doom nerd blindly experiences myhouse.wad (and loses his mind)

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay there you go yeah yeah I hope you're enlightened why does the the picture slightly shifts whenever you open the menu I don't think that's normal is that the color I think it's just the color I I don't know maybe I'm maybe I'm just like over analyzing so I I wasn't sure what difficulty to play this on because it's hard to tell sometimes whether or not a mod actually has differences with its difficulty but most mods in my experience are balanced they're on UltraViolet so I'll just play it on that one whoa oh my God it's this house this is this is not normal I did not start the game like this I mean my settings are foreign something I don't know if this is like a graphical error because this these were not the settings when I was testing this okay that's better I have no [ __ ] idea if that was some sort of like mod [ __ ] or if that was genuinely just the settings being [ __ ] up but yeah this is his house the titular my house the titular my house can you believe it the tit oh my God bro I'm dooming it up I noticed this by the way Playstation One cringe on this giant ass at least it's four by three so it's not going to be stretched but that's it and I have this entire like song just like etched into my brain because I've played Doom 2 way too many [ __ ] times biggest bit in this yeah hold on wait a second who needs a bet this big well say the frame I think just look at the front bar it's like a chest yeah it's like you could store something in this towel room bro which is trying to take a poop and a chainsawed him to death oh for the record I don't have any like enhancements or whatever with cheesy Doom because I I'm the purest [ __ ] so the only thing I'm doing is that I'm playing with Hardware acceleration and mouse look on because it's said to do that in like the readme file or some [ __ ] so there's usually like a file that comes with do mods where it's like all the data about it like metadata like when it was released the Creator or whatever their website or like information about what source board to use and usually at the bottom there's like where to find the mod this text document is entailing at the bottom it just says don't [Music] don't come back this [ __ ] got toilet paper can you see it in the bedroom can you see it can you see the one the EOC ERC you mean that one guy from King of fighter you see it's time to go down what that's it's mysterious instant door instant door God yeah no I had friends with stuff like this in their house growing up and it was so [ __ ] cool I what I want my old house underground in and had a gamer room ever that wasn't there before uh yeah that's a soul sphere uh okay if you don't mind I'm gonna go I'm gonna go out there and grab that so do it oh no uh those windows were there before yeah yeah they were no I swear to God I swear to God this window that one well yeah that's what you're looking at the enemies have respawned [ __ ] maybe like I don't even know there wasn't a key oh wait I don't even man I don't even know where the [ __ ] I I'm having a stroke what the [ __ ] that is cursed I don't like that it it's both ways oh my God why is the shotgun smooth what why are the guns smooth why are they smooth what smooth the gun animations have extra frames now look I I don't know what what you're even saying oh can you not notice it I thought that's just what they always look like no there's more frames it's not like two frames anymore I what what the [ __ ] that's an Xbox it's all changing it's kind of funny I'm I'm having a stroke this table is now translucent it's modern the couches are gray they used to be Brown laughs mom I want to go home I should have just guess if nothing was changing dude it's literally the same like dude the kill thing is rubber ducky that's a chain Gunter you evil Master at least you got a chain gun now that's the most [ __ ] up part because there used to be no reflections CDs [ __ ] The Works no wonder my [ __ ] frames have been dropping it wasn't a stem pack here before yes we get it I those drums aren't in the song normally oh the snare drums yeah yeah no the the symbols [Applause] okay let's just Doom it's just doing guard drum screen it's just dude [ __ ] screamer yeah every version of Doom house every copy of house that want is personalized go to the beach it's out of pitch too like the base is like an octave lower [Music] it's just gonna be like no it's gonna you're gonna open one of these doors it's gonna be like the [ __ ] gray face with hand with hands on its face [ __ ] PNG I hate that I've been over my Vendetta on that [ __ ] picture no there's no door here anymore all right that's a chain gun are you [ __ ] I'm gonna be like oh my God you need to play Doom like fast and abrasive uh hit scanners to say otherwise it's downstairs because it changed much at all was the Sullivan zoom in Irene or weiner during the internet man he really needs three Med kits in your [ __ ] bathroom closet and in this room hahaha I don't like this attic now if there was ever a place to put a screamer it'd be here but blue key Joy what what what what wonders await me now I wonder the one of his respawn where was the bluebird what the scallop actually I forgore wow oh that's so funny oh that's a sexy Pepsi like this I want a pop this is perfect absolutely how does it keep [ __ ] up yeah this music is [ __ ] up this is like [ __ ] up Peter's music now it's completely out of key yeah I even I know that that wasn't there before I I picked up I picked up the soda and then maybe there's like collectible items like that one soda Collectibles goddammit Open Water [ __ ] music what the hell [Music] [ __ ] this is milkshake this kit the kid needs a milkshake I mean man this this aesthetic isn't mean personally how I don't like it but don't you want a milkshake you know what I would take a milkshake me too oh yeah okay so it does show up over here when you pick something up that's interesting ice cream scream at least I'm glad to have some sort of don't tell me I'm Percy stomach growling what it's probably don't say it's so weird yeah but I can't get outside so like oh there's no map if there was ever something I hated oh you can't get out there's ever something I hated to be that all right you know what I'm gonna live with it bookcase oh no what happened to the bookcase it was it was moved oh no oh it was it was TriCity cat excuse me here we go what the oh Jesus Christ it was uh just dementia oh my God I think it makes sense now [ __ ] uh okay I'm just gonna straight up say in that journal thing I was talking about there was a section where he was talking about having a dream where the house was burning it I'm just gonna say that uh me because I'm a little puss [ __ ] oh you're taking the shower room we're just trying to take a shower now what not quite sure I mean there's got to be a way I think the most incredible part about this entire thing is that it's just been one map like this is all one it hasn't had to load a single other thing so far it's just like a real real yeah it's just like a real horror game oh oh it's getting kind of getting more [ __ ] this is making me highly uncomfortable and I don't know why oh okay so yeah there is new stuff now oh no it's just Doom now no what the [ __ ] is what I thought huh Shoot the Puppy hey buddy whoopee uh -huh okay brain hurt sure whatever you say buddy the liberal space Oh no well I mean I'm pretty sure it is modeled after that yeah I mean not the worst thing in the world but no line Target his name is best buddy just a little is he my best buddy or is he oh joy you know what I should probably save d York when I save screen my house dot what [Music] are the now where the hell am I yeah I'm scared something's bad it's gonna happen to the dog isn't it I I'm beginning to get a little bit of that feeling although I'm not sure how much of that is rooted in uh genuine that's just the Cerberus from blood that yeah that's just that's a scary dog just write itself that's true yeah but everything from blood is kind of unsettling so I think I saw one of the shed you know what if you did good I'm not staying in here any longer can you not kill it uh bad doggies are bad doggies oh can I line Target it yeah Cerberus let's see oh burned oh Jesus Christ what oh no back in the house can I just no I don't oh oh boy we're playing SCP now maybe save it again uh I'm not gonna override but I'm going up yep oh dude Skybox this feels like a Simpsons gag is this like a okay I can see the loop now so what if I just keep going up okay oh Jesus Christ dude I hate that thing oh I hate these things one map yeah it's [ __ ] crazy oh fire blue [Music] oh no that was seamless as [ __ ] yeah that really yeah this big old thing okay so there's something around here you know what I just realized this is a smaller version of the floor directly below me oh oh yeah you're right what the [ __ ] oh my God non-euclidean game I thought those steps are smaller a little farther they're the same yeah because coming down here I it just I it just now hit me you know why the dog is smaller because up there everything is smaller but when you go down everything gets bigger including the dog that's funny bad doggy bad doggy so wait that means that I'd have to go over here and oh yeah it's a big door now let's be spawned pumpkin [Music] Rick pumpkin Rick [ __ ] Rick oh I see him I see him yeah I mean to go lost fribby uh -huh yeah oh yeah nope and down the hole go down the Silent Hill at Silent Hill Hall I think you need to go down the Silent Hill or the mysterious [Music] that's time for a second save er2 [Music] oh I see I don't hold on I think I'm gonna have to just oh [ __ ] yeah parkour it's parkour this [ __ ] I do parkour I do parkour all right oh my God you Widow me I had him we just had it oh yeah it's unlocking shortcuts I see [Music] what kind of [ __ ] like clinically insane madman does it take to design something this tight uh yeah you didn't hear it who is it behind you bro I [ __ ] pressed the Windows key I got scared so bad it doesn't even seem to have like a like a hurt like a hit stun oh I see how it followed me [Music] oh no there's just two of them oh wait the heavy is juking him holy [ __ ] this one doesn't lunge though oh no because it just loosed me around oh it's the same doggy what the [ __ ] so I have to go down the sound a little hole that's true which I which I get to by going here then down the [ __ ] hole [Music] too much never mind I hate all of this all of these options suck parking garage what took a rock turn an Albuquerque oh this looks normal what the [ __ ] dude man you [ __ ] Airport you want mate Airport [Music] yeah yeah what are they gonna do about it nobody seems to be around uh however the hell that is [Music] way too is that just a PNG that's just a PNG oh never mind never mind oh wait are you actually in Floyd no [ __ ] wait oh sweet Jesus it's just like normal lost soul sound effects it's just the [ __ ] like the way they look and suddenly appear when you're not working that's it [ __ ] with me so much [Music] oh wow oh wait it's like years later it's all overgrown I am you know what I can't believe I have to sit here and genuinely say I'm unsettled by a doom mod when I've been constantly saying that a lot of Doom horror stuff just sucks ass did he not know it was horror I no I had genuine like I knew it there was something more to it than just oh it's just like a house but I didn't know it was gonna be like this well not concise but it you've got to be kidding me this is dude folded this is [ __ ] Doom think about it this would be like representing the home of somebody who recently died [Music] uh my house not wide do you mind explaining the stain to me yeah yeah get me out of here get me out of here right now oh it's gone oh uh under hauls that underhauls all right all right give me give me give me that yeah you know I I do want to see if beating the level takes me back just by some weird [ __ ] why am I so tall I don't know you're not I I'm not crazy am I you're not normally This Tall hey I got the super shark that super shotgun that was too smooth I even noticed that one yeah exactly if you didn't notice it before yeah I am you're definitely not this tall normally I swear to [ __ ] bro bro got them like [ __ ] he's wearing high heels right now anyway every first damage memorizing the layout of the home now and like where everything is and that's the scariest part that that I I will not get over my initial reaction of seeing everything be slightly different same house oh it doesn't carry over my items [Music] so [ __ ] surreal I feel like I'm dying okay canceled can I Zelda kinesthe salad cancer moment no that was awful refill needed yep I'm sure I'm uh no no oh that was literally just a jump scare [ __ ] off oh my God you know what I think I finally found my new single greatest heart stopping moment in any video game originally it was when I played stalker called Chernobyl for the first time and you get to the [ __ ] laboratory where the Poltergeist just throwing crates at you and [ __ ] the first time I got there I literally hurt myself like I jumped so hard my knee landed directly into my desk this time I I genuinely hurt my chest why is this what so good oh yeah they just they quarter you [Music] well I barely made it out like oh right [ __ ] feeling fine and it's just normal that that is [ __ ] up I'm not feeling fine I'm not feeling it I'm not feeling shaky dick was that here before it was yeah oh okay but I it says I can yeah I'm gonna have to restart I've got to start from the beginning but I know what to do enough to get [ __ ] done so I'm I'm my heart is still [ __ ] Beating For the record well I I would hope it's still beating but yeah it's it's beating very hard there you know what it said be careful about clipping out of reality I'm kind of curious [Music] what happens all right oh my God how about try going into a room with a mirror try walking through the mirror you know what I was thinking about that but all the mirrors seem to be elevated in a play in a spot where I can't just walk into them you know but I'll try and keep a look out the business prep Street for proper Prime purposing you know what I don't need to restart [Music] oh oh well it's confirmed I can get up to a window but huh another mirror but not nothing to climb up to yeah strange okay just look at it Jesus I'd be surprised if there was some sort of like oh sit here and look at this for exactly one minute and you access the new secret area thing I swear to God all that and then the only thing I know not to do now is that shirt I hate it the Attic what was that you or was that yeah that was me sorry oh oh you know you know what there's a [ __ ] a particular Mario Super Show episode where they just have Captain Lou go oh oh like 300 [ __ ] I just felt like that right now oh wait maybe maybe punch it punch it punch one the mirror oh joy yeah I don't know I'm just punched I don't know punch him so hard he explodes be sure to press U's in all the sinks in the house what the [ __ ] do you mean press using all the sinks in the house oh wait a second I get it I think it's slightly raising the water level at least that's what it visually looks like it's just not gone to me why are there so many bathrooms in this [ __ ] house [Music] in the kitchen oh a [ __ ] course there would be what am I thinking there we go I didn't hear anything aliens here what oh oh what oh excuse me wait oh wait you know what oh my [ __ ] god oh my God plus right there in front of my face oh my God it was right there the whole time I got you what oh frema it keeps getting worse every time I yeah sure can I huh okay I think maybe I just progressed the game now wait try the try the bathroom again yeah that one you could walk up on the tub again so me walk up there though God damn it I you know what listen I'm I I want to be proven right so bad but it's not going to do anything oh so there is nothing down there oh no oh um all the physics here oh oh the physics here are horrible I'm scared again I'm crying how is there so much [ __ ] this is what happens you don't flush the bathtub it wasn't bad don't push back to him could possibly be different oh the [ __ ] foxes in the way there's so much to the spot or I don't like that it's just a Silent Hill 2 reference oh man I don't like it no sir I don't like it oh sir uh no sir I don't like it that's oddly sus good [Music] distaste for everything I see around me [Music] oh no oh okay all right okay okay all right uh you [ __ ] up uh great luminal yeah all right all right actually that looks significantly [ __ ] I have stepped so far out of my element right now I don't know how to respond this is awesome like for limo spaces this looks awesome oh thanks the Steve monsters are here don't let it uh don't let it whimsically lure you to a piece of fresh pie don't do it hey you know what you can't say I'm not the type of person to whimsically get like attracted to a cartoon pie and like start floating in all fours is there collectible anywhere okay this is a multiple things ah uh-huh somebody yard what oh sure take me yeah I would no I would not feel calm here oh it looks like the same thing okay I mean oh oh I hate underwater [ __ ] so much I just muffled well it didn't seem to be anything actually down there so now this is where I get really lost oh okay somewhere new a wow Mr Obama there I think you're [ __ ] lying oh no I see it oh geez oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh [Music] I'm gonna start taking damage anytime now yeah I think that was an ear vent that he just missed any time now I'm gonna start drowning [Music] yeah you're fine what the [ __ ] reality is breaking oh John Baltimore not again oh oh wait that's the platform for the [ __ ] up now you're back here now there's a shortcut open nice this is gaming this mod is serious like suspiciously good like it's progression it's more than suspiciously good it is shockingly permadeath scenario nope I couldn't even tell what the [ __ ] that oh great oh you didn't get you weren't able to get there before like yeah again I can't tell what is custom and what is just ripped from another game oh oh it worked away ow the mirror was tinted blue whenever you looked at it from the normal house but it went here it's tinted normally yeah that's cool I defoke dude [Music] I see that's busting dude this [ __ ] pushing but don't leave I would but you know what I have a save why not no way what uh uh no [ __ ] way they made an entire reverse [Music] [ __ ] up Arnold like this isn't right excuse me excuse me what [ __ ] game does oh balls balls [ __ ] balls [ __ ] balls oh [Music] [ __ ] it Dark Souls 2 the Gutter I was disappointed yeah I know I was [ __ ] Shrek oh my God that's gonna come alive and be an anime I'm calling it right now can I have that [Music] autograph by JJ JJ Hardy autograph fighting JJ Hardy just looking at this shirt I don't trust it look I'm being honest with you I don't trust it [Music] nope really [ __ ] dress [ __ ] will we clown outfit [Music] I told you oh my [ __ ] God I told you I hate this dude where he's he's somewhere now it's about to be all ogre about to be all good now I should be like a like a next spot just like a moving PNG it's like you're raped uh uh oh I I told you what is it I told you no no no no no oh my gosh okay what's the name of this childhood nightmare I see there's meant to be symbolic I uh yeah I got it nice poor Basset exploded good um [Music] that is soap what the [ __ ] is this mod I mean use them to their full effect I think no because three of those I'm getting closer two on this side at least two left watch yourselves before the image is just where Shrek should it be yeah it's so it's so Jagged from like the preview quality that it looks way more scary than it should be burn it yeah you know I'm just going to go back [ __ ] the only stipulation here is that now I have to do this part with four health so if I get so much as breathed oh okay never mind but the waste point is I have to plan a gun oh great happens shut up oh great you know that's how I can describe my entire experience with this monster part oh great heavens like whenever I was young and I was walking around the house unsupervised and everyone was asleep it always felt like somebody was watching me and like judging was watching or like about strike this is giving me the same feeling as that I I feel like my back needs to be against the wall firmly right now wait a second wait a [ __ ] second [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] at the front of the lane that's just like a one HP literally one HP oh my Reddit Gold is near wait a minute I hate that that Jesus Christ by the water reservoir no way I'm gonna cry don't I don't like it don't like it I have no choice oh sweet [ __ ] Jesus this is the final part I don't I hate I hate how there's a picture showing there's a wall thing there [Music] oh never mind I like it what the [ __ ] oh spooky ice oh no oh there's pictures of a gas station in the the thing hang on wait oh my God am I gonna have to consult that again give me a second unknown stopped for directions and that shows a gas station what the [ __ ] [Music] oh why is your convenience stores [Music] oh my God bro I just [ __ ] like SWAT they're just tabbed full healthy country slime diet croak sliced and just beer and no root just beer it's just beer BP no show show the bed don't tell me ah excuse me more oh reload to save we're not we're not doing it you didn't find any item well I mean I could go back but still I'll just reload I guess yeah ruper no root beer no you know once this is all done we have to just go look back on all my [ __ ] save names yeah any items characteristic it's my turn yeah [Music] oh no stop I'm gonna die somehow it's more visible this way I don't I don't know how it's like the hue the blue oh it's the pure like deafness like there's not even any Ambience it's just the audio is just there's no car here there's a light for some reason what the [ __ ] that's right I'm gonna hit like an arch file sound and I'm gonna have a [ __ ] heart attack oh no it's boarded up I see wait there's another thing over here oh nice another thing oh never mind go check that out first this race is no like there's no item in this world it's just optional that you see how [ __ ] up but we don't know that yet I I guess I'll just go down the road again down the road again I don't want to [ __ ] go down the road again but I got no he's gonna run straight into something oh yeah it's gonna go like as I I swear to [ __ ] God I don't feel safe I feel like that should be obvious and you pass by the entrance again did I yeah the reverse entrance there's a fence I think but I don't know you know they could totally [ __ ] me up by just playing one of any like [ __ ] monster sound oh looks like there's just nothing weird maybe I follow the road here oh you see that something tall [ __ ] voices the void reference oh [ __ ] smoke yep oh my god dude Snoop Dog bro Snoop Dogg can you pull your rocket launcher I would feel safer if you did this okay oh wait what oh just back at the show what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] it didn't do anything I'm you know what I'm just gonna run forward oh [ __ ] this why does that be so dumb oh [ __ ] this oh oh Andrew Beach yeah this is the Xeno Saga reference just make it inverted there okay funny Xeno Saga reference is this it oh a director commentary excuse me excuse me Doom guy you just ended it you ended the film it's over go home wait no [ __ ] it said my house and he clicked it that means cut um I think it's yeah it's just over it was fake staged not real that's fiction we made this one up not this time it's fake yeah so right into the fire good Arch file Arch file do you not know dude Arch files are a little like the worst enemy in all doom I'd rather just like the worst enemy in all of [ __ ] and I literally said if it plays an arguile sound I'm gonna [ __ ] my pants that [ __ ] is not what I ordered in the slightest this is the final assault on he's right there the normal large vial hey chungus who said you really do that oh my God excuse me no don't quit uh excuse me as I said there's two of them are you evil are you a Madman there's never been a more Justified use my Rockets okay Jesus Christ see Archer miles are bad because they have a lot of Health they're very erratic and fast they're resurrect enemies and they have an attack that can guaranteed hit you unless you are behind a wall and not directly in their line of sight yeah damn I'm sure everybody knows that by now but you know just you know I mean I don't blame you all right the tomato hello hello scum holy [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah that's a lot of I think there's a [ __ ] ton of rockets yeah I think I saved Die Hard ham God handle again I would message you just die fat [ __ ] there [ __ ] the final scum I still [ __ ] hate this by the way I mean I figure that should be obvious but a window comes up I see oh great this really is the final showdown Financial Showdown with sin is sure BFG anywhere I'm just gonna run and try and get to the bonfire oh yeah true oh you've read all the wrong stuff oh [ __ ] can I come by him Sydney man oh no oh yeah right [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] go go go go go why am I stuck what am I stuck on foreign I'm aware I'm I I saw it it just it kept me from going let's try that one more time go to go this way just from the outset no there's butt load of imps that was the wrong way anyways ow oh my god oh kill me I see I see okay and then die Get It Go a secret is revealed oh oh buffer everything is okay I wonder who that is this is the only secret on the map I think I think that's it I think yeah just just serenity oh man I should have just said man [ __ ] man just do that then oh you know what yeah that'll be some sort of thumbnail I guess man I think that was legitimately one of the coolest modern experiences I've ever played in a video game period that was pretty sweet like I've played some [ __ ] crazy dude mods but I haven't played anything remotely this cool like ever yeah like it's not just it's like an interesting piece of thing on its own it's interesting with how it does it specifically in the Doom engine you know like [ __ ] you didn't think would possibly be doable of all the same like near seamless Transitions and [ __ ] and all that all that stuff I just it just happened like there was no Fanfare it just came out people liked it one map yeah this is all one everything you that you just saw for the past like two hours was one map then on a single loading screen uh I like this dog I like this dog a lot story and the journals were definitely real very real the creators actually dead and it was a ghost that uploaded it it was definitely revealed a bit of a stupid idea though no [ __ ] way [Music] nothing weird to see here nothing to see here I was even gonna add apparently no no no no no nothing to see here are we gonna reload your save too oh my God what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] crashed lost them oh my God all right you know what let's see if I can load a save maybe okay let's try loading uh sad face I see oh man I thought it was gonna work God it wouldn't have been that funny but still my house just insert that one like old Gmod Max paint clip my house my house but oh it crashes literally the moment I [ __ ] I see it crashes the moment the menu loads I was really like I was beginning to become a little hesitant when I saw the liminal space stuff but then I realized oh wait they're one of the few people who are actually going to do it in a way that's interesting and not just the entire horror is that it's liminal okay God I hate that when like they think when people think the scariest thing is just like an open area and like there has to be more going on like in this [ __ ] mud [Music] single ultra um just a peaceful you back I have the power of God we were about to inform you that Doom guys have been involved in a terrible accident you know what I I think it I think you're you can you could play the normal game with it too oh my god oh yes I have the power of God [Music] I love this mod you know what actually you know what I just realized because this replaces the chainsaw oh no I have to see I have to see wait yeah okay oh I would have killed to have like gone through that entire Gauntlet with the chainsaw I mean the the [ __ ] lawnmower oh my god dude that would have been so funny yeah dude maternal will be a good game if it had this honestly my house that one never heard of it this is this is the [ __ ] right here oh there we go oh no okay where'd you keep your weapon wait do I keep my weapons yes [Music] for this oh my God the whole whole thing again God [ __ ] damn it dude killing Shrek killing Shrek with the locker you just drive inside the house mowing my carpet bro shocking how effective it is I should have known I should have known this was possible it all hit me at once oh sweet Jesus thank you UAC for sponsoring this that's so true bro [Music] oh it's not playing Thunderstruck anymore damn it this is so actually stupid crazy imagine oh my God bro my friend was making a doom mod before he died and it was mysteriously lawnmower [Laughter] I also only ever saw him drink Monster Zero at Ultra dude us I am judge and Jerry I am Alpha and Omega every Health bag is just a monster I want to see a speed run of this I'm in like the normal game not this no no okay guys I dare any of you to meet my the entirety of my house with the lawnmower I dare you I really want to set that up with like need with all the [ __ ] monsters that he pulls up the [ __ ] water Cuts after that is that just wow I really wish I understood music this is all right yeah I wish it kept playing me and the boys me and the boys I am now a scuba diver legally me and the voices schizophrenia you know what this is this is bipolar this is what bipolar is like and thus wait you know what I'm okay no never mind it was all a bad dream you know what the [ __ ] up it's gonna be some sort of entity in here too and I'm not gonna be able to take it seriously just because you just hear that it's coming towards you this is barreling hi awesome right on damn we wake up in the hospital wake up at the hospital oh my God just wait I just be awesome [Laughter] is it like a transition thing it's gonna fade it at some point I can I can slightly see a picture no just like this we can't can't remove the whole one we can't remove the lawnmower he's it's attached they did this they're the ones who did this to me they're the reason I'm permanently attached to the [ __ ] lawn mower oh I don't want the significance of this is I don't know it's probably just an extra thing I just going door to door in a [ __ ] lawnmower macaroni purgatory [Music] like the hell or Purgatory this is just what he loves this is I'm gonna put like the most insane music over this you have no [ __ ] idea yeah this is the absurdity of what's Happening ah oh no to quote that one guy from Stick War this is an illusion that's my impression of the guy who does the really deep voice in The Stick War introduction cutscene oh oh yeah I used to restart oh it has a poster of the hook it's just a hang in there you're just passing by like Night of Fire that's drifting through the fourth dimensional shifter [Laughter] [Applause] wow so spooky can't keep a man down forever let's go over my save names okay at the very top we have frowny face we have added assassin Auto saves when I was testing the source board hell yeah help clear my gun root beer no no motion three the financial Showdown with sin the Halls that are under watch yourself before you Shrek yourself what got the [ __ ] is going on what which year am I yard York to Yorkshire York I can't believe we got that far though this stupid truck dude I know right I think that my house may be completely doable with the lawnmower I have a genuine thought that I think it's possible and I want proof I'm not mad enough to do it but if somebody else is God please do you get that feeling in your stomach when you see something really inside really exciting do you ever get that feeling I got that feeling this is how his history is meant to be told [ __ ] both the same wish it was like most uh damn it you know what else this is missing this is his theme song you see this is the Safeway dude [Music] let's just push this clip just just post this clip and then everybody nobody will be able to guess it's going to be a my house.1 video no one thank you deranged just a moment ago I was being genuinely terrified [Applause] damn ultimately I think the story of loss and childhood trauma would be a lot better if the main character had a lawnmower I'm just saying my best friend might have died yesterday but self a goddamn lawnmower are you drinking a saw at 4am I'm gonna be up all night man
Channel: Spazmatic Banana
Views: 1,221,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xHtQCvh7GdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 6sec (3726 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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