Dr Robert Haddad - Faith Alone - Why Luther Was Wrong

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[Music] tonight's talk has two titles can faith without love save or why faith alone fails now you're probably wondering this is an obvious topic I really don't need to hear this we all know that in order to be saved to be justified to go to heaven I need to be a person of love you know I got to love God I got to love Jesus got to love the church I got to love my neighbor so what's the big deal here why do we have to hear this talk about something which is so obvious because for certain people in the past and in the present here in Sydney it is not so obvious and I'm going to outline what these certain people have taught in the past in the distant past and in recent days so to speak now we all know about Martin Luther the official recognized founder of the Protestant Reformation and if commonly we will track the faith belief and faith alone for justification salvation is normally traced back to him so let's look at a couple of quotes from Martin Luther as a start up Luther wrote quote faith is the principle point and the highest commandment which includes all others in itself let's look at this briefly faith is a principle point meaning it's the first necessary thing we must do in order to be saved and the highest commandment it's what is most expected of us by God the first and most important thing Christians should do which includes all others in itself will come we'll look at that last point later but just keep in your mind Luther himself in this quote says that faith paraphrasing is the first and most important thing Christians should do in order to be saved elsewhere he said quote rather faith shall be the master over love and love shall yield to it okay so faith paraphrasing here Luther is more important than love it is the master over love probably think how could Luther say that what Luther's had many things his works are voluminous many things we would agree with he's not the most radical of the Protestant reformers some came after him rejecting more of the Catholic faith in him but he said certainly enough that we have to disagree with he also said the following this indicates Luther's own opinion of himself sadly quote there is no man living on earth who knows how to distinguish between the law and the gospel even the man Jesus Christ was so wanting an understanding when he was in the vineyard that is the Garden of Gethsemane that an angel had to console him though he was a doctor from heaven he was strengthened by an angel he probably what's he saying he it's confusing he's what he's trying to say here is that only dr. Luther has clearly understood what the true gospel is of course in opposition to Catholicism to popery etc and then he makes his comment about Jesus I don't know why but I'll give you this other quote about Jesus from a more contemporary radical anti Catholic apologist in the United States was very well known it he's debated every reputable Catholic apologist in the state he came out here to Australia in 2009 this fellow named James white wrote in his work the Catholic controversy the Roman Catholic controversy in 1996 quote but he that is Jesus Jesus did not deem it proper to discuss the specifics of the issues prior to Cao hurry in his sovereign will he left that to the Apostle Paul left what James White says here something probably a little bit more shocking than what Luther I just quoted from Luther James White says that Jesus really didn't tell us anything didn't teach us anything about what we must do to be saved he left that to son Paul and hence you get people like James white who's a mixture of Baptist evangelist about this and Presbyterian Calvinist beliefs and many like him in the fundamentalist evangelical camp who looked at some Paul and some Paul exclusively to determine what we must do to be saved and to draw from sin Paul their faith alone doctrine justification by faith alone we're going to have a look later specifically at what Jesus does say and see clearly that he says many things about what we must do to be saved now closer to home here in Sydney I'm now going to give you a quote from a Sydney Anglican minister who I know personally we shared working in chaplaincy at Sydney University a few years back I started in 2002 I did four years full-time at Catholic chaplains he at Sydney University two years part-time this gentleman Reverend Andrew kattay was one of the main Anglican chaplains on campus at that time or he was there before me and after me he spent many more years there than I did but he's now I think a minister at a parish in Croydon here in Inner Western Sydney and I I mentioned his name deliberately because he's gone out publicly with this quote he's got his own website his own blog site and he's put this comment into the public realm for all to read and he says the following and I think this sets us up for why we need to have a talk like this quote Roman Catholic doctrine is that we are justified by faith and love make sure you hear this as my theology lecturer at Moore College stressed Roman Catholicism is not rankly palladium let's have a stop there what is palladium it's a heresy from the 5th century that says that you can work your way into heaven you it's a justification by works work salvation that you alone only need to look at Jesus as the example the exemplar follow that example through your own efforts your own good works and you can be saved ok back to the quote catholicism knows better than to say we simply earn our salvation it is more subtle and more dangerous than that it holds that salvation is by grace but that what unites us to the grace of Christ is not bare faith but faith plus love in this as in so many things Augustine is their teacher note the Catholic Church teachers we need to have faith and love to be saved and sin Agustin is the source of this teaching for Catholics quote again it was precisely this that the reformers objected to the reason is of course that faith plus love gives us a boast before God we can point to something worthy about ourselves our love if you stunned about this quote I understand we need to unpack it and respond to it point by point now when Andrew Cote says that having insisted on love in addition to faith gives us something to boast about what is Andrew Cote referring to where he's referring to Ephesians and Paul in Ephesians 2 chapter two verses eight to nine and ten normally they just quote verses eight and nine I'm going to read you this quote at the end of this talk I will return to this quote and I'll outline the Catholic understanding of Ephesians 2:8 2:10 this is the quote for by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of God not the result of works so that no one may boast for we are what he has made us created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life so Andrew Katy like so many evangelicals seize on this quote to assert see the gospel of salvation is salvation by faith alone not works if we insist on works in addition to faith were assisted on something from ourselves that we can boast about so anything in addition to faith from our part is a work and that includes love is a human work not necessary for justification and salvation I'm still confused at this point though why faith is okay and love is not okay why love is reduced to a human work and yet the faith that we respond with is not a human work but I'll answer that later on and Ruka day goes on to say the following looking at John 3:14 now remember the term I introduced earlier from him all we need is faith he says bare faith that's all you need bear faith to be saved he goes on to say the key text is John 3:14 just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whoever believes in Him have eternal life so imagine just a Jesus lifted up on the cross we need to do is look at Jesus on the cross point our heads in that direction and believe in what he did for us on the cross that's bare faith that's what we need to be saved furthermore he says faith here is depicted not as a thing but you might say as a vector the vector looking towards Jesus on the cross not a real quality in me but maybe the direction of my gaze towards Christ like Israel in the wilderness looking towards that bronze servant on the pole that Moses erected bare faith if you ever ask the question why isn't faith or work you'll know something like this is the only answer ok so summing up here Luther knew what the gospel was no one else did Jesus was susceptible to confusion even according to Luther James white tells us Jesus didn't tell us anything this specific about what we must do to be saved it was some Paul and looking at some Paul one quote from some Paul Andrew K dave says it's clear all we need for salvation is bare faith bear Vektor faith and the Catholics and insisting on love in addition to faith are introducing a human element in addition to Christ's work they're introducing human works that they can boast of in addition to faith and this is what the Reformers objected to ok the Catholic faith so the Catholic response let's look at the definition of faith first looking at Scripture what is faith is faith really a look a direction towards Christ the scripture tell us that or is it something more we've got to be careful not to limit faith but by definition and not to exaggerate its definition because as you'll see later there is a tendency by some who feel that we need to have love in addition to faith incorporate love into the meaning of faith that was again we'll see that later Hebrews 11 verses 1 to 6 says the following now quote now faith is the assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen and without faith it is impossible to please him so according to the author of Hebrews faith is believing in something that we hope for but we can't see yet I can't see God but I believe in him on someone else's authority that's faith I do I've never seen Jesus I've never seen him rise from the dead but I believe that he's risen from the dead on someone else's authority now for Catholics the faith that act of believing in something even though I can't see it believing is something I hope for in the future even I don't have it yet that is an act of my intellect moved by my will under the influence of grace that's how son Thomas Aquinas would put it it's not it's not including yet it won't include hope that is trust in God trust in Christ and love they will come they must flow but this is what faith is some it was a look the Catholic definition of faith is depraved it's only an intellectual thing now you got it this is another argument from another direction the cap that real definition of faith includes hope and love trust and love action and honor the true definition of faith is what I just read from Hebrews 11 now the Catholics don't just stop at that definition of faith and to have that faith in order to be saved of course we insist on trust and love but not within the definition of faith but as under the definitions of hope and love and again we'll look at some Paul here to help us identify that also let's look at John Sri again remember and Andrew Kate a quoted John 3:14 to help with his definition of faith as being merely a bear faith vector John 3:36 says the following he who believes in the son has eternal life belief that's equivalent to faith but he who does not obey the son will not see life but the wrath of God abides in him so on the one side the good person is he who believes in Christ that's the person who'll be saved the person who will not be saved is that person who does not obey hold on shouldn't it be on one side the person who believes will be saved and the person who does not believe will not be saved now because for cynjohn belief in Christ is also pregnant with obedience to Christ let's get this correct here if I believe in Jesus as my as my Lord personal Lord Lord of the whole world as my Savior personal Savior Savior the whole world if I accept Jesus as Lord I believe his Lord what must necessarily flow from that I must obey the Lord so it's quite clear here in John 3:36 that belief also incorporates obedience how could I say I believe in you Lord but I don't obey you I believe in you Lord but I do not love you I believe you're the son of God you rose from the dead you ascend into heaven you're my Savior but I don't love you I don't I won't obey you I don't need to obey you because all I need is bear Vektor faith as you can see it's not working faith alone as a bear vector direction a look a glance the gaze cannot work now why do you think there is this insistence on justification my faithful own it's very theological but I'll give you a basic understanding of it I knew another fellow another Anglican minister who engaged in the debate back in 1996 a public debate with Patrick Madrid the Catholic apologists who visited Australia in June 96 was coming out again this May Martin Ford now resides in Perth and he's the son of a former anglican bishop and sadly he's ferociously anti-catholic okay his literature is all on the website for anyone to read and I took this quote from an article if he's on that website is the Reformation over written in 2006 and he says the following quote if I deny that salvation is received by faith alone I'm denying the death that Christ's death was complete as I have already noted to deny the completeness of Christ's death is to deny the very gospel itself quote in Galatians 221 in other words faith alone safeguards the more important idea of Christ alone how does that work this is how it works for them they look at Christ's death on the cross differently to Catholics they look at Christ's death on the cross under a heading called penal substitution Jesus was a substitute for us who took the penalty for us Jesus was punished in our place you probably think oh that's true that's right okay that makes sense that's what I've always believed okay Jesus was a pain or substitute dying in our place you took the punishment so Jesus willingly accepting to take the punishment Jew from God for sin on our behalf he's taken all the punishment and for anyone who believes in Jesus would no longer hangs under the threat of punishment there's no more punishment for that person who has accepted what Jesus has done on the cross for them because Jesus has done under received taking all the punishment that's due for sin nice and neat so if I believe I have to do something in addition to believing in Christ's cross I'm adding something extra to what Jesus did and there's the blasphemy I'm believing that Jesus's cross was therefore insufficient if I believe I have to do something than more than just believe have faith in what he did for us on the cross that's how they look at it now there are verses that tend to support the idea of Jesus being a penal substitute as I 53:5 he was wounded for our transgression crushed for our iniquities upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with His stripes we are healed and I could quote some other verses as well Galatians 3:13 1 Peter 3:18 2 Corinthians 5:21 1 Peter 2:24 where is it it says Christ bore our sins in his body so I going to be honest here these verses tend to support the view that Jesus was a penal substitute but is that really the correct view is that really all Jesus was on the cross a substitute on our behalf who took the punishment due to us himself now that's wholly insufficient let's look at one negative reason one positive reason why that's incorrect what was the true punishment due to sin due to mortal sin due to the sinner of our original parents Adam and Eve it wasn't simply physical punishment and it wasn't simply death it was more than that the punishment due to mortal sin was eternal damnation so if Jesus was truly a penal substitute he would have taken on all the punishment that was due for mortal sin for original sin and our sins physical abuse death and eternal damnation did Jesus undergo eternal damnation as a Catholic I would say no but in response someone would say to me how could you say no look at your own Creed look at the Apostles Creed he descended into hell so you're wrong Robert Jesus was punished did died and went to hell you see he fully took on all the punishment due to sin the Greek word originally in the Creed is Hades keep that in mind and hence what is the Catholic response right Jesus did go to Hades but he didn't go to the hell of the Damned he didn't go to the firey place of the Damned because Hades meant in a general term for the underworld the firey place of the Damned was a part of Hades it was Gehenna where the Damned were suffering but Jesus didn't go to that part of Hades he went to that part called Abraham's bosom the limbo of the patriarchs we read 1 Peter 3:19 he went to D descended to preach to those souls that were in prison remember Jesus on the cross he said to the Good Thief today you shall be with me in paradise if Jesus went to the Hell of the Damned he couldn't have said that he went down he didn't go to heaven that wasn't heaven that paradise Jesus descended to Abraham's bosom the place where every just person from Adam and Eve onwards were waiting before they could go to heaven because no one to go to heaven before Jesus the Messiah as the one eternal High Priest opens the gates of heaven and ascends through those gates on ascension Thursday no one could go into heaven before Jesus so Jesus goes down to Abraham's bosom the limbo of the patriarchs to tell those good people the good news and his presence down there made at paradise that's where the Good Thief went as well to that place and after he preached we know he rose from the dead 40 days later you ascended into heaven all those souls came out of Abraham's bosom and followed Jesus the high priest into the heavenly temple so Jesus did not go to the hell of the Damned so he's not strictly a penal substitute how then should we look at what Jesus did for us on the cross starting point against sin paulin's Philippians 2:5 2 a this is what's called the famous canosa's passage in Greek he lowered himself what with the way we look at what Jesus did on the cross is to understand firstly what Adam did and to see exactly how Jesus reversed that Adam sought to be like God in knowledge he disobeyed he he was he became proud so he because pride was inflamed you could be like God in knowledge knowing good and evil his pride was inflamed he accepted the lie from the serpent that in fact God was the liar he believed he could be like God exalted like God in knowledge and he disobeyed the new Adam to repair the damage caused by the old Adam had to do an act of reparation that completely reversed what Adam did the first Adam did while Adam was man who sought to be like God Jesus was God who became man while Adam his he was inflamed in Pride Jesus humbled himself while Adam disobeyed Jesus obey so we can see the complete opposite Adam tended to Adam brought us down through Pride and disobedience Jesus raises us up through humility and obedience what Jesus does on the cross he is a substitute but he's not a penal substitute he's a sacrificial substitute Adams original sin was a mortal sin cause death to him spiritually and Eve but offended God infinitely in magnitude it was in infinite offense why you measure the magnitude of the offense in relation to the dignity of the person who's offended the dignity of the person being offended is God who is almighty and infinite therefore that sin committed by original parents was of infinite magnitude infinite degree the reparation needed to come for that sin from humanity but humanity being a creature cannot do an act of infinite merit infinite reparation so this is where we were stuck this is the bind we were in legally we caught what we deserved we could not pay off the debt that we owed because we could not do an act of infinite reparation hence were stuck God supplies to the solution unmerited grace the gift of Jesus Christ who being God loathes him taught itself becomes man takes the form of a servant takes the form of a slave becomes one of us and it's true man being a son of Adam through Mary he can represent us on the cross and being true God that sacrifice that self-sacrifice of himself on the cross offered to the Father can be of infinite value because Jesus is one person a divine person who owns that human nature that has been sacrificed who owns that human rule that submits to the Father and gasps M&E and so that the value of that sacrifice in the eyes of the father is infinite that's why Jesus is the only Redeemer the one mediator and the only person who could be the the Lamb of God that offers his sacrifice on our behalf because only he is true God and true man at the same time he is a substitute but not a penal substitute he's a sacrificial substitute he is as scripture tells us the Lamb of God when Jesus makes his appearance there's sin John the Baptist you read the gospel of cynjohn this is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world the lamb is offered as unblemished sacrifice in atonement for sin and Jesus is that unblemished sacrifice to the in to the father on our behalf in atonement for sin 1 Corinthians 5:7 some Paul says cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump as you really are unleavened for Christ our Pascal lamb has been sacrificed Ephesians 5:2 and walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God now you see within the sacrifice there is punishment there is death and this is what Jesus has to accept the will of the Father Adam sought to be exalted exalt himself in reparation we must be humbled he meant humiliated and so Jesus a new Adam must accept death and humiliation so there is punishment involved but in Jesus is not simply being a substitute to take on punishment but he's then in the midst of this punishment he's willingly offering it to the Father on our behalf so he's a sacrificial substitute and hence an imitation of Christ we must be like him see this is the point the true Christian life is to have faith in Christ and to obey Christ and to love Christ and to imitate Christ Christ is exemplar he sets the example a life of self-sacrifice a life of love and a life of obedience this is how we must live so and look at let's look at the scriptures again Matthew 10 38 Christians are called to live like Christ quote take up your cross and follow me Romans 12:1 offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God Philippines for 18 arms giving is this fragrant offering a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God Philippians - 17 martyrdom quote is being poured as a libation that's a sacrifice Hebrews 13 16 prays quote such sacrifices are pleasing to God now when we are doing fasting and almsgiving and offering up other sacrifices are we attempting to do something in addition to Christ's cross in order to be saved you're Catholics are foolish all you need is bear Vektor faith you don't need to do these other works attempting to add to what Christ did on the cross sorry that's not how it is what we're doing in obedience to Christ and out of love of Christ is imitating Christ we are living a life of self-sacrifice firstly to conquer our own wayward disordered passions appetites and emotions etc to get them regulated and integrated again but we're offering these sacrifice is not in addition to Christ but in union with his sacrifice together with him so is it really faith alone without love that saves let's look at some more scripture quotes the idea that faith and love are contrary to the gospel is so hideous that it's a wonder these people can talk that anyone can assert that in all honesty let's look now at John 5:39 247 Jesus says the following quote you search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life it is these that testify about me and you are unwilling to come to me so that you may have life come to me the first thing Jesus says there you must come to me that's more than just bear vektor faith a direction look engaging and believing we must come to him that's one extra step Jesus goes on to say I do not receive glory from men but I know you and you do not have the love of God in yourselves if you believed Moses you would believe me for he wrote about me so Jesus is condemning these people I think they're Pharisees inscribed because of two reasons one they don't come to him and they do not have the love of God in their hearts that's a problem they lack both faith obedience has come to him means to obey Him and love then we have more remember our friend James why Jesus didn't say anything important about this question he left it a sin Paul the question about what I must do to be saved let's look at the Gospels Luke 10 25 to 28 we have a young lawyer appears before Jesus asked him the following question teacher he said what must I do to inherit eternal life there it is there's the question we've been debating this for 500 years in five years we're going to have the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation and all this will be raised up again but the question was asked in the gospel it's recorded there and unlike what James White asserts Jesus gives an answer I could have abbreviated this talk into two minutes just read this question and the answer settled what does Jesus say he said to him what is written in the law what do you read there he that is the lawyer answered you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself and jesus said to him you have given the right answer do this and you will live there's the answer you want eternal life hear Jesus listen to him obey Him what does he command obey the commandments your law your life is meant to be a life of love now listen here I need to listen I need to remind myself every time when I talk about love they look at myself in the mirror and see if there's any love there okay I have to always careful when I talk about love but the fact is the Lord Jesus who will have to have faith in and must obey commands love the two tablets of the law love God love neighbor some Paul sums up the law love is the fulfilling of the law it's like a tree faith hope and love are like a tree imagine a tree what does it need to be fruitful needs the roots firmly establish in the ground it's faith it needs a strong trunk and strong branches that's hope trusting in God to give us everything we need to be saved and it needs to bear fruit what is the fruit love charity Jesus comes up to a tree on the side of the road a fig tree what does he see on the fig tree it had roots that had leaves it had a trunk it had branches what didn't it have fruit it had no fruit what did Jesus do cursed it it died you can't be saved just having faith just having faith and hope must be faith hope and love the same question a similar question is asked of Jesus recorded in mark 12 28 to 34 Jesus answers that he is to love the Lord with all your heart mind and strength and to love his neighbor as himself same type of question a lawyer same type of answer love the teacher of the law agrees with Jesus and adds that obeying these two commands is quote better than all burnt offerings and sacrifices Jesus agrees with him and says quote you are not far from the kingdom of God this student of the law he understood the need the critical need for love not just going through the motions and obeying the technicalities of the law now some people genuine people good people who believe in faith alone feel the weight of these arguments and the weight of these scripture verses and the statements of Jesus and so they say to themselves look we it's faith alone but faith means includes trust and love remember I said that before so they argue this line faith alone but never alone sounds contradictory I said it is contradictory faith alone but never alone is therefore not alone okay as simple as that I know it's funny when you're talking with people very good people good willed people you know don't laugh at them because it doesn't help okay it's not charitable and it doesn't help remember don't make the mistake I made for many years it's not about winning the argument is about winning the person and I spent 15 years winning arguments I've never lost an argument to be frank but that's because the Catholic faith has all the answers not all I don't have all the answers the Catholic faith has all the answers but I didn't win many people for many years I won nobody for 15 years I've been involved in quite a few conversions lately it's God who converts not me not us but I've been involved in a large number of conversions over the last 10 years only because I got that out of my system out of my conversation out of my demeanor you know you don't criticize you don't attack you don't lose your temper you don't get stroppy you don't laugh at them because you want to win them and you can only win them if you befriend them ok so just keep that in mind now back on this point is is faith this faith include hope and love this is what I call accordion theology squeezing it all into one narrow word it doesn't some Paul tells us 1 Corinthians 13:13 so faith hope love abide these three but the greatest of these is love it's a very clear that Faith Hope and love for some Paul are three they're distinct and despite what Martin Luther says the greatest commandment is not faith according to some the greatest of these is love it's emphatic it's clear then some horses are following 1 Corinthians 13 - this is before the same chapter you'll hear this quoted in many weddings a lot of couples choose 1 Corinthians 13 because it's about love okay and some Paul says here and then listen to these words and if I have prophetic powers and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and I have all faith so as to remove mountains but I do not have love I am who knows it I am nothing very good excellent so how can we be saved by faith alone if I have all faith and I do not love I am nothing nothing faith alone fails Paul again Galatians 5:6 in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything but faith working through love like that tree rooted in the ground firmly strong trunk and branches bearing that fruit of charity so what if I believe in God and I believe in Jesus and I trust in Jesus if I'm a nasty man and I can be nasty I've got to watch out I can't say you know I'm going to heaven for sure I'm saved because I have faith I trust in Jesus's work on the cross that's it I'm a blood-bought Bible believing Christian I got to work at it daily work out your salvation in fear in tremblings and Paul that's it conclusion let's go back to Ephesians 2:8 9 to 10 give it an explanation for by great grace you have been saved through faith we certainly have we've been saved by through Jesus that's the grace that's the gift unmerited without Jesus being true God and true manda off that sacrifice on our behalf on the cross we could not have been redeemed and how are we personally say Jesus's death on the cross is the objective redemption for all of humanity but how am I submit a new faith I believe in Jesus I believe you're the son of God who's died for me on the cross who's risen from the dead who's ascended into heaven I believe and this is not your own doing it is the gift of God that's right it's all a gift Jesus coming is the gift Jesus on the cross is the gift my faith even like that I my response is also a response to a gift grace prevenient grace actual graters enlightening me moving my will when I say yes to Jesus yes to God that is also but it is my yes it is my faith but it's in response to God's grace he really owns it then he rewards me for doing something that he owns that he inspired in me but it's still coming from me but in response to his prevenient grace not the result of works so that no man may boast that's right all this is the work of God we did not save ourselves we could not save ourselves we could not have died on the cross ourselves and offer that up to the Father we could not have had faith without God's grace that's why we can't boast because it's God who deemed the world not anything we did and even our own faith is in response to God's grace for we are what we have been made created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life let's sum it up we enter the new and everlasting covenant of Jesus Christ in of those words this is a new and everlasting covenant we hear them at Mass we enter that through faith and baptism that's in obedience to Christ go baptize all nations we enter into that we believe we believe Jesus was our sacrificial substitute dying on our behalf as the Paschal Lamb and now I must obey and now I must sacrifice in union with him so I must do what Jesus commands now that I'm in Christ Jesus through faith and baptism I must obey I must do what he commands he commands baptism he commands obey the commandments he commands love of God love of neighbor so I one time in the new and everlasting covenant I'm obliged to walk with Jesus to walk alongside him to imitate him to obey Him to love him and I'm so I'm created for good works which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life this is the way of life of Christians now one response is is that see were saved for works not by works it's not Catholic teaching that was saved by works well not saved by works we're saved by faith hope and love and the greatest of these is love I don't look at works it's something I have to pile up like bricks I must get a number I did this Palmas get to a certain height for me to be saved because that would be buying my way into heaven I must whatever I do loving God loving neighbor it's charity remembers Mother Teresa teaches us it's the little things that count not the big things it's the amount of love that we have in doing those little things that's what counts I've already told you faith alone but never alone is contradictory it doesn't make sense it's a it's an attempt to try and you know say yes acknowledge that we really do need more than actual belief and therefore if we do more need more than belief hope and love then it's not alone let's finish with two quotes Matthew 19:17 if you wish to enter into life Jesus aim is if you wish to enter into life keep the commandments meaning live a life of love of God above all things and your neighbors yourself out of love of God and just to finish off to show that we some Paul certainly taught that we need faith and love ephesians 6:23 quote peace be to the Brethren and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with a love undying thank [Applause] thank you for purchasing this presentation produced by arts media productions we hope you've enjoyed this presentation and share it with your family and friends may God richly bless you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dr Robert Haddad
Views: 58,595
Rating: 4.5586634 out of 5
Keywords: Robert Haddad, Catholicism, Anti-Catholicism, Catholic apologetics, Martin Luther, Faith alone, Sola Fidei
Id: gncpav70DB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 11sec (2951 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2017
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