Frank Turek - Session 2 - Does God Exist? (Part 1)

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[Music] so now we've got to move on to the next question does God exist you guys ready to go all right good I think we probably need to define what we mean by God if we're going to talk about God because people have different conceptions of God we're going to talk about a theistic God a theistic God is a being who is beyond the world who created and sustains the world a spaceless timeless immaterial powerful moral personal intelligent creator who created all things and sustains all things and whose every attribute is infinite now it may help us to realize there's basically three religious worldviews out there and you can put most world religions into one of these three worldviews the first one here on the left you see a world and some hands under it that's theism God made all God created the universe and he sustains the universe Judaism Christianity and Islam would be considered theistic there's a being who created the universe and sustains the universe but he's not the universe those that's theism the second major worldview you see just a hand in the world is pantheism God is all God is me God is you God is the grass God as the trees God as the floor God it to monitor God is all of us that's pantheism God is all Zen Buddhism Hinduism in the New Age are all pantheistic you know Zen Buddhism used the false Luke the whole Star Wars series is kind of a Zen Buddhist kind of thing there's a force out there it's not personal but it's better if you tap into what's called the good side rather than the evil side the last major worldview you don't see a hand at all you just see a world as atheism no God at all religious humanists would be considered atheists or atheists would could be considered religious humanists now just about every major religion can be in one of these 4 K 3 categories there's only one that can't can anyone see which one isn't in one of these categories major world religion polytheism right polytheism isn't em these one of these categories but just about every other world religion you can put into one of these four or one of these three i should say what we're going to do is give evidence for theism here in this segment so a jew a Muslim a Christian would probably agree with what we're going to say here all right so let's take a look at the evidence for theism and there are three major religion or I should say arguments for theism we're going to talk about there's more than this but these are the main three the first is from the beginning of the universe known as the cosmological argument cosmological is a greek word or comes from the greek word cosmos which means world or universe and it says that the universe had a beginning it must have had a beginner the second argument is the argument from design known as the teleological argument and tell us is a Greek word meaning designer purpose and it says that there's design in the universe and design in you there must be a designer now these two arguments here by the way have have scientific evidence behind them we'll take a look at this scientific evidence here in a minute the third argument doesn't have any scientific evidence behind it it's more philosophical in nature yet it's the argument we've all known since we were very small children and it's the argument from morality known as the moral argument and it says if there's one thing morally wrong out there just one like it's wrong to torture babies for fun or it's wrong to murder six million Jews in a Holocaust or it's wrong to crucify children like Isis has done then there has to be a God why because if there is no standard beyond humanity then everything is just a matter of opinion that's just your opinion against a baby torturers opinion that's just your opinion against Hitler's opinion that's just your opinion against Isis's opinion but since we all know that certain things are really right and other things are really wrong there to be a standard beyond us an immaterial authoritative moral standard we might call goodness righteousness or justice that exists independent of what we think about it it just is that's what we mean by God's nature we'll look at that later let's start here at the first argument the cosmological argument and this is the argument that many say points back to the big now I know some of you or Christians may be gone Frank you know we're Christians in here we don't believe in the Big Bang you guys don't believe in the Big Bang I believe in the Big Bang I just know who banged it in fact the evidence for the Big Bang the creation event is so good you even have atheists admitting it for example Stephen Hawking up the road here in Cambridge puts it this way almost everyone now believes that the universe and time itself had a beginning at the Big Bang he's probably the most famous physicist in the world today and he admits that space time and matter had a beginning out of nothing now he tries to come up with another explanation other than God for the beginning but he's admitting the data that space-time in matter had a beginning out of nothing his his explanation for how we got here is in his book the grand design I don't know if you've seen that books about 5 years old and on page 181 he says this because there is a law like gravity the universe can and will create itself out of nothing to which John Lennox who I mentioned last night said when nonsense is spoken by brilliant scientists it's still nonsense the law like gravity creating the universe out of nothing what's he talking about first of all there was no law of gravity there was nothing no space no matter no time non-being what is nothing Aristotle had a good definition of nothing he said nothing is what rocks dream about that's nothing there was no law of gravity and even if there was the law of gravity gravity doesn't create anything gravity just does the same thing over and over again once there's a material world then gravity will describe what happens to certain bodies but it doesn't it's not a creative force so Hawking is grasping for something other than God but he's admitting the data that space-time and matter had a beginning out of nothing now another cosmologists by the name of Alexander Vilenkin by the way a cosmologists is not somebody that puts on your makeup okay a cosmologists is somebody that studies the origin of the universe he's a Russian cosmologists who is an agnostic on the question of God he doesn't know whether God exists or not but here's what he said in his book many worlds in one he said with the proof now in place cosmologists can no longer hide behind the possibility of a past eternal universe there is now no escape they have to face the problem of a cosmic beginning in fact four or five years ago when Stephen Hawking had a 70th birthday party Alexander Vilenkin went to visit him and at the birthday party valencian gave a paper where he talked about the beginning of the universe I guess the scientists in order to have fun give papers at birthday parties right so he read this paper that he wrote about how all the evidence that we have right now points to the fact that the universe had a beginning again he's an agnostic but he's saying look it had a beginning now the Lincoln is actually a believer in what's called the multiverse if you heard of the multiverse that there are many universes out there and our universe just appears to be designed even though it really isn't because just by the luck of the draw we happen to have a universe with these kinds of characteristics about it and that's why we're here but even Vilenkin said even if there are other universes out there by the way there's no evidence there are other universes out there is no way to detect these other universes but he says look even if there are other universes out there all of them together would still need a beginning so it would seem to me that if it still needs a beginning you still need a beginner right now what is the evidence that's having these scientists and virtually all scientists say in the universe at the beginning well here's the scientific evidence and I have it in an acronym Serge su RG this will help you remember why we know the universe had a beginning this is the scientific evidence this philosophical evidence will look at as well and I'll just list what each of these letters stand for here and then we'll spend just a few minutes on each one of them to show you why these scientists are saying the universe at a beginning the S stands for the second law of thermodynamics the U stands for the fact that the universe is expanding and you'll see why that implies the beginning here in a few minutes the R stands for the radiation afterglow which actually is the remnant heat from the initial Big Bang explosion we'll look at that in a few minutes the G stands for great galaxies seeds we'll get to that hang on an e stands for Einstein's theory of general relativity so these scientific reasons are why scientists are saying look the universe at a beginning so let's look at each one of these in order we'll start with the second law and the second law of thermodynamics is that the universe is running down it's running out of usable energy as time goes on the amount of hydrogen atoms in that Sun are burning up ultimately that Sun is going to burn out and we're all going to go to heat death don't worry apparently it's several billion year million years from now but one day that Sun is going to burn up okay big deal what does that mean how does that show the universe at the beginning well think about it this way think of the universe as a dying flashlight if we were to take a flashlight right now and I turn it on and put it here on the podium and leave and come back tomorrow what would the strength of the beam coming out of the flashlight be tomorrow probably be a lot weaker right because there's only so much juice in those batteries and the longer you have it on the less and less energy you're going to have right well suppose I had turned the flashlight on an infinitely long time ago if you could would there be any light coming out of it today no would have used up all its energy well think about the universe as having batteries like a flashlight if you turn the universe on an infinitely long time ago there'd be no energy left his son would be dead we wouldn't have any heat we wouldn't have any energy right now but since the Sun is still burning that would mean that the universe had a beginning that it didn't have an infinite pass that at some point somebody created it and now it's burning down everyone with me on this now the second law of thermodynamics is also what's called the law of entropy or disorder that things tend to go to disorder with time we know this because this building which was built in 1848 is that right I mean this isn't this is amazing how old the churches but you notice we've had to do a few upgrades here since 1848 right that nature runs things down it runs things toward disorder you see nature will take a building and turn it into a pile of bricks but nature will never take a pile of bricks and turn it into a building you need somebody to order it things go to disorder we learn as we get older the second law of thermodynamics affects us because when you get older you get dresser disease that's when your chest falls into your drawers you know that that's what happens we run down everything's running down well if everything's running down somebody must have wounded up in the beginning and if the universe was Infinite we would have all run down a long time ago but we haven't completely rundown so the universe had a beginning this second law of thermodynamics is one of the most fundamental rules of all science or laws of all science in fact they don't this is sort of a closed area of inquiry in science nobody investigates whether or not you can make say a perpetual motion machine because we all know the second law of thermodynamics seems to be absolute that things run down so we know the universe had a beginning from the second law of thermodynamics do you insert stands for the fact that the universe is expanding anyone know who this guy is right here in the corner who said it well anyone know that is Edwin Hubble from the famed Hubble Space Telescope he has a telescope named after him now before the telescope was named after him he was using this telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory in Pasadena California in 1929 to observe the galaxies out there and Hubble when he looked out at these galaxies noticed that they were all moving away from us that the entire universe appeared to be expanding how did he know this when he looked at the galaxies the light from the galaxies was red which showed that the galaxies were receding from us are all moving away and Hubble deduced that if they're doing this now if the universe is doing this yesterday the universe was here yesterday the day before that it was here before here and he went all the way back in time until he realized that the entire universe came from a single point a single point of nothing there was no space there was no matter there was no time and in the universe expanded from that point in fact he deduced this he said if the universe or if time were reversed the universe would have collapsed back to nothing so there was no space matter of time in the beginning according to Hubble now Hubble back in I guess 1929 he thought it was neat to have your picture taken with a pipe you notice that I don't know why he's got a pipe in his mouth but they just thought it was neat back then and this expanding universe God Hubble to think well it must have had a beginning then now for many years scientists thought well if it had a beginning it probably had a beginning in a great explosion but they thought there should be some remnant heat from that explosion still out there but nobody bothered to look for the heat until two scientists discovered it by accident in 1965 at Bell Labs in Holmdel New Jersey and that leads us to our the radiation afterglow this is a Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias and they discovered the remnant heat from the initial Big Bang explosion this is literally the smoking gun to the Big Bang there's heat still out there from the initial explosion it's just a couple of degrees above absolute zero but these guys discovered it in 1965 and they won Nobel prizes for it in 1978 it would be like this suppose you're cooking cookies in your oven and you open the oven you take the cookies out there's still heat coming out of the oven right well there's still heat coming off the universe right now from the initial explosion and these gentlemen discovered it and one agnostic astronomer by the name of Robert gastro said that when this discovery was made this put the nail in the coffin of the last doubting Thomas who thought the universe was eternal because scientists a hundred years ago thought the universe was eternal it didn't have a beginning but after they started making these discoveries by 1965 they said look this theory which was called the steady-state theory that the universe was eternal this theory can no longer be believed after we've discovered The Smoking Gun - the Big Bang the last doubting Thomas has been convinced that the universe didn't isn't eternal it actually had a beginning now scientists thought that if the universe did have a beginning that there should be some temperature variations in what's called the radiation afterglow and this this acronym here Co B eco B stands for cosmic background Explorer it's the satellite they tried to discover temperature variations in that radiation afterglow they couldn't discover them from the earth they were going to have to put a satellite up to do so and they were going to put the satellite up on this Space Shuttle the United States space shuttle so they could look at the temperature variations but in 1986 the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded off the launching pad and the space shuttle program was cancelled for a while so they actually put the satellite up on a rocket in 1989 and they put it up into orbit and it circled the earth for three years measuring the temperature variations in the radiation afterglow the remnant heat from the initial Big Bang explosion and finally by 1992 they had enough measurements to draw a conclusion and this is the gene called the great galaxy seeds and our evidence here and what they discovered were temperature variations that were so precise down to one part in a hundred thousand and according to the theory these temperature variations allowed the galaxies to form in the early universe and this was discovered as I said in 1992 they they won Nobel prizes for discovering this in 2006 in fact the man who really headed the expedition was a man by the name of George Smoot here he is and he taught at you Cal berserk Lee I'm sorry you Cal Berkeley and he wrote a book called wrinkles in time and Stephen Hawking look at his endorsement right on the cover of the book he said the scientific discovery of the century if not all time that may have been a bit of an overstatement but the point here is is that these temperature variations that they predicted they actually found and they were so precise they were down to one part in 100,000 if those temperature variations were any different according to them there'd be no galaxies now so they discovered these very fine temperature variations and George Smoot won a Nobel Prize for discovering this okay now the e in Surge stands for Einstein and Einstein knew that the universe had a beginning as far back as as 1916 when he came up with general relativity theory he realized that if his general relativity theory was correct that time space and matter are Co relative they came into existence together he knew this but he didn't like it Einstein wanted the universe to be eternal he wanted a steady state universe so the great Einstein decided to put a fudge factor into his equations to allow the universe to be static and eternal he wanted a counter force to gravity he didn't want this because that would imply a beginning he wanted this a steady universe so he put a fudge factor into his equations to keep the universe static and eternal and some say that the great Einstein in order to do this divided by zero now what are you told in grammar school you never divide by zero you can go straight to hell for that right never divide by zero well the great Einstein divided by zero and mathematicians in the 1920s we're looking at his equations calling dr. Einstein you can't divide by zero then in 1929 Hubble discovers the expanding universe which is what Einstein's theory of general relativity predicted thirteen years earlier so at one point Hubble after he discovers the expanding universe predicted by general relativity he calls Einstein up and he says dr. Einstein what you predicted thirteen years ago I'm actually seen in my telescope why don't you come out to Mount Wilson here in Pasadena California and you can see the expanding universe for yourself so in 1931 Einstein went out to California and he looked through Hubble's telescope in fact who is that right behind him that's Hubble you see the pipe right there Einstein looking through the telescope he sees the expanding universe and a point later he gets so after he got off the telescope he said to the news media he said I now see the necessity for a beginning the universe did have a beginning and he said the cosmological constant the fudge factor that he put into his equations what is was his greatest mistake of his professional career now it turned out that Einstein was actually right there is a cosmological constant but it wasn't the value that he had the cosmological constant is now known as dark energy or dark matter that is actually accelerating the expansion of the universe right now did you know that the universe is accelerating in its expansion the universe is expanding and it's expanding an accelerating rate which makes us wonder why is it if the universe is expanding why is it still so hard to find a parking spot here in London right even notice that but yes it's expanding at an accelerated rate and we don't know why we call it dark energy or dark matter and that dark energy is fine-tuned to one part in ten to the hundred and sixtieth power we'll talk about fine-tuning here in a minute but there's only 10 to the 80 in the entire universe and this is tall it's fine-tuned to 1 and 100 to 160 of power it's a mind-boggling number you can't even get your head around it and what those scientists are saying is if that expansion of that acceleration rate that cosmological constant they call it for were any different we wouldn't be here in any event the universe had a beginning and I sign if you were here today would say look it had a beginning no matter what you say okay so let's uh this leads us all to this guy Robert Jastrow who I mentioned earlier was an agnostic astronomer in other words he didn't know whether God existed or not in fact he said in 1978 we'll actually wrote a book called God and the astronomers and he updated this book in 1992 he went through the evidence we just did we got with we had gone through to that point the surge evidence and on page one of the book this guy worked for NASA by the way on page one of his book he says I'm an agnostic on religious matters in fact he said look I don't know whether God exists or not but on page 14 of the book here's what he said again the book is called God the astronomer she said the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world the essential element in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis is the same then he went on in an interview to say this and this is a by the way this is an actual picture of Saturn from the hubble space telescope that's not a painting that's Saturn in infrared here's what jestro the agnostic astronomer said in an interview he said astronomers now found they painted themselves into a corner because they have proven by their own methods that the world began abruptly in an act of creation to it you can trace the seeds of every star every planet every living thing in this cosmos and on the earth and they have found that all this has happened as a product of forces they cannot hope to discover that there are what I or anyone would call supernatural forces at work is now I think a scientifically proven fact now wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait why would it kostik astronomer say it's scientifically proven that super natural forces are at work why couldn't nature have created the universe why could nature created the universe anyone there was no nature Nature had a beginning in fact I was at another event at the University of Michigan a few years back and during the Q a and E theists got up to the microphone after I'd gone through this evidence and he said if you give science enough time we're going to figure out a natural cause for the universe and I said to him John that sounds a lot like faith right that's what it is science hasn't found it yet so just give science more time have faith and it's good that we're going to find it right why will we never find a natural cause for the universe if the if if the evidence that we have now is correct why will we never find a natural cause because nature itself was created so nature can't be the cause nature is what the effect is so if nature had a beginning what ever created nature must be beyond nature in other words must be supernatural that's what we mean by the word super right it means beyond in fact I said to to John that night I said John you're saying that if you you know just give me more time I'll figure out a natural cause for all of nature that would be like me saying if you give me more time one one day I'll figure out I gave birth to my own mother right there's no way that's conceivably possible it's impossible in principle if space matter in time had a beginning whatever created space matter in time can't be made a space matter in time right in other words the cause must transcend space matter in time the cause must be spaceless timeless immaterial powerful to create the universe out of nothing personal in order to choose to create because only only persons can make choices and someone had to choose to create as I mentioned earlier gravity can't choose to create anything gravity just does the same thing over and over again right I mean gravity isn't sitting there going look of character ups every what one more time I'm not going to pull it to the ground right now gravity does the same thing over and over again in order to create something you've got to be a person you gotta have a personhood also the beam must be intelligent because as we'll see here in a couple of minutes the universe is designed it's fine-tuned now when you think about a spaceless timeless immaterial powerful personal intelligent cause who do you think of that's what we mean by God now was it just yesterday we said these kind of things every one of these scientists I'm about to quote here have won Nobel prizes for discovering some of the search evidence they're not Christians they're just people who are following the evidence where it leads Arno Penzias said this the best data we have concerning the Big Bang or exactly what it would have predicted had I had nothing to go on but the five books of Moses the Psalms in the Bible as a whole his colleague Robert Wilson who discovered the radiation afterglow said certainly there was something that set it all off I can't think of a better theory of the origin of the universe to match Genesis George Smoot the guy who taught it you Cal berserk Lee said this there is no doubt that a parallel exists between the Big Bang is an event and the Christian note that notion of creation from nothing again these are scientists now that's the scientific evidence that the universe had a beginning I want to give you I think even a more compelling case that philosophy shows the universe at a beginning certainly time had a beginning let's just take a timeline here's the timeline here's today there's yesterday there's the day before yesterday there's last week let's say we don't know how far back this timeline goes question can this timeline be infinite into the past this is the interactive portion of the program can it be infinite back there some say yes some say no all right let me ask you a question what is the definition of an infinite something that has no end right well here we are today we're at the end so can this line be infinite no because an infinite has no end right it can't be infinite and can you add anything to an infinite know by definition an infinite whatever is is the sum of all possible numbers but tomorrow when tomorrow comes we're going to add another day and the day after that we'll add another day and the day after that we'll add another day you get the idea so this timeline no matter how far back it goes can't be infinite it had to have a beginning in fact in order for today to arrive there can't be an infinite number of days before today why not because yes because today never would have arrived why because if there's an infinite number of days before today you'd only have to live another day before today got here why because there's an infinite number of them I know this can give you intellectual constipation but think about it if the past were infinite today never would have arrived but since today is here there must have been a beginning so time had a beginning now this is what general relativity shows you as well that space time and matter are Co relative that came into existence together so all this comes together from the science and the philosophy to show that the universe had a beginning the universe had a beginning so if the universe had a beginning we've got two options either no one created something out of nothing which is the atheistic view or someone created something out of nothing which is the theistic view now here's my only question which views more reasonable that no one created something out of nothing or that someone created something out of nothing what do you think someone right I was at Texas A&M and Texas a college down there a few years back and I put this slide up in 180 oh I think number one is more reasonable I said number one hang on let's take a look at number two number two says someone created something out of nothing now that's a miracle right because you got someone creating something out of nothing that's a miracle but at least you got a miracle worker you got someone number one is a miracle with no miracle worker that's clearly absurd in fact I said to the audience at Texas A&M that night I said to show you how seriously we all take the law of causality and oh by the way by the way by the way the law of causality does not say everything has a cause the law of causality says everything that comes to be has a cause there has to be something out there that didn't have a cause there has to be something out there that is what Aristotle would call the unmoved mover or the Bible would call the great I am the beam that just exists the beam whose essence equals his existence the beam who is infinite completely actualized as Aristotle would say or as a commis Aquinas would say the beam that doesn't get its beam from anything else he's the ground of all reality the foundation of everything that exists now you've got two possibilities either that beam is the universe or that's being that beam is beyond the universe that transcends the universe well all the evidence shows the universe at a beginning so the beam that is the great I am is what we would mean by God so I said to the audience at Texas A&M that night I said to show you how seriously we all take the law of causality that things don't pop into existence out of nothing by nothing without a cause there is nobody here in this auditorium tonight who is currently worried that as you sit here hippopotamus has appeared out of nothing by nothing in your dorm room and is currently defecating on your pillow right you don't worry about that right because you know that things don't pop into existence out of nothing by nothing without a cause you're not worried that as you see here right now a rhinoceros it's going to appear out of nothing by nothing right here in this auditorium in charge into the audience you're not worried about that right things don't happen that way and if the atheists are trying to tell us that the universe could pop into existence out of nothing by nothing without a cause and why doesn't everything do that why don't MacBook Pros pop into existence out of nothing by nothing without a cause could it save me three grand if I had just been more patient right why don't Mercedes Benzes pop into existence out of nothing by nothing without a cause or tesla's why don't they do that if you're hungry after we do this seminar today you want to have a pizza does it make sense to order one or should you just sit there at home wait and hope that one pops into existence out of nothing by nothing without a cause I'm telling you it's the atheists that have all the faith they're believing that the universe can pop into existence out of nothing by nothing without a cause at least some of them are saying that now so my question to atheists is this if there is no God why is there something rather than nothing at all if there is no God what how did any of this get here if they try and say the universe has always existed I'm going to say surged and the end of infinite time is impossible that the universe of the time had a beginning by the way this answers the question cuz you always get the question who made God right what's the answer no one he is the unmade maker he's the uncreated creator look if your timeless do you have a beginning no he's timeless that's the point he is the uncreated creator he is the unmoved mover you know for many years atheists had no problem believing in an eternal universe they thought the universe was eternal and now suddenly they're having a problem believing an eternal God why if you can believe in an eternal universe you certainly can believe in an eternal God right they just don't like where the evidence is leading in fact you might wonder well you might say well how do a theist respond to this poorly all right in fact does anyone know who Lawrence Krauss is someone heard this name Lawrence Krauss is a physicist he teaches in Arizona in the United States he's a very good presenter if you look him up on youtube you'll enjoy watching him but he's an atheist it's not just an atheist he's actually an anti theist in fact he says I'm an anti theist like my friend Christopher Hitchens when Hitchens was around he didn't he didn't not just believe in God he didn't want there to be a god he was against God and that's what crowd says he is as well and he wrote a book a few years back called a universe from nothing in which he tries to show how a universe like ours could come into existence out of nothing and by nothing without God unfortunately for Krauss his definition of nothing isn't really nothing it's something he talks about quantum vacuums well a quantum vacuum is something and he's saying the universe came from a quantum vacuum well quantum vacuum if it did come from quantum vacuum someone has to ask where did the quantum vacuum come from right now this was not lost on a comedian in our country by the name of Stephen Colbert and a few years back Colbert had a program where he would invite guests on and interview them and Colbert invited Lawrence Krauss to come on his show and when a comedian can see through the errors in your book it's fun so I want to show you the interview that Stephen Colbert had with Lawrence Krauss on Krauss this book and then we'll talk about it you guys ready here we go okay doctor sweep away thousands of years Colbert of mystery and all at creation the left the greatest minds in civilizations all over the world to lead to one point a single divine loving creator destroyed why is this nothing says nothing it's really easy because nothing's unstable and in fact there's no evidence for any baby that is everything we know about the laws of physics which are remarkable and I've changed everything about the way we think about the universe what nothing is and what something is this this table here is mostly empty space this table costing five under dollars open away let's go back go back to second okay nothing is unstable what what do you mean that nothing is unstable nothing that is nothing well it's the physics has changed what we mean by nothing in fact nothing is a empty space is a boiling bubbling brew of virtual particles popping in and are they just not nothing that's something we why hang out of why are these virtual particles there because the laws of quantum mechanics and they tell us that even though you can try and tell and see what the marionettes you face you'll see nothing but in fact one of the biggest mysteries the reason I wrote the book one of the greatest discoveries lots of years is that in fact empty space weighs something it's empty space way something in fact it's the dominant stuff in the universe no I am never by I'm never going to lose those last five pounds okay you say there are three different types of nothing that's right what are the three I didn't know there was such a variety you see a sampler platter thought I would thought you'd be an expert on us I don't think like that here yes in any case there's three different kinds of nothing first empty space which I'd say is probably the nothing of the Bible an eternal dark empty void within life like I like a true hard vacuum no not at all yeah well people would have thought that would be not that's what I think nothing is and that's all that's identify tell you that that kind of nothing act is unstable if you wait long enough that kind of nothing will always produce particles 100 it let me play it by saying that it will if you wait long enough the laws of quantum mechanics tell us the particles will burp out of every space and eventually fill out the universe it's really valuable is that's to me that sounds like the the empty space may be empty to us but it is some sort of cheats or membrane between on and some of the realities no there's nothing well there's absolutely nothing there until there's something what's the second type of stuff okay well then if you don't find that I can say well you might say well that's not not because your space yeah well it turns out if you apply quantum mechanics to gravity then in fact space itself becomes dynamical and universe's spaces themselves and time can pop into existence where there was none before so in advance on some theoretical end space before the moment of every action group there there there can be no time and no space and no energy and no energy cylinder suddenly from nowhere and from nothing comes something and somewhere and all sorts of stuff and it sounds like the ultimate free lunch and it is it is it is and it really and what's remarkable is it's possible without any supernatural shenanigans and well let me go to stop with that why why do you have why does why is what you're doing whatever this is because it's obviously because I am NOT in a priesthood I can't understand the the scrolls on the blackboards you people down it where you work well that's why I wrote are you so you could really renounce terrorism okay you you priests of theoretical physics you can explain to each other what you mean was your language of math and I have to take that on faith no in fact you should be skeptical I am and in fact you could no and that's why you but that's why I fight by the arguments in the but I will never it it's often why why people soon you should buy it buying it as report buying a good but why does your but why is what you're saying have to be an attack on my god it doesn't have here I thought that's all you've done you've attacked my god wait a minute no no no we have all I said is you don't need them definite time now we're here divided up Universal as we understand it it has changed we have changed our minds about the universe we've learned that the universe is more remarkable than anything we ever bought the cord and and and in fact changing your mind and in fact being wrong is wonderful you should try sometime it's really amazing it means that it means that the fact that the universe is more remarkable than the fairy tales that were talked about by Bronze Age illiterate peasants before we knew the earth orbiters are not attacking at all go ahead let me show you say so you believe there's no God I don't I don't even use the word believe the point is there's there is no God there's no need for God their God is their go it's a lovely day there's no evidence for God okay so as forgotten ask me if there is no God okay if there is no thing called God if he is nothing can't something come from him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's pretty bad isn't it if you have a talk-show host the comedian that can do that to your theory if he is nothing can something come from him in fact notice what Kraus was saying during the interview he was basically saying that space matter in time can come into existence as long as you start with space matter in time did you see that remember you kept talking about well if you wait long enough what's this wait business there's no time right I mean is this if you wait long enough and then he also says if he to the laws of quantum mechanics what where laws come from they come from lawgivers the law of gravity if he's assuming what he's trying to prove you see the problem here so Krauss's book and I critique his book in the in an art book stealing from God in the first chapter if you're interested in going further the other theory that is very popular now to try and avoid the beginning and the design beginning we're about to look at design here a little bit later is something called the multiverse I mentioned that earlier the multi universe theory and a number of years back the magazine National Geographic took the liberty of drawing for us what the multiverse might look like here it is self-generating universes multiple universes grow like branches from a tree trunk in a model that allows the universe to create itself can you create yourself no I don't know about you ladies and gentlemen but I'm not going to let some graphic artist down at National Geographic draw some sort of demented french horn to get me to believe that's how we got here one scientist in the article was very honest here's what he said he said if sort of like we're brushing our Adri ignorant under the rug of the very early universe indeed now this all led Robert Jastrow again the agnostic astronomer I mentioned earlier who wrote God and the astronomers to end his book this way he goes through all the evidence the universe had a beginning and he gets to the very end of the book and this is the last line in the book remember he's an agnostic here's what he says for the scientist was lived by his faith in the power of reason the story ends like a bad dream he had scaled the mounts of ignorance he's about to conquer the highest peak is he folks and so for the final rock he's greeted by a band of theologians have been sitting there for centuries no doubt reading Genesis 1:1 the best evidence we have shows that Genesis 1:1 appears to be true in the beginning God a spaceless timeless immaterial powerful personal intelligent creator created the heavens and the earth that's the best evidence we have all right let's keep moving we'll go the fine-tuning argument and then we'll we'll take a break so the second argument for God is the teleological argument and this can go back to William Paley who actually said look if you found a watch in the woods we do you think was made by natural law you know or you're walking along out here on the street and you see right there on the sidewalk that diamond studded Rolex so you pick that up and you go I'm not going to turn this and this was made by the wind in the rain now you say if there's a watch there's got to be a watchmaker well it turns out that both the universe and life are they appear to be designed anyway and they're even more designed than what we might say a watch is like and we just talked about how the universe came into existence out of nothing we're now going to try and show that the universe came into existence out of nothing with extreme precision and for that I want go to a guy who wrote something that I don't know if you've ever seen but there's anyone seen this name before Chuck Lorre does anyone know who this guy is who is he yes he is a producer of American TV shows once called the Big Bang Theory and some others and he at the end of these programs will put something up on the screen after all the credits have run and he'll put it up on the screen for maybe two seconds and there's no way you can read the whole thing without having a DVR and pausing it reading it I happen to notice one that he put up at the end of one of these programs and here's what it said okay you see the TV producer I don't know what his religious beliefs are but here's what he said in no particular order I could not or would not exist without air food water gravity tides the moon the Sun night civilization the laws of physics the laws of thermodynamics the law of the land ancestors having sex DNA viruses bacteria plants animals oceans ice caps the kindness of strangers the Big Bang familial bond smart people brave people memory medicine the periodic table of elements tribal instincts magnetic fields weather Earth's molten core rotating earth tilted earth tectonic plates sleep death heat consciousness evolution teachers and the miraculous self-regulating chemical factory that is my body other than that I like to think of myself as a self-made man I mean think about all these things were dependent on to even be here and some of these things he mentions in here in a fun way are actually new discoveries in science new discoveries over the past 50 or 60 years what these scientists have discovered is something called the fine-tuning of the universe as they say just in the past 50 or 60 years what they've discovered is there are certain aspects about our universe constants of nature laws of nature that are so precisely designed initial conditions of our creation that are so precisely designed they're just where they need to be they were slightly different in either direction just slightly there would be no universe there'd be no life in fact let's start at the beginning this is the beginning of the universe Stephen Hawking again an atheist puts it this way he says with the proof or he says if the expansion rate of the universe was different by one part in a thousand million million a second after the Big Bang the universe would have collapsed back on itself or never developed galaxies in other words if the expansion rate from the very beginning was slightly different from what it really was there would be no universe there would be no life now this actually is an under estimate by Hawking but he's showing that the initial conditions of the universe were just right balanced on a Razors Edge change either and either change the expansion rate either way we're not here now you can't make any evolutionary argument to account for this why not why can't you say well the expansion rate evolved to this point can anyone see why because these are the initial conditions of the universe this is from the very beginning a second after the Big Bang so if there's no evolution going on here this these are the initial conditions the same being that created space matter and time appears to be the same beam that created the expansion rate to be just what it is also the gravitational force if it were altered by one part in 10 to the 40th power we wouldn't exist now what's one part in 10 to the 40th power that's one part in one with 40 zeroes you say Frank I can't get my head around that number I know neither can I let me give you an illustration take a tape measure and stretch it across the entire known universe that's a long way by the way set the gravitational force at a particular inch mark on that tape measure I realize gravity's not measured in inches this is just give you a scale idea in your mind if you were to move the strength of gravity one inch in either direction across the scale is why does the entire known universe we wouldn't be here now there's only three possible reasons for that value being right where it is physical necessity it had to be there no it didn't have to be there could have been here could have been here could have been a trillion miles that way or a trillion miles that way chance it just so happened to fall there I don't have enough faith to believe that in fact chance is not a cause whenever scientists use the word chance what do they really mean they mean we don't know that's what they mean I mean there's not a force out there known as chance that causes things right who calls this chance he was just here no it's not a force it's not a cause it's a word we use to describe mathematical possibilities when they're using the word chance they really mean we don't know after physical necessity and chance the only other option I can think of is designed somebody designed it to be right there that seems to be the best explanation the same being that created the universe is the same being that said this will be the gravitational force this will be the expansion rate change it slightly we're not here now there's more than 30 of these kinds of constants about our universe change any one of them we don't exist also you can make an argument that our solar system is designed with us in mind where are we in the solar system right there a third Rock from the Sun if we were just a little bit closer to or a little bit further away we couldn't survive a little bit closer to we burn up a little bit further away we'd freeze we are what scientists called the Goldilocks zone it's not too hot it's not too cold it is just right the axial tilt 23 and 1/2 degrees change that slightly we don't exist earth rotation 24 hours change that slightly we don't exist the size and distance of the moon from us change that slightly we don't exist oxygen in this room right now is 21% if it were 15% we'd all suffocate if it were 25% spontaneous fires would break out if Jupiter was not in its current orbit we couldn't exist here on earth why what does jupiter do for us asteroids right jupiter is a cosmic vacuum cleaner its gravitational force is so strong that it attracts most of the meteors in space jump to it rather than us in fact if you take a close up look at jupiter you know what these purple marks are here those purple marks are comet fragment strikes that are bigger than the earth thank God for Jupiter because if Jupiter wasn't there we wouldn't be here Saturn does the same thing for us by the way in fact you want to see the size did you put her check this out there's Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Earth look at poor Pluto down here you know Pluto recently has been demoted as a planet I don't know about you but I think it's size discrimination all right take a look at this you can hardly see Pluto there it is take a look at this that's Arcturus that's another star in our galaxy here's the Sun over here Jupiter is one pixel in size on this scale earth is invisible Pluto forget about all right keep an eye on Arcturus now where is Arcturus now right here left of the White Star Regal see that there that's Antares that's another star in our galaxy the Sun is one pixel in size on this scale Jupiter is invisible earth Pluto forget about them in fact if the earth was the size of a golf ball Betelgeuse here would be five or six Empire State buildings hi the heavens are awesome this is just in our galaxy this is not outside our galaxy in fact the average distance between stars in our galaxy is 30 trillion miles all that distance is necessary for us to exist here on earth now 30 trillion miles how far 30 trillion miles far take you at least two tanks of gas in a toyota prius to go 30 trillion miles now a number of years ago I was out in a desert museum in Arizona outside of Tucson Arizona and we were out there one night and it was such a clear night that the guide who was out there with us said you know what it's so clear tonight that if we look up at 9:03 we will see the Space Shuttle in orbit remember the Americans said the Space Shuttle they put up and go around the Earth whoop-dee-doo right anyway this thing went around the earth and I said to the guy I said oh come on we're not going to see the Space Shuttle it's only 120 feet long it's 350 miles up we're not going to see it Oh me of little faith at 9:03 the guide goes up and we look up in the sky about 70 degrees above the horizon there's an object streaking across the desert night sky relative to us about like this I mean it's really cruising when I got right about here it disappeared I don't know whether Scotty beamed it up or what actually what happened was despite the fact that we were in total darkness the Space Shuttle was so high up that the Sun was still reflecting off of it and when it got out of the range of the Sun we couldn't see it anymore now when the Space Shuttle was in orbit the space shuttle was traveling at about 18,000 miles an hour that's five miles per second you got trouble getting to work in the morning take the space shuttle you'll be 5 miles a second think about how fast that is so I did a little calculation to try and figure out how long would it take us if we could get in the Space Shuttle and go from our star the Sun to another star in our galaxy and average distance away 30 trillion miles in other words how long would it take us to go 30 trillion miles at five miles a second how long you think would take us a long time yeah it would take us two hundred and one thousand four hundred and fifty years that means if you got in the Space Shuttle at the time of Christ and started traveling from our star the Sun to another star in our galaxy and average distance away you'd be less than one hundredth of the way there right now and we're going to explore space no we're not we're not going anywhere in space we can hardly get out of our solar system it took us nine years to get to Pluto who would like to go the next nearest star we'll go get in kid are we almost there yet dad another 200,000 years play some more Xbox I mean think about that we're never going to get there it's just too far not only that it's too dangerous actually let's suppose we somehow figure out warp travel which by the way would still take us for more than four years going at Lightspeed 186,000 miles a second to get to the next nearest star can you believe that let's just say we figure that out we get to another solar system actually what I'm going to show you is a little bit disturbing but I'm going to show it to you anyway suppose we get to another solar system and we get on another planet and we plant our flag and then this happens [Music] these are not for astronauts ladies and gentlemen now to show you how analytical my wife is I showed her that video and then she smiled just a little bit she said that's the logical there's no sound in space now how many stars are out there the number of stars that are out there are about equivalent to the number of grains of sand on all the beaches on all the earth you see this picture here on the left this is from the ground you see that little square right there that's from the Hubble Space Telescope those are stars bodies heavenly planets heavenly bodies planets February 1st 2003 the president the United States went into the East Room in the White House it was Saturday afternoon they turned the TV camera on every major Network including the international networks covered his address Saturday afternoon why is President Bush he looked into the camera he said my fellow Americans and our friends all around the world today our nation experienced a great tragedy upon reentry into the atmosphere the space shuttle Columbia burned up in the skies over Texas there are no survivors the Columbia is lost the president then went on to quote from Isaiah chapter 40 in verse 25 why Isaiah chapter 40 because in Isaiah chapter 40 God is speaking and what does God say to whom will you compare me or who is my equal says the Holy One in other words you want to comparison you want to know what I'm like God says here's what he says with your eyes and look to the heavens who created all these stars and named them one by one because of his great power and mighty strength not one of them is missing the president then looked back in the camera and said the same God that created and named all those stars is the same God that created and knows the names of the seven astronauts who perished today while they did not return safely home to us we can all now pray they've all returned safely home you want to know who God is like most Christians have the wrong idea of who God is like we think God is a big angel no God is not a big angel you want to know what God is like meditate on the attributes of God spaceless timeless immaterial powerful moral personal loving just intelligent all-knowing meditate on those attributes then remove all limits from your mind that's God when you consider a beam like that might you then realize that when something goes wrong in your life according to our standards of wrong that maybe he has a reason we don't know about as to why he's allowing that why is there a second commandment thou shall make no graven image because any image you make of an infinite being necessarily limits his majesty you can't draw a picture of an infinite beam o you can draw a picture of Jesus why because Jesus has two natures he has a divine nature and a human nature you can draw a picture of jesus's divine nature you can't draw a picture I'm you can't pick human nature you can't draw a picture of Jesus's - by Nature it's unlimited and that's why both the old and the New Testaments say the heavens declare the glory of God you want to know what God is like look to the heavens his invisible qualities and divine attributes are clearly seen from what has been made so that people are without excuse in fact that's how we know God exists we know God by His effects we see a creation we know must be a creator we have a moral law written on our hearts we know there must be a moral lawgiver you see stars equivalent to grains of sand on all the beaches on all the earth you get the idea of an awesome creator Psalm 103 verse 11 says God's love to those that fear Him exceeds the height of the heavens above the earth how higher the heavens above the earth Stars equivalent to grains of sand on all the beaches on all the earth two hundred thousand years at five miles a second between those stars from our perspective infinite that's the point
Channel: KT Online Learning
Views: 82,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apologetics, Evangelism, christian debate, quran problems, debate, ibiol, apologetics study bible, apologetics and evangelism, bible study, frank turek 2019, frank turek, kensington temple, new testament debate, bible, christian
Id: E7t9U1H0t1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 6sec (4146 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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