Dr RT Kendall Body Mind Ego

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okay we're in Romans chapter 11 verse 33 this there's going to be some amens and some praise in this reading there has to be so get ready for it won't you oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God how unsearchable his judgments and his paths beyond tracing out who has known the mind of the Lord or who has given him counsel who has ever given to God what God should repay him for from him and through him and to him are all things to him be the glory forever amen the man not finished therefore I urge you brothers in the view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God this is your spiritual act of worship do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is his pleasing and perfect will for by the grace given to me I say to every one of you do not think more highly of yourself than you ought but rather think of yourselves with sober judgment in accordance to the measure of faith God has given you and God always blesses his word amen love so amazing so divine demands my soul my life my all brief word of Prayer Heavenly Father I pray now for the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus by your spirit to rest upon every mind in this place in order that their perception of what I say will be heard as you intend to cleanse my tongue that I will be your transparent vehicle to pass on everything that needs to be said nothing that doesn't need to be said help me to be very very clear very simple and may this be a life-changing word and a word that brings great honor and glory to your name I pray in Jesus name Amen today we look at the application of Paul's letter to the Romans a good sermon will have teaching and then an application the first 11 chapters of Romans teaching but now application and so when he says I beseech you therefore it's in the light of the previous 11 chapters that's interesting there are three there fors in Romans 1st chapter 5 verse 1 therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Romans 8 verse 1 there is therefore now no condemnation an out chapter 12 verse 1 I beseech you therefore now you need to understand when he says by the mercy of God it's a reminder that these Roman Christians to whom the Epistle was addressed do not deserve what has been given to them what has been given well first they've been justified by faith that could not have happened except by the effectual calling of the Holy Spirit do you realize why you are a Christian it is by the effectual calling of the Spirit you can't take any credit for it in fact Paul says in Romans 8 whom he predestined he called you say God predestined everybody sorry that's not true but those he predestined he calls those he calls he justifies those he justifies he glorifies so the good news is as surely as you are justified that means you've transferred the trust that you had in your good works to what Jesus did for you on the cross you will be glorified nothing can stop it some years ago I was invited to a party where the lady wanted to have an anniversary party to commemorate 20 years being a Christian she invited me there were others man came up to me and said you are T Kendall yes you wrote the book once saved always saved yes I don't agree with your book I said have you read it no well how do you know he said I don't believe it well read it and find out I don't believe it okay he said well look I'll give you one minute give me your best argument 60 seconds hmm I've got it what is the possibility that you could be dislodged what no this Luud that wasn't the way I put it what's the possibility that Jesus could be dislodged from the Trinity Father Son Holy Spirit how secure is Jesus in the Godhead he saidwell eternally secure it couldn't be dislodged I said well we are joint heirs with Jesus and we are in Christ and we are sons of God by adoption a we didn't ask to be adopted he adopted us he said that's good he walked away but there are those who don't want to believe this I've never understood why it's the most glorious teaching in the world and to know that you cannot be lost and when you're aware of this what is your reaction some years ago Louise and I were invited to attend an adoption legal ceremony where this couple had had taken a little baby into their home and but it hadn't been legal yet and they had the petition of the court to become the legal parents and we watched and the sambar judge looked at that young couple and said I have not yet signed my name to this document once I sign my name your child will be yours forever and no court in the land will overturn this verdict you need to know this child could develop ill health and cost you everything as a teenager he may turn into drugs he's your child he's just forever no matter how it turns out I haven't signed the document yet do you want me to he said yes sign it it was the most moving moment but here's the thing we are adopted we're all in the family because before we were even born or after we were born and we were chosen we had nothing to do with it and we are as secure in the family of God as Jesus himself is in the Godhead and when you realize that that he's given it to you by sheer grace that's the point in view of God's mercy what is your response and I want us to see three things first obligation what we owe out of gratitude to God I wonder if you realize this that the New Testament doctrine of sanctification could easily call be called the doctrine of gratitude it is what we do to say thank you lord we don't live holy lives in order to get to heaven God has already given us that but we do it out of gratitude and so I urge you says Paul in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies now why do you suppose he mentions body well he goes on to say that we do it as living sacrifices now you've got a picture a sacrifice in the Old Testament imagine the altar about the third the size of this platform four or five feet tall and they would bring an animal or like a lamb and it would be a dead sacrifice on the altar dead can't move but we are living sacrifices on the altar we can move and at will we can scoot off crawl off because we don't want to be living sacrifices we are told however to be just that your body made up your eyes what you watch what you do with your hands what you do with your feet where you go and other parts of your body what does he mean then your body we're talking about basically two things under this category first is holiness holiness sanctification words used interchangeably your body he means sexual purity see this is something that needs to be taught I fear there are places where it is not taught because pastors vicars rector's bishops they're afraid people won't come back and they just sweep this under the carpet to present your bodies as living sacrifices he's talking about sexual purity when Gentiles were allowed into the church when it was basically a Jew Jewish thing that was reluctant that they later men but they did on the basis of keeping for particular things well was sexual purity no fornication this is part of it and according to Paul that you offer your bodies living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God it's your spiritual act of worship do you realize this how you live is your worship you still I worship God while ago you've just begun how you live is your worship and we're talking about any kind of sex outside of hetero sexual marriage we're living at a time I've never seen anything like it I didn't know that in my lifetime I would see it when now things that were abhorred even ten years ago even ten years ago now being accepted and the worst thing of all is being accepted by people who want to call themselves evangelical affirming same-sex marriage you know I've almost come to the place that if you want to know what the Bible teaches ask a liberal they'll tell you you see this is why they rejected the Bible a liberal will tell you of course the Bible teaches eternal punishment of course the God of the Bible knows the future and of course the Bible would be against same-sex marriage we all know that a liberal would know that but you see there are those who convince themselves if somehow that Jesus would condone all these things it's an awful day in which we are living if you want to know what the Bible teaches read Leviticus chapter 18 verse 22 Romans 1:26 and 27 you know it is so explicit it's almost embarrassing to read it publicly 1 Corinthians 6:9 homosexual activity it calls it that damned and I don't mean to be unfair but it's equally true for heterosexuals sex outside marriage premarital sex it is not wrong and if you think that you can live a life like that and at the same time say that you're showing gratitude to God what you've done you've crawled off the altar you don't want to be a living sacrifice why sacrifice because it's not easy nobody said it would be easy I consider Joseph young man at the height of his sexual powers now being sold into slavery in Egypt and is confronted by a fashionable officer's wife Potiphar's wife he says go to bed with me you know he could have said you know it's not fair what's happened to me my brother sold me here she's not going to tell her husband nobody back in Katy will know and I'm lonely and I this thing isn't right you know most people I know that avoid any kind of sexual activity like this do it because they think they might get caught that's why they don't Joseph said but God knows God knows it wasn't easy for him but he said no and the angel said yes you see nobody said it would be easy it's an act of the will you're a living sacrifice you do this as an act of worship and so we're talking about doing that which goes against what you feel so we're talking about holiness but also health that means self control over your body even when it comes to your health are you aware that the body you have is the only bar you'll never have and your steward of that body and you're responsible for good health that means you watch what you eat beware of too much Kentucky Fried Chicken or too much wine your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit it's your act of worship and it means discipline because your body is the only one you'll ever have you see being a living sacrifice means that you recognize God Almighty is to be worship and anything that gets between you and God is an idol and it will divert you from Christ for some of you I fear your God is football you live for that you can't wait to get home you get to watch it this afternoon we're in the middle of the World Cup by the way Katy has something in common with the World Cup you know what it is there are 30 nations in the World Cup and I think we could come up with 30 nations here today I think we could fortunately no Nigerians no garnon's no Welsh no Chinese oh dear but another thing about being a living sacrifice later on Paul will talk about weeping with those that weep when you take the time to care and so this very week at Grenfell seventy two seconds of quiet to remember those who died and the Bishop of Kensington prayed may God grant that it will never happen to anybody like this again sacrifice you take time to care about those whose what didn't happen to me but be thankful that it didn't alright obligation it's a way of saying thank you God I don't deserve that you that you saved me I don't deserve it but the one thing I do obligation is to show gratitude second opportunity that here is something that comes as a fringe benefit of being a Christian since Paul do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind and then you will be able to test and approve what is God's will is good pleasing and perfect will in a word that God will give you wisdom what a fringe benefit of being a Christian God will give you wisdom you see has nothing to do with your IQ has nothing to do with education but it is knowing what to do next and when you get God's wisdom you won't mess up another way of understanding God's wisdom it means God's opinion are you aware that God has an opinion on everything it does he's got an opinion on everything and wonderful if we can get his opinion the trouble is we don't want his opinion it might go against what we want to do but I have to tell you wisdom is promised it is promised and in proverbs chapter 4 here's what Solomon says get wisdom get understanding do not forsake wisdom wisdom knowing the next thing to do saying the right thing at the right time you won't mess up you will have 20/20 foresight vision we've all have 20/20 hindsight we can be oh if I only had known I wouldn't have done this but when you get wisdom you have 20/20 foresight vision you mess up do not forsake wisdom love her she will watch over you wisdom is supreme therefore get wisdom though it costs you all you have get it esteem her and she will exalt you embrace her she will honor you she will set a garland of grace on your head present you with a crown of splendor that's what's promised by the renewal of your mind and by the way are you aware because Paul comes back to this now your mind is the most important sex organ that you've got this is what we talked about the eyes jesus said if you lost John talks about the lust of the eyes I dare say there's someone here maybe more than one you are addicted to pornography it will destroy you it will destroy your marriage and statistics have now shown that teenagers addicted to porn ology porn on pornography prefer it to the real thing and when they get married they lose the desire that the damning effect of it but as a Christian you don't go there your eyes your body your mind the seed of understanding the seed of knowledge because the gospel was given to you Paul talks about that form of teaching it begins with your mind but it must go to the heart you see the reason you have people that make professions of faith but you don't see them two weeks later or two years later it never gets past the mind there are those that will make a profession I suppose they've happened here you make a prayer the heart must be engaged this is why Paul said you confess with your mouth that means to show that you're not ashamed but believe in your heart god raised him from the dead so wisdom an opportunity to show the greatest knowledge of law all right obligation opportunity but before I close objectivity what's that that's when you stand back and come to terms with the way God has made you formed you objectivity verse 3 where Paul says do not think of yourself more highly than you ought but rather think of yourself with silver judgment in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you you see it means admit what your gifting is and don't go outside your anointing live within your anointing you go outside of it you struggle live within it you see you know I'm not getting to do what I want to do this is why Paul says don't think of yourself more highly than you want the natural thing for all of us is to think of ourselves more highly than we should and I find this challenging there's so many times I think Lord I wish I could be so and so I wish I could do that and God says sorry you're right where you are because that's where I put you think soberly or when you consider the body of Christ we're made up of various parts the body is made up of one part but not of one part of many if the foot should say because I'm not a hand I don't belong to the body oh it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body one cretons 12 you see some of you are the hands some of you are the eyes some the head those in charge some have high profile and there are those who want high profile they want to be noticed but what if God says sorry about this but you're the small intestines you're the pancreas you can't live without a pen but you don't get noticed what if God says I'm sorry about this but you are the toenail but remember this at the judgment seat of Christ you will be rewarded as much as the highest-profile person in history when you've been faithful in that which is least and your reward will be equal to Billy Graham if you're willing to think no more highly than you ought you see come to terms with your place in the body of Christ it's painful to accept the limits he talks about the measure of faith and this is why I'm preaching on body mind ego wait for the time God will give you the honor that he wants to give you some of you've heard me say this a hundred times the verse that has governed me or if I should say I want it to govern man I'm sure I've always come up to it John 544 it's my verse for 60 years how can you believe who receive honor one of another and seek not the honour that comes from God only the reason the Jews missed their Messiah is because they wanted the honor of one another they it wasn't on their radar screen they want the honor of God but what I would urge what will enable you to to cope with little or no profile is to know that you will get the honor that comes from God Stephen was stoned and then looked up and said I see Jesus standing at the right hand of God imagine that we're told that Jesus took his seat at the right hand of God Oh Stephen says I see him standing I see him standing what a way to be welcomed home some years ago I believe it was in New York City there was a young pianist a child prodigy from around 12 years old the reputation had leaked out the next Arthur Rubinstein who could play Rachmaninoff Tchaikovsky Brahms just a child and when they announced that it was going to be appearing in Carnegie Hall sellout in 24 hours and then the day came when he played when he finished the audience at crescendo rose to their feet and clapped and cheered and clapped and clapped but the kid would not go back out for a bow and they kept clapping they kept track him and but this is the platform manager said look you need to go out and take a Bally's and we'll go why aren't you going you must they're all standing he said not everybody's standing what do you mean he looked through the curtain see the man up in the balcony on the third row at the end that gray head man well who cares about him oh but the child prodigy said he's my teacher and when he stands I'll go out and take a bow because that whole time that kid was playing for an audience of one and this is the way to get your joy to know not what people think or how high your profile it's a living sacrifice you abandoned a claim and praise because you want the wisdom and you want your body to bring honor and glory to God but then you may say but Artie you said while ago that not all are predestined how do I know what hope there is for me oh I can answer that I can answer that very quickly when you hear this gospel that Jesus died on the cross and that you can be saved not by your good works but transferring the trust that you had in good works to what Jesus did for you on the cross and you say all could I do that oh I think you might let me ask you this question are you thirsty for this why do you ask that well because revelation 22 says whosoever will may come and he that is athirst letting come are you thirsty you see there are people that are not thirsty they don't care about it but if you're thirsty and this appeals to you you've been chosen God would not mock you to prove that you really are thirsty and you want this I can give you a prayer to pray right now I'll give you the words say them if you mean them in your heart just say this prayer right now you don't need to say it out loud Lord Jesus I need you tell him I want you I know that I'm a sinner and I'm sorry for my sins thank you for dying on the cross for me wash away my sins by your blood I welcome your Holy Spirit into my heart and as best as I know how I give you my life that's it did somebody in this place pray that prayer in the first service one only one is there somebody here you just prayed that prayer my question is are you ashamed that you prayed that prayer why do you ask aarti jesus said if you're ashamed of me I'll be ashamed of you jesus said if you confess me before men I'll confess you before my father I'm not going to ask you to make a speech but if you prayed that prayer I want you in the next 15 seconds to stand up you see in front of all people yep in front of everybody if you acknowledge me before men I will acknowledge you not gonna ask you to make a speech or join this church there's one else there's another
Channel: Kensington Temple
Views: 1,085
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Kensington Temple, KT
Id: 1x988TIZh6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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