Dr Henry Wright Oakwood University I have proof

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praise the Lord everybody there we go strike three please [Music] well what a joy to find leaning on the everlasting arms [Music] blessedness what a piece is mine leaning on the everlasting arms I'm safe and secure from all arms yes I'm leaning I'm the leaning on me ever the sting oh no this is the part I like what have I to dread what have I to fear leaning on the everlasting arms I have blessed peace with my lord so near that's because I'm leaning on the everlasting come on sing it if you know it said I'm Lee I'm Lea I'm safe and secure from all arms yes I'm leaning I'm leaning on you Jesus I'm me leaning une bière Steve oh my [Music] Oh [Music] thank you guys [Music] thank you [Music] come on one more time Saints said aye me I'm Lee you know that we're safe and we're secure from all arms yes I'm Lea I'm leaning on you Jesus I'm me thank you God leaning on the air Oh [Music] god bless you good evening as kind of pitiful I said good evening leaning on the everlasting arms somebody ought to kick out an amen that's what we have in Jesus his precious prevailing strength in our lives can I get a witness tonight I'm very happy along with the rest of you to be here the Brethren have been very kind to me dr. Carson that they have invited me several times over the past five years I've not been able to come because of schedule and they've honored me by persisting I'm glad to be here tonight this is a wonderful tradition is it not one for which we can be proud and I I take some joy past a burden the fact that the very first one 26 years ago I was a presenter and I'm glad to see the tradition has continued the Brethren wanted me to say a word about prophecy the prophetic utterance this unique golden cord of Scripture that separates it from all other books you should have said amen it is prophecy I say again it is prophecy that separates the Bible from all other good books for in prophecy god sets himself aside from the authors of all other literature it is one thing to write sweet words another depend poetry of outstanding mental tint elation but when you can say on Wednesday was going to take place on the next Friday and it take place exactly the way you say that's a whole nother level of literature I'll say Amen for you when you can grab right now and talk about right now standing on right now and see the next decade as clear as a bell and say thus saith the Lord and when the Lord gets done speaking you can just write it down if he says rain five hundred years from now then on that morning get up with your umbrella cuz God has declared I'm just gonna talk about it a little bit but you can't help but get excited when you recognize you have this powerful tool in your hand you can look through the windows and see tomorrow prophecy seventh-day adventists people I don't mean to insult anybody else but seventh-day adventists people ought to be people who understand and preach with courage the prophecies of the Bible and in my age 41 years of ministry now 63 years old still as happy as a lark in the Lord's work you couldn't pay me to do anything else but I'm getting a little agitated because in these days when God has already tickled our minds by 911 mines by tsunamis tickled our minds by allowing half the world's population to watch the funeral of one man and the Bible begin to say in my head the whole world shall wonder after that in such times as these that Adventist preachers are pulling out yellow notes and preaching old kinds of stuff when the fresh news of the prophecies of God's Word ought to be filling our pulpits and some of this junk we're preaching ought to be constants set aside and we ought to be preaching stuff that's leading people to the ways of God trying to sound like the boys and the other churches and wrapped up in style and trying to moan and grunt like the rest of the Brethren when God has given you a clear word he's given this church an insight he has given us the telescope we can walk bravely through the chapters of daniel and revelation and we don't have to apologize because god has given us this insight and we ought to be preaching it and not boring our people with social light sermons that have nothing to do with nothing [Applause] now that's all free it's not in the notes at all just the books of Daniel revelations summon us to the quarters of their pages the books of Daniel revelation wave a red flag at our saying he that shall come will come in will not tarry can you see him can you hear the angel's wings already do you see Orion getting fatter and wider so thousands times ten thousands can pass through can't you hear Gabriel's trumpet blowing already [Music] that's what you ought to be preaching and so I've gone back to these books Daniel and revelation on preaching and my morning service Daniel to my afternoon service revelation and then studying last day events on Wednesday night just but you see preachers I want to be ready see unfortunately on that day despite of churches built and souls baptized and tithes raid and in gathering city and and message magazine subscriptions sent out God Ingo asked you nothing about that on Judgment Day [Music] he wants to know have you been true to your calling so I've been back in Daniel revelation and of course you realize these books are husband and wife Daniel 12 nine says that the book when finished was sealed until the time then revelation 22 10 says now everything is open the two books are full of Jesus and full of Jesus Daniel - he he shows up riding on a rock that fills the whole earth Daniel 3 he Hobnobs with sinners in a furnace cooling it by his very presence you've preached it Daniel 5 he shows up with a hand he just writes on a wall what's gonna happen that night and it does and Daniel 7 we see Christ moving before the Father remember that vision Son of Man coming before the father a depiction of the of the judgment to come Daniel 9 he is predicted in the closing verses of that chapter Daniel 10 Christ is seen resting against the Prince of Persia making sure that things come out just the way God said they would and then in Daniel 12 he just stands up you know that's a bad brother when you just write a Texas says and when Michael stands up you know that's really an on and uneventful event but but when God stands up it produces the text of Scripture come on y'all [Applause] revelation 1 he's in the midst of the candlesticks revelation 3 he's knocking at the door we'll be back there in a minute revelation 5 he's Christ the lamb and in Revelation six he's Christ coming revelation 7 the lamb in the midst of the throne revelation 10 Christ with the little book that must be eaten by the church sweet to the taste but bitter to the stomach Revelation 12 he's the little boy born and the devil waits on him revelation 14 the lamb with the hundred and forty-four thousand revelation 19 cry triumphant in revelation 22 Christ still coming these books are the unveiling of the salvation of Jesus are you listening to me I I want to try something on you this evening my subject is I have proof I have proof will you listen to me for 30 minutes let's pray father it's your moment amen I believe with all my heart that we need to be preaching the book of Revelation and Daniel from a restoration standpoint what word did I say rest or I say it again we ought to be brother King investigating Daniel revelation from the standpoint of restoration now the restoring sister Brooks of what what are we restoring well one need only read the first three chapters of the book of Revelation to understand why restoration is necessary you recall you recall that those first three chapters unveiled the seven churches have you preached on those recently seven churches Ephesus the church that lost its love if you study the history of Ephesus the city actually died because too much mud accumulated in the harbor so Ephesus died because it had too much dirt I thought I had preachers in this room ephesus moves to smyrna but when the church loses love then the Lord sends it through smyrna or the period of pain and testing and trial and a good subject for Smyrna is no pain no gain and you talk about how that the Lord in all of his love for us will always do whatever is necessary to save us even to bring us down with pain and misery and trial you've preached it haven't you but every Christian in the church every believer is either in Ephesus stage or a Smyrna stage or pargana stage of compromise of five Tyrus stage Tyra Terra reaches the point where Jezebel is sitting in the church preach that talk about that and talk about the fact that when you get to the 25th verse in Thyatira that in spite of the fact that the church has reached the point where Jezebel abides and the pews God says in the 25th verse I see something there we're saving oh shoot yo tell your members that no matter how low they go and how rough it gets in how far away they may they may get from God that even after the board votes God still sees something we're saving tell your people I just want to talk about it a little bit and then you go to Sardis the almost church if you live in fire Tyra long enough you don't come right back you do a Sardis you get almost back Jesus was upset with that church and complained to them that that you've not yet gone as far as I want you to go because you see Reformation starts in Sardis and Reformation is not complete in your life until it goes as far as God wants it to go they move from there to Philadelphia the time of 1844 when the church thought Christ was coming and prepared themselves talk to you Saints about that period what happens to people when they really believe the Lord is coming talk about how they sold their houses and and divided up their crops and and got rid of their and got rid of their material goods tell your people how they made up with one another how the pews became sweet and pure how people act when they believe that Jesus is coming preach on that but in Laodicea see that phrase in the Greek I will spew out of my mouth sister Bradford that's a terrible word that word has to do with vomiting the church has reached the point of such a hypocritical stage that it makes me up Chunk says Jesus I've not forgotten what I'm talking about restoration by the time you get to the end of the seven churches now watch me in Revelation 1 Jesus is seen standing in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks have you preached that he's in the church by the time you get to the end of Revelation 3 Jesus is standing outside the church knocking trying to get in and the Bible says if any man hear my voice ho he's not just knocking he's calling to the church but the music is so loud and the gossip is so strong and the malice between members has become so potently visible and they're so concerned with holding their offices and the pastor about moving to the next largest Church they cannot hear Jesus calling and so he must knock and call and the Greek says I have been knocking and I have been calling [Music] now John is an old man my subject is restoration restoration I'm dealing with that I have proof that's my subject I have proof I'm looking for some evidence by the time you get to the end of revelation 3 the church is in a bad state and the question that now Rises who shall be saved now you need to understand ladies and gentlemen preachers and prelates that the history of the human race in the Bible it's not good I challenge you Bible scholars tonight find me one text in the Bible that praises mankind I'll sit down here Mitch and wait on you there's none there's not a text in the Bible where God says we're wonderful why are you getting so quiet their texts that say he's wonderful their texts that say he's powerful there's texts that say he's loving but there's no text that says we're lovable and this is why the Bible is really it ain't about us it's about him and when you preach prophecy you're preaching God's predicted response to man's awfulness unacceptable though we be and inconsistent though we are the Bible is full of God's determination and when you read prophecy and you finally see the number which no man can number standing on the sea of glass you're not seeing man's goodness you're seeing God's determination to save some garbage from the garbage and so at the end of chapter chapter 3 the church is in bad shape and and John needs a lift see John has read the Bible he knows that the human race I mean a perfect man Adam sinned the best that the ant eluvians had Noah got drunk the father of the faithful Abraham would lie at the drop of a hat Judah from whom Christ lion came had sex with his own daughter-in-law whom he thought was a both these words in the Bible don't get upset I'm just these birds in the Bible the word is in the Bible it's a Bible word just like ass asses in the Bible don't get me started now the best we have I mean even Elijah Elijah who stood with courage and pomp you see on the tops of Carmel and called down fire in the name of God ran like a rabbit from a woman now I'm listing the best we have yeah this is faith Hall of Fame Moses don't mess with Moses had a temper would knock your head off and put you in the sand and bury you I'm talking about the best we got but I have please see the problem is when when you talk about Adam and you read the fall of man and in Genesis 3 you you you you you find verse 8 saying and the Lord God came down in the evening and the cool of the day and which well and the picture that the picture that is painted is that there was a time when man had face to face communion with God are you listening to me there was a time when God came down and would talk to Adam about my eyeballs worked would explain to him how the phalanges and the metatarsals were linked to the back to the body and how the patella and the femur bones were the strongest in the body he explained God and Adam talked face-to-face about how the eardrum worked and at how flowers open up in the process of photosynthesis Adam and God had face to face communion but sin came in I'm talking about restoration and even though after that time we had many good folks come along they they could not look God in the eye because God is a consuming fire to sin and it didn't get any better by the time my brother you get down to David the best King David was the best King I said David was the best king we could come up with lyin cheatin wife stealing David was the best King we had and then the almost best King Solomon I wonder how he handled his gift list around Christmas time these are the best and you need to preach out of Revelation and say to the people that it's the condition of man that makes God so great it's our lowness that makes him so high it's our unlovable Ness that makes him so loving it's the distance between me and God that makes him a bridge over troubled water it's not about us it's about God and so in Revelation 4 John needs a lift I wish the Saints would stay with me he needs a lift the church is in bad shape lay the sea is dripping all over the church and hypocrisy is running through the church and John needs some encouragement because right now he cannot imagine that anybody even in the church is going to be saved oh he remembers that he not went up but nobody knows where he recalls that that that John saw a Moses and Elijah on Mount Transfiguration but he's not sure where they came from thought my John's perspective now he doesn't know what he knows is is that the face to face communion has been broken and then in Revelation 4 turn there revelation 4 yeah I ought to use the Bible once before I shut up revelation 4 lookee yonder after this I had looked and behold now notice the transitions I love the drama of the Bible you see Jackie at the end of Revelation 3 Jesus is standing outside knocking if any man will hear my voice I'll come in and sup with him it's a bad scene and suddenly like a good movie there's a transition and now the camera gets away from Earth and aims straight up to Orion and the Bible says behold a door was opened in heaven somebody ought to say Amen see when things aren't going good get your mind off your bills and look at the bill payer yeah yeah yeah when you and your family is falling apart get your mind off your home and and remember the family of God know that the god you serve has already specialized in human mess he's not intimidated by it even your limping half-stepping ministry sometimes does not does not intimidate God he just goes on and uses you anyhow some of us know we're not living right get in the pulpit and the Holy Ghost comes down on you and your peach like a house set afire don't think for one minute because you suddenly turn good because God is good and you the best thing he's got to use that day so he goes on and use you in the house somebody say it man after somebody gets up and walks down the aisle joins your church your life's not right don't think you suddenly have died and become an angel because six folk join your church one Sabbath God just decided this is the best thing I got to work with I got six souls here let me use this luncheon they grow and get these people down this aisle so John so John is got a few minutes left now brother and John John John is see he's seen looking up but as he looks see I have proof as he looks he sees God he sees the throne he sees the Jasper he sees the rainbow he sees the emerald color then verse four and round about the throne were four and 20 seats now the seats around the throne oh shoot yo the seats now the only thing closer is on the throne but there twenty four seats John saw I got proof hey there round the throne now all of a sudden I'm caught up with John who in the world is this verse ten the four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne and worship Him that liveth forever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory sounds good they singing they singing but I need to know who they are I got to keep reading I got to go to chapter five and the scene opens further and in verse nine it tells me what the singing and they sang a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals therefore thou was slain and hast redeemed Oh boss so there's a redeemed folk here singing us now my mind is greater than us lose us to God by thy blood out of every lord have mercy lord have mercy every kindred tongue people and nation there folks up there I'll shoot y'all there's folks up there yet as folks from down here but they're people who walk down here or up there people who once we're in sin and like sin and love sin and did sin and smelled sin and ate sin and drinks in have something has happened down inside of them and they've reached the point where now they can sit and look God in the eye hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I got proof I got proof that you can make it and that I can make it now that's 24 I don't know that means 24 Nations there 24 days I don't know what that means I really could care less about the number I just know that now I got hope because people who used to be where I live who came forward from where I have struggled and people like you are now sitting in the presence of God I got proof that helps my spirit now makes me want to keep on reading in Revelation and now I'm in the seventh chapter and the number now is 144,000 and they're also standing around the throne I got proof the number has grown from 24 to 144,000 still a tight number still squeezin still hard to make it in but I'm inspired now to keep on reading and I've gotten to the ninth chapter and I see a number which no man can number standing on the sea of us standing by the throne of God I got proof [Applause] [Music] if that word bless your heart come on let's sing together redeemed how I love to proclaim it redeemed by the blood redeemed to His infinite mercy [Music] his child and come on redeem redeem [Music] sweetie [Music] rady is child and for this is a serious moment our people are struggling folks they have children who have been captured by the internet our young people are more educated but more irreverent young couples of our church are bound with the disease of materialism there's a smaller percentage of them returning tithe to the church and the Adventist ministry must meet the challenge with fervent deeply studied incisively applicable and inspiring ly effective preaching of the Bible we have a sure word of prophecy I said we have a sure word of prophecy nobody can preach this stuff like we can preach it nobody nobody dog it can unfold those seven seals and explain those seven trumpets and and break down those seven churches nobody nobody and our people need to hear that stuff but you can make it inspiring and spiritual you can tell the people that that these are not strange books but they're practical books and you can get in there and dig at it and and work with it and and pump it in and go back and pray and cry unto God for understanding walking the pulpit on Sabbath was something really to say I ain't talking about no Friday night foolishness now I'm talking about you at least started on Sunday morning and worked on that thing on Monday morning and they got hot on Tuesday morning and began to it began to sizzle on Wednesday morning and by thirds it was so hot you could hardly hold the notes and by the time Sabbath morning comes you like a horse waiting for the bell to ring and yet you cannot keep silent because God has grabbed ahold of your heart that's what I'm talking about don't salt the Lord by saying you don't have anything to preach on Sabbath you ought to slap your own face if you say that the Bible is deep rich but every page eats out Jesus every taxes got some Jesus in it and in these days and times of fogey there so my appeal my appeal to us is to recommit ourselves to true seventh-day adventists preaching that's my appeal that we make up our minds that some stuff we won't be spending any time on because our people don't have time for it and if you're not a preacher and you're in this congregation and you just want to recommit yourself to to to this message it's a powerful message I mean sometimes on Sabbath I just can't wait I just can't wait stop lemon area coming out sing to him fast cut the 10 minute gospel song down to five minutes let me get up and run with Jesus in the pulpit but you got to study you got to dig you got to pray you got to cry because every sermon you preach cuts you up first remember you're the biggest problem in your sermon a sinner saved by grace and God condescends to come down on Henry right ugly and and and unclean as I he comes down on me and and electrifies me and my eyes burned with fire and my voice trembles with anticipation and my body's electrocuted by the power of the gospel and he uses me one more time you've got to be committed to that for 41 years I've been doing it sometimes belongs 8 so bad like the Rican now that's why I said I oh my god bad long Joe and the older I get the worse they get but if God just gives me 20 minutes to preach I'll give him all I got one day I will not be able to open this voice in preach and I know it but as long as he gives me power and strengths I will preach like a man who believes in the God that has saved him so if you will stand with me and commitment to this adventist face come on y'all get on up off your feet cuz I got proof tonight I got proof we going in did you see it we going in bird come on man we going in you're a fine young pastor the gospel don't preach yourself and be a castaway lead them in don't follow him and lead them in but if it gets rough and you gotta follow him in just get in [Music] your heads are bowed your eyes are closed my good friend Marie don't want you to come up here and pray for us mer and I started together in Mississippi pray Marie that we'll be committed to this message as believers as preachers that will preach it and live it with all our strength pray for us bow Heavenly Father we have heard our joyful sound Jesus saying to the utmost Jesus Saves alas and did my Savior bleed and did my servant die would he devote that sacred head for such a worm as I Lord were just so glad we are not left alone here in this meeting hopeless invalids and orphans but Lord by your grace and through the word that was spoken tonight we hear that you have taken us and put your arms around us you have adopted us and called us to be sons of God Lord tonight first we ask that you would forgive us forgive us of our sins our mistakes or have been caught up in stupidity and foolishness but Lord tonight we are standing because we have are responding to that which is most beautiful the love of God it does not get up here what we shall be we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him lord thank you for this beautiful gospel that were heard tonight the gospel of restoration the gospel of peace to our wayfaring souls thank you for Henry right your servant that your blessing continue to be upon him and keep him and his love as long as you see fit and bless us tonight in this beautiful symposium these workshops let us Laure tonight's as we stand recommit ourselves to the three angels messages are not some foolish opinions but let it be based on the Word of God which lives and abides forever thank you so much and help us Lord to know that every time we stand in the pulpit somebody is being drawn closer to God thank you again for Jesus thank you for the Holy Spirit who is called us tonight and thank you for the message we heard this evening in the precious name of Jesus we ask it all everybody said
Channel: John Sconiers
Views: 15,153
Rating: 4.8252425 out of 5
Keywords: Oakwood university Preaching, Oakwood Univeristy, preaching, PELC, Henry wright, Evangelism Conference, Oakwood, Adventist Preaching, Oakwood University Preaching, Adventist, black preaching, SDA, Oakwood university, Oakwood University, Black Preaching, Preaching
Id: A44ZM_3bTaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 20sec (2780 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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