DOOM’s Fiercest Warriors - The Night Sentinels | FULL DOOM Eternal Lore & Origin Story

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[Music] during the 22nd century the galaxy was plunged into an unexpected war against the one thing man has feared for centuries this war would be against the demons of hell without knowing mankind was on the brink of extinction as these brutal fast and emotionless creatures tore through every living thing in their path not only on earth but throughout the whole universe but humanity wasn't the only race to suffer throughout the universe hundreds of other races would fall victim to this terrifying foe as they wiped them out and then claimed them for their own army one race older than humanity was part of this war and was at the forefront of every battle this race was known as the argenta formed on the distant planet of argent de nur the argenta were a proud warrior race who put tradition at the forefront of everything they did they were technologically advanced and also were able to use abilities that many other races could only dream of using their elites known as the night sentinels were the best of the best within their society these warriors feared nothing and were the ones who were at the front line of every battle against the demons of hell but throughout the war things for the argenta and the night sentinels would only get worse and their fate like humanities would be getting close to extinction but how did the argenta come to be why were the night sentinels formed what was their impact and what happened to them during the brutal war against hell itself well in today's video we look at the history of the argenta and the night sentinels and what happened to them during the unholy war of the 22nd century against the forces of hell itself to understand the night sentinels we must go back to their origins and the creation of their society millions of years ago before humanity even existed on planet earth the world of argent de nor lay there uninhabited by anything void of any life at all much like earth however suddenly that was to change as a huge metal crystal-like object known as the world spear appeared from the depths of space and smashed into the planet piercing all the way through the world from pole to pole the planet from a distance would have looked like it was destroyed and the lifeless planet would have looked like there was no chance it could ever grow into something special but amazingly soon after the impact from the wound within the planet emerged the angelic creatures that were to be known as the wraiths these extremely powerful creatures spread throughout argentina using their angelic powers to create an ecosystem all over the planet seeding life into it they first created a race of giants which were to be called the ancestrals and then went on to create the first men argent de noel was now fully inhabited with life and resources to help them survive the first men saw the power of these creatures they had seen what they had done to this planet and how they were the wraith's creations almost immediately the first men started worshiping the wraiths and saw them rightly as their gods labeling the events in their history as the wraith call the forming of life on argent de nor with this worship of the race the first men were granted powers by the wraiths and were told to defeat the ancestrals to become the dominant species on argentinor the first men were of course victorious over the ancestrals and their new power only increased their love for the wraiths because of this after the battle against the giants the first king of argentinor ormero the father formed the order known as the knight's sentinels a group of their best and loyalist warriors whose mission was to be the royal guard to the king as well as be the protectors of the wraith race they were to put their life on the line to protect their gods and nothing was to get in their way throughout those early years of argentina the argenta became proud of their customs they almost became like space vikings super protective of their traditions believed the wraiths to be their one true god and the only god and that their society was the best in all the universe because of their new powers and strength as a force however this would only get amplified in the next coming years as a new race was taking notice of this warrior world of argentinor in another pharah of planet known as erdak live another race of creatures known as the makers a society of humanoid beings who were so advanced in technology to everyone else they were immediately seen as godly beings to anyone who came into contact with them with their golden armor and floating movement the makers had taken notice of this new warrior race of the argenta and were intrigued by their powers and potential because of this the race of makers sent envoys to argent de nor to find out more about their world but also to make a deal with the race to help organize them more and almost use them as their personal bodyguards the makers offered the argenta and the knight sentinels a deal they requested that the argenta and knight sentinels would worship the makers and protect them like they did with the wraiths promoting them all over the system and in return the makers would grant them technology they had never seen before they could bolster their forces and be one of the most powerful forces within the universe with new armors and weapons the people of argentina agreed to these terms and the argenta were given the strength in technology the night sentinels served as the maker's protectors and the order of the dague the order that originally worshipped the race would go on to worship the makers however this did not mean that the argenta and the order of the dead would stop worshipping the rates instead they went on to see both of these races of the wraiths and the makers as their gods it was also believed that if the knight sentinels were to die protecting the makers in battle their souls would go on to live within the maker homeland of urdak with all of their loved ones almost like the vikings and valhalla whether this was actually true is highly unlikely and probably just a ploy to keep the argenta under control but regardless it helped keep the knight sentinels loyal to their new advanced gods the makers would go on to control the people of argenta and the night sentinels would continue to protect them as well as spread the word of the makers all across the galaxy as well as doing their tasks that they required they also set up prisons for anyone who went against the rules of the land or who were traitorous to the makers or their king or anyone at the higher end of society things were going well for the residents of argentina however the khan maker the leader of the makers was having a problem their race was dying out time was taking hold of them ruining their physical appearance and they were unable to create more makers meaning they were just running down the clock the khan maker also had visions of a man known only as the destroyer or the unholy one the prophecy said that this man would be from argent de nor and would be the one to end the maker race once and for all because of this paranoia the khan maker told the king of argentina at the time about this man and with this information the king tested everyone within argentina with the maker's divinity machine to see if the argenta's souls were pure to make sure none of them were the so-called unholy one or destroy it however little did the makers or the argentina know that the destroyer they were looking for was soon to arrive and because of it triggered the start of the war against hell [Music] whilst all was well in argentino and the makers were still testing the citizens in their divinity machine a portal opened up outside the city walls and a lone man fell through it grabbing the outsider the night sentinels brought him to the priests and the car maker for examination his armor was simple compared to the argentas but his helmet was extremely sturdy the outsider kept screaming and shouting with rage in his voice constantly saying the words rip and tear was also mentioned in creatures in their masses creatures that the makers and the argenta had never heard of before one's from a different dimension it seemed whilst this man looked crazy to everyone around him preaching about killing everything and everyone king novik was intrigued by this outside his physique and his abilities he was taken to the coliseum where prisoners were sent to fight each other for entertainment and to also see who were the true warriors amongst them the outsider proved himself within the coliseum amusing all the audiences as he shouted rip and tear all the time and he easily defeated all the prisoners he was put up against king novick was impressed by this outsider's abilities and put him into the knight's sentinel training seeing him as having full potential to be one of the best soldiers they had this outsider was the first person not native to argentinor to be even considered for the night sentinels and after proving himself within the training beat all the other trainees by a mile the outsider became an official knight sentinel and the first outsider to join the honorable ranks as well as the brotherhood within them and quickly became one of their finest members but almost immediately after this outsider arrived in argentina and joined the ranks of the night sentinels another portal opened but this time unleashed the forces this outsider had been speaking about throughout his time there thousands of demons poured into argentino killing everything in their path no one knew how these demons got into argentina but it was clear they had to be stopped this triggered the start of the unholy wars the battle against hell itself the makers and the argenta teamed up to fight against these demons but the battle at the start went terribly neither of the races had ever come up against an enemy like this and their abilities were so different to anything they had seen before thousands died to these demons within taras nabad the capital of argentinor and it became clear to the soldiers that these demons feared nothing they did not even care about dying they would just throw infinite amounts at the soldiers and had no care for how many they lost now on the back foot the night sentinels needed to take the fight to the demon's homeland the shores of hell itself here they went in with their full technological strength thanks to the makers and actually proved themselves when fighting wiping out titans with their atlan war machines during this battle the argenta priests and the makers became intrigued as to what was keeping these demons alive and also given them their powers and abilities after a few successful battles some of the demons were kept as prisoners and were tortured by the priests it was here where they discovered that the demons were holding an energy within them that could help heal them resurrect them power technology and change a body's physical appearance to be more powerful in combat the priests and the khan maker were fascinated by this new power and realized they could turn it into an essence that could help solve some of their larger problems especially for the makers who were said to be at this point a real dying race the knight sentinels however were not interested in this essence at all stating it would go against all of their traditions and would be basically cheating their warrior abilities but going forward the priests and the makers obsession with this essence would end up leading to countless betrayals and eventually the downfall of the night sentinels and most of the argenta the war waged on and countless night sentinels were killed in the process as well as millions of demons but whilst the night sentinels were focused on the unholy war the khan maker and the priests were still obsessing over this substance known as argent energy and needed to find a way to process it fast and more efficiently because of this the car maker went to the dark lord himself within hell and struck up a deal to extract the energy from the tortured souls within hell the dark lord agreed to the khan maker's request and in return the carmaker allowed the forces of hell to get access to other planets to increase their influence and power across the galaxies this meant portals opened up into worlds such as earth and saw the downfall of humanity as the demons overwhelmed their forces killing everything in their path once again the way argent energy was being created in hell was through giant towers that would torture individuals and extract their energy it would cause incredible pain to those within hell and would eventually destroy their souls so much that they lost all sense of humanity whatever they were before this process eventually turning them into just a husk a meat suit that had no real purpose but because of this energy of hell they could use this body to bolster their forces turning everything living into demons from humans to even flying creatures from other planets or universes the worst thing about this however was that the spires were being run by slaves more specifically argenta slaves the makers had betrayed the ones who worshipped them and forced them to extract essences from their own kind the night sentinels quickly discovered this huge betrayal as they fought within hell they could not believe that their own kind were being used as slaves and uncounted innocents had been put to torture just to benefit the makers the night sentinels went to report these findings but it was no use the report feather deaf ears and even some of the night sentinels refused to believe that their gods would do such a thing and refused to even question the actions of the khan maker because of this new distrust of the khan maker with some and what they had been doing with the people of the argenta this started a civil war within the world of argentino the night sentinels stuck together to fight as normal whereas those who believe the khan maker rejected the sentinels and their king as well as putting aside their old beliefs rejecting the wraiths during this war countless soldiers would die again however this time if the so-called traitorous night sentinels were to die fighting against demons of hell or the khan maker's forces these sentinels would be torched within hell and their souls would be extracted and once they were a husk their bodies would be transferred into the form of a marauder one of the most deadly ground forces held at their disposal utilizing the weaponry of the sentinels but this time with the boost of argent energy the next betrayal came from the priests the night sentinels wanted to bring the fight once again to hell itself after returning to defend taris and the bad once again they set up a plan that they would all group together as one unifying force and overwhelm the demons of hell pushing them back and maybe ending the war in the process the sentinels asked the priests to open up a portal to hell and they would all pour through but little did the sentinels know that the priests were also obsessed with this essence and had sided with the khan maker the priests opened up the portal for the sentinels but instead of sending them through as one large force it scattered the sentinels meaning almost all of them were overwhelmed by the sheer mass of demons the sentinels were pretty much wiped out but the betrayals didn't stop there after this event night sentinel commander valon was approached by the priest derek grav who stated that his son had died in the battle and was going to be in eternal torment within hell valen couldn't deal with the nightmares of this scenario and was haunted day in day out with the thoughts of his son's torture the priest gave him one option he said he could release his son if bannon could give the priests access to the angelic beings the wraiths who were sealed away from harm after countless days of suffering valon gave in and allowed the priest access to the wraiths meaning he had gone against everything he stood for and put the wraiths in harm over his own feelings the wraiths were then dragged into hell and used to form the well an endless source of urgent energy valen's son was reborn as a reward however one more act of cruelty took place as the boy's heart was then used as the core of the titan that was to be used by the makers to destroy earth once and for all which was known as the icon of sin because of this ultimate betrayal putting the wraith's lives at risk velen was labelled as the betrayer and shunned from argentina forever now betrayed by the makers the priests as well as one of the sentinel commanders it was extremely desperate times for the argenta and it looks certain that their worlds as well as others were to be extinguished by hills forces with almost all of the sentinels dead and tortured within hell it was looking like there was no coming back the unholy war looked almost lost and there was almost nothing anyone could do however the outsider that joined the ranks of the night sentinels before the invasion was still alive and fighting better than anyone else after retreating back to the terrorist nebad earlier before the sentinel's final portal into hell the man known as the doomguy fought alongside the other last stand sentinels as they protected their city from a colossal titan demon as well as other ground forces from hell things looked bad and it looked like certain doom no pun intended but before things got worse a seraphin maker named samur appeared to speak with the doomguy in secret samura was the aide to the khan maker but in this instant went against her orders and led the doomguy to the divinity machine stating this process will help him whilst the machine was meant to purify those who stepped in the machine mysteriously bestowed the doomguy with enormous power strength and speed to match his anger and ferocity turning him into a superhuman and partly divine in nature despite the remaining sentinels now in hiding and the betrayer has been cast out unwilling to fight in the unholy wars the war against the forces of hell still has one hope and that is through the being once known as the outlander and the doomguy but now known thanks to the seraphim maker named samura as the doom slayer with his help he can unite the remaining knight sentinels free the wraiths kill the makers and end the war with hell by taking out the final straw that being the dark lord of hell himself and that is the story of the argento's origin and their fight against hell i hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you did a like and sub would be much appreciated if you want to leave a comment regarding the story of doom or just a nice one about the video that would be a big help as youtube's mysterious algorithm seems to like that stuff and i'd once again really appreciate it if you like this video and want to support the channel i'll leave all my relevant social media links below as well as my patreon link if you want to financially support this channel and get one day early access to my latest video and speaking of patreon i'd like to thank my supporters real quick big thanks to our big fish do kane 23 and rhino head our sharks jp connor and the avp man and our four huge megalodons sinus morgan brazier jjd 896 and well such gaming also big thanks to our youtube channel member our wise one jambu as well as all of my twitch subs all your support means the absolute world to me and once again i cannot thank you enough but that is all for now i hope you enjoyed this look into the lore behind doom and i shall see you all in the next one cheers [Music] foreign
Channel: WiseFish
Views: 45,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doom lore, doom night sentinels lore, doom eternal night sentinels, doom eternal ancient gods part 2 night sentinels, doom slayer night sentinels, doom eternal lore night sentinels, doom eternal night sentinels cutscene, doom night sentinels scene, doom eternal lore, new doom eternal lore, doom eternal lore explained, doom sentinel lore, doom lore doom slayer, doom lore explained, doom night sentinels, night sentinels doom lore, the full story of night sentinels
Id: IzI5DjwkHpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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