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brandy Sutton one of our own thank you thank you thank you thank you for the beautiful rendition and reminder that we are here to worship God we're continuing now in our series seven churches of Revelation and I must admit as I shared earlier I have been excited by sharing the Word of God through these seven churches and the messages for us today with that in mind I would invite you to take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Revelation we're going to Revelation chapter 2 and we're gonna begin reading at verse number 18 Revelation chapter 2 and we're gonna read verse number 18 and we're gonna read all the way through the end of the chapter verse number 29 and I'm gonna read from the King James Version of the Bible you may have another version that you're reading from and that's fine and I will read from the King James Version Revelation chapter 2 and we're going to begin at verse number 18 the Word of God says and unto the Angel of the church in Thyatira write these things saith the Son of God who wrapped his eyes like unto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass verse number 19 Jesus says I know thy works and charity meaning love and service and faith and thy patience and thy works Jesus says and the last to be more than the first verse 20 notwithstanding I have a few such things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce nice servants to commit fornication and to eat the being sacrificed unto idols verse 21 and I gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not boom I will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into Great Tribulation except they repent of their deeds and I will kill her children with death and all the churches so know that I am he which searcheth the reins and the hearts and I will give unto every one of you according to your works but unto you I say and unto the rest in Thyatira as many as have not this doctrine and which have not known the depths of certain Satan as they speak I will put upon you none other birdie that which he have already hold fast till I come he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end to him will I give power over the nation's and he shall read them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a Potter so they be broken to sippers even as I received of my father and I will give him the morning star ye that happen here let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches babe our focus is on the fourth church Thyatira the adulterous church we're praying father bless us now speak for your servants heareth oh god we've had a wonderful worship already to you and prayer in song and Dibby but more to hear from you right now so speak as we share in this the forth serves the adulterous church Thyatira God when the appeal time comes I pray that you would move move not just in this church but move over the airwaves move all the big internet waves move over the television waves that I people might make a decision for thee forgive me of my sins in the name of Jesus we pray amen we have now come to the fourth of the seven churches SIA Tyra the adulterous Church remember the first church was Ephesus it was the working church the people were hard working for the Lord but they had lost their first love and you can't labor without love the second church was Smyrna Smyrna was the faithful church and they were faithful at Smyrna even unto death the third search was Pergamus it was the compromising Church because although it had failed fast the faith of Jesus it had let paganism idolatry and immorality enter its ranks compromising the principles of what thus saith the Lord and now we come to Thyatira the fourth church and we call it the adulterous church now you need to know that Thyatira was located about 40 miles southeast of Pergamos Thyatira wasn't situated on the coastline next to water like Ephesus or Smyrna neither was Thyatira on a hill like Pergamos Thyatira however was in the middle of a valley it was the only city of the seven churches built on flat ground without natural defenses which made it vulnerable to attack now you need to know Thea Tyra was not a large city it was not a big city in fact it was the smallest of the seven cities but Thyatira was a thriving city it was a prosperous commercial center there were carpenters and Tanner's and Weaver's and tip makers dyers all making a living from their trade there were merchants and wool merchants in linen apparel leather work and excellent bronze work purple dye was created in Thyatira and it was highly sought after it's noteworthy to mention that fire Tyrel was the home of Lydia the first Christian convert in Europe Lydia was a seller of purple fabric who the Bible says in acts 16 converted to Christ during Paul's ministry at Philippi the church at Thyatira was probably like most churches for the most part it had good people well-meaning people but by entire also had some problematic people it wasn't a perfect Church but then again what church is perfect for in every Church the wheat and the tares must grow together do I have a witness in his place Jesus begins his letter to the church at Thyatira describing himself as one who has eyes like flames of fire and feet wipe brass with this description of Jesus's eyes we're reminded that Jesus has eyes that can pierce through the vacays fakeness phone eNOS cover-ups disguises pretenses and pretensions of people Christ's eyes are able to penetrate the darkness of sin and expose all falsehoods there are no secrets hidden from the Lord the Lord sees everything and everybody you can fool a lot of people but you cannot fool God God sees everything we do the good the bad and the ugly he sees when you help the senior citizen cross the street he sees when you spend time in Bible study and prayer but he also sees the time you cussed out or told off that driver who cuts you off in traffic he sees what you read he sees what's a watch he hears what you listen to and he sees how you behave Jesus sees it all Jesus says his feet are like brass his bronze feet symbolize his strength which can trample sin under its feet and punish whatever is wrong so both his eyes and his feet are needed at Thyatira because as we're going to discover Thyatira is the most corrupt of the seven churches of Revelation after giving the description of his eyes and his feet Jesus now speaks the same forwards and achmet he declares to all of the seven churches he says I know thy works I know thy works which remind us that not only does Jesus know all about us but jesus knows about each individual Church he says I know thy works by love by service by faith and thy patience I know thy works and I know also that you're doing more and now than you were doing before now it's clear from this statement I know thy works it's clear from this statement that the Thyatira Christians possess love he says charity meaning love I know you have charity I know you have love they were in love with the Lord in love with one another and in love with their neighbors Jesus said I know thy love but Jesus doesn't stop there jesus also commends them for their service service is the writ we pay for the space we occupy in the world Jesus says I know thy service so the people at Thyatira they followed the words of the psalmist in Psalm 100 they served the Lord with gladness because you can't serve the Lord with sadness after all God has done for you you can't serve the Lord mad are you hearing what I'm saying you can't serve the Lord with an attitude you've got to serve the Lord with the smiles what good does it do to say Amen sing shout clap your hands and your angry rocks in your jaw's can't speak can't smile have an attitude just mean let me put a kickstand right here for a minute and talk about service so you can understand the importance of serving the Lord with gladness when you really understand what it means to serve the Lord you were recognized that serving the Lord is a privilege some of us say God owes us something because he lets us serve in his church but don't you know it's a privilege for me to be standing up here preaching the Word of God considering that my righteousness in God's sight it's but as filthy rags it's a privilege for the praise team to sing it's a privilege for the musicians to play the instruments it's a privilege for a person to usher in the church it's a privilege for somebody to teach Sabbath school whatever you do for God it's a privilege because at any moment God can take it away from you so when you serve serving a spirit of worship serve in a spirit of praise serve the Lord with gladness let me needle this home just a little bit more let me tell you something before this coronavirus many of you know I travel a lot you know that I fly a lot of planes and praise God because I fly a lot of planes I stay with one airline Delta Airlines is my preferred airlines and so because Delta is my preferred airline and I continue to fly with them I'm a frequent flyer with them I have frequent flyer miles Amen somebody I praise God for the frequent flyer mouths because that means I get upgraded I get upgraded from regular class to first-class come on say Amen don't sit there man hating on me just appreciate and celebrate I get upgraded because I travel a lot I also have a preferred choice for a rental car company I rent a certain car at a certain car company and I have a lot of points on that tooth in a lot of different restaurants I stay in a lot of different hotels and the difference you can tell between a five-star hotel and a one-star hotel is that there is a big difference because after all they all have beds they all have restaurants they all have TVs and flat-screen TVs but the difference between a five-star hotel and a one-star hotel is in its service and if there's anything that we as a church everywhere I've got to learn how to do we have to learn how to work on our customer service we have to learn how to treat people people will know we are Christians by our love there can't be a contradiction between your worship and your work you can't give scripture in one breath but not speak in another you can't sing in one voice and then not say happy Sabbath in on the other you can't serve communion with one hand but then not shake hands with the other you want somebody to listen to you when you sing but you can't want that and then not listen to them when they sing it's a contradiction if you're having a bad day then maybe you shouldn't be ushering today sit down somewhere don't pass it out bulletins y'all pass out bulletins here here take this take this now go sit down no you go sit now are you hearing what I'm saying because we have to serve the Lord with gladness Jesus told the Thyatira Christians I know your service because you are serving with gladness but next Jesus commends their faith they were growing in their faith in the Lord and the power of the Holy Ghost which enabled them to face the many daily trials they encountered in their business pressures and social contacts Jesus then commends them for their patient obedience this endurance came from their faith that God was in control and hallelujah that one day God was coming back very soon so Jesus then says I see your consistent improvement in things you're getting better they show growth the church at Ephesus was losing its first love often times as time goes by we lose our passion for serving God but the church at Thyatira was getting better and better and better Christianity is not supposed to be stagnant it's supposed to be vibrant it's supposed to be exciting Christianity is supposed to get better and better every day with Jesus is supposed to be sweeter than the day before it's supposed to be about growth we have to move forward we have to progress I shouldn't be the same person I was a year ago but I've got to grow the church has got to grow too many churches have a lot of motion but no movements still doing the same things they were doing 20 years ago and when you do the same things in the same way you better expect the same results but we've got to grow we have to move at Thyatira love wasn't their problem service wasn't their problem faith wasn't their problem endurance wasn't their problem that sounds to me like an ideal Church so what was wrong with diet IRA why was the church at Thyatira the most corrupt Church why did Jesus have to describe himself as having eyes of fire and be like brass well verse 20 tells us why their problem Thea Tyra was they were tolerating sin and the catalysts for this sin was a woman Jesus names Jezebel self-proclaimed prophetess who by her teachings was leading the church it's a sexual immorality and eating food that had been sacrificed to idols out of all the good they were doing at Thyatira there was one person one person corrupting the entire church in Thyatira and the people were letting it happen sometimes however one person is all it takes I wish I had time to to spend on that one person and this one person it's just a bell it's called Jezebel now I don't think Jezebel was this actual woman's name Jezebel was not a Greek or Latin name but a Hebrew name and I don't believe there was any religious Hebrew family who would have named their child Jezebel this would be like a modern-day person naming their child Judas Judas no person in their right mind would name their child Judas I don't think anybody would name their child Jensen bill because the name Jezebel wasn't associated with good things so then when Jesus in the text uses the name Jezebel everybody knew the type of person he meant when he used his name the name Jezebel is a reference to the Jezebel in first Kings chapter 16 through 21 in 2nd Kings chapter 9 Jezebel you will remember was King Ahab's wife she was the daughter of a pagan priests ëthe bel a worshipper a bell when Ahab married Jezebel and brought her to Israel Jezebel brought her religion with her Jezebel built a temple for bail and promoted bail worship there were temple prostitutes male and female prostitutes associated with bail worship Jezebel turned Israel's hearts from God through her idolatry and her immorality she killed all the prophets of the Lord that she can lay her hands on now Jezebel doesn't just have a problem with those who wanted to worship God but her problem was with God and his monopoly so what does she do she sets up temples and altars to bill side by side with the altars of God so many of those who worshiped at the altar of God in Israel also worship at the altar a bale so then people were in love with God and they were also in love with Bale they were torn between two lovers and when you're torn between two lovers you're committing adultery no man can serve two masters either he will love the one or he will hate the other Jezebel compromised and polluted the people in the Old Testament forcing them to commit physical and spiritual adultery and what Jezebel in the Old Testament did is exactly what Jezebel in revelation 2 was doing to the church at Thyatira the church at Thyatira had a wonderful spirit had great vision for reaching people and the world around them but they had begun to tolerate and encourage this Jezebel who thought that you could serve God but you could also do things contrary to God's purpose she taught that it was alright for Christians to engage in sexual immorality and in idolatry yes you can worship God but you can also fornicate and eat things sacrificed to idols whoever this woman lost she called herself a prophetess which meant she claimed to speak for God but friends of mine she was not speaking for God she was a servant of Satan bringing lies deceit and heresy into God's church and in her false teachings she taught the church to compromise in areas of holiness and sin and it's to this letter to the church at Thyatira that we find a word for us today be careful friends of mine because there are these self-proclaimed prophets self-proclaimed prophet Issus claiming to speak for God but many of them are just like Jezebel teaching lives of Satan let me tell you something if I can be real today everybody can't preach in this pulpit everybody can teach from this pulpit you've got to be careful friends of mine because when I stand up here I'm standing between the living and the dead and just like in Thyatira day many people some were led astray by a false prophet many people today are being led astray to me of God's Christians today fall prey to cult leaders and cults practices and other false teachings you better be careful who you follow be careful who you listen to be careful who you watch on television be careful who you listen to on podcasts be careful when people run up to you talking about they have new light be careful when people run up to you talking about can they preach everybody talking about heaven ain't going to heaven don't follow a good man or a good woman down the wrong road time and time again we've seen people follow a person down the wrong road Charles Manson David Koresh Jim Jones you name them we've had them but I can hear the Word of God saying to me and I say 8:20 to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them jesus said in Matthew chapter 7 21 22 and 23 not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven for many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and I name done many wonderful works and cast out devils and then Jesus says I will profess unto them depart from me I never knew you you that work iniquity this woman this prophetess this Jezebel this individual in Thyatira was leading people to commit adultery and to eat food sacrifice to idols both were clearly condemned by the Bible the law says thou shall have no other gods before me the law says thou shalt not commit adultery and when sin entered the church at Thyatira they didn't deal with it they didn't address it but what did they do they tolerated it they permitted physical and spiritual adultery they permitted sacrifices to idols but notice God holds the church responsible he says to the church you tolerate that woman Jezebel the problem was not that there was a Jezebel in Thyatira because every city has a Jezebel I wish I had time the problem friends was that the church at Thyatira was allowing itself to be influenced and led by this false teacher and this is a problem that the church today has to face just like I had to face back in the day be careful of the Jezebel's but not only be careful of the Jezebel's be careful of the Jezebel spirits great ministries great churches have been destroyed by Jezebel all spirits it's a spirit a falsehood it's a spirit of Lies it's a spirit of false teaching it's a spirit of fornication it's a spirit of adultery the plan of Jezebel is not to attack one person but through one person attack an entire nation or family think about the life of King David David's command to bring Bathsheba's house yes and sexual transgression with her did not end that fateful day but it had serious repercussions which not only affected him but also his family at the entire nation the entire nation paid the price for David's immorality now you would think that the person who smiles and visits your home regularly it's harmless and friendly but you fail to understand that the devil may have sent him or her into your home to rob your peace robbed your joy robbed your holiness be careful friends of mine to identify that Jezebel spirits knocking in the corner of your house check out the friends that you're surrounded by and that of your family to be careful who you let in your house be careful who you let your children hang around I'm not saying be pessimistic don't be pessimistic be optimistic but also be careful sometimes it's not just bail it's not just her but it's a Jezebel spirit brothers stop going to the barbershop talking about your wife she can't cook she can't clean she's hard on a brother it's hard going home to that woman y'all just don't understand brothers stop it and sisters stop crawling up your friends or stop hanging out at the beauty shop talking about how trifling your man is he so trifling he's so lazy he won't do anything because some of those same women you're talking to have a Jezebel spirits and they're the same ones taking notes waiting on you to move out so they can move in are you hearing what I'm saying the Jezebel spirit wants to see you run away from your marriage Rhonda from your ministry run from your calling run away from your responsibilities run away from your destiny run away from your vision run away from your family run away from your home run away from your church but let me warn you today it's not just Jezebel it's not just a Jezebel spirit but it's also a Jezebel system what am I talking about this Jezebel of Revelation chapter 2 was a pretender remember who called herself a prophetess but whoever she was whatever her name was she was a person of commanding influence yes she was like her prototype in the Old Testament but yes she also typifies a system a system that is the papal church the apostate Church the Roman Catholic Church the Mother Church now before I go any further don't misunderstand me I'm not dogging out or disparaging Roman Catholics there are many Roman Catholics who are Christians and who are good people but today I'm talking about a Jezebel system I'm talking about the Roman Catholic system and when the system the Roman Catholic Church system set up its claim that the teachings of the church were superior to the Word of God it assumed the role of a prophetess the role of Jezebel making God's teachings with man's teachings mixing them together and promoting falsehoods you see the Roman care of the church the system sees itself as the mother church it feeds itself as the extension of the New Testament church it calls Peter the Apostle its first Pope and it bases this on Matthew chapter 16 verse number 18 and I say and tell you you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it but where they've gone wrong is they think that Jesus when he says this it's talking about building the church his church on Peter Pat's wrath because his name bit rock but Jesus is not saying his church is built on Peter Jesus is saying that his church is built on himself Jesus Christ on Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand but over the years this system has sought some protections of the church over the Word of God what am I talking about over time in order to receive forgiveness some sin the system said in order to receive forgiveness some sin you got to pain indulgences you've got to pay money to receive forgiveness for sin there was a treasure in the Roman Catholic Church a gentleman by the name of Johann Tetzel who said listen if you want forgiveness of sin you've got to pay money you've got to pay indulgences and what they really were doing was taking the money to build a cathedral a gentleman by the name of Martin Luther comes along and he says wait a minute this is not right you can't put the teachings of the church over what thus saith the Lord Martin Luther says wait a minute this is not right why do I have to pay money to receive forgiveness from sin I already have received forgiveness from sin when Jesus Christ the solid rock whit's at Calvary to die for my sins Jesus already paid it all all to him I owe sin had left a crimson stain but he washed it white as snow I don't have to pay indulgences to receive forgiveness from seeing Jesus already paid it all and so Martin Luther begins protesting against the Mother Church the Jezebel system the Roman Catholic system and in the year of 1517 he nails 95 theses or 95 statements protesting against the abuses of the Mother Church the Roman Catholic Church this system and he says what you're saying is not rooted in the Word of God you cannot put the church above the Word of God he said that just shall live by faith there was a Protestant Reformation Protestant coming from the term protesting and so you have churches protesting against the Roman Catholic Church the mother church the Jezebel system and so now we have the Catholic Church and now we have the Protestant Church because the Protestant Church is protesting against the mother church they break away from the mother church they break away from the system in Bible prophecy you need to understand that a woman when we read revelation when we read Daniel we read these prophetic books we recognize that a woman represents a church when we read Revelation chapter 17 go there with me and you go to Revelation chapter 17 verse number 1 the Word of God says and there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and talked with me saying unto me come hither and I was so unto thee the judgment of the great that sitteth upon many waters waters represents people so this this woman this church sits on top of many people with whom the kings verse two of the nations of the earth have committed fornication and then they happens into the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication so in other words this church this woman this bachelors because she's called a is sitting on many people she has made many people she has made many nations drunk with her wine her wine is her teachings she has made them drunk by her teachings so he turn me away in the spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured Beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns verse four and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls having a cup golden cup in her hand full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication and upon her head verse five was the name written Mystery Babylon the Great the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth the mother a woman the mother Church the Roman Catholic Church this system put its teachings above the Word of God it made people drink its wine the wine of the mother wine is symbolic of her teachings what are some of the teachings that she made people drink from she made people drink of the teaching of Sunday sacredness you can read the Bible from cover to cover nowhere in the Word of God does it say the first day of the week is the Sabbath the Bible is clear remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy but mama made her children drink her wine drink her teachings and the Bible says they are now drunk and when you're drunk you can't walk straight when you're drunk you can't think straight when you are drunk you can't talk straight and so now when this man of God stands in this pulpit and preaches one thus saith the Lord puts the Bible above tradition puts the Bible above any Church's teachings it looks like I am crazy but I'm not crazy I'm not drunk I'm not drunk idiot mama swine but what about also the state of the Dead mama made our nations and people drink this teaching that when you die you go straight to heaven no the Bible says that when you die the body returns to dust the spirit returns to God and the soul ceases to exist the Bible says that when a person dies they fall asleep in Jesus at the second coming of Jesus the dead in Christ are gonna rise first and we which are line remains - because together with him in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air if the dead in Christ were Orient and who would Jesus be coming back with Jesus never told Lazarus after he died Lazarus come down Jesus said Lazarus come forth but wine this system made people drink teachings purgatory there's an intermediate state between heaven and hell that's not in the Word of God the wine you got to confess your sins to a man in a window why do I need to go confess my sins to a man in a window the Bible says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness but this jezebel system preached taught false teachings and it's trying to put these teachings above the Word of God but they were have I hid in my heart that I might not sin I can't see thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path the Jezebel of the Old Testament the Jezebel in Thyatira the Jezebel spirits the Jezebel system they have led Christians into sinful practices but the Jezebel is not of God so God says I'm gonna give you the opportunity to repent I'm gonna give you the opportunity to repent of your adultery so Jesus says in verse number 22 I will cast her into a bed and then back commit adultery with her into Great Tribulation except they repent of their deeds what Jesus is really saying friends of mine is because she likes beds i'ma give her one but it will be a bed of great tribulation and those who commit adultery with her are also those who practice immorality and idolatry she has become their spiritual mother and they too will end up in a bed of great tribulation if they don't repent verse 23 she says the Word of God says I will strike her children dead then all children will know that I'm the one I am he who searches hearts and minds and I will repay you according to your works oh but praise God for the faithful there were some in Thyatira who were not immoral there was some who held true to the teachings of God there were some who were not swayed away by false teachings Jesus says it in the text he says I will not put any other burdens on you but this is what I need you to do I need you to hold fast I need you to hold on because it won't be long don't give up don't give in but hang on in there because if you hold on he said I'll make you a conqueror if you hold on I'll make you an overcomer if you hold on to the end I will give you two things number one I will give you authority over the nation's and you will reign with me but number two not only that he says I will give you the Morningstar which is Jesus himself revelation 22:16 makes it clear that Jesus is the bright and the morning star that he is the roots and the descendants of David Jesus is promising us that he's going to give us himself oh that's good news right there the bright and the morning stars so you can gain the world but give me Jesus give me the bright and the morning star but that's just one name revelation gives him in fact that's the final name revelation gives him in revelation 22:16 but I need you to know that in the book of Revelation there are 35 other names given to Jesus before he's given the name bright and morning star revelation one says he's Jesus Christ revelation one says he's the faithful witness that he's the first begotten of the Dead revelation one says he's the Prince of the kings and of the earth Betty's helper he's Omega he's the purse he's the last he's the son of man he that liveth was dead but then Revelation chapter 2 says that he's the one who holds seven stars he's the one who walks among the golden candlesticks he's the one who has a sharp saw with two edges he's the son of God he searches the rains and hearts revelation three says he's the seven spirits of God he has the seven stars he's the holy and true one he has the key of David revelation says he opens and no man shuts he shuts and no man can open he is the Amen he is the faithful and the true witness he is the beginning of the creation of God but it doesn't stop there revelation four says he's Lord revelation five says he's the Lion of the tribe of Judah he's the root of David he's the Lamb that has been slain but then it says it again he is the Lamb revelation 17 says he's Lord of lords he's King of Kings revelation 19 says he's faithful and true he's the rider of the white horse he's the word of God revelation 20 says he's Christ revelation 22 says he's Lord God of the Holy Prophets he's the beginning and he's here and he's the bright and the morning star and all I want to see him look upon his face there to sing forever of this saving grace on the streets of glory I plan to lift my voice cares all paths home at last ever to rejoice when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that's going to be when we all see Jesus well sing and shout the victory Christ returneth hallelujah hallelujah oh man today I refuse to tolerate Jezebel I refuse to tolerate Jezebel spirits I refuse to tolerate a Jezebel system I refuse to commit physical or spiritual adultery today I choose to hold fast that I might be an overcomer listen to me as I get ready close I don't care what you did last night I don't even care what you did last week last month last [Music] Jesus is calling you today to repent you may have committed spiritual or physical adultery you may have even sacrificed food in your life unto idols but God is giving you the same opportunity that he's given that Jezebel he's given that Church of Thyatira and that is to repent but it's the truth we don't have time for all the virus things are opening up but things are not getting better Hertz rental car company filing bankruptcy things are getting better God is saying don't put your traditions don't put your church above the world Word of God God is saying don't mix his teachings with the teachings of the world don't do that don't engage in spiritual or physical Daltry don't eat food that has been sacrificed to God to idols God is telling us today to repent and when you repent he says you will be a conqueror you will be an overcomer just hold fast I don't know when Jesus come not all know the exact date all I know is he's coming soon I've got to be ready I've got to live every day as if it were my past I've come too far to turn back now I've got a hold fast I've come too far to give up now I've got to hold fast and he says when we hold fast he will make us a ruler of the nation's he said when we hold fast he will give us himself he will give us the Morningstar he will give us himself Jesus today our Jesus do you want Jesus I don't want to be a part of an adulterous Church two lovers two masters [Music] and its name is Jesus one day soon Jesus is coming to get his bride the bride this is church Jesus Jesus there's something about that name Jesus coronavirus and copa90 can come but there is something that Jesus save you today so you're there in your home you might be in your car might be in a park but you're watching right now God allowed you to hear this message God is telling you don't be a corrupt Christian don't be an adulterous Christian but I need you to be a sold-out Christian don't let the Jezebel's of the world don't have the Jezebel spirit don't have that the Jezebel system that's she well but summon repent God is calling us today to repentance because He loves us God is holding back the winds of strife he's allowing you to have breath in your body right now because he's trying to save you better think about it whatever is not that deep in your life you better let that thing go I'm not going to help anybody because the Morningstar Jesus himself but not just means coming back for you today give your life to Jesus you want to surrender you want to see a little be baptized I wanna be rebaptised I need special prayer in my life I need to engage the Bible study class I mean know more about the Word of God I see things all around happening in this world and I can even know from the Word of God what's going on you might be a young person you might be a child you need Bible study Bible discipleship whatever it is baptism read that test a special prayer Bible study whatever it is today I invite you to go to the website of our church and make a decision for Christ right now go to WWE you see SVA org and we get there scroll down on that homepage to an area where it says connect I want to give you the opportunity to connect with Jesus right now [Music] I want you to connect with Jesus that indicates your desire for connection click it forgot your name send it to us and want to pray for you I will contact you today this thing is serious this thing is serious I would have never thought that some of the people that were alive last week they are no longer with us this week we've got to be ready for Jesus when he comes but I'm here to tell you I'm going to heaven not because it's a fire escape from hell I'm going to heaven because I love Jesus today if you love Jesus because she loves you so much you indicate your connection you desire to Jesus baptism we baptism unique Linsey Lord Washington while I yet have the opportunity to do it I've got to do it special prayer pray for my family I'm praying for my job I'm praying for my finances there's sickness in my body I'm praying I'm praying for myself you need special prayer you need prayer warriors to pray for you you need further studies studies show yourself approved to God any of these things just connect because the morning star Jesus himself [Music] nor we praise you today we thank you for your word we thank you for the reminder that you have not called us to be a an adulterous church serving two masters in love with two systems in love with two people or we love you the only true God [Music] and we thank you for loving us in spite of us thank you for loving us and loving us so much that one day soon because she promised us that you're coming that you are coming and you're gonna redeem us from this earth now seal the decisions of those individuals who have decided to connect with you to me trouble the hearts the minds the bodies the souls and spirits of those who have not made a decision to connect with you a little sleep don't give them rest we're living in final days of Earth's history and God while we yet have the opportunity to make a decision for you help us to make that decision because to make no decision for you is still to make a decision so help us to make a decision for you we thank you for your word we thank you for this time thank you for making this possible teach us how to love you and teach us how to love ourselves in Jesus name we pray [Music] may God continue to bless you may God continue to be with you we thank you for tuning into the services of the old university church today it's not too late to connect make a decision for the Lord Jesus be sure you do that want to remind you that immediately after we close this service pastor avail
Channel: murahomesa -CHANNEL OF BLESSINGS
Views: 5,239
Rating: 4.7037039 out of 5
Keywords: evangelism, preaching, prophecy
Id: cLqPH0STea8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 30sec (3090 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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