Dostoyevsky on Russia. Peter Ustinov: Достоевский о России.
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Channel: Active Accents
Views: 181,098
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Keywords: fedor dostoevsky, olegar fedoro, peter ustinov, crime and punishment, jesús cristo, jesus christ, criminalnaya russia, достоевский, коррупция, corruption, gambler, fiódor, fyodor dostoyevsky, russian dialect coach, хотиненко, владимир, путин, евгений миронов, питер устинов, oscars 2013, bafta, baftas, Жерар Депардьё, Raspoutine Gérard Depardieu, Rasputin, фильм Распутин, Димитрий Цорионов, Энтео
Id: 7J2tMuQgNjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 03 2008
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Everything matters, but nothing matters also. And I’m going to keep saying that really angrily until I cry.
Truly hilarious. Enjoyed every second of it, happily reminded me of a conversation I had once while dinner drunk with an old friend who was a second generation Russian immigrant. Fella, by his own admission, was just transfixed by how difficult he had made his life and relationships, and we laughed about it for hours.