Dottie Rambo - The Holy HIlls Of Heaven Call Me (Dottie tells the story behind the song)

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but the first time I ever witnessed an angel I don't think I've ever have never told this on TV in but I was having some problem with sugar and I was about what 89 pounds or so and my feet were all infected and I was having to stop along the road and the big old bus was traveling in and get hotel rooms to soak the seat medicate them and it was really quite awesome and I don't know if I've ever told this before or not but I was going to have to come off the road that was really my house was that bad and we were living in our first house in Nashville and about 4:00 in the morning we had closed all the doors and windows and Buck was asleep and I couldn't figure it out the wind started blowing through my room and I thought well I'll get up and I closed the window a door or whatever is open god nothing was open I walked to the window that overlooked our backyard I looked out the gas lights were burning and I had this wonderful breezes to pass me again and I could hardly see I was losing my sight and I could hardly walk and could not hard to keep my food down and it was it was really quite awesome I blinked my eyes Jan and when I blinked my eyes are open to look at my backyard again the backyard wasn't there there was an outline of a holy city and I said oh my this is wonderful but I was felt like my feet was being lifted off the off of the carpet and all of a sudden that breeze started stronger than ever I turned to my right and this not an angel but the wing from the shoulder down was gothic and it swept past my face the wings the the feathers next to the shoulder was so huge and long I couldn't measure them but the tips of the wing when it would pass my face was so tiny I couldn't measure those and I said oh my the Lord's come to take me home and he loved me so much she sent an angel to get me and the rest of the outline of the anger was just like kind of cloudy you know but I knew it was Gossie because of the angel wing of you were dying then Oh surely because my health was too bad and I just I was ready you know and I wasn't frightened or anything and I wasn't sad but I said oh you've sent an angel to get me and I said it's just like a woman I said Lord wait a minute please just a minute I want to wait buck up and tell him I'm leaving see we exit and enter you come in with such gray you know you would want to leave in accident you just out of this world you know how we are a lot of smoke too means that Oh No I didn't I didn't come to get you I came to heal you well he'd sent a ministering angel of health to me and right there like an instant and sent to the snap of the fingers my eyesight started coming back in clear vision I felt my body being lifted up I felt me literally being lifted and right there the Lord instantly healed me and they spoke again they said not only did I come to heal you but I came to give you the holy Hills of heaven called me standing right there in my crack that only song that you like so much I wrote without a guitar or anything right there [Music] the holy shield Oh Kevin call me the man to fly across [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] girl [Music] I love dorm head over yonder six years all gone and there are the fall [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dottie Rambo Fans
Views: 35,380
Rating: 4.8728604 out of 5
Id: 7NPTLnupcUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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