BOAR. SWORD. INSANITY. This is my craziest Duels run yet.

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[Laughter] i got reflections and bore i could actually get seven boars on turn two two very boring minutes later hey buddy watch this the l1 boar stuff is fine right i mean just get some big legendaries and stuff great sword can win a few games early on its own so kind of give us some weapon synergy angles as well so elwyn boar sure wish i could run two boars man that would really help i mean is there any other way to copy boars in paladin i'm sure there is we'll we'll take a look here in a minute probably still want to grab some good legendaries though one of the best good big legendaries rag is that it there's no lich king uh what's another good big legendary guys we've done tyrion certainly in the past i always feel kind of bad about tyrion because he always overwrites your weapon you know grom if i could run grom and paladin i would be all about that i guess this is a fine sort of trio here okay come over with carol rome she's not bad you know she has reactivity and stuff she's okay she's definitely not the best but she's okay so we get a gift of luminance with a boar well i could get sticky there okay redemption is gonna be sort of hard to use maybe but it's a possibility is that it is everything else really expensive zola breaks my weapons that feels bad faceless is super expensive are we really just gonna have to rely on the hero power man anything that makes my hero power better tour guide now jeez there is not a lot to work with here i mean we can try to draft for more but it's gonna be like all hero power is there any good way to um to force the draw on the boar like can i tutor the boar or maybe is there any way to uh fill in my early turns without having to summon minions right because i can do that i can maybe more readily force the hero power so can i do things that keep me alive early okay rally's a good idea that gets me another bore uh cards like city tax and tradable do make sense in general city tax is kind of board clear and stabilization while also maybe helping me find a bore i would probably want another secret though than just that right so maybe like an omayog or a galloping idiot like that doesn't mean redemption's guaranteed but there's no other good way to copy even rally i don't like i'm just running rally i think i'm gonna cut the rally in fact i think i want just more ways to stay alive early like snack runs kind of good kind of just heal and find something to do here lightburger's hammer makes a lot of sense that's life steel and early game oh norshar farmer oh is that called north shire farmer it is oh crap that is a good idea yeah why didn't people tell me this yet yeah i don't know let's give it a go i don't i don't want to i don't want to fiddle with it too much these are the gifted subs let's just run this guys let's see right oh we got ellen ellenborn early so that's good for our hero power this is just going to be about keeping ourselves alive racing mage in the meantime which it looks like uh this hand is okay for oh my god can definitely disrupt the mage so we need like a lot of button presses right now but as soon as we hit you know farmers or uh redemptions or gift of luminances like we're going to accelerate the elwyn boar plan a little bit that said with greatsword in hand this may still just be if if we win this game this may be the way to win it right and they'd be smart here not to kill this of course to deny me the hero power i could just play oh my god in the meantime oh my god i should have played yogg first they would have coined though it's not a competition so it probably would have been very bad i don't think we got snack run yet i can use that for healing more valuably i think like i said i don't think boar's even gonna win this game anyway so carol's in hand too so the great sword got way better as long as i don't draw through all my other legendaries i'll probably only need one or two to win and boars we trust don't give them okay that's good oh yeah give my guy taunt yeah nice thank you man wow you you didn't get a notification from twitch but the gifted sub got you here wow i give this up getting me extra viewers thank you holiem sandwiches that's awfully nice saving stack run for later by the way in case it's not clear in case we need some desperation healing this is definitely the kind of matchup where healing is is important here i guess i just hope i hit what like gift of luminance maybe i don't even know that's not very good either ragnaros is definitely not good we are kind of hopeless here good four five but this got worse you know amazon tracks everything so they're watching every every action every move they're watching it's okay good actually carryall chilling so swords either gonna hit rag or tyrion i guess rag in this case is 100 times better because it creates an absurd amount of pressure because my opponent's very unlikely to have uh any minions on board right so i'll probably just hit them for a billion like six here and eight from rag is already 14 19 oh my god is it actually oh no they have they have armor so it's close to lethal if i can hit the rag but not quite um draw tyrion draw tyrion nice so this is my last proc on the sword but it's so good i don't think it matters right like i'm so happy to get the rag that who cares it's not really setting up for lethal though so maybe it does still matter i don't know we have a bit of healing we got to deal with this for five mana seems like people are having a lot of fun with it i would like to play it i guess but too much time commitment for me right now hey whoa jk jace with 10 gifted subs too oh my god the gifted subs are rolling in everybody thank you jace congrats to soul stealer omg ailes deadlock corin stand pokemon wolf bird cow that's three animals alex two suffers and miggler man it's a weird sounding superhero thankfully it's happening while mage is playing a million cards so i have something to do while my opponent uses their entire turn to play 14 different cards oh that's smart for ether i'd say uh so rag i don't have any lethal outs right now i should probably just uh snack run to heal up as much as i can and uh oh uh holy lights well holy light's not really any extra healing right it's 16 and four but this puts me at 19 and might protect my oh i can't cast this though i mean holy lights more healing over two turns if i think i'm alive i think i'm alive at 16 right most of their mana would have to go to playing uh vardon anyway what is this bringing back oh caryl that's pretty good wasn't a lethal off of this right like what was the third card i don't even remember now what was the third card hey zarushio oh you're playing uh ff 14 instead oh like everybody that's awesome i'm so excited to see ff14 regain so much love coming back dude i love it well that was fun um yeah we don't really have enough luxuries for presents i think this is just a crystal gem right just get us some extra mana to work with early i i don't love any of these obviously but uh crystal gym pays off the most i'd say yeah four four times three uh okay that's a lot of luxury it's not great for my weapon rally is you know it's a boar support card oh so it's gift of luminance though okay let's take this kario's still good authority's fine luminance is good for our bores gario's good yeah i like this cariel's not amazing off of a great sword but i think she's fine good enough right it gives me extra reactivity at least i was really pleasantly surprised that uh my tavern brawl video yesterday did well it's like actually doing very well comparatively to like standard videos people are more interested in tavern brawl right now than standard that is pretty wild but i was relieved like it was cool to see like i mean just i i think it reinforced that uh the things i find fun my viewers will also find fun is what it really reinforced for me last night like because the tavern brawl was like fun and goofy and stupid and new and fresh and that was fun for me and so you know it's gonna be fun for viewers too because we all have similar tastes right we like the same kind of stuff that's why you guys are here as opposed somewhere else because we like the same things as long as i'm having fun that probably means the content's gonna be fun for other people too all right uh this is a perfect hand actually l1 boris energies curved stuff is happening this is just fine too we fall behind i like this a lot having bore early is a lifesaver because i don't know how else we're gonna get it we don't have any tutors like if it's at the bottom of the deck uh we are screwed all right so yeah i mean this feels weird because the crystal gym but it's fine if they kill it next turn i can just hero power it that's fine uh actually yeah well i guess we'll just go north shire in this case right uh well if i put the norshire in though the hero power gets worse maybe i north shire later after i've already gotten a couple of these down right to increase the odds of the hero power by the way i still don't know 100 that this takes um multiple deaths into account or if there's like one per i'm actually unsure about that in other words if you know if ten boards have died and one northshire farmer has died or let's say nine boars do you have a ten percent chance to hit the north shore farmer or do you have a fifty percent chance at the russia farmer i think you have a ten percent chance i think all nine boars go in the pool i don't think it's like unique unique minion names let's say so i think you have a 10 chance but i don't know that 100 did you know you can play four boulder fist ogres in this week's tavern brawl it did indeed i knew yeah quite exciting as well do we hero power i mean am i gonna get enough boars this game to matter or is it gonna end too soon because if it ends too soon obviously sword of the fallen is just better i think i'm good a sword i know it's sad in some ways but i i just don't think this game will go long enough to get to seven boars still which maybe calls the question why kept him in the mulligan but you know we're seeing our opponent go face a lot play pretty fast so i mean this is technically theoretically abort although it looks like north shore farmers probably gonna be their priority target so probably not actually we'll see may not be i mean they just killed the far the farmers got hit by a fire shaper so they may just want to go face a lot oh did he glide me oh that's good my hand was like okay but not super high powered i could get a lot of bores off this um didn't i got the coin back uh okay the board didn't die for the redemption sadly but that's okay uh so this hits galloping idiot i can gift on the board again but now i'm i'm wondering right like should i just go big i think i'll just go big right out of my field out of my field before people freak out remember blessing authority you can't attack heroes this turn so i didn't lose eight damage i can already see the comments rolling in i can already identify what's gonna happen i know that there's some logic to buffing this guy by the way so that like this is more likely to die but again at this point i'm just playing for the win i actually want to split the stats so that i'm more likely to have you know attack left over after something is killed right i don't want to stack stats right now because we're not really going for the board game plan just to re-emphasize that helping idiots nice ibm on the idiot actually these are better to redeem too i guess now that i think about it because they have higher stats right that's good too uh okay another three coming back that's 12 15 yeah looks good cool nice surly bob murlock holmes or bubba i don't think it's bubba it doesn't really look great for us uh it's between these two i kind of like the murloc holmes off our hero power right it's a pretty powerful minion to bring back just because you know it has a chance to get me extra resources surly mob is some removal though that i don't have a ton of at the moment right we're a bit more of a proactive deck i'm going to take murloc holmes i don't know i'll regret it though because really mom's pretty good oh boy i'm going to take swirly mom i lied i want this to go the distance baby oh good god uh i don't know how it sounded to you guys what do you like here these are really really good hero power cards uh like what's elemental's so annoying uh so this is really good and four dragons kind of cool too yeah i guess this is pretty good with a gift of luminance and stuff too right let's keep rolling into these basilisk actually has north shower farmer's energy i thought we were gonna get offered like a triple bore uh bucket guys i thought isn't there a triple boar bucket if you have i thought you could get a triple boar bucket if you have boar try to keep quiet okay i think i keep great sword we're gonna burn through the sword charges pretty fast so let's keep greatsword i hope this doesn't hit one of my secrets okay that's fine we can trade that off remember we have crystal gems so i can play this on one right it's really good so we'll burn through these by the time we get to five i mean i guess we would have anyway but you know in particular it'll be fine oh my god and that thins out my deck nicely too so i don't draw these garbage secrets i feel like uh sort of the fallen has felt very powerful and duel so far this might be a card i've underestimated a little bit in duels because i don't know if i was like calculating you know the deck thinning value of this as much oh that's sad we definitely didn't want that well i guess it didn't matter we have one more secret left anyway speaking of which i should do it this order okay tyrion a bit unnecessary but cario's a good four we got a good five certainly and uh fine legendaries in the pool so i think we're off to a great start here really cool secret package i think galloping idiot in particular is pretty likely to go off oh i didn't even notice the treasure what was it why didn't it show up over here it's pillaged the fallen but we didn't get it why is my deck tracker not working hmm i'm almost out of time hey charmander wow dude thanks for all the crazy bits man oh i don't have four mana this turn i just realized that we had crystal gym i only have three mana this is a dead hand i'm screwed this isn't a play needed galloping idiot to go off oh my god slow down man slow down dude they are hanging out just under the galloping idiot threshold right now i am unhappy about it i'd be able to hit for 10 here though you think there's a chance that blizzard makes a dual duels event like in arena for halloween oh that would be crazy i don't know that might break the because you have a little bit more control over your deck right in uh in duels like in arena you know it's all draft in tools so you get to pick your first 15 car i may not be i don't i haven't thought about it but it seems like that could be a tad uh tad on the broken side cario's actually pretty sweet man this gift is gonna be cheap so i mean uh we have some healing which is good rag actually is setting up a lethal if either curiel can connect and rag can connect phase that'd be nice dual duals would be worth doing though just for the just for the fun of the name but i'm sure there are some broken combos you could guarantee if you build your deck right like i don't know the the old example used to be what uh i can't even think what was that old example uh blood bloom plus stuff in warlock basically right look at this guys look at this look at this look at this oh they didn't let me gift the rag no oh man i feel like you could just get three free wins off this paladin weapon alone oh uh god i don't really want any of these that much uh disc of legends like really really good with caryl rome but i'm not playing that many legendaries right they're mostly getting pulled off the weapon so far is bees really good with boars like it's okay but it's only the ones that get played you know so it's like any hero power ones don't get the thing so i get like one i mean maybe four technically if i hit a northshire farmer i guess i mean i i get wax elemental poisonous which does nothing so it's literally wax elemental and boar i think that's it yeah i think it's got to be discs even though i'm kind of sad about it um maybe we'll be able to draft more towards discs now though we turned into another legendary uh legendary paladin here's some secrets here's some spells uh i think i gotta take blessings just because i don't know what to do with these right this is too low value this is okay because of tradable but and like jackson's okay with this of legend right it's just kind of some stats but it's not great i think it's gotta be this they all suck though i have two mana to kick this off i think i should look for a playable thing i also have coin i can play caryl so i could actually discount these holy spells pretty well this is not a holy spell tradable's not bad but i think i can hit something like i really want to hit sword or maybe just a boar or an elemental or something but cario's really good because of discs right and i could play her on turn two so that's very nice this is okay restaurant into redemption but the turn to carry on might carry this game doorways and rally the troops wow interesting oh my god oh my they got rally dude it's just so good uh carol's not very good against one ones but it's gonna this is actually cool because there's gonna be three mana as long as there's two things to attack which there may not be actually yeah it seems there won't be so never mind it's gonna be four mana which sucks because now i don't have a play i guess i could play lightbringers that's fine this is a freezing maybe it's a pack tactics and both can attack no okay this is still fine though redemption up on here maybe these might stick to attack again next turn too so authority might be able to go off still we'll see that's funny okay this is unfortunately a five-five which is a little more awkward for me but uh i think maybe we can just go face twice and uh blessing right i don't i don't really need to trade uh this could be a spell based thing as well like pressure plates i should probably play heroism first oh we're not okay shoot i shouldn't tackle this first never mind never mind this is perfect scratch that i think i'm playing authority here and killing this aren't i or maybe i have to kill this because i don't want the death turtle synergies going off i just hate giving him so many stats uh yeah i guess that's probably better let's see what this gets me first see if that changes our game plan at all oh boy yeah this is unfortunate but i think it's probably right well it doesn't really matter which of these i hit does it let's go here one health seems kind of risky against uh hunter in particular right okay so redemption's really good on this board obviously our hero power will be nuts as well as soon as these die and then uh galloping savior could mess up the hero power but it's okay i think it's fairly unlikely so here's redemption i think we'll just attack lightbringers see what happens with uh these secrets because we got like oh or or we could just city tax there's cat trick there's uh pressure plate so for the sake of pressure play i'm gonna go here proctor freezing and then hit here in case it's uh oh oh oh okay it's quiet easier too quiet yeah this is still really good really good in fact okay carol being the only button right now is ridiculously good that's insane i don't have a great play next time i guess i do actually lightbringer's buttons really nice we upload some more duels to youtube uh yeah i got two runs in the pocket right now and uh this looks like it might be a youtube run actually it's pretty cool i thought it was gonna be an ellen board deck but it might just be a cool legendary deck again i don't know does anyone ever use the other duels paladin hero powers uh they have in the past they uh well we see this all right recruit one still some yeah and uh or do you mean the uh passives like that too someone that one got nerfed it was running all the like crazy dragon stuff with it and everything oh this unfortunately makes my button worse but might be very powerful this turn because it might just set up uh well it won't oh it will be lethal actually yeah 16 plus three is 19 yeah cool oh my god i never get wish dude wish is so rare oh dude but the thing is ancient reflections is built for my deck i have to take ancient reflections for the boars right it's just the whole point of the deck if i can get ancient reflections bore i'm just done um [Laughter] oh it's so tough dude i like both so much all right i'm gonna do a poll i'm gonna play i'm gonna i'm gonna put this on you guys i am not gonna tank this hit yeah we never get to send mana no i i think reflections is the better pick for sure but but wish is a rare treasure that you never see so you know there's some hype uh in the reflections pick although there is i mean in the wish pic although there is in the reflections as well because of bore so uh that's why i'm gonna let fate decide i mean i i think it is the better pick so it's fair i think it's both the more useful pick and uh the it's still synergistic with the boar stuff too but it's like generally useful not even if we have bores right it's just good sometimes all right reflections takes the wind it's fine it's really fun i get it uh oh man these aren't bad these are not good but i think this is too much right i think this is just too late game let's let's stick to here increase our odds of hitting weapon and boar which are definitely fueling this deck a lot true rag and carriage are both very exciting off about off of reflections as well yeah we do have some major upsides on it i'm going to mulligan here we have two mana to start so sword's really really good it's early mob probably not relevant on three rag light lord is amazing when we get to eight mana but that's that's a mile off i really need uh kariel please shame to get a secret as well on our sword can't um i mean we still have enough to oh boy we still have enough to get the durability assuming we don't draw exactly redemption oh my god i'm a boar draw away guys i'm just a boar draw away one boar does uh sort of the fallout of three charges or sort of the thousand truths i mean have uh three charges or two i don't know because i've only ever attacked with it twice uh it has three okay that's important in duels because two won't do the job like you need you need multiple swings right oh my god we got the turn one guy oh carrielle's insane [Music] yes sir [Music] she takes two turns from here though so um she's not as insane as you might hope but still insane it could have counted requests they had coin though right so yeah i don't i mean they could have messed up i guess yeah although you just said that too we added to this earlier yeah if if they're on a non-coin and we think they might be a quest deck that's definitely worth uh a major consideration i agree we don't go to four mana okay wax ellie sure it's not great in the hero power pool but it's not bad it's really quite disruptive to their hero power in particular i guess the carols get worse too with caltrips the other the other day we had that run where we farmed cow trips like it was amazing that they had cal trips because we had all these uh fantastic uh well you know uh enraged type cards but now it is a little bit worse for us unfortunately carryalls are going to be damaged a bit here this is an arcane spell huh okay it doesn't seem holy i wasn't expecting a holy spell but i didn't realize oh she comes down wait wait when we played this the other day oh you're right boar is going to be harder i must play a minion before boar when we played this the other day didn't uh didn't the minions come down damaged am i losing it i thought the minions came down damaged when they got copied like we played groms and both groms were enraged but this carry also has her divine shield divine shield must interact differently somehow than in rage oh is it really i feel like it happened every time the other day we went first this game so ours goes first huh i didn't notice that last time that's a crazy interaction if that's true that's cool uh i think we'll just use this in lightbringers right uh seems okay it's not great but it's fine keep the curios i don't up those uh primes but hopefully we can just kind of win before then maybe i don't know we need oh actually ancient reflections on cargath prime is not good but could be fun like like uh they had a bunch of one ones or something we could get a billion armor huh i never noticed that last time that i didn't notice it i guess we just happened to run into a bunch of instances where it worked because i never noticed it not working you know we must have just been uh high rolling the uh coin flip if it's truly based on play order hey espresso rad dude thanks for 19 months man that's really nice okay i don't think i reflections here right it's just not good enough right i just have such a dead turn though it sucks just i really wish i had anything to do here so i'm gonna wax elementals okay it's not bad it's just not good either can we get it oh my god proc dude come on it's been the whole game right now oh it's a that's an important 50 50. wait he could have forced it he could have hit and hit and then guaranteed to kill the carriel but now it's a 50 50. oh he's still got it like he could have attacked and hit with weapon and then carol was the only thing left he actually took a pretty big risk there because ping could have messed that up as well yeah man this cow trips actually really good uh we'll go tyrion though and that'll start giving us a weapon it's a win condition right we'll get double tearing on board too which is just crazy i guess the second one will also have divide shield which is nice in the box he's gonna have uh what's her name soon she's gonna be gross too there's gonna be two of her get summoned so i definitely want to get out ahead of that i've kind of stalled out these last two turns it's a shame too because my deck's not especially high curve right there's some obviously but most of my decks six or less and we kind of hit some some stall out awkward stuff instead of good stuff davis do not play spells huh so it seems like uh rokar is going to be ready i think i said carryall earlier but i think you all know what i meant sound the bells okay we don't need to go light lord yet let's get the tyrion down i mean they're they're gonna be able to respond to this pretty well uh i'm not out of the woods here by any means i need rag into ancient reflections somehow to stick that's 12 mana if i tried paladin quest line and duels uh you mean like uh galvadon or or uh dudes we've done dudes i think oh my god okay that's scary that's much much worse than rocara uh oh boy oh boy oh what a terrible time to draw this right i get rag here though i could go for a lethal i just need seven car gas there's just one ones guys they don't really do anything they only they only get armor when you kill so only only two of them would actually gain me the armor here that's really not very good i'm gonna play for rag reflections i have nine mana if i get i have a one and three to hit ragnaros here it's not 70 armor i can only kill two minions it's you have to kill the minion with kargath prawn i would get 20 armor the first four wouldn't give me armor then i would get an armor and then the attack here wouldn't give me armor but then i'm gonna get an armor uh it's a real shame but i'm gonna play for rag i'm gonna play for rag reflections i'm a god i'm an actual god i guess what these actually go face not car gats right but i mean if i don't kill i want the car gas to die is this lethal if three left i'm either gonna kill or kill the car gath okay we're one off shoot still pretty good turn pretty good turn i cannot complain [Laughter] seven diamond ragnaros it's beautiful yeah that that totally explains it since since it always kills stuff because it's a tin tin people aren't realizing it had to kill it because it just always does yeah i think i think you're right uh okay oh it hit the one rag that didn't die it actually hit the one rag that didn't die wow that's amazing that is the unluckiest role i've ever seen it didn't matter of course but how absurdly unlucky wow dude die insect indeed glad we took asian reflections guys good votes good votes who needs a board full of random legends we have a board full of rags um okay i think i'll take what do you guys like henchmen are are looming i guess entrance free uh i like looming because of the card draw but a henchman's well it's not really like drawing a card because i'm not really looking to play this it's not very good in my pool i take presents henchman messes up my hero power pool too much i think uh this is horse riders get off mirror part but these other two kind of suck i i don't mind sword obviously that's been pretty good protector's okay i actually like call to arms it's very at the moment hitting lax elemental bore and that's it it would hit a righteous protector so it's a guaranteed way to get a bore now that's not good necessarily is the problem but this isn't great either it's just another tyrion okay whatever okay sword early is fantastic that's great hopefully we don't hit the second one when i'm mulligan these away we're looking specifically for carryalls i think they kind of hard carry oh yes oh baby hammer's a little redundant with sword but not a huge problem this actually fills in the gap on that turn three mana turn the second three mana turn right oh it's exciting too so they have goggles and sparking okay so sparking in particular is pretty good against my divine shield stuff and goggles is of course very high tempo we're gonna have like two turns where we can maybe keep up with the tempo a little bit thanks to uh oh does this hit yog oh that sucks on coin that was a bad one and three roll there could arguably be worth holding this until a coin goes off but i don't know for one and three i don't think it's worth might disrupt their turn anyway hey it's worth the damage let's go that might make all the difference snack run honestly will probably use to fill in here uh well no i can equip lightbringers and then maybe i hit a three drop next turn right there's no reason not to pre-equip this well there is but very few reasons to not preview equip this i think i would have probably preferred a redemption since i know i have the carryalls and they're really good to keep a singular minion in my pool for the hero power oh my god i was gonna hit this anyway i've called the arms but maybe i just start going off this right what on earth is the choice here i guess humility for a debuff i don't think the divine shield upside is going to be high enough to matter uh there's a question about whether or not i should play oh oh no i didn't ceiling nevermind the question about whether i should play this right uh because i could hit h reflections off the top and then i'll have to rely on a hero power to hit it which is not by any means guaranteed currently it's the only minute in the pool so it kind of makes sense uh oh that's gross but as soon as i put these carryalls in right it's not going to be the only minion left so but i don't know i don't think i should play for like a crazy draw like oh that's such a bad rock this cold arms was gonna pull that anyway now my call to arms literally only has wax elemental in it and i don't get to filter my deck anymore i really needed this to be a meaty significant draw right i wanted this to be like a five drop or a six drop not another one drop that i could have tutored anyway well we'll see but yeah anyway i don't i don't think i want to like totally change my game plan around you know specifically an ancient reflections top deck or something crazy let's just play the best things we can see and then sort of sort it out later savior does make that rokara hit a little more awkward perhaps maybe not though oh wow does this attack doesn't really do anything i don't know if it can afford to attack farmer oh actually uh we have two rolls here one's a boar and one is the other idiot oh shoot let's uh although alternatively am i better off just putting a carriel in the pool again right because it's like i don't really want to draw boars i'm not i'm not close enough to hitting the carryall right it's just not that good i mean hitting the the reflections i don't know it's worth but i also don't really want i want to value trade the carols right now i don't really want to kill them yet i guess we'll just hit it and see what happens we might get the taunt as well which i can also shuffle in but i i don't really want to right okay this is a holy spell no make sense really i think i'll buff these just to keep them slightly more uh threatening extern this would still kill them off a ping so i don't know if it's worth but kind of fills my mana anyway okay so what are we looking for we're looking for ancient reflections we're looking for royal great sword would be the biggest hyrule in the deck um if i draw that freaking wax elemental i'm going to just it's rage uh don't shuffle the idiot huh these are brutally good right here this is an eating wait what happened a royal gift wow that is a good turn geez dude gross blessing of authority just pull this out of the deck while i have spare man all right it's terrible for four hannah obviously but uh i can humility this too but i don't need to right now because these taunts interact with it just fine i mean if this sticks on board right like a blessing of authority is really quite good just to take a good trade there oh hopefully that hits the zero two that's a big 50 50. oh gross that's an extra card that he wouldn't have gotten at all because i would have been able to authority well i can see what i got one but you know oh that's bad too actually shoot i am hitting the worst draws right now man just the worst this is a good counter to me as well because right now i can't actually kill the oh no i can i can kill the two two and kill the three seven it's not a good play because this is gonna trade back right like but i i think i probably need to redemption on this is like kind of annoying at least this is not going to plan we are really close to flipping this game as soon as i hit any of my big legendaries like double rag double four dragon uh double tyrion like they're all gonna be amazing as soon as they connect i just have to hit one which currently uh isn't happening we'll get there i think it's just oh that's gross oh man good board build there gift of idiocy oh my god dude i have to hit a good draw i have so many good draws and i just keep drawing garbage ugh i'm gonna swing so hard maybe too late now though honestly it may be too late i may not have time to swing anymore right i can get like three rags oh no i can't have a mana i can get two rags it's not enough though probably gonna die soon four dragons like the slowest of my things it's not very good uh i don't know my dad uh one one is five and five is ten no i'm not dead the four dragons are garbage though they're better than nothing obviously but i mean this is gonna be a big norshart farmer but for what for what purpose right it doesn't have taunts or anything like who it's cares very large but uh pretty relevant in the scheme of things uh but if i get like a tyrion and i could hit that maybe um give a big buff to the tyrion or something that would be pretty sick oh my god uh these are 50 50s on the tyrion here hopefully we can hit one right i thought he might kill these but he didn't kind of sad i debuff this it's a bit of a waste it's like i i would give anything to play this first but i just i i i couldn't get a carryall here actually that's a big deal let's see if we roll the carrial because that's an extra buff roll not a carol but good because it's another disruptive taunt tyrion tyrion tyrion okay i got one buff i'll take it honestly holy good god that is a 2828 northshire farmer oh my god oh my dad yeah oh there's one recipient oh two rush minions no i'm not dead i'm not dead it's a 38-38 oh that's well i'm still not actually dead there i'm at one right oh that kills me that's lethal oh i can attack twice yeah i'm dead shoot he actually got etc into a rush video for lethal unbelievable dude what a god i'm not even mad that's actually crazy this is a 58 58 north shire farmer ah that was a good draw if i did melody to turn earlier i would have been able to live there i didn't think it was worth it just because i wanted to make sure i hit the right target at the right moment but it ended up costing me some extra health we might have been able to win uh these are okay terum's reasonably good legendary the hand of it all i like for cycle because we've been light on cards these are all too slow i think commander's not great but it's fine it's good offer hero power oh priest okay new goal i don't think we're gonna get a farmer that big again sorry it's hard to be the mayor of bad news here all right we went tempo plays early maybe i need to keep one late game card but you know not every game is going to go like last game are we oh sword is always great i love sword on one it's really important coin can help fix some curve problems too but let's get a carry out let's get uh what is this eerie stone whoa you'd never see eerie sound and priest and divine illumination so split across shadow and uh holy i mean these are both very low tempo treasures which i like right they're more value oriented they're about generating resources as opposed to hammering me in the face so that's really good news no i don't need to kill that galloping idiot okay galloping idiot i think is a much better card than uh idiot trap in hunter the idiot trap and hunter like yes it's a 66 but it doesn't have taunt you know it costs more i think i like albing idiot is a much more disruptive secret because of the taunt aspect right do you guys agree or do you like idiot trap better mage only has um what is it oasis idiot it's not as good because that's a minion based trigger right like that one's pretty easy to avoid in my experience the oasis idiot is okay [Music] tempo three four here's fine we're gonna coin great sword oh no we're not we're gonna play a four drop next turn not a coin great sword we only have three men in next turn one mana three four with taunt is better than a two mana six six that's that's my that's my uh yes hypothesis yeah debatable i mean i you know hunter probably values the six six more for aggression but i think i value the disruption of the three four a little more oh my god no way that's such a good roll dude oh that could hit my dude oh big 50 50 there that could have hit my guy instead right big deal because now my hand of it all is kind of awkward i mean i still get the attack i guess but they also deny me hero power perhaps inadvertently oh i think we just played basilisk never mind this is better uh i have a great sword so we know we're going to be playing plenty of stuff what is this is this from my deck where did this come from it's from crystal oracle yes so probably oh actually is it guaranteed to be redemption yes because i already had the other two secrets uh yeah that is 100 redemption because i had the other two secrets equipped already so that has to be redemption this is going to summon a garbage idiot here with a taunt which is not a problem we definitely don't want to give them this one so that's good news everything's an idiot oh oh sure yeah well we yeah that's another yeah that was also 100 percent guaranteed redemption yeah there were two known uh redemption uh pieces of info there terum is definitely the worst to get here i don't know how hard i go face versus trade i think i go face we have actually quite a bit of like follow-up damage in hands and and terum you know denies this 4-3 in some ways let's just make him have it you know man we still have not once gotten close to an elwynn board this is supposed to be elwyn moore paladin guys and there hasn't been one freaking helmet for dude not one i mean i've played if you've played smellwood boards but that we haven't even gotten to three i don't think i think two is our max elwyn bourne maybe there was a three having trouble remembering it to be honest but maybe there was a three do you guys remember a third one board oh hey silent peanut with two years didn't even see that silent peanut that's amazing big time sub thank you peanut be quick devout engineer wow don't even clear the tarum that is something there give me rag for this gift of luminance please i swear to god i call these rags like a genius dude is this lethal uh five six and fourteen are six and sixteen it is sometimes if the rags ignore the minion but i think putting them at two is a fine [Music] you know consolation as opposed to i don't know maybe i should just go for it i don't know losing eight though to the minion would really suck i'd rather them just be a two than seven right because now hero power or i mean attack puts them in range as opposed to if they were at seven the thing wouldn't be in range so oh the poison minion oh i'm an idiot oh yeah the poison minion was lethal oh yeah i'm an idiot you're right uh i would have netted three yes of course i'm so dumb i was thinking about protecting the poisonous for some insane reason that's not a value it's not a value position when you have lethal oh i'm dumb yep uh i think we're fine but sad sad nonetheless they gotta they gotta freeze them a face or heal those the problem right they have this really really tricky situation where they have to clear the board and uh yeah obviously didn't have it hey holiem sandwiches dude thanks for the uh another gift itself galloping idiot idiot trap and regis idiot all the holy trinity uh we'll take henchmen here it's better because we don't have to draw and that way i get a more likely role into weapon and uh my big legendary boys uh leandra is not worth it for us these suck it's gotta be here these are good minions for our uh hero power and i like the draw on hand with all a lot thought i was building a bad deck that was going to fail with elwyn born i would have plenty of time but in reality i've built a good deck that just keeps winning uh i'm gonna run out of time because of that uh we definitely don't need double sword definitely don't need yog with sword either uh oh actually we could try to play yag on one oh they're going first though so now it won't work um because of quest we won't be able to yog quest in that case wax ellie and cold arms is bad has my cold arms gotten better no i've only been able to hit three drops henchman's gonna be in hand so it's just gonna be protector and boar i mean i'll play it if i need to just to thin the deck but it sucks that i keep getting one of the only sets of minions every time that are any good oh my god they just played a million things jim and altogether now and quest okay all together now it's not that scary though i think i'm okay with that try to beat this down redemption is cool right light lord might be important in this matchup for sure uh do i coin called arms next turn just to make sure i don't draw garbage cards coin has quite a bit of value is the only thing there's a fair bit of tempo and it puts a boar in i mean i don't really need the boar yet i'm gonna do it just because last time i didn't and i really regretted it uh i think we'll be okay it's good turn three turn four we gotta figure out but hero power is probably gonna do that for us okay i it is true that the boar has created misplaced that is accurate yeah people have freaked out i could also top take a hand of uh our ancient uh reflections any time so i'm upside there oh my god bore redemption into boar hero power wait a minute yes keep killing the boars yes yes is this actually the game is this the game board number three i'm making worse plays to support boar right now but i mean it's coming it's happening they're killing a different minion okay they recognize the threat of boars hit the bar oh sad still good though royal greatsword is fantastic so this is like a 75 chance at 4 we think based on how we think it works it was not uh so yeah i still don't know if this works the way i want it to like was that a 75 chance that bore or was it 50 50. do you guys know does anybody out there know sometimes we have the designer for duels in the chat he would know but i don't know 100 how these resurrect pools work i'm just kind of making assumptions on how they work you're pretty certain it's 75 yeah we would need to get it to like you know 90 and then test like 10 times to really have you know some confident data certainly hitting the 25 percenter doesn't give us any confidence in our data okay trade hit yeah this isn't bad great sword is certainly the swinging card we're looking for i guess we probably want oh my god i think we probably went like ragnaros right carrielle wouldn't be terrible just take a trade oh my god i have called and hit the ragnaros countless times how many times have i called this ragnaros dude it's like me and ragnaros are best friends i keep calling ragnaros and we keep hitting it it's so wild the rag whisperer indeed it's so nuts i i it's like the only card in the pool it's biased it's an 80 chance that ragnaros everything else is like no sorry bro no no hits for you top hat surely you attack here yeah okay it's a big heel oh it's oh yeah of course it's a clear that's great that just put rag in my pool though oh my god if i hit boar if i hit boar or rag honestly bore or rag it's never it's never what i wanted to be oh we have some insane roles now though we have some so insane rolls right this is a kind of weak turn considering what was possible i mean it's not a weak turn i summoned a ton of stuff i dealt six face damage it's a great turn but comparing to what we had possible it's kind of a weak turn these might die you can't use those right let's take a shield pop i think you're happy aren't you okay gift of luminance do i hit button again um yeah boars aren't as good though although i think it still puts me at seven boards right three have died so this would put four more in play right because i have three spots so if these all die i'll get the sword oh but i kind of want to attack with my weapon too if i lose oh i can trade in this though i can trade in this then attack with my weapon and then bore but if i get if i get tyrion tyrion could override the weapon right if i get tyrion i'm in kind of in trouble it's not tyrion okay easy easy okay so here's seven boars they just have to die and then i get sword so i can just trade these in if that's all he's doing right and then sword face uh oh that's a good hit okay i don't actually have lethal though do i maybe i do with arjun commander here we go baby here it is yes it's kind of a shame i got lethal because we i mean it's 15 damage bonus so it still worked it just didn't win the way you kind of hoped it went with sword which is shutting down your opponent but i didn't get lethal with sword is that a achievement i just missed i think i have it already i just realized that oh my god i have to take this this is insane it's really good with our hero power and in general very cool i can't believe we actually got the boar off that means i can put it in the thumbnail which is great news okay a little too greedy here i'm trying to play so fast guys because i only have like 20 minutes i need to lose twice still idiot's not what we want in the opener this is actually pretty bad uh because we drew henchman we were gonna draw that anyway so i just lost the draw really terrible mulligan backpacks and oh i hate this divine shield thing dude oh it's so good i feel like i can never beat that so hard to outscale this maybe they just don't hit their divine shields right oh boy of course naturally what am i saying basilisk your socks but it's really good to put in the pool and it's on curve so i think i'm cool with uh just tossing it hey indigo dude thinks the prime sub uh just gives me a trade currently play two more things give me that idiot give me that idiot play two things that's one that sucks oh that has rush yeah that's good sneaky stuff dude real sneaky stuff uh all right let's hit that 6'4 right god i've had so many bad 50 50 rolls today man that's like the fourth i mean i can't complain right we've had some insane ragdolls rolls but there's been notable 50 50s multiple times that went the wrong way i can think of like three or four of this one already that just failed on us boy we are uh definitely a bit behind here lich king and rag are great but they're just still very expensive this is where we need scepter of summoning right oh that's a weak rule that's good news shame they had a spell though the spell was pretty gross to reactivate the shield there sword is good to help clear that uh redemption here is really nice too i mean these vaselines might actually keep me in the game on stats right this is kind of nuts we're taking a ton of damage which sucks but we're still competing on board he's just hard playing lights justice that's wild oh another good divine shield but it is going to trigger that redemption which is really really good a very annoying board to deal with yeah i think you just go face let me kill the two big ones that's good for me i need a play though dude i need carol sword again is really useless really really this one's got one secret left so the next sword is just like a bad's lights justice right oh bad roll there too jeez another like 50 50 roll or whatever just a terrible roll i don't even think that one is 50 50. i think it was i don't know it's only one maybe only one uh dude has died no two have died right so that was a 66 according to you guys i still don't know how it works but that's what people are saying that's fine we can hit that with face get some more value there oh that's a bad turn for them are we both just sitting on eight drops if so my eight drops are probably gonna out outpace theirs because i get two at once right i might have to play the rags first instead of the lich kings just to heal oh that's a good rule okay like to see that lich kings might actually end up being a little safer here um [Music] if they get a lot of health i don't know actually rags are great too though i don't know if we can go wrong i i guess i probably want the rag source to play around like crazy lethal outs don't i and then stabilize off the lich kings because the rags will still demand like reactivity and like he'll have to deal with him he can't just leave the rags up because i'll be healing first you know 16. i guess i could have minions damaged on board but that seems sort of unlikely with the bolvars they seem like kind of the perfect uh perfect minions to deny this you know to be to be good here basically don't be some like aoe oh great yeah that's fine i like that uh that twin spell does nothing because my bull bar bars just hit it anyway okay yeah we'll go rag first here yeah we got one rag buff that's insane so now my board is just absurd and i heal to like safety range right [Music] okay this is really crazy double bolvar into these like hand buffs is so wild dude if this gets to drain this lich king currently is going to be outstandingly huge i guess oh wait are you just letting me have it okay all right that works too double rag for the win baby 13 13 rags to go with the 13 13 rags it's the quadruple rag baby okay dude just some legend with rag is so absurd i hate splitting these runs like this but i i just gotta go again i think i take necrotic poison here right it's pretty good removal these we're getting the point now where we have some good cards so the shuffling is getting worse and worse i think like we want to make sure we're hitting our best stuff so we'll take poison oh not good this is an extra secret but i don't want these other secret cards i might take this just because it's good removal because these suck yeah quality concentration or at least like decent removal blessing of wisdom can sort of refill or maybe slow down my opponent a little bit sorcery versus i like it okay there it is that's it one copy of every single classic card that's your answer i'm actually gonna keep lich king here guys uh it's kind of a weird mulligan but basilisk is enough to get us rolling early for sure and lich king ensures that i have that late game we've had a few games where we we got things going and then we totally failed in the mid game because we just ran out of gas uh lich king ensures that's not gonna happen like i'm gonna have a big double eight eight that's gonna refill my hand so i think he's kind of the perfect solution to that problem uh let's hold coin here and get carry all down next turn right that's pretty good we kind of lose out on the basilisk but she's amazing and potion will be free as well which means we can give if there's two things to attack anyway which there won't be it looks like but that's still fine i don't think we need to hold coin for lich king let's just get a good play going right this is a very very powerful turn to play oh we got another discount great actually really nice these could easily be free next turn could play a stone's skin alongside them reshield carryall maybe depending on what's alive or not or what's worth it not alive could still reshield the other carry out here though i guess the important thing was definitely uh keeping this one alive to make those zero mana huh i still think basilisk is the play uh i guess we'll see what she gives us first oh that's good for later i'm gonna go ahead and buff uh the cariel here it's kind of weird but this is a card i don't mind dying right and it comes back and it's like it's health is not really where its value is derived whereas the carryall is something i definitely want to stick around for longer with a holy spell in hand i don't know debatable right some some arguments to split but this might be more threatening to my opponent in some ways because it denies them aboard are they going to have an answer to both oh wow that was a really good answer to both jeez this would have died with the other thing anyway so we would have gotten some extra damage i guess but wow carry else again okay sure free gift i don't think i use the gift on this to reshield it by the way i don't think it's worth there's other just amazing minions with this right like rags and lich kings and just like crazy um upside i don't think carol offers enough upside on this well i couldn't anyway this turn i guess never mind it didn't go to zero i only had one attack so scratch that oh the lilly medler was coming down a hair early maybe i think we'd like to see that that feels like good news i think i'm excited the frog is in my pool which sucks but that's okay all right more carols this guy's getting big i haven't even needed to play him yet so lich king lich king gift is gonna give me three lich king cards in hand as soon as i do it that's pretty wild and french vacuuna with four months thank you for the kind words mance and the kind subs guys that's nice spirit echo okay that's it's a value but it's not well actually the the the fireheart's pretty insane value i take that back i wouldn't mind silencing that if i could but i don't think i can oh just putting it back in hand already okay never be afraid sure had to use that anyway so what was the it was the only reasonably good target as well it wasn't a great target i guess but okay i guess we'll just go blessing on the frog here it's gonna be really cheap if i wanted to keep the carryalls alive i could i don't think so though i wanna i want a button and then just blessing the frog yeah it's true he could have used it on my frog to put that in the pool that's true that would have been a pretty sneaky good plan this makes me want to blessing the frog a little less because i guess i'll still blessing the frog just so it's less likely to die i can't really go face anyway with anything right so okay so now we're still not quite to lich kings but we have filler turn anyway here with henchmen and presents and stuff gift i'm still gonna wait on like a rag or a lich king or something better i don't even know if i'll use it on lich king right i don't think which game is that good honestly oh there's something great here against the frog is there is the frog just gonna clear oh that might help you kill the frog that's gonna give me a dude though an idiot at least oh wow still gonna get to trade frog huh oh my yes we will indeed let's just clear the board play our four dragons and call today okay these are always potentially insane um i could have some very big lich kings soon these might get like hexed off or something devolve is that in the pool no but revolve is so that might be a play is revolving the pool actually no i don't think it is now that i say that i don't know what it is dark moon's in the pool so yeah you can get remote evolution okay sure bull bars are still pretty good if revolved though right i guess devolving missiles would be a little worse we'll see we'll see should have used to get the luminous for the frog trade i don't think so actually i don't think the 86 is worth much i think i could do way better off of it maybe right maybe but i i think i just like having an extra ragnaros later or something instead is my plan anyway sacrifice uh actually i guess we'll kill the big guy here won't we the big taunt guy and then play a couple lich kings uh do i go for the big lich kings i guess let's just make him have it right like [Laughter] i mean it's not like i'm gonna have a bad play coming out of this i'll still have two lich kings coming out of this um i guess i could um like since this is already a significantly decent board i you know we could arguably uh no let's just go let's make it happen we're still getting lich king cards right there is a debate about this right but let's just wait again i think we can do oh my oh my okay that's a that's a board build on this guy uh there's no way calamos is enough to deal with 1818s right there's just zero chance there's no way that three mana solves this problem is there it's like it tickled yeah it tickled a little to be sure there was a a brief little tickle but that's it what is this 41. i think we found a lethal guys [Laughter] gosh dang it this deck dude i don't know why this deck is so good it still doesn't feel that good to me i i have to go guys i'm so sorry i we did this last time and i hate it i hate it it seems like sword of the fallen in particular has carried our early game we've hit this a lot in the early game so maybe i'm only getting for sword is really good so you played on one with crystal gem right hey swag war dude thanks for the uh 47 person ray and wow appreciate it i'm i'm playing with with wild-ish cards is that worth something to you and your fans these cards this some of these cards are in wild all right let's let's look for more proactive stuff to do you guys have game audio by the way right sometimes it doesn't work oh okay oh this is so bad we draw this anyway oh this is twice in a row i think we've hit this in the mulligan i remember right the last game before we quit yesterday was the same story my faith is my shield really unfortunate it just kills a draw basically says gonna get that anyway that's really really bad all cards well fair enough sure indeed all cards aren't wild i guess i should specify uh wild specific huh so this still only hits boar and wax elemental huh i still haven't filled in the gaps on this do we take a sound of elves here inspiring and discs that's really scary why is my opponent's stuff not showing up in my hs replay all right we'll just intern really terrible start i mean our deck is better later so hopefully that's enough but this is a really really terrible start coin [Music] oh wow they're rocking discounts doubles they're so far ahead they are like six miles ahead at this point i'm gonna have to rip a call to arms oh hold up let me get the trigger here it comes now it's working okay sorry that's my window sounds guys sorry sorry sorry sorry i know you guys hate that uh yeah we'll just tempo a henchman i guess what else am i supposed to do this hand has just been a nightmare hopefully they don't have a ton of late game legendaries right if they do we're not gonna be able to swing this and like overwhelm them right we'll just end up falling behind because they'll have just as powerful lick in place as we do and i have a terrible opener of course theirs isn't like crazy strong wicker flames aren't the end of the world but they're not sure not bad either better hit here this can trade a little too easily so boars are in the pool for whatever that's worth not much equality is so bad dude so bad ah so bad oh three eight drops hey staff oh thanks for the prime sum and heritage oh my gosh a thousand bits is is absolutely incredible i'm sorry to hear um sorry to hear that news i certainly wish you the best and uh thank you for showing your support i'm happy to provide any kind of solace or service uh my wife actually works at uh children's hospital as a nurse so i've heard many stories and seen the other side of that equation a fair bit oh okay good face maybe i don't even know diamond ranks beautiful though so i need one more turn here but weapon was like the clutches draw i mean this is like keeping me in the game right uh weapon is so powerful maybe the only way to flip this back in my favor pretty good answer to rag but not not like super high powered right we still oh baby uh man i wish i could have got rag there but i wouldn't have the man anyway i guess do i like take a lich king of a hit of here or maybe a four dragon to get a crazy buff okay it didn't hit either of those so that is not a relevant consideration rag can i get a rag here this idiot is really ruining my day i'm gonna hold on this for higher value i think four dragons pretty good uh lich king's not bad if we hit one of our lich kings is that great you know he's gonna get a full hand of stuff that's not that exciting but uh it's not terrible okay those are probably gonna get like divine shield and rush right wind fury rush oh wow okay you're gonna try to squeeze some face damage through i guess that is actually sort of annoying oh whoa not even attacking with this one huh okay i kind of get it uh shutting down my weapon attack here but still could have maybe went face with that last guy all right we got four dragon tarum rome and lich king off this weapon none of those are that good i'm probably just gonna dump double lich king right could go double tyrion to extract some divine shield value and i will uh need the weapon because this is my last weapon chart press the attack we should see what we get and decide from there right here [Music] man we didn't hit the best role i mean even our ragnaros wasn't that good right uh do i need the lich king cards now or not no let's wait let's just do the tyrion thing like i said i think the weapon uh getting the weapon equipped has some value let's see if he has big eight drops or not like if his legendary quality is as high as mine because i certainly have some high quality legendaries in hand and then i'm setting up oh reflections on rag let's go okay he's got two which is awfully good as well surely you you don't you don't trade these first huh are those both gonna go face no way dude those both go face why do you send both those face i wonder that really actually makes my reflections a lot worse because i can't kill off my minions now i mean do i still just take four ragnaros though it's really not as good is it man i was really hoping to be able to trade in some minions geez kind of a weirdly heads-up play and the fact that they both would face is scary i guess we just take four rags i mean i think it's too fancy otherwise i'll gain some life here too to mitigate that uh face risk a little bit and i can play it on my dog to uh to maybe protect my board a little bit as well right sure ladies die don't they we hope we hope they die i mean if not i deal 32 damage to face which is certainly a decent consolation prize [Laughter] they don't always die but maybe one dying would have been okay anyway too right i mean i can't complain about this i just kind of wish i had like six rags and a weapon you know we probably would have had a lethal setup particularly with the equality i could have like traded in caryl and my weapon to buy some extra face damage that's not too good it's a lot of mana honestly too oh that doesn't matter to me at all [Laughter] it's totally irrelevant cool not that this matters but might as well for fun see what we get rag oh we haven't even had a rag die nevermind no rags it's the city and again i'm really relieved we won this game i felt like we got off to the worst start but weapon was a good draw to help me kind of recover a bit so 10 wins dude we just keep rolling with this uh i think i take greedy pickaxe here we have a lot of ramp value because we have so many high value high powerful plays uh princess isn't bad though princess copies herself and i do have some death rattles right i have tyrion i have tyrion i have elwyn bore but that doesn't really help that's not actually very good that throughout the copy the death rattle isn't what's counted the bores themselves are what's counted so yeah actually she's not very good also i think i have enough threats right it's more about getting to my threats that um that is important so i still like pickaxe better no no we're fine i think we're too far gone from bore being a a good thing anymore oh we definitely keep carrielle uh we keep carrying oil do we keep potion we don't have coins so i'm not playing carrielle off of our crystal gems i don't know i could play boar on one and then hero power on two it's a floating mana i guess this kind of replaces itself if i played boar on turn two with three mana but i don't really need bor i don't know man i don't really want to be a board deck right at this stage i think i have to do better cariel's amazing looming presents and restaurant are totally fine they're tempo plays well i mean this is typical play and this is a refill play which is nice i don't love love love this but we're gonna get our two drop guys well right henchmen thankfully we didn't draw him this time we've mulligan into him twice now yeah i i do agree with the general logic of don't settle find better cards at this stage in the duels run you kind of have to play for maximization right you can't really play uh just to settle i think i'm actually gonna do this we can play presents on three it's okay cario's gonna catch us up on four bullvar is a pretty powerful play in the mid game too so let's just see if we can find cooler cards i guess if they play a scary legendary weapon i'll be kind of sad but not that sad by the way we have duplicate treasures i i you know i don't think his legends will be better than mine on average he might have rattle gores which are pretty scary but those are very very late i might just be able to overwhelm before then if his hand doesn't keep up although history is very good at keeping up with stuff it's probably just gonna come down to who gets like the first big crazy legendary pair to stick that person will probably win that is not a big legendary pair this is such a bad cardigan we keep getting wrecked on the cold arms i mean thankfully at the moment i have all three of the minions still in the pool so that's good this is actually really handy i i gotta kill a turn again because of the stupid crystal gem but i might be able to play greedy over cariel right just to really push towards this bolvar get bolvar down that's gonna start buffing my board like crazy or my hand like crazy gets me closer to lich king as well i think we will go greedy seems like this game's gonna have a timeline that's long enough to let greedy be important right especially since it i do have the six mana payoff for it so next year it's probably just henchman unless i find a better three mana play goody two shields or something would be nuts doubt we'd use lightbringer's hammer but maybe maybe just one head on it's worth it oh crazy terum's not worth yeah this is not good by any means but it's fine it's a filler it's not great in my hero power either of course it's the one downside we've had to this card over and over again but if i'm really behind i may have to play cariel if not i'd really like to get away with a greedy pickaxe that's always run back we found out when we played the other side of this let's run back like 90 of the time i don't know it really is it's probably not quite 90 but it sure felt like 90 of the time double trading the bigger minion huh okay makes sense i guess get some hero power value i think we'll just greedy face certainly not the scary board i was worried about for the carriel so set up for bolvar we're gonna be rolling uh commander shepard coming to hearthstone that would be a very strange crossover whoa the remote controlled golem that's crazy uh this is fine we'll just hit face again right that sets us up for lich king next turn just really good we actually are kind of light on threats weirdly uh this is this is a game where we've hit ramp and now we don't quite have the threats to pay it off i mean bolvar the cool thing about bolvars is right they make threats any of my three minions become insane because of these bolvars right which it's you know warrior has universal removal so we probably don't want to over commit like brawls and stuff or scary carryall could lead to even more buffs if these bolvars stick which is something we'll have to consider as well poison seems good called arm's terrible i mean we may play it eventually if we have spare manages to tutor bad draws out of the deck that has some value of course but okay it looks like one bolvar here will die which means cariel's still gonna be pretty nuts because the other bolvar will will probably live it looks like unless they find something here that's really good oh that's not bad uh oh they can kill both now yeah oh they decide not to though oh no they can't no they can't cause a divine shield never mind okay cool so the carryall is huge i get two of them so she's gonna create even more buffs off of this uh i don't know how hard to go here uh i definitely don't want to commit too much right i think i'm gonna just carry l and like sword maybe actually this is a pretty good chance to call to arms because no i guess it's not because i don't want to play into brawl too hard right um we'll just sword hero power oh i could have got another bolvar off this hero power oh this is a mistake oh shoot don't be billboard don't punish me oh crap i just missed tintin and buffs shh decided to make my play too late shh i didn't want i didn't want them to be too big okay i just wanted i just want my opponent to have a chance ah crap i'm really sad that that was actually another tin tenon buffs right yeah this is insane to get back regardless though kind of no matter what did we get it oh my god i didn't even notice oh we did wow uh he has coin though still oh crap we're at turn six and this bro has coin it's kind of wild i wonder if he'll test it no he doesn't oh olvar oh good god uh i really don't want to over commit here uh so i don't i think i just attack and hero power and play a great sword and save the great sword for the reload next turn i really don't want to over commit right like i have a 23-23 lich king i i think i'm gonna save it he still has coins so the oh my god is actually not that uh protected i'm assuming we'll be able to play the lich king next turn uh in a more safe fashion right it could be even bigger right i messed up remember i actually screwed up oh my god did i actually have lethal almost uh this weapon was an additional five i guess i would have had a lot of mana for sound the belt so not quite but it was weirdly close to lethal uh oh my god i might actually just win too easily shoot i really want to get some value out of this lich king i was expecting more functional board clears from this deck wait does he not get double zillix because he magnetic i just saw that um i just realized that yeah he only gets one because he magnetized you might have better off taking the two distinct silly axes right oh no this poor guy can't even clear my five foot down with that oh geez he needs like a brawl i i feel bad don't concede let me play this dude let me play this come on be a pal hit my shield hit my shield oh ranker it's not bad hit this hit this sadly i have i have lethal no ruins okay man again we just did it i don't know man this deck's wild no not good enough did i keep it safe i got reflections and bore is this really how i'm gonna win the run dude is this real i can also coin reflections on turn two so if the boar sticks on one i could actually get seven boars on turn two because of crystal gem of course they have to die is one problem but i think i'm gonna play it on one because i can always use hero power to get it back if he like kills it or if it fails right so why not i guess that would take more mana later because of the reflections but oh my god what if he hit ancient reflections into my bore like does he kill the boar here he may not kill it he may decide like oh i don't want to kill it even if he does like i said i can bring it back i it would take like you know oh my god he left it up oh my god he left it up dude why not play righteousness oh i could have i guess yeah i don't know actually that's a good point i didn't want to put it in the pool is why but maybe it would have just been better to guarantee this um okay it may have been it may have just been better to guarantee it my thought was like oh don't put it in the minion pool because i want to be able to hero power guaranteed but if i thought 100 boar was going to stay alive i guess there's risks of like pin flinger and stuff like that pimpling here's not in buckets so it's banned but anything that went over the top would have ruined my game plan but maybe worth considering more i think just taking the short things fine though oh my god he got the boar okay turn three no big deal oh shoot i thought i forgot that was going to uh get buffed shoot i forgot that was gonna get buffed actually kind of annoyed ah okay turn three sword of the fallen okay or turn two yeah excuse me yeah turn two turn two sword of the fallen yeah it's actually three mana but it's turned two unbelievable dude oh my god i actually can't believe this happened i cannot believe this happened [Laughter] that's the craziest thing i've ever done and it's on the 12 win game as well unbelievable well done my thanks press the attack this is without a doubt [Applause] the greatest the greatest thing i've ever done in hearthstone what an insane way to end the run just absolutely perfect yeah it was turn three guys that's right yeah it was turn three because i had to attack with the boars yeah you guys are i i was right when i said it's turn three yeah you guys convinced me i was wrong but i was right i had to attack with the boars for the sword i mean i got it done on turn two but not exactly right i had to attack only turn three get out of here you fools that was unbelievable i cannot believe that actually worked [Music] bye
Channel: RegisKillbin
Views: 244,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uo7rcBDeIFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 18sec (5898 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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