Dover & Out: The Team That Forgot How To Win

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's true [Music] what's up [Music] mute navigation voice guidance is Switched Off there you go yeah a successful football club is a is a hub of a community and the work that we can do is is second to none and you know people like to be associated with something that's successful in their town unfortunately with kovid and all the problems we've had that's kind of had to be put on the back burner for a couple of years we're just starting to build that again now and you know we want the football club to be really important to the town again and we want to reach out more to the community because it's important there aren't too many success stories in Dover we want to try and give the town some um some good feelings the reason we got into our position was because we were originally promised that if we started the season we would get grants and then after that if there were no crowds allowed in stadia we would then get more grants when it got to December the grants disappeared and they were then huge loans that you had to take as a club I took this club over in 2005 it was hugely in debt in CVA I said then I will never get this club in debt again so I refused to take out the loan we put the players on furlough we couldn't complete our fixtures so we were fined 40 000 pounds and deducted 12 points I've had some criticism from other clubs but mainly our supporters have been very very supportive I go to away games and supporters I've never seen before come up to me and say we support what you did we think you did the right thing and I think the truth is that probably four or five other chairmen would have liked to have done what I did that didn't have the courage to do it and sort of left me on my own but had they had the courage to do it I think that the whole thing would have been a lot more sensible a lot of history in Dover from the Napoleonic upwards there's a awful lot of infrastructure left over from very small [Applause] yeah we went to wrexham and um they beat us uh six five after um after 97 minutes when the referee played a lot of extra time basically until they scored you know we're really pleased with their Victory um but I did point out to them there are two Strikers individually each would have been paid more than our entire plane budget for the for the week which rather puts into perspective where we are as a club and where the league is in terms of the disparity amongst clubs every every years two clubs with a million and a half pounds parachute payment making the situation worse and somebody's got to wake up to it you know and all they do is just keep throwing more and more money at it until they they get themselves to the top of the table anyone like Ryan Reynolds made an offer to buy don't be athletic no nobody's nobody's made an offer to buy over athletic it's a very unfashionable Club it's a poor town foreign I've never known anything like it football it's been difficult it's been difficult to deal with in terms of the situation which we win and been in what we have done we've all mapped in you know we've got a kit man that does absolutely everything you know he not just a kit it does the media side of it everybody mucks in and I muck in with a kit you know hop you know I've done that this season which I've never done before but I think again that goes back to the roots really that goes back to where you've come from the backpack doesn't have to drive to camp out and bring the kid to the ground does he that the community and everybody pulls together the tea ladies and everybody on the Turnstyle everyone's been doing that this year and why not why wouldn't the manager do that but I'm back to where I started so why wouldn't I do that why wouldn't I help out that's me that's that's why I love the game I did resign this before Christmas and a conversation with a chairman he sat me down and said look whoever I bring in is still going to be in the same position it's nothing will change you know we're looking at all of a sudden produce loads of money where you can go and get loads of players this is what we've got so you know why would you do that look you know dig in keep going and keep working we've lost a few clubs over the last few years haven't we he likes a berry going out of business that you know that was a sad day you know again a very sad day for all those berry fans we could be a bearing we could have been a berry and I think it'd be nice if there was more money filtered down from the top level down to the lower level because everyone mentions the football family well we're in that family we were at that bottom part of the family you know and I'd just like to see a little bit more help from levels for some of these smaller clubs this is Hassan Tyler suddenly a bit of space for Andy hessen Tyler oh [Applause] the net off my management style is pretty much like I played you know of full-on passionate kick every ball on the side line [Music] [Applause] you've done great all afternoon you don't deserve to lose again again it's like it's a broken record you did everything just drives me insane we were actually comfortable I I listen like I said I'm the guy actually got a feeling you don't know what it's like but I'll keep your heads up thank you [Music] our referee can give a free kick to them when it was a film on our player and then send our player operator for two yellows it's unbelievable and their goals what time can I see you get 30 minutes crazy I can't do the prices [Applause] [Music] scored my first goal against wrexham in front of their fans are incredible it was unbelievable about eight and a half thousand there [Music] it was actually the first game I actually got Terry off okay because I thought realistically we're praying for nothing because we've been relegated we haven't scored lots of goals this season and then we went 5-2 up it will say all 17 year old scored and I just thought it in the moment I was thinking wow this really could start big things just sitting there in my room playing games and I thought was calling it was off freaking out I thought he was just like just he just said straight up that I'll be starting and I was just like shaking I called my dad my dad was crying just a massive deal because I know it's just the first step it was like if you want your friends Adobe that's tip like just ticked off that's the Milestone he's done I'm most positive that I'll become a footballer I think I can get to the top and I think I can get to Premier League obviously maybe bad on the door maybe I've pushed it for two but all that stuff man I've come to realization that I'm not a Lionel Messi but I think I could definitely um make a name for myself the ears are still there your trademarks all the girls the girls all go he says all but man's pin back and the girls will go Dad we love your ears that is completely off track but I used to be addicted to doing keep you UPS oh like addicted George and I always used to go on holiday everywhere together the only thing we need to take for George was football can we get up in the morning outcome the ball my record I got when I was like 13. it's like 1137 or something like that yeah so you must have only been about seven I'm quite happy I had to sit there with a nice glass of wine George would be there with all the store holders and they'd suddenly I'd be wearing a game of football and that was your holiday wasn't it yeah yeah from a young age like we said before I've just always loved Airport yeah George is um yeah I'm going to say what I think about George he's got some great promise he's been signed up to a big agency in London against advice because we think he's too young for that and he's not developed his game enough yet he's now under contractors um I just hope all the hype and attention doesn't affect his game because I've seen it many times where agents and sometimes over-enthusiastic parents get hold of players young boys and and push them too hard too soon and they end up failing whereas if they're allowed to develop that game naturally a club like Dover or other clubs they will get on much better in a year 18 months time when they've developed the game we wouldn't have a football club he hadn't have done what he had done the way football is and the way the world's been over the last couple of years the decision they made again up for me is is very harsh it's cost us our status in this league definitely because our state is in this league the positives out of it that we can I'm sitting here today and we'll have a Dober football club next season big boys [Applause] thank you [Music] good boy thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stay alone thing look at it show me Good Question come on in the game we will get more opportunities slow down as long as it goes on they'll get frustrated and get every other managers in the aircraft because that's what they're like but you're right in it away from home how many shops you have to say which me is spreading better that's that game with your legs are doing well in there and we've got believe in ourselves I wish we'd believe in oursel a bit more so keep going keep moving again but well done she's got another 45 minutes too yes oh it's it yeah okay now how many more times [Music] Jesus Christ why they do it himself why'd you why did I do it why did I do it too so I don't agree minutes honestly so we're having to learn the our bike come in and shout and ball that you've created yourselves because you go through one up and you don't organize yourselves they're sending my mate's nightmare can't anymore and everything next week they're singing his Barbie Army if you share a to a gun next minute we let them go straight back in and then they get away let's see your your body that's our fickle fans can be let him off the up boys again wrexhams ah your effort is heartbreaking not me either this I'm gonna go on get on the coach have a bitter look to it I'm not making them like I used to be because I go I'm absolutely gutty views individuals as a group we go again we've got what five games left foreign it's going to be crazy you know what is it so it's like a red carpet event for the launch of the TV of the TV show I actually saw the house yeah I'm in the middle of the Mustang basically there is three episodes we're coming out first yeah and um I'm not on those three episodes I'm coming after you know do you do you replace somebody no no I just come like as a bombshell I said what as a bombshell so that's me like the guy who is going to get trouble with his girls basically dream Club I don't have I don't have a dream crib it's just to play in the highest level yeah so Premier League yeah so obviously that's what I hope you know so yes sir okay best barber in Kansas you must be it must be good thank you [Music] is my first thing you know they just think that even I post a video on Tick Tock about football on my last game and people was like oh my God after that you was used to model influencer but then you're actually very good at football because they don't really like I can't show what I want on social media you know I don't have to show my football clips so they don't really know who I am or what I do or what I really want to be you know in social media you can always see the real me you know you're always going to have a judgment about my video and pictures because you don't really know me you know so people might think that like I'm a player or like like I'm very like arrogant when it's just like I'm confident you know hello [Applause] let's go [Applause] that's it up really easy and that's like maybe 500 000 of you very easy so it's funny because some people they are like oh he's making Tick Tock you don't have time for football but I'm doing it a little in 15 seconds okay there is no distraction they go out drinking smoking they're doing some Madness but nobody said but because I'm a pretty big person and my video doing good yeah so people always have something to say you know go ahead see you okay so we just finished the The Barber and every week you already know that's a weekly thing because when you look good you feel good and when you feel good you play good and when you play good they play good always remember this hello hello can't be okay I can tell you that my Equity investment over the years is 2.95 million I've actually done many other things for example there's a new five percent pitch new floodlights a new family stand and changing rooms new VIP dining room there's been a lot of investment going in I hate to think what the total is and if I if I set it on camera my wife would probably divorce me so um that's uh that's kind of where we are [Applause] you have to be quite resilient if you're going to be the wife of somebody like Jim and who's you know and the football club you have to be able to cope on your own a lot family with home Affairs because it takes a lot of his time you have to be prepared to go to functions on your own go to weddings on your own because you're either doing it or you're not you can't play at it and he takes it really really seriously I'm quite good at being on my own so it's not a problem do you know because that's just how it is so yeah I'm never going to change him it's his love but we do manage to pull him away for certain things now I am the one that sits there on his shoulder telling him you know don't get carried away and um let's stop and think what that's going to cost so it works all right I think we need that yeah we do I think you just sort of know things go in circles don't they and what's important is the town of Dover have a club and we're both very sure that's what we both want you know because we're not going to be here forever we also want a club that's in a healthy position and we both want over athletic to succeed we want the club to be the best possible Club it can be with us here coming back to the football after lockdown and what's happened has probably made us stop and think quite a bit about what we want for the club and I think both of us now say it's more about making a really good experience for the people and not chasing silly dreams necessarily that's not to say if we got promoted again it wouldn't be nice but realistically I think this next season is going to be good because I think it's a good place for us to be the league that we're going into does that make sense yeah it's like a reset it is definitely a reset yes if this can't make me stronger I don't think anything will I've always been a fighter so we've got to keep fighting and uh minus 12 budget cut going back to part-time but I've never been through a season where we've only won one game just never in my life really you know as a player and certainly as a manager people said to me why you can't I'm doing it it's not good for your reputation well I disagree I'm doing a job that I love doing and the really difficult circumstances football people understand it I love the game I don't love the game when we're losing matches I've had to come to terms with that really this year because of the situation yeah I've taken this Challenge on and we've got to rebuild this club again I'm looking forward to the end I'm looking forward to it now because let's try and get into the plus that'll be nice if we can get four points that'll be brilliant and then we've got to start thinking about rebuilding for next season oh God nowhere apart I'm the manager of the team by the way because I'm driving the key [Music] not enough hours in the day just make sure we compete get music foreign [Applause] football off people hey we we're in no man's I'll probably go after him yeah when we go after him you did it they kick the ball out really am we are we in it let's have some fiery about I know it's difficult but come on believe in it get out the back sides I hate you when you don't go in there it winds me up go on go get out everyone come on [Music] [Applause] Plus there it is there's the plus there it is [Applause] there it is [Applause] gonna get it there it is there it is [Applause] the plus there it is put on goodness brilliant son good boy well done brilliant there he is our 11 Dusky you serve something out of the game it's nice now we can go in next Sunday we've got into that plus excited a show about next next Sunday welcome boys [Applause] all good football people know what we've been through everywhere I go people tell me how supportive they are how unfair they think it is and how disillusioned they are with the hierarchy of football I mean the biggest problem is there is no independent body to go to if you think you've become fairly treated the fa are judge jury executioner all the appeal boards are appointed by the same people and paid by the same people and it's just it's just an old boys club frankly we were set up to fail by the football authorities it's hypocrisy and conflicts of interest all over the place they did what they did to us for the good of the game and the game's Integrity well I can't understand how us being forced into our position and playing kids every Saturday is doing anything with the game's Integrity equally you look at the top six teams in the Premier Division when it broke away formed a new Super League will try to it was only stopped because of fan power what happened to them precisely nothing we tried to save our club and did the right thing financially during a pandemic and we got hit with a 12-point deduction and a 40 000 pound fine I don't see where the Level Playing Field is I don't see where the Integrity is in that [Music] have a look at the first one you idiot I have a look at the first one you idiot hey well done baby [Music] off please [Music] absolutely how's that notified bundled him over here Tom and Jesus yeah foreign [Music] consequences but you know that's the last thing we need to manage to get sent off I do get frustrated and I you know I've let myself down in Newtown so it won't happen again it's another game there's nothing in it a referee's decision for the penalties I think that's harsh so we can't do a lot about that he's made that decision start the game right second off have a bit of belief Tempo you've got 45 minutes that's all that's left let's go out and have a right go don't let it pass your boy but come on right in it still right in here put it on him now put it on him come on come on is everyone all right [Music] thank you [Music] congratulations foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] huh pretty much as much as it's been like that this season really that we don't get the rubber to Green but they're the sort of figures I've gone against us quite a lot this season but this one it is what it is it's been a tough season been a very tough season for everybody not just you you boys everybody the club itself but what you can't do is that what's happened this season affects you as an individual you know as much as it's been a low you know there's also been positives come out of it we've all been up here in football I certainly have and I've also you've been down here you can't it that affects you that's going to happen in your lives it will happen we were down before we kicked the ball so I know it's that for you boys but you've got you've got to put this to one side you're young enough to go right actually remember that year we had it over and you know before we kicked the war was pretty much down we got the motivate ourselves do you remember that but you put it to one side and you just gotta go right okay that's gone be positive because I'm sure you will be like I said I want you all to go into the bar afterwards don't have to stay long have a beer because you deserve it be as positive if you can going forward that's all you can do all right well done boys ladies and gentlemen but I want to understand a couple of announcements but first of all just from myself on the board and the team and the management just want to say 100 thank you very much for your support this year which has been a real cocky I promise you next year is going to be exciting and interesting and really competitive so if you haven't got your season tickets yet you know where to go to get them yeah as you know it's been tough around the club to to get commercial support and to get community support and we've worked very hard over the years and had some successes and some failures what I'm delighted to announce today is that I have this week agreed a three-year main sponsor deal with a local company an international company based in Dover and that's the mega group [Applause] you'll hear a lot more about that over the coming weeks but it involves commercial support for the football club on a three-year agreement so our key AIMS in the years going forward are to get more involved in the community and to nurture and develop young players and that's going to be apart from winning football matches what we're going to base our ethos around so we look forward to seeing you and as I say you will hear more about it in the coming weeks thanks very much thank you [Applause] that's to tell me when uh when you shook hands on that yeah a couple of weeks ago yes I know you were buzzing to tell me yeah but uh you know personally that must have been huge a huge weight off your shoulders it was massive way I mean to have a major company like Mega coming and partnering with us she's a dream come true with it last time that happened was in the 90s where when uh I think it was Daihatsu who had the head office in Dover since then we've not managed to get a really big sponsorship deal with a major sponsor I'm not going to ask you how much that is oh well I can't tell you anyway it's a subject you're an NDA [Laughter] it's just a mega deal yeah yeah and that's what a great name to have on your shirt Megan yeah well sure to be a song about that somewhere along the line you've got to keep going then Jim oh yeah yeah um in it for the long term as they say right what else would I do I'm retired now I've got to keep my brain active somehow yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: COPA90
Views: 236,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: COPA90, COPA90 Stories, Football, Soccer
Id: Ku9PlsqDxOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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