Doug Batchelor - We Cannot See to Reach the End (Bible Answers Live)

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[Music] it is the best-selling book in history no volume ever written has been more loved and quoted and its words sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious should always be studied carefully it is the Bible the Word of God welcome to Bible answers live providing accurate and practical answers to all your Bible questions this broadcast is a previously recorded episode to receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this broadcast call 885 6 7 4 7 once again that's 800 eight three five six seven four seven now here's your host from amazing facts international pastor Doug Batchelor hello friends would you like to hear an amazing fact a tourist was finally rescued after being stranded in Airport for more than a hundred and ten days due to coronavirus travel restrictions Roman Trofimov from Estonia was travelling from Bangkok on March 20 on Asia Airlines flight when he landed at the Manila Airport in the Philippines once he arrived however he learned he would be unable to leave the departure eras area as the Philippines were not issuing arrival visas due to coronavirus restrictions no exceptions likewise Thailand would not allow him to return because of the pandemic day after day Roman a 36 year old software engineer found himself trapped by red tape in the departure zone of the airport sleeping on the ground and surviving on vending machine snacks and food donated to him by sympathetic airport staff the man made several desperate pleas on social media to help him get out of the airport he said I'm personally a man with a disability my health is getting worse because of malnutrition lack of Sun and fresh air he pled with his Estonian embassy but they reportedly could not get him a repatriation flight finally The Times of Israel their Estonian branch reached out to the foreign ministry who agreed to return Roman within hours he was on a plane back home on July 7 after spending more than three months living in the airport have you ever felt like you are trapped in limbo or yet worse purgatory you might be surprised to learn what the Bible really says about these spiritual waiting rooms stay with us friends were going to learn more on this edition of Bible answers live you're listening to Bible answers live accurate and practical answers to your Bible questions hello friends welcome to Bible answers live if you have a Bible question we have lines open a great time to pick up your phone and give us a call we're not only available by phone and that number eight hundred four six three seven two ninety seven but you can watch what's happening on the Facebook pages that would be the amazing facts Facebook page amazing facts ministry or amazing facts international and the Doug Batchelor Facebook page once again if you want to call in with a question a good time to call with any question regarding the Word of God the Bible or living the Christian life that number 800 god says eight hundred four six three seven two nine seven and I am Doug Batchelor my name is Jean Ross good evening friends and pastor Doug let's start the program with prayer dear father we thank you that we have this opportunity once again to open up your word and study together and we ask your blessing upon this program be with those who are listening and we just pray that you guide us as we study the Bible in Jesus name Amen amen well pastor I don't know you've done quite a bit of traveling and you've probably spent quite a bit of time in airports waiting for flights you know even three hours in the airport can seem long sometimes even eight hours I've had to spend in an airport flight was delayed but can you imagine spending three months in the departure area of an airport that to me is a sign of that would be torment just I can't imagine that I've had to like you walk around the airports when it's all empty and people are kind of a few people here and they are sleeping in here it's you don't have enough time to go to a hotel and you don't have enough time to really get comfortable and go to sleep and so you just wander around and it could be really depressing and so I felt so sorry for this fellow when I read that he was trapped there that long I've been in the Manila Airport as you probably have several times and there's not a lot of entertaining things that are happening there I think they ultimately gave him a somewhat private spot where he and they gave him a fan and you can see pictures online where he's got just a blanket on the concrete and just not very pleasant caught in limbo and you know friends maybe you've heard the term purgatory or limbo and you've wondered you know is there a waiting area when people die where you could be trapped between heaven and hell and what does the Bible say about that well we've got a book that I think is going to help you and it's based on some scriptures people often misunderstand it's one of those famous passages known as the rich man and Lazarus you can actually read the story record it there in the Gospel of Luke folks have wondered could this maybe be some kind of purgatory that the Bible speaking of well it's a very important passage it's a parable that Jesus told and it's got some important lessons but it's not talking about purgatory and we'd like to send this to anyone who would call and ask the book is called the rich man and Lazarus and if you'd like to receive the book the number to call for that is just our resource phone line eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven again that number is 885 six seven four seven we will send the book anywhere in North America and you'll be blessed by reading it again it's called the rich man and Lazarus call that number and ask for it and we'll be happy to send it to you we're gonna go to the phone lines we've got our first caller this evening is Chris listening in Florida Chris welcome to the program hey Chris you're on the air between the dogs that were predestined meaning and and those who the chosen ones well why do you think I'm sorry but why do you think there's a difference because those that were our protested were predestined some of them will end up in heaven some of them in English turn on fire it is correct didn't know I don't think anybody has been predestined by God to be created and burned the Bible tells us that God is not willing that any should perish God through his Providence has provided means where every believer can be saved that's why he says whosoever will and so God did not create people to be destroyed it's the Lord doesn't want to see anyone perish it says God who would have all men be saved God is not willing that any should perish and you know we we have a book that talks about the predestination we can send you and and so the you know the chosen when God chose the children of Israel they he wanted them to all make it to the promised land but because of their lack of faith they didn't then you know first generation many didn't but those who believed like Joshua and Caleb they did and so we can choose to believe but for example the chosen ones even believers not everybody will end up in heaven is it correct it's true that not everybody that claims to be a Christian will end up in heaven but that's not because God has predetermined that they should be destroyed I think God wants everybody to be saved you know God is love and nothing can separate us from the love of God and you know when the children of the Northern Kingdom Ephraim when they turned away from God God says how can I give you up he didn't want them to be lost the Lord says Turney and this is Ezekiel 18 I think kearney Turney why will you die yeah good God is pleading with the Lost to trust him and to come to him he's not wanting anyone to be lost and he hasn't chosen that and he should be lost so hope that helps go ahead yeah it's a book that will give you on can a save man she used to be lost if you'd like to receive that Chris the number to call is a time eight three five six seven four seven and after the book can I save man choose to be lost again that number is 885 six seven four seven of course this is not only for Chris but for anyone who would like to see the book call the number ask for it we'll be happy to send it to you we've got Jerry listening from Michigan Jerry welcome to the program hello can you hear me loud and clear great I live off good and I don't get very good phone reception so I hope you can hear me yeah we hear you good okay my question is this when Jesus was alone in the Garden of Gethsemane praying to his father and son and sweating drops of blood how did the writers of the Bible know what happened to him and what he was saying when all the disciples were see yeah well keep in mind that Jesus will two things one they may have her overheard cuz several times he woke him up and they eventually drifted to sleep so um you know Peter James and John he invited them to go with him as he went deeper into the garden he went a little further beyond them but they may have heard him praying cuz he was praying in agony and probably loud and the other thing is after Jesus rose from the dead he talked to them on many occasions and he may have you know rehearsed what happened that night in the garden when he was betrayed so you know and through divine inspiration God can give a prophet a vision of what happened that makes sense Jerry yes sir goes thanks very much you're the strong tower angel is the only station I get way up here in the northern you pour Peninsula so I really thank you for your program and for answering my questions well praise the Lord yeah we're good friends with strong tower radio and I didn't know there was a paradise Michigan we got a paradise California - at least we did its Hill in most of it birds right next quote that we have these reason listening in North Carolina recent welcome again to Bible answers life yeah out of the New King James I mean it's probably the same in the King James 18 this these people started worshipping [Music] maybe the Messiah that was to come I don't know but either way they decided it looks like to me they were determined to worship yeah just for our friends that are listening when Moses was going through the wilderness and Jesus refers to this story in John chapter 3 the people were bitten by serpents they had been complaining about the manna that God had given him and and the Lord withdrew his protection and just a plague of not only serpents these are venomous serpents this began to swarm out and this happens every now and then in the spring they all hatch out at the same time and many of the people were bitten and they're dying and there's just a whole plague thousands I think we're dying and God told Moses to have one of the artisans and the camp make a bronze Serpent and put it on a staff a pole and hold it up and it says whoever looks will be healed of the venom now this was a one-time event that was it was to be a symbol teaching that if people would look in faith to God that he would destroy the power of the serpent filled with meaning for the Christian and let me just throw something in here for you I've got a book in the head you will send you a free copy it's called the Savior and the serpent and it talks about John 3:16 it talks about Hezekiah during the time of Hezekiah hundreds of years after Moses more than a thousand years after Moses I think the people had made an eye this serpent that was still in the sanctuary and they were praying to it because they thought it had some special power and Hezekiah recognized that that was never God's intention that they should make an idol out of anything breaks one of the second commandments and one of the tens the second commandment and he had it broken to pieces and called it I think the Rushton which means a thing of brass it's just a piece of brass and so I don't know that the people understood the significance of what it had been symbolized in the time of Moses but we'll send you that book called the savior in the serpent we'll send you a free copy reason her and I think he'll be blessed by that the number to call is 883 five six seven four seven again that is the resource phone line and the book is called the savior and the serpent will send it out to anyone who calls and asks again 800 eight three five six seven four seven we've got Claudia listening from Miami Florida Claudia welcome to the program evening still with us yeah and your question oh my question was yeah you about the pandemic I see that they put some oats here we usually let people do it and save their question too but it says that you've got a question about the pandemic does it have anything to do with Rome in the kingdom of Spain - uh-huh but what about the disgrace that we live in right now I want to know what would be the escape to not getting seeing when we were about to be in more pandemics hopefully no I don't know so in the Bible work and I hold on to it yeah there's that good question there first of all Jesus did say that you know there's gonna be pestilence in the last days and this plague is certainly a sign of this is certainly not one of the worst pestilence that we've had I mean we're not exactly seeing the Black Death we're one out of three people died neither are we seeing they're terrible pandemic of the Spanish influenza 1918 but and there will be other plagues and plagues may not always be a virus you know anything that can bring kind of mass dying from disease is a plague but there's a promise in Psalm 91 where it said that neither will any plague come near your dwelling so I would recommend you read the promises that God has in Psalm 91 and I think you'll find that very encouraging and you know I was looking pastor Ross as we were going through I was kind of reorganizing some of the free offers that amazing facts has and Joe Cruz has a book that talks about when the brook dries up that offers just you know some encouragement during difficult times and we'll be happy to send it to anyone who would like some encouragement what is the Bible like to say about difficult times and it's called when the brook dried up and again the number to call for that is just our resource phone line eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven and as for the book called when the brook dried up eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven we've got Sarah actually Ethan rather listening from Texas Ethan welcome to the program hi hi Ethan how old are you you're five one so thankful you called what is your question tonight well you know the Romans didn't especially they didn't especially hate Jesus but they were running the government and some of Jesus enemies that were some of the religious leaders they were jealous and they said that Jesus was making himself a king instead of Caesar and that he was going to start a rebellion and and the Roman governor Pontius Pilate he thought to hell to satisfy the the Jews and to prevent a rebellion he should go ahead and execute Jesus and and even Jesus said you know Judas and the priests who delivered Jesus to the Romans had the greater sin they were more guilty than even the Romans in fact when Jesus died on the cross one of the Roman soldiers there by the cross looked at Jesus and said surely this was the Son of God so we're gonna probably see some of them in heaven that's a great question thanks so much Ethan does that help you're welcome thank you for calling alright next call that we have is a Rueben listening from Oxnard California Ruben welcome to the program hello my question is what is one of the altar of the in I'm sorry or one of the four horns of the altar of the incense represent or symbolize yeah well the number four in the Bible typically represents something that is universal you know Jesus said he'll send his angels to the four corners of the earth that means north south east and west and then you look in Revelation I think it's chapter 7 where it talks about four angels are holding back the four winds of strife so they do not blow upon the earth that means it's something that universal trouble well the four horns of the altar mean that salvation of Jesus sacrifice because the altar is where the sacrifice was burnt is meant for all of the world so we're getting can you hear us Ruben we're getting a little background noise yeah no yeah yes I can hear well so does that help or make sense yes all right hey well thank you so much for your call we sure appreciate it and God bless you next caller that we have is changing listening in California ginger welcome to the program hi hi thanks for calling well my question is what is the difference between having like having faith and having presumption you know what's the difference if I pray or five you know and I have faith but is that presumption that I know it's going to happen well good very good question ya know that's a good question you know if faith is going to be based upon a promise of God and the the definitive leading of the Spirit when a person says you know I think I'm gonna jump in front of a car and believe in angels gonna save me that's presumption you know when you start tempting the Lord like when the devil told Jesus jump off the temple and the angels will catch you that's presumption if you start spending your money carelessly and say well I'm just gonna have faith God's gonna give me more money or help me win the lottery that's presumption you know God wants us to use common sense now faith is gonna be you're gonna find a promise in the Bible and they'll usually be some criteria to connect with that promise and and believe that as you follow those criteria God is gonna honor you have faith that he's gonna honor his word and his promises you there yeah okay does that make sense yes it does I wasn't sure as I pray or if I you know something will happen or I take God's promises and my presuming that this will happen or me or not I'll tell you what I've got a book I'm gonna send you if you call the resource line we don't give this out to everybody but if you call the resource line I've got a book called who do you think you are and it's about faith who do you think you are you call and you can tell them I said I'd send you a free copy of that and I think that'll encourage you it's all about faith then I'm gonna call for that he's eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven and again you can ask to the book called who do you think you are eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven Esther is listening California Esther welcome to the program Esther you there Esther might be on mute oh I think we just lost this no we just had a cold up there we have Deanna listening in Texas Deanna welcome to the program hello hi how are you good thank you for calling um I do have a question it is I have a grandson that's autistic and then my husband has some problems - he's like an anger disorder OCD some other problems yes and does have a great heart for God my husband does I mean he is like you know I he just loves the Lord with all his heart and wondering the if people like them make their way into heaven well the good news is God is a loving God he's fair he's a just God and God will never ask us to be or to do something that is impossible for us to be or to do without His grace if someone has a mental handicap of some sort and they can't you know they're doing all they can humanly do with God's power to to live the life but because of some medical problem or a chemical problem you know God's gonna judge them fairly and so you know God will not expect a person who was born with a severe mental mental handicap to understand the gospel the way someone else might Jesus said to whom much is given much is required and those who don't have much to work with you know he's he's very gracious with them so does that make sense yes thank you very much okay hey god bless thank you for calling Deana you know we do have a book pass the bag entitled the riches of His grace and it looks about God's grace and His goodness and we'll send it to anyone who calls a nasty Anna you might want to call and ask for it the number is 883 five six seven four seven and again you can just ask for the book called the riches of His grace and we'll be happy to put that in the mail and send it to anyone who calls and asks we've got Jim listening in Indiana Jim welcome to the program oh well welcome you're on the air I was just wondering the two witnesses in Chapter 11 and revelations uh-huh are they to be taken literally I mean no I'm giving you the short answer but I'll give you more detail when it talks about these two witnesses that are going to be killed and their bodies will lie in the street and and after three days some people think that Moses and Elijah are going to come down from heaven you know they now have eternal life their glorified bodies that they're going to be killed and their mutilated bodies will lay in the street for three days and then they're going to be resurrected the revelation is full of symbols and these two witnesses are symbolized by Moses and Elijah they are the law and the prophets the Word of God the new in the Old Testament and you know the law is written on two stones the Bible is called a sword with two edges there's a dual nature there to the Word of God so these are the two witnesses that during a unique time in history and I'm wondering what book are lesson we have that talks about that you know we have a book called the to witness oh yeah which goes into this passage in a lot more detail and we'll be happy to send this to to you Jim or anyone who would like to learn more about Revelation chapter 11 what does it say about the two witnesses the number to call is eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven again 800 eight three five six seven four seven you can answer the book called the two witnesses and we'll be happy to send that to anyone it's just a really important fascinating study a lot of good information talking about Moses and Elijah you know some people pastor that might be surprised too if they get the book they might be surprised to hear that not only did Elijah go to heaven we know Elijah waned without seeing yet but Moses was resurrected and taken to heaven and he appears with Jesus and the Mount of Transfiguration that you can read about as well so all of that's in the book all of the Bible verses are there and you know whoever gets it I think you'll enjoy reading it yes sir so hope that helps a little bit you know just before we go to the break pastor Ross or something we would like to mention we are coming into yes friends another election season and there's a lot going on in the in the world and the country everything from the gyrating economy to the surging off and on of the pandemic and various freedoms they go along with that and there's a lot of social unrest and we're in the middle of a very polarizing election season and people sometimes call and say pastor Doug you know what does the Bible say about Christians and voting is it a lack of faith to vote is it required that you vote are there some scriptures on this and you know we just thought it was important to give a little bit little perspective because in North America once every two years there's some kind of election presidential election every four years and some kind of congressional elections every couple of years so we have a book that we would like to send you friends it's called should a Christian vote should a Christian vote if you'd like and this is if you want a single copy we'll send it to you for free if you want something to share then you can get more information by calling the amazing facts office but we think you'll find this a balanced perspective and it will be a blessing and so just you can contact the amazing facts website for that you hear the music we have more questions coming got room for you to call in with your questions we'll be back in just a few moments stay tuned Bible answers live will return shortly [Music] if you enjoy hearing solid biblical answers on Bible answers live you can have those same insights at your fingertips through the amazing facts prophecy Study Bible the updated hardcover version is available at its lowest price ever and includes the complete set of amazing facts 27 study guides plus a Bible numbers and symbols charts and eight pages of colorful maps this best-ever Bible gives you a biblical cyclope dick index words of Christ in red chronology of the Old Testament along with Doug Bachelors how to study the Bible feature and much more call us at AF bookstore to learn more about it at one eight hundred five thirty eight seventy two seventy five the amazing facts prophecy study Bible stance apart from other Bibles giving you the same solid answers you hear each week on Bible answers live order your copy today at AF bookstore calm or by calling 1-800 five three eight seventy two seventy five what if you could know the future what would you do [Music] what would you change to see the future you must understand the past Alexander the Great becomes king when he's only 18 but he's a military prodigy a hundred and fifty years in advance Cyrus had been named Rahm was violent they were ruthless they were determined the Gospel writers seek his death as a fulfillment of salvation this intriguing documentary hosted by pastor Doug Batchelor explores the most striking bible prophecies that have been dramatically fulfilled throughout history kingdoms in time get your copy today available now on DVD blu-ray or USB for more information visit kingdoms in you're listening to Bible answers live where every question answered provides a clearer picture of God and his plan to save you so what are you waiting for get practical answers about the good book for a better life today if you have a question about the Bible or living the Christian life call us now at 800-831-6273 72 97 and once again we are streaming on the amazing facts Facebook page my name is Doug Batchelor my name is John Ross and before the break we were gonna hear from esta St in California yes so welcome to the program can you hear me loud and clear oh good um I have a silly question I've been wanting to do some home repairs but seeing how we're living in these times now and even some store is not accepting cash anymore should I continue with my projects or just just let it go well you know that's a great question jesus said and pastor Ross might look it up for me where he said occupy till I come Jesus and one of his parables about distributing the talents to his disciples he told them to occupy till he comes meaning that if you need to buy sell trade since we don't know the day or the hour of his coming I think every Christian needs to live like this could be our last day when it comes to our spiritual health but I think we need to work and plan like we might be here a thousand years when it comes to thinking ahead so I would say you know if you've got the means and if just suppose that you were gonna be here another 20 years would you do the improvements a lot of people during World War one thought this was the end of the world and they just let their houses fall apart and after the word they said maybe we better fix them you know the parable I think you're referring to I'm looking at the new King James that woods a little different it says that do business till I come right Luke chapter 19 verse 13 so I think God wants us to be wise stewards if we can do something to increase the value of our property it's probably good to do so the Lord might call us at some point to liquidate what we have and maybe put it more into evangelism or gospel preaching but until you know God guides us we should be wise stewards yep yeah I don't know that I'd get involved in some ornate repairs but does that help Esther it sure does it put my heart at ease because I was so completed thank you so much alrighty god bless I hope we gave you the right advice we've got Virginia listening Kentucky Virginia welcome to the program hello hi Virginia you're on the air hi pastor how are you good how are you good I have a question what is gonna be the outcome of those individuals who committed suicide you know I don't think there's one answer for that because I do think that there are varying circumstances now what I mean by that is I do think in most cases not in all cases but in many cases what a person commits suicide they have reached a state of hopelessness and often that's connected with faithlessness and without faith it's impossible to please God again I want to mention that some people get just tired of life they're tired of suffering and they say you know I'm just gonna end it all but you know we're we're made in God's image we're God's property and killing murder is a sin and that would include self murder now having said that and the reason I I have to answer this question with two perspectives we get calls every now and then from some young person that's discouraged and they want to know can I kill myself and go to heaven they're thinking of killing themselves I say absolutely don't because if you could think that you're gonna kill yourself and you're gonna make your life easier in most cases when people commit suicide their next conscious thought is being raised in a permanently bad situation there is no more hope but when you're alive the Bible says where there is life there is hope a living dog is better than a dead lion but having said all that then there are some people who have a loved one instead of committed suicide and they're going is there any hope that they might be saved well yes there is God looks on the heart and there are some people who maybe they were going through severe pain pastor Ross and I had a member of that godly person but they went through some disease where they just were not thinking clearly and they nearly tried to kill themselves and then they realize later what had happened but they weren't in the right mind and they were in so much pain and God will judge a person not on the last moment of their lives but the tenor of their life some people may try to kill themselves and then they repent of it before they actually die and you know God is merciful so we've got to be very careful about judging even Samson he knew very well when he pushed down the building he was gonna die he said his last words were let me die with the Philistines and so but Samson's gonna be in heaven because it was a little more like a sacrifice than a suicide so I don't know if this is helping Virginia but I saw it varies with every individual does that make sense so we cannot say that if a person committed suicide they're not gonna go to him and we can't say that I think we've got to be careful not to say it as an absolute I think in I think in most cases as I said it indicates you know this week some policemen quarter a murderer sorry shot himself yeah I don't think there's a lot of hope for people in those circumstances but some people you don't know it could be miserable illness and we've got to be careful not to judge hey thanks so much we need to do a little sermon book on that because we get that question a lot do we've got sadly listening in illinois sally welcome to the program oh hi sally and how can we help you tonight what's your question Prison Jail Mexico and I thought you know how I'll be able to pray for you well that's a great that's a great question because the good news is you may not be able to be with her if you can visit good if you can write a letter good but God is with this person and you know there's a lot of people that get converted in in jail pastor Doug was not always a Christian I was in jail seven different times not visiting people so I know it can get pretty lonely and you're really thankful if someone comes to visit so pray that God will bring her comfort because God can send angels to be with your friend and to comfort them and write write a note they'll let the mail go through usually and hold them up before the Lord and then tell them you're praying for so does that help Sally thank you okay thank you for your call and you know some prisons will let you bring in Christian literature so you might send or bring in something for them to read because you get really mm-hmm I know a lot of people who have read their way to Jesus well in jail alright next full of the behalf Thank You Sally we've got Michael listening in Michigan Michael welcome to the program yeah thank you for taking my call my question is this in the Old Testament in the book of Joshua after the defeat of AI the Lord tells Joshua that he will no longer be with Israel unless he seeks out this accursed thing and moves it from the camp of course they cast lots and it lands on Aiken and he confesses his sin so my question is why were his sons and daughters included in the death sentence his punishment and what is the implication of that for our churches today how we handle sin in the church yeah a very good question you know there's it's not explicitly stated but it's understood by most scholars that he hid the gold in the garment the Babylonian garment and the silver he hid it under a carpet in his tent and that his family were accomplice as to what he had done the family had heard the very clear command of Joshua of Lord not to take any of the spoils of Jericho it was all to be consecrated to God so he'd not only stolen but he'd stolen from God and his family was privy to it and so he actually he engendered the guilt in his whole family and they were all punished his whole household that was aware of it was punished that doesn't mean he had little children but that's what I have understand and you know you wonder if he waited until he's actually caught yeah he wasn't repenting his sorry he's been because he was busted if you would have come forward earlier than that and said you know I'm sorry I made a mistake here it is but he waited till the very last repented like Judas when he went out and hung himself was a little too late yeah all right well my co we've got Thomas listening Arizona Thomas welcome to the program i pastored Doug how are you doing doing well we like studying the Bible and you're questioning me I was I was discussing with a friend the other day the book of Zechariah and chapter 13 and particularly verses 6 ok my friend seems to be under the impression that this is talking about Jesus and believes that this is indicating that Jesus is actually not the Messiah or is a false prophet I don't necessarily agree with that but I would really appreciate your interpretations of what this means all right well let me read the verse for our friends that are listening and I'm gonna start with verse so 4 and this is a Cariah 13 verse 4 and it shall be in that day that every prophet will be ashamed of his vision when he prophesies and they'll not wear a robe of coarse hair to deceive you keep in mind Elijah like John the Baptist they were camel skin and it was kind of typical of some of the prophets back then but he'll say I am no prophet I am a farmer for a man taught me to keep cattle from my youth and one will say to him what are these wounds between your arms and I'll answer those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends and the word between your arms there also means hands and as you can say these are the wounds I received in the house of my friend and Jesus is he of course a prime example he is a prophet and he was wounded by his own people and betrayed by one of his own apostles so most scholars I don't know of any that don't believe that this is a prophecy a very clear messianic prophecy and I think even if you read the next verse verse seven makes it even clearer it says awake o sword against my shepherd against the man who is my companion says the Lord of hosts strike the Shepherd and the sheep will be scattered and of course that was a reference that Jesus made he actually quoted this verse when talking to his disciples in the upper room there before his betrayal so even Jesus likened this verse the fulfillment of this verse to himself yeah he quotes this in Matthew 26 31 also so Christ Himself points back to Zechariah and he's a pretty good bible expositor so I would think that that's a good evidence this is a prophecy about what happened to Christ now your friend thinks that this is proof that Jesus is a false messiah yes sir because the wording prior to that seems to be indicating something about you know indicating at the process the Prophet would be a liar because it says you shall not live because you've spoken lies in the name of the Lord that's referencing verse 3 well I think that yeah I think that the the subject matter and the the person being addressed is changing even in the passage Zechariah is talking about true and false prophets all through no clutter and you'll you'll find that some of these apocalyptic prophets like Zechariah and Ezekiel even Revelation it very quickly jumps from subject to subject isaiah does that isaiah starts out prophesying about the king of tyre and then in 1 verse he jumps over and talks about the devil who is behind the king of tyre so I hope that helps a little Thomas and you know if you look in even online you look at some of the Bible commentators on this these great Protestant commentators they've got great explanations on these things but I think almost all of them agree this is a messianic prophecy all right next we'll have it be heavies jack listening from Las Vegas Jack welcome to the program praise the Lord this is awesome thank you guys for taking my call thank you so much thank you Russian tonight um well just real quick pastor Doug I've been listening to you on amazing fact just a quick testimony I've been I was a gosh I was a drunk homeless the worst worst person you could possibly imagine I happened upon amazing facts one Sunday morning four years ago you've changed my life in so much that I'm ministering now to people and so I've been really enthused about this new quarterly about witnessing I've been watching all of the sermons and I'm really enthused so my question is I'm I'm ministering to a gentleman right now and this is pretty much yes I won't call it a road block because I feel like I have a pretty good way of getting around it but I'm not getting around it but I preach Daniel 2 because I bought the teaching tool the the statue of Nebuchadnezzar which by the way is amazing yeah I love it and everybody is always struck by it then I preach Daniel 9 because I think it's important to know why Jesus is our Messiah right uh-huh what's the next step what's the next slam-dunk where can I go next because they're always excited about Daniel 9 you know what you were and I am I go what do I go next well I can't speak pastor Ross might have an idea but I would if you haven't done it yet and you're talking about the the coming of the Lord go to Matthew 24 and continue the theme that because Matthew 24 gives you more detail about even the days we're living in now gospel getting into all the world and then the end will come yes okay yeah that's all in there so what I guess suppose next yeah I agree my 24 right great I am going to just so you guys know I'm in the process of signing up for Africa I'm so enthused about spreading your guyses message and I'm going to sign up for the programs and I'm very very excited about and I just want you guys to know that you've changed my life and it's it's really touching to think that the thoughts that I used to think and the things that I think now it's just Lourdes giving you knew her edible hey man yeah sure well that's why we do it jack we sure appreciate your testimony tonight and for our friends who are listening you might be wondering what Jack's talking about Affco afro is the amazing fact center of evangelism we do teaching right now it's all online but we've actually been doing online for several years so it wasn't just because of the pandemic but we teach principles of soul winning Bible study witnessing so people can do mission work evangelism Bible work and it's a very popular program you can just go to Africa dot o-r-g or calm or be the one on both will get you there or you go to the amazing facts website click on the tab that says training and you can take a look at what the different courses are if you'd like to study more during the pandemic we're actually offering a special we're kind of doing our wanted to get people in it that's right we've got a great group of students that are actually going through the program a FC o thanks for coal jack next call at the behalf let's see we've got Michael listening in Wisconsin Michael welcome to the program hello hi thank you guys for having me on I my question is how do you like because I've talked to a lot of people about you know you know myspace from you know not just different Christian backgrounds from you know different backgrounds you know outside of Christianity and when you're looking at people who believe in like different gods you know who you know come from you know backgrounds of faith that are that are you know with the Bible and things like that like how do you show people or tell people because I want to tell people you know that that Jesus is the real da the true God how do you show someone who you know believes in another God that our God is you know the one true God good question you know and that every I think every Christian needs to have an answer for that question when you're witnessing to people that aren't Christians about the truth in the Word of God how do you approach them you know suppose they come from a Muslim background or Buddhist or Hindu background and and you know that for them the Bible they don't know the Bible well how you gonna reach them you know one of the first things you need to do is establish faith in the Bible and if you can prove to them that the Bible is a supernatural book in the way that it it has prophecies that were written very specific prophecies written hundreds if not thousands of years before the event occurs and then this very specific event occurs people are going to begin to recognize Wow this by this book is extraordinary it's not normal and Jesus said the words I speak or spirit in life and as they develop confidence in the Bible if you can have a little time to show them some of these scriptures then there are faith in everything else the Bible says is built and you can then give them Studies on other principles and who Jesus is now amazing facts just completed a DVD that talks about how you can know the Bible is true it has about 39 or 40 prophecies that prove the Bible is true and it's called kingdoms in time in fact anyone out there you can you can go to the kingdoms and time website or you can go to even I think it's on Amazon Prime is now here we're really excited that Amazon picked up a movie we produced Amazon Prime it's on the pure flicks the Christian movie Network they're carrying it but that'd be a great way to get those prophecies and I think we just produced the magazine mm-hmm just coming out so again it's a good question I think as pastor Doug mentioned but the starting point is to help them recognize that the Bible is unique book and it's unique in that it's inspired by God it can reveal prophecy it can reveal the future and that's it's the Bible apart from all other religious books or other writings so let it be a good starting point thanks to Col Michael next hope that we have is Renato listening in California we're not are welcome to the program oh thank you thanks for calling oh this is my pleasure pastor yeah so my question has to raise about the Genesis creation yes and after the flood it's kind of since Adam and Eve said in the Bible if you are the first couple so obviously there's like like a marriage within the family yes yeah that's true mm-hmm so what nowadays we call that infant right so why if why was it wrong why is it wrong now for marrying your your sister or your stepsister anyone that's a close relative but it was okay back in the beginning now think about it when God made Adam and Eve technically they have the same parents God and so Adam married his sister matter of fact it's even weirder than that she came from his side and then Cain and Abel and and Seth never says Abel married I don't know if you live long enough but Seth and Cain they married their sisters by the time you get to Abraham he married his half-sister and then by the time you get to Jacob he married his first cousin Isaac married his first cousin and by the time of Moses they realized you know if you continue to intermarry you can have genetic problems and that was the main reason God said do not look upon the nakedness of your sister and they were not to marry within the family so even probably before the time of Moses they realized that this it was healthier to have a strong gene pool and you know they were a nation of shepherds they understood how breeding worked if if you've read too much in the same same group you end up with genetic weaknesses and and so when man was perfect as God made him that wasn't so much of a problem and although but as time went by it was we have time for maybe one more question pastor Oz yeah we got Lawrence listening in Illinois Lawrence welcome to the program thank you yeah and your question my question is uh when her Jesus was talking with his disciples before he went to die for us on the cross he was transfigured in front of his apostles and during that whenever he was transfigured it talks about Moses and Elijah was seen next to him mm-hmm how did the Apostles no but that was Moses and Elijah without actually ever meeting or singing them yeah a good question if they never have seen any pictures or video how they know it was Moses and Elijah when you read the story in mark it says they appeared when you read it in Luke it says they appeared and they spoke with him and so we can assume that Jesus addressed them by name and they understood and also you know when you're in a heavenly vision like that God gives you supernatural discernment because you're just surrounded by the Holy Spirit and angels and God Himself spoke to them and yeah they Moses and Elijah were speaking with him concerning his sacrifice he would accomplish you know I've got a book I'll be happy to send you know we mentioned earlier tonight and it's called the glorious mount or the two witnesses and we'll be happy to send you a free copy it's all about that story the number to call for that is eight hundred eight three five six seven four seven and again just ask - the book called the two witnesses will be happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks one more question real quick all right we've got let's say we've got Ally's listening from San Bernardino California ally welcome to the program hi good evening you mean yes my question is there a way that you can explain Trinity in the simple way to a person with Adam video and saying that there's one God even if it's Trinity I'll try first I want to tell you that we'll send you a book on it and it's called a one God or three understanding the Trinity secondly try to depending on their level of understanding you might explain that you can have one family now in the one bachelor family right now in the house because our son came home from college we've got father mother's son and so there's three of us we are the bachelor family think of God not as a term that would describe a one person see Jesus said a man leaves his father and mother Cleaves to his wife and he and his wife become one so in the Hebrew mind one wasn't always talking about numerical numbers it was talking about unity a man and woman become one jesus said to the Apostles in John 17 he said father I pray they may be one as you and I are one well there were twelve apostles but he wanted them to be United God the Father Son and Holy Spirit are one Moses said here o Israel the Lord our God is one God the other nations worship gods that were always fighting and bickering among themselves but the Israelites have a perfectly United God in the beginning God said let us make man in our image so the plural nature of God is seen right there in the first book of the Bible and it's seen all the way at the end where it says the spirit and the bride say come and ask for that book on the Trinity if you'd like to receive at the number two Col deze 808 three five six seven four seven and again the book is just called the Trinity one god of three and we'd be happy to send that out to anyone who calls and asks well friends we just want to remind you that these programs after we broadcast them they are archived on the amazing facts Facebook page if you have enjoyed it learned anything new send the link to your friends you'll see it also on the Doug Batchelor Facebook page and to keep us in your prayers remember we are faith ministry if you've been blessed you can go to amazing facts com there's a little button called donate and that really means we love you we appreciate hearing from you god bless Alexia thank you for listening to today's broadcast we hope you understand your Bible even better than before Bible answers live is produced by amazing facts International a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay California what if you could know the future what would you do [Music] what would you change to see the future you must understand the past Alexander the Great becomes king when he's only 18 but he's a military prodigy a hundred and fifty years in advance Cyrus had been named wrong was violent they were ruthless they were determined the Gospel writers see his death as a fulfillment of salvation this intriguing documentary hosted by Pastor Doug Batchelor explores the most striking Bible prophecies that have been dramatically fulfilled throughout history kingdoms in time get your copy today available now on DVD blu-ray or USB for more information visit kingdoms in if you enjoy hearing solid biblical answers on Bible answers live you can have those same insights at your fingertips through the amazing facts prophecy Study Bible the updated hardcover version is available at its lowest price ever and includes the complete set of amazing facts 27 study guides plus a Bible numbers and symbols charts and eight pages of colorful maps this best-ever Bible gives you a biblical cyclope dick index words of Christ in red chronology of the Old Testament along with Doug Bachelors how to study the Bible feature and much more call us at AF bookstore to learn more about it at one eight hundred five thirty eight seventy two seventy five the amazing facts prophecy Study Bible stands apart from other Bibles giving you the same solid answers you hear each week on Bible answers live order your copy today at AF bookstore calm or by calling 1-800 538 7275 for life changing Christian resources visit AF bookstore com if you'd like to enhance your study of God's Word visit our website at WWF ax0 RG and sign up for our free Bible study course and make sure to check out our online bookstore at AF bookstore com which offers thousands of inspiring books DVDs and more to help you get the most out of God's Word to take advantage of the offers you've heard on this broadcast call us at $887 may sing facts 0 RG
Channel: SDA Burgas
Views: 3,642
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: doug, batchelor, we, cannot, see, to, reach, the, end, bible, answers, live, sda, burgas, seventh, day, adventist, amazing, facts
Id: PwtPclYU7ZA
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Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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