the strongest if you take a rock a hardest substance you can find you can take titanium and just take a lump of it there and just let water run over it patiently running over it eventually whatever that hard thing is it will disappear and water if you want to get a hold of it if you want to experience water if you reach in and grab a handful of it and the tighter you squeeze the less you get but if you let go and relax and allow and do nothing you'll understand water and if you look at this sea the sea is the lowest we call it sea level and it is the lowest place on the planet and all of the rivers and all of the streams wherever you see it they're all competing and fight whatever they're doing but the sea stays low and in so doing it allows all of this to come to it practice the da says radical humility stay low let your ego go let it come to you and miracles can happen for you Wayne Dyer was an icon in self-development and spiritual growth he wrote over 40 books with an astonishing 21 New York Times bestsellers his childhood was spent in orphanages and Foster homes but he'd go on to inspire millions and become known as the father of motivation in his exclusive speech from the celebrate your life stage Wayne Dyer shares with us the keys to conquer your false self overcome limiting beliefs and find your real purpose special thanks to Liz Dawn for partnering with us to release this exclusive content on our YouTube Channel enjoy there is something um that I refer to as a calling and um it is something that's sort of buried deep inside of us it's uh a few years back I wrote a book for my teenage children I had five of them as teenagers at one time and the book is called 10 secrets for success in inner peace and the reason I wrote this was that I wanted my children after I'm gone to if they ever wanted to know what I thought of as the most most important ideas uh that I had ever encountered I wanted to put them in this little collection here the second one of these secrets was something that you've probably heard me say if you've listened to me over the years or if you've watched public television and it's called it was I got it from uh one of the great great teachers That Ever Walked on this Earth his name was uh Leo Tolstoy he was considered to be the the father of Russia in 1905 this was the most famous man on the planet this was before television before radio he was one of the real great great writers of our time but he didn't just write great things like Warren peace he wrote um the Kingdom of Heaven is within a spiritual text for and he was speaking from a position of uh of having an awareness of the of the power of great spiritual teachers especially Jesus Christ in a country that was run by Zars and um didn't really have a whole lot of religious tolerance and he wrote a little short story 167 pages so it's not not that little called The Death of Ivan illich and Ivan illich was a judge who lived in Moscow and he hated everything about him about his life he blamed his wife for where he was what his conditions of his life were he had wanted to be something else in his life and instead because of the pressures that he felt were imposed upon him he um went to school and studied law and became a judge went back and forth every day but didn't like anything about his life and if you remember the title of the story you know the ending The Death of Ivan illich and you kind of keep waiting for that and in the very last page he is lying on his deathbed and he looks up at his wife who is holding his hand and this is a woman he despised and blamed for the conditions of his life especially his inner conditions and the last words he said to her as he died were what if my whole life has been wrong and he died I was in the Navy at that time I was 19 years old I was on my way to Japan across the Pacific Ocean and I took out a notepad and I wrote a little note to myself and it said dear Wayne don't die with your music still in you and that always has had a very profound I always go back to that as one of the signature moments in my life when I started a journal and started writing down the really powerful ideas and I wrote about them and uh have practiced them and lived them but there is something something inside each and every one of us in India they call it a a Dharma and a Dharma is really a um there's a pull there's a a purpose to your life and each and every one of us all of us who originated from the same place and uh will return to the same place TS Elliot said uh we shall not cease from exploration and at the end of all of our exploring will be to return to the place from which we came and to know it for the first time he was talking about death I'm talking about getting to that place without having to die what we call dying while we're alive dying to the ego to the part of us that believes in this thing that we call muktananda called it the false self the part of us that uh becomes aware that we are something other than what we really were intended to be and what we came to here to do and what we showed up here for the first nine months of your life from your conception until your birth you were in a state of complete surrender there was nothing to do everything was handled for you whatever it was that handled it whether you call it God or Spirit or the Dao or Consciousness or Divine mind whatever it is it does nothing and yet it leaves nothing undone and there's this complete surrendering process we have no other choice we show up here from in the da Ching Lau says that uh all being comes from non-being Jesus put it the same way he said it's the spirit that gives life the flesh counts for nothing quantum physics teaches us one thing if nothing else for certain that particles themselves do not come from particles that there is something in each and every one of us that is formless that is boundaryless that has no Beginnings that has no ends it's Eternal and it is from that that we emerged in some mysterious fashion in one Split Second from nonbeing to being from non-particle to particle and in that Split Second everything that you needed for this physical Journey was handled for you and it's the biggest most incredible miracle that any of us can ever witness isn't it and when you contemplate it and think about it you try to process it and it's just beyond anything that our meager intellect can handle I was at the birth of six of those children watched that Miracle unfold and saw that uh these children not only were a great mystery but they came here with personalities already intact the moment that they were born and any of you mothers out there who've had more than one child know exactly what I'm speaking about some of them sleep through the night some of them stick their tongue out you at you the first second they see you and then when they're 18 and they come home they do the same damn thing you know and this incredible mystery this place called spirit is something that handles everything for us without doing anything and the moment that we are born this beautiful little baby comes out and we hold it after we take the mucus out and we cut the little cord and do all the little wiping off and hold this little baby and we look at it and we say great work God thank you we'll take over from here and then that was the birth of your false self this is the time when we take over and we begin to Edge God out of the picture and take it over ourselves Edge God out e g o we take on this thing called an ego and it becomes our identification and all of the great spiritual teachers whoever they may be teach us the same thing that this is not the authentic self this ego of ours we begin to believe something that has nothing to do with spirit that Perfection from which we originated which allowed us to become this perfect little creation it's not too great a stretch for me to imply that if everything that we needed for this physical Journey was handled in that moment of our going from non-being to being that everything for the rest of the journey was Hender as well if we would have just let it be there go The Beatles again let it be let it be there will come an answer let it be but we don't we start teaching ourselves and our children that who we are is not this Divine perfect creation that knows exactly what to do and what to be it's already been taken care of it's already been handled just like everything else on this planet has a Dharma every spider every otter every flower nobody has to interfere with it nobody has to tell it what to be or how to do what it is it just is it just is but we start interfering and as we interfere we take on this false self and this false self says that who I am is what I have so we begin to become obsessed by our possessions and we train our children and ourselves to believe that who I am is what I possess and what I own and as we take on this belief system that I am what I own it becomes the very thing that takes us away from our spirit because the ego says you are what you have the da says let go of everything you have just let it go you don't need to own anything and then we believe also that this false self of ours believes that we are what we do and what we accomplish and so we spend a big hunk of our life preparing ourselves to achieve to get ahead of the other guy to get the good grades to make more money to be in competition to evaluate our worth as human beings on the basis of how we stack up to others and how we achieve the ego says you are what you do in the da it teaches us to do nothing to do less that more is less and less is more and to allow yourself to be guided and to know that there's a Divine organizing intelligence in this universe and you can let it Lau put it this way he said let yourself be lived by it let yourself be lived by it he said you're doing nothing you're just being done let yourself be done just like you did in the first 9 months you're doing nothing you're just being done and at 68 when I look in the mirror I can see the same thing happening I'm just being done just try to stop your heart from beating or your fingernails from growing I used to say or your hair from growing but I've mastered that one and then this false self of ours this ego tells us that not only are you what you have and what you do but you are what other people think of you your reputation and again we go off on this journey of attempting to get everybody that we encounter to accept the fact that if you like me then I'm a better person and so we struggle with things like peer approval and getting other people to like us and uh evaluating ourselves on the basis of how many awards we win and so on and then this false self also tells us that we're separate from everybody else and that we're separate from what's missing in our life and the most egregious error of this false self is is that it teaches us that we are separate from God that God is something external to ourselves something that we um we pray too and we ask for divine guidance from and we treat this thing that we call God like a cosmic Bellboy asking it for things when we get into trouble and promising to behave it'll it'll only deliver for us now as if this God was a withholding God and had the power to heal you or to offer you the abundance that is missing in your life but it's holding it back so that you'll contribute more to whatever organizations believe they represent God and it's again it's a false image and what happened for me at the age of 65 the day after I turned 65 3 years ago is that I was called to do something and live something that I had never even imagined could happen on the 11th of May 2005 I called my secretary and um I called her and I said to her and I don't know I didn't know this the day before I said I would like you to take everything that I have in my townhouse which was my office where I did all of my writing for the previous 25 years which had over 20,000 books in there and um all kinds of equipment of all kinds and awards that were on the uh walls and photographs and furniture and electronic equipment and tax records and uh whatever you accumulate in a writing space over a quarter of a century and I told her as I handed her the key to this place place I said I want you to get rid of it all she said well tell me which part you want to save and I said I don't want to save anything I want it all to be gone and she said and then when it's empty what would you like me to do with this place I said we'll sell it or give it away and um that night someone called about an inquiry about purchasing this place which was near a hospital in boa ratan who needed to be close to a hospital because of an injury he had received and he said he would really like to have one of these places which were very very hard to come by and he made an offer and Maya said well it's it's about $50,000 less than what we can get for it I said let them have it and then when you sell it give the proceeds to my ex-wife and I left with no clothes no shoes everything that was in there was gone and I was called to Maui where I live and I was called by a man who lived 2500 years ago in uh the Waring States of China part of that 93% of when the we were still at war with each other Villages fighting Villages countries fighting countries people conquering each other enslaving each other and this man who lived at that time his name was Lau which in Chinese means old man and asked me to in my meditations it kept coming up over and over again to immerse myself into the uh this ancient book called The Da of Ching t a o t e c h i n g t a o da means the great way te in ancient Chinese means the virtues of Ching means book so the book of living the virtues of the great way 81 verses some call it the wisest book ever written it came down to us with over 14,000 different translations in the last 2500 years modern ancient all the different languages 14,000 different interpretations of this classic text that he jotted down in fact he didn't even write it he dictated it to the gatekeeper as he got on his oxen Legend tells us and he came to the gate where he said I can no longer live amongst these Waring States and these Waring peoples I am a man of peace and the gatekeeper wouldn't let him leave Legend tells us unless he told him in words the great wisdom that he had been telling people who had been coming to him for many many many years including a man named Confucius who was 40 years his Junior who came to him for advice he was a contemporary of Buddha just a little ways away from there and Socrates and um zoraster and some of the greatest spiritual teachers who all walked Among Us in that fifth century before Christ someone sent me a book when I was working on this called lau and Jesus and on the left hand side of the page were the teachings of Jesus and on the right side were the teachings of Lau now I'm not saying that Jesus was copying or plagiarizing since he came 500 years later but I know there's no time so all of that is meaningless but they're almost identical because the great spiritual teachers who've walked Among Us only have one message for us and in these 81 verses which you could read in about an hour but you can study for a lifetime I had a teacher in India back in the 80s his name was Nisar gadata Maharaj and Nisar gadata had a book written about him by his devotees just like Lau did it was called I am that and I remember him saying to us that you don't have to read this book he said just carry it with you and the wisdom from the pages will come to you because there's energy in everything you don't even have to look into it if you don't want to and if you need to you'll be guided to and now that was uh a while back I was in my early 40s and I just thought well this is just another one of those crazy gurus over there in India and I didn't understand that until I became familiar with some of Hawkins work on energy so I created my own translation of The Da from bringing them with me and going through the ones that seemed to be most relevant the ones that were most understandable and we put it into a paperback with an affirmation next to each one of them and I Now understand what he meant and I do this now I carry it with me wherever I go the entire da and it always guides me the Dao has impeccable wisdom in it the opening line of The Da says the da that can be named is not the da now the minute that you put a label on it you have now divided it into two you've got the thing and you've got what you're calling it and when you try to make Tess out of Oneness you've lost it it just is what it is it does nothing God does nothing yet leaves nothing undone and God and the da in my estimation are synonymous it is that which allows all things to come into being which has no form it is who you are right now sitting here processing this in your bodies but the part of you that's processing it has no body has no form has no beginning has no end and there you are this huge Paradox in a body that began and ends is going to stop someday all that materializes dematerializes and there's a part of you in there watching listening observing that has none of that you're a walking breathing Paradox like everything in the world of the 10,000 things which is what Lau called the material world and so I was called to it and I decided that I was going to take an entire year of my life and in this year I was not just going to write about the da I was going to experience it I was going to live it each of the 81 verses and I called my publicist and my publisher and all of those people who scheduled me and do things to me direct me here and there and told them that I was taking the year of 2006 to be essentially free of that and there are 81 verses and if you take 365 days and you divide it by 8 81 it comes up to about 4 and 1/2 so for 4 and 1/2 days I had the opportunity to experience verse one of the da what it meant meditating on it practicing it wherever I could go living it memorizing it constantly referring to it taking notes on it talking about it but more than anything attempting to live it and to practice it and this was a calling this was a calling that said Wayne you have music to play and just because you're 65 years old or 66 then doesn't mean anything because there is no time and so when you read the da lau's great Tome on Eternal wisdom so much of it is paradoxical so much of it doesn't make sense to our intellect so much of it we want to reject particularly those of us all of us in this room who live here in the west this idea that um you can get more by doing less that you can become Strong by becoming weak that you can become big by thinking small and it wasn't until at the end of each one of those 4 and 1/2 days when there was would come a time when I wouldn't even know if I had it yet then I wake up at 3:00 or so in the morning and I would meditate on it and on that half day that I had I would write my interpretation my essay about how to do the da now how to live it and um we made a public television special about it they allowed us to broadcast it all over the country in Prime Time Imagine The Calling imagine the power the feeling of being able to make a huge impact in the world World by having something written 2500 years ago being broadcast on National Television night after night after night in city after city after City raising money for a wonderful cause like public television it was an honor beyond anything I can describe to you and every time it would air I could see people being touched by it we called it change your thoughts change your life and there's 81 essays in it it's a little heavy to carry with you and when I finished that year and I finished that book and I did the public television special and I lived those 81 verses what I realized is that it taught me what to think I learned see what Dao teaches us is that we all have a nature listen to Lau he says every human being has an essential nature that is perfect and faultless but after years of immersion in the world we easily forget our roots and take on a counterfeit nature I would suggest that all of us who have immersed ourselves in this world have taken on a counterfeit nature what I just described in the opening few moments this ego this part of us that really believes that my Essence and my nature is about what I have what I do what other people think of me and my separation from each other and from God that's the story of the ego this counterfeit nature if we can transcend it what I learned to think was he said look at nature you'll find God in nature so in the 81 verses of The Da 31 of those verses contain references to water to just be like water and what is water like it is the softest substance on the planet and yet it is the strongest if you take a rock a hardest substance you can find you can take titanium and just take a lump of it there and just let water run over it patiently running over it eventually whatever that hard thing is it will disappear and water if you want to get a hold of it if you want to experience water if you reach in and grab a handful of it and the tighter you squeeze the less you get but if you let go and relax and allow and do nothing you'll understand water and if you look at the sea the sea is the lowest we call it sea level and it is the lowest place on the planet and all of the rivers and all of the streams wherever you see it they're all competing and fight whatever they're doing but the sea stays low and in so doing it allows all of this to come to it practice the da says radical humility stay low let your ego go let it come to you and miracles can happen for you in the da it says that uh a journey of a Thousand Miles begins with what a single step it says don't think big great sages says the da accomplish great things by thinking small I just celebrated my 22nd year of sobriety and I want to tell you that's big especially if you had 22 years before that in which you drank every day not to drunkenness just every day and when the day came when the time came when the quantum moment came for me to let it go I didn't do it by thinking big and saying I'm going to not drink now for the next 22 years I would have had to open a beer to contemplate that but I accomplished great thing like that by thinking small and so I learned what to think and then that year was complete and um I studied it and wrote about it and felt its presence it excited me this thing called the da and I had written I taught at a university for years I even taught courses in the various different philosophies and taught about the da but I'd never understood the Symmetry the beauty how compelling the Simplicity of this great wisdom if you begin to apply it if you begin to see and find your own essential nature and your own essential nature is just like all of other nature you're a part of Nature and yet what we have done is ignore our nature so frequently our Nature has nothing to do with violence it has nothing to do with weapons it has nothing to do with killing it has nothing to do with enemies these are all constructs of the ego of the false self we come from a place of perfection a place of kindness a place of Love creation learn to think like God thinks that's what Einstein said when they ask him about quantum physics his observation was he said to me he said that they're just details he said all I want to do is learn to think like God thinks how does the source from which all things originate to which all things return how does it think how does it act that's what LSU meant when he said we have an essential nature and these virtues inside of the of our essential nature are nothing more there's for of them they're nothing more than reverence for all of life if you can live that reverence for all of life sincerity which manifests itself as honesty just simple honesty not that you don't steal but the kind of honesty in which you are able to relate to and reflect who you are with everyone that you meet from a place of internal Integrity that this is who I am this is how I dress This is How I Live this is what I think gentleness is the third of these virtues in the te and the daed chain simple gentleness which manifests itself as kindness and finally service which is nothing more than just reaching out and serving others and in the the unknown teachings of Lau called the Wahu Ching I'm going to read something to you that is one of the most impactful things that I've ever heard in my life and I'd like you to really think about it big time many of you know about something that was that raged across the country a year or so ago called the secret and it had some great lessons in it about the power of our thoughts to align with the thoughts of God and in doing so to be able to manifest and attract into our lives what we would like and I was asked to be a part of that and I turned it down because I think they missed something they missed what I'm about to share with you in fact yesterday yesterday for the very first time I was able to preview something that I undertook this summer at the age of 68 when I was asked if I would do a a film a movie for movie theaters not a Talking Heads movie not a movie which I'm just interviewed and talking like I'm doing now but an actual film with the real people in it 92 of them to be exact starring Porsche deasi who is Ellen degenerous as spouse and I had the great honor on the 16th of August this year when they both asked me in their quiet cutest way you've ever seen at Ellen's home if I would marry them and I did we were in the midst of filming this movie called ambition to meaning I saw it yesterday the first rough cut for the whole thing and watched it with Maya in my room here at the hotel and Maya was sobbing and couldn't contain her enthusiasm it just it absolutely blew me away you'll be able to see it in January it's a little over 2 hours and it's drama and it takes what I think was missing from the secret and puts it into three concurrent running stories and teaches people that this idea of aligning ourselves with our spirit with God is not about what's in it for us it's not about saying I want this or I want that and it's not about selfishness and it's not about attracting into your life more of the stuff of the ego it's about something very different and this is how Lau put it in the oral teachings of the 81 verses of the daed Ching if you wish to become a Divine Immortal Angel then restore the Angelic qualities of your being through virtue and service this is the only way to gain the attention of the Immortals who teach the methods of energy enhancement and integration that are necessary to reach the Divine realm if you want to reach the Divine realm if you want to know God not about God if you want to experience the opportunity to think like the source like the da like God thinks and have all that is possible to come into your life come into it then listen on these Angelic teachers this energy this spiritual Force this guidance these angels whatever you want to call that guidance that comes to us from Beyond these Angelic teachers that you seek out cannot be sought out it is is they who seek out the students do I ever know that to be true especially after giving up everything that I owned everything and letting it all go and immersing myself for a year of my life in this process when you succeed in connecting your energy with the Divine realm through high awareness and the practice of undiscriminating virtue the transmission of the ultimate subtle truths will follow this is the path that that all Angels take to the Divine realm this is the path the mystical techniques for achieving immortality that is the ability to manifest and attract into your life at any moment anything at all that you would desire are revealed only to those who have dissolved all ties to the gross worldly realm of Duality conflict and Dogma you have to dissolve your ties to this false self and the world that perpetuates it as long as your shallow worldly Ambitions exist the door will not open and that's what I think the secret missed and that's what we tried to do in ambition to meaning it's to get to that te in the da to get to that place where you live and practice the virtues that I just described reverence for all of life just simple never ever not only not killing other things including animals and even plants and each other but in not even judging each other pangali another great teacher from India three centuries before Christ said that when you are steadfast steadfast means you never slip when you are steadfast in your exstension of thoughts of harm directed towards yourself and others that all living creatures will cease to feel fear in your presence such was the nature of St Francis of Jesus of of Nazareth of Lau of Buddha you are steadfast you never slip in your exstension of thoughts of harm directed towards yourself and others that all living creatures will cease to feel fear in your presence there are people who when they are in the presence of wild animals they become tame babies stop crying you see a person like that walk into the room and the energy of the room changes and you feel com comtable and you feel safe and you get a calini running up and down your back of just like having a warm shower running inside of you such is the nature of these people and such is the nature of the source from which you originated and to which you will return and of course in Miracles there's a line that Jesus says for those who believe that it was Jesus and many do whoever it was Jesus says if you want to be like me knowing that we are alike I will help you if you want to be different than me I will wait until you change your mind and you will change your mind you may have to die to do it but you will change your mind because that's the place from which we originated that TS Elliott spoke about where you'll come to know it for the first time when you live those simple virtues of reverence for all of life never judging others natural sincerity just a simple honesty this is who I am gentleness which is just always extending kindness and service it's dissolving your ties to the gross worldly realm just letting go of that and one of the best ways to do it is to want less to expect nothing for yourself and anything that does come to you to just let it flow to give it away and the more of that that you do the more you act like God acts the great poet Hafiz the Persian poet from the 13th century said even after all this time the Sun never says to the Earth you owe me just think what love like that can do it lights up the whole world and there's such a mystery in that that we attempted to convey in this film and I'm still so taken by the incredible acting job and the directors and all of the people who participated in this project of creating a a film a movie an opportunity for people to finally see that it is through these virtues that the doors begin to open into your life and abundance I'm telling you I would urge you to not pay attention to all of the all of the stuff on CNBC which is all of the financial disaster possibilities and checking your stock market and checking your 401ks and check and listening to the horror stories of all of the things that and the collapse the imminent collapse of our entire you don't need any of this where do you think you're going you came from nowhere n o w h e r e that's where you came from nowhere where do you think you're headed you went went from nowhere to now here in a split second and it's the same thing n o w h re e it's just a little question of spacing nowhere now here here we are in now here where do you think your next step is nowhere you don't need a 401k you don't need to be consumed with all of this stuff about money this is you know when when when we did this thing on ambition to meaning I had a real sense as I listened to the results of the election that we can as a people we can also move from ambition to meaning as a people not just in our own lives because in the morning of Our Lives you know there's a a line from uh Carl Jung in the stages of life which is really what we open this film with he says thoroughly unprepared we take the step into the afternoon of Life worse still we take this step with the false presupposition that the truths and ideas will serve as hither to but we said he said we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life's morning for what was great in the morning will be little at evening and what in the morning was true will at evening have become a lie if you try to run the time of your life when you are in the phase of meaning rather than ambition based upon the program of what you taught were taught in the morning about ambition and about ego you're going to be living a lie hi there my name is Liz Dawn and I am the co-creator of celebrate your life events and I hope you're loving this amazing workshop with the late and great Dr Wayne Dyer this was recorded live at one of our celebrate your life conferences and I'm so excited that we could share this very special workshop with all of the Evan carmichel fans and to learn more about us just click the link below and visit celebrate yourlife.com so Yung I mean he speaks to let me read it to you again in the light here thoroughly unprepared we take the step into the afternoon of Life unprepared into the the afternoon of life is the time in your life when you shift from ambition and ego development to meaning wor still he said we take this step with the false presupposition that our truths and ideas that we learned in the morning will serve us as hitherto but we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life's morning for what was great in the morning will be little at evening and what in the morning was true will at evening have become a lie if you're trying to find meaning and purpose and fulfillment and joy and peace and happiness in the afternoon of your life if you're trying to have that and to have that for other people and to want it for others even more than you want it for yourself you can't do that according to the program of the ego you can't do that the door will not open as long as you're connected to that the doors begin to open as you lose your identity with this false self As You Let It Go as they say in the recovery movement as we let go and we real aloud what let God as we let go and let God which is what you did in the first nine months you were on your way and then we Edge got out so now we get to the afternoon of our life and as I learned I learned what I learned what to think but you know what I had another calling last year and I just spent up until about uh 2 and 1/2 weeks ago writing every single day from the 1st of February in a new book that'll be out next April or May it's called excuses be gone and excuses are really the explanations that we have for why our life isn't working the way we want it to work there are explanations again I'm going back to we want to learn to think like God thinks and God needs no excuse for anything so what the da taught me and what changed your thoughts changed your life what it taught me was what to think but over and over again I kept hearing especially after doing the PBS tours and so on the idea that I know what to think I know how to think soft I know how to think kindness I know how to think peace what I don't know how to do is to change around the patterns that I have for thinking the way that I've been thinking for an entire lifetime that here I am now in my 40s and 50s and 60s and 70s whatever it might be and I have a lifetime of thinking a certain way and if I could overcome that and learn to change that like how to change lifetime thinking habits habits rule the unreflecting heard said William Wordsworth habits rule the unreflecting her habitual thinking a way of thinking that keeps me trapped even if I know what to think I don't know how to stop this incessant habitual way of looking at my world from a position of shortages from a position of lack and so I listened again and had another calling and I read three books I'm going to just briefly share them with you one of them was a book called the biology of belief and um unleashing The Power Of Consciousness it's by a man named Bruce Limon BD this book was a lifechanger for me because here's what it taught me it taught me that the biggest excuse that we have for why we are the way we are is this thing called our DNA like I mean you see people interviewed on TV and um they'll say well you know I can change my habits and I can change this and all that but I sure as hell can't change my DNA and then someone will say well that's absolutely right and uh you know and you'll hear people agreeing with that and it's pretty much a a system of thinking in which we say that our bodies and these little particles that are deep inside our DNA structures are given to us they're handed to us at the moment of our conception they're not changeable and I can't help it I mean that's why I reached over and grabbed you where I shouldn't have it wasn't me it was my hand and this hand of mine it doesn't no it just went for your breast and I didn't mean to I mean it was just you know it's in my DNA you can't blame me for my hand doing these kinds of things you can't and we use this kind of stuff over and over again so what I learned from Bruce instrumental in teaching me he's got one little study let me just share it with you I'm sure I brought it okay so this will just give you an idea and I think you're speaking you said in a tiny little room in a phone booth someplace over in Scottsdale but now he's speaking here a little bit later this morning and this this is just one little study that I picked out and I copied it to read to you this morning is a Baylor School of Medicine study published in 2002 in the New England Journal of Medicine the lead author of the study Dr Bruce Mosley knew that knee surgery now knee simple thing like knee surgery helped his patients and that all good surgeons know that there's no placebo effect in surgery I mean how can there be placebo effect in surgery right but Mosley was trying to figure out which part of the surgery was giving his patients relief the patients in the study were divided into three groups Mosley shaved the damaged cartilage in the knee of one group for another group he flushed out the knee joint removing material thought to be causing the inflammatory effect both of these constitute standard treatments for arthritic needs the third group got fake surgery I can't wait to go to this guy for do so the patient was sedate ated Mosley made three standard incisions and then talked and acted just as he would have during a real surgery he even splashed salt water to simulate the sound of the knee washing procedure after 40 minutes Mosley sewed up the incisions as if he had done the surgery all three groups were prescribed the same post-operative care which included an exercise program the results were shocking yes the groups who received surgery as expected improved but the placebo group improved just as much as the other two groups despite the fact that there are 650,000 surgeries yearly for arthritic needs at a cost of about 5,000 this is a little old probably more like 15,000 the results were clear to Mosley my skill as a surgeon had no benefit on these patients the entire benefit of the surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee was the placebo effect television news programs graphically Illustrated the stunning results footage showed members of the placebo group walking and playing basketball in short doing things they reported they could not do before their quote unquote surgery the placebo patients didn't find out for 2 years that they had gotten fake surgery one member of the placeo group Tim Perez who had to walk with a cane before the surgery is now able to play basketball with his grandchildren he summed up the theme of this book when he told the Discovery Health channel in this world anything is possible when you put your mind to it I know that your mind can do Miracles that's from the biology of belief now Bruce taught at medical schools for almost 20 years and finally told me that he had to leave because he realized that what he was teaching potential doctors about what it is that constitutes your ability to heal yourself has not located in something called particles but it's located in something called Spirit In The Invisible within us that we have the capacity to overcome even such things and if you hear Bruce and read his book which I recommend you do you'll discover that there is something called the internal environment and the way that we process events through our conscious and our subconscious Minds that can in fact alter and shift now what this did for me is it gave me something called hope gave me something internally that says if I get congestion in my chest if I get heart palpitations if I get a sord KN if whatever it is that I can begin and this is what excuses begon is about you can begin to think in terms of awareness thinking with awareness what is thinking with awareness awareness thinking and ego are not compatible they cannot exist or coexist together awareness thinking is when you think think from your highest self from the place that you originated from the God within you when you begin to think like God thinks one of the words that Jesus said in the New Testament was With God all things are possible now what is that leave out what does all things are possible leave out no thing nothing it leaves out nothing when you begin to think from this level up here the level of God Consciousness the level of spirit the level of the Dow whatever it is that comes into your life when you begin to think in terms of not only aligning yourself with this kind of thinking that all things are possible and you just change that habit the habit of I've got an excuse a built-in excuse and the built-in excuse is it's my biology I just simply can't help my biology but your biology comes from your beliefs just as much as it comes from your inheritance and knowing that you can change it that was the first book the second book that I read I have here with me also and it's called virus of the Mind by Richard Brody another life-changing book we have them here basically what virus of the mind says it tells us what viruses are so if you think about a virus a virus has three purposes the first purpose of a virus in your body and in your computer for example is to duplicate itself as much as it possibly can just to duplicate it makes a copy of itself over and over and over again it doesn't care who it does it to it doesn't have any Vision about about whether it's right or wrong should or shouldn't be happening it is just something that you get a virus you know that you you know especially if you get one in your computer you know you got a problem because it's just going to make a copy then another copy then another and it just keeps doing that that's how viruses work same thing in your body and you can give it antibiotics all day and all night and it just gobbles them up and says great good food for making more of myself cuz that's what it will do you know that you don't take an antibiotic when you have a virus you have have to outgrow it or get your immune system or whatever but you can't just make it go away with medicine the second thing a virus does is not only does it duplicate itself but it infiltrates that's its second purpose it infiltrates wherever it can go so any opening that it has in it goes so it's in your ear it looks over at your eyes oh good place for it it'ss over here and if the thing gets out of control it'll just take away your body and it'll certainly take away your computer won't it it'll infiltrate and the third person purpose of a virus not only does it duplicate and infiltrate but the third purpose of a virus is to spread let me get into another computer there's another body I can get into and off this thing goes making copies of itself infiltrating wherever it can go and spreading wherever it can go viruses of the Mind work exactly the same way except that there are no little tiny infinitely small particles little viral particles there's nothing there there's no thing there viruses of the Mind come from ideas and a virus of the mind is an idea that has been placed into your mind from another mind and its purpose is to do exactly what I just described to duplicate to infiltrate and to spread and you are filled with these viruses of the Mind there are een of them and they're all called excuses and these excuses are beliefs that you have had handed to you from well-meaning people who said we'll take over from here and off you go believing that certain kinds of things that happen in your world are happening because there's nothing you can do about it because this is your truth and these the basic building block of genetics is called a gene the building block of mimetics mimetics which comes from the word mimic which means to copy to notice what somebody else is doing and doing it is called a meme mem and this is the science of the meme this book was another life-changing kind of and it really gave me the impetus the idea to write about not just what to think but how to change these lifelong thinking habits so I'd like all of you in this room to think for a moment about something about yourself whether you've been overweight for your entire lifetime whether you've struggled with addictions of one kind or another for a lifetime and you've tried all of the different kinds of things that you come up with and still you you find yourself struggling with I can't I just can't overcome it I just can't change it I've been this way it doesn't work and what I have done is I have created I didn't even do it I'm telling you this was loudu at work in my life because I was doing my radio show that I do every Monday on hayhouseradio.com and people call in from all over the world and someone called in and said that she had channeled because of what I had written about in change your thoughts change your life she had channeled a drawing of love now no one has really we don't even have any pictures of Lau we just have people imagining what Lau must have looked like and she had this beautiful drawing and she sent it to me and as soon as I opened it up I said oh my God it was like it just it was it spoke to me it sits there in my writing space and I look at it and every time I do and then I get quiet it's like whatever I need just I put my hand on so I don't use computers um I I write everything by hand and I just put my arm on the table and it just starts coming through me it's I call it Auto atic writing it's when you really let go and let God when you really understand that even the speech that I'm giving right now and these words that are coming from someplace I have no idea where into me and through and into this little instrument I'm hearing and coming out to you I don't own any of this stuff I just I just let it come I just trust in it and I know that if I stay true to those four virtues and just live from that perspective that whatever I need will be there so I don't get to own any of it and I feel that way and I felt that way particularly as I I was writing excuses be gone and it was lau and that great teaching that was coming to me that basically said I will give you a paradigm for change to help people to overcome a lifetime of thinking habits now these memes that were placed into your mind I wrote out 18 of them if you're thinking about changing something about yourself anything at all even the fact that you haven't been able to manifest Prosperity or the right kind of relationships or you know overcome uh illnesses or not do some athletic event whatever it might be something that you have been unable to do these are the memes at any rate the year before I started just thinking about this Paradigm and we had a woman there her name was Suzanne and she's from uh Toronto actually from London Ontario and she had binged and purged for 22 years without missing a day she looked like death walking Hollow eyes salow skin sadness a shaking a quivering whenever she was brilliant very intelligent binging and purging every day for 22 years and we ran her through the Paradigm in 40 minutes in front of 600 people and when we were there on October the 27th she celebrated her onee anniversary of not binging and purging she did it in 40 minutes that's how powerful what I'm talking about is and excuses be gone and here are a few of these excuses that we use none of which measure up and hold any truth it will be difficult if I want to change that's a meme the idea that if you've had a habituated way of thinking and being and behaving and if you've had it for a lifetime one of the things that you'll hear people say they say it all the time is it's going to be difficult to change that second one is that it will be risky a third is that it will take a long time for me to change that there will be family drama these are all memes that I don't deserve it that it's not my nature that I can't afford it that no one will help me that it's never happened before that I'm not strong enough that I'm not smart enough that I'm too old or I'm too young I thought of that one when they asked me to do a film which meant giving up a month of my life and doing 14 and 16h hour days from 7 in the morning till 9:10 at night sometimes staying up all night filming and refilm and refiling and refiling and it's and you don't just do a uh you know to get one minute on the screen might take 4 hours easily and to put myself through that and to take Direction and to be told what to say and how to say it and where to stand and what the Shadows are and to just give it up all up and just surrender to it and say I'm willing to do that I'm willing to take on something I've never done before and just let it happen in the name of creating something that can transform the world are you willing and I said yes and I remember how I surrendered as we went to we filmed out in a place called aamar in uh just south of uh Monteray California for an entire month it's like to let go of the meme that I'm too old to do something like that that I can't change that it's not something that I could do you just let go of those that the rules won't let me that it's too big that I don't have the energy that my family history won't won't allow it that I'm too busy that I'm scared all of these and many many many more all of these are none of the things that God does the da needs no excuses God needs no excuses whatsoever it's just being just constant you want to be that way you want to let go of every one of these memes that have been handed to you by well-meaning people that are invisible ideas that were placed into your head that have duplicated so frequently and have infiltrated so much that in your school and in your culture and in your religious training and so on you begin to adopt these things and they become your truths when in fact they don't hold up to that at all as you'll see when I run you quickly through the Paradigm at the end of my time here with you this morning the third book that I read before writing excuses be gone was written by Sharon Begley we don't have it here it's called train your mind change your brain she is the science writer for Newsweek magazine and she spent about 10 years with the Daly Lama who brought the top neuroscientists from all over the world to his place in laasa over uh India and uh Tibet where all the places that he brought these great teachers and would have them all come together and look at the most recent literature that was being done in the field of Neurology about uh what could be done with the brain for those of you or any of you who are um experiencing or have people in your family who are experiencing any kind of depression I would really recommend you take a real hard look at some of the the research that is being done that the very fact that your brain this physical thing that is inside of your head someplace that we believe is the source of depressing thoughts that we have that if you understand that it isn't necessary to be taking medicine all the time to rearrange the circuitry of your brain which is what these uh anti-depressant medicines really do they really stimulate the form of Serotonin which is the Feelgood enzyme in the brain isn't it it's like the more serotonin we have the better that we feel and what they're discovering is that when they train people to think about how they think in other words very often a person who suffers from depression of any kind and it doesn't have to be clinical depression it can be depressing thoughts that you have at any moment like you know you dropped a vitamin on the floor and like that happened to me the other day and it just fraking disappeared it was just it's just gone it just disappeared and I was on the floor looking down with my eyes this way that way under the pulling the carpet up and it's just gone and that's depressing I mean uh where the hell how could it just it just went from here to there I still haven't found the vitam it it's just like it's just gone so I mean just a simple little thing like that or uh you know the moments in your life when you just lose it you know it's uh something that I guess I learned when I was a little boy but it's that time and then here you are a 60-year-old man and you still find yourself when something is very frustrating you can't find something you misplace there whatever and it's just you just lose it you know and I know you think that something like that couldn't happen I don't usually do that around other people get me but all alone in my room and there's nobody there there's nothing like uh just letting one of those out F I can't take it where is it then you come back and you remind yourself that you're a spiritual master and that uh you're a prophet and uh or if it's clinical depression or whatever it is that when instead of thinking what we're doing now with patients who have this instead of saying okay here's a Zoloft here's some kind of a drug that we're going to give you and we're going to rearrange the synapses of your brain so that it works differently and most of the time we don't even know what's going on inside the brain when we we dispense these you know the field of Psychiatry has basically become a drug pedaling field it really has almost people go now to psychiatrist psychiatric treatment basically to get some kind of of a drug to take so that their life will get better all of the things that we were so consumed with the Dal Lama said if we could take every child in the world every child in the world at the age of five and have them meditate on compassion for one hour a week we could eliminate all violence and depression on this planet in one generation can you imagine one generation just thinking compassion thinking about others and one of the things that they taught in train your mind change your brain which has a lot of you know it's it's a little tougher read than what I've been talking to you about but it's um the scientific evidence in there is so clear that when a person is about to be depressed and they do an MRA and they'll look at the brain and they'll see the chemistry of their brain there'll be a picture of it then they train them to think a thought like thinking of a moment in their life when they felt loved just like Kinesiology a moment in your life when you knew that you were as happy as you could be and you train that person to just move them and say to thems instead of saying okay here comes my depression and it's going to get worse instead of that saying instead there goes my brain misfiring again and I am going to not be a part of it I'm going to step outside I'm going to watch it and as I watch it I am going to think a thought of a moment in my life when I felt good I felt loved I felt content I felt happy and then they train the person to put their thoughts on that and then they do the MRI again and they look at it and now you got a side by-side view of the brain and the brain has changed the chemistry of the brain literally changes you know I said it in power of intention I said it in all of my talks when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change the world becomes a different world when you change the way you look at it if you believe you live in a depressing World you'll be looking for something to verify and validate that for yourself when you change the way you look at this world you live in a different world so I would recommend you look at that now in the last 10 minutes or so I'd like to go through this Paradigm rather quickly each one of these questions is a chapter in excuses be gone and that's the third part the first part talks about Bruce's book and talks about the three books that I've mentioned virus of the Mind change your brain and then the middle part of the book really looks at the principles that are involved thinking with awareness thinking in terms of alignment thinking passion thinking compassion and then this Paradigm which was given to me by my ancient spiritual friend who I can still see walking out of the villages where they were everybody was going to continue the Waring states to live in peace in his final days Lau so the first of these questions is the most important the question is is it true and as you listen to this Paradigm I'd like you to just really be thinking about not just yourself and the people in your immediate family but think about our children so the first question let's take the excuse it's going to take a long time it's going to be difficult because that's the one particularly for those of you who have suffered with physical maladies who have suffered with being overweight who' suffered with not having enough Prosperity into your life I'd like you to just think about the question is it true is the thought that it's going to be difficult to change true and I'd like to work with someone to do that but because of time constraints I can't so the question of is it true the fact is that you think approximately they say for those who engage in these accounting practices about 60,000 thoughts separate thoughts every single day the problem with it is that you're going to think the same 60,000 thoughts today that you did yesterday and again tomorrow and the real problem with this is about 59,900 50 of them are not true they're just memes they're things they're viruses that have been planted into your mind to believe that it's going to be difficult if you think that it's going to be difficult to change and you're really convinced of that I put you through this in the Paradigm and in the therapy which is can you be 100% certain that it's going to be difficult and it's going to take a long time and there's going to be family drama if you were to do what you want to do can you be 100% certain that those things are true the answer to that is no you can never be 100% certain so now you have a potential thought that something is going to be difficult and if you know that it may or may not be true even if you're absolutely convinced that it's 100% true but then you start thinking about you say well I can never be sure 100% that it's going to be true then you say to yourself I have the option to think a thought which may or may not be true the first thought if I think it's going to be difficult is going to lead me away from where I would like to be the second thought which also may or may not be true is going to lead me to where I want to be which one of those thoughts which may or may not be true would you elect to take this is what I was taught by Lau that if you have a choice to think a thought that may or may not be true Why not pick the one that will lead you to where you would want to be so what is the reverse thought of it's going to be difficult it's going to be easy or or it's not going to be difficult so now you have that choice and you begin to take that thought I'm too old it may or may not be true I'm too young it may or I'm not smart enough it may now you begin to work this Paradigm this way that every time you have a thought about something which constitutes an excuse which is nothing more than a meme than you begin to reverse it and you begin to make the shift and as you make that shift you start thinking thoughts that may or may not be true but always will lead you closer to where you want to be so that's the first question is it true the second question is and again remember each of these are a chapter and I spent a month on each one of these where did it come from where did the thought that I can't make something happen I can't create Prosperity I can't create Health in my life where did that thought come from the answer to this question the short answer to this question is it came from me it came from myself I chose it it was the way even though I was a child and it was handed to me and it was imposed upon me there were other children around me who had the same kinds of things imposed upon them and they didn't buy into the same excuse that I'm buying into you take responsibility for everything someone asked me in the back what about if you have cancer what about if you have something that has come to you and you can't overcome that do I take responsibility for that the answer to that is yes it's not about blame it's not about karmic paybacks it's about saying I have been a vibrational match to what I have attracted into my life I'm not guilty for it I didn't do anything wrong but it is mine because the reason as I told the gentleman the reason that you do that is because if something outside of you is responsible for anything going on inside of you you have to wait for something outside of you to shift and change whereas if you take responsibility and begin to say I'm choosing this I've elected this then you have an opportunity to make it go away and other otherwise you don't blame is a guarantee that the excuse will prevail and all excuses no matter what they are are misalignments they're all misalignments that is you are not aligned with God God needs no excuses third question is what are the payoffs why would I continue to think thoughts that don't work for me and contribute to my having excuses the payoffs basically are avoidance it's easier it's the way that I can manipulate other people you begin to look through the psychological support system for all of it and now comes the guts of all of this of this Paradigm and if you want to know more about this you'll my friend Byron Katie and one of the questions that I learned from her in this Paradigm is what would my life look like if I couldn't think the thought that it's going to be difficult and when I asked Suzanne who was going through her first day of not binging and purging what would your life look like if you couldn't think that this was going to take a long time if you could couldn't think it was going to be difficult if you couldn't think that you didn't have the ability to change what if you couldn't think that thought without that excuse everybody always says if I couldn't think it I would feel free I would be free and that's the freedom that comes to it the fifth question is can I create a rational reason to change my son Sans who's 21 years old has a habit a bad one according to him he can't get up in the morning he sleeps till noon 1:00 2:00 every day he can't get over he said dad he's like I just can't I'm just too damn tight I mean I just my eyes I just can't get up and I can't when I go to bed let it doesn't matter what time I go to bed I have to sleep so for his 21st birthday we gave him a trip to Indonesia he loves to Surf he wakes up breathes surfing he's been living on Maui you know his every summer since he was born at four years of age I gave him a surfboard and he went out and paddled out and rode it all the way in at the age of four he breathed surface he has Surfing magazines he gets up uh you know and does his Sur so for going to Indonesia he went down to Indonesia and they he went on a boat for 10 days to get the best surf that you can find and they have all these machines and they find out where the waves are and he's up he's up every morning at 5:00 5:00 and he surfs all day they go to these waves they go to that Island they're doing all of these things and then comes back gets back at 10:00 at night sleeps you know for a couple up at 4 the next morning because they've got a never complains during the whole time because he had a rational reason to change when I was in junior high school I was in love with erene and she uh boarded the bus a block away from me and I found out that she boarded the bus at 7:00 every morning and I couldn't get up either until I found out that erene was getting on the bus stop at 7:00 a.m. I was up at 6:00 getting ready with my uh Brill cream I had a I had a big wave and you know and all and my old spice what I would slap on me and walk down there and just hope that she would notice me because when I had a rational reason to change do you have a rational reason to change any of these habits in your life create one and then follow the Paradigm the seventh is can I access Universal cooperation in shedding old habits all you have to do is live the virtues and you access Divine cooperation by living the virtues and finally how do I continuously reinforce this new way of being you get quiet you meditate you do yoga you do the kinds of things that I spell out I'd like to close there was a woman an Old Woman Who Lived by the bank of a river in Nepal and she was a saint by all means she carried with her a little container where she kept dried pieces of bread and one day she found a precious stone and the stone was so precious that she knew that if she kept it that she would have everything that she could ever want for the rest of her life such was its value this huge piece of this precious stone and one day a man came walking by the riverbank where she lived and he asked if she had any bread or anything to eat because he was hungry and she opened her little bag and she reached in and she gave him some bread and as he noticed the bag he noticed inside was this beautiful shining precious stone that was his guaranteed security for the rest of his life and he said I'd like to have that precious stone please and she said here if you'd like it you can have it and she gave it to him and he left feeling as if he now was taken care of as if it was a divine intervention the next day he returned to the woman and he said to her I'm going to give you back this Stone he said but I'd like to give have you give me something even more precious than that stone and she said what would that be he said whatever you have inside of you that allowed you to give me that stone I'd like you to give to me in every moment of your life you you have a choice and here it is you can either be a host to God or a hostage to Your Ego to that false self it's your choice God bless you and thank you for coming today to watch another amazing Wayne Dyer video check it out right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there you say whatever it is that you would like to attract into your life a great job a great relationship a body that is in perfect health whatever it might be write it down put it in words words whatever you would like to manifest whatever it might be
Channel: Evan Carmichael
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Length: 70min 58sec (4258 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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