1 BUFFED Top 500 Doomfist VS 5 Bronze Players - Who wins?! (ft. ZBRA)

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yo what's up everyone today we have the most requested video of the mall doomfist you guys been asking for so I'm going to deliver today we have me I'm playing the doomfist and you guys are gonna enjoy it let's get it okay April fools haha okay back to the video we have one top 500 doomfist zebra himself he has 2.5 times the stats against five fellow bronze players we just enabled YouTube memberships just join if you guys want don't have to but I cannot read YouTube comments anymore my brain literally hurts so if you become a YouTube member you have like a priority like message oh no Pharaoh this time they're running an echo let's see how let's see what the bronze players do here or if you have Amazon Prime you can literally just sub to the twitch yeah for free look at that w ow oh the bronze players are just shooting his oh no the bronze players are literally just shooting his [ __ ] rocket punch so they're charging it each time they are going back to the pharah I think he's on the uh oh man I'll see what happens wait I forgot during the mid-season pass it increased erisa's damage I I literally read the mid-season patch today and I forgot all about those nerves I mean Nerfs and Buffs wait why are they going life Weaver bro why are they doing life Weaver go Anna or something sleep I'm anti-natum what what life Weaver roll the Frog exactly okay let's go listen to what uh zebra saying I just need to kill the Zone first oh I'm lagging oh yeah I forgot the one thing I do have to say chat is I think uh I think zebra is playing on uh Wi-Fi he's not playing uh yeah he's not wired in oh 95 wait you play on a laptop no no I don't know I I have no use or not I I play I live in a college dorm I have two roommates oh oh okay that's what I say someone said you play on a laptop I was about to say what the [ __ ] why don't they go Sombra Summer's band oh I canceled my blood [Music] no I was about to say this harissa's hitting a lot of [ __ ] Japanese but then again there's a new bug I'm pretty sure I I would have my power punch there there's like a new bug where Doom can't actually block well actually maybe I shouldn't say this there's a new bug how many bugs are there with doom there's like a billion but there's a new one and it's like really really bad what you can't like get damage um you can't block uh beams like yeah like uh luxoria and Sam I mean you can it's just like not normal oh he didn't get his punch off right there I think oh a Ripa is so annoying yeah she's literally just getting in your face ah [ __ ] there's more Tracer doing bro come on come on oh man oh Darvis is gonna run the point so he's gonna probably see nine uh-oh uh oh he might see nine chat he might see nine nope he got it [Music] oh he was scared of those okay oh my God this is the hard part chat he can't go get health he can't go get healthy okay yeah he has to stay on cart that's the hard part bro oh I feel so bad for that Tracer though okay let's go listen to the bronze players for about a minute for a minute and a half and then we'll come back to zebra switch sponge doesn't hurt for some reason it'll be interesting station is this porn Tracer bro I feel so bad man it feels like it's a 1v4 returns oh broke clean with it I'm trying to clean with it bro you know that's why I play against a lot of them that I play with like I I invite a lot of the people onto these the series that I usually play with but I like the only times I've ever spectated them is like if I die to them I never die right so it's actually kind of cool to watch actually how they all play like all the different play Styles and like it's and the target priorities and it's pretty [ __ ] sick he's gone for me oh this poor Tracer I don't think this Tracer is getting any value bro you know what the Tracer should do the Tracer should go toward at least the turret can auto aim for you and then as soon as I'm done I'm gonna do basically the whole thing again but with silver and then once we're done with silver we're gonna go to gold and after gold we're gonna go to Platt and after playing Diamond we're gonna go all the way up bro zebra he can't see nindis he can't see nine this one of all the Tracer comes back and doesn't do anything still come on Tracer bro you're ow my back today was deadlift day after the gym chat but before I got to the gym chat I had to deadlift the car you know I I dead lifted the car because there was a car that was like you know over a kitten I have the deadlift the car to save the kitten I also had him 104 building to save like you know a family wait why are they running that didn't hit him that's crazy wait what are they running what's the bronze players running this this car oh I think I got here 30 seconds gone go down exciting oh my God this is just so well yeah I can oh let's go attaining the objective oh he has to hit those shots he has to hit those shots no wait that doesn't give me my block either wait is that bug I don't know the doomfist bugs Chad so you guys have to help me with this I don't play doomfist so I but he did Kill the whole team this looks very hard it is hard a lot of people say oh I could do this on 2.5 times the stat and you can't bro there's no way you're better than zebra at doomfist plus you have to capture Point not only that you have to cap the point you have to push the cards by yourself you have to kill five people you have to worry about five people by yourself you're not getting healed like if you have to worry about a lot I guess we're really good that's huge that's huge bro that's you think I got kind of off of this I killed them like while I was on flying so what I like about zebra as well is that like we sometimes we get people who are a little quiet on the stream when they're doing the challenge I like how he's he's talking tight at this chat probably but I like how vocal he is oh that's a big one and he has his old for the next fight that's a good one that's a good rule we're gonna go listen we're gonna go listen to the bronze team here chat pushing the card is the hardest because he is uh he's the only one and it's also one X that the bronze team wins a fight and they push the card they can have 3x but that just adds you know that just adds to how difficult this challenge is right oh this is two this is sorry this is two points no this is not 3x the cart gets pushed three times the speed because three times the speed is the fastest you can push cars this is 2.5 times right now oh that was big bro wait is that amazing oh my God okay he might actually win this I used to watch j3 on YouTube but ever since I started watching on Twitch my mom now loves me and my dad came back from getting milk I think we can make it before I go yeah wait they're running a zarya now no more erisa this is a little interesting Oh I thought I thought it's on him oh he missed wait he's gonna see now he's gonna see nine oh no the zarya touches [Music] no we couldn't they see nine the bronze players C9 what's going on back here oh no bro [Music] that's a C9 the zarya was right there oh you punched them away I didn't see that my bad guys I think I was looking at chat oh no oh no oh no bro the disrespect check can I get an F in the chat oh bro that this what size makes lamb and you're gone he goes in gets a kill and goes back I like it okay we're gonna go back we're gonna go back to zebras chat see what he's saying for the last fight wait that didn't give it to me no is that a new bug too wait a minute wait they're going to Doofus against doomfista my character's busted the one bad thing about having the turret is that the turret's gonna give him his punch yeah I shouldn't have voted oh he's low he's low HP chat there's only 50 seconds left he has to win this I can win I can win I can win 50 50 seconds come on Chad this is where this is the nail biter this throw this guy oh man yeah this this she love Jade has been dying this whole game bro and he fell off the map I feel bad oh that's a big hit that's a big hit big hit big hit no this end's not gonna be able to touch he gets the [ __ ] [ __ ] seven seconds is a long time I don't I don't care what anyone says seven seconds is a long time we are now going to settle this with the middle 2.25 is he going to win he has a thousand and 13 HP holy [ __ ] uh oh he's gonna okay let's go listen for listening to the bronze players right now bro I feel so bad for this guy this whole time the Tracer steal the Tracer again he's on me back the pharaoh's gonna be a big problem the fair is going to be a huge problem from my bet oh his hat he loves uh he's running let's say I'm playing can we come got it nice good job I watch your YouTube videos every day I love them support but make sure you stop with all three channels we're almost 100 we're almost 350k on our main Channel we're almost 100K on our second Channel chat and we're almost 10K on our third channel that we just started so make sure you guys don't sub to all three YouTube channels they all have daily uploads all different uploads every day please and also also I just want to let you guys know I do have an IRL Channel I'm going to Iceland in about 10 days there will be Iceland vlogs I think he's gone for me yeah oh what a punch looks like I'm there yeah why Iceland icelands are beautiful what a [ __ ] kill on the on the Farah too Iceland's beautiful chat hello have you never seen what Iceland looks like fortified I want to meet I want to meet Thor you know oh that would have been so clean I'm gonna go listen to uh zebra's chat alert keeping him I have time I have time I have time I don't think I'm gonna be able to collab with the mountain he ripped he ripped his pectoral muscle and uh he hasn't said anything since I dm'd him but nobody I play OverWatch he doesn't know who I am yeah you still under okay anyways let's get back on topic here chat he has five minutes to hold second Point bro [Music] oh man he doesn't know j3 what a loser the guy the guy won wait the Tracer oh no what the dude is the strongest man in the world well not really not not anymore I think I don't think he won this year I think someone else won yeah of course he doesn't know who the [ __ ] I am oh that Tracer bro everybody he's dying oh my God does zen just has a Discord orb from across the map on me I need to go on the back line I think oh nice that was nice that was nice [ __ ] 25 players yo that was clean bro no more no more Pharaoh they switched a torb this is actually really interesting I thought the Pharaoh was really good plus it makes it made really good reactions for us oh they're splits do I go on this Auto they're on the card the tracer's on the cart he does almost have his old stuff oh no it did Kill the Tracer through the Transcendence ah damn bro you missed that oh he gets this he gets this he gets this if he doesn't die to the tour nament come on next week oh what a jump what a jump I don't think he needed an assault there but it made it made it look pretty oh he's just stalling out his own clock it's fine I'm just like a top again I think throwing top is like really oh they're on run do I like that I think I do do they Reinhardt chat oh we're gonna we're gonna go listen to the bronze players little blast minute let's go see what their thought process is right here someone is gonna sneak around and push the cart are you almost flip them I've got my opt-in back so close to the mail they almost have poles they almost have poles wait who do they Nano hey who's the banano what a play so unfortunately there's fun camping no way it's time I even waste my time with them just taking a bunch of damage oh he missed that punch wait how do you guys feel about the Hanzo pick I don't like the Hanzo pick that much okay chat the hard part now all right the hard part what's happening the point on One X I don't think I can cap it fully though let's go that's actually disgusting I'm actually really surprised he got the cap in one go usually it takes about two fights or maybe even more Joker Queen so this is actually really interesting oh poor Zen bro oh my God yes I'll let you live for now go back to your team you can also tell the tank isn't smurfing because he bought that junker Queen skin I I wouldn't buy that [ __ ] for 400 oh they swapped a monkey yeah monkey on Cass they're playing High Ground bro these bronzers are crazy playing High Ground a Cassidy pick I just don't get my block from his team I can't get the Stagger quiet okay you deserve it brother I appreciate your content uh you know what I'm gonna laugh you know what's really you know what's really funny though as a content creator I'm worried that something's gonna come out when I'm not here though for two weeks and I bet you chat bunch of cops when I took like two days off to go outside in OverWatch one they dropped OverWatch too so when I go on break I guarantee you there I bet you they're gonna drop PVE I'm in favor go after the mega I'm calling it every time do I just stop playing OverWatch to make the gameplay is it my fault it's dog I'm like in like ring let what lead handle your channel I'm trying to make my channel grow not die I don't know if like that was worth it I'll do it four minutes this is looking good let's not jinx myself though cast flanking High Ground I think yeah are you gonna make content out of the PVE if if the PVE can be customized I would love to be I would love to customize PVE and do challenges as well but like without like I'm doing right now with content creators I think that'll be so cool I think what a lot of people don't do what's happening is they they don't collab and I I love I love collabing with other content creators it's just the one bad thing is that like a lot of our schedules don't line up so it's it's hard to collaborate [Music] and a lot of content creators out there also don't want to collaborate so that's why you guys don't see a lot of uh people on my channel as well I do ask a lot of people sometimes people say no some people are just too busy and you know it happens it is old I'm pretty sure okay let's go let's go see what the Bronx players are saying me myself oh they use Transcendence I don't I don't know if I like the May Pig I feel like the May pick isn't gonna be really that good because they're gonna throw mails and then he's just gonna be able to punch out of it means anyone challenge me this God damn [Music] oh he missed the right he missed the hole he has a minute okay Chad he might be able to catch this with time definitely with more time too oh my God he's dancing bro he's dancing he's funny oh my God yeah I'm sorry I tried oh he's [ __ ] dancing bro that's the point he's coming to y'all the tank is actually really good for bronze I'm actually really surprised he's stuck in bronze you know what I should I should ask this guy to do an ELO Hell video chat thoughts he seems like a good player he's high [Music] and he's like the only one communicating I think I'm running no the Zen's also communicating but the Zen's always dead because okay Chad I think this is going to be a W for zebra I think he has two minutes to get one tick this is this is gonna look like oh poor Zen bro I feel so bad for the Zen he's not playing the whole game you know he he just needs to get the Discord orb on him and then hide or wait for him to dive someone then Discord or bottom so he's not the first Target if he just stands out there in the open he's always gonna die yeah Ryan is a lot easier than Marissa exploded [Applause] damn now do you guys want me to clap with my hands full yo good [ __ ] man good [ __ ] won the best of three Series yeah some of those plays were disgusting like that one on the fair that made him switch Jesus
Channel: Jay3
Views: 622,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spectating, spectate, spectates, overwatch, overwatch analysis, overwatch pro player, overwatch pro, overwatch funny moments, funny overwatch moments, OW, overwatch trolling, overwatch2, overwatch rage, overwatch jay3, jay3 overwatch, Jay3, jay3 highlights, best of jay3, grandmaster, overwatch grandmaster gameplay, overwatch spectate, overwatch moments, best of overwatch, widowmaker, grandmaster overwatch, gm overwatch, overwatch gm, overwatch 2 sojourn, overwatch 2 beta, ow2
Id: zUQIt26sUi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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