Download Landsat 8 Data for Free

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hi everyone in this video we're going to learn how to download Landsat data for free so it's pretty simple to do we're simply going to go to earth Explorer Explorer and this is where we can download the data so you're gonna have to make sure you're logged in you've got to create an account if you don't have one already and you'll want to do that before we start downloading so I'm gonna go to home here almost like I have results pulled up already so let me just clear everything I have here okay good deal it'll zoom out a little bit I'm just zooming into an area here in northern Idaho you can choose whatever area you'd like in the United States or even worldwide whence that will have data worldwide so I'm gonna just kind of zoom into this area here and I don't really care where my images in this area as long as it's close now the next thing I want to do here is select the area that I want to search for images in and so if I come down to the search criteria you can enter a place here if you want to or geo coder I usually come down and use this polygon method and click use map and what happens here is it just puts the extent to be the extent of your screen and you can adjust these polygons I'm accordingly or just these points change the polygons accordingly okay so I'm just gonna kind of zoom in down here maybe something in this region like that give me a northern Idaho that's going to pull up any images in that area the next thing I need to do is select a date range and so the date range that I'm gonna do here is just the month of August 2019 so the current month if you want you can select over multiple years and get images just for certain months I'm not gonna do that I'm just gonna download one image here okay and so once you have that but you can click this data set spot and it achieves the data sets you want so I already had Landsat age selective save my sailor I was doing from the last time I logged in but you can see there are a lot of different data products you can get you can get elevation here if you'd like to that's not all we're after today but if you come down to Landsat you can see that you have different options here so you've got this burned area fractional snow covered area and have a water surface extent so you got a lot of different things you can get from these level data here so these are analysis ready data you can get these data that are level to date or level one data we're gonna go ahead and get the analysis ready data for this one you knows you don't level one we sure they're pretty raw data so I'm gonna select the analysis ready and then we're gonna go look for our additional criteria so we can select a here or you can also select it in the top panel up here so additional criteria this can give us just kind of the location the region I'm gonna just skip all that I'm gonna set my cloud cover to less than ten and my cloud shadow to less than ten also and this is where the no data values are less than ten percent agree image to be no data or whatever you want then I'm just going to leave it all for this one and I'm gonna select only Landsat 8 and oli and TIR s and you can look into these a little more for Landsat 8 if you want to find out exactly what these different sensors are and then once you've done that you can click results and it's going to search for these data and here you can see it's giving me the images so you can see that some of these images are only a small portion have data in them so I'm just going to come down and select this image that has the most data in it I'm not so worried about you because that covered right now I'm just worried are still showing you how to download this so here's the image I want you can show the footprint on the screen if you click this it'll show where that image is and then you can show the Browse overlay what's going to overlay that image right there where it is in your area so that actually Falls a little bit outside of my area and most of the stuff in my area is no data but you know that's gonna be okay we'll just use the image anyway and you can get your metadata and compare you can add it to a bulk download I'm just going to go ahead and download it right now and this is the part where if you have not created an account I've cleaned an account at this part and it usually kicks you back out you can go back through the whole process of finding your image again I'm gonna download the surface reflectance right here you can get a type of atmosphere reflectance off so we're just going to get the surface with lectins don't click download it's gonna take a minute to download this 231 megabytes and putting in this Landsat folder I have you don't notice it's a tar file so once this is down but it'll have to extract it I want to go ahead and click Save and then pause the video while it downloads alright so our file is downloaded I'm gonna open it up here in the folder I'm just gonna go ahead and right click here and now I'm going to use 7-zip to click extract here okay and now you'll see that I have a lot of different TIF files in here okay so I have you'll notice oh I have this file name here and it has the dates of the image and it shows that it's the sensor and the version so these families are very important informative I'm not going to go through the whole thing here but let's take a look at the sim important things here so you have some file names here that are gonna be some probably derivative products the ones were after for usually are these right here sr b 1 sr b 2 all of sr b 7 so that's surface reflectance band 1 surface reflectance band 2 those are the files we want I want these seven right here now let's go look and find out what the Landsat 8 bands are we're gonna need to know this so let's look at our Landsat 8 bands we can go to this USGS help page 1 to 5 for 5 Landsat 7 okay here's Landsat 8 so a band one is coastal aerosol and it gives you the wavelength here bad 2 is blue bad 3 is gleen bad for is red bad 5 here for red and we don't all have to bend 7 and you got the pen chromatic series to infrared of thermite for that so we have those seven bands there and then we might have those other ones that are that are labeled here anyway I'm not looking into what these products are just going to focus on these seven bands right there so let's go into key GIS now we have the data officially downloaded I'm just not going to look quite like it you expect some Landsat image so if I go to Landsat let's just widen this the value tool so we can pull in this which is our blue band it screwed me black and white you have a single band we're looking at it black and white there and they're all gonna be black and white let's do this let's go ahead I'm just gonna remove this layer we want to merge these into a single rest and now we can display it in color I'm gonna go to raster I'm gonna miscellaneous and I'm going to go to merge and I want to place each input file into a separate band and I'm gonna come and select my in the lightest and I'm gonna add files I'm gonna come to where I downloaded and extracted my last damage and I want to do this as details I also want to get sb1 to sb7 click open and click OK now I'm gonna save this file saved to an actual file I'm going to go to my plants out folder get in here and I want to name it this just without the sp1 on the end but make sure that we're good there I'm gonna click Save and then I'm going to click run and this what will happen here this will combine that those seven bands into one seven band raster so let's go ahead and click run and this may take just a minute so I'll pause the video while we do that okay so this is finished now so let's go ahead and close this let's zoom in here let's go to our symbology and I'll show you how we can adjust this a little bit so it looks more realistic okay so let's go to our symbology okay here we go so now we have our red band is band 1 and our green band is bad 2 and our blue band is band 3 but if we go back and take a look at our wavelengths that's not what they actually are so let's go check this out so Betty Boop bad two is blue three is gleen four is red and five is near after that okay so those blue green red near for that let's go back and adjust this accordingly so this should be band to band 3 band for what just double check that ok now let's click apply ok and now we get your traditional color imagery we can zoom in and there are cultural fields you know you can see those there River Valley bottom down there okay so that's our regular image we can see there's a reservoir link right there looks like now we can also do what's called color infrared and the way we do that is we're going to change the red band to our color our thread which is 5 we're gonna change gleen I believe to red which was 4 and blue to green which was 3 let me just double check this here let's go double check that so Green is 3 blue is 2 red is 4 okay let's click apply and see if that looks like I think it should there we go yeah that's what I think it should look like and so here you can really see the vegetation pops out here so if I scroll down you can see this agricultural field to really pop out or go ahead this bears kind of as a neutral color and you can see maybe your dark the con of your conifers and maybe a darker red maybe some of that deciduous vegetation is a brighter RIPTA and you can see water here comes out as really dark so this is sometimes used to because you often use that amount of vegetation a near-infrared can be used to identify water but really well quite often okay now we're going to do another band combination that's going to make the water pop out a little more so let's pull this up and we need to find out what our shortwave infrared band is here so we have two of them let's try multi band seven first of all and see how that one works we're gonna use band seven I'm gonna use an arrow per ad and we're gonna use the green bed okay so let's go back over here so this one is going to be seven this one's going to be five which is new that's we have short of infrared showing them red near-infrared is shown in green and we're gonna show our green band which I believe was the lead let's just double check that screen it's three correct and we'll keep that clean let's click apply okay there we go it's not quite what I was expecting let me just go let's go try that other infrared band and see if that does anything different so let's display this six click apply didn't change things very much did it let me just check one thing and we'll see if we can get that to pop that water out of really blue okay so this is what it's supposed to look like so once again you can see the vegetation pops out here is green you get kind of that bare earth there as red so the waters dark again because it it absorbs all those all those like all those wavelengths so it comes out as dark again and then you get some other kind of Shore the blue is here not exactly sure what that is anyway it's kind of cool you can see those different vegetation signatures popping out so that's how you can play around with Landsat imagery a little bit and how you can download it for free from the USGS you can take a look in there you can see all these links up here that's pretty cool so there you have it there's how you can get some free data in a video an upcoming video we will go over how we can derive some indices from this such as such as NDVI fun we'll cover because they'll give you an idea of how to do this but yeah thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video and as always if you have any suggestions please let me know
Channel: Open Source Options
Views: 18,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open source, open source options, gis, qgis, landsat, landsat 8, satellite, satellite imagery, satellite data, false color image, false color land cover, false color satellite image, download landsat 8, download satellite data, download satellite imagery, hatari labs
Id: gpbg1Mhjgy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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