Double Exposure Portrait Effect in Final Cut Pro X [BUILT-IN PLUGINS ONLY]

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there's been hassle here and here in the tutorial only having a look at how we work with a double exposure effect in Final Cut Pro 10 now this is the second of three videos I'm doing on compositing and animation in Final Cut Pro 10 the first one was all about working with green-screen in Final Cut Pro 10 and the last video is going to be working with animation and the stupid Raisins arrow pop plug-in that you can get for Final Cut Pro 10 this particular video is working with all built-in plugins for Final Cut Pro 10 looking at how we work with color and contrast and then use some of the compositing effects to actually create this double exposure so without further ado let's dive in and have a look at how we create this double exposure effect in Final Cut Pro 10 so the first thing we're gonna do is create brand-new timelines and we'll come to a file new and project and we'll call this double exposure demo and we'll leave the resolution 1080 1920 by 1080 and 29.97 and then basically we are going to grab this video of me with my face silhouetted to the background of the snow so this compositing technique uses the brightness and contrast image to basically allow you to composite on something that is lighter than the image itself so basically we're going to increase the contrast here and then once we've done that we're going to add this video inside kind of a silhouette of the head here so I needed a few things here we're going to drop down the audio we don't need the kind of background sound here and just to kind of make this a little bit easier to work with later when we clean up some of the edges we're going to stabilize this video so I'm just going to check my stabilization there and wait for it to stabilize and then basically a lot of the work that we're doing in this video we'll set this to tripod mode so it's kind of nice and static and actually we'll edit out this talking that I'm doing here so we'll just trim this down let it stabilize again okay so now we have this kind of static image and we are going to kind of push the contrast this and then look at how we create a double exposure effect so basically the first thing we do is come to our color effects controls up here and we are going to work the color board in the first instance and basically I want to drop down the brightness of this and then increase the whites and will also drop down the darkness here so basically we are pulling all these levels right down except for those whites which is really going to push the contrast here we'll come to the saturation and then drop down the saturation okay so it's completely black and white image and this is pretty close to what we we need for this effect so basically you can see we have a very kind of black and white image we might also add on a color curves panel here as well where we can also kind of modify the color a bit more precisely with some of these curves and actually really brighten up some of the whites as well so you can see here when we push these levels up we're really getting that almost perfect kind of silhouette there so we're getting rid of all the the kind of grays in the detail so we're gonna leave that like that that's basically the kind of main image we need we will need to clean up some of these edges I'm here a little bit later but we'll look at how we do that afterwards so we'll drag down our video here and I'll trim this down to the same length so I'm going to use alt and the right square bracket to trim this down and then really simply with this layer selected if we come to our video options we're gonna go to where it should say normal for the blend mode and change this to lighten and that will basically lighten up any air is the image that are darker than that kind of foreground image now in this image that we're using there are some quite strong shadows in that image so they're not lighting the jacket because they're not lighter than the image in the background so we might also want to come to this image on the second layers color options as well and come to the exposure and just basically lighten this image up a little bit and that will mean we get a little bit more detail of that image in that double exposure so you can see now when I've made those changes we're basically pulling out some of the information in those trees into this edit so you can see we get these cars running through and then everything else is looking good so what we want to do is kind of remove the trees in the background here and just have the kind of pure image on its own and we're gonna need a solid white layer in the background for that so I'm gonna come to my generators here we'll scroll right down to the generators and come to solids and we're looking for the white generator so I'm gonna drag this to the beginning of my clip and I'll just do shift and Zed again just to bring that up will pull these two clips back to the beginning in the same kind of layer order and now with this background layer I'm gonna make this a bright white so basically with that background layer selected we can come to the top right in our inspector and make it bright white and now on this second layer here we're gonna actually come to our masks option and use the draw math so I'm gonna drag a draw mask onto this layer and I'm gonna zoom in a little bit here to 200% because it's these edges here for the jacket that I really want to kind of focus in on and we can draw around these and this is why we set this to tripod mode so that we could really kind of focus in on some of these edges and not have that I kind of move too much at all really and when we're doing this final masking out obviously if you have a perfect white background and you set this shot up a bit better than I have then you will not have to do this but for this video we didn't get a perfect kind of white outline I don't need to worry about whether edges are already kind of nice and clean I can just move around those and kind of stay further away from the edge and then we'll find that beginning point mask out those little footsteps in the snow as well and if we now go to fit now you can see we have this nice kind of perfect white double exposure now there is another step that we can do in this so I'm gonna hold down the Alt key and just drag this up I'm gonna come to the inspector here and I'm gonna take off the color curves but I'm going to leave the color board there and I'm gonna come in to that effect and just come into the saturation I'm gonna dial the saturation back up to put on the back pull back in a bit of that color and I'm just gonna lift up some of those mid-tones and drop down the whites a little bit just so we're getting a bit of the detail of that face in there so we want to keep the whites nice and white sort of brighten this up and what we can do here is a couple of things so the first thing is if we now come into our blend modes here we can use these blend modes to kind of darken or multiply with the background as well or we can just drop down the opacity and we'll get a little bit of those facial features within that mask as well we've still got the stabilization on here but we can blend these in as well so if I use a shape mask on this top layer I'm just gonna make this more of an ellipse then we can basically kind of do a nice blend where we're just dropping in and so using the shape mask and the mixture of the shape mask and a little bit of opacity we're just dropping back in some of those facial features so we get that mix of the double exposure effect but then some of that original color and detail the face back in that image as well so you can see we've got a real nice level of control once we start to stack these layers up and when we're creating a double exposure effect like this so as mentioned before this is the second of kind of three-part series and in the next video we're gonna have a look at how we animate these images with transparency or where we've composited different layers together and then animate on some arrows I'm using the arrow pop plugin from FX Factory and stupid raisins in this video so do click on the next video and watch that one I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful for creating the double exposure effect if you have any questions then leave them in the comments below and let's dive into the next tutorial
Channel: Ben Halsall: Final Cut Pro X & Adobe Tutorials
Views: 4,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Cut Pro X
Id: 1sMD_1F0K-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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