The Joe Dispenza Story .avi

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and so I was about ten miles into the race and I was coming to a corner and there was a cadet standing facing me and he was waving me on to make this turn and there were two bikers on the corner that I was coming around to pass and he was waving me like this well what I didn't know that there was traffic on this road and he was telling me that just keep going keep going and as I made the turn and past these two bikers here comes a four-wheel-drive vehicle from behind it and eats my bicycle and then tries to eat me and so I got catapulted out of my bike and landed pretty hard on the ground and the moment I landed on the ground I knew I was in trouble and so they took me to the hospital and went through a series of you know cat scans and x-rays and found out that I had broken six vertebrae in my my spine and when you land really hard on your butt the weight of the compression from the force takes vertebrae there are columns and it pancakes them so the vertebrae were compressed and the very top one from the way I landed was the most compressed it was more than 60% compressed and we take a volume of mass and you flatten it the the the matters gotta go somewhere so the bone fragments went back on my spinal cord and the arch that contained the spinal cord was was fractured also so when they when they showed me the x-rays and they showed me that I had compression fractures I wasn't too worried about it until they showed me that one vertebrae and they showed me the bone fragments on the spinal cord and I was in incredible pain and a lot of sensory changes going on in my body so the recommendation at the time was a radical surgery called Harrington rod surgery because obviously you knew exactly what was going on because is your profession right and and and I had seen several surgeon Harrington rod surgeries and basically what they do is they make a long incision along the spine they put these stainless steel rods mounted to the backs of the vertebrae but they cut off the whole entire backsides of the vertebrae and they screw these long stainless steel rods in there and then they take bone fragments from your hip and they paste it over the top and they hope for the best well the purpose of those is to stabilize those bone fragments so my my Harrington rods would go from the base of my neck to the base of my spine would cover pretty much my whole entire spine and you know after I got the first opinion I thought well there's got to be another way so then we called in a neurosurgeon after the orthopedic surgeon left and he pretty much said the same exact thing as the first surgeon so I went one of my friends came from from Hawaii and sat with me and we said we got a move to San Diego back to where I live so he went to Scripps hospital and immediately met by another surgeon who said you know he was one of those guys that was handsome together he was the hospital director medical director and he was adamant he said we have to get you on the operating table today and the reason being is the longer you wait the body starts doing the healing process and the calcium strings of calcium fiber start to form to mend the broken bones and he said looks and I said well why can't rush into this he said listen you have about 24 to 48 hours to make your decision if you wait too long then we have to do a radical surgery where he cut you open from the front and the back and he said I don't recommend that because it's a high mortality rate so you know I think the worst of human suffering is indecision you know when you don't so all my friends were there and there were physicians in alternative health practitioners and acupuncturist nutritionists chiropractors medical physicians they're all standing around the table with me and and you know when you're in trouble when your friends pat you on the shoulder and they say we know you'll make the right choice because what that really translates into is I'm so glad I'm not you yeah so they all you know filed out of the room and as I sat down I thought you literally completely aligned with making these decisions yeah I was alone yeah and so I started to think about living with a stainless steel rod in my spine probably living in pain and spending the rest of my life trying you know to get off medications to take the pain away so I thought well maybe one more opinion from one more search and so the next day another surgeon comes in and he says look we don't have to put 12 inch stainless steel rods in your spine we can put eight inch stings steel rods in your spine we can keep him in for a year and then take them out and put four inch stainless steel rods in your spine and this man was a gigantic man he was about 62 or 63 and he was probably 300 pounds and I said to him well doc don't you think that those stainless steel rods would limit mobility and my thoracic spine and he looked at me he said don't worry there's no mobility in your thoracic spine the moment he said that it just it just caught my attention because I had been teaching yoga and martial arts for many years in Southern California and I had a lot of movement in my thoracic spine and I looked at him and I saw that he had no movement in his thoracic spine and in that moment I realized that I probably knew as much about the spine as he did and it was the wrong decision and my father who was a simple man just said to the doctor hey he knows exactly what he's doing don't worry and so then I left I left the hospital and I thought now I have to create a game plan if I'm going to heal this body of mine and so the principle that I lived by at the time was the simple saying the power that made the body heals the body and I kept saying it to myself the power that made the body heal somebody and I started thinking about that innate intelligence that keeps our heart beating and digests our food and creates such magnificent order in our body and at the same time Marcus traits so many functions and gives us life that most people never take the time to really acknowledge and um a lot of the principles in alternative healing have to do with trusting that innate intelligence it's run practice principle but it's a principle in acupuncture it's a principle that there's a life force that is a giver of life that has an intelligence it's a conscious intelligence mm-hmm and that it orchestrates so many functions that happen on the subconscious level now I also was licensed and and certified as a hypnotherapist that I had studied while I was in school many hours of hypnotherapy and had a private practice and I saw amazing things when I work with people from healing of rashes to stop smoking to the addictions to a sexual dysfunction I saw amazing things in just the power of the subconscious mind was a very real thing for me because I saw that when people tapped into it it could do things that the conscious mind couldn't do no I didn't have many experiences of that I had seen the experiences and I had counseled people to them to have their transformations but it wasn't really real for me so this was the moment in my life in where I had to take everything that I intellectually and philosophically understood and see if I applied it to my life if I could produce results as well no I understand that's a very it's a kind of a unique moment because it usually takes tragedy I think for us to to get to that point er takes trauma for us to can't go on businesses usual desperation again right motivation yeah yeah and pain 90 so I knew the power of the subconscious mind I had seen it I believed in that intelligence that gives life to the body and I was young enough and simple enough and at the same time fearless enough to be willing to roll the dice yeah and so I said to myself if I know that the intelligence will heal my body right now but it will only heal it equal to the genetic orders that it's been templated or given to it so I knew that the compression fractures would heal as crumble broken bones that I made face paralysis because that was the diagnosis and so I thought if I could make contact with this intelligence if I could direct it if I could give it some orders if I could give it a signal or a message and then get out of the way maybe it would do the healing for me because it obviously takes care of so many other functions so I was asking it to go to the next level now the beauty behind this is that I wasn't distracted by my life anymore there was no longer any people to take care of there wasn't any training I wasn't running or swimming or biking I wasn't running a practice or teaching yoga or martial arts and I went from 100 miles an hour to zero and so my thought was I'm not going to let any thought go by unchecked that I would want to create as a future all my friends around me were saying sell your practice you know get some get rid of it right now I was doing very well you and I listen to all of them a nice and I said no if I sell my practice that means then that I'm I have a doubt that I'm gonna walk again yeah so I did everything as if I was going to do just fine and they told me you know that if without the surgery that I have to wear a body cast from my chin to my hips and wear it every day of my life for at least a year and then maybe maybe I do well and so six months of laying facedown three to six months laying facedown is six months of wearing a body brace was pretty much the hopeful you know diagnosis and prognosis so I spent 2 hours a day in the morning in 2 hours a day in the evening reconstructing my spine and I wanted to create a perfect picture a perfect model for this mind to get what I wanted now you never know how distracted your mind is until you're left with yourself and so in the beginning my mind was wandering to all my fears and it was distracted from too many different they was lying down face down face again you were lying face down it couldn't do any collision to radio something like yeah and I can turn my head and you know you would left really just what was going on your mind yeah and I very humbling also to be to be a 26 year old kid who's driving foreign sports cars and being successful in the next thing you know facing a very very different life ahead of him so two hours a day morning and evening I would reconstruct my spine and it was perfect it was a it was in it with the intention that I wanted this subconscious mind to know what I wanted now if my mind wandered to some extraneous thought I would start all over again yeah and and and in the beginning was very tedious and very frustrating but what happened was the more I did it the easier it got its my meditation with people that have tried meditation and you start your mind one is and the whole thing is bringing it back bringing it back bracing the person it was it was well it's the exact single-minded process and meditation and so what I didn't know that when I was doing it that the more you do anything neurologically it causes nerve cells to wire together so I was creating a new network of neurons to reflect my future what I wanted and the more I did it the easier it got and then there came a day where I was able to do it all the way through without being distracted and then was it started to get I could was able to do it in less time and I was able to do it clearly and when I finished it for the first time without being distracted the best way I could describe it it was like hitting a tennis ball in the sweet spot it was like hitting a golf ball right on the nose of the driver it was a solid complete single solid feeling in the moment that that happened I knew that something had a fella like something happened now I continue doing that and as I continue doing it it got easier and easier so I was doing it in less time so then I started thinking about doing things I'd love to do like sit up and eat lunch use the restroom you know sit on the toilet like yeah like watch the sunset do that I was contained and so what I didn't know that I was doing at the time is that I was rehearsing mentally and preparing my body for the experience ahead of the actual experience that my brain in mind were changing and my body was changing as a result of my internal process and there's enough research now to show that that's in fact absolutely possible and so when you were doing at the time you'll go to the Pioneer because you once you had a feeling this was going to work and you had the kind of momentum was building but you weren't absolutely sure or were you were you sure it was going to take you to full recovery um no I wasn't but in what I started to happen was as I started to do this more and more my pain started changing and my sensory changes started um beginning to become more normal and the moment I started to notice that my body started changing I made the immediate association with what was happening inside of me with what was happening outside of me and the moment I made that connection I was I became very very passionate at being I just knew that I was on to something yeah and so I had people coming like hands on my back and I had other things going on I you know I I did a lot of different things but to finish the story um uh in ten weeks I was ten and a half weeks I was back on my feet and and then back in my practice and in twelve eleven weeks or so and training again at twelve weeks and back to my normal life and
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Views: 51,323
Rating: 4.8320613 out of 5
Keywords: AVS4You
Id: wpqVezKradg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2012
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