Double Fait | Ranked 2v2

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actually what am i playing with one thing fades three two one oh wait i'm lagging i'm just kidding i'm lost that was a bit debate my enemy watchers i'm gonna give this guy what am i going to come here come here gonna die oh okay no that's a no tell my soul you're dead i'm not dead boom my kill oh pass him to me no man he almost passed himself to me oh what what is this oh this next needs to relax himself we'll get it we're playing next we're like calm down there we go thank you what the [ __ ] okay i'm taking that this was is something catch this and this my side my side my side i got it i got it this one it's very good oh wait my turn wait i said my turn what is going on dude no you're not landing no no no no get back in there no no no no oh can you save me at least thank you yeah wait you saved them bro die i'm so gonna die oh he could have killed him but he's like nice so now and i'm dead oh man i watch this all right time to download into down there this guy's mother is a very [ __ ] nice person okay she's like so [ __ ] nice the cupcakes she makes are so nice and delicious die [ __ ] all right let's [ __ ] him up he's mud yes can you please die oh there's no no we got no that's that's me oh my god oh my god oh my god these guys are actually decent wait that's wait i know the sentinel guy okay do him thank you oh [ __ ] he's crazy he's dead okay i got uh get the vocal he's not stuck wait what am i i'm so confused what is happening i was so confused i thought it was you go keep going oh no oh he helped us oh okay he's gonna let us do it he's gonna let us do it but why would you do that again oh no okay i'm gonna downlight do grab it again so downright trust me after i downline okay okay okay look i can't no go get a weapon we're again holy [ __ ] he's crazy that was crazy i thought you would do this everybody just spams dancing with lucian and that's it actually that's good it's actually horrible i would never i've never played again uh it's foreign that i speak perfect french oh okay i don't actually oh oh i don't like to speak french that's the only sentence i know oh i did decide that again what is this either missing down light ground pound um oh wait i'll do it again why are all the colors so confusing the last three matches i i never knew which one you were okay now we have to kill someone and do the thing you know yes of course i don't know why nobody i said yeah oh wait i'm crazy wait what what is going on double side we don't actually need to finish them completely no we do it oh no so close oh no wait by the way i'll leave as soon as uh comes okay i think i i'm not sure if i'm gonna play with him why because i might end up streaming for that isn't he coming in like 20 minutes yeah my name is in 20 minutes let's just play for 30 minutes i streamed for like five hours today oh that's good for no reason what the [ __ ] was that can you kill this guy oh what he's the best go i decided no way wait i was free stocks where you were what do you think you were casping is that even caspian uh is it lord luba go no fine i go what the [ __ ] nice i love any second now okay let's go no we don't want to send him in the platform sent him through the platform is going to move from there eventually let's find okay he's going for the rest i agree with him i'm trying to fix my chair here it's not really working okay i'm just not gonna lay back okay what i miss inputted the same thing three times go no i doubt i'm dead okay what the [ __ ] is happening oh no ow that's me i think for the boost oh my goodness yeah i'm gonna do the most random thing ever and it's gonna work okay debate bye-bye i'm alive i'm gonna [ __ ] this guy what i'm actually keeping him now there you go good luck what is happening never mind you are okay it's time go side oh yes i forgot it's gonna work in this guy it's crazy oh wait another one no we'll lose this oh wait wait what is happening oh my god yeah i have a wireless one and uh when it's low battery it just starts beeping and it's so [ __ ] annoying so if i suddenly just don't respond that means my headset died mid-match okay i don't think that's gonna happen though okay yeah i'm just going i don't know what well that was my stuff basically nice nothing hit him i wasn't alive wait what that was good go man wait how is he still alive bro this is too alive it was so necessary okay yeah thank you for this guy kill the code you can do it twice no way kill the [ __ ] code i feel so yo oh i love how the car was just watching it was fascinating it was fat far away did we fail very nice yo okay it's time wait wait look at this look at this ah that's fine we never give up i think it went through it it actually went through it i was gonna ground power as well wait wait wait i got this i got this ah come on i just gotta win you're afraid it's not bad yo i don't know if that's a compliment but yeah thank you i should have said that maybe definitely come on okay so far we're getting [ __ ] oh okay yeah okay okay we're getting up oh my god this guy is so rude he don't have to kill us oh my yeah he's so rude oh my god we need to cancel him take that you saved me oh my god the sidesteps i'm crazy on it but you played like a lot of league right yeah i've heard somebody say that you played more league than brawl is that actually true yes did he go in league nope like them on something all right it's decent i'm like gold but i'm still alive i'm not alone wait this is my last stop no okay good i didn't want to get surprised again where the [ __ ] am i going you okay yeah besides that as you would say okay he's gone he's gone he was too scared i actually checked my watch time on twitch and for some reason foda has uh 160 minutes in my stream that he never said a single word and i wonder what autistic [ __ ] i did when he was in the stream and he's gonna think i'm a dumbass which i am so okay let's go let's go let's win this we have to win this yeah good thing i tried i just didn't see i touched i was on the wall already yeah yo this guy is actually good what the hell all right do we win this this is actually an inspector yep oh my god okay well i have a feeling we are not winning the last match how is he not dead he was wondering the same thing as he killed him yo come on let him do his thing why he restocked here last match was finally damaged okay oh my bad oh i [ __ ] you up really hard i'm too sorry wait you are yeah oh god then i have to run for the outrunning this guy is gonna be an issue oh no don't die i did die are you dead no no i'm fine i'm fine oh that's fine need to not die somehow though oh yeah pretty hard oh no no no no this one above you got this though yeah this is an easy one here i'm going double-sided oh let me pick up the side why are the beeps starting so early it's like at 20 and it's still beeping it can survive another hour like why beep i remember when the legend came out everybody said the charge version would be useless and i actually prefer that over there normal one okay i hate that weapon wait till he has axe disgusting weapon dude oh no the side step oh you are too good at this game clash of titans here who's gonna take it dude no way no you could have silenced it okay good night my guy and goodbye cheddar yeah bye bye [Music] you
Channel: PavelskiBH
Views: 24,352
Rating: 4.967742 out of 5
Keywords: pavelski, pavelskibh, pavelskis, pavel, brawlhalla pro player, brawlhalla, stream, highlights, 0 to death, combo, true combos, twitch highlights, esports, brawl, montage, stream highlights, nerf pavelski, brawlhalla gimps, pavelski gameplay, tournament brawlhalla, brawlhalla top players, brawlhalla best legend, pavelski brawlhalla, brawlhalla new patch, pro, bcx champion, 1v1, brawlhalla ranked 1v1 gameplay, ranked, fait, double fait, scythe, fait 0 to death, scythe 0 to death, ranked 2v2, 2s
Id: 7bVetK-p5VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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