DOUBLE RATTLEGORE!! Big Disks of Legend Warrior!

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i mean am i dead i don't think i'm dead with two cards at 17 right oh my god the famous last words right hey buddy watch this based warrior or maybe a legendary loot warrior that kind of sounds fun we've got all these legendary synergy cards right so let's do a legendary warrior i actually really like scrap metal so i like it better than auto armaments it's so good leighton runs yeah i'm gonna take it we never play with this one it's just i don't know i think they both count as legendaries right so so yeah i want uh legendary synergies uh and big legendary cards so like hopefully we get the one where we can duplicate our legendaries right discs of legend that would be i think the ultimate dream um okay i need early game luxuries if this is gonna work right you can't just run uh late game legendaries fan quick for sure could go kazakus for a bit maybe for the first couple games because i guess is good right well that's kind of good but maybe uh oh actually run that's pretty good too narrowlax and dungar the only problem is they don't they don't use my hero power very well right i need to use my hero power i think better now we could maybe run just good cards beyond that right uh what else do we want in here stuff that either synergizes nicely or just good cards like athletic studies sword eater's a good card oh but i don't want four drops so i'm gonna run kazakus which i mean again we're not gonna be able to maintain that forever but we can try for a bit uh brawl we like it's a good card you know groms actually really good card with our hero power let's take a grom he could do some big damage output or weapons i guess alternatively maybe like a cargo guard it's an early game with life gain maybe some two drops slam i guess it's stage dive i don't know it's really good with uh ricara i don't actually have any plays for krasnov at the moment though i don't want to cross it off i have no weapons right we might get one but oh but then i have kaz no i can't do that i want to run kazakus i know he'll get worse late around but i think he could be really good early in a run so we'll try our decks kind of like waiting on a luxury synergy to get really good i think we'll still he broke she's pretty nice with hero power but okay main kick solid feels like bear off might not be that useful oh we have our hero power we can always pop bear off he's really good on his own we can make him attack into stuff right i mean theoretically if our opponent has only one attack minions or something or whatever that's that's a threat but he's like mvp otherwise don't worry you're not dumb i'm the dumb one here you guys are the smart ones usually did you guys see my mega burp today in my video i left today because it was funny i was like recording and i just like after i finished since i i just naturally burped had a monster burp uh so i just you know left it in the edit that is funny i don't know some people were like oh gross he's burping whatever they're they're the kind of person to say that like yeah we don't need you anyway get out of here this is actually a good bear off i think we need it already otherwise we're gonna fall too far behind here these are both terrifying minions already like yes of course bear off would be great later as well but i just these aren't good enough to play in here it's like a 50 50 to the thing i care about i think we just got to do it is this worth the coerce already like we're going to start catching up later uh no i think a man creek is fine it's not a great rokara play yet i don't need to bump the bump the man kick either let's just chill this is the only problem with this right now is i don't have an activator but maybe in two turns we will because we could have like a run back this turn run back will be fine here fireflies to fill the curve i guess that's actually okay run back has more good targets to hit off the button now uh i would actually well do we really want to kill the tar creeper or not yeah i guess we do want to kill the tar creeper but run that uh could live if i don't i want to attack twice with run that no matter what right so yeah i guess we'll do it this way i guess he lives anyway what am i saying [Music] let's sit here to make sure he lives right okay those are the best rolls nice well the best roll i only had one roll there but it was the best roll so now scrap metal and her car are pretty nice recaro coerce is looking really juicy here uh taking some damage though jeez i need my life gain dude i mean i don't really need rocaro uh rocara coerce so it's like recara's off curve i could go kazakis into a one drop here uh this guy like i don't really want to leave up the three two like if i knew this i guess he does give me armor it's okay let's just play him if i snipe the three two i'm super happy if i hit the one when i'm less happy but it's okay we're at 16. ah maybe it's still in a farmer that'll make them like trade or think about killing it hey jam drum dude takes the three months man this deck is like a legendary synergy warrior is the idea as for whether that'll work i'll leave that up to you to decide or just watch anyway we'll figure it out i guess okay so this gets here i think this goes here this goes here i think we go ahead and put the cargo guard in uh just to be safe on life gain here because we're really starting to win the board i suppose you know board clears are always a risk but it's okay still got a decent calamos coming here this is 13 15 damage right now i can use the button first to get extra damage but everything dies if i do right it's actually not that good is there a good uh kazakus minion here on on one lifesteal or rush rush isn't really very meaningful well i guess it could be if i use this guy and it's with rocara but probably always dies right let's see give your other minis plus one plus one that's what we wanted sweet okay i don't think this is lethal still though right 15 19 damage here unfortunately is all we get we got one extra by attacking with the button first but it still wasn't quite enough but i mean we're at 19 now and he's at one so hopefully we're okay this is the final boss by the way is their name i just see jeez earth ellie certainly doesn't seem like enough should i get older it's for lethal just now because i got a pop-up uh yeah i did wow spoilers man uh i never i've never gotten an older lethal that's cool that's fun hey there we go um we could go pill into the fallen and try to hit uh legendary loot later but i think we'll just stick to our legendary game plan i mean this is not a great card obviously currently though pillars of fallen is not we don't have a weapon at all so this is definitely in it so this is our best bet so maybe crowley yeah i think this is fine i like the card draw solid minions crowley's really go their hero power in fact so yeah let's let's do this cool if this goes on youtube i was here well they all go into youtube because i have a vod channel everything's always on youtube as a vod channel but it may not make the main channel video that's that's for sure sometimes it doesn't make the cut there this is a great opener perfect curve oh even better even better so no discounts until rokhara but it'd be sweet of a hit run thick i feel like oh but this is random minions so yeah it's not luxurious okay that's good but it but it that mean actually means it's less like that one thing i guess so maybe that's not good uh i do think this could discount by two though because you have to have so many legendaries and to make it even like remotely consistent and you're not going to be drafting legendaries throughout the course of your run right so it's a pretty inconsistent passive and then also the discount is pretty minimal right usually you would you would hope to get one or the other you think you'd either get like some spikes and a lack of consistency or like hyper consistency you know sort of uh balanced out by lower power level this is kind of inconsistent and low power level i mean i guess if you really did have full legendaries in your starting deck you'd have pretty good odds but still it just gets worse and worse over the course of a run because you can't or rarely do you get a three legendary bucket to draft out of so who knows i think if it discounted two though it'd probably be okay or maybe if it said like discount two cards by one so that you get less like spikiness out of it but you still get some some overall power uh i guess we play required just to get discounts rolling yeah sadly nothing to uh target here with the hero power but it's a little buff on our beetle boy big bad beetle borgs big bad beetle borgs great joe okay fire sale is a really good answer unfortunately i do like the regaining life though uh okay uh i guess i still coin a run back here uh oh maybe i just play crowley just to get the discount like yes this is much better off button but i suspect there aren't gonna be a lot of things to hit anyway let's just net the discount i could coin a runthag but then i lose coin and the runthak doesn't have anything to target anyways it's kind of same downside is crowley but i lose a coin hey theoretically this is a higher pressure minion too so this game i think we're gonna need uh to find some burst damage so grom is the is the path towards that i suspect man creek can deal some damage kazakus maybe if we get a board can deal some damage our opponent so far has not been oh they were trying to snipe yeah they missed cool four damage is great rattle gore is certainly a great minion uh i guess we just play around deck yeah discounted rattle gore so i can play that two turns that's good still not really you know just running away with this i need i need to react to stuff they have no minions so i'm just stuck all my cards are best when they're hitting things and i can't hit things i wish you could use the zero power i mean i guess it'd be op if you just hit face because like rattle cord just do 9 damage but it certainly would help us enable our deck a little bit right now okay that's a minion i like minions do they have a kill here looks like they're targeting oh flurry is really good you can still use my button though oh fireball it's like going face or run back oh it's doing face sure what is this target oh nothing okay do i ever play bear off here to try to net another good discount i don't think so right also do i ever coin the rabbit worgen versus uh coining rattle gore next turn i think ravel gore's gotta be better right he's just too annoying i mean devolving missiles would be the kind of uh clean easy rattle gore answer but maybe that's not the end of the world i kind of feel like i need a shield block here or a uh uh crash or a demolitionist like we're gonna need some armor gain right our cargo guard we i feel like uh particularly my time quest gets done right we're gonna need they just keep hitting these ignites jeez is that really the fourth ignite they've played that's kind of bonkers as long as they don't have devolving missiles i think we're pretty over the moon i mean frankly even if they do this is still a six drop right so it's not like the end of the world it already got some value it's already eaten a minion it might eat a devolving missiles and then still be decent that's that's okay i think uh barrier maybe what do we think this is counterspelled like a vaporize oh wait actually what were they i missed the types oh boy what were they uh he had played an ignite so it's probably an arcane and a frost does that sound reasonable sounds reasonable to me okay so probably a counter spell if i totally had to guess right this is enough for lethal next turn he's got to respond to this or kill me still quite a ways to go on quest honestly was it an arcane right maybe they may have already had an arcane i don't know let's see i'm very bad at tracking this yeah they'd only played fire so far so it has to be arcane right yeah i think it has to be arcane and all that work to kill the rattle gord that's just saving you like two damage i guess i am one off lethal here though uh i don't have rocara i could get a kazakus is not lethal yeah wow i don't actually have a way to deal a lethal here that's kind of wild also stage dive is stranded jeez i could use it to test counter spell though yeah all right well whatever one off i mean am i dead i don't think i'm dead with two cards at 17 right oh my god the famous last words right oh god uh that's okay it doesn't matter uh it doesn't matter because oh actually it would have mattered if they got the rush minion oh my god if they'd gotten the rush minion i wouldn't have been able to attack it would have mattered oh no it wouldn't have krom would have saved the day either way oh my god can we hit the y for lethal again this wasn't even unlikely yeah it's pretty pretty likely actually uh okay let's see this is a legendary which is relevant uh also decent removal if i were gonna take removal card which each of these are i think i'm taking krusty for legendary synergies and just swing synergies like healing isn't bad for us by any means we do have some life gain in the deck uh resistance is just not it cause we don't have enough spells so i guess it's crusty yeah more legendaries early game rover's really over the hero power baton i guess we have a pirate or two wait do we have a pirate or two i say that but holy crap uh we oh cargo guard's a pirate yeah man we really don't have much for this we have a mac and the a pirate they have some beasts but that doesn't get captured here i have no dragons this is okay i guess but it's not good enough to mess up kazakus yet like eventually we'll have to mess up kazakus i'm sure but i'm not going to do it unless the cards are good you know okay paladin i'm glad we're 2-0 with this deck so far i don't feel like it's a very good deck to be honest so to be to be to it already is making me uh i don't know usually we start zero and two so i'm nervous but that was definitely not the opening hand i wanted this is a little better man creek's nice to find so wild is uh out of out of mind for me wild you got to sort out your own problems people i feel sorry for you i'm sad for you but i talk about standard is is is pirate quest really problematic now that warlock's gone i knew it was poised to be because it was already good and then they buffed a bunch of pirates like man although i have to say part of me is still surprised that quest is actually good in that environment uh um i guess we can play rokara next turn we still want to play man creek maybe i don't know we'll see party surprise quest is good enough and wild like you would think it maybe slows you down missing your one drop but apparently that's not true that would be my instinct though yeah i guess man cook here's better okara is not great on these trades because she's dying hey cheap crush we like that's good i hate to give him the good hero power already but i also hate to leave it alive so what are you gonna do need something real car i can hit twice here to farm uh button success and i needed a play to go along with that i need a pleated beetle a plated beetle yes this is again not a great recara play i guess we'll kill this again but i'm pretty sad at how bad these plays are looking barrow is good for later crash is fine on five but i'm just not like you know we're just fighting his hero power right now it sucks really not doing much of anything it's gonna be hard to get this back i think bear off will be important but also divine shields are tough hey that's a help okay we like to see that [Music] oh we like this too okay i should have went face and used zero power oh you're right i didn't use zero power yeah you're right i just traded straight up yeah yeah yeah you're right yep but i didn't use it otherwise yeah for sure ooh this is a good turn six this was a very clutch draw by the way too like this was very very important uh yeah this looks great right we uh don't get to use recaro herself but it's just such a significant buff here so we uh i think we're willing to take five right we're gonna get this life back off crush anyway get here we hit here and we hit here and now grom is also seven mana so grom is set up to hit for 10 next turn which is even better because if crushed eyes will be oh which would have been lethal by the way if i hadn't missed the damage earlier yeah but i think we're going to get there anyway right it just feels like it surely grom will help clear if this is a taunt oh it's just runthag that's not nearly good enough yeah krusty dude carried here that carol was hard to deal with otherwise oh wait this isn't good enough right there's nothing here carrio could hit but it's not enough yeah nice oh just legend let's go yes dude this is it yes that's so perfect yes this isn't a bad this is an expensive uh package but it's really good cards and i'm gonna be getting discounts i think it's okay to take this right yeah it's okay we'll just stick to the plan oh baby destroys the legendary so he worked on anything with with dragons not not gems if that makes sense uh run thanks pretty good recaro is pretty good i hope those are enough early here to get us rolling rokara is really good actually with this civil legend uh okay this curve's a little high of course but if we can get the discounts rolling we can help fix it a little i just need some filler turn stuff attorney rovers and zoths those sorts of things will really help fire shaper and warrior wow and all together now and they have magnetic mines so definitely don't want to take too long in this game to get going pointer or car is great i hope there's a minion to hit though oh yes it's not the best minion though is it or cara's both well no the second row car uh no the degrakaras both die yeah shoot i don't really want the rokaras to die here i mean i can play them out and not attack feels really wrong to coerce a 3-3 i feel like [Laughter] uh it doesn't feel very good to just play out a rokara either oh man i really wish i had like a man creek here right i think i just have to pass i'm really sad though because i don't know that if that were a 2-3 right i'd just be going to town ah okay here we go this is better so uh now we can go rokara zaka's next turn is really cool too how do what's the best way to do this like hit here this goes to three attack do i then just use it on the button or just to take it clear and protect a recaro right like it's not still really that good honestly like this is still annoying like you know it's still a health off i think i just kill it i don't know it's still not that tidy like it's swinging the board i'm happy i got a minion back right like it's great it's fine got a discount too for run back it's all good it's just not great you know could be greater i think we'll just play run facts i know there's some intrigue here with kazakus but these are just big minions right they're just bigger than kazakus so should just go i think uh a lot of bombs are coming but i'm gonna have some very very very large minions soon and i have some life game as well which is nice so uh what are we playing here actually do we ever play a crowley no i think we just play a scrap battle right it's just so big a rallying cry okay that's so big i mean the thing is to the kazakus is actually big enough right like he's almost as big as the scrap metal so should i maybe just go kazakus and like play the one drop in an athletic studies and then hold coin for like rock face you know i think i'll actually just do this because i can hold coin for like grom or rattle gore or something instead right might also just be able to buff this board i don't know tom might might disrupt a little bit or something right who knows so i'm a little bit worried about brawl obviously that's our biggest threat here but weirdly enough we haven't actually committed that much right like these are already there they got their value the kazakus was like sort of free oh is he just dead how much damage do i have feels like a lot 14 plus 11's 25 plus 5 is 30 31 he's just dead on board right you win did i count that right this is insane by the way uh look how big he's like a 911 rock face or whatever wow cool just big enough yeah wow book of the dead is a pretty good recovery tool no mesh army knife is also interestingly sort of a good recovery tool right because of the life gain boy most people in chat are saying knife but i'm i'm really torn i may just go knife because of the funniness of it like i think it's got some cool highlights and stuff it seems more enjoyable in some way but i think it's very close i i could argue either one if i didn't have brawl and bear off i would definitely take book but since i have those you know it gets oh here's a brawl uh oh reckless flurry is pretty cool too though i have some way to gain armor and this doesn't break my uh kazakus which by the way kazakus so far has been really good can we talk about that i was worried he was gonna feel not worth it but so far he feels pretty worth it but this is both life gain removal and uh you know life gain so i kind of like this okay yeah i don't hate this i like the brawl but i don't really like either of these minions that much i mean showstopper is kind of cool with our hero power cole master though is pointless yeah we'll do this i love runthak so much i i think i keep him i don't really think i need a weapons project let's look for early legendary plays really man crick is like the best draw on this deck i think bear off is like uh i don't really want to play a bear off i might just to get discounts going oh my thank god band of beast isn't the old band of bees or this would have been an insane combo fire keepers idol plus band of bees oh my god would have been wild i do like that they're gonna have a lot of minions for me to hit i think that's pretty cool weirdly i don't really need broom so much with our hero power i think i might take claw machine just because it it's like the most significant i don't know though sky talon might be good at just like filling in the gaps on a curve here uh the cool thing is i got a discount here on redthack so i could play run back for four on turn three so any minion i put in hand is going to be buffed pretty substantially so i guess i take the sky talon in that case to help buff it i mean in that case maybe broom just having that slight utility upside's better because it's also going to get buffed like who knows yeah we better take broom funny little loop i did there saying i don't want proof and then landed on broom it's just the best card right like yes at the moment i don't need a broom but who knows what i will later i could easily need a broom in the future so let's just play for the broom safety here right so next turn it's coin run thack kind of a sad start here potentially taking a ton of damage these ice shards i mean they're annoying for my rush minions i'm not really worried about my face getting frozen so they're just annoying for like run packs and stuff to hit uh we could go man cracks but we'll just go run back and uh get this going right oh actually we should use the frozen one to attack well i guess i kind of want them both at higher health totals though as well right i can't like triple attack here or anything so there's no reason to do that um both things die on the oh that had poisonous i forgot that had poisonous oh shoot i didn't even see it i was just thinking that icon was the freeze icon oh shoot did that did that matter actually for my play i guess it didn't change my play any i just forgot i thought i was gonna have a runtack alive their dudes are gonna have poisonous i forgot how hard that's going to be to deal with i kind of need to end this game with like roms and stuff but it's going to be really hard to use my groms in this case in this particular case [Music] i guess i always have inner rage grom too though now oh my god that's so insane dude two seven eight man creeks holy crap okay uh grommets seven now two is pretty cool rod face is also pretty fun uh all right and i think the opponent's recognizing that and saying look i gotta kill this thing jeez uh i don't have a good play next turn though i there's nothing to do i don't want to broom yet there's no point for that uh i need to top that kazakus or darius gnomish army knife actually would be pretty sweet i could use that on the broom uh no i can't at six mana that would be 10 damage extra for more detail instead of a minion okay so you get to hit for 14 here maybe wow oh rocara okay the buffs are insane dude oh boy dude oh if only i had a hero power too right oh geez oh i had tinnitus burned as well wow so i have grom right now um well not yet but basically this is two eight attack roms right so it's 16 damage plus the inner rage uh is 18 damage so i don't really need anything else i don't even need the groms to hit a minion they could hit a flame elemental and be lethal oh he just doesn't even have i can't even get to my insane groms he's just dead wow wow the run back discount was a pretty big deal uh i don't really want any of these i think i like top hat cause it's cheapest i don't you know i don't really i think i'll take top out i don't want this right because it actually makes it less likely i hit legendaries because it shuffles in i want to make sure i'm hitting legendaries like this we could play and be done with it i don't want to find it either but um at least i you know can get rid of it oh my god all right i don't know malay ghost is useless as one downside but if zero cars interact with malygos i guess reckless flurry i could use a reckless flurry with zero armor inner rage could clear a minion bash i guess can go face bash is the reason to use malygos i guess okay i don't know whatever just need to make sure we hit an early curve that makes sense we don't want top hat i don't think i want weapons project it's maybe not terrible against warrior because i could use it to override a weapon but i just need stuff i can play i think even crash is probably a little expensive i need to hit like a two or three drop here that's good something proactive man creek i think is my best draw just always man great uh studies in bash are workable i don't really want this yet cow trips oh my god that's actually really good with our grom dude oh this is good too uh let's just get this guy down and uh might help us keep their armor in check a little bit with our weapon so probably not really because increments of one don't matter much but but maybe we're all not super useful runtek ah boy i really don't need any of these uh i mean i need claw machine sort of to find stuff but it's so slow i don't know my hand's so bad i might have to take this like i play bumper car now but even a five minute claw machine at this point is i don't know best thing i got so yeah the the one ones off bumper car aren't very good so i mean i guess the second one is the first one's not uh oh kazakus is a good draw okay do we use bash we can't quite get through the armor i think we'd probably just wait then in that case if i could have gotten through the armor maybe it'd be worth it because i guess we like that's fine claw machine on five is fine-ish cyclists we love though probably take five drops for kazakus don't we he's unfortunately not gonna have legendaries on his five drop but he's two three threes at least uh we i think we still like five drops better than claw machine here usually right we want we want good stuff uh rush and something to copy maybe so i'm gonna copy or draw two cards i think i actually need cards right scattered cal trips is only the first minion there is another caltrips that's not i don't know that's the difference oh this also is our discount oh sick wait why is this discounted twice oh this this this legendary play discounted okay that's why i was like wait a minute that doesn't seem right going on here sir uh three bombs already sucks i need to figure that out pronto rattle gore bomb worgen okay still no way to fill in this turn sucks probably is great but this curve has been brutally just awkward uh we're gonna need a big gnomish this game to uh you love some life right with all these bombs this is going to be potentially the the game to showcase the value of this like i don't know or just a lethal right to just get a rattle gore or something geez we're getting the worst straws just useless stuff here i feel like rattleguard's gonna be insane i just gotta get to rattlegore man i i think i will at this rate i mean there's only 10 damage in bombs he's not playing like super high pressure stuff i have some life gain and removal once i get to rattle gore though with nomish we're off to the races baby oh grom with cow trips too dude i am suddenly excited oh my god double raw with caltrans that's crazy dude okay i think we're just taking kind of a downturn here right sadly we're gonna give him some armor on this but that's okay [Laughter] that's gonna be 13 attack rom so that's 26. uh yeah that's pretty good it's pretty good thank you caltrips i'm assuming the copy is gonna have the damage taken right yeah the kazakus did so yes it should [Laughter] oh jeez dude uh and i have another one are only gonna deal 10 each though so it's not very good i guess i could uh actually iterate them as well but that won't really make much difference i guess the other day okay this is gonna get buffed so he's gotta clear these and then i have like am i better off going with the rattle gore's next turn and using the groms for the lethal i guess later probably is actually the play right since the groms aren't going to be lethal now well i don't know we'll see i guess actually we'll know much army knife make them lethal no so yeah we'll play the rabble gors first and then the groms to set up the legal because the rattle goes are so much stickier right so yeah that's definitely the move [Music] just this is so unfair dude oh man okay so now we have like 18 damage on board that's probably gonna stick to some extent maybe a little less if he clears the top halves of these or whatever he might have a way to silence like one disintegration or something in that vein right and then we have groms as well and actually uh maybe norma's army knife will be better i don't think so right go to 11 it's 22 plus eight it's only 30. uh actually do i have lethal this is uh going to be 12 oh well yes 20 plus 17 is definitely lethal so that's pretty fun it sucks this poor guy dude his scalp trips actually made his life so much worse he got a stretcher that just like ruined him it actually benefited me a thousand times more than here's more legendaries they're expensive but i do like them actually wildly some good card draw we still don't have a dragon i guess oh we do we got malygos okay so yeah this is a good mac not great good good dragon here too though so that's another dragon filling in yeah i like it it's still getting very expensive but we're swinging hard enough uh that i think it's okay jeez will deathwing attack its copy oh interesting question i i wish i had an even remote answer for you is this my only pirate if so i can put it back right because i'll get it anyway i think it is isn't it yeah so i better put this back for the wotly because i like these cards actually pretty well yeah this is fine i think we'll be able to play wally right it's it's a legendary so it's two three fives you know and i can use them to trade too with my hero power so this legend does say after you place yeah i don't i don't think it would destroy the other uh the other deathwing i think it would chill out the question is will it have the stats of the damaged deathwing like if deathwing like cleared you know 10 10 damage and stuff and was a 12-2 would it have 12 to and then alternatively if it died would it summon a zero health version right if deathwing dies to the to the trades does it then summon a dead deathwing that just immediately dies like it may not animate you know maybe it animates too though who knows that would be kind of crazy to see uh yeah let's just wait i guess i don't want to get in too much of a hurry we have some very powerful plays for coin right so let's just chill hey armor thanks bro we're not the first rune orb goes face but then the second roondorb hits the minion i don't really know why the inconsistency there whatever that is they grabbed it immediately they really really wanted that card whatever it was it's kind of scary what was that card man you're guessing it won't animate or summon uh yeah maybe we'll see i don't i don't know they were hoping for the ping uh i mean i guess but why not just use that if you're hoping for the ping then you're going to kill the minion next turn anyway why not just kill the minion the first time and hope for the pigs that it doesn't hit you in the face once it's probably not super relevant i guess but all right let's open up our hand a little here get some board too nicely oh my god maybe oh we do have another pirate oh crap i forgot about the idiot oh shoot that's bad i actually really wanted cargo card shoot oh i forgot about this lost first mate being a pirate that's sad it's not terrible or anything it's just sad not what we were looking for man they are finishing quest wick for this laid into a run dude they have gotten like perfect quest draws jeez dude they're almost done look at this ah we're in trouble guys this is scary i cannot believe they're done with quest on turn five in this laid into a run they just got everything oh my god that is actually crazy i don't think i've ever seen somebody finish quest this fast juggernaut baby i need some miracles dude demilicious and juggernaut guys i need some freaking miracles man please okay so this died to the explosive runes but the copy lived i guess it doesn't really tell us much though oh man this is a brutal start right now just insane actually bonkers um okay i guess we're sort of in trouble here gotta leave this up though i guess i don't i don't have a solution if i use button i mean i technically have what 30 damage and bombs in my opponent's deck it's kind of cool okay uh groms are pretty crazy right like groms could oh my god i put in all those bombs did they draw any bombs i got one it looks like based on the hs3 player icons there oh the big one too nice okay that's good news they don't have a ton of face damage or if i'm able to heal enough like we might be able to race this still with groms and everything right i need minions for the grom to trade into unfortunately that only affects the one grom but oh whoa rolling fireball is sick dude this deck is like the perfect quest mates to be six to be six games in and still have this powerful of a quest mage deck that hasn't been compromised you know by um i i like really need to gain life but i have to kill this i think i'm stuck here to get a deck that hasn't been remotely compromised by um you know just bad cards being in your in your buckets and stuff right like it's crazy uh i'm probably dead 14 is clearly not enough life but uh i can't leave seven on board either so here we are they might have bombs i don't have any lethal push next turn but i can gain a lot of life oh boy that's not good that's gotta be down yep man i'm impressed honestly turn five quests and duels i i i don't see a lot of high level quest mages maybe it's not that uncommon but uh yeah i like looming presents uh this is not a legendary right although this guy is totally free he's kind of like uh getting a a nice free minion early pretty good with button too actually i think i'll take this we seem to have plenty of cards most of the time actually so this doesn't really seem important the life game's okay but this is cool he's just always there so we we're winning late if we get to late game regardless thanks to rattle gores and groms so let's fill in a little bit shield slams are handy some armor game cards or dice uh this in particular is pretty cool with our hero power so yeah i like i like the curve filler okay organs okay everything else seems a little slow i feel like i i mean work is not a good card right but i just i feel like i have to kind of keep cards like oregon so that i have a curve i think i might keep crusty as well he's he's pretty powerful we do have coin as well so we can get him on four if need be we don't find other good plays okay this is a really nice curve for this deck i just know we're going to dominate late game so i feel very dependent on the mulligan to solve early game gaps right and this helps too i guess now we'll keep that in mind as well this guy's really good for that too now and town crier also gives us usually a cheaper cost card which is cool so yeah we have this is good like this is nice to have this to shore up the early game weakness you know you don't want to play this on two usually but you know if you want to play it on three or four i think you're all right i wish you were a legendary to net the double that would be really sick uh cargo guard let's get it you know oh no we don't want to use coin yet do we let's just play henchman it's it's silly it's bad but it works [Music] we're we've got the curve anyway right because we have oregon on three or cargo guard on three into crowley on four is probably going to be the move to get the big crowley down maybe crosstail there's something really nasty out there oh that card is so insane with battle totem like so like this feels unbeatable sometimes i feel like oh i uh oh boy why is this one zero mana and this one one mana i don't actually understand why was this zero does this do a double discount i have this and this but it's too much mana right now right oh the kindling was up oh that's why oh yeah this went off twice that was the first one it's an elemental got it got it got it i like have to play for this on six but what do i do in the meantime to even stay alive right i need to hit flametongue totem off this randomly i guess uh not this guy oh big snipes okay that saves me some life yeah that's not bad crowley uh crowley's interesting too actually next turn crowley could kill a couple dudes if he gets a good snipe off right oh my god archmage staff this guy's crazy i don't think i roll crusty on the eyesores do i by the way like come on dude double eyesore off that as well to follow up the problem right now is crowley doesn't really kill a lot and the other problem is if i go for reckless flurry next turn it's not going to kill everything after the eyesores right i think i almost have to crust the uh the eye source or one of them anyway uh cause cause crowley only kills two things on board if i use the button first right to get the stat buff so that i can then better trade in and even then it doesn't really trade into the amalgam do i use the crowley on the amalgam and kill the 33 just to get the biggest stat bump i guess or do i kill these to prevent more buffs i think i have to kill this it's just so big right then the crowley's become kind of a threat which is nice and i can use the button to hopefully snipe another one of these right yeah this is definitely the play hopefully we hit one i don't know that's not bad either so now we've like almost kind of flipped the script maybe where they have to kill my stuff perhaps right then i saying crowley instead of krusty's i don't know you guys know what i mean oh that's good though jeez that's really good i need weapons project are they trading this in oh it's got wind fury because of that oh my god that's insane oh that's so good oh crap i forgot that in wind fury dude that's crazy oh brawl is clutch though okay i think we do brawl this right uh even if an eyesore wins it's not as bad by itself because it doesn't buff itself there are two things yeah this is fine it's a little early right but i'm just kind of getting behind here so hopefully a 1-1 wins nice okay all right we're bringing it back we're bringing it back we can do this now if we get behind again this turn they're overriding their weapon that's good news just gonna go face okay we can go scrap metal and clear start stabilizing a board actually do we want to go crowley i wish there were two minions for crowley so probably not he plays the second minion crowley's better yeah okay we can use crowley to hit here and then bump it into that yeah that's good okay [Music] okay uh i think i'll just take shopkeep i don't know it's tradable right so in case i need a card off the top something to save me i don't know all right so we've stabilized somehow against all freaking odds and our opponent's elementals are now zero mana apparently for the rest of the game that's that's great news surprise reckless slurry hits both sides of the board by the way oh this can clear my dudes shoot he's gonna go face though i go face didn't he have 12 damage here i guess you don't want to leave the crowley's up so you can oh he does a split let's have a way to kill this then yeah there it is ruined orb wow man i might have gone face there nothing wrong with what he did or anything his face also seemed sort of appealing to me uh cargo guard coerce is pretty cool leaves up a 4-4 though could maybe go shield block coerce but i risk losing my reckless flurry upside parker guard doesn't deal with the granite forge born if i go demolitionist i can't coerce right so well unless it gets discounted exactly if i go demolitionist plus shopkeep i could kill the uh calamos i guess maybe that'd be okay there are two things oh but i can't always kill the calamos because i whiff sometimes and ignorant teachers uh i think cowboys has to die right this is really tough let's see what we find i'm just gonna coerce probably at the end of this just because reckless flurry is not good enough there are two things i can't stop yeah i don't know this sucks though i feel like i'm too far behind now though i don't know like my armor's gonna go away so i don't have a reckless flurry anymore i don't really like this play it's just that seven health was too much right uh okay i'll actually do this never mind i do have a way to oh my god wait really that seems weird kind of doesn't it seems kind of weird to me uh demolitionist doesn't actually kill that again unfortunately man i need and the runthax the run decks do actually kill it i could run back twice inner rage or i mean whatever in a range or run back it doesn't matter and then play a kazakus that's been buffed twice that's actually not terrible um or a cargo guard if i think i want to try to stick that but i think i like the tempo of the kazakus is better yeah i guess i don't know i need something crazy off these exactly's though i need i need some kind of life gain right so i don't know i gotta go quick here though uh we'll take fives or do we take one no we take one there's still a life game yeah i didn't get the deal three so it's not really actually a very meaningful life game but the freeze might help me live for a turn so i don't know uh what are the what are the minutes he has in hand that are any good felsoul jailer's kind of annoying ixlet's actually really annoying riffle story can deal with it though oh no i can't it took my demolitionist oh crap oh i need my demolition it's a reckless flurry i need bash off the top bro bash me dude hush me dude uh we're plated beetles i could trade it in first weapons project actually weapons which is kind of scary it gives them a lot of damage with their hero power uh i can almost mally ghost wrinkle slurry but not quite i could play maligos and hope it discounts circle story but i'm still one man off oh my wow dude what a freaking draw dude [Laughter] oh no i don't get my other dude back though i don't get my i don't get my delicious back why because wait oh cause only the first one counted oh that's kind of annoying i feel like that almost shouldn't work that way gotta get through me like it ate both but only one gets returned because of the double battle cry that sucks dude this is kind of crazy now though that i even necessarily need it i just it's kind of crazy uh man if i get a bash how much damage is that it's uh 13. it's like getting close to lethal uh actually or grom's lethal not quite i guess well if barov lives groms would be lethal off the top if this if this lives to attack anyway this guy is getting fancy with these grumbles dude bro your elementals are free everything in your deck is zero mana we get it man okay do i get it man everything why not change the order of these i wonder uh okay this is again a very annoying board oh crap oh boy i needed to knock me in the face i need to hit my minion so that the mallee goes well actually maligos will still deal 10 right either way okay shield slam i could go could go reckless flurry i don't want to damage my malagies this much right like i i don't want to deal ten to my malygos i actually wish i had taken more [Music] damage i wish my life because i'm gonna deal 14 malygos actually died they live i mean they don't live since i can't stand i could go reckless flurry and freeze and shield slam the alex like freeze this freeze this and shield slam or not the alex the rag but then i kind of lose some some uh some malley ghost value there are two things i can't stand i think i have to take the valley value but i'm just really behind it's really unfortunate crazy clear but i don't know man maybe it's better but i just need responsive plays for next turn i'm just out of gas i just need groms dude just give me groms so i can end this sucker that's eight damage surely i'm dead he's got two more on hero power these one one life steals just aren't meaningful enough well what could save me next uh this army knife doesn't really save me uh grom doesn't really save me i don't think i mean maybe like ally armor smith no bash no i don't think there's anything that saves me here rocara does not seem relevant enough right i can't stand mouthy students and teachers yeah i don't think rocara saves me [Music] what do i even hit i don't even know what i would hit here uh if i hit the 6'5 i can kill it but then this lives yeah i don't know just i need to maybe hit one of these two oh that sucks here we go for health they have at least two ah still i'm thinking about like can i win with groms you know i don't think so i think i only have you know uh 14 damage with brahms i don't think that's a win crash maybe could give me enough armor to buy a turn right and clear like that two three uh okay there's still a chance does not feel like a chance really it's technically enough so they have two garbage minions three other real four other real cards they got at least three damage i need the top deck like is wattly going to give me a good enough draw no play the beetle oh that's game right yeah that's it geez dude this game was wild it's the first game we've actually ran out of cards i think just because we were doing such a crazy job keeping up with their absurdity i think we were like supposed to lose this game you know 10 turns ago or something and we didn't right so oh my god imagine if he roped accidentally because he summoned the nazdormu there oh that would have been such a joyous result and i top deck something insane who knows what i think there was maybe an opportunity to take the better uh kazakus minions right like we ended up with some garbage kazakus minions i don't even know why we had two by the way how did we get two of those i don't i don't know how he ended up with two because the arcus minions but whatever i kind of want to just take the early game again i think i need more early game these are pretty good minions just gonna take the uh the low curve okay we'll keep krusty uh do we keep a brawl actually against this hero power like this is gonna help me fill in the curve a little bit maybe i don't have coin necessarily maybe actually crusty's worse and i should keep the brawl because i don't know man crusty's so insane though when you hit it i'm gonna keep the krusty too he might have he might have some big stuff this game we're probably gonna hit all our late game and none of our early game unlike last game we're gonna swap it up the split in our deck is gonna hurt us uh ronan's isn't that strong saplings is pretty scary oh we got this guy keep forgetting about he's good that's a good draw too wow perfect fill in here run that is nuts as well now i just need athletic studies i will probably hold the henchman on two this time unless it's just like too spicy right like i just can't pass it up but i don't know how it would be too spicy seems very unlikely okay that actually has to die so maybe it is spicy oh i can use this to kill it though too yeah we'll just use this to kill it it's fine and we'll we'll probably squeeze in the sage dive i think this is fine we don't need it to be buffed or anything corrupted or whatever oh baby that's a good turn three player right there especially if they play tutus right i need them to play three two twos somehow play a one drop with a death rattle and then button it i'm not sure if they knew the runic egg was gonna die to the one two i i it feels like maybe they played that feeling like it was safe maybe not maybe they just assumed but you could have held it this turn and then coined it into the tutus right so i don't know maybe if they have another play another one drop into the tube man a hero power requires could definitely pull me ahead here though oh my god yes oh my god that's actually the it's perfect the perfect board oh my god dude it's so perfect [Laughter] oh baby thank you i i needed exactly three two twos on board or you know it didn't matter if they were two twos but i needed three minions like that on board can i do this again oh part of the wild is a little more awkward isn't it yeah shoot uh is this worth the crusty maybe then just to really swing this board with a couple uh six sixes or whatever i feel like it is right just because he's the guard that got discounted right that seems to make him worth it to me oh i can also attack with these i forgot and then buff them and then use them as well which is also pretty insane i leave him with like one minion here but surely that's okay right i mean this is a pretty monster turn four port against through it especially um surely this is fine we still have darius and runthak as well for return five i just can't imagine a coin pouch minion that's very relevant here uh giving me more minions sure that makes sense i guess you kind of have to uh i actually need to oh no i have room for a double run back never mind unfortunately here the runtax are not gonna get to go off twice but i think it's okay [Music] feeling in a pretty good spot that turn into the rocaro was just like so insanely perfect this poor guy dude like like you know normally you'd be so thrilled to have three two twos but it just contributed so well to my game plan isn't it insane how much weaker this guy's deck feels than our previous opponents but they're they're the same you know spotted duels basically that's kind of wild kind of crazy i guess ricardo gets the victory lap here nuts uh loyal sidekick is getting pretty big but it is the four drop which somehow we've still dodged uh i think i'll take vampiric fades puzzle box is pretty bad for us i suspect rarely will our minions get much better we'll take things sidekicks uh stuff i think i like this stuff it has some card draw rampage is pretty cool they're hero power cool task masters fine with grom i guess i don't know these aren't really very good but batteries is pretty good the hero power we need card draw so since this has the card draw this this breaks uh kazakus which doesn't really matter but matters enough maybe to be a thought a lot of people will never know they never got a chance to try it uh okay bear off is good i think we can dig for better i mean this card's really strong but it's not that strong right i think we can do better we need like man qrik we need like uh studies is good particularly can get a run back or something be amazing hey harlow oh my god dude yeah i thought i thought i recognized your name uh thanks for the sub sorry to injure run man that's no fun oh baby run back let's go four mana run thanks a dream yeah sorry dude we kind of owned you you you made what would normally be a great play and instead it played right into my rokara i literally said oh i need him to play three two twos and that's exactly what happened you got you gotta raw in there man ah do we tempo a tutu i don't really think we need to it'll be more significant later maybe with hero power definitely worried about him gaining armor and shuffling in bombs bombs get weaker and weaker over time though just because of the uh deck depth we have at this stage right oh that's actually a decent three drop on this exact board state what do you know i think we still go run back on four instead of kazakus unless maybe there's nothing to hit but even if there isn't i i still think i'd probably prefer this because the the kazakus's can get bigger right oh that's a great mini to hit okay sweet i mean it damages these a lot but it's okay we're happy to happy to resolve these buffs right i wish we had a third way to hit unfortunately we we will kill this on two hits but that's okay still happy to get some major buffs on rocara in particular scales so nicely with buffs uh i think we'll play wally on five instead of kazakus right uh oh my oh the fire shaper missed nice gonna shield slam and hope snipe miss miss miss miss miss oh no that sucks do we go wildly actually maybe we go for a board buff here with the one drop the problem is if we miss it it's pretty bad i guess we could like draw a card maybe instead i mean the size of these isn't significantly different i don't really need the reload yet technically so let's just go here uh yeah we'll take the one we have plenty of lee road really reload uh i don't know taunt might disrupt a little technically okay not all we wanted but it's okay at least it's cycled oh it went to zero mana this keeps happening that's sad i had the mana anyway i would have much rather this that discount on any other minion i believe so that's unfortunate oh wow crazed worshipper whoa so this feels like a decent rokara opportunity to really buff the crap out of this board he's super light on cards already so hopefully this is enough to just start cementing a victory again i think we uh since we can't attack three times we just keep these each at uh more notable health totals right let's go ahead and squeeze this in why not kind of need to make hand space for watley soon anyway perhaps look at this monster board baby no brawl please no brawl please only four cards i mean what are the odds of a brawl it's not it's not i need a uh ricardo win i don't even know if it really matters too much whatever's fine uh he's big that's right brocaro would obviously be a little better but this is cool too all right so now we'll definitely go again and uh play a lot of stuff because we just think we used their removal right so hopefully this big old monster board actually is able to stick now uh let's hold the rover in case there's another brawl true yes oh the rampage did clear the armor that is important yeah you're right was that the difference i didn't know that's pretty big deal though okay so no board clear here it looks like it's good news we can go rot face uh oh or maybe kelt is on i mean i don't really need the kelp assad yet rotface uh rawface doesn't clear this though does it i guess we go kelp this hot mean whatever that doesn't matter it's fine tell the zod it is baby let's go double kelt is on wait why wait for what do you mean wait what made me nervous why wait yeah i could wait but why he didn't have a board clear before it's all good why would i bear off first what i don't want to kill the minions i want to say barrow for a clear kill everything and it comes back full it already is full and it would come back unbuffed this would come back as a 1-1 and these would come back as three fives what i don't wanna do that i don't know what the 1-1 inch been back insanity i tell you all right so we're getting close to lethal uh if he sticks this board i mean we'll just make another big one right it's all good that does not feel like why not open with the shield sign in case you get like a brawl i wonder looks like this is enough right 27 feels like plenty yup it is would it still be a nine-nine is it an aura oh you might be right it might actually be a nine-nine when it comes back we've had other minions that don't but it might be a nine-nine when it comes back then yeah oh my god this is a lot of good luxuries but i don't think so i think we we are happy it sure feels like mercenaries has a really high opportunity cost for blizzard which is you know i think gives people a little more than normal to kind of complain about it you know normally we say like oh it's not for you don't complain about it like maybe somebody will enjoy it right and uh you know it feels weird to complain about something that's just like not made for you but in this case if it's an opportunity cost where maybe other things that would have been made for you or you know delays happen nobody should really be complaining much anyway and i don't want to enable complainers i guess but it does feel like there's more merit to the complaints than normal like people's expectations are gonna have to be shifted because of mercenaries basically um so i don't know hopefully mercenaries is good and that's all uh you know people enjoy it but we'll see uh like this hand bear off for great reactivity athletic studies to maybe find uh run back or roll car early is really really powerful we've got uh token druid again so brawls nice to see and bear over nice to see actually both are really important oh whoa greedy gains i don't think i mind that at all i think i'm fine with that my minions are gonna scale up to that okay it's gonna maybe slow them down a little too oh with krusty it might be even better i can't believe i keep getting run back is he like the only minion in the rush pool i get him every time off athletic studies and now i can play him on turn three it's it's actually bonkers how much we're getting right back here it's really quite crazy oh my god i forgot this buffed uh oh i've never mind this is an insane card i totally forgot it buffed uh on board because they don't care about costs because everything's getting summoned for free oh i take it back this is busted and druid i'm i'm scared i'm actually terrified now i was very wrong i was thinking about only minions in hand this is really scary because all their tokens and all their hero power is gonna be four fours now oh boy oh i'm spooked team the good news is i am gonna get multiple run that kids which makes the crowley really good the bad news is the crowley's coming down to turn too late so i may have to use the bear off as a swing the other downside with that though is that uh [Music] our rallying cry other downside with that is he's gonna be big enough that he may not always die to the trades right he's got five health here now so that's kind of spooky may have to just go rabbit worgen for a turn grab it organ hat or something this did get naturally cheaper so that helps could go rapid working henchmen now henchman's pretty big i guess it's not bad two more four fours sure oh that's a lot of card draw scary argo guards not really significant enough here [Applause] i got this oh worst target geez doesn't really matter too much but still the worst target play one really big thing now for krusty please if not darius is pretty nuts too but i'm just like barely like we're even here and he's got five mana to spend right this game is going to be hard i'm going to run out of stuff i think i need to hit a uh a wattley to give me enough resources because like yes this hand buff part of my hand is nuts but every other part of my hand is going to be really weak reckless flurry is not very good for us i'm already at 25 too man he got some chunky damage through didn't he another run that would be kind of cool but too small really why you have to play for a sneaky lethal this game oh my this is this is a segment right i can't actually go for bear off here because he doesn't die he's got five health against a bunch of four attack stuff so i either have to like brawl or i guess we'll brawl this turn and kind of hope they're out of reloads but i do not have a lot of faith there deathling deathling's a cool card for later yeah let's hope this uh [Music] this is a bit of a weaker turn or maybe they just play one minion here like they finally have enough mana to play like a big minion or something and they just play a big minion the problem is like even if i go for the big krusty's right like their hero power just denies it like they can just remove the big krusty over a turn or two get both of them so even that's like kind of risky i feel almost doomed here i think i'm gonna need some kind of like miracle lethals off groms and stuff i don't know my hands big enough to get there crowley's don't seem to gonna get significant enough to like trade down everything oh he didn't go for attack so barrow still sucks it's like he knows about the bear offs [Music] this madman knows about the bear offs i need it to be uh is there any way for me to fix that like uh like a bash or something maybe a shield slam in a rage would be nice i can interrage it that'd be cool uh i guess krusty could eat a bear offshore yeah that's that's reasonable if i need to for seven mana now yeah now that we have seven mana that's an out baby i kind of don't want to have to do that but if if it's necessary sure oh boy i just like i need him to stop getting wide board summons like i could maybe keep up with two of these per turn right but you know okay that has five but obviously it's not guaranteed to hit that so that doesn't necessarily help hey this is a terrible terrible board but it's still kind of awkward oh wodley's good well i don't know watley almost leaves me dead to a lot of stuff prepare to be amazed prepare to be amazed he's not that good for the record i'm i'm becoming uh i'm realizing here watley maybe maybe not actually all that good i don't know deathwing i mean that's a board clear in a lot of cases if i'm alive which i don't think is guaranteed by any means what do i really need i need groms to lethal or maybe like kel'thuzads to like stick a board sort of thing like if he ignores these i have kel'thuzad i can like trade in and it'd like stick a big board you know i could be one out he's getting a little lighter on resources right like he hit that composting earlier but his hand isn't like super resource heavy oh that's a big club my dad that's 13. seems like he's going for lethal oh yeah i'm dead and i even killed one couldn't kill two ah you tried dude good try good run the fun run regardless that was awesome really cool just a legend run all right uh let's open this pack and then i think we're gonna do some uh tavern brawl to finish the stream which i know is weird i never do tavern brawls but it looked really fun today it looks really really fun uh we'll talk about here in a second i'll show you clear these achievements real quick [Music] destroy your opponent with ulgra oh crap i'm actually finally level 100 oh yeah baby uh what do i take guys i have priests and druid i don't know what to take i like rogues pretty well yeah i like rogue quite a bit i have a good hunter portrait i guess i'll take rogue always need more rogue you always need more rook not saving packs for mini set uh no i just buy the mini set so you
Channel: RegisKillbin
Views: 58,656
Rating: 4.9097743 out of 5
Id: 1SfU_XuomIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 4sec (5044 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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