Doug Batchelor - Solomon Part 1 - The Son of David

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it's been 2,000 years since the glorious light of the cross illuminated a world veiled in darkness and confusion about the character of God and still today the greatest need of mankind is a revelation of God's love as revealed in the life of Christ amazing facts presents the everlasting gospel with Pastor Doug Batchelor coming to you each week from Sacramento Central Church in sunny California discover hidden treasures in God's Word today for the next few weeks I'll be addressing a new series dealing with the character in the Bible that sort of represents the pinnacle in the history of God's people and that's King Solomon King Solomon today will be Solomon part 1 the son of David now I thought this would be a worthy study because the life of Solomon has a lot of parallels with Jesus himself Jesus was called the son of David and there's a lot of things we can learn also I think everybody knows Solomon was the wisest man who's ever lived next to Jesus that's probably safe to say author of the book of Ecclesiastes most of the Proverbs the Song of Solomon and even some of the Psalms it's believed and so we're going to spend some time talking a little bit about Solomon today we're going to get from the birth of Solomon to where he is coronated and it's a very interesting history Solomon was born into the world in the midst of a scandal I think everybody knows about the story of David's sin David was at home in Jerusalem while the soldier in the are soldiers in the army were out fighting with the ammonites they'd the seeds the capital of raba David thought well I don't need to be there a siege sometimes lasts for years I'm going to go back to Jerusalem I've got some desk work to do and one day while wandering on the roof of his house he spied a beautiful woman from his vantage point looking into the courtyard seeing what he probably wasn't supposed see and instead of turning away he kept looking and you know that's one of the characteristics of a man of God and a woman of God job said I've made a covenant with my eyes why should I behold another man's wife we need to know how and when to close her eyes and turn away especially in the age of popups got to know how to close your eyes and turn away well David saw an unexpected pop up on his screen and he wasn't responsible for that he's just walking on his roof but he then kept looking and he went beyond that and pretty soon it turned into adultery and when she was invited to the palace it was told that she was the wife of Uriah one of his loyal soldiers one of the mighty men of day in David's army had gone through thick and thin with him but he didn't care and got involved in his scandal he was sowing Wild Oats and then praying for crop failure and it didn't work out that way and she became pregnant and then he tried to cover it up by getting Uriah to come home and do a little R&R with his wife's and nobody would know except David and Bathsheba and the Lord but Uriah had more integrity than David he said you know I can't go home and spend time celebrating with my wife when the soldiers are still in the field and the battle is not won and after several attempts he could not get Uriah to go home he said I I it's not time for me to do that how can I go back to my troops that are living out there in the mud in the field and the blood in the battle and and so I was back home in the palace and with my wife and so David then signed a death warrant and he sent it by Uriah his own hand to Joab and it said set your eye at the forefront of the hottest battle and then retreat and leave him behind so that he is smitten and he dies job didn't know exactly what was going on but he obeyed the Kings order put urea at a wall where he knew brave men in the city protecting things and they charge the wall and then Joab had everyone retreat and leave Uriah and his platoon there by themselves and they fell under a hail of arrows and they died well then David took Bathsheba had a quick wedding soon as she finished the minimal period of mourning and it was amazing how that first baby came in seven months he says tongue-in-cheek and David was hoping nobody would know but pretty soon Nathan the Prophet came and through a series of a parable David basically condemned himself and Nathan the Prophet said because you've done this thing and you've given cause for the enemies of God to blaspheme the child that is born in connection with your sin will die with that baby that's for son of Bathsheba and David died innocent baby died because of their sin now you might think that doesn't sound fair well first of all sin is not fair and by the way Jesus was an innocent baby too who died because of our sin isn't that right Christ is like that babe that first baby as well in that he died because of the scandal in the sin there was a big cover-up that they attempted it didn't work well David prayed for that baby seven days on his face and still whatever the sickness was it was terminal but then after a period of time the Bible tells us that David went to comfort his wife Solomon is born David repented thoroughly of what had happened God forgave David and to show David and Bathsheba that they were forgiven they gave them another baby the Bible says in 2nd Samuel 12 verse 24 then David comforted Bathsheba his wife now look at that first when David took Bathsheba it calls her the wife of uriah after David is forgiven and you know in pastoring you always run into these circumstances where people have all these convoluted marriage relationships and they'll the baggage from multiple mixed families and some folks come and they'll say pastor Doug I've been divorced and married two or three times and then we've got this blended family and I read what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage can I be a Christian and they wonder can I get a new beginning well the Bible doesn't say that this is the unpardonable sin there's a lot of sin that often is involved in those breakups and those wounded relationships but I think about the Samaritan woman at the well who came to Jesus and the Lord revealed you've had five husbands you're living with a man now you're not married to and yet in spite of all of that he revealed to her he was the Messiah and he used her to tell others in the town that he was the Messiah you know you come to the Lord the way you are and I remember pastor told me one time when I tried to figure out some of this marriage counseling the conundrums that you run into and he said you can't unscramble scrambled eggs you come to the Lord the way you are where you are and Jesus is about new beginnings and so when David repented now I want to say this for the record what David did adultery is a sin murder certainly a sin and I know a lot of people in the church that want to sin like David sinned but they don't want to repent like David repented David spent seven days on his face weeping in agony like Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane because of the sin so if you're wanting to be forgiven like David you should be willing and if you want to send like David you should be willing to repent like David that's the part that's often left out people like the grace but they don't want the repentance well David thoroughly repented and God said through Nathan the Prophet you've been forgiven and then it says he comforted his wife from that point on your eye is dead what's Bathsheba gonna do she was probably partly involved doesn't say he raped her she was involved in the sin Bathsheba was forgiven david was forgiven from that point on he looked at them as a husband and a wife david went and comforted his wife Bathsheba and they had another child now if I was God I never would have planned this king who is to be a type of Christ to come from a scandalous relationship like this Solomon was born but you look at the family tree of Jesus he ever done that you know all those big Ghats that you read about there and Luke and in Matthew there's a reason they're there and it tells us in the family tree of Jesus and that DNA he's all kinds of sordid people you got Rahab the harlot Tamar who dressed up like a harlot and seduced her father-in-law I got pregnant you got Ruth the Moabitess the some other multiple nationalities involved there not only do you have Rachel and Sarah and Rebecca but in there you've got Bathsheba in the family tree of Jesus so this tells us about God's mercy and then the name that they give the boy Solomon Solomon means his peace in Jewish if you want to say peace to somebody what do you say Shalom it's it's related to that it means his peace or the peaceful one God had made peace with David Nathan who had condemned David because of the sin and exposed David because of his sin he gave a nickname to Solomon and he called him Jedediah which means Jehovah's darling now one reason for this is David was so crushed that Solomon's older brother had died because of the sin God wanted to reassure him of his mercy and he said that he was going to do great things matter of fact the word David means well beloved Bathsheba means the seventh daughter or the daughter of satisfaction the daughter of completeness or satisfaction of the seventh daughter in the other language of a Hebrew it comes out with that meaning and so that's a little bit of the background of what the names mean now I want to talk for a moment about the family tree very interesting of Solomon I already mentioned a little bit about the Matt the background of Bathsheba but some people think because Bathsheba was involved in this scandal with David that she was just some trying to find an appropriate word for church the first thing that came into my mind was bimble but that didn't sound right in church that she was just you know some empty-headed a woman that David saw and she just had no brain that's not at all true first of all her son Solomon you already know was the wisest man who ever lived next to Jesus so all that DNA didn't come from David it tells us about Bathsheba and second samuel 11 verse 3 the servants of David said to David is not this vast shiva the daughter of Elam the wife of a Uriah the Hittite all right who is Elam you do a little work there you look in chapter 23 of second Samuel verse 34 Elam the son of a hysto fell Elam was in David's army his father was a HIPPA fell the guile a knight now who is a hippo this is the grandfather of Bathsheba listen to this he was the counselor for David the primary counselor for David he was to David what oh man my mind's gone blank now what's that guy who gave all the counsel the President Bush Karl Rove thank you very much I tell you he has only been resigned for a year now I can't remember his name Karl Rove was like the mastermind of all these strategic decisions that Bush did they say because no one disputes that a his LaFell was the brains behind David if you can imagine that David were smart enough by himself the Bible says regarding the counsel of Ahithophel it says it was as if one had inquired at the Oracle of God so was all the advice of a hippo fell both with David and with Absalom now this is the grandfather of Bathsheba he was smart so she was not only beautiful she was intelligent and later on today you're going to find out that she thought ahead and actually saved the kingdom for her son because she thought ahead Solomon was not the only son of course he had an older brother he never knew I mentioned during Sabbath school today most people don't know that I've got a brother buried here in town that I never saw his name was Patrick my father was married before he married my mother to a lady named Irene they died in the plane crash coming from Southern California to Northern California and went here still the urn they're buried right here in Sacramento at the Sacramento Cemetery here in town Solomon not only had that older brother that he didn't know about do you know he had three other brothers most people don't know that and it tells you in first Chronicles three verse five these were born to David in Jerusalem shamea and sho Babb and Nathan and Solomon four of Bath schewe the daughter of a meal or Elam same name now we don't know if one of those four was the one that died whether they had named that child or not it's not clear but at least he had two or three other full brothers a little bit about David now the seed or the line of David is mentioned in prophecy go back a few years when it's talking about the son of David if you look at first chronicles 17 verse 11 let me give you the background when David was alive when you wanted to go to church where did you go did they have a temple yet no they had no temple meaning that all through the period of the patriarchs in the judges they still had that tabernacle how old was that Tabernacle that Moses had built in the wilderness well it was getting pretty tattered hundreds of years had gone by now David had become very successful he had strong strategic relationships with the king of Tyre king of Tyre sent down craftsmen and builders and cedar from Lebanon they built a beautiful palace for David and one day David is sitting in his palace this is before the episode with Bathsheba and he's saying to himself joette me actually may have been just after that but it's before Solomon was chosen it's not fair that I'm dwelling in a house of cedar I got this palace and the Ark of God is still in a tent we need to build a real permanent dwelling place for God's temple so while he was pondering this Nathan the Prophet came to him and Nathan's David said to Nathan Nathan it's just not fair that here I'm dwelling in a palace in the Ark of God is in a tent and Nathan said do all that's in your heart David was accumulating all this fabulous wealth from all these nations he had conquered in the tribute that was pouring into his Treasury said we can build the biggest most beautiful temple in the world to Jehovah and Nathan said God is with you well after Nathan left the word of the Lord came to him don't ever forget this was Nathan a prophet is everything a prophet says a prophecy no Nathan was just talking with David as a friend and he said do all that's in your heart the Lord is with you after he walks out the word of the Lord says wait Nathan slow down you better go back and talk to David I don't want David to build my temple I've got other plans so Nathan goes back now speaking under inspiration the Word of God see I want you to remember that because some people think every time a prophet said anything that it was a prophecy that prophets weren't people that could sit at the dinner table and say please pass the bat bread and that's a prophecy write it down I mean you know they were normal people and sometimes they talked with people not everything that was said was a prophecy and I think we sometimes misunderstand that gift you know where I'm going with that right yeah yeah okay first chronicles 17 he's now given a message from God verse 11 and he said you will not build me a house David because you're a bloody man it shall be when your days are fulfilled when you must go be with your fathers translation when you die that I will set up your seed your descendants after you who will be of your sons and I will establish his King them he will build me a house and I will establish his throne forever who is he talking about who is the son of David that was to build the house Solomon is that the only one or is that a dual prophecy did Jesus have a literal son named Solomon that built the temple but is that a fuller prophecy about Jesus the Son of David didn't Christ say destroyed this temple made with hands and in three days I'll raise it up and he spoke of his body isn't the church called the temple of God didn't he also build another kind of house and by the way the Temple of Solomon and the reign of Solomon did it lasts forever no listen to what it says here continuing with the prophecy I will be his father and he will be my son I will not take away my mercy from him as I took it away from him who is before you namely King Saul I will establish him in my house and in my kingdom forever and his throne will be established forever now who is Nathan talking about is he talking about Solomon or Jesus ultimately this prophecy is talking about Christ who would last forever now well and I'll say more about that in a in a future program most scholars believe that after Solomon was born David really blew it with his older kids have you read about that he was so busy when the first litter of kids were born with his ten lives he was out fighting battles and conquering kingdoms and running from Saul and all this was going on he really didn't have a lot of time to give him personal attention Amnon his firstborn raped his sister Tamar then Absalom got mad killed his brother Amnon then Absalom rebelled he tried to become King and there's all kinds of problems and of course he had one child two died matter of fact one scripture says at no time had David ever tried to counsel or resist or rebuke or chastise his voice and they just really spoiled and out of control by the time David went through his repentance and Solomon was born David said you know this one really needs guidance I need someone who can take over after me and they saw a lot of promise the child you know how they looked at Moses and a baby as a baby and said he was a beautiful child and sometimes he can just look and see those bright eyes and they're alert and they're sharp and David committed the care and the raising and the tutoring of Solomon to Nathan the Prophet most scholars believe that that's why Nathan gave him a nickname Nathan also was there to ensure the Solomon was placed on the throne so God chose Solomon to be king in David's place you can read about this David did it himself first Chronicles you have your Bibles 1st chronicles 28 verse 4 David is speaking however the Lord God of Israel chose me above all the house of my father of all Jesse sons of all the tribe of Judah from a shepherd to be king over Israel forever and you jumped down a few verses and he says and of all my sons for the Lord has given me many sons he had chosen my son Solomon so who chose Solomon God did he's chosen my son Solomon to sit on the throne of the Kingdom of the Lord over Israel now he said to me it is your son Solomon who will build my house and my courts for I've chosen him to be my son and I will be his father moreover I will establish his kingdom forever if he is steadfast to observe my Commandments and my judgments as it is this day but you know whenever God has a plan the devil has a counterfeit and the older brothers of Solomon they got wind that Nathan the Prophet had said that the Lord had chosen sollum they said well you're just saying that because you like him you're just saying that cuz you're his tutor he's not the oldest Amnon is dead it should be the next absol instead it should be at an idea and they began to a a battle began to develop over the throne about who is going to be next in line and so Adonai Jim who was the younger brother of Absalom that ought to tell you something he began to say what's his nonsense about Solomon he's a bookworm does he know about soldier he's got a name peace how can he fight wars and and they began to disdain Solomon Bathsheba how can you pick the son of Bathsheba she was the illegitimate wife of David she can't be chosen it's like when Judas said why would you let Mary touch you Jesus often did things in an unusual way I mean why would Jacob pick Joseph he's the youngest instead of Reuben why did God pick Moses the youngest instead of Aaron the oldest God often picks the black sheep sometimes to do his work so a conspiracy developed there was a family feud you might say a conspiracy in the family now if you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn to first Kings chapter 1 go to verse 5 you find this all in first Kings first Kings really starts to get into Solomon and his life then Adonai Joe the son of haghia he exalted himself saying I will be king and he prepared for himself chariots and horsemen and fifty men to run before him that's what the Kings did you ever seen these limousines going up the street and they got I've ever seen this in Africa I don't see it as much in the US they had six Secret Service men in front running six Secret Service men dressed in black behind it was the president that was going up the street we saw it from our hotel in Cameroon and they were running along and everywhere they went up those guys had to really hoof - in their black suits in the hot equatorial Sun can you imagine that well the Kings used to have these men that ran before them sort of to announce they were coming clear the road secure the area so Adonai just started to grandstand like he was going to be next in line he started to try and position himself that way and pretty soon he got a conspiracy together he got the military Joab who had been General for David he got the priest to buyeth are you got the are me he had the state he had the church he said we're gonna have a big party and I'll coronate myself now can you find a story in the Bible where somebody else wanted to preempt Jesus as king what is his name Lucifer or Satan he wanted the position that really belonged to Jesus so what happened go with me to first Kings chapter 1 and I'm going to read a little bit of this story and you need to understand how Solomon came into the throne I don't have time to read it all notice it says here in verse 6 and his father had not rebuked him at any time saying what have you done and why have you done so he was a very good-looking man this is Adonai Joe was Lucifer good-looking his mother had borne him after Absalom and so he gets Joab and a buyeth are the priests and they help him and so verse nine out of nine just sacrificed sheep and oxen and fattened cattle at the SONA xoauth and he has a big party and he invites everybody to this party to coronate him except he doesn't invite Bathsheba because he they've already got word to David and the Lord had chosen Solomon he doesn't invite Nathan he doesn't invite another priest who was behind Solomon he doesn't invite Solomon so when word gets out that they're having a big party they're all saying long live King out of nyjah Bathsheba says I've got to go talk to the king or we're dead so Bathsheba knocks on the door and she comes in to see the king I'm in verse fifteen and the King is very old and Abishag the shunammite was serving him now do you know that story when David got old with the last sickness before he died they figure may have been congestive heart failure he just couldn't stay warm and you know when you get old y'all haven't had these electric blankets on your legs just cold all the time which makes me worry because I'm cold all the time so what they did is they said what are we going to do for David they didn't have electric blankets back then and they hadn't invented rubber hot water bottles yet because they hadn't discovered South America and latex so what they did is they said let's search through the kingdom let's find a beautiful young virgin with good circulation and we'll have her cuddle the king under the covers to dry and get him to warm up and sob trembling and so that's what they did and so here bathsheba comes in now and this one's dashing young king that she had had an affair with his snuggling this Shunammite girl he never knew her the Bible says by the way a little bit of interesting information you ever read the Song of Solomon it's talks about the Shunammite and Abishag was supposed to be beautiful she was still a virgin and they wonder if Solomon wrote this for Abishag who was still younger than him so that's just the commentators speculate about that and so Bathsheba comes in that she bounds before the king and she says my lord verse 17 you swore by the Lord your God that your maidservant - your maidservant saying assuredly Solomon your son will reign after me and he'll sit on my throne and now look at and nyjah's become king and my lord the King David you don't know this and he sacrificed axon and fatted cattle and sheep and abundance and he's invited all the king's sons a buyeth are the priests and Joab the commander of the army but Solomon your servant he is not invited and as for you O Lord my king the eyes of all Israel are on you that you should tell them who will sit on the throne after him you know people look to their leaders to give guidance in making decisions otherwise it will happen that when my lord the king rests with his fathers that I and my son Solomon will be counted as offenders they'd be executed no question about it because David had said that so David said and then Nathan comes and he confirms everything that Bathsheba said then David calls Bathsheba back in I'm in verse 28 so she came into the king and stood before the king and the king took an oath and said as the Lord lives who has redeemed my life from every distress just as I swore to you by the Lord your God of Israel saying assuredly Solomon your son shall be king after me and he will sit on my throne in my place so certainly I will do today now it didn't look good David is old can he fight battles anymore physically the general is with Adonai Jew the church is without a Nyjah they're having a big party in the palace and everybody's toasting him it looks like is it's a coup and there is no way out of it what is David gonna do this old man in bed having to be snuggled by some girl to keep him warm yet he said God has told me Solomon is going to be king and there's nothing out of Niger anyone can do to stop the Word of God David had something that Adonai G didn't have he had the confidence of the people and authority he was the king he was still alive he was still the king I think it's interesting maybe I shouldn't say anything about this but you know we just finished the election this week and all of a sudden were I'm hearing people refer to Obama is the president and he's the president-elect correct but we still have a president he's still in office you know what I'm saying you can't have two at one time and I add a Niger was not the King and so David said I'm going to make this happen today and listen to what he does to show that he still has that authority then bathsheba bound with her face to the earth i'm in verse 31 of first Kings chapter 1 she did homage to the king and said let my lord King David live forever she's talking about eternal life there he was an old man and the King said called to me Zadok the priest Nathan the prophet been ania the son of jehoiada now Benna hiya Ben Anaya was in charge of the King's honor guard so they came before the king and the King said to them take with you the servants of your Lord have Solomon ride on my own mule take him down to guy Han that's where they officially or anointed the Kings there let's say Locke the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him king over Israel do it right now blow the trumpet and say long live King Solomon then you will come up after him and he has to come back from where he's anointed with this procession he will sit on my throne he will be king in my place today for I have appointed him to be ruler over Israel and Judah now what mattered more at a nijah wanting to make himself King or what the father said was going to be king what authority does Jesus have that he is the son of God because he said he was or do you find places in the Bible where God says he is how many times did God the Father say this is my beloved son from heaven the voice of God three times talks about once in the book of John the Mount of Transfiguration and at the baptism of Jesus God the Father said this is my beloved son there'd been many false christs many false prophets and so they did that and as the people loved verse 36 and Ben Anaya the son of jehoiada answered the king and said amen may the lord god of my lord the king say so - as the Lord has been with the king King David even so may he be with Solomon and make his throne greater than the throne of my lord King David and Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet in benaiah the son of jehoiada and the chera thights and the parasites went down and they had Solomon ride on the Kings mule by the way did Jesus ride on a Colt into Jerusalem when he was coronated the son of David a lot of parallels you're going to find between Solomon and Jesus by the way were there questionable things that seemed to surround the birth of Jesus regarding his father and his mother and their relationship is kind of dubious origins they used to question the genealogy of Jesus because of the way that Jesus was conceived and so he rode after he was anointed he went from the spring where he was anointed he rode on a mule the Kings mule into Jerusalem and all the people shouted around him you know he probably rode through the eastern gate which is the same gate that Jesus came through years later when he was what they called the the triumphal entry of Christ Zadok the priest took the Horn of oil from the tabernacle the holy oil Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit by the way what does the word Christ me a total weeks ago the word Christos means The Anointed Messiah is the Jewish way of saying the anointed Solomon was anointed with the oil from the tabernacle Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit that came from the throne of the temple of God and they blew the horn and all the people shouted long live King Solomon and all the people went up after him and the people played flutes and they rejoiced with great joy so the earth seemed to be split with their sound now there's another party going on back in Jerusalem a Danite and all the guests who were with him this all happened very quickly final movements will be rapid ones they heard all the noise as they were finishing eating and when Joab he heard the sound of the horn he said why is the city in an uproar just like a general he heard the horn he thought it's a battle like Joshua sitting Moses what's the noise in the camp he thought it was a war and while he was still speaking Jonathan the son of a by authorities came in and that'n i Jeannette pompous arrogant son he said come in for you're a prominent man and you bring good news counterfeit good news it wasn't good news because they weren't going along with the Word of God and Jonathan answered and said to add an idea Oh No our Lord King David has made Solomon King and the King is sent with him Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet and benaiah the son of jehoiada the other most prominent people in the kingdom and the Cherith i'ts and the parasites these were the honor guard and they've made him ride on the Kings mule and Zadok the priest Nathan the Prophet have anointed him King at Gehan and they've gone up from there rejoicing that's the city's in an uproar this is the noise that you heard Solomon sits on the throne of the kingdom while you're partying and calling yourself King Solomon's on the throne and sometimes I think the devil wants to be king of this world but he forgets Jesus is on the throne and I have to remind myself of that I don't know about you but sometimes I start to worry and I'll give you a word picture that helps me try and picture if you can God up in heaven wringing his hands with worry you ever think God rings his hands because he's anxious about anything oh no what will I do does God fret is he on the throne does he have authority is he sovereign has he lost control solomon sits on the throne moreover the king's servants have gone in to bless the lord King David saying may God make the name of Solomon better than your name and may he make his throne greater than your throne this is what the father says about Jesus then the King bowed on his bed even David vows before Solomon because you can't have two kings at one time David made himself nothing that Solomon might be exalted also the king is said blessed be the Lord God of Israel who's given one to sit on my throne this day while my eyes see it usually King dies before he gets to see it now what do you think happened at Adonai just party do you think they kept celebrating you ever heard the expression the party's over our party poopers when Jonathan came in he was a party pooper that day they said here you are all celebrating the year of the king and the real king is now sitting on the throne and everybody at this party is going to be on a list that they are following the wrong king they are following a counterfeit king they're following an imitator an imposter someone who's serving the throne and just being there could mean you're on the wrong list people got out of that party so fast they did a dine and dash they didn't even leave a tip and the guests who were without a Nyjah were afraid and they arose up each one and went his way and out a Nyjah was afraid of Solomon so he arose and he went and he took hold of the horns of the altar he asked for mercy Solomon said we'll see if you're a worthy man if you're a worthy man you're not gonna have anything to worry about he ended up dying because he tried to conspire one more time mataf egg Dada Nyjah asked Bathsheba he said you think now that David's died as soon as David died Adonai just said could I have Abishag Solomon knew what he was up to Adonai G was figuring if I could get David's wife then I could you know have a little bit of credibility and I can try one more time Solomon's younger I could get two fourths we can try and assassinate him Solomon was very wise he knew what was up and he had to kill his own brother I don't think he enjoyed that but for the safety of the kingdom what's going to happen to Lucifer is Jesus going to have to deal with him then you go to some of the final words of David Solomon had the endorsement of the father and the Bible says that he was firmly established on the throne then before David dies first Kings chapter 2 verse 1 we're almost done here now the days of David drew near that he should die and he charged Solomon his son saying I go the way of all the earth David was very pragmatic about that and if the Lord tarries you're all going the way of all the earth be strong therefore and prove yourself a man and keep the charge of the Lord your God to walk in his ways to keep his statutes and his commandments his judgments and his testimonies if you knew you were going to die in a week I got a lot of parents here today and you're going to write a letter to your kids have you ever thought about that maybe you've got your will made out you've got a closing message sometimes you hear about parents that discover their terminal and they'll videotape something for their kids a message of encouragement I heard a story in the news about this professor that found out as a young man he was dying from pancreatic cancer I don't know Karen I can't remember his name and it became very popular and he sort of began to let everyone know that he sort of had in final classes he was teaching his students he had a final message for his wife for his children what would your final words be to your children well this is the final message of David he knows he's terminal what can you tell someone who's going to be king in your place the most valuable thing most valuable counsel he could give his son David was pretty smart himself you know what he says be strong and prove yourself a man be manly you don't hear a lot of that anymore people aren't even sure what their sex is anymore but Ike you know my father was a redneck from Oklahoma and I just like grew up this way the men are men and I think one of the best things a man can tell his son is be a man and a woman can tell her daughter be a woman and you ought to know what that means I'm sorry friends it's the truth be a man you didn't have to define that be brave be courageous be a leader be we determined have integrity be a man greatest want in the world is a want of men that will not be bought or sold that will stand for the right though the heavens fall that are true to duty as the needleless to the pole thirty men prove yourself a man keep the charge of the Lord your God walk in his ways and keep his statutes his Commandments his judgments his testimonies at is as it is written in the law of Moses obey the Lord he's saying that you might prosper in all that you do wherever you turn if you may had a priority in your life that the Word of God is going to be your guide and didn't Solomon say that the word should be a lamp unto our feet consider him in all your ways he will direct your paths the Lord will prosper you wherever you turn that the Lord may fulfill his word which he spoke concerning me David's and not only for your sake but for my posterity that if your sons take heed to their ways to walk before me in truth with all their heart with all their soul you shall not lack a man to sit on the throne of Israel you work look in first chronicles 28 some more final words of David and thou Solomon my son he says know the Lord God of your father and serve him with a perfect heart there are some final words know the Lord what's he turning life comes from knowing God for the Lord search the hearts he's saying know him with your heart and with a willing mind for the Lord searches the hearts and understands the imaginations and the thoughts not only obey him on the outside serve him on the inside if you seek him he will be found of you but if you forsake him he'll cast you off forever now these are the official final words of David you find them in 2nd Samuel 23 verse 1 the five I won't read it all now these are the last words of David thus says David the son of Jesse the sweet psalmist of Israel the God of Israel said the rock of Israel spoke to me here's what David says he who rules over men must be just ruling in the fear of God he will be like the light of the morning when the Sun rises and a morning without clouds he starts to go back to his days as a shepherd like the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after a rain although my house is not so with God in other words you know I failed in my house but he goes on to say yet he's made with me an everlasting covenant and ordered in all things and secure for this is all my son and all my desire will he not make an increase so david closes his final words talking about the kind of rain that a king ought to have the last point here is david lived to see solomon settled in the throne an undisputed king first kings chapter 2 verse 12 then solomon sat on the throne of his father David and his kingdom was firmly established nobody was ever able to dethrone him solomon rains for 40 years and it's undisputed you know it reminds me of jesus the son of David who is firmly established in even though there were those at one point who contests his leadership ultimately every knee will bow and every tongue will confess you can read that in Philippians chapter 2 verse 9 therefore God has highly exalted him was there a king in Israel that was more exalted than Solomon therefore the Lord God has highly exalted him and given him the name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven of those on the earth of those under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father Jesus is not only our Lord but he is our king when that thief was dying on the cross he turned to Jesus and he said Lord remember me when you come into your wot Kingdom you're not only a lord you're a king and Jesus is on his throne right now he is firmly established and even though the devil is disputing the territory of this world the same thing that happened to add an idea is going to happen to him like Solomon our Jesus is a king of peace he's the Prince of Peace and the question is have you allowed him to sit on the throne in your heart have you crowned and coronated him as the king of your life you know what I thought that would be an appropriate way for us to close our service today we're going to crown him as the undisputed king of our hearts we're going to be singing for I'm sorry two two three crown him with many crowns and this is Nina we'll leave the band and she'll tell us when to join along in saw please stand I you you you you amen how many of you would like to say thank you to miss Nina and the band that majestic song and how many of you would like to say I want Jesus to be my king and I'd like to crown him Lord of my life let's bow our heads together as we close with prayer dear almighty father in heaven Lord we come before you as your humble subjects recognizing that you are the king of the cosmos and that Jesus is enthroned as the Lord of all Lord we would like to acknowledge him as our king in our lives and our hearts and minds and I pray that we could be found at the right coronation in that glorious day when Jesus comes please bless us each one that we may fully surrender our lives to the knowing that we can trust you and may we follow your counsel as it comes from the lips of David that we're willing to be honorable to obey you to surrender our lives to you and follow your word bless each person here we pray that you will pour out your spirit in every life that Jesus will be the leader in the Lord of our lives also we pray your continued blessing on the school and each student the families represented be with us through this Sabbath day Lord we praise you for your goodness and ask all of this in the name of our King Lord Jesus amen you
Channel: Amazing Mission
Views: 19,228
Rating: 4.7884617 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Lord, God, Holy, Spirit, Gospel, Salvation, Word, Prophecy, Study, Preaching, Truth, Pastor, Grace, Messiah, Ministry, Bible
Id: i0myyiqB93Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 22sec (3262 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2012
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