Dr. Drew After Dark w/ Duncan Trussel - Ep. 10

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I fucking love Duncan. This makes me miss seeing him on JRE.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/PancakesAndPunch 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

The best one yet IMO

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/RDIIIG 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Where can I find the video of the British guy going to go suck some dick?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TXSenatorTedCruz 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Favorite episode so far. The end had me in tears!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chessythief 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
this episode of dr. dark has brought to you by our friends at Roman and calm they are our sponsors for this episode but I'll take a little more about that a bit later now let's get on with the show I am dr. drew and this is dr. drew after dark please be advised the doctor after dark may contain sexually targeted content at the unsuitable for young children and welcome to than therefore lit up another episode of Doctor Who after dark see I was ready for that you can check us out at dr. drew after dark at gmail.com send us your emails and questions and suggestions there also get into the giving us voicemail messages at eight one eight two five three one six nine three again A one A two five three one six nine three you can leave us your messages and your suggestions and of course there's the shirt that is available at merch method calm slash Tom Segura huh yeah yeah is that a universal truth I think I let me just quickly say this is Duncan Trussell answer his question I think that's a universal yeah I think amongst there very few things that I could say that are just universally should not but reply lapsing uranus is one of those things that I can say with pretty decent confidence universally you should not prolapse URI and that's you can't or you must not you should not I don't I mean I could I guess known well we could arrange it but no you probably just couldn't will your inside-out pink sock it would you'd have to work on that you'd have to like a yoga thing I think somebody might have to work on you and then you'd work on it's it's bad it's not good at the time I heard you know this is a story someone at my college would tell me like that Warren Wilson College okay and they do these trips to India sorry if I'm dear ailing at all route at all we do these trips to India and I guess somebody saw a guy prolapses a Nizam washed it out in the river were you there how do you know this this is that [ __ ] common that you're like because that's one of the that's one of the great well III think I've ever been myth because I think the the Yogi's claim they can do that and maybe they can a little bit but who the [ __ ] would even if they could well it's not that they it's not a prolapse it and wash it in the river it's like apparently there was like a lot of they prolapse it and then people can hold on to it like those foam things so like it's so they're like a water we save somebody it was like drowning he prolapsed his anus and threw it out to him and like pulled in I'm gonna tell you one thing that as certain as you shouldn't prolapse Uranus that did not happen because you know what happens when it prolapse is even more than a couple inches the blood supply gets cut off and it dies and you go into septic shock so that did not happen okay but I love the story I mean it's you could say it didn't have that your colon is sticking out as far as that what are those things called those water help me gentle god those water water lapses no it looks like you put your no those water boy util pool noodle they're based on prolapses they are that's they were they were fashioned after a colon Thank You Duncan trust somebody prolapsed is it anus and was like holy [ __ ] we should put this in a pool this could save lives it looks like a noodle yeah let's call it a water noodle yeah well anyway yeah that's no it wasn't that he saved someone it was that it just like uncoil there yeah and this like I've heard it before and never seen it so I'm guessing this is some sort of urban myth well guessing but i but i but I don't doubt that it's possible they could do something and people saw them do something oh my god look what that guys doing I'm just saying that something is not worth your effort even if you're a yogi what about if you're saving someone if you could if if somebody could there's many would let's put this what if it could kill Hitler let's put it this way what if you could go back in time and you know that if you're tired right Hitler's dead I go for it it's worth it but in terms of saving somebody from from drowning yeah I was a lifeguard that was not one of the options they taught us we had lots of good options that was not one of them okay so I agree that's probably not possible but um don't get told about your podcast okay I was gonna ask you one last question about it of a frame afraid of it go ahead go ahead ask me right so you're drowning would there be a party that's like I don't know if I want to grab hold of that prolapse or would you do it because your survival instincts are so strong that you're like [ __ ] you you would if you were really drowning you wouldn't have that I don't want to grab that guys : thought you were just grab cuz people drowning people grab it everything right and we used to we were trained actually to take off our bathing suit and hand it to them and make them grab onto that and then we we take it from behind and bring them in okay yeah that's cool yeah it's cool huh huh okay well that's good to know my podcast thank you for asking it's called the Duncan Trussell family our podcast and I think I'm stuck I could go on again I am dying for you to cover this car I interview brilliant people like you and we just have sort of freeform conversations that go just like this one yeah well no this fungus whole South but you did one of them I I'm a I'm a I found Jordan Peterson little blonde before he became a political lightning rod yeah because of his maps of meaning and all those part yes and you did one of the best interviews with him I've heard I think you've been interviewed by a lot of important people thank you very much I really appreciated you enjoy that oh yeah I did and I wanted to I was thinking well you know everyone's doing like the obvious conversation with him but he's got there's so much other stuff going on with him everyone has gotten like really into his stance on gender pronouns rights but the controversial part is specifically that you shouldn't mandate speech legislates yeah beat yeah his thing was mandated speech leads to the Gulag Archipelago that's right that's his thing yeah yeah and then but then since then I've gotten like so much [ __ ] for that interview from people that I really that legitimate ly respect who are like the either like you don't get it this he's cut like this guy is whether or not he's like transphobic there's he's like he's gotten pulled into a kind of like vortex of people who are like transphobic well he his main thing is he didn't think governments should be mandating speech that's true he just happened the speech ended up being around gender pronouns right and I don't think he was taking issue so much with the gender pronoun issue is the I don't I I think that's how I get to misunderstood yeah and that I and he that he's a well trained psychologist with lots of clinical experience and he's got opinions based on that clinical experience and it doesn't always jive with ideologies and so between those two things he gets kind of demonized and he's a religious guy - and that doesn't read well in some circles it pisses people off yeah but it's like there that this this is such a big [ __ ] issue right now and it's you know I was like I've been following it really closely with it being what um the question of technology and freedom of speech oh yeah and the like weird realization that we're all having which is that people are exploiting our most people's passionate sense that we should be allowed to say whatever we want without the government getting involved right and that's an expensive thing you can exploit and it's [ __ ] up because like you could take that and put it through the massive megaphone that the Internet is and you could essentially you can weaponize speech you can intentionally seduce people who are teetering or confused or lonely or [ __ ] up I'm talking about specifically white supremacists mm-hmm you know like there's a like I just was listening a great NPR breakdown of like oh yeah it's like a organized focused it's a cold white supremacist it's a cold yeah yeah yeah it's a [ __ ] cult you ever talking about has gotten out of it though they try to kill you if you leave it really yeah yeah no I talk to people to get out of it and and my question to the this guy was I mentioned on this podcast before was okay you know because his thing was compassion compassion for these guys they're sick they're fucked-up they're full of it yeah horrible things happen to them and I go yeah yeah I was charged with treating one of these guys and he was motivated to get out he was motivated to change I could probably find compassion to him but a certain point certain things too late there's got to be cut out like a cancer yeah and certain stuff like pedophilia once you act out our child I'm sorry that's it you're done we got to take you out we got to get you out of the you need to be removed you're too much of a cancer nurse yeah and I feel like what supremacist or maybe that way too I don't know yeah you know I could feel compassion for them but I don't know that's the right thing to deal with it No yeah [ __ ] that yeah I mean it's like we did we though that whole thing like and I'm someone who really really wants to be more compassionate I think compassion is like that the answers missing yeah compassion does not mean letting things be letting people rampage through the world in intentionally hurting people for their photon reflectivity this shit's [ __ ] man so it's like this is like this sick problem that we're facing on this planet right now which is like we have got to figure out a smart way to inoculate people who have low I don't know how you put it there [ __ ] logic immune system is down yeah yeah they don't know how to fact-check they don't have to look stuff up a lot of us yeah so that all you need is someone like that you get someone like that and you could you know it's the what is it that Mark Twain said religions what happened when the first conman met the first fool all you need is a [ __ ] fool only to someone who's a little insecure a little worried doesn't have much to be proud of and you're like well you're white you're white and then BOOM if someone's like really you think that's really better than other oh yeah next thing you know just you suck them in and now now you've got like a a problem and we have to figure it out I don't know what the answer is well I'm gonna I'm gonna come in here PI cos we're gonna talk about this I'm sorry because listen there's I've been preoccupied with this a little bit too because there's difference being white supremacy and white supremacists and white supremacy is something that I think everybody has got to examine in their own soul yeah this would most of our friends that are don't have the same photon reflectivity or complaining about and we don't all pay attention right in the white supreme pizza which is just white cheese is so good well now because they ruined it the [ __ ] Nazis took the swastika one of the coolest symbols of all time from India preexisting the goddamn Nazis by a long time they took the Hitler mustache now they're taking [ __ ] freedom of speech now they're drew their [ __ ] are they [ __ ] on everything you know I want the swastika back I want to be able to have a [ __ ] Hitler mustache without people thinking I want to cause a genocide you wouldn't look over the hill I wouldn't want to hit with my stash they're [ __ ] hideous let's be honest that's like you let him have that who cares thank God he didn't have a cool mustache so where can people find the podcast Duncan Trussell conquered her house at that time and one of the things we do in this podcast talk about how people get into comedy mmm so tell me about how that happened to you well I was at the age of five I was essentially sold into slavery no dude what the [ __ ] we were just tell me your story a little bit my dad was the BTK killer and I know I know it was yeah I basically I walked in I walked him and I walked in on my mom getting [ __ ] by a komodo dragon I I am probably with anything out here are we no I mean you said you want it you want it all but yeah you don't you don't get better after that you know that [ __ ] tongue licking laughing you're the tale about being [ __ ] up like that well I mean I think that we don't want it to be that because we want and that that's beautiful I think cuz we want we don't want that to be it's like yeah you certainly don't want someone to think oh well I don't have a super fucked-up childhood therefore I can't be an artist or something so I think there that there's a a real beautiful idealistic sense of like man we don't have to like hopefully we can get to a point where people don't feel like they have to like have gone through a lot of [ __ ] to be funny mm-hmm but if you look at the history as you know by now of most comedians they didn't have what you would call a typical childhood and usually that you know look at our Richard Pryor look at God almost every single one of them had some weird [ __ ] I've started to think about comedians almost like poets or some poet meets rock star kind of thing I mean and poets all had fucked-up Dylan Thomas and you know these guys well I'm just Mackowski oh yeah they were not healthy people I would argue the pose for it back then they got away with more to be fair but they were not healthy and then rock stars same thing they were sort of seeking something by becoming a rock star sometimes I just think well who is healthy Nicky will are in there's not many yeah in fact a limb personally I don't think healthy people are interesting I mean Jesus you're just gonna say it yeah yeah dr. drew healthy people aren't interesting not in the way that I'm not saying that they aren't fine and they aren't good and they're not great for them for their of their own personal life in terms of us the general public wanting to wash them or look at them or hear from them not that interesting come to my clinic I'm gonna make you [ __ ] boring you're gonna be you will not be funny well think about drama just think about drama generally what is drama maybe what did Shakespeare write about right you wrote about [ __ ] up people doing [ __ ] up thing yes that's it yeah Tipp relationships [ __ ] up people yes that's it yeah that's what we look at that's what Dredd tracks us we what is a real housewives of fill-in-the-blank yeah we just our eyes go to that well I just like the reality of life is [ __ ] up it's like I don't care how healthy you are you it doesn't matter if you were if you fell out of your mother's perfumed vagina and a scented water with dolphins and actual living unicorns because your parents are connected to some alternate reality and there were there were dolphins have special meaning now when I hear you say yeah well some people get born in Dolphin tubs and flower petals and other stuff but it's like regardless of what your upbringing and your parents were so in love and they showed you true harmony in the world and regardless of all that guess what you're gonna be laying in bed choking on your own [ __ ] puke or having some seizure you're just gonna slump over and I did it in the grocery store you know you maybe you'll [ __ ] yourself a big blast of diarrhea yeah Christina yeah yeah this is the reality of being alive as there is the certainty is old age disease and death yeah and so maybe what we call healthy sometimes is of people who are ignoring that intentionally and subscribing to some kind of reality tunnel ever though yeah and in every with the case you're making is that everybody gets interesting eventually or somehow that's right that if you come to terms with where we're at here yeah which is a very temporary incarnation in a very turbulent universe it's it's a pretty [ __ ] up place in general by [ __ ] up I mean it's uncertain it's uncertain insecurity should be a natural thing for people we live in an insecure situation which is we you know you hear this is all in the news now unfortunately every week these [ __ ] are throwing bricks off of overpasses yeah and they just smashed in the windshield you know you're driving you're listening to [ __ ] Beyonce you know thinking oh [ __ ] I got a pee I wonder if I have time to get a coffee boom and that's it yeah infinity you're gone you're [ __ ] pulp Ted is splattering in the backseat all over the baby carrier your SUV veering into the you know this is oh this is the world we're in and so we'll talk a little bit about it how hallucinogens have helped you sort of open up your mind to different things just give you a little flow a little primer on your philosophy on Oh hallucinogen yeah yeah well not to be like a psychedelic nerd you know there's actually like some people say the hallucinogen isn't necessarily the right word it's like a blanket statement well there's various like MDMA is an empath agenda you know a hallucinogen I think is like datura would be considered a hallucinogens I think where you actually have visual just like true visual hallucinations like you see someone someone who comes and talks to you scopolamine I think is what the polymer Scott yeah but that's the scopolamine is overdose scopolamine will do that right not scopolamine normal dose right not like a dinner dose of scopolamine oh that's your standard oh yeah but so I think that what's beautiful about psychedelics is that they can force you to confront your your situation as it is instead of the way you wish it were or the way you've been trying to trick yourself into thinking it is so if you're in a sort of rough spot in your life and you've been doing a lot of energy trying to ignore that rough spot for some people that's like a relationship you're not supposed to be in for some people it's a job you're not supposed to be in for some people it's a just a general sense of things going awry in your life it will force you to confront that for some people is the fear of death and so in that confrontation we have the appearance of what a lot of people call a bad trip and the better word of the word they're using now is a challenging trip okay and what it is usually I mean for me it's in the old days it was a fear of death a profoundly neurotic dread yeah yeah yeah and and and they're really sick obsession with my own extinction and so any time I would have a bad trip there were skulls everywhere but I hovering over a graveyard watching a coffin going to the ground and dirt being thrown on top of it and I could go on and on with very boring accounts of things my brain spit out as it was trying to show me like look at this look at this no look stop looking away from this look at this look you're not gonna be here forever that's a beautiful true hmm but if you're trippin in a Grateful Dead show and you're top of your friend's car is turned into skulls it's it's scary if no one has said wait well everyone's gonna turn into that and you have a kid now yes I did has I change your outlook on death well yeah it has in the sense that well Mike's I mean I've had this just bizarre experience with dying people my mom died my dad died I volunteered at a hospice for awhile I've been around I'm very familiar with death I know what it looks like I am very familiar with it and what is fascinating about finally thank God being around life and birth is it's so it's the it's the polar opposite of death so in when people are dying you have hospice and but when people are getting born you've got like night nurses babies nannies and people who show up and when people are dying they just tell the truth like dying people really don't tiptoe around anymore they don't do the thing we all do it throughout our day by like putting on a smile or whatever they just tell us say it as it is babies fundamentally tell the truth if there's no lying baby they cry when they're upset and they laugh when they think you're funny they're not bullshitting when they laugh at you and also dying people there's something else man I don't know what it is but when people are dying and maybe this is where we differ but something comes into the room there are some other I don't know what it is babies is the same thing you know and dying people they [ __ ] stink babies they smell tear I'm just kidding I love it I love the way baby smell and what the way dying people smell they smell or shit'll know nothing smells better than a dying person's head I mean baby well I need a baby's mouth it's a really weird thing the next time you're around someone's dying take a deep smell of their head and I know Tolstoy wrote about something something entering the room when somebody was dying yeah you worry about that yeah it's it's real he's all our stuff yeah I mean this is the stuff that I think gets left out of the conversation about death is all the weird [ __ ] surrounding death and how much of that is a projection and how much of that is you know who knows exhaustion yeah mirror neurons you know who knows but uh so being around my baby and seeing in my baby's face my dad or my mom Wow Wow that is so beautiful to think oh my god there is immortality well we you know what would I find confusing when people go well if there's no God has no religion as what's the meaning of life and I'm like I'm perfectly fine just my responsibility's past these jeans on you find a good partner with excellent genes create a next generation with excellent genetic profile that I rear as carefully as possible so they can have another generation and do my best to help them in whatever fashion I can to establish themselves that's meaning enough for me right I don't need more than that you're saying you don't need some kind of mythological structure to support that I know I'm passing my jeans on I'm doing a good job at it making it effective they get better than previous generations yeah that's good good yeah that's a heavy job so it's no [ __ ] yeah it's no I mean it is no [ __ ] yeah it's real that's the other thing too is like when you're on a dying person that's real and when you're on a baby that's real like it you're all your chips are on the table at that point you're you can't really like there's no [ __ ] around you have another baby what's that you do too yeah I think we are it looks like that's real parenting no rush by the way my [ __ ] is on ice baby balls red eyes mad cuz when I got cancer I did get I had to freeze my jizz yes explain this freezing Jinyu why you what kind of cancer you had like testicular cancer before you get your ball chopped off and the radiation they're like you got to freeze this jazz you don't know you might get irradiated and good the jizz yeah the frozen juice hey there like it will taste exactly the same way I want give me a [ __ ] break I don't believe you and they're like here that's what's so cool about the way they do it these days is when you go into freezer jizz if you're like listen I'm a little skeptical that it's going to have that same briny salty like thickness that the Trussell jizz is known for they will like give you like a sample of various frozen sampler a little judges example yeah and they it's cubed they you get to melt it yourself so there's you don't because like a lot in the old days before they were doing that people that way you could have just jerked off in the back right it could be anybody yeah so but it's yet it's taste identical but they do make you freeze your jizz because when you get radiation your balls might go down when you place like were you thinking about death then when you had testicular cancer they can there's just stayed confident anything you get through it well that's the like that's where you that's where life gets weird because you realize your fear of death was that you used to have neurotically it was based on zero experience with your own mortality and more of it just kind of like blanket uneasiness whereas when this [ __ ] happens and they're like walking with you to get your brain scan to make sure that cancer hasn't gotten in your brain and you do get the thing in the mood I did at least you know the thing in the movies where your hearing gets weird wah-wah-wah-wah your whole universe that's the shift into like reality land and uh it's so in that place you're like you you were experiencing like the reality of your own mortality but it's different from your fear of death it's it's it's somehow more manageable yes it's suddenly you're like oh I guess maybe I'll die and in that case it still sucks but it's a little more manageable I didn't say okay maybe I'll die like it was like [ __ ] crazy when you were having all the weird trips around death was that before you were diagnosed mm-hmm long before oh my god yeah long before yeah long before after the diagnosis all those all that [ __ ] kind of I went through radiation and then I went through the years and years and years of a new kind of hypochondria which I'm sure you're familiar with which is every time you get a [ __ ] cold you're like well I guess answers back no it's it's it's what I call waiting for the next shoe to drop say alright what's next yeah you do you it's so it's so traumatic when you break through that wall and you have a diagnosis like that it's like it could happen yeah here comes yeah when's the next one that's it yeah yeah and you also kind of it's sort of a weird preparatory anxiety you know you're sort of preparing yourself because hey it's coming that's it I know it can come it's coming for all of us man yeah it's coming for all of us and and and but that and I know that sounds like dismal to some people listening it's it's the opposite of depression that to me is the that to depression is like I don't know it feels like connecting with your own mortality in a certain way could be very healthy well my Meaghan we grew up I grew up all over but I say North Carolina cuz that's where I went to high school all over well as I mentioned before I was sold in the slavery after Wow okay I'm not gonna do it okay okay okay my dad moved around a bunch I had a PTSD dad wonderful man but he had PTSD from Vietnam and he was self-medicating with alcohol oh and so was he with your mom yeah yeah yeah but he had um you know profound the Vietnam PTSD she still around she going no he's gone that's yeah - deal with that well god I know man especially the way they treat it they'd be a novice well I mean the way they treat PTSD to this day I mean hopefully the MDMA stuff it looks really good it's looking really yeah but now they just treat the symptoms mostly there's therapy and stuff for your therapy but but guys are resistant to it the bottom line is they treat a much more systematically much more seriously than pack then which is hey get your [ __ ] together dude yeah and by the way spit on you for even going to Vietnam that's right that's right or with us yeah I mean well we just have a a real disconnect from that or I mean there's so many military families and there's so many people going through it right now and they feel ashamed of you talking about it and they don't know how to deal it I mean this is like the real Karma of a country that's been at war for ninety what percent of its history is that we have this plague of PTSD and that does not happen in a vacuum I know I still think we're dealing with a civil war PTSD I really do believe you mean epigenetics however you characterize it you know whether it's intergenerational transmission of the trauma or epigenetics or it's just it's with us and we don't realize it yeah that's right I mean all this [ __ ] where everyone's like toxic masculinity sometimes I think it is it is that even masculinity are you reporting the symptoms of PTSD yeah you know this kind of like when you see John Wayne or that idea of like that's what a man's like that's actually more like what someone [ __ ] PTSD is like because they don't want to feel and they get all tough and they get all numb and they act like they don't need help and they get all [ __ ] empty and they get pissed off and it's all because of violent and they get violent and drunk and it's all it's just a real difficult situation to be in and they don't want it the reason a lot of times when you get sick I'm sick I don't feel good when they get sick they don't want to tell anybody it's part of it so it's a real [ __ ] mess and then when you add to it this like VA that doesn't take it doesn't take care of them it tries but it just can't it can't yeah but it needs to it used to be worse I'm telling you I've seen it for a while there I thought we were gonna get it like in the early 2000 like they were really doing a pretty good job and then I think they just got overwhelmed I don't know what the [ __ ] happened but I do know that it's [ __ ] and it's and I have no idea I mean it's like I know I don't know that it's it is I can tell you for sure having sort of been around it for 30 40 years it's way better that used to be yeah but really try it I I didn't worry I'm trying before handling listen anyone who works at the [ __ ] VM I I don't know I don't know what do I know I have no idea I do know I had my dad at COPD and I do know I had to go through his [ __ ] and I do know there were stacks and stacks and stacks of insane bureaucratic forms they wanted a senior citizen with COPD to fill out by himself in his [ __ ] apartment I know that and I know there's a law of attrition which is like insurance generally that's our insurances do their thing what's that they make it so cumbersome to get reimbursed or to get into the system that you give up yeah and that's a if you can make it that complex for an elderly vet to get care then they're gonna die and then you'll have to give them the care exactly how insurance is work yeah it's a matsa mess it's a [ __ ] mess boy this is funny I don't want to talk about this okay is this you getting under my head you found it okay we got me you and I had dinner with Pete Holmes the other night as well they raised a fun dinner for me for a house it was a lot of fun yeah we got to hang out more yes we do and that Pizza great guys he's gonna come on the show soon too um did you orders birthday party no he had a birthday party oh yeah no I got the baby man I can't got the baby I got his so pissed I was out of town I really want to go yeah I didn't make it let's take a quick break and get some information from our sponsors I want to tell you about Roma now I don't feel like me but I hate going to see the physician I'm a bad patient I'm a doctor but I'm a bad patient it was only because of my wife that I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and I will tell you almost every male patient I see certainly particularly men that aren't too old and aren't too young it's their female partners that bring a man they usually don't come in willfully well you know we don't like asking for 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never do I think okay I think you that was with your comedian so how did you get into comedy okay you want the real story I don't want to hear about slavery okay okay so here's what happened it's really like my life has been chaos and I got into comedy through chaos I left liberal arts school I had inherited $10,000 from my grandmother and I was like this is gonna last at least two years in that way I was like I could stretch this for a long time gasps oh my god so dumb and just deeply stupid and so I went I'm like you know I'm gonna move to Venice and she pulled a tree place like Venice it expensive and you know why I wanted to move there what because I had seen the doors movie when I was like in high school or something and I'm like Jim Morrison lived there it must be like just you know really like hippie paradise hmm so I get there and I'm walking down a sidewalk in some random place and this Portuguese dude is Portuguese because I and I ended up like living next to his son okay and he was like do you have we started talking I'm like yeah I'm just looking for a place he's like I'm running a place for 600 a month and it was right by the beach and what this is [ __ ] amazing good thing so uh I ended up is the day to move in and I get there and his kid is still living in the place I was going to sleeping on a sleeping bag on the floor and his kid is like do you mind if I sleep on the floor for a couple more days and I'm like not at all Oh cuz I just got out of liberal arts going I don't care let's get some Carlo Rossi [ __ ] get hammered it's awesome I got a friend and we so what I'm hanging out there's this guy Portuguese yeah dude yeah yeah and uh he starts he ends up moving into the house right next to mine and this guy was an authentic crackhead like not like your giggler like crack real-deal crack yet he was in the crack cocaine at a time and I can remember like us at the time what's it just at the time I don't I've lost touch shaaka but he he I remember he would stack beer cans in front of the gate and I'd come home and like knock the beer cans over and he'd leap out like right I need the rent early this month I'm like why he's like for power like alright alright fine huh but uh he would I remember he took me on this like he was like a really sweet guy believe it or not even though his friend I remember I've I've never smoked crack and I will never smoke crack there's a few drugs I'll never touch I'm never gonna touch crack never gonna touch heroin but um I was watching his friends if you ever smoked crack yes could be yeah Oh like if there's anything in nature telling you not to consume it it's [ __ ] crack yeah it's like if you put it's like if you took a diaper yeah filled with [ __ ] not from a baby but from like a middle-aged person [ __ ] and put it in a microwave that's what crack smells like and they put like methane which would like a hydrocarbon on you just got a mix it's like that wonderful combination of burning past and festering diarrhea like not just normal [ __ ] I'm talking like you're like oh [ __ ] this is bad actually I have to go to the doctor like this is yeah yeah like literally just telling you this don't do this this is terrible I think I'll Hale that yeah yeah yeah and his watching his friend as I've never seen people smoked crack before it like his friend takes a head his lips got all blue and he looks at me and goes so this is like alright this is like one of them this - you thought I got to go to comedy what this is what you thought I gotta go to arts come here this is where I'm telling you man blue lips I'm gonna die yeah in Buddhism this is one of the beautiful things in Buddhism they say no mud no Lotus and the combination is like a flower growing out of a garbage dump and I'll get to the comedy part he this guy is friend the blue lips dude at one point he's like you want to go we help me copper Rock and I am insecure to this day and I [ __ ] because of PTSD dad if you're an older dude who's clearly a little sick or you're gonna help I want to yeah it's so embarrassing rescue fantasy for older dudes oh my god that had to be my the younger women anything like literally like oh your why are you my dad let me tell you my rhombus oh so your dad like Rob does what no not until the end but in the end he started listening more to it because he was dying and people are dying to go with Pete to see Ramdas yeah did you do it do what go see Rob to us with Pete Holmes well I do these retreats with around us every year I'm going in May yeah okay um anyway this guy he was like you ever copper rock and I wanted to impress him so I'm like no and said being like what's copying a rock I was like now he's like we you want to go copper out with me I'm like sure like that like I knew it like I knew what this was so we drive down the street and he does a crack deal in front of me these dudes come running out of the house screaming at him for some reason like get the [ __ ] out of here they throw crack in the car he gives them money we drive away I'm like realizing like if we get pulled over I'm gonna have to tell the cops officer I didn't know what cop in Iraq Matt right he's like yeah I just you see my dad at PTSD they're ready for that explanation so yeah so anyway this guy um took me on this really nostalgic tour of West Hollywood while he was smoking crack he was not on crack at the time I think it I'm not sure what drug he was on but valium probably probably acid probably acid cuz we were like it's a long story but like um he he uh drove by the House of Blues and it was like that's the House of Blues and he was really cool but it was like there was an authentic nostalgic Cal of Southern California respect for these establishments it's really sweet oh that's where the big dogs go the House of Blues and then we passed the Comedy Store he's like yeah that's the Comedy Store Pauly Shores mom owns that place and I I don't know I looked at the Comedy Store as big black building and I'm like [ __ ] man whoa that place looks cool and then uh I ran out of money spent all my money on drugs and synthesizers and Carlo Rossi basically ran out of money it was like walking by the comedy store and I touched the building I remember touching the building and getting this real weird sense of like why don't you alright I'll try to get a job in there and so I went in there and started like giving the manager like these prank call CDs I had made in college thinking bats can get me a job there I just started harassing him I never do that either I've never do that I stir every week I'm a bug in Robert Davies and finally he's like alright alright it was like he gave up he got fatigued saying no he's like you can have a job on the phones twice a week and so I started working on the phones doing what answering the phone reservation reservation yeah and then if you worked on the phones you got three minutes of stage time a week and did you know that yeah but I didn't give a [ __ ] I don't want to be a comic oh you just wanted to work there I just thought it'd be fun to work at a comedy lab yeah yeah I really didn't I'm not saying that like secretly I was really like I don't think I don't know but i'm mitzi I remember the first time you know that was the terror of the phone operators is mitzi would call and she just didn't like your voice or if you accidentally drop anything you would get fired if you want to get a fictionalized version of that whole era of mitzi establishing the laugh factor the Comedy Store I'm dying up here was a series about that yeah so good yeah that's that it was and you know that you can't cap that you cannot capture it's impossible to capture the energy of that place and if it would have been there's no way you can capture the energy of her unless if you want to know what she's like go to India go to Varanasi India and sit next to a [ __ ] cremation ghat and I'm not saying it cuz she's like it's a body burning I'm saying it because some people have extra energy and she's got it oh she had and so and so um did you watch great comics and that inspired you or did you did you take your three minutes and do something with it what happened what happened is I comedians were just like why aren't you using your three minutes we were working at this awful job not maybe not making as much money so we could have that three minutes so I started doing the three minutes what was your first thing my first joke I mean what how did you get up there and what did you do the first three car yeah so because like I'd come out of like a liberal arts school and because I was really into psychedelics and because I like been in the company if like some really interesting people who were like just not what what you call comedians but really interesting people I just tried to I tried to be a real smart up there I just tried to be like the smartest edgiest thing and I did like some kind of like non sequitur series of like just oh you wouldn't even call it like a poetry slam yeah poetry it was like just garbage like it's garbage is garbage could be and then I got off stage and Eleanor Kerrigan who's a friend of mine now a very funny comedian waitress at the time and terrifying at the time everyone was terrified her soap another powerful figure she stops me and goes I don't know what that was but it wasn't comedy where did you figure out how to do comedy well I think that's an interesting question iiiiii said this day don't think I figured out a new comedy but um when did you maybe will laugh it it was um it happened in the open mind it happened it just starts happening naturally I I think I told a story I think the first time had a really good set I told his story about like going into this BDSM Club making out these two girls I was like excited said what happened and it was and I was honest about it that's the poetry for that's was he I'm right yeah well I think there is a certain poetry at stand-up comedy yes I think I think Pryor was a poet yeah yeah his stuff I'm said this and I'll say it again his stuff is as relevant this minute as it was the moment he uttered it and it comes as poetry when you listen to the stories particularly yeah and it's and it's because he was zero latency you know it's like the the thing that many of us have is latency which is there is an idea of who we think we are and then there's who we are in that um the space between who we are and who we think we are create stammers because you're always stammers yeah because you're trying to correct to become this thing you want people to think you are are you wish you were instead of as you are right now so he's always as he was yeah zero latency yeah yeah he just was they could they say no filter right oh it's I see it as sort of almost like a like a jazz musician that's just just the things flow out of them yes yeah yes that's right and also a hard-worker which is another thing people just seem to leave out of the equation as he worked his [ __ ] ass off it wasn't just that he was a jazz musician and I'll tell you jazz musicians are deceptive because if you see a great jazz musician you will think I could do that he's just tinkering on the keys you know and it's it's just not like that no he's also a freemason he was yeah it's not weird you're gonna develop a conspiracy theory around the whole conspiracy theory you can look it up Richard Pryor was amazing I can develop one mm-hmm develop a theory around it about the Masons yeah oh and Richard Pryor um there's no conspiracy theory is that you probably learned some like good skills or something that helped him whatever they taught it's interesting but um yeah so anyway that's how it happened I just started doing stand-up and all right we're gonna get some some speaking of latency you ready for do some emails yeah left here I'm a 32 year old female has been married six years I've had to deal with sex addiction since a trauma I experienced in high school I put in the work to better myself in therapy and change my behavior I love my husband but I haven't been satisfied with him no matter how many times we do it we've never had a threesome because my husband doesn't think it's a great idea I'm very into dominating sexual behavior I'm trying to fix things without having to leave the relationship yeah any insight he's in he slightly into Daddy little girl fetishes oh my god and I'm wondering if that would be something healthy to explore I'm not sure she has dealt with her sex addiction call me crazy this is Alexandria what do you think um you're gonna give it a thumbs up on a threesome yeah I'm gonna do the threesome thumbs up okay but it's you that's an interesting sort of hang up right like why doesn't he like well here's here's the thing I I'm reading between the lines here I'm gonna I'm gonna predict she had a sexual trauma before the things she experienced in high school whether she's aware of it or not yeah she has had some sex addiction treatment but I can tell by the way she talks about it that the treatment has been nominal and she's looking for higher and higher intensity and arousal which is more a sex addiction that's what the threesome is about but in getting that higher and higher levels of arousal she'll start going down that path again and [ __ ] up a relationship Oh God Ari but I remember man there you go that sucks yeah I know so what you're saying cuz someone is at a sex addiction that sort of like makes is they're not allowed to have a threesome II I'm not saying they're not allowed to I'm saying that I see smell trouble here with this young lady say it does say you're not allowed to have a threesome you Duncan are not allowed now say to her Oh Alexandra you're not allowed to say it like her daddy here's another one as a mommy this is a mommy organization it's tempting to ask you a question about dicks or farts but I'll take the high road and ask a serious question I have dry eye disease caused by advanced Mubeen gland dysfunction I saw you posted Instagram the you at IPL I did that for dry eye after PRK how did IPL work for you worked extremely well I'm gonna try to get some more this weekend week in fact cuz I'm drying out again what's not real intense pulse light very intense oh and they do it around the eye and it loosens the glands essentially we don't really know how it works but there's essentially no downside in proper hands so get IPL if you have dry eye is a horrible horrible curse it's not just dry eye during the day it's it's like oh no it's sound right it's terrible can't you just drip drops in yeah it only lasts for a few minutes okay so let me just show you in my pocket is one kind of eye drop two kinds of oh my god the third one in here three kinds of eye drops Jesus time look at those drops get me through the day but the nights of the bad part do you what about those drops that make your eyes like whiter is that [ __ ] have you seen oh yeah the blue drops is that real no that's real but it's we I've been asking it they're not approved in this country and I can't figure out why not I'm asking about it huh somebody didn't pay off the right person I thought I saw some of the drugstore I was gonna place the blue stuff yeah well maybe so right now I might be psycho as a blade I feel like I've lost respect for human life I find myself free frequently thinking about ways to kill people for a while oh my god ways to get rid of the body I think about Josh is this you yeah justice this is ways to get rid of the body I think about criminal activities a lot I track armored cars around when I see them what I walk on how do you track an armor what is that you mean go round wall follow them I walk in residential neighborhoods at night and pay attention to human activity empty houses etc I've never heard any wonder stolen anything before but lately I feel like I'm walking on a tightrope that the slightest thing might push me over the edge should I bring this up to my physician if so how do I do yes yeah I would bring it up to somebody here's here's the horrible part you don't know if this is just some sort of depression or unregulated aggression that he has or if he has some underlying biological problem or he's a psychopath right and I you I have no way of knowing which this is if this is just a guy that's feeling aggressive and having horrible fantasies doctor can help quite a bit but if he's a psychopath wait let's just talk about it for a second longer though because it's like it's injured like for one like the thing is like whoever you are you have to get help now yeah you can't go around yeah now one of those [ __ ] around as always we were saying earlier don't wait until it's too late when we have to deal with you through the legal system and God knows what yeah don't God help you at that point god help us yeah yeah he we wrote in to dr. drew after mark and and they brushed it off and now it's like you gotta you gotta get help also to me though here's where these things are a little odd though we're doing no I'm just like your this like you're teetering on the edge of some horrific thing yeah I don't he's not saying he has a plan to do it he said talking about fantasies about it you're tracking armored cars whatever that means exactly what does that [ __ ] mean what does that even mean like your mind has gotten out by the way I am no judge of mental illness my gyro goes off all the time so I'm not judging you at all my friend I will tell you I've been afraid of armored cars I've been afraid of pen so stoned i've thought like postman maybe or like bees you know just like they're like a hi they're like you know like some kind of scare like oh god like what if they are beheads i don't know what they're doing why are they looking at me why are they like so I'm like I just remember the data that's out lately about cannabis causing paranoid psychosis yeah I've been there I'm just saying that because I don't want to seem like I'm stigmatizing mental illness or someone who's like enjoys mental illness from time to time I know how weird it can get out here but to me it is odd that like someone who's like in that spot that hell zone is also like you know what I'm gonna send an email to dr. drew after dark right which is why I assume this is just some sort of he's in a bad depressed place having horrible fantasies yeah this is but you're absolutely correct this should be taken completely seriously he needs to talk to somebody before something horrible happens just like if you were suicidal or anything and you're not your thoughts homicidal fantasies are similar to suicidal fantasies they're not okay he doesn't have a plan it doesn't you know intend to do anything but tell somebody before you get to that and you're all you're like teetering on the brink of true wisdom it's just like any time you're like losing your mind a little bit you're actually if you get the right kind of help it's always an opening experience where you realize like here's how you actually robbed armored cars you know like you don't follow them around you have to get a job at Brinks I'm gonna leave this next one till maybe next show I'm afraid what you might say to it what is it let's take a voice message so take your voice message you're like we'll do a voice message hi dr. gira this is Elena from South Dakota I would like to know why sometimes I go Ashley deaf after an orgasm I love the show hope you can help me out happen thank you people can't ring oh the dog at the end like that oh that's cool yeah people can pass out people get sudden loss of hearing that's just something that happened but get headaches after Wow it doesn't mean there's anything necessarily wrong sometimes when people pass out you have to like get them evaluated from a cardiac standpoint because they can get they can have critic rhythm problems that are sort of coming out because of the autonomic response of sex but the hearing thing is not that big a deal wouldn't worry about that Wow do you people who lose their hearing after an orgasm I have more powerful orgasms if you want to tell yourself that I don't you would think so you you I would imagine so I don't know that's true but I it makes sense right how nuts would it be if your hearing came back during an orgasm like that's one of the ways you could see again or hear again Josh again this is for you Josh like it like if you wanted to see you had to jerk off like you have to like constantly be wandering through your house and Hastur having orgasms all right let's keep another voice message we're boring Duncan no you're not I feel embarrassed that I said that I'm boring you another voice message hey mommy drew that's Christian mommy a little while ago I had surgery on my [ __ ] mmm because after church camp it began to hurt and it turns out I had a hammer I'm right yeah and a fistula ooh I ended up having multiple surgeries on it they put a seat on in it and about that four months ago the seat on just kind of [ __ ] popped in my ass while I was eating Christmas and dinner uh-huh I don't know what to do about this I've asked my doctor and I never got a reply from him wait what I've consulted other doctors and haven't gotten replies from like though he's cracking his own [ __ ] up just asking as a question I didn't quite what pop disaster his seat on seat on I don't know a seat on popped in his ass maybe means the hemorrhoid I don't know it's some kind of weight could be anything it sounds like a honestly it sounds like some kind of alien technology maybe that's it it's like something that you like you would find in a pyramid it's like it the Sphinx would be filled with Sita the Sphinx's sphincter seat on the Sphinx is also filled with pop Zidane so good so hemorrhoids common right and the fistula is a little different they say Fischer officially is that vest useless fistulas are associated with things like Crohn's disease it's act fishes like a like a little comes out of the lining like the wall of the colon or rectum yeah tunnels out to the surface hmm and things like you also have colitis and Crohn's disease and things that caused that so I'd be very very worried about that I think that's what he's talking about maybe maybe it was an abscess or something that burst I don't notice eat on itself but absolutely you know get back you need to see a colorectal surgeons what you do I'm so surgeons took care of that fish Tilly and the and the hemorrhoids but these are no bueno and I'm worried you have some other inflammatory bowel disease so let's look into this you got one more for me you guys seem to be locked and loaded hi dr. drew my name is Jonathan my question for you is this I've been married for about two and a half years and my wife has recently come up to me as a sexual for my understanding that is what is described as not having any physical desire to have sex but still being able to enjoy sex if she was having I'm at a point where I've tried to work it out but I feel like my only option is to leave the marriage okay hold there so call me old-fashioned but I was trained in a day when somebody had lack of sexual desire that was not some sort of gender identity or some sort of sexual orientation that was a biological problem and it's very common from medication and birth control pills and trauma and all kinds of things that have treatments associated with them right where here's a marriage on the rocks about to be sort of dissolved because of a biological problem that has a treatment and the wife somehow has decided that this is her sexual orientation please don't came to that get treatment under active sexual desire is a treatable condition and could save this marriage what if you don't want to treat it I if she was just you know cool then he was cool with it then fine but it's right I'm worried some medication or some birth control pills or something that she's on that's causing this that's the problem is she may be getting something that's causing it and then she's decided that's her orientation that that's just it's just it's just silly to me what do you think about in that situation and a marriage allowing your partner to go be with other people sexually I don't know if she'd sign up for that I mean that's I I don't think that the you whenever you at whenever you dilute the primary intimacy you end up diluting it you end up with a less higher a lesson two less quality of intimacy in the primary relationship you mean like yeah I can't believe our anti three-way you are I'm not anti three-way in out in the world but in terms of trying to have a house I'll send you my invite haha what did germs I'm a to girl not to guys I'm sorry not that way man we gotta loosen you I know I know that get those eyes wet again baby I gotta get you eyes wet but let me just tell you that gets hurt their armies of people trying to help people have a relationship where two people are involved armies armies of therapists and I read that and you would you the that we nobody know therapists ever goes oh I know the problems of this relationship bring in another person just makes things that much difficult impossible because the relationships the dilutional apartment is all the different emotions that develop impossible it is brutal to be in that situation where you wanna you know you wanna hump your wife doesn't want to hump ya and you've just got to deal with the pain you're you're like on your phone in the bathroom looking up god knows what blasting out you know what I'm saying you're just saying let's go to some of the video clips yeah you should be there you should be this is intense yeah so drew you personally requested for this okay hold on I gotta get something to drink first sure oh wow here we go I got to make sure that this what I requested this yes this was you know you you asked what the piss on me beat me thing was from I recognize this gentleman is cool dude oh yeah Tom calls are cool cool my hang of the cool guy I think Duncan male I think this guy's a cool guy too let's see let's see black guys who love to [ __ ] and [ __ ] good if you're a hot black guy and you want to [ __ ] me at 2395 if you want to move and you can move in but you gotta [ __ ] me how many I need to be [ __ ] a lot man get ripped free food free wrench and everything else man he has a deal man he's a cool dude yeah I mean he's posting this on the Instagram do you think that's a good place to look for love yeah well Duncan thinks though look at firms this is an army look we're not rushing over to this guy's house tonight bang him down what did something for the three specifically said what he's interested we don't take that all right keep God men from jail homeless Orem your thug wanna come move in a friend come with you man free-range at least in a cake [ __ ] me piss somebody beat me at home you know you see me want to come over today and try it out try it out man he's gonna get his heart broken he he looks like that guy from Donna the dead the original yes he looks like what's his name he's in all those is that Ted Savini I don't where the guy isn't you know I'm talking about he's like he's like that they they don't you know what that woman described losing her hearing during an orgasm this video made me lose my hearing I can't hear you I'm just like you came that hard no I'm just in disbelief I'm just I can't like I can't deal why you've been married so you've never been I mean look I like this is not the kind of Instagram video I post but in like my deeply intensely horny moments this is my review when you're stand the feeling of being so horny that you would want to broadcast out to randos to come P to [ __ ] after you at your house I mean I know the feeling this guy is like you know he's he's putting he's like putting himself in a difficult position I'm interested in his home I think he should show his house a little bit more if you're asking people to move in he seems to have ribbons like there seems to be gifts laying about your ribbon on his head I think it's a gift I think it's like I get it's like a gift a gift to any random president drew he's the present dude is there any part of this video we get to see the I'm imagining like like bamboo like bamboo and Tiki theme yeah I'm getting that feeling you know why I think that's etched painted edged painted mirror in the background there yeah yeah anywhere we get some more duncan with like a little interior design from this channel i mean we don't have any he seems he seems like such a cultured gentleman we want to get a little teary resign well I am decorating my new podcast yeah no I think this guy maybe maybe his picture should be on the wall in your new studio oh you know who no I mean this is this kid I just this could happen to any of us at any moment you think you're that could this couldn't happen to you gonna have I think this couldn't happen to me mmm listen my bills and try to have much like a piss let me try it out series applied only as [ __ ] man I'm looking for hardcore guys I mean it want to do it and I want to deliver it I'm a hot pop by trash come dump let's [ __ ] I just don't believe he's like authentically a [ __ ] dump you don't he makes me sad what yes you don't get sad when you listen there no that level of desperation and traumatic it doesn't listen we are existing in a fascinating universe and and I think you know what I think I think that and I don't this sounds challenging you're accidentally aggressive and we don't mean to be and so the there's an intense aggression in looking at this man and being like god this makes me sad like that's aggression absolutely yeah he's aggressive that's why I'm getting sad he's not laying there like dr. Drew with his dry eyes he'll never dump come and me he's like calling us he's calling out for love sure he's not like the way he's calling out for love it's not like the siren song you want to hear but for him this is like you know it's his bird call I bet if you could hear what birds were saying some of them are like I want to be a calm dump I want you to [ __ ] eggs all over my face don't worry I wouldn't weigh in your eggs I was hoping I was sort of going with you down seeing the positive and this guy's switch called love song yeah I was sort of ready to kind of go with you you [ __ ] that all out this is his love language and when who are we to say I mean this guy could be happy as could be no we never know well there's more holy Christ no actually I wanted to get your guy's opinion this has been a motive contention of what exactly he's saying okay here we go free red jacket lease in a key [ __ ] me piss somebody beat me at home yeah now all right that right there what he said what is he saying oh man I mean that um you know how men at home in now so so the the theater theory is that he's just he's trying to say I'm home right now but he's just so excited so high he's super high right not something the crackers know I think he's completely sober he's saying home Meno is the term actually it's late again couple more times yeah home yeah no yeah home in the home yeah no yeah eat me at home you know all right now home right now oh right now home right now yeah I think it's home right now [ __ ] me piss somebody beat me at home you know yeah wow man that's crazy all right all right good night everybody good night is there is there no video for us now we know we don't have to we don't have to do it I know you're tired I know wait I have a video do can I send a video please oh my god Oh Giz like the first lady I like hold on my friend just sent me this oh my God my friend my friend Brendan walls just man you know maybe I'm not allowed to send this no come on now can i I'll just you know what yeah I'm gonna air drop it I'm sorry you guys you just I think ah [ __ ] okay I'm gonna just do it um how do I airdrop here yeah I'll come out no go okay thanks this is amazing very special spiritual eye I think everything's spiritual let's see I know that now because you just thought that dad dude was spiritual what is in spiritual [ __ ] bucket that guy I don't think he's spiritual you think come buckets aren't spiritual what's in a [ __ ] bucket I can't think of anything spiritual in it what's in it though a human can't well not yet no I mean we don't weigh in it then oh oh I was saying like a literal [ __ ] bucket filled with come oh well that's what Scott yeah yeah yeah in a bucket and the videos okay okay you know a bucket they give the think of what a bucket means you know it has that for a bucket - it has to be empty to contain come and so in the same way if we get rid of ourselves then we could contain the calm of the universe a so if we're a [ __ ] bucket we can be containing the wisdom of the universe yeah like we have to liken Duncan you present that to Rahm das would you head over there in May and you see what he says Ramdas yes here I this I think you all up this is a weed that we live in a time period what's in it well know people are very puritanical these days I'm not so obviously I'm not saying oh here I'm Sara dropping it I'm not saying that guy is necessarily you know teetering on the brink of enlightenment or anything like that but I'm just you know oh oh what's this I hope this is okay honest to god is this live right or we live we're not like let me just make sure okay here we go I still driving to get my [ __ ] sucked down a few minutes up the road he used to clean our house nice to suck him off down to the bathroom coated on sucking worthwhile my wife Elise was in the other room my [ __ ] is hard now at the thought gods I heard that telling you this I just adored naked men I adore being naked with the man [ __ ] the wife she's a [ __ ] I really love sex with men I've had hundreds of men I've had more women than women and I love it I'm proud of it I have sold my body for sex for men for blowing and swallowing there come and to be [ __ ] by men so I'm not kept the notes and I took photos often so I've been a prostitute and I do I love it I have sucked probably thousands of men and I've been [ __ ] by tens of all just hundreds upon hundreds of men yeah I love it I just adore it almost the pier despised gonna suck his [ __ ] try and get some video over me sucking his [ __ ] and him sucking me back him now yeah bye well this is one of Tom's many cool dudes we're definitely showing this on your mom selves oh yeah he's probably driving to that guy's house we just watch but he could be he could be and he be a good match for him kind of mom kinda he gave me this my friend Brendon Walsh sent it to me so just let me get permit I don't know what this Nessus we're all names looks like it came straight out of someone's phone yeah so I don't know that's why I have to figure out I don't know the origination point of this but let me just say I'm so proud we get to send stuff to your mom's house we've originated we've created original material now on dr. after dark yeah I'm something that that's the first time that I will find out where that came from just do me a favor please don't like just cuz I don't know for sure I don't want to get anyone in trouble for sure for sure and if we do use it will you credit Brendon Walsh please yep I see maybe yeah I know is that spiritual what this dude everything is spirit okay okay so I thought you'd say that so again when I see this guy I get a little sad I get a sad because why did this guy have to get married and drag a woman into this just beginning he could be happy and be delighted as you are being gay just go ahead well it's sad that he had to bring a woman into this isn't it I think that there is a pretend that he say it's just I don't know unless she signed off on it and does her own thing I don't know well the reality is that every rotten place I've ever been in leads to something better but mud load now might know Lotus nobody know Lotus and like was he the Mudder the Lotus he's both he's the mud and the Lotus he's the car man the bucket baby he's both this is that we gotta let go of our judgments and just let people be is there - the universe is perfect is it great he's [ __ ] cheating on his wife don't he's like sucking and blowing that's it it's great that he's doing stuff with men good on him but the cheating on the wife party needs to be honest but what you know the reality is we have to just let the universe do what it does and sometimes we get cool dudes I guess my problem is as a clinician I see this stuff and I see how there could be things could be better well I either but they're not I know they are is like it's sad when people hurt each other we have to be the first step and is that we have to find the compassion for these come buckets and then after that we will like yeah I don't that I don't know I my my feeling with people like this is like are they as happy as they could be no are they harvesting potentially really rotten karma absolutely does it make me sad not at all not in the slightest it was slightest no way so is it weird that I get sad want to see that no I think it's fine if you're legitimately getting sad if I really feel that's beautiful there's a sense there that there's a feeling underneath that though that you should go into which is desire desire so I want to be with that guy or with the threesome that you're setting up for me the reality is underneath it all is just you know on one level you ever heard role versus soul that turn no so I would argue more likely than desire it's more like fear of death is more like well are you yeah more likely to be under in terms of base feelings I think it's more than can I tell you something terrifying yeah they say in the Bardo you see the things you're afraid of you see you the things when you die you're gonna like see this guy not afraid of him he saddens me he said I was a little bit afraid of the other guy I'm not by the guys scared me I don't I don't mean to seem callous I think compassion is really good yeah but usually like compassion as it is is interesting in that it's like finding a place to be cool with you as you are and then if you can pull that off sometimes you could actually be compassionate enough that when you see a person who's demonstrating what you would call irresponsible or potentially like damaging behavior that could lead down a slippery slope of calm just a slippery slope of calm all the way down and but you you you if you can find a way to look at look at that and maybe allow the sadness but then also allow for this kind of spaciousness to let that being express himself as he is right there you never know what can happen when you're around these people and and in in that moment you just don't know that's the aunt because if they sense you're sad they're gonna get hard as a [ __ ] rock you're scaring me now think of that guy feeling like dr. drew all sad he's like oh yeah yeah sad yes sad because it gives you a thing to fight against now you have a thing to push back against and not pushing back for some people is a fetish I get that yeah so the moment you drop all the sad stuff for the sort of like identity level stuff you're like fine you want to [ __ ] you want to go you're fine I'm fine and I'm sad and we're gonna wrap this thing up my friend we'll have to continue this conversation of the Duncan Trussell family arm please yes we got a lot of talking yeah thank you so much in exceptional thank you and in the back room have any comments I mean it's I feel like you guys have been part of the not just great job boys this is a good job oh thank you yes all right so we're kind you again Duncan Trussell calm that's where everything's there at Duncan Trussell on Twitter okay follow Duncan if you don't love him after listening to this then go listen to the Duncan Trussell family our you will and you'll understand why I like this guy so much and watch our drunk history yeah it's so fun yeah please do watch that now it was awesome he did such a good job I didn't do anything you told the story and I was so upset that they didn't use the part where you said what if they took you and put a jello over your head and you were making fart sounds into the jello I was like we have to make a count for that you were blacked out but you know you did do something you brought you bring your really animate like being like a straight man so to speak you know what I mean in comedy is such a valuable you really you like bring good things out of people it's a real talent they're enough we'll leave it at that thank y'all for being here we'll see you next time bye all conversations and information exchange during participation of the doctor after dark podcast or interaction father doctor calm website is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only do not confuse this with treatment or physician medical advice or direction per se you must always follow your medical professional device and direction nothing on these podcasts are posted undecide supplements or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical care takers please understand I am NOT playing the role of physician in this environment per se I'm educating I am a licensed physician with special boards in American Board of Internal Medicine and American Board of addiction medicine
Channel: YourMomsHousePodcast
Views: 284,912
Rating: 4.8439474 out of 5
Keywords: ymh, your mom's house, your moms house, tom segura, christina pazsitzky, christina p, mommies, jeans, up, high and tight, what's with the jeans, denim on denim, podcast
Id: Bc867ezhGMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 47sec (4727 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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