Dr. Matthews on Vitamin D (With Dr. Leslie Ray Matthews)

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[Applause] good day folks thank you for joining us here at your health on today's program we have a very special guest dr. Leslie ray Matthews joins us dr. Matthews is a trauma surgeon and he gives his trauma patients high doses of vitamin D to assist in their recovery and he is getting dramatic results an ad has come to talk about that today trauma vitamin D it's amazing what happens when you have enough of the sunshine vitamin that's our program for today stay tuned for that first let's go to our news let's see what's happening in the health world America's lack of leisure time physical activity is driving up the cost of health care researchers from Florida Atlantic University find that 36 percent of all Americans do not exercise in their spare time this practice leads to elevated health care costs the lack of exercise accounts for 22 percent of all heart disease 22% of all colon cancers 18 percent of all osteoporosis related fractures all totaled America's poor exercise habits raises health care costs by over 24 billion dollars every year studies published in the American Journal of Medicine many people are unsure of what type of exercise they should do they asked well should I join a gym or buy expensive exercise equipment now most of the health benefits provided by exercise can be obtained by walking just 20 to 30 minutes most days of the week there are added benefits to lifting weights running and doing exercises like yoga or Tai Chi and I encourage you to do as much as you can but at the very least walk at a brisk pace most days of the week our persistent avoidant of ex exercises costing us big money folks some twenty four billion dollars in added health care costs every year plus it's adding to our sufferings 22 percent of all heart disease and colon cancer 18 percent of osteoporosis related fractures 12 percent of all diabetes and hypertension and 5 percent of all breast cancer is directly related to our refusal to exercise whenever I talk about the benefits of exercise I'm reminded of a man who suffered a disabling and paralyzing injury to confined him to a wheelchair he told me that exercise is not so much a responsibility but rather privilege and it should be nurtured and engaged infrequently for best results teens who have suffered a traumatic brain injury are more likely to regularly consume energy drinks researchers from st. Michael's Hospital evaluated the health histories and dietary patterns of 10,000 athletes ages 11 to 20 they found the young athletes that had suffered a concussion or traumatic brain injury within the last year were seven times more likely to have consumed five or more energy drinks within the last week they were also twice as likely to have mixed alcohol with an energy drink within the last year folks when young people engage in physical exercise play in competitive sports it's a good thing however when a young athlete incurs closed head trauma and a concussion or traumatic brain injury results it can lead to permanent brain damage especially if the young athlete returns to play too soon and is injured again the challenge has always been in determining who has a more serious injury requiring extended recovery and who has just received a minor bump to the head that will resolve quickly on its own how better field side concussion diagnosing techniques are being developed but we still primarily rely on the athletes behavior determine whether they have a more serious head injury or not this is exactly why this study is so important when young athlete consumes larger numbers of energy drinks it may be a sign that they have had a significant head injury and they require extended recovery time it's like this folks people drink energy drink because they provide a temporary boost of mood and alertness while they enhanced mental and physical states plus they provide large amounts of sugar which causes a dopamine release and energy to burn and all this temporarily sues an ailing traumatized brain bottom line if your young athlete is drinking energy drinks pay attention and may be a sign of head injury and we'll have more on the treatment advances of traumatic brain injury later in the program having a low vitamin D level may accelerate the mental decline of aging researchers from the University of california-davis and Rutgers University evaluated 400 seniors over five years they found overall 61% of the subjects had suboptimal vitamin D blood levels those with lower levels of vitamin D showed accelerated cognitive decline and impaired performance the researchers report the mental decline observed in the patients with low vitamin D levels was profound and rapid over the five years of the study the mental decline of the vitamin D deficient patients was two to five times faster than the vitamin D sufficient group well folks I think we've learned the brain needs vitamin D and when vitamin D levels drop the brain age is faster than it needs to the brain also needs vitamin D to heal from the traumas of everyday life and from extreme trauma such as traumatic brain injury this study is remarkable over the five years of the study those with low vitamin D levels experience cognitive decline two to three times faster than those with adequate levels over the past 15 years we've reported on over 250 vitamin D studies and what we have learned is astounding but there is more today on your health we will take a slightly different approach on our discussion of vitamin D today dr. Leslie ray Matthews joins us dr. Matthews is an associate professor of trauma surgery at Morehouse School of Medicine and he is fascinated with vitamin D just as we are dr. Matthews has been conducting vitamin D research on trauma patients and he would like to share his first-hand knowledge with us today today's your health is very special please stay tuned to learn more [Music] [Applause] may savings time is here again with our annual cancer-free celebration Cindy and I would like to thank you for your continued support of our efforts here at your health television and at bio innovations we understand you must be very careful with your budget so we're offering you the best prices of the year on many of your favorite supplements for the entire month of May and shipping is free on all orders over $50 in the continental US perhaps you've heard about many of these supplements and wondered if they'd help you now's a great time to give them a try doctor Becker's bio nutrients and owning actual skin care are up to 50% off aloha noni and acai are still half priced by the case and many other products you've grown to trust are up to 30% off today is a great time to stock up on your favorites order online at viola Novation's net or call eight eight eight four four two 21:28 and let us assist you in making the right choices for better health ask about the auto-ship program for additional savings i'm cindy becker and this is your health at a glance did you know the typical baby born in america today has over 200 foreign chemicals in their bloodstream the world is a polluted place but just how polluted may come as a surprise health experts report that pollution plays a major role in the development of ADHD obesity cardiovascular disease Parkinson's disease ALS and a wide variety of cancers including prostate and breast cancer there are safe and simple steps you can take to lower your exposure to chemicals in an organic pesticide free diet whatever possible be careful with the home use of chemicals don't consume fish that may be contaminated with Mercury have your water supply tested for purity and add house plants to lower indoor pollution levels by taking a few basic steps we can protect ourselves from disease-causing pollution for your health at a glance I'm Cindy Becker a vitamin D deficiency is at epidemic levels in the United States chances are you aren't getting enough of this essential nutrient vitamin D is one of the most important molecules in the human body it's required for the proper function of nearly 4,000 genes and 1,000 metabolic chemical reactions bio innovations brings you dr. Becker's bio nutrients vitamin d3 now supplementing with vitamin D is safe and affordable studies show that vitamin D deficiency can lead to poor immune function depression cardiovascular disease bone disease diabetes cancer and much more starting supplementing vitamin D today for better health tomorrow bio innovations is the affordable source that you can trust for all your vitamin and stuff so give us a call at eight eight eight four four to twenty one twenty eight that's eight eight eight four four two twenty one twenty eight or order online at bio innovations dotnet welcome back everyone were so honored to have dr. Leslie ray Matthews with us today dr. Matthews has an impressive list of credentials he received his medical degree from the University of Mississippi his residency in surgery from the Morehouse School of Medicine and a fellowship in critical care at the Mayo Clinic dr. Matthews is currently a full-time faculty member at the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta Georgia he's also the associate professor of clinical surgery and director of surgical critical care not only is dr. Matthews a highly acclaimed trauma surgeon but he's highly interested in vitamin D nutrition and is a man of faith welcome dr. Mathews thank you for coming all the way to Texas and xxx with us today thank you can't wait to have a discussion with you on vitamin D it's definitely one of our passions as well okay thank you for joining us dr. Mathews thanks for Alana to have you with us you know surgeons are primarily concerned about when to operate and what procedure to use and the technical nature of things and and I'm not used to hearing from a surgeon that vitamin D is important in recovery how did you develop this interest give us a background into this okay to give you a little bit about my background I was a chemistry major in college so I viewed the body as a big chemical factory everything in the body is a chemical reaction I I'm with you on that I was a chemistry major you too so we're talking the same language okay and so as a result vitamins are just spark plugs they just make a reaction go at a lower temperature and make them go faster so vitamins are limited in the things that they can do the thing that sparked my interest in vitamin D was vitamin D is a hormone it's not a heart it's not a vitamin per se it's a true steroid hormone hormones basically control how we interact with our environment and how we handle stress so if you can learn to use this or manipulate vitamin D you can do a lot of things that come so it would be safe to say a hormone is an adaptive mechanisms helps us to deal with stresses yes it does in vitamin D would do that well yes it would vitamin D controls 3000 out of 30,000 genes in a human body so it also controls you immune response and your inflammatory response system sizzle sergeant if I can control the immune inflammatory response system imagine the things that I can do absolutely your formal education in nutrition I was trained under the same system as you and they didn't teach us a lot about nutrition how did you become interested in I think my education in medical school we had three lectures through nutrition my mom was always into just natural products and supplements and us she's 91 years old still doing well and still mentally alert and so I learned a lot from my mom just watching her yeah you know that's exactly how I got started in this to learning from my mother and senior relatives it was important to them and so I picked that up too yes let's talk about vitamin D now you have a depth of experience that you just can't get from a research paper this is first-hand knowledge yes let's talk a little bit about what you've learned about vitamin D okay I've learned that there are a lot of like I says the hormone instead of a true vitamin I've learned that you can use it to stimulate the immune system actually what I've noticed with vitamin D when you supplement patients with high doses of vitamin D your cd4 count which is a t-cell or immune response sale actually goes up so it increases a cd4 level and it down regulates inflammatory response so we look at C reactive protein which is a cytokine or a molecule that basically causes your blood vessels to become leaky and causes chronic inflammation to decreases zet so you applied this in acute care just ideal did tell us about some of the studies you've done okay the first paper we published the federal government says that 30 nanograms per milliliter is a normal all vitamin d level however if you look at nature most animals run between you 50 and 55 really yes so I think mother nature is a lot smarter than humans so then in my graft we established we challenged the level of thirty reason we did that because there are certain physiologic responses that happen above 30 yes at 30 nano grams per milliliter then you get to 40 40 nano grams per milliliter you get maximum muscle contraction you also get maximum bone density at 40 nano grams and then your PTH level is inversely responsible of to your vitamin D right so your parathyroid hormone Nader's at 40 and Sounion at 50 you get maximum stimulation of your immune response and maximal suppression of your inflammatory response so that's why 30 cannot be normal so we have these varying initiations of physiologic processes as vitamin D increases increases is this common knowledge in medicine or are we on the cutting edge now we don't the cutting edge think of vitamin D like you would dopamine okay dopamine at different concentrations does different things you know at a lower concentration is stimulates and open Erdrich receptors and then at a higher concentration it stimulates the beta receptors then even at a higher concentration it stimulates the Alpha receptors yeah okay and also vitamin D does the same thing so the first response is to make sure you can locomotor move so basically the first thing vitamin D has a higher receptor level at the bone density level that's bone health is important so after you get about 30 and 40 then you start stimulating the immune system so a different concentration that builds different things okay let's create a scenario here let's say I'm working on a construction crew and I'm crushed by heavy equipment I'm still alive yes but I am hanging by a thread okay what what do I need for vitamin D what does it do for me and that traumatic experience talk about that okay in a trauma situation or acute illness situation when you come in a hospital we have you in these dark dungeons as I call ya there's no one-eighty there no I know at all because it's not natural light and so in the first 24 hours your vitamin D level decreases 50% just from trauma or stress alone so you start burning up by Dodie starts burning it up faster so if your level is thirty nanograms per milliliter when you come in it actually going to drop down to fifteen so you actually need to give them higher levels and then in the trauma population you got think about volume a distribution note amount of fluid that's on board we give patients a lot of fluids because they're bleeding their other they're hypotensive they're septic so actually that patient is not the same weight in size so normal traditional doses won't work at that level with these was traumatized patient so we noticed they need higher levels of how it dosages so my routine daily dose of three thousand two thousand four thousand that's not nearly enough in trauma how much did it how much would you give a typical we use fifty thousand sometimes daily independent eight thousand every day yeah sometimes depending on how how we need to do to get their levels up to we wouldn't want to do that when I'm well in healthy and know eventually I'd become toxic right yes you well if you keep taking it too much and stuff so but we've perfected this technique because we started in our ICU patients and you keep close track of everything so you know but at fifty thousand you found essentially miracles can happen can you tell us a little bit about about to get one of your studies was heart attack yes tell us about heart attack and vitamin D okay well we know now that fifty percent of heart attacks occur in patients with normal vitamin with normal cholesterol sure yeah so cholesterol cannot be the culprit in all heart attacks right and stuff even though people on lipitor some people still have heart attacks yeah and so chronic inflammation if you notice New England Journal of Medicine released article saying elevated c-reactive protein there are two to three more times more likely to have a heart attack in the solution drive is heart disease okay so chronic inflammation is a culprit and almost all chronic diseases that we know now and so it's a chronic inflammation in cholesterol and calcium oh basically dump molecules that are trying to plug up leaky vessels okay all right so vitamin D administered to the heart-attack patient they recover much faster I have to be careful aware where this vitamin D only decreases chronic inflammation to regulates or modulates chronic inflammation so you can't say vitamin D treat heart attacks you have to say just decreases the chronic inflammation that can potentially cause a heart attack but as you followed in a published study people who are admitted to intensive care for a heart attack you give them high-dose vitamin D they're better off with it we've cut our incidence of heart attacks and strokes and other chronic diseases we've cut our mortality rate our outcomes are better and so yeah we've seen significant improvement without those vitamin down yeah folks our country is facing a health care crisis in the form of added expense have your health care premiums increased in the last year or two ours have unbelievably high levels when we return from these important messages we want to get doctor Matthews opinion on how we could save a lot of money in this country that's when we return [Music] [Applause] [Music] may savings time is here again with our annual cancer-free celebration Cindy and I would like to thank you for your continued support of our efforts here at your health television and at bio innovations we understand you must be very careful with your budget so we're offering you the best prices of the year on many of your favorite supplements for the entire month of May and shipping is free on all orders over $50 in the continental US perhaps you've heard about many of these supplements and wondered if they'd help you now's a great time to give them a try doctor Becker's bio nutrients and noni natural skincare are up to 50% off aloha noni and acai are still half priced by the case and many other products you've grown to trust are up to 30% off today is a great time to stock up on your favorites order online at Waianae vation snizhne or call eight eight eight four four two 21:28 and let us assist you in making the right choices for better health ask about the auto-ship program for additional savings [Music] I'm dr. Richard Becker and this is your health at a glance our health depends on the choices we make every day and few conditions are as dependent on our choices as diabetes so here's your daily diabetic and checklist number one take your diet seriously every day eat lean protein and leafy vegetables number two sugars and starches raise blood glucose so reduce them in your diet number three check your blood glucose and report the readings every day number four take your medication daily and don't skip at number five try to exercise every day it will help you take off weight which will help your body regulate blood sugar better if you are diabetic this is your quick daily checklist that could make life better for your health at a glance I'm dr. Richard Becker [Music] are you one of the 62 million Americans suffering from gastrointestinal problems do you struggle with other chronic conditions that's why we offer dr. Becker's file nutrient probiotics after years of research we developed a revolutionary probiotic formula with gastro defense technology this system protects the good bacteria from stomach acid so the probiotics reach the intestines where they go to work additionally we use live count technology to prolong the shelf life of the probiotics so there's no need for refrigeration dr. Becker Spile a nutrient probiotics is a powerful combination and one of the most effective formulas available today and we offer a children's chewable formula to both at prices you can afford order online at bio innovations net or call eight eight eight four four two twenty one twenty eight and let us assist you in making the right choices for better health ask about the auto-ship program for additional savings bet numbers eight eight eight four four two twenty one twenty eight [Applause] welcome back everyone we're having a fascinating discussion today with dr. Leslie ray Matthews about nutrition healing trauma this is just amazing information well dr. Matthews you've studied a lot I mean your whole career you've studied the human body in the healing and crisis management etc you've learned a lot about vitamin D and healing which is just fascinating to me that a surgeon and not only a surgeon but a trauma surgeon would take the time to really study the body and see how this all miraculously works together and using the nutrients that God gave us to heal and I think it's fascinating that both of you doctors learn from amazing mothers and that just doesn't it just bring it home everyone the importance of our mothers in our life and how much we can pass on to our children at any rate your studies fast forwarding canal and in Richard was talking about how expensive health care is etc and we know that heart disease is the number one killer in America it's huge heart disease is huge anything that we can do to help prevent heart disease to help treat heart disease and save healthcare dollars at the same time what did you find in your studies well first of all like the preface it by saying I'm not a cardiologist I'm a trauma surgeon as you say it and so a trauma surgeon is just basically a person that can cut that nose internal medicine in order to be a trauma surgeon I think you need to be versatile you know we see patients from all walks of life and all ages so we have to know a little variety of different things cardiac disease we have a lot of geriatric patients on our service and after air and major accidents they have heart attacks and strokes so basically that prolongs the hospitalization prolong ICU care for a long time on the ventilator in sepsis and suffering and it's very expensive but typically at a greater cost about ICU bed cost about $4,000 a day that's just the flat rate just a flat rate you have a meal and it goes up yeah you can get a five-star hotel for $300 a night yes so I often joke at great I'll tell people if I ever get injured take me the greatest stabilized meeting some you know risk Alton down history because it's cheaper a ventilator cost about $1500 a day so if you on the ventilator that's $1,500 Dave then if you have kidney failure renal dialysis is about 1250 a days so it can add up to over $10,000 a day feisty you care which can be very expensive Wow and we've often had patients in the unit for months and weeks and so I'm always working on how can I prove care how can I make things better so as I stated earlier the thing that vitamin D does it decreases chronic inflammation and we know that there are over a hundred different diseases associated with chronic inflammation heart disease cardiovascular disease auto autoimmune diseases and so vitamin D is a hormone that regulates those genes are controls chronic inflammation so if I can decrease the chronic inflammation in your body I should be able to decrease the incidence and the severity of these very severe diseases mm-hmm so you developed a study you designed a study to determine what happens when a person who has a heart attack comes into critical care and you give them large doses of vitamin D every day mm-hmm what did you find out when we cut our heart attack rate by 50% and we cut the number of days that they stay in ICU and 2014 we had our first heart attack for the whole year in September now from January until subject is a major Medical Center major a lot of patients we're one of Business trauma tunnels in the country so we've significantly cut our stroke rate heart attack rate and then when our patients come back to clinic they've recovered there they've recovered most of their function how much vitamin D did you give them at a time of crisis we use a 50,000 and we use very large doses and stuff because as I stated earlier first 24 hours your level drops 50% then you have to get your levels up higher enough in order to combat chronic inflammation you know I think Richard that's one of the things that most of us don't understand and that is that our vitamin D drops yes we think once we get our level up it's gonna stay there as long as we're supplementing but you're saying no one you have illness or whatever you know trauma it's just depletes well it's just like driving your car you fill your gas tank up you can't fill your gas tank Oh one time you have to feel you guys think of every week so after you get your level up you have to take maintenance levels in order to keep it up but that you you lose it yes you do and so they you need larger doses you know doctor I'm familiar with there is a bit of a rivalry between surgery and internal medicine we're always going back and forth and it's good-natured mostly but there's some competition there how did the folks in internal medicine respond the cardiologists would not when you a surgeon finds that vitamin D can help the cardiology patient or they kind of move or where they this is interesting let's talk more how they react well actually I've had more resistance from the surgeons that ideologist yes I did the cardiologists after they saw results and the patient's getting better a lot of them I actually check in vitamin D levels now are the ones that I know and surgery is kind of almost my colleagues have just surgeries are cut type mentality and they don't understand that vitamin D can decrease their wound infection rate urinary tract infections pneumonia is shorten the time on the ventilator and I cut them out of narcotics they did a study at Mayo Clinic and found that most people with chronic pain have low vitamin D levels you get the vitamin D level up to normal you can cut their narcotic use by 50% uh-huh we spent over 350 billion dollars a year just on narcotics and kids are abusing it using it because we have to give out so much to need more yes we do and we've also noticed well I have not done official study on this but all patients that I've had there were like narcotic problems yeah actually once we got the vitamin D level up you see them back in clinic they're not asking for a lot of narcotics now isn't it amazing yes yes it is yes you have also focused on head trauma of course has a trauma surgeon concussions and traumatic brain injuries you also work with the army you've worked with the army with helping with some military generals and County educated them on vitamin D how can help in the military or the big problem that they have is is that most kids that come in the military at 18 health stress fractures and so the military spends over 200 million dollars a year on stress fractures and rehab and surgery and lost hours with these or new recruits and stuff you know they have these eighty pound sacks on yeah it's stressful it's just if their bones aren't maximum strength they get these problems and get these problems and as vitamin D and nutrition related yeah it's a worldwide problem you know there are over according to the New England Journal of Medicine dr. Michael Holick study there are over a billion people that are vitamin D deficient in the world and I think this'll why are we so deficient by we're deficient because our present lifestyle fifty years ago everybody played outdoors we had doors and school were first through 12th grade you took PE you outdoors I was yes and we're indoor society now so nobody goes outdoors and then we use sunscreen so I need to preface this so with the dermatologist we've made a compromise you know I go outside fifteen minutes and then put your sunscreen on so you don't get skin cancer so I have to say that you have to worry about skin counselor - yeah we don't want to have another prophet er so why is there so much resistance we know so much about vitamin D and yet there's so much resistance I don't understand that well I read a book that says it takes an average of 13 years when something is 100% true before they become standard of care in medicine doctors are usually very resistant and the only person that likes change is a baby the diapers change and so doctor even when they know something's true they use allowing what they learned in medical school yes and like you stated earlier the nutrition is not taught that much in medical school well maybe that needs to change yes it does and you're training doctors are you including that more and more and your training of the young doc yes I hear vitamin D talks all the time they've actually used at the end of the year when they're doing skits on doctors they help me in there something Wow well folks we have important messages coming but there will be more with dr. Matthews and we'll be right back [Applause] may savings time is here again with our annual cancer-free celebration Cindy and I would like to thank you for your continued support of our efforts here at your health television and at bio innovations we understand you must be very careful with your budget so we're offering you the best prices of the year on many of your favorite supplements for the entire month of May and shipping is free on all orders over $50 in the continental US perhaps you've heard about many of these supplements and wondered if they'd help you now's a great time to give them a try doctor Becker's bio nutrients and noni natural skin care are up to 50% off Aloha noni and acai are still half priced by the case and many other products you've grown to trust are up to 30% off pay is a great time to stock up on your favorites order online at Waianae vation snizhne or call eight eight eight four four two twenty one twenty eight and let us assist you in making the right choices for better health and ask about the auto-ship program for additional savings [Music] I'm dr. Richard Becker for your health at a glance more and more people suffer from asthma one causes obvious the world is a polluted place and the air we breathe is not always healthy but other causes of asthma aren't as obvious recent research connects a poor quality high sugar diet in the frequent use of antibiotics higher rates of asthma in cases of asthma that are tougher to treat the fast food diet does not meet our nutritional needs plus the indiscriminate use of antibiotics can seriously disturb the delicate balance of healthy microbes in our intestinal tract so switch to a garden-fresh diet that calms and prevents asthma eat fruit like veggies such as tomatoes cucumbers an eggplant yogurt and ginger the american take fish oil nature holds the answer but it's up to us to make healthy choices for your health at a glance i'm dr. richard becker can you lower your risk of disease the answer is yes one way is by including fruit in your diet fruit contains valuable nutrients that can reduce the risk of heart disease stroke and even some cancers we've searched the world and found four fruits we believe are among the best known ii from Polynesia acai from the amazon and to new ins goji and mango seen these four juices each have amazing properties that make them great additions to your nutritional plan if you're a diabetic or have chronic pain these juices will help you feel better and have more energy plus they help with digestion now you can experience the health promoting benefits of all four in one convenient package we call the fruits of the world four pack and remember it's 50% off by the case order online at bio innovations net or call eight eight eight four four two twenty one twenty eight and let us assist you in making the right choices for better health to ask about the auto-ship program for additional savings at numbers eight eight eight four four to twenty one twenty eight [Applause] welcome back everyone if you're just joining us welcome we are having a fascinating discussion today with dr. Leslie ray Matthews he comes to us from Atlanta Georgia he is a trauma surgeon I'm telling you his list of credentials is so impressive he really knows this material and you know what he's a man of faith a man of God and a man of nutrition and vitamin D this is just great information dr. Matthews we were talking before the break about brain trauma I mean I know that you see this as part of what you do I myself had a really devastating car accident when I was a young person and if I had known about vitamin D then what it could have saved me I know it would have just been it would have made a lot of difference in my own healing but at any rate you have you've studied this what have you found about brain trauma and nutrition and vitamin D well years ago I did not really like traumatic brain injury because we didn't have a lot to offer patients all you could do and so after I started doing research with vitamin D we noticed that our patient is on the high-dose vitamin D start waking up coming up with ventilators faster and recovered mostly a function with few side effects and so we've learned that vitamin D basically you remember Tobias Lee it controls your immune response and your inflammatory response so the first thing that happens when you get a brain injury your brain swells so as it swells you start losing neurons or nerve cell pressure you're so frustrated kills your sales so if you can get that pressure or the swelling down in limit or modulate the chronic inflammation maybe you can preserve those haven't doctors traditionally used steroids to reduce that swelling yes well in the past a little but not so much now too much and uh but vitamin D is one of the strongest anti-inflammatory agents on the planet without side effects outside of it that's a good part that's the good part about it so you're adding this to the head trauma what are you learning well I'll hit trauma patients we've cut our mortality rate down to six point six percent with penetrating and blunt trauma without included in that our patients are waking up most of them are actually well getting back to normal function example we have one young lady after severe head trauma Dai which is diffuse axonal injury most of these patients can't really function 50% of them diets a scene from another 47 percent of them have chronic long-term disability and three percent may get back to kind of like a cerebral palsy like take a picture most outpatients that make it out of there or we have kids back in college there straight-a students doing well now and so we work very hard with them we have the people put them in like dyslexia type like lectures or classes and you know give them a little extra time but they're doing very well they're confident they're not causing the federal government a lot of money they're independent and so versus being in a nursing home where they're causing abusive so you set up a study and compared vitamin D treatment versus no vitamin D treatment you have a protocol well we use vitamin D high-dose like I say which decreases inflammation so that's the first thing you have to do is decrease inflammation we use omega-3 fatty acids because this also works well with vitamin D by decreasing inflammation and 30% of your brain is made out of cell membrane no you gotta get getting that back and absolutely so your brain is official so official have vitamin D and then glutamine which is amino acid help us heal and use progesterone which potentially cut my attention tell me why what's the thinking on progesterone with brain trauma but just wrong basically protects two neurons or keep them from dying and it works well with the vitamin D and stuff and so it's a combination most people have tried to do like a one drug thing oh sure the wonder drug we can find that that's great but it's not life's not like that or it doesn't work that way it doesn't work that way you just like you can't control most people blood pressure one drug most people diabetic one drug so what makes you think you control the most complicated organ in the body with one drug yeah I can't do it you can't do it so this is remarkable the difference when we have the nutrition we need yes well my philosophy is that the body will heal itself if you give it what it needs we're not all smart the body's lot smarter than we are uh-huh you know I'm impressed that there's something more than your mother now I'm sure she was a good woman I no doubt about it but you walk with the spirit don't you yes well tell us about your background here how many youngest of eleven children and I'm from a long line of ministers my dad was a Baptist minister my uncle was a Baptist minister he was president of the Mississippi Baptist Convention he was vice president of National Baptist Convention and I had awful there was a college chaplain my brother is a minister and so there's a long line of ministers of my family so yes I grew up a Baptist and grew up in the church had to go to church every Sunday what does that experience give you in the halls of the hospital dealing with people who are fighting for their life what's the difference for you well actually you know I don't try to influence or put my religion on anybody but you know personally I pray every day myself and pray for guidance pray for you knowledge wisdom understanding so you pray you know God to show you things I've learned that to be true mm-hmm and so then you you know you just show you a lot of things that you just you just be amazed do you think the Holy Spirit just pushed you along with your research kind of helping you write you a little bit yeah I mean there's if you want to know what's going on you go to the person who made the body yeah and so he can show you things that you don't know that's beautiful doctor yeah can we go to our break down let's do that we'll be back in just a moment folks [Music] [Applause] the vitamin D deficiency is at epidemic levels in the United States chances are you aren't getting enough of this essential nutrient vitamin D is one of the most important molecules in the human body it's required for the proper function of nearly 4,000 genes and 1,000 metabolic chemical reactions bio innovations brings you dr. Becker's bio nutrients vitamin d3 now supplementing with vitamin D is safe and affordable studies show that vitamin D deficiency can lead to poor immune function depression cardiovascular disease bone disease diabetes cancer and much more starting supplementing vitamin D today for better health tomorrow bio Novation's is the affordable source that you can trust for all your vitamin and supplement needs so give us a call at eight eight eight four four two twenty one twenty eight that's eight eight eight four four to twenty one twenty eight or order online at bio innovations net [Music] here is our hope for you today I'm Cindy Becker do you feel that you'll never really be joyful and happy in your life the Reverend Billy Graham wrote about these two emotions joy and happiness dr. Graham says joy is not the same as happiness although they may overlap happiness depends on circumstances joy depends on God in Psalm 30 David whose life seemed an endless battle experienced joy despite his problems as king of Israel David wrote you turned my wailing into dancing you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy that my heart may sing to you and not be silent if you are struggling to find joy in your life pray to God count your blessings joy depends on God I'm Cindy Becker this is our hope for you today [Music] may savings time is here again with our annual cancer-free celebration Cindy and I would like to thank you for your continued support of our efforts here at your health television and at bio innovations we understand you must be very careful with your budget so we're offering you the best prices of the year on many of your favorite supplements for the entire month of May and shipping is free on all orders over $50 in the continental US perhaps you've heard about many of these supplements and wondered if they'd help you now's a great time to give them a try doctor Becker's bio nutrients and owning actual skin care are up to 50% off Aloha noni and acai are still half price buy the case and many other products you've grown to trust are up to 30% off today is a great time to stock up on your favorites order online at violent ovations net or call eight eight eight four four two twenty one twenty eight and let us assist you in making the right choices for better health ask about the auto-ship program for additional savings [Music] we're back everyone having a great discussion with dr. Matthews about vitamin D and health dr. Matthews something's been I'm kind of wondering now that we're really getting into vitamin D and that is for us to really understand and those at home to understand what the healthy normal should be not the 30 that we were talking about earlier in the show that published see that a lot what's the real normal that you like to see most healthy or generally healthy people be end I like to soon between 40 and 60 nanograms per milliliter or panda which is kind of more healthy adults than that thirty thirty is just not healthy not enough not when we started really learning about vitamin D I started supplementing and I thought and of course I just started self supplementing because I know right so I was thinking well I'll take three thousand a day because I want to get those levels up I know I'm low mm-hmm but you know doing a little bit more research then I thought well I'll take 5,000 a day because I'm tall maybe we hear all these benefits I'm gonna take more yeah and then I thought you know what I'm gonna follow the advice of the doctor and I'm gonna get it tested because I'm self supplementing and I don't really know where I'm at so I went and had it tested thinking oh I'm gonna be just normal and I to my surprise found that I was a little high was 90 not yeah yeah yeah right and I work indoors I mean there's no sunlight in here but that is a good point I'd like for you to explain to everyone the importance of getting their level tested and kind of working with sure your dosing yes I'm a big proponent and getting your level tested I think you should get it this should be a routine part of you physical exam once a year and I think you should be on the doctor's care I always preface vitamin D with saying that you should make sure you go to your doctor and get your levels checked let your doctor know exactly what you're doing and follow your doctor's advice this is a hormone remember this is not a vitamin so there is a toxic level however I have seen more vitamin D deficiencies than I have vitamin E taxes I've never searched the literature for vitamin D toxicity there's very few cases yes never seem not toxic global anywhere between 100 to 150 nanograms per milliliter you start seeing things like nausea vomiting abdominal pain neural confusion you can get kidney stones with toxicity but the problem is vitamin D deficiency is a problem in medical school we were taught that vitamin D toxicity is a big problem however we know that if you have a vitamin D level less than 18 and annuals of medicine they've produced article that says like a real levels less than 18 and increase your risk of death by 30 percent from all causes Wow all causes yeah amazing so I'll wait to the point where we could say a typical man like me 215 pounds can you give a a dose that I should take or it doesn't need to always be based on blood levels honestly sure not everybody's gonna go to the doctor that's true but I want them to have the benefit you see this is my dilemma yes I agree with you but I still have to tell them yes they need to see the doctor say they don't see the doctor they were told that they need to see a physician because thing is it varies depending on there are different things that affect your vitamin D levels there are medications at a fake vitamin D level steroids decrease your vitamin D levels see in trauma as usual dark skin that people have to stay in the Sun three to ten times longer to produce the same amount of vitamin D so their levels tend to be 20 to 30% longer obesity the the vitamin D gets stored in the fat cells are not released until the blood sales people the in the Middle East there whether long burkas so they're not exposed at all their vitamin D levels are very low we'd be terribly yes they're of turbo you know and also if we're a low in vitamin D or excuse me low in vitamin A we're more susceptible to vitamin D toxicity and vice versa yes so vitamin A and D work together yes they can sort of and also magnesium also so if you take if your vitamin D deficient you're most likely magnesium deficient also so usually people need to take a little low magnesium also like 200 250 milligrams of magnesium Newseum make your vitamin D levels stay higher no just works no it works together and stuff because basically hormones what they do is they help move molecules throughout your body just like you need insulin to move glucose you need vasopressin which is another hormone to move water throughout your kidneys you need our Doster on the move sodium and potassium so everything in your body is moved by some type harmonii hormone helps your body interact so vitamin D moves calcium magnesium and phosphorus other three things that it moves throughout the body amazing you know a doctor I would be an achievement of a great goal if I could help people never see you as a surgeon for sure and part of that is our daily lifestyle yes what we do in an everyday basis give us your recommendation now this is the culmination of years of hard work and dealing with very desperately ill people what should we be doing on a daily basis you're one two three what do you what do you recommend nothing you want a major problems in the United States is lack of exercise so I think most people need to just walk everybody can walk you don't need a doctor's prescription to do that so then nutritionally we need to all eat better eat more fruits and vegetables and then I know I don't eat six servings of fruits and vegetables so I take a vitamin supplement every day I work 80 to 100 hours a week and so I take vitamin D I take a multivitamin I take omega-3 fatty acids and you know take turmeric and so those are some of the things that I'd take to stay healthy you take turmeric yes I got turmeric tell us your experience with American is an inflammatory you know so you're working as a surgeon I'm operating all day and all night and so surgeons tend to get arthritis and their wrist elbows and knees and back and neck cluster you're under a lot of stress yes you and a lot of stress is a very stressful job so things are my job I think having a great sense of humor trying to get moderate amount of exercise trying to eat right I eat a lot of fish I don't eat a lot of red meat every now and II and I eat shark meat but most things you can avoid just with just little simple things I don't smoke you know don't drink and so just try to live a healthy lifestyle I enjoy being a surgeon but I don't like to be cut on being the patient is not what I signed out for well folks we'll be back after these important messages for the wrap-up [Music] [Applause] may savings time is here again with our annual cancer-free celebration Cindy and I would like to thank you for your continued support of our efforts here at your health television and at bio innovations we understand you must be very careful with your budget so we're offering you the best prices of the year on many of your favorite supplements for the entire month of May and shipping is free on all orders over $50 in the continental US perhaps you've heard about many of these supplements and wondered if they'd help you now's a great time to give them a try doctor Becker's bio nutrients and owning actual skincare are up to 50% off aloha noni and acai are still half price buy the case and many other products you've grown to trust are up to 30% off today is a great time to stock up on your favorites order online at viola Novation's net or call eight eight eight four four two twenty one twenty eight and let us assist you in making the right choices for better health ask about the auto-ship program for additional savings i'm cindy becker and this is your health at a glance are you following a low-fat diet while it's true that too much fat makes us overweight certain types of fat are actually good for us add to your diet omega-3 fats such as fish and flaxseed oil and omega-9 alayich acid found in olive oil and reduced in your diet omega-6 found in corn safflower and peanut oil and saturated fats found in meats and whole milk dairy products studies show those fats can promote inflammation and chronic disease the Mediterranean diet can help you make good choices such as fruits vegetables whole grains lean meats fish olives and olive oil so remember increased Omega 3 and Omega 9 fats reduce omega-6 and saturated fat for your health at a glance I'm Cindy Becker the vitamin D deficiency is at epidemic levels in the United States chances are you aren't getting enough of this essential nutrient vitamin D is one of the most important molecules in the human body it's required for the proper function of nearly 4,000 genes and 1,000 metabolic chemical reactions bio innovations brings you dr. Becker's bio nutrients vitamin d3 now supplementing with vitamin D is safe and affordable studies show that vitamin D deficiency can lead to poor immune function depression cardiovascular disease bone disease diabetes cancer and much more starting supplementing vitamin D today for better health tomorrow bio innovations is the affordable source that you can trust for all your vitamin and supplement AIDS so give us a call at eight eight eight four four two 2128 that's eight eight eight four four two 2128 or order online at bio innovations net your health is brought to you by bio innovations trusted products for your health and well-being we're back everyone dr. Matthews you have a special interest in athletics don't you yes I do what have you learned about how vitamin D can help the athlete well most athletes are vitamin D deficient to Pittsburgh Steelers actually tested their athletes so did two New York Giants and they found out seventy to eighty percent or they're really fashioned of football players were vitamin D deficient you think they'd have access to the best foods and the best nutrition and everything you would think well you have to realize they have helmets on they have long sleeve jerseys pants on and so they're really not exposing most of you have indoor facilities now so they don't get as much sunlight as we think then they found out in this study with the New York Giants and the Pittsburgh Steelers that vitamin D levels less than thirty nanograms per milliliters they actually had more bone fractures or more likely to get cut at shorter careers had more muscle strains more muscle sprain this is amazing as a football fan I watch my favorite players and they're constantly being injured yes they've got to be a paying attention to you yes so as a result I start working basically with my nephew back when using eighth grade and Jordan more he's a senior at LSU now and basically won the Georgia state 5a boys 110 meter high hurdle championship three years in a row so then I start working with his high school football team and so over the last four years we've had 75 guys get scholarships to college to play football of one team so so they're doing well academically and athletically and these kids all big fast strong powerful they get injured very rarely and their biggest problem is like trying to get playing time so there they seem to not be worried about getting the injured or concussion have you noticed that the vitamin D therapy for the athlete does it help them scholastically yes it does actually they're doing will most of these kids in order to be eligible to play college football you have to have a certain ACT test score if certain stat score and a certain GPA so actually the high school football team has a higher graduation rate than the general school that is impressive yeah I think that's like a lady 8% high-school mind/body/spirit yes that's awesome and you credit a significant portion of that divide Mandi yes because over the last five six years they've had four different head coaches so each year they've had a different methods different philosophies and so the only thing that they had consistent was that they had like superior nutrition yeah yeah and the bad thing about this school is most of these kids qualify for free lunch and they don't even have a decent weight room so how do they get to be stronger than most kids you get the weight room that's amazing yeah so what what dose do you give them or do you base it purely on well actually I tell the parents to take the kids to the doctor get them tested and so I do a lot of education with the parents you know you can't talk directly to kids so you have to go through the parents to coaches the school and stuff so I the parents and educate the kids so actually the kids are very sophisticated now they understand I can get a scholarship I can go to school for free and so they've really delved into nutrition their field and smoke drink I do anything else and you are truly doing good work doctor thank you now let's review real quickly there are many of our viewers watching today with multiple health problems vitamin D deficiency is associated with what major health conditions and first I'd like to tell you that vitamin D deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world hands down most common so we cannot solve most healthcare problems until we address this 800-pound it's a good point yeah so we got to do that first yes so what else heart disease what are the conditions heart disease cardiovascular heart attacks congestive heart failure strokes cancer autoimmune diseases there are 17 different varieties of counselors that associated with the vitamin D deficiencies joint pain osteomalacia osteo arthritis so the list just grows longer each and every day well these are the conditions that we're all dealing with yes it is it's the everyday problem yeah and I would recommend that I which person get your vitamin D level check the least one time most people are surprised that their vitamin D levels are so low and even among the physician population he thinks since they eat you know expensive food bakes and all of it vitamin D vitamin D oh and milk is milk 100 units per glass yeah drink a lot of milk and most people will lactose-intolerant drink it and so you only get 10% of vitamin D from your diet and 90% of it comes from the Sun striking the skin because I remember when I was in medical school that my nutritionist said if you three healthy meals a day you could be healthy I was like how can you be healthy when 90 percent of vitamin D comes from the Sun and not your diet dr. Matthews thank you so much for joining us today if I have him you know you didn't even go into the operating room today but you helped people like and I thank you for that very much and if I remember in a car wreck I hope I'm in Atlanta and this man is on duty thank you thank you very much thank you we see you folks bye-bye bye-bye who is mom mom knows the art of playing games she can open things she has the ability to translate to your on top she believes in us and our dreams moms just do awesome everyday ordinary things this week on our Jewish roots we examine the life of Paul who went from persecutor to evangelist for Jesus the Messiah we follow his missionary journeys as he traveled throughout the Roman Empire and then dr. Jeffrey Seif examines Paul's divinely inspired letters to the early church congregations watch for
Channel: Ben Callihan
Views: 1,691
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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