Dr. Steven Greer on "Men in Black" Appearing at Roswell Incident, Held Alien for 4 Years (Part 7)

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foreign let's go to to what what most of us would consider probably not you because you're an expert but I want to go to Ground Zero yep um July 1947 Roswell yep if I will this is for most it it you can say what 100 certainty it happened oh yeah it happened I've actually have known before they passed away some of the guys who were there okay hold on because I got a series of questions and then I could just go for it number one I want to establish what you just did it happened number two earlier in in our conversation you spoke about uh I believe it was a general that that said that there was a shadow government that existed oh that was Senator anyway yeah okay many of the the children of the the witness the eyewitnesses of Roswell they spoke about in layman's term the Men in Black these guys who who came and they they swore everybody to secret and they took uh the the alien survivors away and they took all of the people if you can go into as much detail about what was found how real you know that situation to be because then I want to bring it to uh the propulsion and and the energy sources that you spoke about but it all starts there it actually didn't start there that was 1947. um there were apparently a couple of Crash retrieval events uh in the late 30s and 40s uh we know at the Trinity site in 1945 uh and shortly after we detonated the first atomic bomb uh there was a craft that was downed or came down in that area that we retrieved uh but 1947 is the most celebrated one that one there were actually three extraterrestrial Vehicles involved we had a new uh we have a document you'll see it in my book unacknowledged um which goes with the documentary on acknowledged when you see all these home for free on Amazon Prime and and whatever uh but it describes a new radar system that we had put in now at Roswell now let me let me tell you a little bit about the sort of military speak here a radar system who you and I think of it it's just something that sends out a a beam and it paints it bounces off the the skin of an aircraft and you track trace it those so those systems can also have an active directional energy Warfare system attached to it or associated with it either within the system or very nearby so then when something is is painted or tracked on radar it's in hit with an electromagnetic weapon a directional weapon those were actually beginning to be experimented with in the 30s and 40s by 1947 this FBI document from a field agent to Jaber Hoover which we had published states that that system was switched on and it obviously had more than just a radar component had to have an active electromagnetic weapon part of it and there were three of these uh ET craft that were over that area and I'll tell you why in a moment two of them collided one was in a bazillion pieces not far from that Roswell Army Air Base the other one continued Westward near Socorro and packed it and it broke and there were extraterrestrial bodies and one living I know one living ET taken from there the other the third one wasn't found I believe it's until 1951 up in the mountains going Way Northwest of Roswell up in the mountains of New Mexico I'm sorry to interject are you saying uh there was a third ET That Got Away no there's a 30t craft that crashed okay there was one so my knowledge was one Survivor that we captured and I think I have an Army intelligence guy who was the last guy I know to see that uh being in 1951 at Camp Perry uh in Virginia um and it was in a crate or in boxer shorts uh and it didn't live much longer so apparently it lived about four years in captivity okay um wow it's a lot to unpack here have you had the opportunity to speak to any of the eyewitnesses of Roswell or the children of the eyewitnesses of Roswell and what is it that they conclusively can tell you yeah that you can relate to us yeah we have and we have actually a couple one of the children uh who's also a medical doctor it's up on our YouTube channel his father was there and actually had some material and it had it was interesting it had what looked like hieroglyphic type writing on it it wasn't but there's some kind of symbols on this very lightweight unusual metallic part of this craft E.T craft uh but in 1995 I had a gathering in California that was the first Gathering of our whistleblowers um and I guess there were about a dozen of them there and one of them had also been at Roswell and we have that uh on a tape um so yeah I have met with and interviewed the both original folks who were there and the children of a couple of the guys who were there and there's no question about that event but there are now we've having our archive we have a what we call the disclosure intelligence archive uh 122 of these sort of crashes and retrievals that have been documented okay okay um I believe I heard you say that you you met with someone in the uh I'm not sure if it was the army or what branch of service that worked um with the retrieval of these E.T yeah what did he or she have to say about it did they get a a look at the alien itself oh yeah not did they get a look at the the uh wrecked spaceships what what could they tell you well if you look at the interview we did with Sergeant Clifford Stone he was on a retrieval team in the 60s uh this is after Roswell almost 20 years it was on multiple of these where he was involved with Noy the the vehicles but retrieval of the the beans extraterrestrial beings uh some of whom were living and uh so uh I've interviewed a number of these sort of men very few of them have come forward publicly the most recent one was a man who was on a retrieval team in uh I believe it was 201 uh 11 out in the north of uh so-called Area 51 and there was a very large ET craft that was stunned with an electromagnetic uh weapon that that came down but it did not crash it was stunned and uh this man had very close encounter with two of the ETS that came out of The Craft um but that craft eventually was able restarted itself and took off but um it's a very long story um we're in the process of trying to bring him into DC to go to the Pentagon where they're debriefing folks right now that we're identifying you have to understand I have debriefed over a thousand men and women like this and I have in my archive 755. of them the the others are ones who never wanted to give us their contact information so I'm sort of have debriefed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people like this over the last now 30 years but um uh it's it's been a long path but what my job is is to take all you know because the the what's called top secret special compartmented information where it's very compartmented is to get as much of the information from hundreds and hundreds of these sources and put it together in some kind of coherent picture and assessment like an intelligence assessment so that's what I started doing in in the early 90s and I still continue to do it and we provide those to people in Congress and to people in the White House and pentagon uh upon request we're a private organization so
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Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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