The Esselstyn Family: A Lifetime of Hope and Health | The Exam Room LIVE in Washington, D.C.

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let's do it all right my first guest is a gentleman who needs no introduction he is the founder he is the president of the Physicians committee he is my absolute favorite guest don't tell Will btz I said that Dr Neil Barnard do thank you for being here my friend thank you have a seat let's get comfortable shall we thank you oh this working it it might it it may not be it is I don't know hold there we are hey oh hey Chuck can I can I do a little bit of shout out yeah as well yeah some of the members of our board of directors are here Ruby lean Ruby and Mindy kurban Barbara werman and Marty werman Marty you're there too thank you thank you all thanks for making it happen is that the Marty waserman that is that is the Martin waserman it is so good the man SW swam the ches this guy at age 81 this guy man look him up Google him y'all have a seat my friend let's talk so yeah here we are again this is great what a beautiful crowd we've got tonight well congratulations to you Chuck thank you uh I mean what what's it been six six years and almost 500 episodes in and here we are man yeah but I can't even count how many downloads you've had because if I do count and we make a video congratulating you it's going to be more than that by the time the thing is done so it's it's 10 million it's 12 million it's 15 it's 17 it's 17 17 yeah so yeah it's true when we first started planning these things it was to celebrate 10 million downloads and less than a year later I mean we're at 17 so thank you guys um you guys are clapping for yourself you guys are the ones that are watching this and you know sending in so many great questions for the doctor's mailbag like I I seriously I love you guys you have no idea how much um but I love the guest that we have tonight and I love the fact that you and I have a little bit of time here tonight as well um before we get into our guest tonight I understand sir that we may have an exclusive for the crowd in attendance there may be a little something something from Dr Neil Barnard coming out next year that's right I've got a new book is that right exactly um it's well for all those people lined up take wovi um or OIC or some other injection we're going to talk about injecting ourselves with healthy food there it is oh there it is that's it yeah uh never been announced anywhere um but uh the fact of the matter is certain foods are more effective for weight loss than other foods and we're going to talk about which ones they are and then we worked with Lindsay Nixon and Dustin harder to make them all into delicious recipes so that's what that's about so I hope people like it so excited for this book so excited thanks for letting me mention that yeah and uh you know thank you for uh interviewing me for that book I think uh that's the first time I've ever been in a book so thank you you're in it super cool and sha is in it where's sha yeah where's sh there she is stand up Sha's in it my friend with the fancy glasses thank you yeah so uh that comes out next April March March okay so mark your calendars it is available right now for pre-order on Amazon so if you guys want to log that in tonight go for it um but our guest tonight I mean you want to talk about the first family of nutrition you have to say it's it's the eltin how excited are you that we've got the whole brood with us yeah absolutely well I I I I have to say I met Essie 25 years I a long time ago and we were at a conference and I walked in I'd never met him before he was sitting in the front row ready for the conference to begin he was he was there to look learn not to speak uh because although he's the smartest person in the room he's he's always a good student all the time and I introduced myself and and we got to talking and he was so already known for his approach to heart disease and I said you know we need maybe more research we need to do a study where we use a totally healthy plant-based diet and compare it to U in a randomized way a more moderate diet and he turned to me and he said you can't do that that would not be ethical I said what do you mean it's by that point the evidence was so strong that a plant-based diet is the way to go that it would be unethical to randomly assign people to anything else and he is he was right absolutely right and all these years later continues to be right and it's it's just so amazing the fact that we're going to have all all of the estin uh on on stage tonight and um I'm just curious you know since you began this journey with the Physicians committee how much information do you feel that we've learned about heart disease and and whether it indeed should be the number one cause of death well it it should be obliterated there you go we should be able to oit we we have the knowledge and the knowledge is not a new pill um or a new surgical procedure those things have their roles but we know more about the cause of it we know what causes the arteries to narrow we know what turns that around so it's we've got to get away from bandaid and start using what really works and what works is on your plate we're going to have a deep conversation about what works tonight you ready for that you bet all right let's go ahead and bring up uh our guest tonight one at a time first and foremost uh who has uh I call her one half of the wild woman Duo um Jane eselon come on up she is uh just a joy and a treat to be around come on up you are a showoff I love it I love it I love it I love it have a seat anywhere wherever you would like how about that cartwheel I was not expecting that D on neither was I what hold on can talk again and neither was I I was just so excited I didn't know I thought my dad was coming out first that's awesome no not yet let's get your brother up here first huh I've got three of them which one are you talking about well the one that's sitting down right over there tugging on his socks I don't know oh wearing my scarf around Mr plr strong give it up for rip that belt man we good can we just talk a second about your belt that is outstanding well we were supposed to bring red I neglected to bring red so Jane had this in her I I had to wear my polka dot one because he needed some red yeah maybe I'll put it around my neck I think it looks great dude okay I'll all right uh our next contestant on the exam room tonight um actually before she comes to the stage I would love for you guys to take a look at this Ro get out of [Applause] here go go oh that is so good that is so good and Esson holy Moses ma'am what did you eat for breakfast this morning well actually I dragged the tire before we left Cleveland I had I got to practice legit they drove in from Cleveland this morning to be here with us so uh by the way Ann um I know I'm not supposed to ask women how old they are but but how old are you 88 88 goals that that's y'all's Mom I hope y'all understand wait Chuck the only reason I could drag that tire is because Maurice is so strong I thought it was the [Laughter] plants and our final guest this evening is somebody who is admired revered he is a true Pioneer in this field and it is an honor to have him with us here tonight all the way from Cleveland the one and only Dr Caldwell Elon thank you thank you so much for coming this one is for you my friend all right thank you for being here long day I know how you holding up all the way from Cleveland this morning that's a long day for you guys I am I'm really impressed right now we're we're just delighted to be here well so I just asked Dr Barnard the same question since you began practicing and obviously put out just this groundbreaking book that has changed so many lives I'm I'm curious how you feel the world's view of heart disease has shifted due in no small part to all of your efforts well I think the truth be known that heart disease coronary artery heart disease is nothing more than a toothless paper tiger that need never ever exist and if it does exist it need never ever progress and I think Neil really uh said it correctly what really has evolved is such an understanding of the causation of this that really anybody anybody in this audience can learn what is the causation of the illness and you can absolutely Halt and reverse this disease and it really is a sort of a bit of a black eye on the medical profession that we've known for really many decades that there are cultures on this planet where heart disease is virtually non-existent and yet we have not taken that information to this country to Halt the leading killer of women and men in in western civilization and in your book to that end in your book very early on you wrote everyone in my family had died early and yet here you are about 90 still doing great making d Almost about I said about about I'm not trying to Aid you sir I apologize but how has you what is your secret compared to so many others who did not necessarily by any stretch reach anywhere close to 90 are you're talking about the rest of the family yeah I mean because everybody wants to say it's genetics it's genetics well my dad had his first heart attack at 43 and uh obviously he was thriving she the problem is our uh family had an abon Angus beef farm and a dairy farm so all the products that we were raising were destroying people's lives including including your own our own yeah yes that's right I mean I remember when I was doing a show in New York with Dr Barnard and and rip earlier this year and he began talking about all of the disease that had affected your family I was like there's no way because he he he said like everybody comes up and they want to say I wish I had your jeans I wish I had your jeans and rips response was it was no you really don't you really really don't I mean so cancer runs in the family heart disease runs in the family it's it's all of the big ones right rip yeah I mean there's there's what there's been cancer there's been diabetes there's been heart disease there's been brain tumors uh yeah pick anyone yeah yeah and I mean I know Jane that's not lost on you either down there and here you are doing cartwheels to come to come I mean cartwheels for goodness sakes it's so fun I mean you guys are living proof as as Dr Barnard has said you know jeans are kind of like a light switch you flip them on you flip them off you know so it's um it's it's really a treat to see you here um lots of meat eating in your family before the eselon became the eson is that an accurate statement Dr Dr eson lots of lots of meat in the family before the eson were the estin and plant strong and I'll take that as a yes I want to ask there we go go for it go for it because when we got married as's father had had his heart attack so we were really I mean we were unusual we drank skim milk we uh didn't eat eggs wait when you got married and tell them what you served for your first meal when you guys got married right but that was not because of that was because of my father but I grew up eating City pigeons for which my father called squa um um squab and so to celebrate the first meal that we ever had with our very fancy landlords and my parents we served tongue calf tongue I'm sorry that's who's hungry I'd like I'd like to just take a moment and share with you a u uh the oldest patient that I've ever treated or started with was 87 Stanley was from the West Coast nice man but he just understood that if at 8 age 887 as frail as he was if he had that open heart biopsy excuse me open heart surgery that it would uh it would kill him so he wanted to go plant-based and he did and every year he'd uh give us a call to let us know how he was doing last year when he called he asked to speak to Anne and he wanted to speak to Anne because he was having a party and he wanted many many many plant-based recipes so then an asked him what was the occasion of this Gathering and he said well it's my 100th birthday wow and so that was last year just a few weeks ago we got another call from Stanley he wanted to remind us that he was now 101 [Music] Stanley but I jumped on the phone with Stanley and I said Stanley you know what you have to have to serve you know what you have to make I mean if you're hundred years old what would you guys recommend rice and beans Extravaganza you would I said you have to serve a recipe that has 100 plants in it and he was like oh what is that and I was thought well you can make a huge salad but I I thought you have like Welcome to My 100 plants party and there's 100 plants being served tonight how many people were coming to his birthday party 100 really a couple hundred I'm sensing a theme with the 100 there's some uh uh one of the most frequent questions that we get asked if we're counseling somebody is how long does it take if you're going to reverse this uh disease and everybody's a little different because sometimes the plaque that you have in your artery is made up of fibrosis and Scar and calcification it's going to be stubborn uh on the other hand sometimes in the younger patients when the plaque is made up of inflammation fat and cholesterol the body can do a wonderful job with it I'll just give you one other example that I just got a call three days ago from a gentleman who I'd originally seen a year and a half ago and he was being seen because at the evaluation of the two cored arteries that go to his brain they were 50% blocked on each side the reason he said the reason he called me uh three days ago because it was a one and A2 year followup and he' had another evaluation with the ultrasound sound to measure how big these blockages were they were both of his arteries were now whistling clean wow wow you know I hear stories like that and my mind continues to be blown and it makes me think of a quote that you had in your book prevent and reverse heart disease and you referred to the the participants of your initial trial a lot of them as walking dead men and I just I hear you tell the story about the 87y old who just turned 100 and I guess my question is how late is too late are you ever truly too far gone no no okay as long as you're drawing breath you can make those changes well the reason that you succeed is uh there is a chapter in my book entitled moderation kills so people say well Dr Elon the reason that your program succeeds where Others May Fail nobody else is as mean as you are mean I'm sure there are a lot of words to describe you I'm not sure that mean would be one of them Dr barard I'm Stern stern oh wait a minute yeah these two at the end would know mean Stern yeah kind of stern uncompromising he he wants his patience love it a lot of love there behind it all absolutely compassionate Yes actually he's really competitive and he doesn't want anybody to fail so I'm sensing an idea we'll get the inside scoop on Essie and we'll make that one of the exam room VIP podcasts how about that um there's a really popular diet and and Dr eston I'm going to start with you and then rip I'm going to come to you and then and Jane but the keto diet is all the rage right now high fat lots of meat very little carbohydrates based off of all of your research how would you assess the keto diet in terms of whether or not it's actually good for somebody's health well one of the things that I've learned professionally a long time ago that uh I don't really get a big kick out of denigrating uh other other person's science but what I am not bashful about is asking what their science has produced and if that keto diet has ever been shown to take patience who were seriously ill with heart disease and show that by giving them that diet that they could Halt and reverse their disease then it would really get my attention that is not happened to my knowledge and therefore uh I find it very difficult to ask a patient to follow a diet which doesn't get the job done I think with the keto we get wrapped up in the fact that initially in the short term you would lose weight so the old 420 pound me if somebody said Chuck just eat a huge plate of bacon for breakfast lunch and dinner you're bound to lose weight I would have been all in for that I would have taken all of my chips mortgaged my house and pushed everything to the center of the table said Bring It On give me everything Smithfield has to offer but knowing what I know now I thought things are a little bit different so when you're working with someone who you know just wants desperately to lose weight and thinks that that is the beginning of their health and reclaiming it and that's everything I mean what would your message be so yeah you can lose a few pounds in the short term but dot dot dot how do you help them see past just that initial weight loss yeah I think that the the way that we achieve uh compliance or adherence when we're seeing patients that I think the U the factor that we've really involved over the last 15 to 25 years is it and I'm going to and I'm going to do this with you tonight right now and that is the same as our patients that you are going to learn you must understand the causation of this of this disease and the causation of this disease is when you the forget I I have respect for your genes I have respect for your stress but it is the if you have to put your finger on one thing it is the food and what we want to do is have patients eliminate absolutely eliminate every last bit of food that is going to injure the delicate innermost lining of your artery the endothelium why because the endothelium is responsible for making this absolutely magic molecule of gas nitric oxide and nitric oxide is responsible with it marvelous functions of absolutely maintaining the health and protection of all of our arteries so what we what we'd have to learn tonight would be what are the foods that every time they pass your lips you injure the endothelial cells am I allowed to say what those are oh I does everybody want to know what the foods [Applause] are not a drop of oil olive oil corn oil soybean oil safflower oil sunflower oil coconut oil palm oil oil in a cracker oil in a chip oil in a piece of bread oil in a salad dressing oil is out also all out is animal protein meat fish chicken fowl turkey and eggs and dairy milk cream butter cheese ice cream and yogurt and sugary Foods cakes pies cookies Stevia a cfee excesses of maple syrup molasses and honey I don't like nuts peanut butter nut Butters or cashew sauce and avocado and I don't like coffee with caffeine now what are you going to eat oh all these absolutely marvelous marvelous marvelous marvelous marvelous whole grains for your cereal bread pasta rolls and bagels 101 different types of legumes lals and beans all these Mar marvelous red yellow and green leafy vegetables white potatoes sweet potatoes and some fruit and we're going to love dessert tonight oh yeah see initially that can sound like an awfully restrictive diet and I know that there are people in this room who I love dearly who probably heard that and you may have given them a heart attack sorry y'all um but the fact of the matter is like you have to take it from the point of view and and this is where I will lean into my credibility here and say that the the former overweight person can always steer you in the right direction of what food tastes good and what this gentleman just described you can make magic with in the kitchen Holly plank would you agree absolutely that's absolutely from Holly plank so rip we just saw you know obviously what we can eat and it's delicious um but I want to go back to your father's no fly list and I I would love for you to take a look at the screen behind you and if we could play this video of a social media guy who was all in for some keto diet and you let me know what you think of this gentleman by the name of the liver King Li Kings have for a snack today this delicious meat Mountain raw actually that's not such a bad idea having it cooked can improve bioavailability of some of the nutrition but cooking also can destroy and have a deleterious effect like Advanced gation end products and the thermal pressure of heat can degrade some of the proteins and hormones and fragile components so you don't get the nutrition at all so hedging it having some cooked and some wrong not such a bad idea with some delicious salt salt has utility also it increases the blood volume in muscle muscle contraction and supports the electrolyte balance maybe he knows what he's doing so I just want to get your initial reaction to that rip to be honest with you'all been waiting for that all day man well he's just looking for some Shock value there he's gotten a lot of attention you know he's um It came it came to light not too long ago that he is jacked to the gills with steroids um you know he's I think bankrupt his long-term Health to you know look look the way he is all jacked up um but I think what you're seeing here is just America's insatiable appetite for another type of Atkins so it started with Atkins and then of course you got South Beach then the next iteration was paleo then you had keto then you had carnivore and then the Le latest kit kit on the Block is the lion's diet which is where you basically eat like a lion you eat basically salt and raw meat uh and uh and water and is Dr you guys know of Dr Michael Clapper so he loves to say that the the the ketogenic diet is basically just a physiological parlor trick and you're not feeding your body any for the most part carbohydrates which is a big mistake your body gets fooled into thinking it's in this starvation mode which then basically shuts down your appetite because you're not eating carbohydrates your body's not storring any water so you will initially definitely lose lose some weight but uh my father won't say it but I'll say it I think it's a really really bad idea and I think the science is absolutely piss for and I think you're subjecting yourself to uh obviously saturated fat dietary cholesterol a very very weak problematic form of uh of protein not to mention tmao heem iron and the list goes on and on and on and then of course you're contributing to all of the um uh the number one cause of uh environmental degreg in this in this country uh and of course we're getting away from our true nature which is kind and compassionate people uh and you're just being complicit in the uh the murdering and the the raising and the killing of close to 80 billion animals annually so what the liver nerd liver King is doing to me is it's pure shock value and I don't know if he'll be alive another 10 years yeah there was making the rounds and I I don't want to pile on the guy I want to keep this this positive but there there has been stories he's recently been battling health problems it would appear um and he did admit to doing copious amounts of steroids to the tune of $1,000 worth every single month he also has AB implants so do all the sit-ups you want you're never going to get a you know rip six-pack like the liver King there um because they're not real um but Jane I'm going to turn to you kind of as the educator here and let's you know lift the a little bit because I don't want to pile on the guy I want to try to open the liver King's eyes a little bit you are an educator by trade and this is what I love about you so I would think that the liver King might prove to be a difficult student but difficult not impossible so how would you get somebody to kind of open their eyes a little bit and see the error perhaps of the nutrition ways and guide them into a healthier light I think you're try I think you're trying to talk me into talking about uh some of the work I do that's not plant-based just generally as an educator how can you get somebody to sit up and listen if they're not always the best students yeah okay um because I work in the plant-based realm but I also have always been like many of you I'm sure let me see a show of hands how many of you are middle school sex head teachers sorry I can't see hold them up hold them up a little longer Middle School sexed teacher okay I think he I think he missed or maybe didn't have a great middle school sex head class because what I often talk about um are things that you know help help things um come up come up and and these you know they're kind of a brand new trick for these middle school kids and so and they love if I say did you guys you know they they know at some point that they're miss eleston someone Googled my name or something and they found our cooking videos they're like you make cooking videos and like yeah I also write cookbooks and I teach sex ed they're like food and sex food and sex all right like I'm like yeah so it's a good life and if you guys like your erections try to steer yourself clear they're like wait wait wait I like my rection steer clear of what steer clear of what I'd say a lot of liver and meat and salt is that what you wanted me to say that's what I say to my middle school kids well so is is that really I I mean as a guy I mean that would certainly get me to sit up and pay attention um fellas is that the way to like really kind of catch us you know make us listen I mean that's that's catches some people's attention middle school kids attention middle school kids college kids high school kids older middle age middle age I heard middle age heard middle age yeah yeah bring it on old age all the kids stanle 101 tons of fun you know Chuck Chuck just to piggyback on Jane talk to me so you're I think what you're talking about here is real men e plants and we're talking about you know being masculine two points for you sir okay and so as Jane teaches us we know that the artery going to the male penis is one5 the size of the artery arteries going to our heart and up to our up to our head and so I tell all these firefighters that you know real men eat plants and if you want to slay that erectile dysfun uh that Ed dragon and you want your puffed the Magic Dragon to Roar then you'll eat plants and drop the meat there you go would that get through to everybody huh yeah that's a pretty important one man you know Jane has something else that she is very passionate about right now may I mention it it's his it's his podcast look as far as I'm concern tonight you are the host I mean anybody that tugs a tire like that you get First Billing it's the clitus all right so we got one it's only fair it really is only fair what about the clitous well did you have a question you want to ask before I'm on or are we just going to leave it there I mean that's kind of a cliffhanger no no it's it is no I I I have three brothers so there's actually he kept saying he has all the eltin and I kept up saying to my mom but Ted and Zeb aren't here like because there's there's six of us and um having three brothers I always wanted equality like yeah everything's open to them and opportunities pay for me too so yeah we all had great opportunities and AirTime and anyway so as you know growing up I just you know equality has always been a big thing and being like a Title Nine athlete it was a big thing like I just like it's always been equal it's always been equal so in all this plant-based world we got you know the varsity of the plant-based world was these wonderful amazing men you know Neil and and Colin Campbell and my dad and it was like this white-haired game show host Varsity squad of white men and I'm like where are the women and they talk about a rectile dysfunction and something's come up and and I'm like and and and anyway finally a year ago last month some research came out um three doctors discover yes mapped out that there are 10,000 nerves in the clitoris this is Thousands more than previously understood I'm glad you're quiet because it's 2022 when that research came out that's when they discovered that there are 10,000 nerves in the CLE there are commercials about Viagra every other minute of every other weekend or week day or whenever football's on so the fact that this this is just coming out I'm like oh my gosh as a middle school sex teacher I was like this needs to be announced on the mountain tops this needs to be known this needs to be understood because I've had young men say to me in class Miss Heston I figured it out if I was a girl you know what I'd do I'm like what would you do this is a tricky kid who's saying this he's like I'd wear a tampon all day long it'd be like having sex all day and and I was like we have to we have to discuss pleasure educa pleasure education that's terrifying that's terrifying so if everybody knows this is not just for women to know but it's for everybody to know that this is the polka dot of pleasure half a mile in front of okay I can I'm I'm getting carried away in middle school sex that you've got the room so I'm going to ask you to go ahead and finish speaking of finishing yes that's what that's what the whole reason that I want to talk about because three4 to two 2third to three4 of women don't do do what he just said because that's not where the pleasure pleasure is the pleasure is a half an acre to the north in the polka do for pleasure note the scarf um I was sort of glad rip forgot the his redness so I could wear this scarf um so I had a I I was so excited about the 10K nerves I had a 10K for the 10K just to just to get everybody more cliterate you know gather everybody around and get them more educated gather your friends get like gather your clitterati around and get them all educated and talk about this just this reality because it has not been normalized we've normalized discussions around how to prevent reverse heart disease we've normalized discussions like Neil's book I talk about all the time what was that cleverly named Dr Neil Barnard's solution for diabetes what was the close yeah like it's like that's normalized I everyone I know that's what I say YouTube videos get his book normalized erectile dysfunction can be reversed that crouching TIG can become the Hidden Dragon or Puff the Magic Dragon it can be normalize the conversation let's normalize this conversation that women are designed for pleasure as well you know how many nerves are in the penis someone make a guess 4,000 Dam Girls Just Want to Have two and a half times more fun oh girls just want to have two and a half times more [Music] fun I thought we were talking about Heart Holy don't trip my wire I made a mistake yeah this is this is y'all's fault mommy you brought it off you guys are amazing I love this show I don't know if you caught it but your dad tapped me on the shoulder while you're talking he's like it's okay it's okay we'll get through it together she's almost done I think he's he's H it a ton he's hurt it a ton has she always been like this I want to know how how Neil how is Neil hanging in there yeah how are you down there man but then the question is so then what do you eat exactly it's the exact same the Corpus cavernosa of the penis which it dilates when it's triggered it's the exact same tissue in the floor of the pelvis the of Fe of females and it engorges around the vaginal space and creates lubrication from the plasma from blood flow so blood flow helps men s sign for Readiness and erection and blood flow from nitric oxide I'm bringing it back blood flow from nitric oxide being released also gets women ready as well that's and what gives you Nitric o oxide as we just covered let's let's hear The Greens Daddy can you do the wrap can you do the greens what what's the I yeah I'll get to that but I I he needs to recover I promise I promise the audience that we finish the causation of uh of of heart disease and I I remember we we finished with what it was that you were going to eat but I changed the program about a decade ago because of an aw an awareness that the endothelial production of nitric oxide is age dependent you never heard of a boy or a girl at age eight having a heart attack no they have nitric oxide coming out of their ears but by the time they're beautifully healthy at age 50 they now have 50% of the nitric oxide they had when they were aged 25 so the changes I made were two one was a greater stimulation of the uh endothelia production of nitric oxide and number two we embraced the newer research that shows us that mankind has an alternate pathway for making additional nitric oxide so here we go I need you to chew six times a day a green leafy vegetable roughly the size of 1/3 to 1 half a cup after it has first been boiled or steamed 5 and 1 half to 6 minutes so it's nice and tender and then you must anoint it with several drops of a delightful either balsamic or rice vinegar why because research has shown us that the acetic acid from these vinegars can help restore the nitric oxide synthase enzyme which is contained within the endothelial cell and responsible for making nitric oxide so you're going to chew this alongside your breakfast cereal again as a midm morning snack again with your lunch and sandwich that's three midafternoon 4 dinner time 5 and of course I adore it when you have that evening snack of arugala or kale now the second benefit is when you you're eating the green leafy vegetable you restore the capacity of your bone marrow to once again make the endothelial progenitor cell which will be replace our ccent injured worn out endothelial cells the third benefit when you're chewing a green leafy vegetable you are chewing a green nitrate that green nitrate is going to mix with the facultative anerobic bacteria that reside in the CPS and grooves of your tongue those bacteria are going to reduce that nitrate that you've been chewing to a nitrite when you swallow the nitrite it is now your own gastric acid which is going to further reduce the nitrite to more nitric oxide which can enter your nitric oxide pool so think about it what you're doing for minimal expense no side effects all day long dawn to dusk morning to night you are absolutely restoring the very molecule nitric oxide the deficiency of which gave you this disease in the first place now there's a caveat to this two toothpaste with fluoride public drinking water with fluoride and mouthwash will injure the beneficial bacteria in your mouth and I do not like ant acids because ant acids will reduce your gastric acidity and you will be unable to reduce the nitrites to more nitric oxide now the top six are kale Swiss chard spinach arugula beet grains and beets now if you want the whole the whole the whole group yeah B Choice fch kale College collar green be greens mustard green turn greens Napp coverage bust broccoli cauliflower cantro parsy spinach and a rugal asparagus thank you that's what we need deal man the green arati yeah the green arati that is funny oh man when you get to drop that on an album I mean we could turn that into a single right now I mean you just throw a little beat behind that in an instapot being released oh my goodness gracious um couple more fun ones here um I I think this one Jane and rip this one is for you and I think that there are a lot of people who are probably just like what in the world was it like growing up as an esselon just because they feel like you know they know you so much on social media obviously we know about your new amazing waffles you know that mix um but they don't know like what was young rip like what was young J I wanted to to say one thing oh yeah thank God there was no social media when our children were growing up I don't know what would have happened well I mean you take the good with the bad I mean we got you on social media earlier tonight tugging that tire I mean come on you just got to outweigh the good with the bad there there's some good there but I don't know you too Jame what was it like growing up you know in the esselon house well it's it's all we knew so that's hard to say but I do know that um we our door was always open so there's always people coming in and out we having three brothers and just again no social media so everyone's always getting together playing this playing that it was very sporty like we did a ton of sports ton of activity but I think we all did a lot more of that because that was kind of what you did what we would do um and we were kind of known as an ingredient household not a great household to snack at we used to take it was back in the day there uh brand no brand just brand brand brand B R an was a big deal for like a season at our house so I remember having a bunch of friends over and like okay you guys someone get the stopwatch we used to have stopwatches that were like like 60 minutes and you're like and you we' take this big wooden spoon and we' scoop up brand and you put in your mouth and as soon as you could clear it you'd stop the stopwatch so you'd have friends over there like like someone would like start to laugh and inhale the brand and then cough and just spray it everywhere but I can still see like the red plastic lid to the clear container with the wooden spoon and we'd have like brand contests I remember that we also we also in 1976 after the Rocky movie came out we went back to the house and we all tried Downing six raw eggs I did not drinking it like Rocky Balboa Did But but to Jane's point it's incredible an and Essie always have been so welcoming of of of guests and friends and we have so many we had so many incredible dinners still do around the Lazy Susan table that is kind of um a tradition in the the cryle and Elston uh home and just the incredible dinner conversations that have taken place when your dad's a breast cancer surgeon and your mom's a sixth grade teacher and the breast cancer surgeries and the guts so just it was guts and kids and it was just great anything goes conversation if you can't tell already this was this is kind of like a lazy Su Chuck I got to say that so so many people have asked me did you rebel against your father and his research and and I'm like you know what no he I have always had so much admiration respect and love for my mother and my father that I never went in the opposite direction uh I feel like I've always been so supportive and a huge fan of everything that that they've done and I saw him putting his shoulder to the grindstone back in 1984 and when I come home from the University of Texas at Austin for vacations I'd see him in the kitchen on the the blue chair calling up his initial 21 heart patients and talking to them about their latest blood results and going over their food log and if you just knew the amount of time and energy and just um the commitment that he made to these initial set of patients so just for me it was it's been nothing but love and admiration and total respect for um the the research and the journey that he's been on now for over 40 years you know the [Applause] amazing an amazing thing to me is that we have four children and we have 10 grandchildren and all of them are not just plant-based but really quite passionately plant-based and no one's put a gun to their heads that's just how how they are and I'm interested that even our the children Grange from 8 to to 29 and as they get older they get even more sort of strident it's amazing and the when we wrote be a plant-based woman warrior Rip's youngest daughter was seven and I got to interview all our grandchildren to see what they what they felt about being plant-based and what hope said if you eat meat you die that's a pretty strong quote right there from the mouth of babes isn't that what they say seven years old already gets it man but Essie I I mean you just heard what rip said about you but I would think as a father and seeing everything he's achieved and Jane as well you have to be awfully proud bust your buttons of those two sitting on the end right there yes yeah yeah agree yeah agreed agreed um I want to I want to talk to you a little bit more just about your legacy because tonight really is about honoring the family and and your lifetime of work and I think all of us here have a vision of what we feel your legacy is but coming from your mouth what sir do you feel your Legacy is how would you like to be remembered and please stay with us for an infinite amount of time we're not ushering you anywhere but how how was your legacy I'm trying to talk my way out of it because I feel like it got really awkward and usually I'm pretty good about not getting in these situations so can you get me out of this my friend yeah I I think the Legacy that I feel most strongly about are the the people's bit Seated on your left yeah and more I mean no I said those seated that included Jan and Z yes and the ones that aren't here the whole family so I mean I would imagine an that Thanksgiving at your house is epic it's fabulous we have this year we have 43 people coming for Thanksgiving that's all mostly it's all family really all right what's on the menu what's on the menu Well everybody's bringing something but what's so exciting is that everybody brings something plant-based and it is just I mean can you and Jane is so insistent that everybody has to bring sing human walk the 43 different things we always start with because Brian Jane's husband Brian Hart is just a fabulous cook and he makes a a stuffing every year that we all fight over and we have mashed potatoes that are great and mushroom gravy and this cranberry sauce so we have those four things that we always Supply and then we we don't know what the other 39 are well there'll be rice in rice and beans Extravaganza will be one of them they will rice and beans Extravaganza it's it's beautiful well Thanksgiving is such an interesting uh question we always get what do you do at Thanksgiving and I'm like who are you kidding like the turkeyy is one dish of the bazillion that are out there and everything is so easy to make vegan it's all about the Harvest it wasn't about the slaughter it's about the Harvest wasn't it yep and can we be honest like how many times even before being vegan like how many people had friends and family were like I just don't even really like turkey I'm all about the sides of Thanksgiving I was always a sides guy right show fans who else was a yeah yeah and especially the turkey tail that's just all fat you know if I if I could come back to a question you said just a second ago sure about the Legacy yeah man and and I think that the Brilliance of I think my father is that he saw an opportunity to be a major disruptor and and and he took it he followed what he felt was the truth and what I love is that he did it and he was outside the Cardiology box so it took somebody from outside the field of Cardiology to actually let all these cardiologists know you know what this is a disease where you don't have have to play surgical wack-a-mole you can actually get to the bottom of this with just something as simple as food and look where we are now I mean 40 years later there I mean I I think back to what you were trying to do back in 1984 and as an likes to say when the amount of people that were behind this lifestyle we could fit under one little tent and now they're I look at countries uh in Europe that are going plant-based the Canadian food pyramid is basically plant-based so you know the work that you have done and Dean ornish has done has I think set the stage for so many others uh in and given the whole food plant-based movement so much Merit and credibility and the fact that you have the science behind it so just a few words there there you go I appreciate that we just got an email today from a man in East Africa who is an opthalmologist Doctor Who wants to start a whole food a plant-based movement there because he feels that there's a need and there's a want yeah how great is that and and you know what else I think is particularly great is that this Foundation that you guys have have been building now for so long it's going to carry on well into the future um through the Elon foundation and I know uh your husband Brian is here tonight Brian come on up my friend I bring [Applause] my I mean yeah this is a man that just gets it done he's like I don't I don't need any I don't need a chair I got my own and I'm going to Lug it and then I'm going to tug a tire to you can imagine how hard it's been sitting there just wanted to you know do all the answers for them because I know that everything they're going to say I'm just like so funny yes wait I just have to say one thing and that is Brian does these long distance races and things and so he is the one that invented the tire and one day I heard this noise outside and I went out and there was Brian going up and down our street dragging this tire said Brian could I try it and so that's how I got started because yeah I didn't I didn't invent the tire I I I saw it on YouTube uh take the credit man sorry I attached the little harness to it but that was about it you um really quickly tell us a little bit about what you were doing at the eleston foundation to carry everything forward because I mean there's still we've come so many miles but my goodness gracious we have many many many marathons still to run here great metaphor excellent nice segue so um so we formed the Elon Foundation about six years ago because we wanted to make sure that this transformational message and all this amazing work that an and Essie have done would be available to anyone just like the amazing work of pcrm we want this message out there to everybody even if they can't afford it it's not on their radar it's just not a part of who they are we want it out there and so we partner with existing nonprofits all over the country and we give all of our program in away for free and uh we just want to make sure that nobody is ever uh too far from this information we want to get it out there to everybody and again we work with um hospitals and groups of medical residents and schools and universities and uh groups of elementary school teachers and all these different people who High School uh food sex teachers no not sexed teachers no I almost said I almost said sexed High School homet classes are so fun to work with yeah and and so again we like like the amazing work of pcrm and Dr Barnard we just want to make sure that it's out there and so again we give all of our programming away for free we're publicly supported so after you make a donation to The pcrm then you can also make a donation to The Elon Foundation if you're interested of course um but yeah it's all about Legacy it's all about carrying the message forward and making sure that's available to everybody and it sounds like and also I have to say that I I love the New York Times on Tuesday when they have the science section that comes out and the other thing that I absolutely love on every Tuesday is Brian does a a wonderful little Elston Foundation short little blurb about something so important in the plant-based movement I mean the ones that he's done so far should all be put into a book because they are concise powerful with just so clear because he's such a good writer so I I urge you all to just at least sign up to get the email every Tuesday you can do that at our website Elon family and you can sign up for the weekly it's just an email blast that we do once a week but it answers all those questions again again you know very similar to what pcrm does which is we answer all those questions you know where do you get your protein what about calcium uh all these questions that come up from your friends that suddenly have become nutritionists right when you start eating plant-based uh all your friends who have degrees and things like Communications or something like well I'm really concerned about your yeah okay uhuh can we sign the liver King up yeah the liver King you see how much that guy was sweating did you notice his shirt was all soaked I think it's just all the toxins coming out but what's not lost upon me is that I I feel like the foundation is is set up for success and the family the asins are set up for Success well into the future because as you were saying you know the the youngest are growing more and more Resolute about eating a plant-based diet taking care of themselves by the day every day they get older and so it wouldn't surprise me 20 some odd years from now probably less than that we have another panel do another show with a completely different group of velon maybe one of them will do a cart will I don't know maybe another one will tug a tire you tell me I don't know that they'll tug it quite as well as you though they probably won't talk about the cliterati though because it will be so normalized I love y'all man you make my job too easy I don't have to be witty or funny or anything it's just like let you talk um I really do guys wish that we had a lot more time tonight but I would like to leave the final word um well two final words here number one Dr Barnard I mean we are really sitting up here with a group of just extraordinary individuals how much hope does it give you to be up here among this family who is literally changing and saving lives now for decades it's it's a wonderful thing but there it's not just the science um and really showing what works and proving it and getting the word out but there's one other piece of this and that's the humanity of it which every time I'm talking to somebody who's got really bad heart disease and they're they're saying what can I do and I call up S and SE will say well have him call me and he means it and so I give him the number and they they'll let me know he spent an hour on the phone with me and he invited me to come up and see them and you know they just don't make doctors like that anymore and that's that is the way medicine should be [Music] practiced truly One of a Kind my friend and so I would like to give you the final word before we give you an award my friend the floor is yours well on the behalf of the family I really want to express our thanks to Chuck Carell mikee McKenna and Dean and especially Neil Barnard has truly been such an inspiring leader for all of us in this movement but I guess it leaves me with the fact that I feel that we are in on the verge of an absolute seismic revolution in health and this seismic revolution in health will never come about through another pill another drug another stent another bypass but the seismic revolution in health will come about when we in the medical community have the will and the grit and the determination to share with the public what is the lifestyle and most specifically what is the nutritional literacy that will Empower them to absolutely annihilate and Destroy chronic illness thank you Drell Chuck I just want to say one thing that I think all of you are one of the most responsive amazing audiences ever and I just want to thank all of you so much for being here you guys are the ticket tonight man but but we do have a couple of more pieces of of housekeeping um did everybody got the chance to fill out the bean guest I'm going to give you the the exact number here in just a second we've got a winner but before we get to that I want to tell you a little story about a woman by the name of mid stuber who was an inspiration to so many this is a woman who overcame a lot of her own health challenges matter of fact she nearly died of a stroke and then she discovered the Myriad of benefits that come from eating a plant-based diet she goes Allin she reclaims her health she gets connected with us here at the Physicians committee and became one of our biggest cheerleaders one of our biggest fans and we have an award now to honor her Legacy and it is my thrill it is my honor to carry on her name to bestow the mid stuber Ambassador for a better world to you Dr Elon and rip Jane Brian for your lifetime of commitment to making the world a healthier place and so if we have that award Betsy I would love to bestow this to the eleston family much much much deserved honor Round of Applause [Applause] here that's all right you're going to sleep with me put that under your pillow what about the beans and and now the beans uh now Ann I'm going to ask you to help before you spill the beans can I say one thing oh by all means just I feel like there's a sense of closure and what I want to say um that has been said but what I really want to just Spotlight for a second is that my dad had this amazing Theory and he just ran with it and he knew the truth in it he could feel the light that was there and he can't really make toast so if it wasn't for my mom if it wasn't for my mom in the 80s before the internet before anything like a Whole Foods even existed or a gr natural grocery store in Cleveland Ohio where we have like garlic salt and onions powder she did it and she made it work and she gave it legs so such wo and now no and now and so so no no it so it it it has truly been such an astounding partnership between my mom and my dad and I live next door and I can walk in the side door of their house and I'll hear them yelling hey and and it's just they're always just lovingly communicating all day long it's a it's wonderful so the partnership has won thank you the partnership has won all right and you ready to Spill The Bean I'm sorry was we never stop no well that's all right you're like the Energizer Bunny so um all right help me out with this here so everybody got the bean jar we have the wi winner here now before we say this gentleman's name tell that number right there it's a number not a name well that number right there this is how many beans were in the jar 3810 3,810 beans in one jar now I know that you can do a lot of things with 3,810 beans so I am thrilled to be giv this away as well as a uh gift bag from Lush cosme metics little love for animal or cruelty-free Cosmetics company Lush they do such good work I love those guys so a $100 Lush Cosmetics bag goes to David enkel Meer who guessed 3,793 where you at David David I don't know what your secret is but outstanding job with the guessing my friend pure luck he says well I would love to know what you do with all those beans man send us some pictures so I want to thank you guys so much for coming out tonight this has been a thrill I mean this show has been absolute fire I mean we got got the elant in the house y'all woohoo I don't know how we're going to top this going into 2024 but we're sure going to try so we have some dessert out in the lobby but um we'll get to that in one second but uh on behalf of the ens if I may and everybody at the Physicians committee Dr Neil Barnard thank you guys so very much for listening and as always keep it plant-based have a great night thank you [Applause] guys
Channel: Physicians Committee
Views: 62,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vzwsRWoHSA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 5sec (4205 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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