Dr. Michael Greger: Inside “How Not To Age” | The Exam Room Podcast

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[Music] the new book how not to age the latest the greatest from our guest today who himself is the greatest Dr Michael GRE sweet thank you so much happy to be here so glad that you're back and congratulations on the new book man I uh it's biggest research project ever took on in my life I believe it you know what so this uh is close to what do we have 600 pages in this plus but it was actually originally how much longer over it was over 12200 Pages yeah and so the publisher refused to publish it what um it just goes too long I mean you know No One's Gonna I mean they just it's too expensive to make a book that big um and so they I said they had I had to cut half the words um so what I did is I just took those hundreds of thousands of words and turned them into videos yeah to link throughout the site so basically that's where I show my homework so all the recommendations everything's in the book but if you want to know kind of how I arrived at like this supplement is good this supplement is bad if you want to know why here's all the science in this video right so made uh hundreds of new videos just for the book to so we didn't lose a word of the 13,000 citations it's all in there it's just uh it's uh so it's actually yeah I mean it's it's I'm it uh it was quite a project level with me I mean how long did it take three years three years years I you could I I wasn't I yeah I I was not prepared I didn't know there was that much in the anti- agent literature um I mean I thought it seemed like I don't know it seemed like such a kind of peripheral feel but there's just huge I mean there's entire areas of medicine and science that that didn't even exist when I graduated medical school so it was just like learning from complete scratch and the more complicated the book is the more valuable it is because like look if it took me this long I mean no one's got a chance right I mean I mean it took me obsessing all day every day for year after year so that's great I mean if it was something simple it's just like well anyone could write this book and why am I even doing it so I really felt like kind of flexing my muscle to to put this together and so I'm really happy how it came out I can't wait for everyone to see it there's just so much juicy interesting yeah absolutely and look there's a link to uh order your copy right now in the show description or in the episode notes or go down to your local book retailer Say Hey I want to learn how not to age my friend and your local public library there it is there it is can't forget the good Librarians in the world so what is the Dr Michael Gregor writing process like do you just hole up in a room in your house and just dive head first into research yeah it is a lot of immersion process and so I actually moved to rural Virginia like in the middle of nowhere living on the side of a mountain kind of a Walden's Pawn riter Retreat kind of action okay um but thankfully there's a lot of like DC expats out there so they actually have good internet which is just like try to find someplace in the middle of nowhere with good internet like it's not a it's a it's a tough Bend diagram but no found a spot um and so it was perfect the pandemic the pandemic was perfect pandemic was great everybody just I'm just want to tell you right um uh I mean CU I mean you know cuz I didn't have to be near an airport I didn't have to travel and so I got really focused and so you know we have a whole huge team now that just can sure in through literature and really put it together so I opened the book I got the galley here and I'm thumbing through what do I want to talk to him about and only a couple of pages in you get to the dedication for my great aunt Pearl 1911 to 2015 was Pearl the inspiration for this well I mean that I mean she was always just kind of a fixture of the family and and and so yeah she was in she was in Long Island and and and I'd get to go visit we had a lot of family there and uh so it was just I mean like you can talk to her about like so how was the 1918 pandemic how did I mean like like that's amazing like how many people around you know and so you could have this like I don't know so I mean I I was just kind of History geek and so it's just like oh my God like you live through it like what was it like like on the ground not like the what was the the politicians doing or all the stuff that gets written down but it's like you know H it was yeah was she a Storyteller oh yeah I mean SP yarn as my grandma would say well yeah I mean yeah I don't know if any of it's true but I mean it's but yeah yeah no it was that was it was it was it was great so my whole childhood I was able to enjoy that was she an anomaly in your family or do the gregers have a lot of longevity um well we we're ashkanazi Jews and so we I mean there's there's a g mutation that actually um uh interferes with your igf receptor right and so there's this cancer promoting growth hormone which is boosted by animal protein intake um and so and so there's this longevity cohort within the ashkanazi and they have really high igf-1 so that was like what how can you live long it's because they have a a defective receptor um and so so the body is like I'm not getting any igf-1 and so they just keep making more and more so you end up with high levels but very little igf-1 activity and so you get this long life um of course you could you don't have to you don't you don't have to have the genes all you have to do is cut down an animal protein and you can have the same effect if cut down an i1 activity but yeah that's one of the kind of longevity syndromes um and so yeah we have a lot of uh now not all of them were necessarily healthy right into the old age and that's a critical piece I mean like who even wants to live a long life if it's in decrepitude and you know cognitive failure and you know I mean it's funny there's actually interesting survey in the book where it says how long do you want to live um and they gave like I forget it was like You Want To Live 60 80 like 10 and something or like forever and people are like 80 I'm like who would pick 80 and then they followed up being like Oh no in good health how long do you want to live everyone says forever then the oh and so but in their mind they're like they can see so many people around them with just failing health and it's like I don't want to live like that um and so so it's not just about lifespan but Health span the number of years and um Health um and so yeah so uh address both in the book you know do you is it your hope when you write a book and you put this research out there that you have like steeped yourself and that people will understand that there's by and large we do have a choice between what do you want 80 to look like do you want to be old and dis crap it at 80 or do you want to be that I'm going to live forever at 80 the majority of us still think 80 is old most people won't even make it to 80 wow right period right um in fact you know thanks to the pandemic we've actually shrunk our lifespan here in the states um significantly um but uh yeah I mean so yeah so both are critical and so I spend you know it's like four books in one the first uh part is going through 11 aging Pathways where we can do slow down the aging process second is kind of optimal anti-aging regime where I talk about the blue zones talk about the longest healthiest living people around the world what are they eating how are they living what what lessons can we learn from them and then the third part really gets to the health span issue which my kind of preserving function whereas preserving your bones preserving your mind preserving your teeth preserving your vision preserving you know on down the list going through all the organ systems and like what's the best you know for your skin what's the best um and then ending with um Dr Gregor's anti-aging 8 to compliment the daily dozen from the original book um how not to how not to die um and you know just to try to pick out yes there's just been this mountain of thousands of interesting factoids and actionable information actually you know fit into your daily life but like what let's step back and be like what's the really important ones let's not get lost here um so that's that's where the eight came from so of the eight how many are common in the standard American diet none yeah none and and proof is all around you it is it is yeah you know there's there's a major major major decision that we make um I want to ask you here you write about we talk so much about food but you also have beverages covered in here um there are a lot of people who think well you shouldn't be doing juicing because you need all of that fiber but in a lot of your research you showed like there's a lot of positive effects that you can get from drinking healthy juice juice that doesn't have a ton of bad Stu fiber what are you talking about we want fiber okay so smoothing smoothing I'm down let's talk let's talk okay so smooth oh so smooth you're not losing anything okay see I mean it's very common to think like look I eat so healthy last thing I need is extra fiber so why not just have some juice but you don't understand that uh the polyphenols I have a whole that's in fact part of one of the anti-aging talk about these polyphenols these these these these phytonutrients found in in particular uh predominantly fruits and vegetables that we think are responsible for many the kind of the benefits of of eating plants 80% of them are actually complexed to the fiber are actually locked on the fiber and only released into our system when our good gut bugs eat the fiber release the polyphenols that get absorbed through our colon wall into our bloodstream right so but that's 80% so most of the polyphenols are attach the fiber so when you juice you're not just getting rid of the fiber you're getting rid of 80% of the polyal that's why we're eating that fruit and so so people it's like fiber I get no you're losing all that and so that's why we want the whole fruit look you can blend the fruit right look you can juice juice the fruit and then put the pulp back in right you can have you know I don't know pulpy carrots or I don't know whatever you want to do or make some carrot bread or I don't know I mean as long you just don't want to throw away all that nutrition what do we know in terms of longevity how not to age like the fiber there I mean we were just talking about it but you know say somebody their entire life eats you know a bunch of grapes every day right how are they going to age compared to somebody that reaches for that grape juice that you were just saying I mean by and large oh well uh see now that's getting a little trickier because then we're really not comparing the grapes to the grapes because grape juice like purple grape juice made from Concord grapes which have those those potent um pigments that are missing from the so-called Thompson grapes or the pale green grapes that people tend to eat as table grapes now if you want to compare concord grapes to grape juice that's a different story but um you're going to be missing out on those potent compounds if you're just eating kind of the regular grapes so red grapes better than green grapes and but the real Difference Maker seated versus unseated actually most of the nutrition is found in the seeds and so by eating unseeded grapes we're just missing out and so where do you find seated grapes these days Asian markets so you go to your lo you go to the Chinatown or wherever kind of Asian and you can get these these these Korean mountain grapes these big purple globules which really huge crunchy delicious seeds one of my my favorite snacks but you just can't get them like regular places but yeah so seed grapes and so I talk about whether you take uh um grape seed extracts and the answer is no um but but I mean the whole theory behind that is because there's all this great stuff in seeds we want to get at what about then a raisin a lot of raisins still contain the seeds but you're extracting the it's dry you know so they look dark and you're like oh there's some good pigments in there no most of the Thompsons so you take a pale green grape you dry it turns brown um and so you now currents not most currents in the US are not actually currents they're just little grapes um but if you can actually get actual currents is a totally different plant um that's more nutrition than raisin so anything you doing with raising you do with currents anything you do with currents gois you go for the gois yeah so go and and again go to the Asian market so you can get these what they call lithium berries lyci i u m or lysium berries um or wolf berries that's just GOI and it's Dirt Cheap cheaper than raisins whereas you go to a natural health food store like Goji Beres are like through the roof um and they actually have uh all sorts of uh beneficial effects so that's probably the is that the healthiest dried fruit that's that's that's that's certainly up there um and so you know if you're going to put dried fruit on something go for the go for the gojis it seems like you have a passion for Asian grocery stores like if Dr Gregor had his DS to shop only grocery store is it as I me no because greens they got so many they got cruciferous greens you've never he you've heard the booy the pooy no they've got they have selectively bred all sorts of crazy cruciferous right and so what do we got we got broccoli cabbage cauliflower Collard like there's some real basic oh my god there are some greens in these places talk to me about some of these exotic greens what's what's aerous greens that's the CR right so darker leafy vegetables healthiest food on the planet more nutrition per calorie than anything else we can eat and then the healthiest of the healthiest is the cruciferous the broccoli family or cabbage family vegetables which have this compound is basically not found anywhere else in the food system um and so and we miss out it's not just eat more fruits and vegetables you could eat more fruits and vegetables to eat iceberg lettuce and bananas and be missing out on the anthes and pigments and berries and all the wonderful things so look all greens are fantastic but crucifer got that edge you really want to try to get and you can get a and and I mean yo and look there's all sort of wacky new fruits you go to a Asian market and there's like spiky fruits that look like a Medieval mace right that's like there's fruits that are this big right right I me you could like you could get hurt by you know um and weird little spiky things and like you're like you know I I know like longan berries and leaches fresh Lees not in a can but like oh my God freshh I used to when I go I used to go see the M go to the movies I B big bag of Lees and and I would just be eating leaches the whole time everybody's got popcorn I got my Lees that's all right man oh my God dud you know you know what it's not easy to sneak them in cuz they're kind of bulky oh yeah how this one do that no no you like a little backpack you a little backpack you be like yeah you know and and you just sneak right in but it's kind of behind you so it's not like you're carrying anything oh yeah yeah you never got on that no fly list at the local theater oh here comes that GRE fell and look and if they say something it's like no I'm just going shopping who eats leaches and right you just give them this look like what do you I I just came in the store right I want to you know I'm got to go home I mean who walks in now if it was a bag of popcorn right but no it's like Le I mean here's I back in high school I worked at a movie theater I cannot think of over the course of those two years remember anybody come in with any leeches oh well you know it's possible under the radar yeah little did you know they people got quite clever trying to sneak some popcorn in there how does they yeah all right well here you go completely off topic like it cost like a nickel to produce a bag of popcorn for a movie theater and you're paying like eight n bucks for it ridiculous right oh and then they got the coconut oil but but that's where probably where most of the money come right yeah oh there's money to be made and there's money to be made in the soda the only cost really for that is the Cup itself that's funny that's funny so okay you know what let's talk about this popcorn by itself if you're just going to eat plain popcorn a pop me baby yeah that's that's good stuff you're going to age healthfully oh and you can even add all sorts of good stuff to it all right so you had nutritional yeast you had chlorella you could add also yeah so I mean you put some chlorella we call little zombie corn in the family you know it's like bright green and stain your fingers and um yeah I would stay away from spirulina or blue green algae which found to have toxins the retail level but chorella um is Toxin free and uh bright green powder you can sprinkle on anything so clearly aging well with that how does that compare to the store-bought or the movie theater popcorn tons of oil tons of no so the worst is the saturated fat cuz they tend to you know they cover it in that kind of usually it's a Tropical Oil like coconut oil B um and then the artificial butter flavor dietal is not good for you and then the salt is not good for you probably the single deadliest dietary risk factor is sodium consumption and so it's just oh it's terrible it's absolutely terrible for you um uh yeah so I guess you'll have to find a way to sneak it in yeah man let's talk about salt for a sec I mean because to this day even people who are trying to eat more healthfully they still sneak salt into these Health Foods all the time what kind of damage is actually being done in terms of accelerating the aging process with sodium yeah so Global burden of disease study largest study ever done on diet and health funded by The billinda Gates Foundation found the number one diet so number one cause of death of humanity is our diet right okay and then the question is well okay like what about our diet is the worst number one we well so let's let's start with number two number two is in inadequate fruit consumption number three inadequate uh whole grain consumption then inadequate nut and Seed consumption inadequate vegetable consumption right so those are four of the top five so actually four of the top five killers in our diet is actually not getting enough plant Foods H but number one sodium number one dietary risk factor for death is excess sodium because it damages so many different organ systems we tend to think oh it's just like you know it's a blood pressure thing and oh my blood pressure is found I'm not going to worry about sodium no it does all sorts of terrible things to your arteries um and your kidneys and your immune system and on down the list we were not meant to get this kind of sodium we have very little potassium in our diets and we really kind of switch things around so I actually spent a lot of time talking about in fact uh today at the conference yeah right because I know this is the audience that needs to hear it because they're like I eat my fruits and vegetables but now and why do they put salt and everything because it's taste enhanced right we evolved with this desperate need for all there wasn't KFCs on the Savannah there wasn't salt shers and so we were like desperate to get to to have a salt taste otherwise we die right you can get all the salt you need from Whole healthy plant foods but we developed this real deep taste just like you know for caloric foods for sweet Foods you got you know we're involved in a in a in a context of starvation and in not enough sodium so and so the food industry digs into these natural biological yearnings to kind of turn it against us and to sell us garbage for sure um and so it's just a cheap way to increase the palatability of crappy food right or crappy quote unquote food um and uh and we're really suffering because of it tell it like it is but there have also been people who have come on the show uh who will tell you that you do need sodium in your diet and adding a little bit while you're cooking not the worst thing in the world killing me well no I mean you can get all the s so I mean how did that make sense biologically before we m salt how did we live for how do we exist for millions of years if you needed some salt you don't need to add salt to your Foods um all the certain is found in all natural um foods and you know look I mean 1500 milligrams they stick under, 1500 milligrams are fine that's the American Heart Association recommendation right um and so which is almost impossible if you're eating a lot of processed foods because that's most of the salt is the salt is really not what you're putting at the table or the kitchen it really is a processed food so in that case the person is thinking about 70% of our cians from processed food so you know that's really the dangerous thing and so right whether you had a little you know a little pinch is is much less important but we shouldn't have to add any salt in all and good news all sorts of of salt substitutes out there now not just the like salt-free seasonings which are delicious and there's a whole bunch of them more all the time but they have potassium chloride so we're not getting enough pottassium we're getting too much sodium so instead of eating sodium chloride just regular salt we eat have pottassium chloride which is potassium salt and um and so you get the same salty taste oo without the whole dying thing I mean it's a real it's like it's a and so no and so there I'm going to talk today about you know this randomized control storyy they took um five veteran retirement homes and they randomized the kitchens to um either regular salt or even half sodium chloride potassium chloride which you can't even tell the difference between that and full salt right so everything tastes the same the only difference with differ in salt 40% less mortality 40% drop that one single itty bitty dietary Change randomized Control drop I mean that is serious business and so wait a second they didn't lose anything taste is just as salty right it's like taste just as good right so you don't have to give up that salt just like if you like sweet you don't have to give up sweet eat a peach oh this is It's peach season oh my God ripe fruit right you you don't have to give up the salty flavor there's ways to you know enjoy enjoy that taste without injuring your health interesting interesting interesting but what about you know like you look at Asian cultures that tend to have greater longevity than we do here in the states one of the Staples of especially the Korean diet is kimchi kimchi notoriously salty and guess who has the number one highest rates of stomach cancer in the whole wide world Korea number two Japan and they're eating the same kind of salted from fermented either fish or vegetables um and you can do Interventional trials where you give people these you know salty you know fermented vegetables and you can actually see the damage in the stomach lining starting within days of consumption days yeah and so and so they have the look highest stomach rate stomach cancer race in the world is a horrible cancer um and it's TI of their high salt consumption and so look we love the Cabbage we love the chilies we there's lots of good stuff in there but the salt to keep some of the bad bugs from growing is not good for us so there's there are lots of healthy fermented foods Tempe it's fermented food without the salt um there there's other ways to ferment without adding salt like you do in kind of the typical kind of sauerkraut kind of making process uh will bol's huge on sauerkraut are you at sauerkraut guy well see salt how do you make sauerkraut you put it's cabbage water and salt right now so if you absolutely can't give up your sauerkraut you take it you put in a strainer and you just put it under running water and you try to get as much salt off as possible but you know still you know tough tough to rec eat some cabbage or you or you can you know you can you know kind of pickle it in vinegar or something that'd be great vinegar is healthy just make sure you rinse your mouth out with water afterwards so you don't hurt your enamel but do you get an opportunity speaking of fermented one of America's favorite foods it's not really food though guys during football season we'll tell you it is beer ferment how does alcohol factor into the Aging equation yeah no that's a big yeah it's a big no no yeah and so I and you know it's a big change it's a big shift um in our Med in our understanding so there's this famous I mean like the the longevity is like red wine it's like this like well you want a longevity oh do I got to drink a lot of red wine um and so for two reasons one they thought this Resveratrol this compound found in um the skin of grapes was helpful but then when you actually put to the test you can triple one's rate of brain loss as you age by taking a RIS veratrol versus placebo so if you think you have way too much brain and you want to have much less brain you should pay someone to make to shrink your brain that's what rerr does okay but there was this concept that moderate alcohol consumption was better than tetto um and so there's something called A J curve the famous J curve where and so this is kind of mortality versus amount of alcohol and so yeah uh when you drink a lot of alcohol is the high you know that we know that's bad okay right but then and instead of going straight down there was this little bump at the end and so people drinking you know like one two glasses a day seem to do better than people completely abstaining turns out that was a kind of statistical artifact of What's called the sick quitter effect why don't people drink alcohol is because they had some horrible health problem they had to they were forced to stop so that's why you see for example higher therosis rates in in uh abstainers than in drink just wait a second more liver curosis and people that don't drink at all why aren't they drinking cuz they got liver therosis right so there's this there's this sick quitter F in fact there's studies that show that people that quit smoking may live shorter lives and people that continue to smoke why because the people that quit were running into serious health problems and that's why they're dying early so when you actually control for that and just look at lifelong abstainers right lifelong obain oh then straight up and down curve the lower the lower amount of alcohol um you consume the lower uh level of disease less mortality all the way straight down and so the so the sick quitter effect is why we thought alcohol moderate alcohol consumption was helpful now we know it's not it's carcinogenic um and we just really should uh eliminate it or minimize it as much as possible do you realize the gravity of your work to be able to interpret those studies for the lay audience to be able to look Beyond headlines look into these really complex Publications these studies that the average person doesn't even begin to know how to interpret and then to be to put it into the pages of your books and on nutritionfacts.org and really help people see things beyond what we're being told the headline right so I mean but that right I mean what sells papers what sells clicks it's like of course you got to have these headlines that you got to give people good news about their bad habits you got to kind of flip things around I mean and so it's like almost the antithesis it's like it's like you know the most profitable foods are like some of the worst foods like brown sugar water that's how you make money not something that rots on the Shelf that's perishable like fruits and vegetables it's like there's just these perverse incentives same thing with media and nutrition but you know this the you know this is these are not my analysis this is very clearly what's in the medical literature there lots of editorials written about there lots of scientists that have dedicated their lives to this so this is not some remarkable inside of mine this is just going to the medical literature and saying oh this is where we are no one's going to tell you about it because it doesn't sell anybody anything it doesn't sell newspapers it doesn't sell magazines certainly doesn't sell alcohol but very clear in the literature but yeah so it's just bridging that Gap P review medical literature kind of gold standard of what we know about the most important reason any of us die or died right so there's this amazing amount there's this mountain of important data and then it's like how do we get that to the public right right I mean the science is there just like with smoking since the 1930s we were linking lung cancer with smoking but it was just like you know it was publish you know no one goes to the basement Medical Library and you know I mean and so it the science was there by the time first surgeon general's report um was published in 1960s they cited 7,000 studies think after the first 6,000 it could give people little heads up or something no but this is all Society the American Medical Association we telling people smoking in moderation was actually good for you beneficial positive most doctors themselves smoke average per capita cigarette consumption 4,000 cigarettes a year average person walk around smoked half pack a day every so the media was telling you to smoke it was just normal we're in the same situation today where bad food causing these epidemics of dietary disease it's just normal that's what the doctors eat that's what everybody doesn't so the here's the mountain of data it just hasn't translated into you know kind of the Consciousness so we can't not wait until Society catches up to the science again we need to take control control of our own lives follow the science so yeah in 20 years maybe we'll figure this out but you know how many people have to die before that happens well here's where it gets tricky because unlike smoking when it comes to health and diet I mean we we do have the body positivity movement and you never want anybody to feel bad about what they look like or who they are right but it's really hard to even begin to have these conversations unless you get accused of fat shaming even I who once weighed 420 lbs have been accused of fat shaming and it's about that oh yeah yeah no so I mean I think what that movement kind of Health at every siiz moon has really contributed is this emphasis on how horrific this fat shaming culture this this stigma attached um but where they go too far is when they start questioning the signs on the health um I mean they they just want to it gets to the point where they say oh and it's actually not too bad for for you and there's this you know so-called obesity Paradox and L and it's just not true you can't go there yeah um just because I mean then then unfortunately you're going to be dismissed and all that really important message that you have about the stigma and how we really have to change our society to remove that prejudice unfortunately you're going to just be sidelined because you're making these wild baseless claims um and I mean it's just we cannot having that excess body fat particularly that visceral deep belly fat um is just metabolically dangerous I mean look and it's so much easier to continue on the path that you are and believe me the old me would have like globbed right onto that and just been like see it's it's it's okay and again I nobody should be made to feel less than everybody I honestly believe this in my heart of hearts is equal but you can be just as good as anybody else but that's never going to change the facts about what's happening inside you know what I mean and it's like you got to get people to open their eyes for what's really going on you know but it's it's hard you know I mean so on a population scale absolutely but not like an individual basis I remember um I had a a fellow medical colleague who smoked right and I was just like finally actually took them aside and said like come on dude like seriously I mean I love you and I'm doing this completely because I care about you and I think you're going to do amazing things and and he was like this is why I don't have my heroin had habit so he was a heroin addict and now he's replaced heroin with smoking I'm like okay all right all right I I'll I'll buy it pack what you I mean you know it's just like you never know what's really going on right and so you know for us to be like I know what's best for you it's like look it's your body your choice you want to go bungy jumping you want to not wear your seat belt you want to you know disconnect all the smoke alarms in your house like you know look you do you but just don't do it under any illusions that it's healthy to go bungee jumping or skydiving I mean you know I mean you know you can weigh the pros and cons and for you it might be different me we have different risk tolerance and everything but just understand there and don't try to convince yourself oh it's really not that risky or whatever it's just like go in with a you know if I'm going to do this risky whatever I should just know like the predictable consequences of my actions and that's all I feel that's my entire life it's just like here here here if you do this this is likely to happen if you do this this is more likely to happen and then go do whatever you want to do um it gets a little more trickier when then they're feeding their little kids you know crap and you feel like okay well that adds kind of another kind of ethical layer but look you're a consenting adult and you want to eat donuts all day um you know as long as you don't think that as long as you're not convinced by the doughnut industry that they're helpful for you yeah go for it is there any redeeming Health Quality about the average doughnut just out of there I did run across one study that found that Coca-Cola was good for you what there was a CO there was a St no and it was like who fed this no it was like no like gallons of Coca-Cola I forget you know why they compared to milk it was like milk or Coca-Cola and I was like this has to be the only study where Coca-Cola actually comes out good right they talking about dairy milk I forget exactly what they're studying but was like yeah only only somebody thought to compare the two just St yeah I was just like all right I've never seen this but yeah Interventional trial showing Coca-Cola um was uh it was preferable so in case you were wondering what's actually help worse for you than Coca-Cola it's milk that's not let let how none of the above please but yeah right but see so now here's the thing here's how the the typical mind will work well you know then Coca-Cola must be healthy if it's healthier than milk the average person thinks that milk is health I mean I think that's an important thing that we're not great at it's is you know we have a lot of black and white thinking and it's like food isn't so much good or bad as it is better or worse because food is like a is like a a uh a zero some game like there's an opportunity cost anytime we put something in our mouth there's a lost opportunity to eat something even healthier So when you say are eggs good for you well compared to breakfast sausage yeah compared to oatmeal not even cloes right it's fish good for you well tuna fish I'm better than the baloney sandwich okay but hummus blows it out of the water right I mean so it's like and even like something like bananas bananas are healthy well not compared to blueberries I mean so if you have a choice of what to put on your you know oatmeal or whatever and you have the access and then yeah okay technically that that's better now so I mean it's so it's all on this we can all kind of ramp up you know every time we like ah you know I always put some some you know some berries and green and beans on things just kind of Ratchet up the nutrition are you yeah you know somebody was telling me they like they don't like to spend a whole lot of time cooking but what they do like to do is like they'll get the cleanest pasta sauce they can find and then just like you said add a whole bunch of fresh veget to it yeah right I mean pile them in there and you know I mean you can just get um you know no salt added stew Tomatoes or something in a can and so then they don't have the oil added they don't have the salt added um you or you can start from tomato paste or whatever you can get something just as convenient as the Jarred sauce but without the sodium where do you weigh in on the white pasta whole wheat pasta lentil chickp pasta which one are we well I mean uh so probably the healthiest would be the legum I mean you can't beat legums in fact the single food um most associated with longevity in this in the these of legums so legums for longevity you heard it here for humus for health that's the way to do it put that on your t-shirts boys and girls so um so right so some kind kind of lenal pot but I just don't like the texture um I've just I've tried chickpea I've tried all sorts of um and so go back to whole wheat whole so yeah I mean so yeah so but but yeah I would definitely and actually prefer the the the flavor and and kind of bite of whole wheat pasta versus refined grain but but really the most important thing is like what you're putting on it right and if you're just dumping massive amounts of vegetables on it then like doesn't matter what for sure you're eating well to that end if somebody piles a bunch of fresh veg they go to the Asian market they're getting those cruciferous but they put on top of a Big Mac man can you offset the Big Mac you can offset a lot can really there it's crazy like so you put you put a slice of avocado on a burger and it reduces amount of inflammation that you get from the burger shut the now it doesn't eliminate it but no you do all there's all these studies where you like drink a milkshake with or without some you know healthy plant food and you can get significantly cut down wow um and so you you know it's a little this is kind of an information Hazard with that because there's like a lot of studies showing that so for example Brock smokers that eat broccoli because broccoli boosts your detoxifying enzymes in your liver you can really cut down the amount of carcinogens flowing through your system if smokers eat broccoli and the question is like yeah but telling smokers to eat broccoli the concern is that it'll delay them quitting thinking well you know I'm like I'm I'm I I'm you know I you know I I I I'm kind of moderating my risk it's actually not too bad now and it's just like so is someone actually going to smoke more and actually have more damage you tell them around about the broccoli effect now the way I fall on that and I can understand both sides is people deserve a right to know period yes um and that yes smoker should be told but they should also be told the absolute best thing you can do is not smoke at all um and so same thing like uh you know people who eat meat I'm like there are cooking methods that you can use like the the moist methods like steaming stewing um uh boiling that significantly cut down on these Advanced glycation impro these so-called ages these geronto toxins these pro-aging toxins that are formed when you expose muscle tissue to high temperature heating the the the baking and the broiling the barbecuing the frying um and so you can significantly cut down um by changing you know methods now is that going to be like oh well then I'm just you know eat chicken soup instead of you know grilled chicken and I don't have to cut down it further that may be a risk but you deserve to know um while still saying yes but the chickpeas in that sou be even better yeah I man I agree with you you were spot on there and it's funny because the old me again would would you know look at that study you can eat broccoli and undo some of the damage of smoking that'd be a hot damn I got me a green light to fire up man where's my pack of lickes baby it's time to PFF and it was actually a significant effect like you could actually measure the DNA damage in people's um in people's body um you know and and what was remarkable oh with the same thing you you eat broccoli a week before a barbecue right and those polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons you actually have less because your liver was your liver was so boosted its detox from the broccoli UA now it was a lot of broccoli it was like two heads of broccoli but it was a weak before and your liver is still turnning out and so so your barbecue was less harmful a week after the the the you know the the the total broccoli what's the what's the best method for cooking broccoli you don't want to grill it I I wouldn't assume you steam it whichever way will get you to eat the most broccoli with the exception of deep frying deep frying deep frying is bad I'm might to actually talk about that today no but so beyond kind of vegetable tempora or something you heard it whichever whichever way I mean so you you like it steamed eat it steamed you like it you know because the differences really like even the the nutrients really most sensitive to heat something like vitamin C so like steamed or microwave broccoli has about 15% less vitamin C than raw broccoli but so fine if you ate six fettes of steamed you get as much as five fettes of raw and if you're more likely to eat those steamed go for the steamed right right then look if you're like ra that's F I mean you know so really that's really where most of it falls and simp like you know I do these videos like this is the healthiest apple right like you know this is the one with the least nutrition this and you know really any Apple I mean whatever Apple you like is the healthiest Apple for you but if you're like I don't give a damn what kind of apple I eat I really don't care okay yeah then choose this one over this one and so but but it's just like but let's take a step back people right yeah yeah yeah yeah but but people do love to know what's number one why because they want to feel as good as possible about themselves and if they're eating that healthiest Apple out there then damn it they're a winner right healthiest lentil and the healthiest bean and the healthiest whatever absolutely um right you just don't want them to to you know be like okay well no I I mean the healthy as apples so my Big Mac is not that bad put a couple of apple slices and eat an avocado on the side you're good to go people it's well it's better it's seriously better and it's remarkable that those little tweaks you know we test a lot of foods um separately you know so like like semic index classic thing where they give people you know food and see what happens but you typically don't eat just kind one thing in a meal and so really there's all these effects that occur together and slow your gastric emptying time and all sorts of things um and so it's really an understudied field yeah um and so you know you think about how um you know we want to uh we want to kind of maximize nutrition by eating a variety of different um fruits and vegetables because it's like apples and oranges really they Apple nutrients that aren't found in oranges orange nutrients aren't found in apples um and so by broadening the diversity we're getting all those and so you can do all sorts of cool studies where you give people like one was like auki beans and like some other some like weird fruit like I don't know how they picked those too and you had significantly better outcomes than just eating the beans or just eating the fruit um and because there was some kind of synergy that happened um between them yeah yeah so so there's actually recommendation 50 different foods a week wow 50 now that mostly is because they want people to eat different types of fiber there are literally hundreds of types of fiber um and found through wol and so you want to feed your microbiome you want to get this richness down there then eating so that's the 50 and and but like everything counts like you know use an herb or something that one I mean so you can actually ratchet up that pretty easy but yeah but that's interesting all right let's wrap up with this uh how not to age not just you know aging healthfully but a lot of people especially uh the women who are watching and listening to this right now they want their skin to look good for as long as possible man what are some of the foods you think are the ones that are going to keep you looking your best well I mean the number one uh number one in term of 90% of visible skin aging sun exposure wow so sunscreen gotcha I mean that I mean there's just absolutely no I mean nothing else comes close okay now there are other things you can use topically and kind of for inside and so you can actually get inside out sunscreen protection by eating for example B deatin rich foods or um or lopine rich foods like tomato products so you have people eat tomato paste they actually do these studies where they um I don't know why they're always burning women's butts but it's because no they actually have these these UV rays because they don't want to have like burns on them right you can do it on the arm so they have to do with something that's kind of covered up so the but so so and so they they they they so they study after study they took these women they burn their butts and then before and after eating you know tomato paste or some kind of placebo and you see significantly L less redness Le which is a sign of inflammation and DNA damage from the UV Rays um and so you so what's nice about that kind of inside out sunscreen protection is you know it gets all the hard to reach places it's 247 and so a lot of people is like oh it's cloudy I'm not going to wear sunscreen no a lot of those UV rays still come through um and you know so people forget or washes off or whatever now this protection is much lower than you get from sunscreen so it's not neither or but it is kind of a complimentary so I talk about a lot so a lot of it comes down to um sun protection but then I talk about all sorts of things like topical nicotinamide and vitamin C and talk about people should really stay away from retinoids this retin a um which is which is is uh shown to be really quite effective in reversing some of the um uh aging damage in skin but also May kill you may increase your risk increase your your risk of death the small percentage is actually absorb into your system we think there was a very concerning study that until we know better I would stay away from topical rids you get into at all talk about collagen talk everything everything you Botox fillers like everything everything aging is in the book and so it's like the best we know about every topic in aging the anti-aging drugs so-called they I mean every supplement that you've ever heard of you know it's it's it's cuz I I I got to cover everything are we final question are we too collagen obsessed in this community or or in this nation cuz I feel like a lot of people think that if I just get as much collagen as possible I'm going to look like I'm 30 years old until the day I no so so it's interesting so it's kind of like a you know it's like the the the little kernel of truth that makes the L that that actually supports the low carb you know the low carb oh you got to cut down carbohydrates well I mean if you're talking about Donuts in fact that's what most carbohydrates use refined junky carbohydrates like you know Soda um and so cut down on carbs really in the United States of America is actually yeah if you're talking about that stuff but then of course they go way too far and they're like yeah so don't need a sweet potato which makes no freaking sense right but so so collagen critically important for skin health for joint health blah blah blah but you don't get uh you don't improve your collagen by taking collagen you improve your collagen by boosting your production of collagen you do that by making sure that you get enough vitamin C it's actually higher than the recommend daily loung so I actually recommend so you get 90% they did these nasty experiments on conscientious object obors um during the World War where um these these peace necks refuse to fight and so they they literally cut them in to to study wound healing with different levels of vitamin C and found oh actually 90 milligrams for um optimal College production which is actually higher than the RDA um and so there other things you do to kind of boost make sure you're not vitamin B12 deficient right um important for collagen as well because the homosysteine interfer of cross linking so all sorts of all sorts of cool stuff ah can't wait for everybody so much so I'm I'm just gonna flip through and get the exact number of citations there are in this book really quick it is quite impressive here we go final page final citation that I see 8,363 and that's because 5,000 got turned into books so it was 13,000 citations but had been cutting out the half the book we 5,000 are all online but everything is all uh hyperlink online you download the original PDF yourself man you are a busy individual that was a full three years to put this piece together it was tight yeah I have no doubt so the book how not to age get your a copy the link is down below or go to your local library and all proceeds from sales of all my books is donated directly to charity there it is Dr Michael Greer congrats on the release my friend thanks so much if your health IQ was a couple of points higher than it was a few minutes ago go ahead and 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Channel: Physicians Committee
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Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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