Downsize your (long-term) travel toiletries | Minimalist travel tips for women

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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is maggie and i'm currently in the process of becoming location independent so on this channel i want to talk about my journey about my travels and how i earn money online so today i would like to talk about one topic that i get asked a lot and that is how i do with my toiletries you know i travel usually for long periods at a time and i travel only with a small backpack so hand luggage only so many people always want to know how i do it with my toiletries and today i would like to solve that mystery so basically i have two requirements for my toiletric heat requirement number one is that everything is as minimal and lightweight as possible and requirement number two is that i need to use as little fluids as possible so the back that i use is from a brand called see to summit it's a very lightweight i think it's under 100 grams when it's empty and i like it a lot because it's very small very compact but still has a lot of functionality so what i like about this bag is that it's very functional and it has lots of organization possibilities for example i can open it up and there is a book and i can hang it up if i want to the hook up here is a little bit small but in combination with my hero clip this is a fantastic combination and i can hang it almost everywhere this little bag would usually last me around three months maybe even longer and this one right here is fully packed so this is much more than what i usually would take on a trip with me i just filled everything i possibly take on whatever trip in here so you can see that actually everything fits and let's go ahead and see what i put inside due to the way that i travel i am obsessed with finding solid alternatives for my toiletries and my shampoo is no exception i use solid shampoo bars they were very difficult to find a few years ago but i think nowadays they just um you get them almost everywhere at least here in austria and the way i like to transport them is in this little pouch that's a soap pouch from a brand called matador this pouch i really really like a lot because it's very lightweight it's very minimal and when my soap gets smaller this package also gets smaller too so this is very nice and one handy feature that this thing supposedly has is that the soap can dry through the package so it should be no problem to put like a wet soap inside and then it will get dry in the package instead of creating a sticky mess so um you just twist this so you just twist this several times and then you clip it and to open it you just unflip it wrap it open and then there's the hair shampoo inside and here's another thing that i really like i like to keep my hair shampoo in little soap bags like this as you can see here is my shampoo and this is a little plastic soap bag the reason why i like this is that first off um at least for me these soap bars always tend to break apart when they get smaller and within this little soap bag they're always nice and together so it doesn't matter if they break and another thing that i really like is that it's easy to dry so you can hang them up and another thing that i always travel with is a little hook like this it has a little suction cup on the other and with that it's very easy to just hang my shampoo bar up wherever i am so i usually always find a place for it so this little hooks i bought very cheaply a pack of 10 in a dollar store so even though they cannot handle lots of weight the soap bags are usually very lightweight and for that they work perfectly and once i'm getting ready to travel again i put these things back into my little soap pouch and i'm good to go i know that plastic is not the most natural friendly material these soap bags also come in a material out of seaside but what i noticed during travel is that this material does not really work very well for me because it takes forever to dry so i use these plastic bags but one of those plastic bags it lasts me half a year a year depending on how good i take care of it so i think they did their duty before i found this soap bag i usually kept my shampoo in a container like this out of tin they're very nice very lightweight but what i noticed for me at least is that they don't work so well because when i put the wet shampoo in here it will all disintegrate and become a big mess in there and it would always stick in there and it would be impossible for me to get it out so i'm very happy that i found a combination of this matador so back with the plastic soap bags and one of those shampoo bars usually lasts me around three months and when you want to buy something like this make sure that you buy a solid shampoo and not a hair soap because there are two different things a hair soap is more like a regular soap and it will start to build up in your hair and you need to use a sour rinse out of vinegar and water to get it out but with a solid shampoo you can just use it like any other regular shampoo so the next item will look very familiar to you it's again in the little matador soap pouch and if i open it again it's in one of those little plastic soap bags what i have in here is a soap bar i use the baby soap from dr brones so it's a very i have a little bit sensitive skin so for me this works very well i use it to wash my body to wash my hair to get rid of sunscreen on my body and you can also use it for a lot of other things you can use it for example to do your laundry or to wash dishes and some people even use it as a toothpaste but honestly i never tried that so the next item is one of my absolute favorites so what i have inside this little container is a thing called dry oil it's extremely versatile because you can use it for your face you can use it for your body as a kind of a body lotion and you can also use it for the hair i always get smaller containers and refill them so usually they come in bigger containers like here's two different types this one is actually my favorite this one i'm testing right now as you can see it's almost empty and once this is done i will switch back to this one one of these bottles is 100 milliliters so technically i would be allowed to take one of these ones in an airplane with me which i already did when i travel for a very long time but when my boyfriend and me we travel together i think that one of those bottles lasts us around one year so this little one here is enough for half a year i would guess so in my opinion this stuff is really fantastic because you can use it for your face for your body and for your hair like i mentioned before so the way i like to use it is when i'm in the shower when i'm done and i'm still wet i would apply it to my whole body and just rub it in and then let myself air dry also i would apply it to my wet face and it really makes my skin very smooth and it also makes it very nice and shiny and when i want to use it for the hair i usually have two options the first one would be to use it as a mask before washing so i would apply quite a bit into my hair and just let it in there for an hour or two or overnight and then i wash it out or when my hair is very dry and stubborn i would just go ahead and use a tiny little bit in the lengths of my hair it also gives a lot of moisture so i always use it when i got in sunburn and when you're like me or a girl on the throat and when you're a girl on the road sometimes maybe you wax your legs or something and it also helps to remove the wax residues on your skin and i also use it as a oil to moisture my cuticles which always get very dry and also as kind of a hand cream so i basically use this thing really for everything so the next item is one thing that i don't bring on every trip which isn't another face cream as i said before i usually use the dry oil for my skin and it works quite well but as my skin is getting older i sometimes have the feeling that i need to do something against wrinkles or something and then what i try to do is bring a small face cream like this which is just a huge lure gel it's very concentrated it makes a lot of moisture to my skin and a tiny little bit goes a long way so this is perfect for traveling sometimes when i'm on the road i also purchase another cream just because i need something else and then what i do is i usually refill it in this matador bottle that i have as you can see it's a very again very lightweight and very minimal and it you can just screw it open and refill it with whatever you have um i use this thing for sunscreen which did not work very well because it the cap did not close with lotion it works quite well but i'm not i don't have to have i don't have the most trust in this thing and this closure as you maybe you can see it already got very white so i'm not really sure how long this thing will last even though the guys from matador said that that's perfectly normal i would love to love this thing but the truth is that i'm lacking a little bit of trust especially in the closure and i'm always afraid that this will create the large mess in my bag so yeah i usually have it with me because it's so small and lightweight and when i really purchased some additional cream i would just refill it in this thing and use it so the next thing in my bag is an anti-transparent i don't like to get sweaty so what i like to do is use very strong ones so for example this is one from bishi that supposedly lasts for seven days so in theory you only need to apply it once every seven days it does not really work for me but i have to apply it a lot less than what i would do with regular anti-transparents however this thing is i'm quite sure not the healthiest it has a lots of aluminium and at the end of the day it's everybody's decision if they want to risk using something like this or not i personally do because without stuff like this i get very sweaty and i don't like that very much so these things work for me and i really always try to get something as strong and compact as possible to take along so next things very important for me because as you can see i'm very very pale so the next thing on my list is sunscreen i usually always have two types of sunscreen with me the first one is for my face and the one i like the most is this one from nivea with spf of 50 because it makes the face very mud i really don't like shiny faces and this works perfectly for me and the second thing is a little stick it's also spf 50 and it's a solid sunscreen um i don't like this too much i have to be honest what i like the most is a spray and usually when i arrive at the destination i just buy a big bottle of the spray and i need a lot of sunscreen due to my sensitive skin so i never have the problem that i would not finish that stuff but i always like to travel with the stick just in case that i don't get it early enough and to avoid sunburns and since this thing is solid it does not count as a fluid and it makes it very easy to just throw in the bag and forget about it okay so the next thing is a little luxury that i really like to have with me and that's a face mask so what i really like to take our sheet masks because again they don't count towards the liquid allowance and another thing that i use a lot is powder this is a indian brand but it's really just a powder as you can see oops i made a big mess here and so it's a powder you mix it with a little bit of water and then just apply it to your face and use it like a regular mask and i also sometimes just mix it with a little bit of water and use it as a peeling and one advice don't travel with it in the box like this i did that once and i got stopped at every airport security because it was like an unidentified powder inside a metal container so they stopped me everywhere and wanted to know what it is so what i do now is just i refill it into an empty tic tac container or something else and take it along like this what a mess so the next item is a little foldable hairbrush it's very small and you can just fold it into a thing like this there's also a little mirror if you would need it um it's not very exciting of a hairbrush but for my hair which always is very straight this is all i need another thing that i have always stowed away in this little hole up there there's a little compartment behind it is some q-tips i just thought should i say what i use them for but i think everybody knows what to use q-tips for now if not let me know in the comments below and i'll clarify what i use q-tips for so another thing i like to travel with are reusable makeup remover pads like this one they get a little gross over time but you can reuse them again and again and at least for me i don't wear very heavy makeup i just wear some waterproof mascara for me this thing does the trick and it lasts forever and it's very minimal and very lightweight so perfect for my toiletry kit okay so up here in this compartment i have all my dentural hygiene stuff the first item is obviously some floss i also have a travel toothbrush that unfolds so nothing too fancy here so in this little mint box i always keep solid toothpaste it comes in little peels like this this video is the worst you should see the mess here oh continuous girl so in this little container i always keep solid toothpaste it comes in little peels like this so every time i want to brush my teeth i just take one and i bite it and mix it a little bit with my saliva and then i just brush my teeth as usual and for me they work very well and i really like them because again it's one more fluid thing that i replaced with some solids and this thing lasts me a lot i actually did the work and counted how many little pills fit into this little container and it's um 100 toothpaste pills so the brand that i use is a german brand called tint tops so i don't know if they're available in your country but i picked them because they are with fluoride and there's 125 tops in one of those little bags and when i'm traveling and i know i'm traveling for a long time i just um stash one bag like this somewhere in my backpack and i almost don't notice them until i need them and what we also do a lot is if we know that we stay for a long time in one place we will just go ahead and buy one toothpaste and share it between the two of us and the last thing i have in my bag is this little container what i have inside is not from lush it's just some standard oh my god i'm gonna add to my mess here it's just a standard charcoal powder i just use it to whiten my teeth when i'm traveling and all i do is i apply a little bit on the toothbrush and use it to brush my teeth and then let it rest for like five minutes and then i brush my teeth again and it works quite well for me and for powdery things like this if you can get a hold of one of those lush sample containers keep them because they work perfectly for this and i never had any leakage with the powder which would be a big mess and now the last category is all my makeup so all my makeup i keep in this little bag up here as you will see it's not too much i don't use very much makeup and i don't use it on a daily basis so the only things i need is i use a waterproof mascara of no specific brand i just use whatever i find and i just use it for the simple reason that without anything my eyelashes are very blonde so they look like they're not there at all and sometimes you just want to have eyelashes so that's what i use waterproof mascara for so the next thing i keep in this pocket is a little razor when i'm traveling i usually try not to use razors all the time i very much prefer epilation i have a little device and if i know i travel for a long time then i will travel with this thing or i try to get my feet waxed but does not hurt to have one right the next item i have in here is a pair of tweezers i assume also pretty self-explanatory i also have one of those cuticle removers and cuticle pusher combination devices just to take care of my nails i also have a nail clipper that i use for my finger and my toenails so another thing that i usually would leave at home because i don't use it at a regular basis would be nail polish but sometimes i take it so i decided to include it in this video and i also wanted to include that because what i wanted to show to you is that if you decide to take some nail polish with you that nail polish remover is also available as little sheets so if you can try to find that because these sheets don't count towards your liquids and it's very useful on the go the last thing in this compartment is a small bottle of perfume i found this at h m and it smells quite good i would say and i like it because it's so tiny and small and just fits in there because all those big bulky bottles they don't work for me and sometimes i like to have a spritz of perfume what also did not work for me is those refillable perfume dispensers i would say um for some reason they always leak for me so i am very happy that i found this little one and i just re-buy it whenever i need another one when i just realized that i forgot to talk about this last item here in the main pocket which is conditioner and hair masks so conditioner and hair masks is something i would usually not take with me since i'm very happy with the hair oil and i think i have very uncomplicated hair it's always just straight and never tangles and it's always a mess so well there's nothing i can do or nothing i want to do but every once in a while it's nice to have just some conditioner so what i usually bring is some little pre-filled packages like this but um this would probably last me three times so i would only open it when i stay for a longer period of time at the same place so what i really like is those new alternatives that now came out in austria they have this little closure here so you can close it again and pack it away and it's 50 milliliters so it would last me i guess 10 times of usage and i only use it once a week so this stuff would be ideal for me to travel a long time with another thing i usually keep inside my bag is nose strips so you just apply them on your nose and then presumably the blackheads come out i just think they're fun i don't know i like to apply them every once in a while when i feel a little gross after a long day or whatever so i always try to have one or two in my bag with me because they literally take up no space and no weight at all and the last two things i have in my pouch is some face powder and a thing to apply it i want to mention one more thing that i don't have in my toiletries kit but i have it with me at all times and that's this dr bronner's baby magic balm i really like it a lot because again it's very versatile i can use it for everything i use it for my lips to keep them moistured i use it for my fingernails and my cuticles i use it for dry spots on my body i use it when i get some neurodimitis spots again so this is very handy it's also a solid so it does not count towards my allowance of the airlines but this thing i usually keep somewhere handy so next to my bed or in my purse so in a place where i can get to it very easily so it's not technically part of my toiletry but i still wanted to give it an honorably mention so this is it that's everything i take on a trip and as you can imagine by now i hope this stuff lasts me a long time and yeah if you have any questions leave them in the comments below if you have any tips and tricks you would like to share i'm always more than happy to try out new things and learn more and well thanks for watching and i see you in the next video bye
Channel: Maggi Fuchs
Views: 81,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minimal travel, travel toiletries, minimalist travel, minimal travel women, travel essentials, dopp kit, sea to summit, dr. bronners, long-term travel, digital nomad, travel women, women's travel bag, minimal travel packing, minimal travel essentials, minimal travel toiletry kit, minimalist packing, minimalist packing for long term travel, travel packing hacks, travel toiletries hacks, travel hacks, minimal travel for women, carry on packing
Id: 3jkreH8zOO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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