Doomscrolling, Sitting Jeans, & Casual Posting | Sadie, Bella, Mary Kate, Rebecca, & Abby

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what's up sisters and friends happy Monday everybody I hope you're having a great start to the week I hope this is a great start to your week today I have all of my sisters on the podcast which is so much fun we've actually never gotten to do this before we have Abby all the way from Texas let's go we have be we have Mary Kate we have Rebecca y'all kept saying bring your sisters back I said why don't you do yall one even better I'll bring them all back and I'm so excited we have been laughing already though because we've been talking about this problem we share when we're together and that is the obsessive use of the word like it is a real struggle and Bella Rebecca and I were made aware by our problem by all of your lovely comments from our last podcast and so here's the thing we have prayed we have prayed that the Holy Spirit would Empower us to not use those words Bella's even told us that it's a lack of intelligence that we use this word so often that's not exactly what I said but I'm glad we're getting this out here so that everybody knows if we say it we feel bad about it and we don't you we don't need you to keep telling us like we know don't remind us please don't comment that we say like cuz we know Bella said it's a lack of intelligent to use filler words like like and and that is a very and um that's a like a 30 minute video taking out of context that's not like the whole I mean it's a whole video but it's not it's that's a very like brief way of saying what he said there was a lot more grace involved a lot not saying he said if you say like you're stupid that's not what he yeah but then Rebecca got on defense and Rebecca said um talking is not the way that you can tell someone's intelligence not the only way not the only way words so then we got to thinking well is talking actually the way that you do share your intelligence because that is kind of how you express what is happening in your mind so we were having all kinds of deep convos okay we already had to cut cuz we already started laughing so hard and here's the thing I said this on the podcast I just interviewed Laney and I said lady you're one of the hardest people for me to interview because you're one of my best friends and interviewing your best friends or your sisters is extremely hard to stay on track and it's all of you are listening into a conversation that we're having and when you think about lack of intelligence the times that you're going to be the least intelligent and the most relaxed in the way you talk are with your sisters which is the beauty of Sisterhood and this whole podcast sisters and friends we created it for it to feel more real because Sisterhood is the most real relationship you laugh so hard that you cry you cry so hard that you laugh this is just the most honest relationship you're going to have with someone and so we might say like a time or two we might say dumb things we might start laughing for no reason and that's just what Sisterhood is um but I really am so excited to have them on the podcast today and we're going to kind of actually answer some of your DMs that you guys have sent in but before we get to some of your DMs because we're in the month of February I was like you know we always have conversations about New Year's resolutions in January but it might be actually more fun to talk about them in February because it's like did we stick to them how are we doing in them is it something that's attainable all the things so Abby you us off what were your New Year's resolutions did you have a word for the year what's going well what's not going great so I kind of went more with like ins and outs of 2023 and 2024 um and then I chose a word for the year the word is more uh more of everything more of more peace more patience um more spending time in God's word and I have all of like my prayers listed out but um ins and outs I actually want to read them cuz I can't think of them all off the top of my head and I had a longer list but I left in my office so I'm mourning that so when you first said it I was like ins and outs but I forgot that's the trend right yeah what's in and what's out I like that that's good so outs washing my hair every day these are just like attainable ones like out I got to stop washing my hair every day yes it's like a thing with curly hair you have to wash it very often but I'm there's supposed to be a way that you can train your hair to like not get as greasy as quick so I'm going to try to I'm trying to do that today is day two and I'm not having a good time stay strong oh gosh okay slick B hair is in right now so that's true but also I have a really big head so so I can't do slick back as well as everybody else can I don't don't I do have a big head let Bella do it for you let's see we'll see hey you did your hair like mine at the beach in North Carolina and you'll do my sleep okay um sleeping in past 10 skipping my night my skin care nighttime routine cuz sometimes I just skip it and I'll just put like moisturizer on and anyways um no more than one coffee a day which is a hard one that's hard but I've been pretty good about it lately I haven't had any more than one that I know of um energy drinks Doom SC scrolling fomo Doom scrolling Doom scrolling you don't know what Doom scrolling like just scrolling mindlessly like there's just no lingo for it just I just can't spend hours on my phone anym that's good I like that new Abby I need to talk to you more yes it's very educational fomo I'm so bad at having fomo I want to be everywhere at one time and I just like speaking of lingo have you all heard of Joo no the missing out it's like people who don't like to go to things it's like no I got Joo like when I don't have to go to something I've got thead do you have Mo sometimes I do I didn't do I I've never struggled witho but I I I don't struggle with Flo you are a Joo girl I am I really am I don't really strugg you're content with that I'm just content where I'm at walk in that confidence girl I love it that's good I need a little bit more of jooo um buying more this was one of your mom's last year New Year resolutions I think um buying more product like whatever hair makeup skin when I haven't finished the last one that's good so I did it last year and I kind of noticed the difference but this year I'm going to be like full seriously not even like stocking up that's good before I buy anyways wait so don't buy it like if you have blush don't buy new blush till you're actually done with the last one mom literally texted me on like December 28th this year and was like send me all your recommendations I can finally buy stuff again literally I was yeah she did and I actually told Christian the same thing cuz I was like I'm not gonna buy um I'm just not I'm for the month of January I'm not going to buy anything I don't need and so I haven't been buying anything I don't need except for I keep adding things to my car I'm waiting till February and I'm like that is so dumb that is not the point that is not so true time until February to decide if you really need it that it actually does though because I know I'm not going to buy all these things but I'm like I'm just waiting and thinking about it a little bit longer so it actually is good but I I have learned that I did need this lesson and maybe I should I always wait too long and then it's like empty for a lot and then I never have time to go back I I'm like out of foundation I'm out of like literally I've been using like ey Shadow for everything because like that's the only makeup ey Shadow for everything ey Shadow for what for my like brows my like eyeliner for my like everything like just like using like the same palette for everything she's using brown as her foundation iuse her bronzer a little darker I well I do have the stick but I use like the little kind of like the pot like whatever like for like blood blush but I use that on my you know like cheeks and lips like I don't you know have anything else like so I have like that's impressive three items really I use for makeup that impr wow that's actually very impressive and I just like run out of time to go get some and then I'm like having had time to go get them I'm just kind of on the last you know that's a different problem okay now to end sitting jeans I have fallen victim to only wearing the tightest jeans sting sitting jeans stand up jeans like there's jeans you wear that's like this is my problem stand in them I try to wear both sitting is not comfortable comfortable and then there's sitting jeans it's like jeans you can sit and you can stand in comfortably only wear sitting jeans when you know you're wait do you hold on do you only wear your standing jeans when you know you're not going to be places you're going to have to sit often no you just wear them anytime and then it ends up hurting your stomach cuz you've been sitting in them for too long I have never never heard of that surely you have a pair of jeans that are too tight every time you sit down you're like why do I wear these like just yeah I'm literally already took them all to yeah me too wow um going to bed early taking my lunch to work I go out way too much just quick and easy for lunch um reading more more water um casual posting cuz I've been I don't know it's just been a whole thing cooking at home casual posting I love these terms scrolling term I feel like that's just like Doom squiring Cas casually and sitting sing jeans yeah y'all I love learning I love growing it's part of the reason I love doing this podcast is because I get to learn and grow from so many people who are so wise and it's not only important but super beneficial for us to grow and learn in our every everyday lives that can look a lot different for everybody and in different seasons but Audible has you covered to learn and grow every day whether you're looking to improve your physical mental spiritual or Financial Health so with thousands of titles an audible membership offers a rich variety of content including bestsellers new releases and exclusive Originals on all the things you can listen to more of what you already love and discover so many things that maybe you haven't even tried yet um you'll find stories that motivate you and voices that inspire you to dream bigger than ever audible even offers soothing sounds uh to help you focus recharge and reduce stress plus audible members get to pick and keep one title from the entire catalog each month which is so awesome especially if you love listening to things this is such a huge win and with the app you can listen anytime anywhere whatever works for you and you can have all your favorite content in one place Audible has some great health and wellness options for me um this is something that is different for me to start listening to but audible like I said you can listen to what you love and try new things you can listen to so many wise people like Jordan B Peterson my mom talks about him all the time always tells me to listen to his things like 12 rules for life so excited to dive into that or like I've recommended several times on this podcast Dr aan all of his titles are there so go listen to change Your Brain Change Your Life by Dr aan today go ahead and try this now new members can try audible now for free for 30 days just visit wo or text wo w h a to 500500 so simple that's audible /wo or text wo to 500 500 to try Audible for free for 30 [Music] days okay this is the last to being more body confident and then I've been doing at home Nails this year oh I haven't G to nail at all yes I've been doing dip on my nails and they they've been pretty you did at home yeah really good so good impressed that was so okay I I'm asking for myself and for everyone listening you should share your ins and outs because that was like that honestly sounded like something you would find on Pinterest like all of the even the verbs and terms you use was so good I love that so prepared so prepared I don't need to follow that are active things though that I'm trying to like be better at they're attainable yeah they're practical and there's like some deeper ones in there that you know you can work towards but all the other practical ones get you there too that was really good thanks for sharing all right B okay totally different direction right after AB um which I didn't really realize that this is what we were talking about but it actually works out kind of because I was writing about this the other night and so everybody knows I've been off socials off my social game lately in in a good way I just have not been posting not sharing but I've been like writing a lot more and like writing things that like maybe I'll share one day maybe I won't I don't know but like just writing and I haven't felt like compelled to post what I've been writing yet even though used to I would have written this and just like posted it that day but I've just been like thinking on my like Words more and like really like not just I don't know it's like that's the whole thing of like casual posting like I just feel like posting has become such a stressor in my life and I'm like I just don't want to do it and so I'm just like anyways I've been writing things I may post may not I don't know anyway yeah it's kind of the same thing as putting things in your cart and just holding it there thinking about it a little bit longer I think it's like I've kind of come to realize that like not every single thing that I think I have to share on social media and I think used to I was like oh if I think of something like that like sounds like profound and like that people would resonate with I should post it you know but it's like some things you should just keep to yourself because that's you know because it's personal you know and it's like the more you share the more the less like special your words get sometimes I feel like for me so it's like I really need to just like go back and like start writing again like I used to that don't have to share everything and even like thoughts about like writing a new book I'm like if I write a new book like I can't write a new book if I post every single thing I write you know it's like if I post every single thought I have then what's a new book going to be you know I really need to just like go back and start start you know kind of doing that on my own anyway so I was writing about 2023 and I feel like I've realized that in my life like I'm not a good like look forward and like do a word for this upcoming year like I really am a good reflector and like a word for last year is like always like at the end of the year I always like to like write down like kind of like a bow on the year like this is what this year was for me and like if I look back and think about that year I'm going to think that that was this year for me you know that's cool I like that I really like the idea of going back and reflecting cuz I think sometimes I can I just go on to the next year and then I don't look back and then you look back later and you're like wow so much happened and and I think I was actually telling someone this other day it's because like the holidays are so busy and so crazy and then for us we go straight into passion and so we don't have like a holiday break and then we come right back from Passion on the weekend and start back work Monday so we don't have I haven't created that space in my SCH to just pause and reflect where I think the holidays for a lot of people are busy but then you have that one week before you like go back to school you go back to work and I haven't had that in my schedule so I haven't been intentional about scheduling in a time to like pause say goodbye to this year say hello to the next year because even New Year's we don't really do anything big for because I'm focusing on the conference and what I'm going to speak about and all those things and I was just telling Christian next year I want to be intentional about setting aside time whether that's after you know New Year's or what that looks like After Passion just having a week to just reflect and think and like you said kind of put a bow on the past year so I really I really like that which I think too it's like a lot of times it's just certain people's like nature and just like the way that they like think about their lives and I feel like if you've read my book or like read anything that I've ever written it's always like reflective like that's just the way that my brain thinks like I like to reflect on things and I like to think about how I could do things better and so anyways I also was kind of inspired I was getting my hair done and our hairdresser was like so do you have a New Year's resolution or like a word for you this year I was like no I do not do that I was like I don't do words for the year but then I started thinking like kind of what this upcoming year I started really reflecting on last year and I feel like 2023 was very like formative for me like I feel like that's the word I would use like I feel like 2023 was like a year that I just like matured and grew in like a million different ways and like very slowly like I feel like it wasn't like there was something that changed me it was just like throughout the year slowly but surely like I just grew up and like was like my whole mind was like formed and matured in a whole new way that I feel like it wasn't one big thing that just like changed my year first of all I love what you said I can see that it was very formative in your life the second thing is I think your mind working like that is actually really cool and very cool to point out because my mind does not work like that I'm so Vision focused and Forward Thinking where I have a really hard time reflecting because that takes like being still and thinking a little bit deeper and more whereas I'm like What's Next what's the future where are we going what's today getting me how's it getting me to tomorrow all the things but it is so special to back and I think having two kids now has really um encouraged me to look back and really focus us on the days that I have because I'm realizing how fast it goes and I'm like wow Honey's 2 and 1 half years old like Haven is 8 months old this is crazy it's happening so fast I want to treasure those memories and so I need to look back and so I love that you said that but you also mentioned do you have a word for this year did you do this yeah so after my hairdresser like mentioned that to me I was thinking I guess like my word for the new year would be like perspectives like I feel like I'm trying to have a new perspective on everything that last year like if last year something looked hard I'm trying to look at it in this new year as a challenge or like if it looked last year like it was sad this year I'm going to look at it as hope and like I'm trying to have a new perspective on all the things that last year I may have like thought of negatively and think positively about things I love that let's go you have any resolution or challenges to yourself I think I want to slowly get back into like posting in a Cas posting way I want to post that's the thing is I do think I want to post but I just like every time I go to post I can't do it I'm just like I can't I don't want to like I I want to and then I get there I'm like well I think also just go back to what you were talking about how you such a deep thinker and everything is that you're thinking about what is the consequences if I post is what is the reaction you're getting and all that but like you almost just have to like throw it away and just like do Post what makes you happy you feel good about it you don't care about what other people are going to say about it you know that's casual posting and it's like I I know I really don't want to like get all back into that world I don't want to be back how I used to be where that's all I did all day every day I don't want that and I just have realize that's just not what I want to do with my life but I do want to not have like anxiety about it and I don't want to have like fear surrounding posting or or stress about it like I don't want it to be a stressful thing I want it to just be casual and I really do enjoy your post so like we want more from be not that I don't know what's going on your life already but I just you know I do enjoy seeing you just like be like artistic and showing your like talent and stuff on there I love when you casually Post Yeah well you think like well why am I stressing so much thinking this no one really cares and then you get messages of people that you're like well dang people care more than I thought they care you know so it's kind of like a catch 22 cuz it's like you want to believe that no one really cares and that you can post and like I want to think like no one's looking at me no one's thinking about me and then I get messages I'm like people are thinking about me more than I think about me why are you thinking about all this stuff about my life and I was going to say for those who are listening who are like why is it so hard to post why you feel so anxious when you have that much feedback whether it's praise or criticism it is very hard to navigate that the just the feedback and the the praise and the criticism either too much of either is not good and also just having so many voices in your life who with the best intention y'all you know about us but at the end of the day you have to realize you don't know us you know our full heart our life our days our ins and outs are 24 hours in a day um and we experience that every single day and a post is but a second you know it's a glimpse into a life and so there's so much behind people's life that you you don't understand just like we you know made a quote from a 30 minute talk and you got a snapshot of what the whole talk was like but you can't criticize or even speak too much either way into that quote because you don't understand the context of the whole talk it's the same thing with people's lives and so sometimes you make such a um a sharp comment back to something that you have little understanding for the full picture um and so that can just be hard to navigate friends taking care of your health isn't always easy but it should at least be simple I'm all about simple and that's why for the last several years I've been drinking ag1 each day just one scoop mix some water once a day every day and it makes me feel so energized and focused so great it's a total GameChanger that's because each serving of aging1 delivers my daily dose of vitamins minerals pre and probiotics and more it's a powerful healthy habit that's also so simple ag1 is the easiest thing that you can do for your health in under a minute it's so easy you just drop one scoop and some cold water shake it up and it's great and if I'm running late I just grab a travel pack with me on the go I'm a big fan of the travel packs I am not such a big fan of taking a bunch of pills every day so it's so great that ag1 offers an all-in-one solution with ag1 I know I'm covering all my nutritional bases with support for my brain my gut and immune system because it's packed with all the different vitamins probiotics and nutrients that my body needs um so Christian actually decided to try ag1 first and honestly wasn't really sure about it I didn't think it was for me Christian works out a lot he's really into that kind of stuff but then whenever I realized that it's actually just for every day and it's not just for people who work out all the time and it's a great way to stay healthy it's a simple way to add to a routine and just keep my vitamins up I was like wow I should try that it actually tastes really good so I was immediately impressed with that and just how great I felt Christian and I are always talking about how much we love ag1 You' have heard us talk about it and that's because it really has made a difference in our health and now um a lot of our friends and family are drinking it too which is so fun so if there's one product that I had to recommend to elevate your health that would be ag1 and that is why I've been partners with them for so long so if you want to take ownership of your health start with ag1 try ag1 and get a free one-year supply of vitamin D3 plus K2 and for a limited time you'll get 10 free ag1 travel packs yes that's 10 travel packs with your first purchase at drink slwo that's drink slwo check it out while this offer lasts and it's hard cuz it's not really all the negative comments it's it can be a million different things it could be the questions it can be the like hundreds of messages of like why don't you do this yet why why don't you have kids yet why don't you want to why don't why do you live where there why do you not do this and it's like when it's one comment you think it's one but if you're commenting it you're like oh this is sweet I'm commenting like why why don't you have kids yet can you tell me that but it's like when you look at my messages and it's hundreds of messages of the same question it's like that's when it gets to be a lot you know it's so true I mean I've shared with y'all I was like I love that honey looks like Christian because she's so sinking cute looking like her daddy but when that was the only comment I got on every picture I posted of honey and it was thousands upon thousands of comments that she looks nothing like me and just like your D it's like that's true that's she's so cute yes but why do you only have to say she looks like her dad and I'm getting so many of that that I didn't even want to post pictures anymore cuz it felt like if that's the only thing people are going to say then and you're missing like the picture that I'm trying to post you know and and if it was one person it's like of course that person's not meaning any harmed by it but if you were to look at our DMS and our messages and our question boxes and see how many we get of the same questions that can be you know it can be like personal questions or all this different stuff you know it's just I don't know can be a lot I was going to say a lot of the time thankfully I don't get a whole lot of criticism but it's like oh I love how you posted this I want to see more of this and it's like okay well what if I don't want to post that every day you know so it's like a lot of that it's not really just criticism it's hard to if you're a person who doesn't want to share all the things because I have friends who like get hundreds of questions with the same as mine but they're fine to answer that and they want to answer that and they want to share that but I'm like I don't I don't want to share everything like I don't want to post all I don't want to answer all these questions but some people like Rebecca normally will tell anything like if someone ask her she doesn't mind answering and she posts every day and that's comfortable for her and she likes that but I just don't oh I ignore tons of yeah it's also like where you're at and it's not it's not so much the people commenting that's the problem like you said there's no harm in asking the question it's that when there's something that's going on in your life privately that people don't know any better to not speak into or to ask a question or to say something or there's an insecurity that people keep poking at they don't mean to poke at it but they are poking at it then you have to put up your own boundaries with social media and say okay I'm not in the place to to get these questions I'm not in the place to get this feedback I'm not in the place to get the praise the criticism the questions any of it I really need to just like have a moment of time where I'm just getting the feedback of people who know me love me people are who are asking me the questions that they're asking me actually know the context of where I'm at in my life and so it's really not as much like a social media problem as much as it just a personal like boundary that you have to create and take the time that it requires to get well before you allow yourself to be in front of so many eyes yeah and it's not a bad thing like I'm not saying this is like I mean all the people who follow me I appreciate everybody who comments like things and all that kind of stuff it's not that it's just in myself I've been just like battling all of it and it's good that you recognize that you know I feel like you know I I think my personality it's like I do like I can look past thing like I don't get mad about like things like I'm easily like they said this I just delete it or you know like and cuz like genre gets so offensive like so bad and like I'm just like you don't need to like respond to those negative comment because who cares like there's the people we don't know and if they're spending time doing that kind of stuff like they have nothing else better to do you know so it's like don't care about them just you know I'm only posting for people that I know it's like have positive impact and you know I'm actually you know sharing things and helping people I feel like they are you know on the same page and just for those listening to that is one of the most encouraging things ever when you get comments that are like you know I love what you said here this was really helpful oh having the scissors on it so fun like those just like positive feedback encouragement means so much because sometimes it is weird to sit in this room and do a podcast and then I see the number of people listening but I don't know what you think like I don't like I want to see your comments we want to see the messages um actually a lot of what we were going to talk about today that I have here are from DMS that y'all have sent and so there is such a beauty to that too there's a beautiful side to that I think ultimately yes our personal boundaries have to we have to be responsible for where we're at and if we're if we're not able to casually post or not stay away from Doom scrolling then we have to take the time we need to get off social media that's why I was off social media for eight months of last year because I was kind of where Bella was at where I was like I just can't do it right now you know I don't need it right now I I I have to just get healthy in my own my own space but uh I love that that's a great point you know if if you're in that space Stay on and thrive in it you know and then if you're not get healthy then come back all right Mary K tell us about your year any any um word goals aspirations challenges all the things well when Abby was reading her list I was very impressed by it because I was like man I wish I would have thought like a little bit more um about you know just writing everything down this year but I really feel like I was just sitting here thinking about it and I mean I have like the typical of like read more and exercise more um but as I was sitting here like just kind of dawned on me like I feel like this year thinking about the upcoming year and I've thought I have thought about it I just don't have like my whole like list yeah but it just hit me that like I really like this is the first year that every that I can think of really is just for like my kids oh that's cool because like it's not like I'm just setting I think just realizing like John Shepard is four like Ella is two and a half like he's getting to the age two where like he's going to remember things you know what I mean like and just I feel like looking at this year it was kind of like okay what am I wanting for them like what good things do I want to set up for them in their lives this year and um so I feel like some of that was just like good habit building like in our family that's cool um and like last year like I was doing my Bible recap and then we moved um and really a lot of of all sorts of events and like I had some at the end of my pregnancy was just having some issues and all these things kind of led me to getting off of that and this year I was like okay I want my kids like I want to be in the word every day but I also want to make sure my kids are seeing me that's cool and it and just in that kind of sense of like where I know this is going to benefit me but I also know like I want to do this to benefit them too and so even that and like we're doing like just good habits of like we go from that to then like breakfast and like over breakfast is when we do our devotion like with the kids that's cool and so it's just interesting I feel like now realizing my life and my my habits don't just affect me anymore they affect our whole family and I think especially as women like whether you have kids or you don't have kids like you like when you're married you're the heart of your home yeah and realizing like really the whole tone and mood of my home comes like from me you know and like I'm like I'm who my husband's coming home to every day you know and like he can come home to someone yeah who's and also realizing like how I set my day affects the person I am yeah which affects which is the mom that my kids have yeah and the wife that my husband has you know what I mean true so I feel like this year it's just been like okay what good habits can we set to benefit like our whole family so good I love that that's so true and just the responsibility as a mom and thinking about I love how you said not even just a mom but your spouse or even in your friendships like who you are affects so many people around you and that's like the gift of being a healthy person you give it to everyone around you they get to experience a healthy friend a healthy mom a healthy wife and all those different [Music] things yo I don't know if I should say this maybe I should knock on wood this is too soon but I have not had the flu this season or Co or any of the big dogs which is shocking for me because I am typically the person that gets them but I have been staying on it I have been you know trying to stay healthy doing all the things I've been drinking my element every day I got my packs right here staying hydrated staying healthy whether you're exercising or recovering from illness or whatever it is or trying to avoid it element has got you covered with everything your body needs and nothing it doesn't it's a tasty drink mix that delivers a meaningful dose of electrolytes in every pack and if you follow me then you know that I love quality stuff like this and safety in the products that I choose so and pump the element doesn't include any sugars artificial coloring or any Shady ingredients uh since it's formulated to help anyone and everyone with their electrolyte needs it's even suited for people who follow keto low carb and paleo diets electrolytes are responsible for hundreds of super important functions in the body and when we sweat we lose electrolytes which is why we need to replenish them if we don't replenish them then we suffer from things like muscle cramps fatigue headaches and more thankfully element can help prevent all of those things and I personally have experienced that I have bad muscle cramps so whenever I drink element I do not have them and it is amazing um headaches too I mean it just keeps you so hydrated I'm not very good at just drinking water on its own but whenever I have my element I love it also you could do it hot or cold so I prefer cold element I like raspberry and water melon flavors but they also have hot ones like chocolate mint chocolate chai chocolate raspberry it's a whole chocolate um Arrangement and it's it's really good you can drink it hot if you want to and you know enjoy it for the winter element is used by tons of people like uh professional and Olympic athletes you have special forces team exercise enthusiasts and everyday people like me and my sister who just love our element so right now element is offering a free sample pack with any purchase that's eight single serving packets free with any element order this is a great way to try all eight flavors and share element with salty friend and I will say this is such a good thing because my sister loves element too but she only tried one so she was like stie What's your deal and I said oh it's eight free You Know sample packs and she was like oh okay well that's good because then I can try it and she actually our favorites were different she ended up liking the orange and the Citrus and I prefer the watermelon raspberry so it's good to try all of them and see what you like you can get yours at drink slwo this deal is only available through my link so you got to go to drink element d r i n k l m /wo element offers no question asked refund so try it totally risk-free if you don't like it share it with a salty friend and they'll give you your money back no questions asked you really have nothing to [Music] lose it's so funny you said that because I was thinking that the other day because a lot of times because what I do I'm preaching and different things like I'm studying the Bible here at the office and not really at home as much or if I do it'll be before the kids wake up but the other night I was reading um a night where honey and Christian were just kind of running around and honey came over and she's like what you doing and then she's like is that your Bible because she has a little uh princess book that she calls her Bible and she like carries she's like where's my Bible where's my Bible and um she was like ask me what I was doing and I said do you want to preach and she was like yeah I want to preach and so she stood beside me and I like pulling out verses and I was like can you say John she's like John like 36 316 and she was preaching it to Christian and it was so cute and I was like I need to do this with her more you know like you're so right like the things we're doing for ourselves like doing for our kids with our kids and like training them up in that um because we always think this like you're like oh I wish I learned scripture more when you were younger you know you wish you like paid attention more in school you wish you did all that but to make it something in the home that's fun that they see you like you value and you use in your life that you really believe and you really want to speak over them so cool to see them in return like act that out you know it's awesome that's such a good point I love that Becca what you what do you think about this year well it's so funny cuz I you know I just started thinking about the words because I don't usually do like the new word of the Year either and so I was thinking and I came out with this word and it's kind of like a little opposite than what Mary K just said but it's not like I'll just say the word and you're understand why I say it's opposite but my word is a priority but to me is like kind of like putting myself and my relationship with my husband as priority this year just because like I feel like in the past I've always put like our kids like so in the front of like you know especially y'all know Holland she just turned two she was like so hard and so I have basically been like just putting like everything on our kids like everything like I had a clothing line but then I couldn't do it because she was just so hard and just like feeding her till she was two and just like everything is always surrounded by their schedule everything so I really felt like this year I want to like put myself and just like taking care of myself and like do things I want to do and just kind of like getting back to like some of my old like you know things I want to do and just kind of like back to designing and like you know spending a little bit more time maybe like wash my hair a little bit more often and taking shower bath you're the opposite of that cuz how many days do you go without washing your hair seven like a week and I know it's a little dirty right now um but but like just even like being able to take a bath like by myself like I literally like every time I go in the bathroom my kids follow me and like you know but it just cuz that's just the way they are but like it's like funny cuz if someone's watching this they would be like oh but we're all like yes yes okay and I'm not like you know I'm not the type of person like okay put myself first no it's not like the the worldly like I'm going to put myself first like you really do do everything for your kids I feel like really haven't done anything and you haven't left Holland I've never left her overnight till literally recently like I ring her off like you know so I left her one night and it was amazing and I just felt like just like putting that also like to like spend time with my husband instead of like my the father of my our children you know cuz it just like it was so good just like we went out and we found this like super cool like little like Speak Easy place and they have uh explosion kittens explosion Kitt kittens the and we were playing that and it was like I we have not played game like together like it was just like so fun just getting back to that moment like you know and so not saying like complete opposite but I'm just saying like but what's so cool as sisters I look at Mary gate and I'm like like that is amazing what I see for her family like the way that she's stepping into that and I remember a couple years ago when you started prioritizing date night each week and like you've been in that place and now you're in that place and it's like like it's so cool to see because things like just like Bella for social media that was me last year now this year I'm like on it and so it's so cool and we all have different things that we need to work on and like they may oppose each other and like ab's like I need to stop washing my hair every day everybody like I need to start washing my hair have different we all need to do different things about like us sisters cuz we're all so different but you know and we learn from each other you know and we see like things like we love and like mistake from each other that we can learn from and then you can we can all like support each other and that's like really cool that has been really cool listening to all of youall reflecting on where we've all been the past years that no one knows and no one needs to know but seeing like what everyone said I'm like that's so cool cuz it's not what it was last year and it's different because everyone's grown since we since where we were at last year and and now we're stepping into a new thing that we're learning we need to do this like every year and like look back on like like there's something I can't remember maybe variety or someone does like with certain celebrities they do every single year they interview them and ask the same questions and like see what they're on that's cool I want to see if Abby makes it past day two oh I want I want to recap to see her I was just thinking too like Abby was like I need to stop buying makeup and I know me and S are like we probably need to stop buying makeup too Rebecca's like I need to yeah well it's so funny because um we were talking a little bit about our resolutions on a different podcast with Christian and it was so funny cuz I was saying all of mine and mine were more like spiritual and um just more challenging and Christian was more physical and I didn't have one workout or physical thing in Mine He's like I'm going to give you one you need to learn how to run a mile this year and I was like you're not supposed to give me one but thank you but sometimes you do need somebody be like hey you should probably stop buying makeup you know and yes I should do that too I'm like I'm just going to go ahead and S for me say do prob much makeup no and I I'm with Abby though I need to learn how to train my hair too because I I've gotten to every other day but I was that every day cuz my hair gets greasy fast and that's hard but my word for the year um I want to read the definition because this the definition of it is why it's impactful to me but it's stretch and it's because I was looking and it was not physical and that's what Christian said oh I'm going to use that word too but I'm going to actually stretch every day and that's actually one of mom she's stretching every day I was like mine's not like I'm physically stretching but I probably should do that too my stretch was um because when I was looking at the year I sometimes I can get really overwhelmed when I look at a calendar and it's really full or busy and I'm like like how am I going to do that um and I was kind of starting to get a little stressed about it and I thought this year's going to be a stretch so then I looked up the of the word stretch and I thought this was really cool and it says to cause someone to make maximum maximum use of their talents or abilities and I thought that's really cool definition to cause someone to make a maximum use of their talents and abilities when you think about it like if I'm about to run a race then I would stretch and it's like getting out all the soreness you're but you're doing it to to be able to use your maximum strength and so I was like okay I'm going to refocus and not be like wow this is so busy but I'm going to have an opportunity to stretch myself and use different talents or use different gifts that I haven't in a while like um I said yes to just certain events that are things I don't typically say yes to that we're just a little bit more different and I'm like this is going to be so good it's going to be a stretch but it's going to be fun and so that's my word for the year uh stretch through all the the anxiousness and all the things and just um show up and my some of my resolutions were don't buy things that I don't need but that was just the month of January but I think I do need to put an extension on it um and then also you and Christian get more packages than anybody I've ever seen yeah but that's also not us H Christian though that's not just it's Christian cuz he has mom's address every time I over there there's a stack of Christian what does he buy like what does he like to like one time it was like a lion phone case or something he does kind of have some random random things but also we're very like subscription people like we do like groceries meals all we are very even my mascara sub subscription so like we don't shop out pretty much ever like it's always delivered so it does seem like a lot because our paper towels our paper plates our cups our everything is delivered that's crazy I may get like one package a month even our water really yeah I never order anything I get a lot too but yeah get maybe like one or Jacob gets like three packages a day with vintage clothes and I'm like it's ridiculous cuz every day I get home and I'm like packages and then they're not oh and I love I love to like burn burn boxes in our fireplace and like so every time I get the boxes out you should join Christian Andel burn party oh my gosh they burn once a week it's so bad I probably should have done do it with them outside cuz I do it inside and like I almost start a few fire a few times you should go do it with them they they have so much fun so we have a burn P like on the side yeah you should go burn with them they have a good time but yeah so the boxes are really are subscriptions which is everything that we have um and then also um I want to read 10 books again even though I didn't make it to 10 last year that was a a goal cuz it got me to eight so I'm back on that train um and I'm trying to read books that I wouldn't normally read like a fantasy book which is challenging me so much because I am like having the hardest time Mary Kate J are just pitching this that it's so good cuz Mary Kate loves these fantasy books her and J both so I was like I want to get into that but it is a struggle for me so we'll see if I make it to the end of the um the wing feather Saga so we'll see we'll see but yeah I um I'm excited for this year I feel like we have a lot of things to come um you know there's some things that our familyes walk into that are new this year and that was another part of my stretching um just things that we haven't done in a long time that we're starting back up so we have a lot of fun things to come we'll hopefully do a recap of this podcast and it's funny because um I when we before we started filming I was like do I want to talk about resolutions or do you want to answer DMS and we were like let's do both it won't take us long to talk about resolutions and we're 41 minutes in so we did spend the whole podcast talking about that but it led us into so many great conversations and that just means I'll have to have yall back on to answer some DMS um but thank y'all so much for for listening and also all the encouragement on social media that you send is always means so much to just get um something POS positive and encouraging like we said we do get a lot of questions we do get criticism sometimes too much praise and no comments about likes com comments about the amount of times they like I'm going to come it back Bella's going to come at you um but the encouragement always goes a long way it really does and um we want to hear about y'all's words of the Year some resolutions y'all have I'm going to make Abby post her ins and outs that's going to be her first casual post of the year I mean of February so anyways love you guys and look forward to the next talk [Music] yeah
Channel: Sadie Robertson Huff
Views: 34,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vCc6fedDO8E
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Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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