Dr. Mayim Bialik

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[Music] please welcome Mayim Bialik [Applause] we have a shoot cam in our coffee table Calvi right there you know I spent evenings with you you're in syndication here in New York you can't avoid me if you try you're everywhere yes congratulations thank you now you're serving a few different generations of people do you get more recognized for blossom or big bag um it depends people under 30 have no idea what blossom is or wouldn't that mean yes so that's usually generally safe if someone's under 30 it's big bang all the way but anyone over 30 it's often both yes I was in beaches a million years ago so I get sore tonight I get every day was it tough growing up on TV for you I mean it's tough growing up not on TV yeah you know and I was I was a funny-looking a funny-looking teenager so yeah it was tough growing up and also having to be a normal kid and deal with school and parents and all the things that you deal with from 14 to 19 which is how old I was during blossom no what was your mom or dad was somebody your manager my mom was with me on set so honestly that help my parents were very protective of me yes the industry was very different then than it is now it was a very clean set it was a very happy set the blossom said there was not a lot of strife or drugs or badness so it was there wasn't all that pressure for like 14 year olds to look like they're 30 like there is now I look 14 when I was work - yes so well you know what I didn't realize that you are what they call a modern-day Orthodox Oh so I Wow no yeah so modern orthodoxy is a kind of it's a kind of a sub denomination in Judaism of people who are immersed in the secular world and also still keep to some traditional things so yeah how do you navigate honey yeah right now how do you navigate the sexiness on the red carpet do you both do it with your stylist the one that well so right I have a salad a stylist her name is Allison Khan and many stylists didn't want to work with me because I tend not to wear sleeveless or strapless or go out of your religion and part of it you don't even have to be a religious person to know like there are certain parts of my body I want to allow and there's certain that I don't know that carpet doesn't own my breasts just because they exist so what I try and do is like I work with this stylist who totally gets it now she rolls her eyes at me sometimes because it's hard especially in spring or summer if you don't want to wear strapless and in LA like everyone's half naked all the time so it's hard but I love though that you stick to your convictions thank you now after blossom you went on you didn't have to work cuz certainly I'm sure you amassed a fortune but you went on and and repeatediy how much money then but thank you it's still a PhD in neuroscience exactly like a journalism [Applause] no I have a journalism degree but I ain't no neuroscience why you scientist how impressive thank you I took 12 years off I really wanted to go to college my grandparents are immigrants and I was taught you go to college and be valued for what's in your head no matter what happens you know when you're 14 deny did five years undergrad I did a minor in Hebrew and Jewish Studies which helped my GPA because humanities classes were easier for me and I took so I did five years undergrad and then yeah about seven for my PhD dr. Bialik I am so impressed okay so after all that what made you go back into show business so I had my first son in grad school he's now eight I had my second son just after and I realized very quickly once I had my first son that being a research professor would have me away from him more than I wanted to and much as I'm a I'm a person who believes women can do it all we should do whatever we want I couldn't physically be in two places at once it was literally a decision of if I'm a research professor I'm not gonna be with my kid the way I want to be and if I'm with my kid I can't be a research professor so I actually started teaching neuroscience I talked for about five years after I got my degree in well I taught with a baby on my chest for part of it I mean like I was doing whatever but I figured if I you know got back into the acting world enough to get health insurance I need I was like I just need to like get a couple lines here on a show with a little of that I could get into sure I mean I literally was running out of it sure that's the truth you are let it's so cute so now you divorced your husband of many years in 2012 divorced each other each other each other are you back into the dating scene no okay and also a you know mother to mother have you ever read that doctor Bialik has gotten crazy for you girlfriend you're not to call me doctor maíam listen you worked hard for that I mean I always respected the are period some criticism over your style of parenting that that's explain to everyone what attached parenting is that your parenting is an umbrella term for a style of parenting that involves things like emphasizing natural birth or sleeping safely with children breastfeeding wearing slings instead of expensive stroller yeah I'm not the only person doing this it's not a celebrity trend the way that humans have parented for all of human history except the last 200 years is pretty much that you do what your body needs it to do you hang out with other women who give you support and that's how old were your kids when you stopped breastfeeding them ah my my older one breastfed till two and change okay and my younger one he didn't breastfeed in public but he breastfed till a past four okay look I have a girlfriend whose kid was breastfeeding EDI at five years old I know I know I can be judgmental with you know they sleep there they're five and a half and eight now they sleep together they have a sibling bed yeah um they will sometimes come into my bed it's a big giant king bed and I don't know like most adults don't choose to sleep alone and sometimes they're lonely or sometimes they're sad and they cuddle it's not a big deal and they're not afraid of the night they never say I don't want to go to bed one more glass of water please like this the night is very welcoming and safe to them and they cuddle together and I don't know it's working for us nobody's hurt good gracious and finally I want to talk to you about your new vegan cookbook yes how do you make vegetables taste as good as turkey bacon well first of all I should say I wasn't I didn't set out to be a celebrity chef I write for this website called Keller and I used to talk about recipes that I made vegan and people kept saying you should publish them you should publish them so that's really how this happened I'm not like a fancy chef I don't have a chef I don't have a nanny like I'm really like a mom cooking things and I happen to be a plant-based person and I've raised my kids vegan the notion is not that you should become vegan but we should all be eating more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods so this is a way to simply introduce that into your life doctor's new cookbook is called Mia Mia AIIMS vegan Miami vegan table it's in bookstores now [Music]
Channel: Debmar-Mercury
Views: 1,835,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mayim Bialik (TV Actor), The Big Bang Theory (TV Program), Wendy Williams (TV Personality), The Wendy Williams Show (TV Program)
Id: YYctrv-sJA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2014
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