Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - Summary of findings of the Corona Investigative Committee. 15 September 2021

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Hello I'm Reiner Fuellmich and I want to tell you  about the results of the investigations of the   Berlin Corona committee to date. I've been working  together with my colleagues in my firm as a trial   lawyer for 27 years. I'm licensed to practise  law in Germany and in California. Until Covid   emerged we exclusively represented consumers and  small and medium-sized businesses against global   criminal corporations such as Deutsche Bank VW and  Kuehne Nagel, the world's largest freight carrier.   That changed after a virus previously labeled  harmless was suddenly declared the cause of a   global pandemic in March of 2020 and the world  was suppressed with lockdown social distancing   and mask mandates as well as mass PCR testing  and so-called vaccinations for perfectly healthy   people. No coherent explanation was ever given  for this sudden change of opinion from 'don't   worry this is a harmless virus' to 'this is a very  dangerous virus many people will die'. Instead the   governments and the mainstream media deliberately  spread panic. There are several leaked internal   documents of the ministries of the interior  and various countries that prove this targeted   fear-mongering. This was done by a worldwide  lockstep approach of continuously blasting out   the alleged danger of the alleged new virus via  the mainstream media. In order to make this horror   story credible it was emphasised with horrific  images from Bergamo Italy and New York amongst   other places. This was to suggest to everyone that  there was every reason to panic - very strange   as one would expect a real government to try  and keep the population calm if there really was   an emergency. In the meantime we have come to  understand that at least until the beginning of   the rollout of the so-called vaccines there was  no excess mortality anywhere. The horrific images   were partly staged and partly based on gross  medical malpractice. In the face of this chaotic   situation which occurred literally overnight - as  if on command - our colleague Viviane Fischer and   I, together with two other lawyers, founded  the Corona Investigative Committee in Berlin   on July 10 2020. We did this in order to get  answers to the questions to which our Federal   government - for reasons unknown to us at the  time -was not prepared to provide answers. Above   all we wanted to know how dangerous is the virus  really - how reliable is the PCR test developed   by the German professor Druzden and recommended  worldwide by the who for detecting infections   and how much damage are the covet measures  the anti-covet measures causing economically   and to people's health let me first summarize the  outcome of the corona committee's work to date   since uh july 10 2020 we have consulted with  about 150 distinguished scientists and experts   from all around the world and from all areas of  science including health law economy psychology   and psychiatry on these questions how dangerous  is the virus how reliable is the pcr test   and how much harm is caused by the anti-corona  measures among these experts are dr mike yeden   former vice president of pfizer professor luke  montagne nobel laureate from france catherine   austin fitz investment banker and former deputy  minister of the of the us and also most recently   politicians such as sue frost member of the board  of supervisors of sacramento county in california   now if someone had told me a year and a  half ago that the outcome of the corona   committee's work to date would be this i would  have told them to take their pills and see their   doctor but our hearings prove the following  results beyond a beyond a reasonable doubt   one the covet measures were never about health we  don't have a pandemic we have a virus circulating   that any intact human immune system can fight just  as well as the flu and this is true whether the   virus occurred naturally or was created in a lab  apart from that there are very good alternative   methods of treatment to prevent or treat this  disease such as vitamin c and d zinc possibly   ivermectin and others two our governments at least  almost all european governments as well as that of   the us are not acting in the best interest of  their people but are largely under the control   of the backers of the global corporations and ngos  which are summarized by catherine austin fitz as   mr global this is also the term that i will  be using here when i refer to those who are   pulling the strings behind the scenes  how did we come to this conclusion well   before covet each of us had had had their own  sometimes strange encounters which made us wonder   if something isn't quite right but we couldn't  really put our fingers on what it was exactly   long before covet came on the scene my colleagues  in my firm and i had a clear sense in our work   time and again that something was wrong in the  german courts of law global corporations such as   deutsche bank vw and kuna naga seem to be above  the law in the german courts because for example   deutsche bank one of the most criminal  organizations in the world is regarded   by politicians as systemically important and thus  de facto given special protection in the courts of   law as well vw gets special protection simply  because they are the largest employer in the   german state of lower saxony our suspicion that  the german judiciary is so heavily influenced by   politics that it is no longer capable of applying  the applicable law to such corporations and   uncovering their fraudulent activities turned out  to have a real basis the german phrase they hang   the small fry but they let the big fish go because  they're supposedly too big to fail is reality   based on the behave on the behavior of the  german judiciary in the covet cases it is   now clear beyond any doubt to us that  this is indeed the case german judges   would decide the cases before them not in line  with the covet panic agenda of the government   but on the basis of the applicable law are not  only put under pressure behind the scenes rather   this is now done openly with the arbitrary brutal  methods of an anti-democratic even totalitarian   regime this is obviously done to send a message  to the judiciary as a whole so as to prevent them   from applying the applicable law thus questioning  the government line the dramatic example of   a judge in weimar and the experts he called upon  for deciding a case proved this he had asked three   experts to provide expert opinions in response to  a complaint from a mother of two that her children   were suffering severe physical and psychological  harm in school from being forced to wear masks   to comply with social distancing and constantly  getting pcr tested all three experts are respected   professors at german universities on april 8  2021 on the basis of this expert testimony he   ordered that the school and the school principal  had to stop all such measures immediately based   on the testimony of the expert witnesses he had  determined that the measures were without any   factual basis because the pcr test invented by the  now highly controversial german professor drusten   is not approved is not approved for diagnostic  purposes but only for scientific purposes and   contrary to the claims of professor drusten  it can in fact under no circumstances tell us   anything about infections in addition he had  found that these coveted measures caused very   serious damage to the health of the children of  which the long-term consequences are incalculable   a few weeks after the decision due to political  pressure his house office and car was searched   and his computer and cell phone were  seized because he was accused of a crime   the accusation of bending the laws in the air  which is a crime but the specific accusation was   not that his decision was wrong on its merits no  in fact it still stands unchallenged on its merits   and for a very good reason both a court of appeal  in portugal and an administrative court in austria   had previously come to the same conclusion that  a pcr test cannot detect infections and therefore   cannot be the basis for any anti-corona measures  instead the accusation was that as a family court   judge he did not have subject matter jurisdiction  to decide the case rather the criminal obviously   politically driven case against him states  that an administrative court has subject   a matter of jurisdiction over such case cases  however in the meantime several appellate court   decisions in germany have confirmed that in  such cases of endangerment of a child's welfare   of course the family courts have jurisdiction  and must intervene not the administrative courts   parallel to this such searches and seizures  were also carried out at the homes of the three   expert witnesses the lawyer who had supported  the children and a popular artist who happens   to be a friend of the judge shortly thereafter  such searches and seizures were also conducted   at the home of another respected professor  this professor is one of the world's best   known experts on vaccinations and vaccines who  have been critical of the safety and efficacy   of these injections as they are not backed up by  any scientific or medical studies how could it   have come to this in a country that calls itself a  democracy specifically how is it that politics in   germany and in other countries in gross violation  of the roman legal principle of audiator at ultra   pars which means here also the other side with  the help of mainstream media exclusively spreading   government propaganda and denigrating any and  all dissenting opinions as right-wing right-wing   nazi nazi are now enforcing covet measures  ever more harshly without any factual bases   meanwhile mr global and his political puppets  are calling for permanent lockdowns first coveted   lockdowns then climate lockdowns and the continued  use of untested alleged vaccines not just once   but regularly regularly recurring  every six months shots every six months   in some countries this is already reality i will  give you the answer below based on the corona   committee's expert hearings by first reporting the  facts about the actual dangerousness of the virus   and the reliability of the pcr test and the  health and economic damage caused by the measures   then i'll explain what plans mr global is  openly openly pursuing as evidenced by the   written and oral statements of for example  world economic forum founder klaus schwab and   microsoft founder bill gates while distracting the  population from these goals with the help of the   of the covet pandemic and finally i'll  explain how we the people can regain   not only our sovereignty but also the assets that  have been stolen from us by mr global for decades   first let's take a look at the covet measures and  how they were never about health this virus is   no more dangerous than a common flu there are  indications that the original virus allegedly   first detected in wuhan was artificially  produced in the wuhan institute of virology   by means of so-called gain of function  experiments such experiments intend to   make a virus more dangerous in particular  to cause it to jump from animals to humans   these are in fact experiments for the production  of bioweapons among others the u.s immunologist dr   fauci and the aforementioned german virologist  professor dr drusten were significantly involved   in such gain of functions experiments there  are a lot of things that need to be clarified   but this much is certain the original virus has  long since ceased to exist rather as with every   flow virus various variants mutations have been  documented that may spread more quickly but are   far less dangerous than the original virus and it  doesn't make a difference if it was artificial or   natural in addition however there are considerable  doubts that the virus was ever isolated in a   scientifically correct manner many scientists  assume now that the flu virus or influenza   a or b was merely relabeled by mr global into  a corona virus pandemic ultimately however none   of this matters for the question of the severity  or dangerousness of the virus is easy to answer   in the meantime even the highly controversial wh o  which is in fact controlled by its largest donors   including the billet melinda gates foundation and  its offshoot gabi which together have a stake in   almost all vaccine manufacturers in the world  agrees with ms uh with professor john you and   he is of stanford university one of the most cited  scientists in the world the severity of the virus   with a so-called infection fatality rate of  0.14 to 0.15 percent corresponds with that   of the flu there was no excess mortality anywhere  before the beginning of the so-called vaccinations   as far as there were isolated  increases or spikes in mortality   for example in bergamo italy and in new york these  are explained with massive medical malpractice   malpractice in bergamo predominantly very old  people's pre-existing conditions in nursing   homes had died their immune systems had previously  been weakened by vaccinations and then in order to   keep the hospitals free for the panic stricken  covet patients who never arrived sick people   including influenza patients were transferred  to the elderly care homes these then infected   the weakened people there in addition the who  had installed rainery guerra into the italian   ministry of health who falsified the data for  the pandemic exercise plans their last pandemic   exercise had not taken place in 2016 but in 2006  so that the medical professionals were unprepared   in the meantime he is not working at the  ministry of health anymore but the italian   public prosecutor's office is investigating him in  new york as every year during flu season some but   by me by no means all hospitals were overcrowded  on the hospital ship comfort with a thousand beds   available no more than 20 to  40 beds were ever occupied   in new york it also affected predominantly older  people with pre-existing morbidities without the   panic messages in the media many people who would  have stayed at home and cured themselves under the   correct assumption that they were ill with a flu  or flu-like illness stormed some of the hospitals   and fell victim to either hospital germs or  massive medical malpractice by for example   intubation instead of receiving oxygen with oxygen  masks or far too high dosages of hydroxychlorquin   or being treated with dangerous medications such  as rem disappear of course respiratory illnesses   including this one which is now called  covet 19 are like the flu dangerous   and of course covet 19 just like the seasonal  flu has individual severe courses of illness and   also death typically however the immune system  intercepts the virus and especially the highly   toxic spike protein in the mouth and nose it  only becomes dangerous when the immune system   is bypassed and the mind you highly toxic spike  protein but also other ingredients such as mrna   and lipids and other nanoparticles are injected  directly into the body in any case as postmortem   examinations carried out in germany have shown in  the meantime the people who allegedly died with or   from covet before the start of vaccinations with  few exceptions had all passed the average human   life expectancy and or suffered from other serious  pre-existing diseases virtually none of the people   who allegedly died of covet had actually died  from covet 96 of the people who allegedly died of   covet in new york and bergamo and 85 of those in  sweden had died from completely different diseases how was the corona pandemic invented what was  behind this based in part on the testimony of   two former wh o employees and advisors but also  on the testimony of historians and investigative   journalists as well as scientists we can now  trace the following chronology concrete planning   for the corona pandemic has been going on for at  least 10 years and this is verifiable the corona   pandemic has been a concretely planned pandemic  by mr global for at least 10 years previously   in 2009 an attempt by mr global to turn the swine  flu into a pandemic failed literally literally at   the very last second in particular because the  german lung specialist dr wolfgang vodka who at   the time had political power as a member of the  german bundestag and the european council had   exposed that pandemic as a mild flu back then  the who had unexpectedly changed the definition   of a pandemic overnight so that today any flu can  be declared a pandemic until then a pandemic was   considered to be a worldwide disease with many  severe illnesses and many deaths and suddenly   it was supposed to be simply a worldwide disease  event without the need for many severe illnesses   and many deaths due to this completely surprising  and never explained change in definition it was   possible for the who which is closely intertwined  with a global pharmaceutical industry to declare   the swine flu a pandemic in 2009 the consequence  of this was that expensive vaccines were produced   and sold worldwide on the basis of contracts that  have been kept secret to this day these vaccines   not only prove to be completely unnecessary  because uh contrary to all the horrific   announcements from the pharmaceutical industry and  universities close to it millions of deaths were   allegedly going to happen worldwide if vaccination  wasn't carried out the swine flu ultimately turned   out to be a mild flu furthermore the vaccines led  to serious health problems around 1 300 children   in europe especially in the scandinavian countries  became incurably ill with narcolepsy and are now   permanently disabled long before the current  corona pandemic dozens of patents on the corona   virus including the spike protein and also on the  so-called vaccines had already been registered   even before the outbreak of the alleged corona  pandemic american scientists were explicitly   advertising investments in corona vaccines to  potential investors in october of 2019 before   the corona pandemic rolled out in march 2020  with lockdown social distancing mass mandates and   finally the so-called vaccines a final exercise  took place in new york under the title event 201   the bill and melinda gates foundation the world  economic forum and the johns hopkins center for   health security were involved shortly thereafter  an outbreak of what is now known as covet 19   allegedly occurred for the first time in wuhan  china due to an allegedly novel corona virus a   short time later however the excitement died down  in china and the alleged novel disease had been   brought under control mr global however used the  wuhan incident as a springboard so to speak to   set in motion his long-planned corona plandemic  the staging of the pandemic with the help of   the trust and pcr test this is the centerpiece  while all politicians and physicians worldwide   among them also the virologists professor drosten  as well as the mainstream media we're still   reassuring the citizens and explaining  that the virus from china would just   like a mild flu wave not be noticed by the vast  majority of the people that no special measures   needed to be taken in particular that masks  were completely unnecessary and pointless   professor dr drosten whose academic background is  now highly doubtful invented a pcr test with which   covet 19 infections could allegedly be detected  this was at the beginning of january of 2020   while he was telling everyone that there was  nothing to worry about in two papers the contents   of which were disseminated worldwide by the  who he made two false claims deliberately false   as has since been established two false claims  that were crucial to the pandemic first he   claimed that there are asymptomatic infections  that is that everyone should be afraid of   every perfectly healthy person showing no symptoms  because he or she could be infected with covet 19   and be potentially dangerous contagious secondly  he claimed his pcr test as the gold standard could   detect concrete contagious infections with covet  19. now asymptomatic infections with respiratory   viruses such as influenza or corona do not exist  as most recently proven by a study conducted with   10 million subjects in wuhan in late 2020 and  as drusten also knew when he published this   and the pcr test invented by nobel prize  winner kerry mullis is neither approved nor   suitable for diagnostic purposes this is because  it cannot distinguish between living and dead   viral fragments and it also tests positive for  fragments of a virus left over from the immune   system's fight against the flu or cold  that has long since passed in particular   the test cannot determine whether a whole virus  fragments are not enough anyway has entered cells   and is replicating there drastic new orleans all  this and had explicitly stated six years earlier   in a newspaper interview concerning the  merse virus which is another coronavirus   that a positive test had no meaning but that  completely healthy people could also test positive   virtually overnight for reasons that have not  yet been fully resolved but that suggests an   involuntary early start to this pandemic mr global  through the who politicians and mainstream media   suddenly changed his mind mr global put pressure  on the who to quickly declare a public health   emergency of international concern public  health emergency of international concern   according to the freely invented rules of the who  such an international health emergency is the only   basis on which completely new untested drugs in  this case so-called vaccines can be used on humans   usually the development and approval of a  new drug takes at least eight to ten years   at the first emergency meeting in february of  2020 those present could not agree to declare this   fake public health emergency of international  concern because there were no cases never   nevertheless because of the allegedly highly  dangerous situation the group agreed to meet   again two weeks later at that second emergency  meeting the fake the public health emergency of   international concern was actually declared what  had changed well nothing however professor drusten   had made his pcr test available to the who and  with the help of this test the cases needed for   the declaration of a fake had been created today  it must be assumed that the proclamation of the   public health emergency of international concern  and subsequently all covet measures were based   solely upon completely meaningless false  positive test results first of all a pcr   test per se cannot detect infections contagious  infections under any circumstances as i just   explained above all however drosten had set up  his test in such a way that it was guaranteed   to generate false positives this is because of the  so-called cycles of amplification which one needs   to evaluate the results of the test that is the  machine into which the swabs are placed enlarges   the molecules that are otherwise invisible  to the human eye in many cycles so-called   cycles of amplification 2 4 8 16 32 etc there's  now a consensus that anything over 24 cycles   is completely unscientific and therefore  useless therefore the frankfurt health   department doesn't take test results of more  than 24 cycles into consideration at all   and dr mike heaton formerly of pfizer has stated  in agreement by the way with dr mike dr fauci   that more than 35 cycles results in at least 97  percent false positives and the dresden test which   served as a blueprint for the vast majority  of tests subsequently performed worldwide   in that test 45 45 cycles of amplification were  used this was followed always accompanied by   the panic orchestra of the mainstream media the  vast majority of politicians in quick succession   by the covet measures such as a lockdown which  had been invented shortly before in china social   distancing mass mandates and finally the so-called  vaccines these alleged vaccines are in reality   gene therapeutic experiments on unsuspecting  unsuspecting humans because there was no valid   informed consent it should be emphasized at this  point that every invasive medical intervention is   a bodily injury or battery unless the patient  explicitly consents to it and his consent is   invalid if he is not informed correctly and  completely that is about the fact that no medical   studies have been conducted there's only an emerg  emergency use authorization and about the numerous   very serious side effects that have become known  in the meantime this concept of informed consent   is the most important result of the nuremberg  trials of 1946 however it was precisely these ex   injections designated by way of deception  as vaccines with substances substantive   substances that have not previously been tested in  scientific studies for their safety and efficacy   that had been mr global's goal from the very  beginning the subsequent steps ordered after   the proclamation of the fake lock down social  distancing compulsory masking served only to make   the population believe in a danger that didn't  exist to unsettle and disorient them and thus make   them so compliant that they would finally consent  to the so-called vaccines as the only means   of obtaining protection or immunity against the  disease there is no reason for the use of these   vaccines this is because as stated above there is  no covet pandemic at all only a pcr test pandemic   apart from that there are highly effective and  completely harmless alternative preventive and   curative treatments as outlined above even  worse the vaccines are completely ineffective   as the example of israel shows particularly  particularly dramatically there 86 of the   people treated in hospitals for covet are double  vaccinated and the vaccines are highly dangerous   through with whistleblower it has been has become  known that the numbers of deaths after vaccination   in one of the u.s registers have been falsified  falsified conservative estimates now arrive at   at least 500 000 deaths after vaccination  since the beginning of the vaccine rollouts   in addition there are other serious side effects  such as neurological disorders thrombosis   myocarditis and more for the fall winter and  coming spring experts expect severe problems for   those vaccinated when they encounter the so-called  wild virus in the form of a cold or flu virus   due to ade that's a cytokine storm autoimmune  diseases and more severe cases of thrombosis   among others since these vaccines damage the  immune system not only will each subsequent   booster cause more damage but precisely the  contact with the so-called wild virus will as well   all the massive side effects that have occurred  in the meantime were known to the american cdc   long before the vaccine rollout began worse yet  as evidenced by the now disclosed contents of   both the manufacturers documented documents  submitted to the ema the european medical   agency and the manufacturer's  secret contracts with nation states   the manufacturers do not know whether their  so-called vaccine is effective they do not know it   nor do they know if it is dangerous but  they demand immunity from nation states   in the event that claims are made  against them for vaccine injuries   and they also explicitly demand that if there  are alternative methods of treatment which do of   course make vaccines completely unnecessary their  experimental products must still be purchased   finally let's take a look at the plans of mr  global and the controlled politicians and how   these plans can be prevented amazingly anyone can  read what mr global and his puppets such as claus   schwab the founder of the world economic  forum or bill gates the microsoft founder   and world's largest vaccine investor are up to it  is all out in the open for many years following   in his father's footsteps who was a convinced  eugenicist bill gates has been talking about the   need to dramatically reduce the reduce the world  population for years he has been in the headlines   again and again for using alleged vaccines  in africa and india which in reality led to   the sterilization of women and girls claus schwab  goes in the same direction and spells this out for   example in his book the great reset and demands  beyond that supported by the current pope by the   way a world government under the u.n which has in  the meantime been brought under control by the wef   this is to be achieved by creating as much  worldwide chaos as possible in the form of   pandemics wars including civil wars and natural  disasters so that the world population becomes   convinced that the national governments are  overwhelmed and only a world government can help   at the same time schwab calls for the shifting  of all wealth to mr global so that in 2030   no one except of course mr global will  still own anything but will supposedly   be happy with that in addition and this is a  central building block in mr global's strategy   cash is to be abolished and  replaced by a digital currency   this will be allocated to or taken away from every  person in the world who can then also be found   anywhere at any time by various tracking systems  this is to be done by a single central world bank   quite obviously therefore this is in particular  the opinion of the psychologists and psychiatrists   whom the corona committee has heard when it comes  to mr global and his puppets we're dealing with   psychopaths and sociopaths and here's another  important piece of information through the wh wef   initiated by claus schwab in 1971 mr global  has been training his own puppets since 1992   through the young global leaders program angela  merkel and bill gates were among the first class   to graduate the class of 1992. even a large number  of current leaders politicians predominantly weak   personalities with however mostly well-trained  rhetorical skills also come from this program   including macro in france courts in austria  justin trudeau in canada jacinda ardern in new   zealand but also the german health minister jens  spahn and the eu commission had ozola vonderlive   against this background which increasingly  more people are recognizing very large legal   disputes have been set in motion or  are now being set in motion in india   in south africa in the us in canada and in france  among others their goal is to hold those who are   responsible for this pandemic accountable under  both civil and criminal law this also includes   that the assets that have been taken away from  the world's population by mr global and the   global corporations and ngos controlled by him  not only since covet but already for decades   are returned in those cases where there are no  clear criminal actions but where instead contracts   are the basis for damages these should all be void  in particular anglo-american law with its powerful   tools of class action pre-trial discovery and of  course punitive damages in the event that willful   intentional infliction of damage can be shown  provides the tools for very effective justice   in portugal austria and germany excellently  written court decisions have stated that the   completely unsuitable drugs and pcr test  cannot be a basis for any coveted measures   the berlin corona committee already now has  extremely incriminating evidence proving that   this corona pandemic never had anything to do with  health rather mr global's actions are aimed solely   at these goals destruction of regional economies  to make the population dependent on mr global's   global supply chains shifting the wealth of the  world's population from the bottom to the top   to the super rich to mr global population  reduction you can call it genocide as well   as mr global gaining total control over the  remaining population and the installation   of a world government under the u.n which is  now under control of the world economic forum   we are dealing this must be stressed once again  with megalomaniac psychopaths and sociopaths which   must be stopped and in fact should have been  stopped a very long time ago but now the time   has come more and more people worldwide are waking  up and realizing who is pursuing which goals with   this pandemic even if the mainstream media is  hiding it hundreds of thousands of people are   taking to the streets all over the world including  in london london england berlin germany but also   in australia brazil etc more and more politicians  and lawyers medical doctors as well as public   service employees even police officers refused  to participate in these crimes against humanity   but in addition to our legal efforts and  in addition to our efforts to disclose the   facts and bring everything out into the open  there is a third level namely the spiritual or   religious or cosmic call it what you will  level and this level we deem is crucial   we can see this in a story a german  doctor told us very recently at the corona   committee he wanted to draw money at an atm and  went into the lobby of a bank there stood an   elderly woman wearing a mask who fearfully backed  away from him because he was not wearing a mask   she said he had to wear a mask because otherwise  she was afraid of infecting herself and then her   husband the doctor told her no she shouldn't  be afraid and then he went up to her took off   her mask and hugged her the woman began to cry and  said that no one had held her for more than a year   that's what this is all about humanity versus  inhumanity we are human we can laugh cry sing   dance and hug the other side mr global and his  puppets can't do that they can only fake feelings   and have no empathy at all this is because the  other side has no access to the spiritual side   the us constitution starts with the words we  the people and when the wall came down between   east and west berlin 33 years ago it was the east  german people chanting we are the people we are   the people that brought it down mr global's house  of cards will come crashing down the very same way   without any doubt in my mind mr global and his  puppets will lose this war of good against evil   they will lose their insane war against life  and creation itself there is no other way
Channel: VideoProFrance
Views: 21,833
Rating: 4.8963485 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer, German lawyer, coronavirus, investigation, corona investigative committee, corona investigation, pandemic, plandemic, Fuellmich
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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