Dr Joseph Tsai’s Thank You Address & Words of Wisdom 蔡崇信博士箴言 : 勿忘施教 成就他人

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[Music] I declare this congregation open [Applause] with legal and investment management knowledge and expertise mr. chai helped arrange a series of transactions that turned the startup into a ecommerce and technology power [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] professor Frederick MA and members of the council president professor Stephen Chung and staff graduates parents and Friends of the education University of Hong Kong it is my great honor to stand here to give a few words of thanks for the honorary Doctorate degree you're bestowing upon my fellow conferees and also myself I am sure that Professor Edward Chan Professor Christopher day mr. Lang Kong Hong Kong dr. pan yokai are just as grateful as I am for your recognition however I cannot guarantee that I can be as eloquent as they are in expressing gratitude for such a meaningful honor and I'm extremely proud to stand in front of you on the platform together with a very distinguished group of educators business leaders and intellectuals I don't think I deserve this when council chairman professor Frederick MA asked me to speak at your graduation Congregation I immediately accepted the invitation even before he told me that I would be receiving an honorary Doctorate degree I jumped at the opportunity to establish a closer connection with you the graduates of this university which is focused on educating teachers of the future why am I so excited to do this well 19 years ago I walked into a modest second-floor apartment in Hangzhou China and that visit changed my life I met a great teacher by the name of Jack Ma and he's sitting here among the audience [Applause] and thank you jack for coming here to support all the recipients the students and this great university thank you I not only met him but also his disciples who were his students from University who followed him to star Alibaba and later these students became great teachers in their own right Alibaba is a story of teachers it is a story of teachers who became leaders it's a story of leaders who begot more leaders because they were teachers you must be curious about how this happened so here's the story we went from humble beginnings in 1999 to being one of the late largest technology companies in the world today as our business became more complex as we scale our operations for hundreds to thousands of tens of thousands of people we began to realize that we couldn't just add more people to handle all that growth we must train them so who is going to do that all of that training and mentoring the tendency was to delegate this work to our human resources department but then we'd realized that people development was the job of the business leader not the HR person that was when we started to appreciate that the qualities of a teacher are common to sound leadership in business that is we began to realize that good teachers make great business leaders well you say oh yeah I get it big bosses always evaluate their people ranking them from best to worse and as a teacher this is what I do to my students as well all the time I grade them from best to worst well leadership is a lot more than grading and ranking your people there are three things about teachers that stand out to me first good teachers are good communicators through communication they connect with students not only enrich their minds but also touch their hearts as a business leader if you want to lead a company you have to clearly communicate well excuse me not only communicate but evangelize the company's mission vision and values to your employees a company without clear direction without a strong moral compass from its leaders will be rudderless with employees drifting off in different directions and ultimately failing in either execution or upholding ethical standards or both second good teachers care about developing their students and they're willing to spend the time and effort to make their students better in a business you're constantly looking to improve the capabilities of your talent base the leaders who pay attention and invest personal time to develop their people who achieve more because with the support of a better team you can scale your business to new heights and third good teachers have that innate sense of humility in them they're eager to see their students become more successful than they are in Chinese we say change who you land the students has moved on to achieve greater heights career success and the teacher is thrilled to see that because they enjoy the fruits of what they sow in a business you want your leaders to have a sense of humility I call it in Chinese Shanghai which is best translated into English by Jack Welch another Jack he's the legendary chairman and CEO of General Electric in his memoir it's the Bible of business management books Jack Welch said great a people hire other great a people great be people hire great see people in other words you want your leaders to be able to hire people who are smarter and better than they are organizations improve only when you have leaders who possess the self-awareness and humility to identify and give young smart people the opportunities to shine develop young people and then step aside true leadership is about never taking credit for the success of your team by the same token when great teachers are asked to explain the secrets of their success in developing great students they will say all they did was to in lock the potential in their students we live in a very complex and challenging world it is a world full of frustration discontent the tre war may last for a long time as you walk out the gates of this institution you will be faced with unprecedented challenges but there are reasons to be option optimistic I am optimistic about your future because you possess the talent to lift up others especially our younger generation which is so important to the future of our society I'd like you to remember no matter what profession you end up in your talent as a teacher that is your good communication skills your eagerness to develop people and your humility to let your students exceed you these traits were always being being great demand so my final word of advice is don't forget to teach whether it is your students or your employees or your children always seize that teaching moment to make others better by making others better you will make yourself better thank you for giving this opportunity to share this with you thank you very much [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Education University of Hong Kong
Views: 9,324
Rating: 4.9327731 out of 5
Keywords: EdUHK, Joseph Tsai, Alibaba, 香港教育大學, 教大, 蔡崇信, 阿里巴巴
Id: wys6FRJeNm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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