Do's and Don'ts of Airport Outfits | What to Wear on a Long Flight | Travel Outfit | Airport Outfit

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right before a big long trip I like to think not only what I'm going to wear once I get there but what am I going to wear along the way I definitely had some good outfits and some bad outfits and so today I have some dos and don'ts of airport outfits so that you don't make the mistakes I have in the past hello and welcome my name is Abby I give and showcase tons of Amazon fashion and I also give out lots of style tips My Hope for for today's video is that you get some sort of idea some sort of just confidence out of what you'll be wearing for your next flight so that you will not only be comfortable but also look good at the same time everything from today's video will be linked Down Below in the description box you can also shop any one of my videos in the link in my bio on my YouTube profile so when it comes to dressing for the airport there are a lot of different reasons that people are going a lot of different places for the purpose of this video today I'm going to be talking about if you are going on a really long flight maybe over four or 5 hours where you just want to be comfortable so let's kick off the first of the dos and don'ts with pants have you ever been sitting in one place for a really long time and in a pair of pants that are just really uncomfortable well for the first don't today the pants it's all about the comfort in terms of the pants I would avoid something that is non stretch so for instance a pair of really stiff jeans a non-stretch pair of jeans is a no because they're just uncomfortable I mean think about it the the button can dig into your stomach and especially if you're wearing high-waisted pants I mean they just over time just don't get very comfortable and especially when you go and you stand up I feel like sometimes they stretch out no bueno so for me a pair of non-stretch or uncom able pair of pants is a know so of course the obvious answer to the non-stretch or uncomfortable pair of pants are a pair of really comfortable pants so for the dues we have a really nice comfortable pair of pants and there are so many options out there for me when I'm going on a really long flight I like to do pair of joggers a pair of leggings or if you have a really nice comfy two-piece set that you can really you know mix and match or wear you know together I think there's a lot of different options here don't discount them not looking Chic because you can really make a pair of either joggers or leggings look really good one of my favorite tricks is to throw a third layer piece on top whether it be a trench coat Blazer or wool coat and that's going to instantly elevate your outfit so that when you're walking through the airport you'll look nice and Polished but then once you get on the plane you can simply just take it off and like truly like go to bed if you really want to the next do and don't is about shoes so have you ever been in an airport where you feel like you are truly walking for days and that you are never going to reach your gate well that has definitely been a reality for me connecting flights as well I have been on flights where I have probably like 30 minutes in between one flight to another and people are still deboarding the plane leaving me having to actually run gate togate across the airport so this is where shoes come into play the first don't is don't wear uncomfortable shoes for me that's going to be heels also ankle strap type of sandals or any sort of shoe that you have to literally like unbuckle and get off or going to be open toad shoes as well obviously when you're at security you want to make sure that you can easily slip on and off your shoes obviously staying away from those ankle strap sandals is going to be key the Open Toe as well you never know what is going to fall on your feet or you know what sort of bag is going to bump into it and it's just going to be uncomfortable also making sure that you have something that is truly comfortable so that when you run or if you have to run from one connecting blight to another that you can really pick up and go and you don't have to worry about losing a shoe the obvious answer to this solution is to pick a pair of comfortable shoes not necessarily ones that you're going to have to run five miles in or play a game of basketball in but at the same time if you do have to run from connecting flight to connecting flight they're still going to be comfortable for me I really like a pair of just neutral sneakers that can really dress an out it up or dress it down so that way once you get to your destination you can still wear those sneakers throughout your trip the last dos and don'ts for today is going to be dress for the journey and not necessarily the destination because have you ever been on a flight where maybe you're going to the beach and you want to wear a tank top a pair of shorts and some sandals then once you actually get on the airplane you're like oh my God I am so cold the entire time this is that situation that you definitely should try to avoid instead of wearing only that tank top those shorts and a pair of sandals I would try to be strategic with your clothes do focus on some lightweight layers lightweight layers are a great example of how you can actually take that airport outfit and transform it into something that's going to make sense for your destination say for instance you were going to the beach and you still want to be in a tank top and some sandals once you get there you can still do that what I would do is just take a two-piece set throw on a tank top underneath it and then throw some sandals in my carry-on so that once you get to your actual destination you can take off that third layer piece maybe tie it around your waist swap out your sneakers with some sandals they're all on a pair of sunglasses and you can still be Chic and cute at the same time for your arrival there you have it there are your three dos and don'ts of airport outfits now if you are looking for some more airport outfit inspiration all looking cute and comfortable at the same time I have a ton linked Below in the description box thank you so much for watching today
Channel: Sisters Guide To Style
Views: 13,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o4vurDiF25Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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