Download All Messages & Attachments From Outlook Using Python

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Hey guys, In this video, I will show how to use Python to download messages & attachments from Outlook. So, when I execute my script, all the messages, including the attachments, are downloaded and saved in a separate folder. The cool thing is that this also works with any email account you might have connected to Outlook. So, in my case, I have linked my Gmail account. And now I can also retrieve all the messages from there. However, there is one catch. This only works on Windows, as we are going to use the win32com library. Ok, and with that said, let us get started. First things first, we need to install the module to interact with the outlook application. Therefore open up your command prompt or terminal and type "pip install pywin32". Once we have gotten that out of the way, I will open up a blank python file. As we are going to also deal with different file paths, I will import Path from pathlib. Pathlib is a standard python module, so no additional installation is required. Then I will import 'win32com.client'. Before interacting with the outlook application, I will create an output folder for the emails & attachments. In my case, I would like to make this output folder in the same working directory as my current script. To create the folder, we can use 'mkdir' from Pathlib. By settings parents to True, pathlib will create any missing parents directories. And in case the output folder already exists, pathlib will raise an error, which we can ignore by setting exsit_ok to true. With that in place, let us connect to Outlook. We can do this by typing 'win32com.client.dispatch' followed the application name. So, in our case, "Outlook. Application". From this application, we want to get the namespace mapi. Mapi stands for "Messaging Application Programming Interface". So basically, the Microsoft Outlook messaging API. With that interface, we could, for example, connect to our inbox. Now, Outlook comes already with a couple of default folders. A number represents those folders. The inbox, for instance, has the number 6. In the official Microsoft documentation for VBA, you can also check the numbers for the other folders. So, in case you wanted to access the 'SentMail' folder, you would write five instead of six. For convenience, I will leave the link to this website and some of the folder numbers in the final script as a comment. Now that we know in which folder we are working, we can get all the messages by typing' inbox.Items'. As the last step, we just need to iterate over all messages. We can extract further information from every message, like the subject, body, or attachments. Just be careful with the upper and lower case for the different properties. After retrieving the different information, I will create a separate folder for each message. We will use this folder to save the body of the email and the attachments in there. I will use pathlib to create a new folder within the output directory. I will use the subject of the email for the folder name. Then I can use 'mkdir' as seen before. Pathlib makes it also super easy to create and write text files. For this example, I will write the email body to a text file. So, within our new target folder, I will call the text file 'EMAIL_BODY'. I can now take this object and write the email body to this new text file. And with that, we are almost done. As the final step, I will iterate over the attachments and save each attachment to our target folder using SaveAsFile. The filename will be the attachment itself. Ok, guys, and that is all there is to it. Let me zoom out a bit to see the entire script, and then I will execute it. As a result, we will now have our new output folder. And within this folder, we can see the different subfolders—one folder per message. Let me also validate this by placing my Outlook inbox next to the folders. So, for example, I have here a message with the subject 'meeting notes'. In my meeting notes folder, I can now see the content of the email in the text file as well as the attachment. In another email, I know that I have received multiple attachments. So let me also navigate to that folder. And we can see that Python has saved all attachments into that folder. But there is one more thing I want to show you. As you might know, you can also connect different email accounts to Outlook. In my case, I have connected my Gmail account. Every time I get a new email, it will go straight to my inbox. Now let us see how we can connect this inbox, as this is not part of the default Outlook folders, like the ones up here. So, let me delete the output directory and switch back to our python script. Instead of connecting to the default inbox, we can also be more specific. The folder name is called "". Within that folder, I can connect to the subfolder "Inbox". Ok, that is all we need to change. So, let me rerun the script. And as before, we have got now our emails and attachments saved in the output folder. I hope you found this tutorial helpful. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or further automation ideas. Thanks for watching and you in the next video.
Channel: Coding Is Fun
Views: 48,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coding Is Fun, python outlook automation, python outlook email, python outlook, Bulk download outlook, bulk download email attachments, bulk download email, bulk download outlook python, download mails python, bulk download gmail, download gmail attachments, download gmail attachments in bulk
Id: oyEMi8sDVOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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