Dr. Frank Turek - Christians are Hypocrites!

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let me ask you this what is the one thing that most people dislike about christians hypocrisy you say one thing and yet you do another and you're very judgmental some would even say you're bigoted and you're always trying to impose your values on other people and that's wrong so they're going to point the finger at you if you're a christian and say those things in fact christopher hitchens whom i had the opportunity to debate a couple of times in fact christopher hitchens was a brilliant british atheist and he sounded more brilliant than he was because he had a british accent and he wrote this book god is not great how religion poisons everything and at one point he said this he said i am absolutely convinced that religion is the main source of hatred in this world hey we get an amen for that is religion the main sort of hatred or the main source of hatred in this world that's what hitchens and many others are saying of course hitchens tragically passed away about 10 years ago but he still has cohorts that say these things in fact when somebody points his or her finger at you and says you're judgmental you're bigoted you're putting your values and imposing them on other people they have just given you evidence for god say well how can that be in fact this is i was just talking to pastor chip this morning that what we're going to talk about is one of the most powerful arguments for the existence of god and chip and i are in agreement that the one i'm going to talk about tonight is probably the most powerful now for those of you that have been here longer than a year i've been here before and we talked about three arguments for a theistic god that's a god who's beyond the world who created the world and sustains the world and the three arguments that we talk about quite a bit particularly on college campuses is the first is known as the cosmological argument it comes from the beginning of the universe cosmos is a greek word meaning world or universe and it says if the universe had a beginning it must have had a beginner now even atheists are admitting the universe had a beginning the second argument we talked about last time we were here was the fact that the universe and life is designed this is known as the teleological argument telos is a greek word meaning designer purpose and it says if there's design in the universe and design in life you there has to be a designer now we've covered this before and there's scientific evidence behind these two arguments the third argument is not scientific in nature it's more philosophical yet it's the argument that all of you have known since you were a very small child it's the argument from morality known as the moral argument and it says if there's one thing morally wrong out there just one like it's wrong to be judgmental or it's wrong to be bigoted or it's wrong to be a hypocrite or it's wrong to torture babies for fun or it's wrong to kill six million jews in a holocaust then there has to be a god why because if there is no god if there is no standard beyond humanity then everything is just a matter of personal opinion it would be just your opinion against a baby torturer's opinion or your opinion against hitler's opinion well we know these things aren't just a matter of opinion it's not just my opinion that torturing babies for fun is wrong or that murdering people is wrong if that's the case there must be a standard beyond us that's represented by god's nature and anything that deviates from god's nature is what we would call evil so what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at the moral argument now you got to admit it was worth coming out here tonight just to see god do that wasn't it in fact some of you are saying i've never seen god move oh really check this out all right in order to talk about this argument let's start with football how do you know that your quarterback throwing a touchdown is better than your quarterback throwing an interception how do you know that it's not just the rules what do you have to know about the game you have to know the purpose of the game if there's no purpose to the game you can't say a touchdown gets you closer to the purpose and an interception takes you further away from the purpose unless you know what the purpose is right without purpose you can't say here's a good play and here's a bad play the same thing is true in life you can't say here's the right way to live life or the wrong way to live life unless there's a purpose to life and there's no purpose to life you can't say one way is living of living is better than another they're just different and without god there is no purpose to life it's just your opinion against someone else's opinion now think about football for a second the purpose and the rules of the game come from outside the game when a team couple teams show up to play football they're not making up the rules the rules come from someplace else in this case the commissioner and the owners get together they decide what the rules are so when the team show up to play the rules and the purpose that's already been set now football is an arbitrary game right there could be different rules and they do change them every now and then okay but the point here is is that the purpose comes from outside the game the rules come from outside the game the same thing is true in life we don't make up the rules of life we discover the rules of life we don't make up the purpose of life we discover the purpose of life if there's nothing outside of us you can't say something is ultimately good or bad or right or wrong here's another way of looking at it how can you discover who's right and who's wrong mother teresa for those of you that are a little bit younger might not know who she was she was a catholic nun who served the poor most of her life in the streets of calcutta india she was trying to do good of course adolf hitler the murderous dictator of world war ii murdered millions of people but how can you discover who's right and who's wrong well let me ask you this how do you know which map of scotland is better is it map a or is it map b what would you need to see in order to know which map was better this is the interactive portion of the program what would you have to see you would have to see a real unchanging place called scotland right if scotland didn't exist then these two maps here would be meaningless but since scotland does exist you can say well map a while it's not perfect is a better representation of the real scotland than is map b in other words there's an external standard by which you can measure these two maps if there was no external standard you couldn't say one was better than another you guys with me so far well that's exactly what we do when we compare mother teresa and hitler mother teresa isn't the standard hitler isn't the standard there's a standard beyond both of them by which we measure both of them and we say mother teresa why she wasn't perfect measured up to the standard better than did hitler now by the way do you have to be a christian to know this no do you have to have a bible to know this no in fact it may surprise you to know that the bible actually says this pastor chip is a wonderful bible teacher and his one of his favorite books like mine is the book of romans here's what the apostle paul says in the book of romans this is in chapter 2. check this out he says when gentiles these are people who are not jews at the time when gentiles do not have the law do by nature things required by the law they are a law for themselves even though they do not have the law they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts their conscience is also bearing witness and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and other times even defending them in other words basic right and wrong is written on your heart you don't need the bible to know this in fact if you needed the bible to know this then god was unjust for judging the entire generation of noah they didn't have a bible he was unjust for judging the canaanites they didn't have a bible everybody intuitively knows objective right and wrong on the big issues now the bible gives us more details the bible talks about other right and wrong issues as well paul said i wouldn't even know coveting was wrong unless god told me it was wrong but this natural law that everybody has is something that paul is talking about here in romans chapter two and by the way this is what inspired the government of the united states of america when the founders got together and declared their independence from george king george and britain they said we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men were created and endowed by their government no it doesn't say that that all men were endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and governments are instituted among men to secure these rights in other words your government doesn't give you rights your government should protect your rights it doesn't give them it doesn't take them away now in jefferson's day he said if the government is not protecting your rights then the people have the right to get a new government that's what the declaration of independence was all about so everybody intuitively knows right and wrong in fact if there is no god then the nazis were not wrong sorry that's just the way it is in fact i had a debate many years ago with a jewish atheist by the name of david silverman you can see this on our youtube channel cross at cross-examined youtube channel he was the head of the american atheist at the time and i kept asking him the question david on what grounds can you say the holocaust is wrong if there's no god and finally he admitted you're right he said the holocaust wasn't really wrong i said now look if your world view is telling you that the holocaust wasn't really wrong you need a new world view because you already know it's wrong i can't convince you of something you already know you're just denying it you're suppressing it as paul talks about in romans chapter one you know when we suppress the truth because we don't like the truth because we want to go this way and god says go that way of course the nazis were wrong in fact how did we judge the nazis in nuremberg they said oh we were just following orders and we said your government isn't the ultimate authority there's a standard beyond your government that standard is now called international law c.s lewis called it the moral law thomas jefferson called it nature's law what is all that that's god's nature if god's nature doesn't exist you can't say the nazis were wrong i mean you can say it you can't justify it in fact if there is no god love is no better than rape oh you may like love better but it's not objectively better it's just your opinion if there is no god there are no human rights you know our country has been arguing about rights more and more people are seem to be inventing new rights they have a right to this and a right to that and yet many of these people doing this are atheists do they realize that unless god exists there are no rights i don't care where you are politically on this do you know if there's no god not only is there no right to an abortion there's no right to life you know if there's no god there's not only no right to same-sex marriage there's no right to any marriage natural marriage or otherwise there's no right to anything it's just your opinion if there is no god murder slavery and racism are not wrong just your opinion if there is no god then religious people have never never done anything wrong you can't complain about people being judgmental or bigoted or imposing their values on you what's wrong with that crusades no problem everything's just matter of opinion in fact if there is no god tolerance is no better than intolerance by the way are christians commanded to be tolerant be careful how you answer not that you're answering anyway but no christians are not commanded to be tolerant tolerance is too weak tolerance says hold your nose and put up with them love says reach out and help them and if you truly want to love people you can't tolerate the evil that they want to do if you do that you're unloving in fact how many parents do we have in here all right how many former children do we have in here okay that's everybody all right question if your parent tolerates everything you wanted to do or tolerated everything you wanted to do when you were a child would that parent be loving no they would be unloving they have to stand in the way of evil if you don't stand in the way of evil you're not loving tragically our culture now thinks toler thinks love is approval love is not approval if you approve of what somebody wants to do and you know that's wrong you're not loving them by telling them what they want to hear you're being unloving in fact the great economist thomas soule who's almost 92 years old now said this when you tell people what they need to hear you're helping them when you tell people what they want to hear you're helping yourself you know why we tell people what they want to hear because we don't want them to be mad at us for telling them the truth so you know what we're doing we're sacrificing them so we can feel better jesus said love is he said the new command i give you is love one another as i have loved you how did he love us he sacrificed himself for us yet we're here we are sacrificing other people so we can feel better and by the way if there is no god you can't complain about the problem of evil why because if there is no god there's no such thing as evil why because there's no such thing as good and if there's no such thing as good there can't be anything called evil again it would be just your opinion now c.s lewis many years ago was an atheist he went through world war one a terrible war and he couldn't figure out how could there be a good god since there was so much evil in the world and then one day he had an epiphany he actually wrote it in the book called mere christianity and what lewis discovered was evil requires good and good requires god here's how he put it in the book he said as an atheist my argument against god was that the universe seems so cruel and unjust but how have i got this idea of just and unjust a man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line what was i comparing this universe with when i called it unjust you see you wouldn't know what a crooked line was unless you knew what a straight line was you wouldn't know what unjustice was unless you knew what justice was you wouldn't know that something was not right unless you knew that something was something can't be immoral unless something is so when anybody complains about evil you know what they're doing they're actually giving evidence for god you say how can that be well look because evil doesn't exist on its own evil it only exists as a lack in a good thing evil is like cancer if you take all the cancer out of a good body you got a better body right what happens if you take all the body out of the cancer nothing it doesn't exist right evil can only exist in a good thing evil is like rust in a car if you take all the rust out of a car you got a better car what happens if you take all the car out of the rust you got a pinto right you got nothing it doesn't exist on its own evil can only exist in a good thing but good can only exist if god exists otherwise good is just your opinion just my opinion in fact you could put it this way the shadows prove the sunshine in order to have shadows you got to have sunshine in other words in order to have evil you have to have good oh you can have sunshine without shadows you can have good without evil but you can't have shadows without sunshine you can't have evil without good so if evil exists and we all know it does then god exists not because god is doing evil but because he's the standard of good by which we'd even know what evil was now you can ask the question you know why does god allow evil that's a whole other question we don't have time to get into it here but you can't say it disproves it disproves god in fact evil may prove there's a devil out there but evil can't disprove god because there'd be no such thing as evil unless there was good and there'd be no such thing as good unless there was a standard known as god you guys with me so far so what do you say let's go back to the guy who said wait a minute you hypocrites you're judgmental you're bigoted you're evil you christians claim to be following jesus but you don't really do it very well here's what i think you should say you should say let me ask you a question when somebody plays beethoven poorly who do you blame you don't blame beethoven you blame the player so when somebody plays christ poorly who do you blame you don't blame christ you blame the player and it's true we don't play him very well but if we did play him very well like perfectly we wouldn't need him in fact christopher hitchens book if you look at his book it says god is not great how religion poisons everything this word poison is just a nice way of saying or a fun way of saying religion's evil but if there's no god religion can't be evil murder can't be evil rape can't be evil nothing's evil in fact you could put it this way religion does not poison everything everything poisons religion look i poison religion i can't live up to the pure words of christ but if i could i wouldn't need him in fact in our second debate which again you can see it on our youtube channel i said to christopher i said you know a lot of the things you write in your book that really happened it's true religious people have done a lot of evil things but by what standard can you judge them evil i've done evil things in fact i'm a hypocrite i can't live up to what jesus told me to live up to be perfect that your heavenly father is perfect i can't but if i could i wouldn't need him the reason i need a savior is because i'm fallen and much of what you write in your book is true and you're sort of proving our world view the world view is we're all fallen we all need a savior we can't make it on our own and so when people say look i can't go to church there's too many hypocrites down there i always say come on down pal we got room for one more of course we're all hypocrites i know theologically we're saints because when you trust in christ you're given his righteousness but we're still fallen paul's even fallen read romans chapter seven what i do what i want to do i don't do what i don't want to do i do so just because we don't play jesus well that doesn't mean christianity's false in fact just because i'm not true and beautiful doesn't mean jesus isn't true and beautiful jesus is true and beautiful and newsflash christianity is not christians christianity is jesus so we need to keep our focus on jesus now if you want to go further in this i brought a couple of books and i want to point out that all the proceeds and the sale of the books will go to feed needy children mine okay just so you know if you really want to get into the argument not just for morality but the other arguments i mentioned and the reason we know christianity is true we have some copies of the book i don't have enough faith to be an atheist uh i did a short segment of that here today but the brand new book that we just got we just my son and i just wrote called hollywood heroes how your favorite movies reveal god if you want a fun way of communicating this get hollywood heroes in fact uh we go through some of the big fantasy and superhero movies and point out how all of the heroes point to the ultimate hero jesus of nazareth and even movie makers that are not christian they might even be anti-christian can't help but put christian lessons into some of their movies let me give you one iron man i mean here see iron man or the avengers okay what does who does iron man start out as he starts out as a amoral billionaire playboy arms dealer and he's got everything you think you would want to be happy right he's got all the money he needs he's got power he's got a great girlfriend he should be set right those are the three things we think we all need to be happy sex money and power we got that we're great but tony stark is miserable he's got everything to live with and nothing to live for why is he miserable he's got no identity he's got no purpose and then a weapon one of his own weapons blows up and puts shrapnel in his chest and he has to have a device installed into his chest in order to guard his heart from the encroaching shrapnel if that device fails he dies so this for me is a beautiful picture and i don't think it was intended this is a beautiful picture of what i think is the second most important verse in the bible today for today's culture other than the gospel this is the most important it comes from proverbs proverbs 4 23 it says above all else guard your heart because everything you do flows from it above all else guard your heart notice it doesn't say follow your heart that's what tony stark has been doing he's been following his heart and he's miserable you want to have a life of purpose and contentment you don't follow your heart you guard your heart so over a number of movies his character arc goes to the point where not only does he guard his heart he realizes what's most important and at the very last minute he sacrificed spoiler alert he sacrifices himself to defeat the ultimate evil thanos and he dies doing it and movie watchers are going wow that's inspiring let me ask you this what do you think would have happened if they wrote the movie this way that tony stark with his avenger buddies is about to take on thanos and he looks at him and he goes you know what guys i just don't want to take on thanos today i got to get back to following my heart and taking care of just me i'm out would anybody be inspired by that movie would you be enchanted with that would you go wow that's great no you'd go he's following his heart that's wrong he should have sacrificed himself to save everyone and he didn't do it what a wimp do you realize that despite the culture saying follow your heart follow your heart that what really connects with all of us when you really think about is sacrifice that somebody's going to give of himself to take care of others that's why we're enchanted with these movies by the way because they take us from a place of pain and suffering to a place of bliss somebody's going to come sacrifice someone's going to come do that and take us from this world of pain and suffering to a place of bliss and that's what christianity promises and these movie makers even though many of them are not christians can't help but put those themes in because that's what connects with us when we really think about it in fact sacrifice is what our world view is all about jesus of nazareth came to sacrifice himself to save us from ourselves he said the greatest love is to sacrifice yourself to save your friends he also said this for even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many now ransom you're probably thinking ransom what's this ransom business i don't need anybody to pay a ransom to get me off the hook because i'm a pretty good person that's probably what we're thinking in here right now right at least our culture thinks i can make it to god on my own i'm a pretty good person you know why we think that because we have a relative moral standard in our mind from the moral giant mother teresa to the immoral tyrant hitler and next to hitler we put criminals we know they're not quite as bad as hitler but they're bad next to criminals we've got all the immoral people we all know you know our immoral friends and relatives who aren't quite as good as we are because our picture's right here next to mother teresa and then if we believe in heaven and hell at all we arbitrarily draw a line in the sand and we say these are the bad people they're going to hell and we're the good people we're going to heaven i'm here to tell you this is not the way the moral universe really works ladies and gentlemen you shouldn't be comparing yourselves to one another anyway oh yeah you might be good compared to an axe murderer but you're not good compared to jesus in fact the moral line does not run up and down god's perfect moral standard runs across the top and all of us have fallen short of that line from mother teresa on down to hitler and what christ has come and done is he's lived a perfect life in our place and paid our punishment for us and by trusting in him you can not only be forgiven you can be given his righteousness so when someone comes up to you and points his or her finger in your face and says you hypocrite you've done evil you're bad you know you can say you know what you're right but i have a savior and you've been a hypocrite too you don't even live up to your own standards do you would you like to know this savior because this savior is giving you a free gift a free gift of grace to where you can be not only forgiven you can be given his righteousness and this savior didn't just die he also rose again to prove his claims were true and you will one day rise again the only question is to where [Music] in fact next sunday we're going to talk about the evidence that jesus actually did rise from the dead because as pastor chip talked about a couple of weeks ago that's the center of christianity without the resurrection christianity isn't true with the resurrection it is and your sins and my sins my hypocritical sins can be forgiven father i pray if there's anyone here who's never accepted the gift that you have provided us that today would be the day they would i pray you'd rededicate the rest of us to pointing out that yeah we're hypocrites yeah we've been judgmental too often yeah we're imperfect and we all need a savior help us to make the invitation to people that grace is what saves us not being more moral than anyone else but just grace that's why we're here at grace community church father help us not to just be about truth truth is important but we have to be about grace as well jesus was a hundred percent truth and 100 grace help us to be like him in christ's name amen you
Channel: Dr. Chip Bennett
Views: 66,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salvation, dr chip bennett, seminary, Christian Theology, christian education, christian doctrine, systematic theology, classes on christianity, what do christians believe, christianity, christian youtubers, theology, bible and science, christology, Jesus is God, sin, God, Faith, scripture, amen, religion, Apologetics, Frank Turek, Moral Argument
Id: UWdhFcFjg8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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